Thank you to everyone who came along to our fourth Senior Schools’ Fair on Saturday. You answered the invitation to attend with customary Hazelwood enthusiasm and we were delighted to welcome over 220 parents to the event. It was lovely too to be able to welcome a growing number of families from outside of the immediate Hazelwood family to the Sports Hall, fulfilling the intent of making it a local community event. The 35 schools who came along were both impressed and bowled over by the turnout and the professional way in which the Fair was staged. They all said that it was one of the best that they attend (and some of them attend quite a few!) They were also all full of praise for the five Year 8 pupils who were asked to be on hand to help with the smooth running of the morning. From carrying cups of tea and coffee, to amassing a good stock of brochures to aid with future parent meetings on Senior School choice, to capturing the event on camera, Izzy, Francesca, Archie, Jack and Charlie were fabulous. They did not stop all morning and carried out their requested duties with a smile, presenting themselves as impeccable ambassadors for the school. They were part of the buzz which filled the Sports Hall from the moment the doors opened to the last dying minutes during which we had to usher the remaining parents to their cars! It was a hugely positive event and one which set an optimistic tone for the rest of my weekend.

I hope that those attended found it useful and that those, for whom it was a little early, will join us in 2019 when we stage our fifth Fair. All 35 schools have pledged to come back and I will be picking up ongoing conversations with many and visiting more over the next few weeks, together with Mr Fagg in his capacity as Head of Senior School Transition. All of which puts the school in prime position to support you and inform your choice of Senior Schools for your children. We look forward to having those conversations at a time when we, and you, can influence the decisions made.

“Thank you so much for organising the Senior School Fair. I don't think I have ever seen so many schools represented and several said that it is the best fair that they go to and were really appreciative of all the work it takes to organise such an event. The hall was buzzing.”

“Thank you for inviting us to your Senior Schools’ Fair on Saturday. We were delighted to participate again and to meet many Hazelwood families and staff. The event was extremely well organised and we are very grateful to you, your colleagues and the wonderful children who looked after us so well and made it such a successful morning.”

“I just wanted to say how much Alison enjoyed visiting on Saturday for your Senior Schools’ Fair which was obviously a huge success. She was hugely impressed with your pupils who were so genuinely helpful and pleasant throughout the whole morning!”

“It was an excellent event – really well planned as ever and very worthwhile for us. It was our Headmistress’ first visit to Hazelwood and I know she was very impressed. I have to say, that your Year 8 ambassadors were the highlight of the morning. Delightful, confident and engaging children, one and all. A real credit to themselves, their families and their schools”

“I also want to express our thanks to your delightful students who looked after us so very well in terms of tea and coffee and delicious cakes. They were all an absolute credit to you and your staff - polite, attentive and so very helpful. Please pass on our personal thanks and let them know that if any of them ever came to our school to visit, I would have no hesitation in recommending them to further their schooling here”

It was edge of your seat stuff on Wednesday as the first XI football team took on the much- fancied Rokeby School in the first round of the Cup. I confess to not knowing huge amounts about the rules of football but I have been around enough coaching sessions and matches to know when the team are pulling together really well and giving their all in pursuit of the collective goal. It was thrilling stuff and such a fast-paced end-to-end game. I didn’t dare look away and had to tear myself back to my office for a 4pm meeting with the score locked at 1-1 and the match moving into extra time. Somehow, I managed to focus on my 4 pm meeting to be greeted at the end of it with the happy news that the boys had pulled off a 3-2 victory and with heads held high, they march into the second round.

