Colorado Directory of Radio Monument Morrison Rifle Rocky Ford

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Colorado Directory of Radio Monument Morrison Rifle Rocky Ford Colorado Directory of Radio C &W. Target aud: 25-54. Spec prog: Farm news 2 hrs, farm weather gospel 3 hrs wkly. Donald Littlefield pres; Barbara Phillips. mklg dir; Rep: McGavren Guild. Wash airy: Reed, Smith, Shaw & McClay. one hr wkly. Rates: $37; 31; 37; 27. Candy Permetta, mus dir: Alan Greagor, chief of engrg. Format: Top -40. Target aud: 18-49. Larry Wilson, CEO; Donna Heffner, CFO; Brenda Goodrich, gen mgr; Paul Johnson, opus dir. Kent Hildebrand, sis dir; Barbara Brooks, prom dir; Bobby Irwin. KVMT(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 89.1 mhz; 3 kw. 1,748 Pueblo progmg dir; Rob Ryan. mus dir; Ray Uberecken. engrg mgr. ft. TL: N38 18 52 W108 12 02. Box 1350, Paonia (81428). Licensee: North Fork Valley Public Radio Inc. KAVA(AM) -- June 1963: 1480 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. TL N38 18 56 W104 KKPC(AM) Dec 29, 1947: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N38 16 38 W104 37 03. Rebroadcasts KXRE(AM) Manitou Springs 732 1/2 Manitou 39 13. Hrs opn: 24. Pueblo Community College, 900 W. Orman Ave. Ave., Manitou Springs (80906). (719) 685.4130. Licensee: Polarcomm Monument (81004). (719) 549-3472. Fax: (719) 549 -3453. Licensee: Pueblo Corp. (acq 7 -95) Format: Sp contemp. Anthony Guerrero, gen mgr; Community College. (acq 12-29-92; $120,000; FTR: 1- 25 -93) *Net: Charlie Luna, progmg dir. KCBR(AM)- July 20, 1986: 1040 khz; 5 kw -D. TL N38 49 08 W104 CNN, BRN. Format: News/talk. News staff: 2. Target aud: General; 46 32. Stereo. Hm opn: Sunrise -sunset. Suite 218, 5050 Edison Ave., adults with local, state & national news interests. Spec prog: Indy & Colorado Springs (80915). (719) 570.1530. Fax: (719) 570 -1007. KCCY(FM)- Aug 23, 1975: 96.9 mhz; 100 kw. 320 ft. TL N38 21 32 Pikes Peak auto racing. Dan Thomas, gen mgr, news dir & chief of Licensee: KLZ Radio Inc. Group owner: Crawford Broadcasting Co. W104 58 13. 106 W. 24th St. (81003). Box 1973 (81002). (719) engrg. (acq 1999; $750,000 with KCMN(AM) Colorado Springs) Format: 545 -2080. Fax: (719) 543 -9898. Web Site: Licensee: McCoy Broadcasting Co. (am( 10- 31 -86; $1.82 million; FTR: CHR, relg, talk. Target aud: 25-54; 70% male, upper -middle income or KNKN(FM)- November 1979: 107.1 mhz; 50 kw. 338 ft. TL: N38 17 8 -5-85) Rep: Christal. Format: C &W. Target aud: 25.54; general. higher. Don Crawford, Sr., pres; Chip Lusko, VP; Elaine Brummeh, 48 W104 38 47. Stereo. 