Document Archive Part 1

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Document Archive Part 1 eWdN nKKHoS riACPHERSON COLLECTION _ S)_ \ Oce^« i lA \u.w<^ l^ho- i<^ZO - OUV 0acJbl4^c4xjfcx4 v o i u m e : i . „ L i s t o t t h e a n c ic\-^sc>-vpiizn^. e n t ^ l e s i n t h e D i o c e s e o t Bui 1 d-f orci 1. C i V1 i D1 V1 s 1 o n s a. B i a c k i) e a t h H u. fi d r e d b. Coptnorne Hundred c « Ei f 1 nqiiacn Hu.i idi" eu d , 11 I d b r 1 d q e H u r i c a r e d e „ F a r n h a o i H u n d r e d +» Godaiming Hundred g . G Q d 1 e y H u n d r e d h . G u . i l d + o r d H u n d r e d 1 „ W o !•;: i n q H u n d r e d j . W a 11 o n H u n d i- e d 2 „ E I c c 1 e s i a s t i c a i D i v i s i o n s a . A r c h d e a c o n r y o f D o r k i n g b „ R u r a l D e a n e r y o f E l m l y c . R u r a l D e a n e r y o f E p s o m d „ F ' < u r a l D e a n e r y o + L e a t h e r h e a d 03. Rur" a 1 Deanery of Wc3 i n q 3 n L. 1 s t o f f-' a r• i s h e s 4 „ List o + S c u. 1 p t o r s 5. B1 b 11 o q r a p h y o , r l o n u m e n t s a n d n u n u i u e n t a l I n s c r i p t i o n s (R e n a i s s a n c: e p e r i o d > w 11 i i some t;) i i o t o q r a p i i s a n d d e s c r i p t i o n s a r r a n g e d a l p h a b e t i c a l 1 v b y P a r ■ 1 s i i a n d c o n 11 n u e d i n v' o 1 u m e s 2 S< 3. Volume ;,i„ Monuments and rionumentai 1 nscr i ot. i ons continued f r o m i / 6 Vo 1 3. Asabove „ riALDEN COLLEUTHJN / i. / i / riaps and plans outside burroy, including •Hampshire and Kenti. Also Diary and plan 0+ tlie seiqe of Colchester 1648 Domesday cf -Surrey by H.E..Mai den Homeborough Camp, Oc k1ey n-<oLnQu/iy~l 4. Villenapi^ in the Weald cf Surrey by H. E, klex 1 den ii). The Earthworks at Lagham n Caesar in Surrey — Watlinq -Stroet^ By H.F.Napper 7. A History of Waverley Abbey. By Chas. Kerry a gift of Flev, E. D« Buttemen to Ben jamin W. Breenf i eld.1887 8„ Plan of Cudworth, Wewdirgate 1875 o Capel Material!- Curates, Church Bel 1s,Inhabitants, Cp e ning of Capel Village Hasp 11a1 and Ch urch 1866. Capel Rectory and Church - various notes. Pedigrees and wills. Village club rules,Smith's charity Warbleton Estate. 10. London (:)a;jette 25th. August 1E)48. article on Dorking Parishes etc. 11. Newspaper, , cuttings,— - ^ ^ 19 th._——Century %2. Map of Surrey after Domesday. 13 , Plo-a op CTcl^ . MALDEN COLLECT ION 2/2/1. Ag r i c u11ura1 Riots (Swi n q) 1850 Surrey words - Mr . 0'Ff 1 ahert 1 e s list Various notes 4. Sale Catalogue John Lees - effects and belongings of Thos.Hart Esq. 5 Betchworth notes 6. Capel Hospital- drawing 7. Rev. Charles Edward Stewart.Last trifles in verse 8. Bibliographical society -Constitution, rules, list of members 1892-3 9. Pedigree of Skeet of Farnconibe 10. Notebooks of tnemcranda fcr History of -Surrey 0"Ff1ahertie. Chiefly transcripts of deeds and charters relating to Capel,Dorking, and neighbourhood L.ate 19 th „ Cent. 11.. Te.rpie Elfold - notes on the farm, •riginallv a Manor in Newdigate X..i.. Ci\ur ch goods at the time of the Refor(nation. 