Whilst this tremendous match was reaching its fitting climax, the car park was displaying no such signs of fluidity and movement. It was grinding to an unceremonious halt (not helped by the poor parking of two of our sporting visitors). Staff were doing their best to squeeze cars in between parked vehicles to at least keep some sense of progress, but it proved very difficult. The situation was made worse by the fact that the very children being waited for were behind on Wolfs Hill, stuck in the queue which quickly developed. It was only the speedy thinking of sports staff (and slightly illegal wrong-side-of-the-road driving) which enabled the children to make it into the car park on foot to meet up with waiting parents. Firstly, apologies for the delay you experienced on Wednesday. It is a situation which I hope will not be repeated. Secondly please may I ask you to check the team sheets, particularly those of away matches, and take heed of the stated return to school times. Many of the matches on Wednesday were not scheduled to return until 4.45 pm. Giving the children 5 minutes to change or gather up school bags, would mean, at best, that they would not be ready for collection until at least 4.50 pm. Whilst we have added to the number of car park spaces we have quite considerably over the past 12 months, a bigger car park is not high on the wish- list agenda. I for one, have a list of other, more productive resources, that I would like to see the school invest in above further tarmacadam. It is down to us to make the most of the space we have. If we can all work together to stagger arrival times and to not park in the blue bays after 3.45 pm then I am confident that we will have parents and staff promptly on their way to pursue whatever else the evening holds. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. And finally, I would like to say well done and thank to you all the children who completed their TED projects over the summer holiday. The approach of giving plenty of notice of the next topic, and leaving generous amounts of time for the exploration to be completed, seems to be helping to generate some amazing work. Who knew so much happened under the ground! I have learned so much already. Seeing such ideas and confidences leap off the paper, is one of the many privileges and joys of being in education. Job satisfaction on every page.

These amazing images were the culmination of Isaac M’s exploration of underground ‘graffiti’ art. Inspired by the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat, Isaac captured his creative journey in different media using photography, textiles, collage and 3D installation to bring his ideas and passion for the subject to life. Stunning work. Well done Isaac!

For a list of emails/letters/texts sent home each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell.

News from The Nursery & Early Years It has been a fabulous first full week back here at HNEY, the children in Skylarks and Oak enjoyed their first lesson of the year. It was also a special week for 12 children in oak as they had their first violin lesson. We look forward to hearing the musical talents throughout the year.

It was wonderful to see so many parents for our Fledglings to Skylarks information evening, a big thank you for your participation during the presentation. We will be notifying you soon of some dates that we would like to run the parent workshops.

‘In Fledglings 1 this week we have continued to build on our confidence within the room, getting to know the children and the environment, familiarising ourselves with our lovely resources. We have enjoyed exploring a variety of sensory activities from mixing paints, finger painting and flour play. We have experimented with making marks by creating large floor pictures.’

In Fledglings 2 this week we have been exploring different Nursery rhymes and the children particularly liked ‘the wheels on the bus’. We created our very own big red bus and then added photographs of the children. We have continued to explore different senses using play doh, paint and cornflour.

In Upper Robins we have been exploring colours and shapes this week through playdough, coloured water play and rainbow coloured handprints. We have also been practising our printing skills with lots of different shaped objects.

In Lower Robins all the children have been making their “Favourite things” picture which has involved lots of glue and cutting out. They have also been building and playing with the Happy Street track as well as getting messy with coloured spaghetti.

Both Robins rooms loved their first PE lesson last week where we practiced ball skills – rolling them, chasing them and collecting them. We also had our first music lesson this week where we started practicing our songs for the Harvest Festival.

This week in Skylarks we have learned lots about ourselves following our All About Me theme. The children have enjoyed drawing self-portraits and making playdough portraits. This week the children enjoyed their first music lesson, learning new songs for the upcoming Harvest festival.

The PE staff at Hazelwood look forward to their Friday mornings when they travel to the Nursery site to lead the children in their PE sessions. This week, the courts were a hive of physical activity. The Oak classes, captured here, were trying their hand at ball skills, balancing acts and hand-to-eye- coordination through a range of exercises which left the staff hugely impressed with the focus, skill and effort shown by the children.

News from Hazelwood

JEANS FOR GENES DAY All pupils from Years 1 – 8 are invited to participate in “Jeans for Genes” Day, taking place at Hazelwood next Friday, 22nd September in return for a £1 donation to the cause.

In addition to jeans (no ripped), please remember to wear sensible footwear and your House t-shirt or your normal uniform top.

Thank you

If you can’t stand the heat…. The whole of Year 3 went over to the Willow Building to experience their first Science experiment in Year 3 run by Mrs Bilbrough. The aim of the experiment was to see which foods contained more energy between a biscuit and a crisp. By burning them, the food types released their energy as a flame - heat and light energy. The bigger the flame, the more energy was in that food type. The crisp won by a long way!