30 N. Electronic Dr., Pueblo West (81007). Craig McCoy. Ares: Gary Dall. gen sis mgr; Olene Greenwood, VP, gen sls mgr, Tron Simpson, pens mgr, prom mgr, progmg VP & pub (719) 547-0411. Fax: (719) 547 -9301. E -mail: [email protected]. gen mgr & natl sis mgr; Margaret Thomberg, prom mgr; Dave Moore, affrs dir; Ed Delaney, chief of engrg. Licensee: Metropolitan Radio Group Inc. (group owner: ace 8.1.97; progmg dir; Kevin Hayes, mus dir; Laurie Geiser, news dir & pub affrs $725,000 with co-located AM) Format: Latin mus. Target aud: 18 -54. din, Dan Thomas, chief of engrg. Morrison Gary L. Acker, pres; Mark L. Acker, gen mgr; Henry Reyes, gen sis mgr, Norm Smith, chief of engrg. KCFP(FM)- June 1986: 91.9 mhz; 600 w. 633 ft. TL: N38 22 23 'KLDV(FM)- Mar 27, 1971: 91.1 mhz; 100 kw. 1,184 ft. TL: N39 36 W104 42. Hm opn: 24. 33 Stereo. Rebroadcasts KCFR(FM) Denver KRMX(AM)- 1958: 690 khz; 250 w -D, 24 w -N. TL: N38 17 48 W104 00 W105 12 35. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 1425 North Market Blvd., 100% KCFR(FM), 2249 (80210). do S. Josephine Sf., Denver (303) 38 47. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 30 N. Electronic Dr. (81003). (719) Sacramento, CA (95834). (916) 982-1450. E -mail: kloveé 871 -9191. Fax: (303) 733-3319. Web Site: Licensee: 545 -2883. Fax: (719) 547-9301. Licensee: Metropolitan Radio Group Web Site: Licensee: Educational Media Foundation. Public Broadcasting of Colorado Inc. Net: NPR. Wash ally: Arier & Inc. (group owner, acq 10-97; $171,500) Format: Sp, bilingual. Target *Net: UPI, AP. Format: Relg. News staff: one; news progmg 3 hrs Hadden. Format: news. News hm Class, statt: 8; news progmg 50 aud: General; Hispanic families. Gary L. Acker, pres; Daniel Ramos, wkly. Target aud: 30-55. Jack H. Peon, gen mgr; Roy Hanschke, Target mgr; Ed wkly. aud: General. Max Wycisk, Ares & gen pens mgr, Al Madril, news din Norm Smith, chief of engrg. dev dir; Rorie Kaon, prom dir; Al Hodges, progmg dir; Jack Peron, Trudeau, progmg VP; Robert Hensler, engrg VP. mus din, Bob Kellogg, news dir; Al Stewart, engrg dir; Bob Helms, chief 1970: 165 of engrg. KTSC -FM- October 89.5 mhz; 9.8 kw. ft. TL: N38 18 38 KCSJ(AM) -1947: 590 khz; 1 kw-U, DA-N. IL: N38 21 30 W104 38 W104 34 40. Stereo. Univ. of Southern Colorado, 2200 Bonforte Blvd. 13. Hrs opn: 24. Box 1973 (81002). (719) 543-5900. Fax: (719) Rm #120 (81001). (719) 549 -2822. Fax: (719) 549 -2120. Licensee: Oak Creek 543 -7609. E -mail: sjones Web Site: University of Southern Colorado. Format: Top 40. *Sam Lovato, stn Licensee: Colorado Springs Radio Broadcasters Inc. Group owner: mgr; Dan Thomas, chief of engrg. Bahakel Communications (acq 4- 29 -99; grpsl) Net: ABC. Rep: KFMU-Fhb Sept 22, 1975: 104.1 mhz; 1.4 kw. 1,073 ft. TL: N40 14 Chnstal. Format: News/talk, sports. News staff: 2: news progmg 41 hrs 10 W106 52 30. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 772850, 2955 Village Dr., KVUU(FM)- 1976: 99.9 mhz; 87.4 kw. 2.200 ft. TL: N33 44 47 W104 wkly. Target aud: 35-64; upscale. Tom Dwss, gen sis mgr; Dave Steamboat Springs (80477). (970) 879-5368. Fax: (970) 879 -5843. 51 37. (CF: 57 kw, ant 2,198 ft. TL: N38 44 44 W104 51 42). Stereo. Harrell, progmg dir; Valerie Sprague, news dir. Licensee: Salisbury Broadcasting Colorado L.L.C. (group owner; acq Hm opn: 24. Suite 150, 2864 S. Circle Dr., Colorado Springs (80906). 