

Minutes of the AGM Monday 30th April 2018 at 8 pm in

Luccombe Village Hall

Attended by: Chair J Dascombe (JD) H Harington (HH) R Gande (RG) M Melville (MM) J Stapleford (JS) N Westcott (NW) Mrs K Mills (WSC) (KM) Mrs F Nicholson (SCC) (FN)

Member of the public Mr J Rock.

JD Welcomed everyone to the meeting

1. Apologies/DCI M Harding, R Clifford (WSC) 2. Minutes After amending the date in Item 2 from 2017 to 2016, the minutes of the AGM held on 24/4/17 having been previously circulated were signed as correct. KM reported that the previous year had been extremely challenging with 3. Reports WSC the transition from WSC to joining with Deane. There is only one & SCC year to put everything in place before the local elections in 2019. New boundaries would have placed in the same ward as Exford and but it has now been confirmed that Porlock is staying as it is. There will be 58 Councillors giving a ratio of around 2000 electors per Councillor.

Porlock Vale Coastal Community Team has three aims: 1) To continue the Porlock Marsh Project, Nigel Hester from the National Trust is on board and an approach is to be made to the National Park. 2) To identify the Vale as a unique selling point and 3) To refurbish the Porlock Tourist Centre. A bid has been made for £100,000. The new Porlock website is www.porlock.co.uk

FN reported that the SCC had managed to balance its books. A major improvement has been made to the “Delayed transfer of Care” or “Bed Blocking”. were one of the worst in the country but now the Health Service is working with the Local Authority, it has greatly improved, because of Micro Providers of home care, who assist people in their own homes after they are discharged from hospital. MICRO PROVIDERS – BUSINESSES, FN to send details. FN

Social Mobility or rather the lack of, is being looked at by the Department for Education. There are problems with transport to enable young people to further their education, mental health – especially among mothers with young children. A three year programme had been put in place but the County elections of 2017 meant that it was stopped for 9 months. The Secretary of State has been asked for more time. HH asked FN if the figures for will be distorted after the merger with Taunton Deane. The answer is yes but it is questionable whether the data for the West Somerset Social Mobility project has been collected properly. For instance the children live in West Somerset but are not in the WS catchment area for secondary education and therefore do not appear in the statistics.

4. Members RG The Village Hall is financially sound but work needs doing on the roof and reports kitchen. There were no elections in the last year but the hall has already been booked for the 2019 local elections. The Hall continues to be LUCCOMBE PARISH COUNCIL

Minutes of the AGM Monday 30th April 2018 at 8 pm in

Luccombe Village Hall

supported by U3A, the Monochrome meetings and a yoga class. The grass is kept tidy by Fred Stapleford who also maintains the Church grass.

The Church is not financially sound but is in excellent repair all the painting has now been completed. Congregation numbers have dwindled significantly through ill-health and one of the churchwardens moving away leaving a vacancy yet to be filled.

HH Air Band broadband has significantly improved but there are no other providers coming forward. Broadband service to the village hall is still being looked at but the National Trust do not want to cut the trees to allow line of sight.

FN and MM left the meeting at 21:10

NW Gilhams can access Air Band via the East Lynch Pole. HH advised that the East Lynch Pole is a better pole than ours. NW reported that TB in deer is serious. A neighbour had shot 5 all of which had TB but the National Trust are keeping quiet about the situation.

JS There were 106 calls 16 reported as crimes including 1which was a dwelling burglary and 5 thefts from vehicles. JS will email the stats to the clerk for forwarding to Councillors. The Rural Crime Facebook page is to be launched on May 1st.

5. Finance All finance was dealt with at the meeting held immediately before the AGM 6. Election of All Councillors happy to continue in their present roles except the Chairman. Officers New Chairman HH proposed by JD seconded NW AIF. This created a vacancy for vice chair JD proposed by NW seconded HH AIF. 7. AOB KM announced that she would not be standing for re-election next year.

The meeting closed at 21:40

Signed…………………………………………………………………………… Chair Date…………………………….

Signed…………………………………………………………………………… Clerk