Councillor F Barringer-Capp (Chairman) Councillor B Maitland-Walker (Vice-Chairman) Councillor L Bagley Councillor P Mason Councillor P Jaques Councillor S Mew

IN ATTENDANCE: Alan Hemsley (Clerk to the Council) County Councillor Mrs C Lawrence District Councillors M Kravis and P Pilkington

2 members of the public were also present.

1. Comments from the Floor.

Mrs Passmore, from the public gallery, asked for comments on her suggestion for an Art Exhibition later in the year to showcase the creative skills learnt by those living in the Parish during the period of national lockdowns in 2020 and 2021.

Mrs Passmore confirmed that she had staged similar events elsewhere in the West area in recent years and was willing to talk to whoever might help with such an event.

Members were keen to see something like this happen and suggested that Mrs Passmore might like to talk to the Carhampton Art Group, the local Woodcarving Group, the Recreation Centre and the Youth Club to seek their support.

2. Apologies for absence.

The Clerk advised that District Councillor Marcus Kravis would be arriving late due to his attendance at a meeting of the District Council’s Scrutiny Committee.

3. Declarations of Interests and Dispensations

There were no additional declarations of interest to be made by Members at this stage of the meeting.

4. Minutes of Meeting held on 4 February 2021

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2021 having been previously circulated, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

5. Actions and Ongoing Matters from Previous Meetings

(a) Members NOTED the Action Sheet issued after the last meeting of the Council updated to 25 February 2021 (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes)

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(b) Road Safety (Min 5(c)/02/2021

The Clerk advised that it appeared that the Small Improvement Scheme to be undertaken by County Highways was apparently starting in early April with works to the pedestrian safety barriers outside and opposite the Butchers Arms being replaced between 15 and 25 March.

(c) Village Signs (Min 13/12/2020)

Members had been sent a suggestion from the County Highways office for the design of the new 30mph/40mph “Welcome to Carhampton” signs at the entry points to the village on the A39.

Members were concerned that that a drawing of St Carantoc alone on the new sign, without a historical reference, would not provide would mean nothing to visitors to and through the village. Members expressed the view that they would prefer to have an additional sign or signs elsewhere in the village with the drawing of St Carantoc and some historical reference in a similar vein to that on the approach to village.

Members AGREED that the Highways Authority be asked to remove the drawing and substitute the words:

“Welcome to the historic village of Carhampton – Please drive carefully” for the wording on the current proposed design.

(d) SRA Flood Alleviation Works (Min 8(c)/01/2021

The Clerk reported that yellow paint markings had recently appeared in Lane which appeared to indicate the line of surface water drainage and try to ascertain the reason for them.

He had contacted Water, County Highways and Somerset Rivers Authority. Only Wessex Water had replied to date and they were unable to help.

(e) HM Government Cycling and Walking Safety Money Announcement (Min 16/12/2020)

The Clerk advised that at a recent on-line meeting with the County Council and Clerks, mention had been made of SCC working with Carhampton Parish on the cycle path between Carhampton and . Having made that statement in public, it was now clear that design work was imminent.

(f) Butchers Arms Car Park Wall (Min 5(f)/01/2020)

Members NOTED that the hedge around this car park had recently been significantly trimmed and looked a lot better for it.

(g) JPF Hedge Trimmings (Min 4(a)/06/2018)

Members NOTED that no further deposits of hedge and grass cuttings had been found on the JPF and AGREED that this matter be removed from the Action Sheet.

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(h) Old Bus Shelter (Min 18/01/2021

Members noted the recently completed work to remove the overgrowth on the old brick built bus shelter. They were, however, concerned that there were several roof tiles that needed replacing and the guttering needed clearing.

Members AGREED that the Clerk should ask the contractor to return to undertake these works as soon as possible.

6. Co-Option of New Members

Members received and considered a report of the Clerk (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes).

The report provided Members with details of 2 residents in the Parish who had applied to be co-opted to the Parish Council.


