LIBRARY OF THINGS! Borough Council are working with County Council and SUEZ recycling and recovery UK to pilot one of TONGHAM PARISH NEWSLETTER the first ‘Library of Things’ in the country. Courses starting in May in Seale village hall, only 5min- utes ‘drive’ away, for puppy training and socialization and The volunteer-run scheme will launch on Thursday 7 June in scent work, Contact [email protected] or call 07493 Guildford Library and enable residents to borrow hand-held SUMMER 2018 066219 to book your place. Check out the website for all DIY, gardening and decorating tools at a fraction of the cost other services, e.g. dog-walking or cat sitting. to buy. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN NEW PLAY AREA FOR TONGHAM! Cllr Philip Brooker, Lead Cllr for Housing and Environment Does Tongham need one? There are three play areas in Tongham; one for small chil- explains: “We are delighted to be one of the first public sec- dren in the Recreation Ground, one behind St Paul’s School A Neighbourhood Plan would give Tongham power to de- tor collaborations in the country to trial this exciting new in the Cardinals, and one in The Moors Trust behind the BYGONE TONGHAM: Then & Now initiative. The social enterprise scheme expands- theex velop a shared and considered vision of the future of our vil- isting library service and creates a unique opportunity for lage, and to have more input on shaping the development The first in a series of historical images of our residents to borrow tools for a small donation, as they do and growth of the local area. We would have more say on village by Ye Olde Codger with books, films and music. With household budgets under where we want new homes, shops or businesses, what they pressure and space at a premium, why buy expensive tools would look like and what infrastructure we need. Neigh- With the influx of workers engaged in the construction of bourhood planning can provide a powerful set of tools for Military Camp many sheds and outhouses were that you often use only once or twice when you can bor- row them? There are also obvious benefits to the environ- local people to ensure that they get the right types of devel- adapted to provide accommodation for them throughout opment for their community. the area. Recreation areas were created and there was a ment too, as by providing a place to recycle and reuse any surge in the building of public houses. In Tongham a cricket unwanted DIY, gardening and decorating tools we help to However Neighbourhood Plans do not allow us to put a halt club was formed with its ground on Tongham Moor. divert waste from landfill. Please get in touch if you would on development. As you all know, there are many homes like to volunteer your time, or donate equipment, to help planned for Tongham and Ash; we would not be able to af- Then in November 1860 George Trimmer (a Brew- launch this innovative and most useful scheme.” fect these developments. We may be able to say that we er) purchased a half acre of land on Tongham Moor for the The Library of Things builds upon Guilford Borough Coun- want more small businesses, and it may be that we could bowling green. However there is no question that we as a sum of £105 and began building the Cricketers public house. encourage more small houses with gardens - we all know village are seriously under-provided with play space. The It obtained its full licence in 1904 by which time it was cil’s existing successful environmental initiatives; the Guild- ford Repair Café at the Park Barn Centre and Surrey County that ‘affordable’ housing is not affordable to our young peo- Parish Clerk is in the process of gathering quotes and plans owned by Farnham United Breweries. In those early days ple who wish to stay in the village but cannot afford the high from three providers and once we have all the information, a reference to the pub noted that there was no bedroom Council’s Makerspace in Guildford Library. It will be open weekly from Thursday 7 June, 4 to 7pm at Guildford Library, rents or even higher purchase price of current local devel- we will have a consultation evening in the Community Cen- accommodation and a stable for one horse only. Bread and opments. tre. It would be great if young people as well as their par- cheese was provided for the customers who were described with scope to increase opening times depending on- de mand. If you think Tongham should consider Neighbourhood Plan- ents could attend to give feedback – after all the play area as being of the “labouring classes”. is for them! If you have hand-held tools (no electrical items please) in ning, please email on [email protected] with In 1927 Farnham United Breweries was taken over by Cour- your views. If we do take that step, it will be the whole com- Current thinking is to move the Multi-Use Games Area to age who in turn sold the pub to Morlands. Today the pub is excellent working order to donate, please contact climat- [email protected] or phone 01483 444509. munity which is involved, not just the Parish Council – so the double tennis court, along with (in Phase 2) some skate- a Greene King house and mine hosts are