Three Peak Challenge! Good luck to the Hazelwood parents (Jennie Richards, Clare Underwood, Philip Morris, Guy Lether and Lynn and Richard Stables) who will be undertaking the Three Peaks Challenge this weekend to raise funds for a minibus for the Infant Club Foot Appeal. It is not too late to sponsor them to help them up (and down!) those mountains.

U9 Football show promise In the first football tournament of the season, and after only one training session, the boys did incredibly well drawing praise from their coach Mr Kemp: “It was a wonderful effort from the team, who showed great potential for the rest of the season. Whilst they may be a little disappointed to not finish higher, they will be able to say that they were the only team that was able to beat the eventual winners, Downsend.” Read the full report later in the Nutshell.

Music to our ears! The Music Department has got off to a tremendous start this week with 12 baby violinists starting the violin on the Stringbabies programme at the Larks with Mrs Lucy Jones and individual music lessons, ensembles and choirs now in full swing. We are particularly delighted that Mrs Megan Haydock has returned to our Music Team and, as a recorder specialist, she is leading both the Y1/2 and Y3/4 Recorder groups - no surprise that there is now a waiting list for these popular clubs!

Our 7' Yamaha concert grand piano enjoyed a fabulous overhaul during the holidays as on October 21st at 7.30 pm Imogen Cooper will be giving a wonderful recital in the Bawtree Hall. Her programme will include:  Beethoven - Bagatelles, Opus 33.  Haydn - Sonata in C minor Hob. XVI/20.  Beethoven - Variations on La Stessa la Stessissima.  Adès - Darknesse Visible.  Beethoven - Sonata in A flat major, Opus 110.

Tickets are available from the and Music Society - please see their website. Dame Imogen's own piano tuner has voiced the piano to her particular specifications and it is sounding really wonderful. Consequently we have lost no time in offering this terrific instrument to our pupils and on Friday 15th of September we enjoyed a lovely first Informal concert of the year focusing on the piano with solos from Isla H, Camilla S, a world premiere from Oliver MS (!), Florrie B, Rosie P and Henry L. Mr Hewitt then treated us to a wonderful rendition of 'To a Rose' having warmed up on 'Consolation' by Franz Liszt. On Monday 18th we welcome Jane Fletcher to the team who will be specialising in Year 1/2 Piano in our new teaching room in Acorns, and on Tuesday 19th afternoon 9 baby cellists will be joining the Stringbabies cello programme with Mrs Madden. We shall also be welcoming the start of the new Quintet on Wednesday mornings and Year 2 Choir on Wednesday lunchtimes. It’s not too late to join any of our open invitation choirs: Junior Choir for Year 3/4 is on Wednesdays 4-4.30pm in the Bawtree Hall and Training Choir is on Fridays 8.15-8.50 am also in the Bawtree Hall. Just come along and join the fun! And finally, do remember Mums and Dads (and Grandmas and Grandpas) that you are very welcome to dust off your musical instruments and join our ensembles - we would love to have you play and perform with us as, in addition to the sound you will make, your presence is such a fabulous role model for our children. For all music enquiries please email Mrs Sara Young on [email protected]

Sara Young, Director of Music

The staff at Hazelwood can not only inspire the pupils to create wonderful pictures, they too themselves are capable at turning their hand to masterpieces of quite a striking kind. Natasha B’s and Edward M’s paintings on board of a flamingo and a cow are quite breathtaking. Look closely and you will layering, textures and find brushwork. The bold, flat colours of the background throw the subject forward will energy and zeal. Equally full of zest and vibrancy is Dr Orr's 3D display board by the entrance to the Dining Hall. Boasting the message, “Remember what you get out depends on what you put in”, the majestic wizard and fluffy cat are purrrfect for grabbing and holding attention. All look magnificent. venimus, vidimus, edimus Rome and Sorrento III proved to be just as successful as its illustrious predecessors. 24 children and 3 staff, resplendent in bright blue hoodies, left Gatwick on August 28th, excited at what the eternal city had to offer. Greeted by temperatures of 37C, children of lesser mettle may have wilted, but Year 8 provided, energy, good humour and stoicism throughout the week. The highlights for most in Rome were visits to the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Pantheon, while Mrs “three scoop” Brighting relished the ice cream and Mr Walton coped resolutely with a carb-free diet in the pizza capital of the world.

