Apologies for absence were received from: Deirdre Forsyth, Bruce Robertson, George Lyon, David Starck, Brian Rattray, Roddy McLeod, and Felicity Kelly.

Alison Hay expressed her concern that only two Council officials were in attendance. Just sending in a report is not satisfactory.


The minute of the Meeting held on 21st February 2006 were submitted and approved.


Japanese Knotweed – Alison Hay will report to the next meeting.


David explained that £1.8 million worth of funding had been granted by the Heritage Fund and that the project is proceeding well. A Landscape Partnership has been formed and has been divided into 4 categories:- Species & Habitat - includes a combined venture between the Forestry Commission and Private enterprise, to replace native trees and to build paths and bridges in the Knapdale Forest and Crinan Canal areas. Building & Cultural Heritage - will examine records of the area throughout the ages. Surveying and Conveyance – to make safer and give easier access to old and new structures. Community History - will involving senior members of the community by recording and logging their stories of the past.

Access to the land project will make the countryside more user friendly for walkers and bikers by linking the routes at Knapdale and Kilmartin allowing a circular tour for Tourists and local users. Virtual visitor sites to be positioned throughout the area and to be incorporated with traditional media.

The £1.8 million is ring fenced and there is a need to raise a further million to complete the project. The whole of Mid Argyll should feel the benefit of the increased tourism and hopefully there will be enough attractions to encourage longer stays in the area.


Lochgair The planning application has been made and it has been decided to hold a Public Local Enquiry, probably in October 2006

Ardrishaig Project is almost complete. A meeting with interested groups has been arranged for 5 June to sort out a few minor issues regarding access to the shore etc.

Lochgilphead The Peddie Bank and the Green projects are being finalised and it is hoped to include Paterson Street in the upgrade.

Minard Plans are being ‘re-scoped’ and funding is being sought, in order that additional work can be carried out which will permit new houses into the system

Tarbert A local meeting will be held either this week or next to discuss the resolve the problem caused by the ingress of sea water into the system This is causing a smell in the area around the treatment works. John McAlpine asked if he could be included in these discussions as he is the person who gets the backlash from the community. He also asked why there is only a flow of 7 litres per second and not 15 litres as should be. The yacht race is taking place in Tarbert this weekend and there are Traffic Lights on Barmore Road but no actual work taking place. He has been informed that they have been sited at Scottish Water’s request.

Jane MacKenzie agreed to arrange for the removal of the traffic lights.

The verges from the Co-op corner to the new Treatment works should have been tidied up during the last six months but this has not happened.

Inveraray Alison Hay reported that the smell is back in the area between Lochfyne Hotel and the Golf Course. This was noted by Scottish Water

Kilmartin The letter received by Kilmartin Community Council was felt to be dismissive. The work promised by Scottish Water at the area surrounding the Cairns had not been brought up to the standard expected. The ground is an eyesore and there is an odour. It was expressed that there should be a site visit by Scottish Water accompanied by a Community Council member.


The landscaping is very satisfactory but the sign, to prohibit overnight parking needs replaced.


Kintyre Way Due to some legalities with participating Land Lords the opening day has been delayed until 12 August 2006. Every other aspect of the walk is on schedule.

Grants for assistance to provide catering/sleeping facilities on this route may be available from AIE.

Forest Drive The roadway from Auchindrain to Loch Awe will not now be open until the end of July. The road surface still needs to be done and restraints have not permitted this. When open the public will be permitted to use this route from Easter until October.

Beinn Ghuilean AIE are funding this new Trail which will be for the use of walkers and bikers.

Kilmory Woodland Park A package is being made to revitalise the park and the forest. A fuller report will be available at the next meeting.

Barluasgan Excavations have taken place this year and there findings have proved very interesting giving an insight into the life of the area. Further Digs are planned for next year.

A group of top Archaeologists have been looking at the ‘Rock Art’ in the area and the Forestry Commission hope that it’s links with the Dalriada Project will encourage more visitors to these sites.

In the Tarbert area there has been problems occurring with motor bike/scramblers disrupting walkers on some to the tracks. An alternative site for bikes is being sought.

The success of the Mountain bike event held last year has led to the event being repeated again on the 17/18 June 2006. Members of the Mid Argyll Cycling club will be available to guide cyclists round the route and a Barbeque and live music will be provided for any one who wishes to take part in the event. If any Community Council requires copies of leaflets detailing Forest Walks, supplies can be collected from the Whitegates Forestry Office. At present there are no leaflets covering the Minard to Lochgilphead cycle path.