Pete and Sue who your views and opinions really do matter. board jumps and a teen shelter, and to have an easily acces- have been the incumbents for the past 20 years. If you are interested in volunteering, are over 18 and have Let us know what you think! sible play area for up to 14 years old in the present MUGA The pub boasts a large garden for the customers, which, basic computer skills, please contact Helen Leech, Senior site. However nothing is set in stone as yet – and watch this over the years has housed a duck pond, an aviary, Shetland Manager, Digital Services at Guildford Library helen.leech@ space for news on the consultation meeting. Any comments ponies and black Vietnamese pigs. All long gone, of course. PLAYRANGERS can be sent to the Council at [email protected] The Playrangers are qualified and experienced play workers GUILDFORD IN BLOOM who run play sessions based on using the natural environment as As our gardens and allotments show signs of springing back well as child-led play. Playranger into life we are delighted to announce that this year’s Guild- sessions run every weekday dur- ford in Bloom competition is now open for entries. ing termtime and are a great way The competition is free to enter for borough residents, for children and young people to schools, community groups and businesses who love gar- get outside, be active and make dening and want to help make Guildford and surrounding new friends. villages an even more beautiful place to live, work and visit. The main age group is 8 to 12 year Commemorating the centenary of WW1, the theme this olds, however under 8s are wel- year is ‘Peace’. The best themed garden, allotment or con- come if accompanied by an adult. tainer will win the Dorothy Walden Award. You can choose The Playrangers service will run from Monday 16 April, up to theme, or not to theme. until 25 May. We will return on 4 June up until 13 July when CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME To enter, pick your category, use our new online form to reg- we will stop for the summer holidays. If you would like to contribute to the content of the ister and start preparing your garden, allotment or contain- The sessions are free and the Playrangers come equipped next newsletter with news, events, information, ideas on This picture was taken when the pub was under the ers for judging – it is that simple! with lots of play resources, games and ideas. what you would like to see in here or would like to place an ownership of The Courage Brewery. advertisement, please email Margaret our Tongham Parish Council Clerk [email protected] TONGHAM PARISH COUNCIL WHAT’S ON TONGHAM SCOUTS STAG CARE JAMBOREE CLUB Note from the Council in TONGHAM Scouting is thriving in Tongham! On 7th June, from 2.00 – 4.30 pm, the Jamboree Club are Tongham Scout Group provides a variety of fun, challenging & We hope you enjoyed the first issue of the Newsletter – do hosting an interesting talk on St Paul’s Church in the adventurous activities including camping, climbing, canoeing, please email, the Clerk, on [email protected] Old School Hall in Poyle Road. This will be followed with any comments or suggestions. Let me tell you about this organisation based in our village. archery, & pioneering to local young people aged 6 to 14 years. by a visit to the Church. The name Stag Care stands for Seale, Tongham, Ash Green If you are aware of things going on for our ‘What’s on’ sec- and South Ash which is the area in which we operate. The Group is fund raising to build a new HQ to replace tion, if you are a Scout leader, or school governor or Parent/ TONGHAM TURNS the wooden pre-war ex-Army hut. The current hut is Teacher Association, or pub landlord – well, anyone organis- We are a voluntary group of people who do our best to offer very basic, poorly insulated and has no integral heat- Do you want to get up on a stage and sing, dance, juggle or ing an event! – please let the Clerk know as soon as possible help to the frail and elderly amongst us who may need help ing. The kitchen & toilet facilities are in poor condition. generally entertain? Tongham Turns are appearing again at for future inclusion. with transport to hospital, doctors, dentist, hair dressers, The hut is no longer considered viable and poses con- Tongham Village Hall in The Street on Saturday 9th June. shopping, visiting a day centre or friends. Buses are often straints due to size and lack of suitable disabled access. To help finance the Newsletter, we are happy to sell adver- Contact Carol Meckiffe on 01252 782603, or carol.meck- too difficult for most to access and taxi fares expensive. The Scout Group has approved planning permis- tising space to local businesses. Please email with an exam- [email protected], for details. You do not have to take an Our clients are lovely people with a wealth of experience sion for a purpose-built modern building. The new ple of your ad., and we will get back to you with a cost. We active part - an audience is also needed! to share and we ask them for a donation to help with vol- HQ will have a minimum life of 75 years secur- are also happy to design an advert for