Sorrento provided a more leisurely, if not a cooler second half of the week; Pompeii, Herculaneum and the traditional ascent of Mount Vesuvius added cultural enrichment, while visits to the beach and superb pizza gave us the fuel that we needed for the amount of miles covered. The children must be commended for their exceptional manners throughout as well as their sense of fun. It was lovely to see them gel even more as a group; much time was spent playing cards and chatting, leaving behind the ubiquitous electronic devices. Many thanks to LB and JW for giving up their holidays to support a fantastic week away.

The Year 3 team building activity evening last week seems, judging by the smiles on these faces, to be doing the trick. The children were involved in challenges designed to make them work together, providing an ideal opportunity for new friendships to be forged and for the children to feel at home in their new Baily Building surroundings.

No dogs on the Sports Fields Please can we remind parent that the Sports Fields and playgrounds are out of bounds for our four-legged friends (even if they are well-behaved). Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Roll-on deodorant ONLY please Whilst we applaud the children’s efforts to keep themselves fresh and smelling sweetly, please could we ask that only roll-on deodorant is

brought into school. No aerosol please. Thank you.

North, south, east and west is what Year 4 like best! As Part of Year 4's Maps topic this half term, the children went orienteering round school. They were given a map with the buildings and different numbers but had to work out the secret code by collecting the letters at different locations. The children thoroughly enjoyed working as part of a team and were all a little puffed out by the end.

Welcome back to Mrs Starr Fiona Starr just couldn’t keep away. Having spent some time previously in the Art Department, she was delighted to accept the position as Head of DT from the start of this new academic year. We look forward to her carrying on where she left off and to being creative both with design and with technology!




Time to dust off your thinking caps and get your teams ready!! It's time for the annual Quiz Night - Thursday 28th September from 8pm at Hazelwood! It's absolutely brilliant fun and a great night out with friends or a great way to meet loads of people if you're new! It's a free event organised by the HPA. Teams are usually made up from year groups and can be up to 10 people (there can be multiple tables from each year group).

There's a prize for the best themed table (though you don't have to have a theme if you'd rather just come as yourselves) and obviously a prize for the winning quiz team - as well as the bragging rights! It's always fun to try and beat the other teams (and the staff!) or just come along and see what random facts you can remember!

If you would like to go but don't have a full table please contact your Year Reps who will help organise a table for you.

Team application forms are attached. Please return asap to Lizzie Stephenson HPA via the School Office. Hope to see you there!

News from the Kitchen Please don’t forget that the new menus for both Hazelwood School and the Nursery & Early Years are now on their respective websites under The Parents’ Sections.

Music Timetable The weekly music timetable can be viewed on the Music Notice Board outside the Dining room in the courtyard. I will endeavour to have the coming week’s music timetable on the notice board by the end of the school day each Friday. Please ensure that your child brings their instrument and music in on the relevant day. It is also important for them to take these books and instruments home when they do not need them in school.

Sports Department

Match Reports should be taken to Mrs Greenwood or emailed to her on [email protected] by Friday afternoon ahead of assembly on Monday morning. If your child is nominated as captain, please encourage them to write the report in time for the assembly. The children do like to share their successes with the rest of the school. Thank you.

U9 A Hawthorns Tournament On Tuesday 12th September, the Under 9 A football team travelled to Hawthorns to take part in a tournament consisting of 12 teams. Having only had one training session, the team knew it would be a challenge but a great opportunity.

The team started against New Beacon and despite controlling the game with many chances it finished 0-0. Downsend were next and proved to be a strong, physical side. Whilst spending most of the game in our own half, the boys defended well, and used the counter effectively, resulting in a goal by Frazer AL to win 1-0. Against Reigate St Mary’s we were again very unfortunate not to pick up the 3 points, dominating the game but unfortunately conceded late on when the opposition broke on the counter following a shot hitting the post by Harry E. Hazelwood played well against Banstead Prep securing a convincing 3-1 win with Leo B, George A and Harry E each scoring. The final game in the group led to another defeat but again could easily have been a victory. Whilst Hazelwood controlled the possession and opportunities, Micklefield managed to score 2 break away goals. Hazelwood fought back, scoring a goal through Leo B but unluckily had a shot in the last minute cleared off the line denying us a share of the points.