1-s. Euripidus — Hyppolytus, with notes, A:^ 2/3 Four books o-f transcra.pts of Dorking Court Roiis, with 1 n c i p > K V e t - / 9 . • / / • / i / c c ^ ^ 2/ (/ot h \ 1. atJe 'Vf/f:, . 2 / 4 / 1 P r i n t s o + S u r r e y ^ i ; r t h ^ ^ 2/4/2 Transcripts oi ^ting rdurl-K€»4-A-=, and ^/ar ious^no 2 / 4 / 3 L o n g P a r l i a m e n t - S u r r e y m e m b e r s , , ^ 2/4/4 Property details and owners, notes, etc. Capel/uorKing a r e a „ M a y 1 8 7 6 . ^ ^ 2 / 4 / 5 Q u i-"- e ^ ''" -i- 9 ® c e r" t i + 1 c a t e s , L a p e 1 / D o r k lug 1 / 1 ■/ ^•- J» I n d e K o f n a m e ? s a t e n d o - f n o t e s . 2/4/6 Wills -- of Anne Rigge/Anne; Ba;-; of L'orking. 2 / 4 / 7 Tr a n s c r i p t s o f S u r r e y I n q u i s i t i o n s P o s t M o r t e m , 13th and 14th centuries. 2 /4 / 8 Cape 1 man usc r i p t s , vm i t i"i i n d ex . i. Q • F 1 aher 11 e) . x l i + h d - K c / ? o l U ^CCCoA^rS /e.ctge/>. 2/5 2 / 5 / 1 N o t e s o n C a p e l . 2/5/2 Sale particulars and map "Ihe Parsonage Farm , tiay ^ IVl.. 2 / 5 / 3 N o t e s o n C a p e l C h u r c h . 2 / 5 / 4 0 ' F ' l a h e r t i e ' s N o t e s a n d P a p e r s . E x t r a c t s f r o m D o r k i n g C o u r t R o l l s . Cape 1 Par i sh Rolls oddfJients. D o m e s d a y o f S u r r e y . 2/5/5 Capel Church of England School re r i i s s E l i z a b e t h F r a . n k s a n d M r s J u l i e t I s a b e l H a r r i s o n , 11 March 1889. O n r e v e r s e s F ' e d i g r e e o f J a c o b C h a i i d l e r . 2 / 5 / 6 E x t r a c t s f r o m M i t c h a m P a r i s h R e g i s t e r s , 1 5 6 3 - - I 8 i 2 , ijsjl 4 4 oMi W^S.V 3. TANGLEY 3/1/1 The History of Tangley - manuscript for Wickham Flower by MD.Weber. Preface and pages 1-199 Letters from Weber to Flower 3/1/2 The History of Tangley - as above Pages 217-586 (200-216 missing) 3/2/1 The History of Tangley - typescript by Wickham Flower 3/2/2 Manuscript and notes for a book on the history of Tangley Manor, handwritten by Wickham Flower 1895 Notes on various people featured in Wickham Flower's manuscript;- 3/3/1 Bertrand de Bom - Dr Emil Reich's notes and transcriptions for Wickham Flower. 3/3/2 Bertrand de Bom - translation by 'M.W. [?]' (M.D.Weber?) of Dr Stimmings 'Vorrede' [preface]. 3/3/3 Aliva De Braose Albini (Mowbray family) 3/3/4 Ralph de Faye - research notes by Emil Reich and others 3/3/5 Thomas Howard, the Earl of Surrey and Duke of Norfolk 3/3/6 The story of King Clovis 3/3/7 Life of St Bernard of Cluny 3/3/8 Baldwin de Bethune 3/3/9 Ancestry of Ralph de Faye of Tangley 3/3/10 Pedigree from Ralph de Faye of Tangley 3/3/11 Pedigree of Caryl family of Tangley JAJ 29.10.98 TANGLEY ^ 3 C^-t e^al<# 1« Letters -from Mr. Weber to Mr. Flower, l-j. M/S Handwritten -for Wickham Flower by.
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