you. The Newsletter unteer’s petrol costs. We were lucky enough to receive a ing Scouting in the village for future generations. will be delivered all round the village and available beyond, TONGHAM SCOUTS grant from the Tongham Institute and Parish council this so is well worth doing. All information on Scouting in Tongham can be found on year which really helped. The Scout Group would love to hear from you; if you the website of 4th Farnham (Tongham) Scouts have any experience of grant applications, fund rais- Tongham Parish Council meets in the Church Hall at 19.30 We are always looking for new volunteer drivers to give as ing or would like to volunteer as a leader/helper. on the third Monday of each month. The agenda is pub- little, or as much, time as they wish. Travel expenses are lished on our website in advance of the meeting . All are reimbursed. We meet for meals together and are contacted Please contact – Jackie at [email protected] welcome and encouraged to attend; the agenda is pub- CHEESE AND WINE regularly by phone. Two functions are held a year, where lished on our website, the community facebook page and drivers and clients meet and get to know each other. It is St Paul’s Church held a Cheese & Wine evening with a on the local noticeboards. good fun as well as being very worthwhile. So if you feel you Silent Auction on Saturday 12th May at the would like to participate in a project that certainly makes a A suggestions/comments box can also be found on the Old School Hall in Poyle Road. difference to peoples’ lives ring Jan on 01252668579. We website, we welcome any constructive contributions! The silent auction, where guests made written bids on would love to hear from you and tell you more. ‘lots’, was a great success! The evening helped to raise over £600 towards our ramp project and we were pleased to see a good turn out from the village. ST GEORGE’S DINNER MESSY CHURCH! St Paul’s Church held a very A big thank you successful and fun-packed St Where to all those who attended George’s Dinner on Saturday The Old School at St Paul’s Church, Poyle Road, Tongham, and made the evening such a success!!! Thank you SAMFEST! 28th April; we enjoyed a delicious Surrey, GU10 1DS roast beef dinner, followed by a Tongham Scouts were very pleased to recently receive a generous cheque from SAMFEST towards their new HQ When FISH fresh cream trifle or biscuits and cheese, and enjoyed a fun quiz. Fund. Tongham Scouts assisted with car parking, porterage Check out the church noticebord or website for details. Join And - we raised over £300 for the for festival goers, marshalling and litter picking. us for a cooked tea or you are welcome to bring your own Fun in school holidays . . . . . church ramp fund! Well done to picnic. Guildford Borough Council runs all sorts of holiday play- Carol Meckiffe and her team. schemes, this summer the FISH playscheme will run Contact from 30th July – 17th August. It takes place at King’s Col- Email: [email protected] lege, Southway, Guildford GU2 8DU. The cost is £75 a NOTICEBOARDS week for the standard day (10am- 4 pm) and £100 a week for the extended day (8.30 am – 5.00 pm) with How do you find out what goes on in Tongham? USEFUL CONTACT INFORMATION concessions at £32 a week standard times and £45- ex Facebook? .. Google…? What did we do before all these tended times. Full details can be found on Guildford Bor- computer-assisted information sources? And what do peo- GBC DIARY DATES Tongham Parish Council ough Council’s website – including booking details. If you ple without laptops, smart phones, i-pads etc do now? May / June 2018 W: Google Playschemes Guildford you will be able to access They look at the noticeboards! E: [email protected] all sorts of fun activities to entertain the children and 28 May 2018 The main Parish Council noticeboard is on The Street, just T: 01252 782893 (Mon AM & Tues AM only) young people over the holidays, whatever their interests. Surrey County Show beside the Orient Fish & Chip shop; it is updated regular- Surrey County Council Squires Garden Centre in is running a summer ly, and about a week before the third Monday the Par- 2 June 2018 W: half-term fun week, Create & Grow, from Monday 28th May ish Council meeting agenda is put up. There are also no- Picnic in the Castle Grounds - a fabulous, free family event E: [email protected] – Friday 1st June, where children can take part in a free veg- ticeboards at the bus stop beside the Cricketers, in the with the unveiling of the flower beds and fantastic enter- T: 03456 009 009 gie hunt or plant a vegetable box with plant labels for £6. Recreation ground and across the road from the White tainment from the bandstand. Hart. The village hall has its own noticeboard on The Guildford Borough Council You can also take part in their free paper based veggie hunt 7 June 2018 Street, and St Paul’s Church has noticeboards in Poyle W: to win a stickers. Details can be found on their website . . . Guildford in Bloom Competition entry closes. E: [email protected] Road, too. So, if your IT equipment breaks down – go T: 01483 505050 for a stroll and find out what’s happening in Tongham!