No report


The canal opened again on the 3 April and already is being well used. It has been estimated that each crew member brings £25 each day to the local economy. Along with the Dalriada Project, British Waterways are trying to encourage visitors to stay for longer than a couple of days in the area.

A Youth sailing group has been set up in Ardrishaig to encourage sailing skills and is being well attended.

On the 8 April, the entrance to the Sea Lock benefited from a Beach Cleaning event which unearthed 2 Lobster pots and a pile of old plastic.

The repairs on the Swing bridge are virtually completed with only a small list of snagging to be done.

The toilets at Cairnbaan have been upgraded and extended to facilitate the disabled but unfortunately it was vandalised on the first weekend of its opening.

Retrospective planning has been applied for nine pontoons at Bellanoch Basin

Forty members of the German Canal Society are to visit Scotland on the 16/17 June and visits have been arranged for them at Crinan and at Kilmartin.

Winter renovations will be ongoing for the next 2 – 4 years to ensure the safety standards of the canal.

The ‘Linnet’ shed is to be stabilised as part of the Dalriada Project.

When asked if there was a possibility of reduced rates for locals using the canal it was explained that the charges are set at a national level but David Lyon said he would ask at the next ‘pricing’ if this could be considered.


No report


10a Ardrishaig Liaison with Scottish Water is on going regarding the problems encountered. The Community Trust [Robbers Den, Ardrishaig, Community Woodlands Group (RAG)] is now up and running and the Community Council has a place on the management committee. The main problem facing the Community Council at present is the Local Plan. It is felt that the proposal of 50 houses set high on a green field site above the town does not comply with the spirit of the relevant Scottish Executive guidelines relating to green field building. There is a strong feeling in Ardrishaig that this is the wrong type of development in the wrong place. There is more need for starter homes for young workers and sheltered accommodation for elder people, than larger houses. If the allocation of houses to each area could be changed, the land vacated by the Hospital and the School would make good housing sites and permit the Council to build the overall required total of 203 houses, without building on green field areas.

It was suggested that a representative from ACHA and Fyne Homes could be invited to all meetings.

Alison Hay agreed that Alastair MacGregor, ACHA be asked to make a presentation to the next meeting.

She emphasised the importance of a member of the Housing Department being present at MAP meetings.

10b Dunadd At the last meeting a presentation was given by the Dalriada Project.

The new approach road leading through the McLeod scheme to Castle Park, has been completed but concern was expressed as to its upkeep. Alison Hay advised the community to contact the Council regarding this. If this was unsuccessful to come back to her.

It has been noted that there has been cause for concern at the cross roads at the Long walk, and it was felt that a ‘give way’ sign at East Lodge, (Luibs) would help the situation. Millbrae, the road leading up from the Ford road end has had traffic light installed for some time and if was felt that the continual use by heavy lorries would be damaging the good side of the road. Alison Hay advised that it had been estimated that it would take £900,000 to repair this part of the road and at present there is no funding. She had been advised that that part of the road will remain single track for the next two years.

10c Inveraray Work is continuing in arranging a maintenance painting plan but difficulty in obtaining the agreement of the householders to pay to have their home painted, is causing delay.

Argyll and Bute Council are responsible for Church Square and Donnie McLeod will be contacted regarding this Scotland TranServ have promised to surface the road between Semple’s garage and the site of the old Wildlife Park, in September 2006

10d Lochgilphead Work at the Hospital site is now near completion and the new School building is on track. The public toilets are in the process of being refurbished and the accommodation huts at the Drill Hall have been replaced.

10e South Knapdale No report

10f West Lochfyne The Chairperson, May McGougan is now home from hospital and progressing. A new secretary, Hazel Jackson has been appointed. Minard Community Trust has leased the new shop to the owners of the Furnace store and the project is doing well. Thanks have to go to Bill Middleton for his assistance in raising the necessary funds.

Arrangements for a new Bus stop at Minard are being pursued. The ’twenty is plenty’ signs have been erected and the roundels will be installed after surfacing. Trees at Lower Achagoil need lopped. Alison Hay said she will deal with this. Deirdre Forsyth is looking into the lease of a patch of ground beside the Fire Station with the view to using it as a playing field.