11- 30.98; grpsq Net: CBS. Format: Adult progsv, rock. News staff: 2; (719) 540-9200. Fax: (719) 579 -0882. Web Site: news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 21 -54. Spec prog: Jazz 4 hrs, KDZA -FM- Mar 3, 1987: 107.9 mhz; 100 kw. 239 ft. TL: N37 56 40 Licensee: Triathlon Broadcasting of Colorado Springs Licensee Inc. modem mus 4 hrs wkly. Sean Waterman, CEO; Brian Harvey, gen W104 59 56. Stereo. 106 W. 24th (81003). Box 1973 (81003). (719) Group owner: AMFM Inc. (acq 5- 12 -99; grpsl) Rep: Katz. Wash airy: mgr: Steve Jones, prom dir; John Johnston, progmg dir & mus dir; 545 -2080. Fax: (719) 543-9898. Web Site: Wiley, Rein & Fielding. Format: Adult contemp. Target aud: 25 -54; Michelle Bales, news dir; Tami Coiled, pub affrs dir; John Banks, chief Licensee: McCoy Broadcasting Co. (group owner, acq 5- 26-93; upscale adults. Bob Gourley, chmn & gen mgr; Chrissy Adsit rgnl of engrg. Rates: $18; 16; 16; 12. $500,000; FTR: 6-21-93) Format: Oldies. *Craig McCoy, pros; Olene sis mgr; Stacey Johnson, prom din, Kevin Caccahan, progmg dir; Greenwood, VP & gen mgr, Gary Dall, gen sls mgr, Margaret Jeanine James, mus dir. Thomburg, prom dir; Phil Martinze. progmg dir; Laude Geiser, news Ouray dir; Dan Thomas, chief of engrg. KYZX(FM)- 1993: 104.5 mhz; 50 kw. 492 ft. TL: N38 33 24 W104 35 56. (CF: COL Pueblo West. 103.9 mhz; 1.75 kw, ant 2,158 ft. TL: N38 KWGL(FM)- June 16, 1986: 105.7 mhz; 7 kw. -23 ft. IL: N38 01 22 KFEL(AM)- August 1956: 970 khz; 3.2 kw -D, 184 w -N. TL: N38 15 44 40 W104 51 41). Stereo. Hm ope: 24. Box 236 (81002). 3305 N. W107 40 12. (CP: 25 kw, ant 203 ft. TL: N38 15 59 W107 51 07). 57 W104 40 44. 3305 N. Elizabeth St., Pueblo West (81008). (719) Elizabeth (81002). (719) 543-5900. Fax: (719) 543-7609. Licensee: Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Rebroadcasts KZKS(FM) Rifle 100% Box 60040, 543 -7506. Fax: (719) 543 -0432. E -mail: kfe1970 Web Site: Colorado Springs Radio Broadcasters Inc. Group owner: Bahakel Grand Junction (81506). Box 366, Montrose (81401). (970) 240-3636. Licensee: Wellspring Harvest Ministries Communications (acq 2- 22 -99; grpsl) Format: Class rock. News staff: Fax: (970) 241 -6452. E -mail: kiss Licensee: WS Inc. (acq 11-4-98; $390,000) Format: Contemporary christian. Target one: news progmg one hr wkly. Target aud: 25 -49: general. Martin Communications L.L.C. (acq 1 -95; FTR: 5-22-95) Net: ABC. Format: aud: 25 plus. Spec prog: Southern gospel 4 hrs wkly. *Allen Bicicle, Hart, CEO; Lawrence Walter, pres; Scott Jones, gen mgr & nati sis Adult contemp. News staff: one; news progmg 15 hrs wkly. Scott F. gen sls mgr. mgr; Dave Harrell, pens mgr & progmg mgr; Tom Bruss, sis dir. Uhl, gen mgr & gen sis mgr; Terrie Abington, pens dir; Marti Brittain, prom VP, prom dir & mus dir; Jon Donofrio, news dir; Rich Cron, engrg KGFT(FM)- Mar 31, 1988: 100.7 mhz; 72.4 kw. 2,217 ft. TL: N38 44 dir & chief of engrg. Rifle 44 W104 51 39. Stereo. Hm opn: 24.
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