(a) APPROVED the co-option of Mr Lee Bagley to the Council;

(b) AGREED that Councillor Bagley should sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office by no later than noon on Saturday 13 April 2021;

(c) AGREED that Councillor Bagley should fully participate in the rest of the meeting;

(d) AGREED that consideration of an application from Bruce Stevens should be deferred pending his being able to meet some Members and/or provide a more detailed explanation of his wish to join the Parish Council and what particular skills, experience or knowledge he might be able to; and

(e) AGREED that consideration of an application from Lisa Overington be considered at the August meeting of the Parish Council at which point she would qualify under the residency rule.

7. Planning

(a) Applications – 3/05/21/003 – Creation of level area for off-road parking for 2no. vehicles within the rear garden (retention of works partly undertaken) – 6 Hill Lane, Carhampton

Members considered this application.

Members were unhappy at being required to consider a retrospective application and that the text of the application form did not correctly reflect the actual situation in respect of the neighbouring property.

Members noted that the application drawing A3 DRNO 004 PROPOSED SITE PLAN- 220763 showed a proposed set of steps leading down from the highway in Hill Lane to the rear garden. However, a photograph taken by the Clerk on 2 March 2021 showed a breezeblock wall approximately 1m high for the full length of that boundary which would preclude the installation of the steps.

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Members AGREED that the Local Planning Authority be advised of the Parish Council’s displeasure at the retrospective application. Whilst the application was not detrimental to the immediate neighbourhood, there were slightly misleading comments within the application relating to the application being complimentary to the adjacent property.

(b) Decisions

Members NOTED that the following Decision Notices had been issued since the last meeting:

(i) 3/05/21/001 – Merlin House, Carhampton Road, – Members also noted that demolition work had commenced on this site.

(ii) 3/05/21/002 – Footlands Cottage, Orchard Road, Carhampton – Listed Building Consent.

(c) Outstanding Applications

Members NOTED that the following applications were awaiting a Decision Notice:

(i) 3/05/20/001 – Land off Withycombe Lane, Carhampton. The Clerk advised that, although the Planning Committee had approved the application on 10 December, no Decision Notice would be issued until the S106 Agreement had been signed; and

(ii) 3/05/20/006 – Garlands, Withycombe Lane, Carhampton.

8. Finance

(a) Expenditure Monitoring

Members received and NOTED the monthly Expenditure Monitoring Report (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes).

(b) Income Monitoring

Members received and NOTED the monthly Income Monitoring Report (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes).

Members NOTED that application had been made to HMRC for a VAT refund but this had not yet been received. If received before the end of March, the total income for the year 2020/21 would exceed £25,000 and, therefore, the Council would be subject to a full audit.

(c) Statements of accounts

Members NOTED the balances of accounts as follows:

(i) Current Account: ...... £3,099.10 (ii) Business Reserve Account ...... £27,434.73

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The Clerk advised that the £6 under-deducted by the bank reported to the last meeting had been corrected by both the Council’s and payee’s banks.

Councillor Mew was authorised to check and sign the Balance Sheet.

(d) Accounts for payment

RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:

Clerk’s salary ...... £440.84 Clerk’s expenses ...... £30.32 Function28 (Website Hosting)(SO) ...... £12.00 CG Thrush – Clearing Old Bus Shelter ...... £320.00 Idverde- New litter bin Park La/Hill View Rd ...... £246.48 MHPF(UK) Ltd – Allotment Rents ...... £113.70 Clean It Windows (March clean)...... £36.00

(e) Transfer of funds

RESOLVED that the sum of £1,300 be transferred from the Business Reserve Account to the Current account to cover these payments.

9. Policy Documents

In accordance with the published schedule Members reviewed the following policy documents:

(a) Asset Register

Members APPROVED the amendments to the Asset Register (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes) subject to adding the two dog waste bins purchased by the Parish Council in 2018 to the list.

(b) Financial Risk Review

Members APPROVED the amendments to the Financial Risk Assessment (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes).

10. Climate Change

Councillor Mew reported that the Climate Change Group had not met since the last Parish Council meeting but was to meet again on Wednesday 10 March.

An item had appeared in the latest edition of the Village News which had resulted in a response from a Mr Grimmett. One of his suggestions required investigation into land ownership. The Group was hopeful of having an item in each edition of the Village News. April’s item would be on reuse and recycling based on information received from Somerset Waste Partnership.