With the group stage completed, we had finished 4th meaning that we had the 7th and 8th place final against St Michael’s. Hazelwood quickly found themselves 2-0 up but St Michael’s battled well and heading into the last few minutes it was 2-2. Another well worked move finished with another goal and a 3-2 win with Leo B scoring and Harry E picking up two.

It was a wonderful effort from the team, who showed great potential for the rest of the season. Whist they may be a little disappointed to not finish higher, they will be able to say that they were the only team that was able to beat the eventual winners, Downsend.

Bedes Under 13 – 8 a-side tournament Saturday 9th September The Hazelwood boys made a positive start to the new season and competed well with some of the stronger footballing schools on the circuit. They progressed through the group stage of the competition after a 0-0 draw against the hosts Bedes A and a 1-1 draw against St Christopher’s of Brighton. Sam H scored Hazelwood’s goal with a wonderful long distance strike which nestled into the bottom corner of the net. In the final group game the boys beat Hurst 2-0 with goals from Jack J and the captain James M. Finishing second in the group meant a tough Semi-final against the winners of the other group Lancing Prep. Despite creating a number of very good opportunities and controlling possession for most of the game, 2 early goals from Lancing put the game beyond Hazelwood with 2-0 being the final score.

A double rainbow appeared soon after the final whistle of the match against Rokeby as a sign of celebration. It must have distracted Mr Jarvis who, in the throes of victory, proceeded to lock the opposition into New Field only for the office to receive a phone call of distinct panic pleading to be let out. Rumour has it that Mr Jarvis is now offering his services as the school’s weekend security detail!

Hazelwood U13A 3 Rokeby 2 – Surrey Prep Schools Cup Wednesday 13th September Reverting to the Xi a –side version of the game and playing in the Surrey Cup for the first time, Hazelwood progressed to the next round of the competition after a highly competitive and close fought contest against Rokeby School from Kingston. The score was 0-0 at half time with both sides creating a number of good opportunities. The second half was also very much an even contest, but Jack J broke clear to give Hazelwood the lead midway through the half. With only a couple of minutes to go Rokeby equalised after a period of pressure. The game went to extra time and the Hazelwood boys deserve great credit for how they lifted their game. Jack J again gave Hazelwood the lead after the team carved out a number of great chances. Rokeby, however, where far from finished and again equalised direct from a free kick on the edge of the area. With penalties looking very much on the cards, Max L scored the winner for Hazelwood in the second period of extra time. Hazelwood will now face Parkside in the next round of the competition

These brave Year 7’s clearly played their match through the rain before the sun broke through giving rise to the rainbow! A 1-1 draw against St Michael’s meant an unbeaten start to their season. Well done boys.

Hockey News On Wednesday we had our first matches against Holmewood House and Sevenoaks Prep.

We had some close and exciting matches with highlights being a Draw for the U11 D team and a Win for the U10 A & B team. (picture attached).

A great start to the term, Well done to everyone who took part.

This U8 football team took to match play like ducks to water. In their first competitive game, they put ten goals past the opposition without conceding one! Well done boys. Keep those goals coming!

Match Results – full & direct from the new Sports Website!

Sport Team Opposition Result Teacher I/C Tuesday Boys- Football The New Beacon Draw Mr Mike Kemp U9A Boys- Football Won Mr Mike Kemp U9A Boys- Football Reigate St Mary's Lost Mr Mike Kemp U9A Boys- Banstead Community Junior Football Won Mr Mike Kemp U9A School Boys- Football St Michael's School, Won Mr Mike Kemp U9A Boys- Football Micklefield School Lost Mr Mike Kemp U9A Wednesday

1st Football Rokeby School, Surrey Won Mr Jon Jarvis Team 2nd St Michael's School, Kent Cancel Mr Russell Football Team Boys-U13A led Shepherd 3rd St Michael's School, Kent Cancel Football Mr Ed Kemp Team Boys-U13B led 4th Mr James Football Handcross Park School Draw Team MacDougall Football Colts A St Michael's School, Kent Lost Mr Will Fagg

