APPLICATION FORM FOR CALLYWITH COLLEGE BUS PASS SUMMER 2020 Please read the Terms and Conditions on the back of this application form, before applying for your Bus Pass. Please apply by Friday 6th March 2020 Summer Term £160 Please complete and return all sections of this application form to: - Transport, Callywith College, Old Callywith Road, Bodmin, PL31 2GT and pay by one of the methods below. Payments to be made for Summer Term by Friday 6th March by: 1. Cash – In person at the Temple Reception 2. Cheque – Attach a cheque made payable to ‘Callywith College Trust’, with student name and address on the back, to this form before returning to the address above by post or in person at Temple Reception. 3. Credit/Debit Card – Call 01208 224000 or pay in person at Temple Reception. If your household income is below £31,000 you may be eligible for a reduced rate bus pass (via a bursary). Please download a Bursary Form from, call 01208 224460 or email
[email protected] and ask for a copy. Please complete all sections of the application form below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION FORM FOR CALLYWITH COLLEGE BUS PASS - (Spring Term 2020) Surname: First Name: ID Number: Date of Birth: Tel: Home Address: Postcode: Please select the bus route number and stop you will regularly use to travel to college. A complete list of stops accompanies this document. Timetables can also