Mrs Passmore, who had spoken earlier in the meeting, would be added to the list of people attending meetings of the Group.

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Councillor Mew had been advised that Idverde was offering bug hotels and bird boxes which had to be placed in public open spaces. This idea would be considered at the meeting on the 10th.

There was also a suggestion of the creation of one or more Nature Walks. One of these could be within the Junior Playing Field.

Members thanked Councillor Mew for her report.

11. Succession Planning – to consider a report of the Clerk (advertisement, letter to potential applicants and timetable)

Members received and considered a report of the Clerk (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes).

The report sought Members’ approval of the following:

(a) Advertisement text;

(b) Advertisement placing;

(c) Letter to potential applicants signed by the Chairman;

(d) Text of application form;

(e) Confirmation of the timetable; and

(f) Initial thoughts on interview arrangements if unable to hold face-to-face interviews.

After discussion, Members

(a) APPROVED the text of the advertisement with the amendments suggested;

(b) AGREED that the advertisement should be placed with the Somerset Association of Local Councils, Indeed and the Job Centre at no cost and with the Society of Local Council Clerks for 2 weeks at an estimated cost of £184 +VAT;

(c) APPROVED the text of the letter to applicants from the Chairman with the amendments suggested;

(d) APPROVED the text of the application form;

(e) AGREED that the timetable marked as “Suggestion 1” on the last page of the report be proceeded with; and

(f) NOTED that interviews for the post would have to be held using Zoom software as had happened with other similar posts in the Town and Parish sector throughout Somerset over recent months.

12. Junior Playing Field Update

(a) Monthly Inspection Report

Members received and NOTED the monthly inspection report (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes). Carhampton Parish Council minutes 4 March 2021 6

The Clerk drew Members’ attention to the state of the uprights of the fence surrounding the slide and suggested that budget provision would need to be made in 2022/23 for replacement works.

The Clerk advised that he had been in contact with the owner of 17 Meadowside regarding the lack of a fence between that property and the field and had been assured that replacement fence panels would be erected during the forthcoming summer.

(b) Replacement Play Equipment

Members received a report from Councillor Bagley giving the results of his canvassing of residents local to the Junior Playing Field.

The report outlined both the concerns and aspirations of local residents for this area and made several suggestions for ways of improving the facilities.

The following points were made by Members:

• Any additional equipment including hard-standing would need landlord’s permission. • The Parish Council would need financial support from outside bodies to implement any major works; such support could come from local companies or charities. • The Youth Club might be encouraged to provide help with setting up a Nature Trail. • The local schools (Dunster First / First / St Peter’s First) should be asked to help canvass ideas especially since there was a popular playground at Dunster. • Members should visit the playgrounds in both Dunster and which were very popular with the residents in those areas to see what provision was made there.

Members AGREED that the Clerk should obtain prices for the types of equipment mentioned in the report for consideration at the next meeting.

13. Unitary Council

Members received and considered a report of the Clerk (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes).

The report updated Members with the progress of the two proposals, One Somerset (by SCC) and Stronger Somerset (by the District Councils) to the extent that the Secretary of State was now consulting on both proposals. The closing date for responses to the consultation was 19 April 2021. The Clerk advised that he would be bringing a further report to the next meeting on the consultation questionnaire.

The report also gave details of work taking place in the Mendip district by Town and Parish Councils in an effort to have a combined approach to whichever model was approved. The Clerk also understood that similar work was beginning in South Somerset district.

The report suggested that Members should press for the immediate resumption of meetings of the Dunster Area Panel which had previously been arranged and clerked by staff from Somerset West and Taunton Council. The Clerk advised that Old Cleeve Parish Council had indicated that it had been pressing for the resumption of these meetings without success.

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District Councillor Peter Pilkington stated that the District Council was keen for these meetings to be convened once more and that he was pressing for this to happen. However, the Covid-19 Pandemic had diverted staff away from their normal duties which made the staffing of such meetings difficult.

Members AGREED that the Clerk should contact the other Parish Councils within the area between and Dunster to canvass support for such a meeting and make any necessary arrangements were the District Council prove unable to do so.

14. Return to face-to face meetings

Members received and considered a report of the Clerk (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes).