Mr Michael Football Colts B St Michael's School, Kent Lost Whelan Mr Martin Football Colts C St Michael's School, Kent Won Nicholson Football Colts D St Michael's School, Kent Draw Mr Tom Lloyd

Mr Duncan Football Colts E St Michael's School, Kent Won Fotheringham Football Colts F St Michael's School, Kent Won Mr Nick Head

Hockey Girls- Holmewood House School Lost Mrs Falconer Sevens U13A Hockey Girls- Holmewood House School Lost Mrs Falconer Sevens U13B Hockey Girls- Holmewood House School Lost Mrs Falconer Sevens U13C Hockey Girls- Cancel Preparatory School Sevens U11A led Hockey Girls- Cancel Caterham Preparatory School Sevens U11B led Hockey Girls- Miss Holmewood House School Lost Sevens U11C Lloyd/Mrs Clark Hockey Girls- Miss Holmewood House School Draw Sevens U11D Lloyd/Mrs Clark Hockey Girls- Caterham Preparatory School Cancel

Sevens U10A led Hockey Girls- Sevenoaks Preparatory Won Mrs Lowe Sevens U10A School Hockey Girls- Cancel Caterham Preparatory School Sevens U10B led Hockey Girls- Sevenoaks Prep Won Mrs Ford Sevens U10B Thursday

Boys- Sevenoaks Preparatory Football Lost Mr Mike Kemp U9A School Boys- Sevenoaks Preparatory Mr Duncan Football Won U9B School Fotheringham Boys- Mr Duncan Football Hazelwood School Boys-U9C Draw U9B Fotheringham Boys- Sevenoaks Preparatory Football Draw Mr Mark reay U9C School Boys-U9B Boys- Football Hazelwood School Boys-U9B Draw Mr Mark Reay U9C Boys- Sevenoaks Preparatory Football Draw Mr Nick Head U9C School Boys-U9B Boys- Sevenoaks Preparatory Football Won Mr Tom Lloyd U8A School Boys- Sevenoaks Preparatory Mr Michael Football Won U8B School Whelan

Notice Board Communication sent home this week The following letters have been sent home this week. If you need a duplicate copy, please contact the School Office.

Year 8 Information evening French Trip Quiz Night Harvest Festival SOCS letter

Anyone for bubbles?

A local family, known well to the school, have embarked on a new venture which promises to put a lot of fizz into weekends and special occasions. Check out the web link below to see how Prosecco van, Fizzy, can help keep hold of that summer feeling for a little longer!

Key Events for Next Week

Week 3 Monday 18th September All day Year 1 trip to Brighton Toy Museum 1400 Cross Country: Senior Interhouse (Years 7 & 8)

Tuesday 19th September 1400 Cross Country: Junior Inter House (Years 3 & 4)

Wednesday 20th September All day Governors’ Strategy Day Am HPV Vaccinations for Y8 girls 1430 Football: 1st XI, Colts A, B & F v Hilden Grange (H) 1430 Football: 2nd XI, Colts C, D & E v Hilden Grange (A) 1430 Hockey: U13 A & B v Rose Hill (A) 1430 Hockey: U11 A & B v (H – ELC) 1430 Hockey: U11 C/D v St Michael’s (Home – Haz Sports Hall) 1430 Hockey: U10 A & B v Russell House (H – ELC) 1430 Hockey: U10 C & DS v Cumnor House (A – Haywards Heath)

Thursday 21st September All day International Day of Peace 1430 Football: U9 A, B, C & D v Hilden Grange (H) 1430 Football: U8 A, b, c & d V Hilden Grange (A) 1430 Hockey: U9 A & B v (H- ELC) 1900 Year 8 Information Evening

Friday 22nd September All day Jeans for Genes Day 0845 Form Reps’ Meeting 1400 Cross Country: Middle Inter House (Years 5 & 6)

Saturday 23rd September 1000 Football: U9 Yardley Court Tournament (A)

Charlotte R adds to Miss Clayton’s collection of ducks. You don’t have to be quackers to head up Dowling House….but it helps!