Alison Hay will look into the matter of having the top end of made a marine conservation area. A meeting with Scottish Water and Lochgair Community Council is being arranged to plan the way ahead

10g Craignish At the AGM on 3 May 2006, Chairman Sandy MacKilligan resigned and vice chair Alex Armstrong was elected as chair. Still no ‘Twenty’s Plenty’ signs. Craignish now has its own website and they asked if it would be possible for their site to link into Council’s site. Alison Hay agreed that she would inquire.

10h Furnace At the AGM last week Roddy McLeod retired as chairman. The new committee is pending. Alistair MacGregor of ACHA addressed the meeting and gave a very interesting talk on ASBOS. Concern was express at the number of homeless that seem to be housed in Furnace. This causes problems within the community as local folk are not able to be housed in their own community while many of the homeless would rather be in a less rural area. A local survey highlighted that most, elderly folk in the community, wish to stay in their own home rather than down size. Furnace is also trying to find funding for a playing/football are and it was suggested that they get together with Minard on this subject. The youth project has had its first meeting and PC Dave Wilkinson organised a football match. Talks with Furnace Quarry have taken place and the lorries are now ‘covered and travelling slower through the village. A mechanical road sweeper is being hirer to clean up the village. Fund raising is still ongoing for the Hall extension.

10i Tarbert & Skipness No report

10j North Knapdale No report


11a Operational Services No one was available to attend the meeting but Brian Rattray sent this report:

Lochgilphead Public Toilets Refurbishment works has started and will take between 5 and 6 weeks to complete. Temporary toilets will be in place for the duration of the works.

Craignish The budgets for 20mph zones and other safety issues have still to be finalised.

Inveraray The resurfacing of Church Square will be programmed for June of this year. New railing will be erected between the public toilets and the Jail.

Furnace Surfacing works will be programmed for August/September. The 20’s Plenty signs have been erected and the roundels will be installed after surfacing.

Tarbert Overlays have been carried out on Pier Road and the West Loch Road. The remedial works for Scottish Water have been agreed and are being priced by Operational Services and a local contractor.

Kilmartin. The flooding issue has still to be resolved by Argyll and Bute Council and M & K MacLeod.

11b Community Services

David Hewitt gave the report for Community Learning and Regeneration. Lochgilphead Centre Council AGM will be held on the 23 May at 7.00. The young Drivers Projects was successfully delivered and 12 completed the course. This was a partnership between the Police, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue, Argyll and Bute Young Scott Project, West Coast Motors and the Scottish Ambulance Service. This was a pilot which will hopefully be followed up in other areas.

The youth café is continuing to develop in the Mid Argyll Youth Project premises. The volunteer committee visited Oban youth Cafes to share ideas.

The group have attracted funding from the Princes Trust Youth Cafes in action funding.

The Youth Participation Conference is taking place next week in Tarbert for all young people involved in the Argyll and Bute Youth Forum.

Funding was attracted to the forward the Mid Argyll Public Health Network for this year. It is hoped that the Youth Group will be linked with this. All Community Council have been contacted about the forthcoming Household Survey. The responses will be anonymous but the Post code or the relevant Community Council will be highlighted. Funding will be available from the Scottish Executive in the Autumn.


Scotland TranServ are endeavouring to catch up on the backlog of road repairs in Argyll. John McFadyen who is based in Killin is their Public Liaison Officer. We have to check if Scotland TranServ are invited to the Area Committee

Sheila is to check that the review document issued by the newly appointed Environmental Warden was circulated, as promised, in last month’s minutes.

13 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 21 November 2006


Mid Argyll Partnership

23 May 2006

Alison Hay Argyll and Bute Council Donnie McMillan Argyll and Bute Council John McAlpine Argyll and Bute Council David Lyon British Waterways Scotland Colin Hossack Forestry Commission Colin Smith Craignish Community Council Mary Smyth Craignish Community Council Marion Thomson Dunadd Community Council Marilyn Dunn Furnace Community Council David Hewitt Community Learning & Regeneration Rita Campbell Argyllshire Advertiser Ron Bowe Ardrishaig Community Council Hazel Jackson West Lochfyne Community Council David Fyfe-Jackson West Lochfyne Community Council David Adams McGilp Dalriada Project Jane McKenzie Scottish Water Sheila Cameron Argyll and Bute Council - Corporate Services Katy MacKenzie Argyll and Bute Council – Corporate Services