The report presented Members with the advice note from the National Association of Local Councils (dated 12 February 2021) which indicated that there was possibly a statutory requirement to return to face-to-face meetings after the current regulations expired at midnight on 7 May 2021.


(a) NOTED the actions taken by the Clerk to secure a suitable meeting place in the Village Hall from June 2021 onwards; and

(b) AGREED to await further information from the Secretary of State.

15. Community Flood Action Plan

Members NOTED that there was nothing to report on this matter at this meeting.

16. Casual Vacancies

Members NOTED that there was nothing further to report on this matter at this meeting.

17. Other Community Organisations

(a) Allotment Association

Councillor Mason reported that, other than the recent wet and cold weather, members of the Allotment Association were happy.

(b) Community Orchard

Councillor Mew had nothing to report from this organisation.

(c) Recreation Ground

Councillor Maitland-Walker had nothing to report from this organisation.

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(d) Youth Club

Councillor Maitland-Walker reported that Luke Ahern was urgently looking at a replacement or repair of the MUGA surface which was currently in a poor state. He was also proposing to look into making a bid application to the Fairfield Foundation Trust for financial assistance towards a new building for the Youth Club.

(e) Heritage Centre

Councillor Barringer-Capp had nothing to report from this organisation.

18. Correspondence:

(a) National Park Authority - Interim Statement of Community Involvement

Members NOTED this document.

(b) Regulation 14 consultation on draft Revised Neighbourhood Plan for West Monkton and Cheddon Fitzpaine.

Members NOTED this document.

(c) Carhampton Parish Art Exhibition

Members had already considered this matter under minute 1 above.

19. District Councillor’s Report

Councillor Peter Pilkington reported on the following matters:

• SWT’s final response to BT’s proposal to remove the public telephone box along Blue Anchor Seafront; • Unitary Council consultation by HM Government; • Area Panel meetings; • Carbon Footprint parish funding; • Rural Funding Digest; • Parish Wild Flower project.

Councillor Marcus Kravis reported on the following matters:

Marina now had a new operator. • The Gascony Hotel in Minehead had been purchased by the YMCA Group for the homeless. • The District Council’s budget for 2021/22 had been approved. • Work was progressing on various Town Centres in the District in preparation for the end of Lockdown. • The District Council had issued a Phosphates Calculator. • Taunton’s Crescent Car Park was currently undergoing repair works. Carhampton Parish Council minutes 4 March 2021 9

• He was pressing officers to pre-empt a repeat of the overnight parking of motorhomes situation that had occurred in the area when the first Lockdown had ended.

20. Motion to Suspend Standing Order 3(x)

At 21:28, in the light of the volume of business still the be transacted, Members APPROVED a motion, moved by the Chairman under Standing Order 10(o), to suspend Standing Order 3(x) for a period of up to 30 minutes to allow the meeting to continue beyond 21:30.

21. County Councillor’s Report

County Councillor Mrs Lawrence reported on the following matters:

• Vaccination numbers in Somerset were high and the programme was moving along at pace. • Second vaccination jabs were to be offered in Care Homes very shortly. • The debacle with the covering of the pedestrian traffic lights in Carhampton earlier in the day had been addressed quickly by Kevin of the local Highways Office following an early call from the Clerk. • Mrs Lawrence was meeting with Andrew Lampart and Helen Smith in the near future in respect of the flooding in Orchard Road and invited Councillor Maitland-Walker to join in that meeting. Councillor Maitland-Walker confirmed her willingness to attend and reported that she had raised the matter earlier in the day at a meeting of the Flood Board. • Flooding problems continued at Footlands Cottage and the new build on land previously owned by that cottage. • Unitary Council consultation being undertaken by the Government.

22. Village News

Members NOTED the Parish Council news article submitted for the March edition of the Village News (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes).

23. Information For / From the Clerk:

There was no information for or from the Clerk.

24. Items for Next Agenda

(a) Casual Vacancy Policy Review – updated in the light of experience

(b) End of Year Audit Arrangements

(c) Precept 2022/23 and subsequent years.

……………………………………………Chairman …………………………..Date ______The next meeting of Carhampton Parish Council will be Thursday 1 April 2021.

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