JOURNAL OF -nor-lf4l"\q_, w.£vt tiJ . wdl~,~~.?HJ~ JEWISH ~TUDIES GEZAVERMES Vol. XXV, No. 2 Half-Yearly Summer 1974 . PROPHECY AND PRIESTHOOD IN jOSEPHUS Joseph Blenkinsopp 239 FROM EXEGESIS TO FABLE IN RABBINIC TRADITIONS ABOUT THE PHARISEES Jacob Neusner 263~- ·THE jEWISH MINORITY IN MEDIAEVAL ENGLAND, Io66-129o Paul Hyams 270~ . THE ARCHITECTURE OF NICOLAUS DE LYRA's TEMPLE ILLUSTRATIONS AND THE jEWISH TRADITION Helen Rosenau 294 • EPILEGOMENON TO PsEUDO-PHILO's Liper Antiquitatum Biblicarum (LAB) Louis H. Feldman 30.) SFORNO AND BEROSSUS Albert I. Baumgarten 313 REVIEWS THOMAS 0. LAMBDIN, Introduction to Biblical Hebrew 316 FRANK ZIMMERMANN, The Inner World c?f Q8helet P. Wernberg-M~ller 317 ZE'Ev FALK, Introduction to jewish Law tif the Second Commonwealth, Part I B. S. Jackson 319 · J. G. GAGER, Moses in Greco- Roman Pananism 323 K. H. RENGSTORF (ed.), A Complete Cimcordance to Flavius josephus, Vol. I 326 H. LINDNER, Die Geschichtsardfassunn des Flavius Josephus im Bellum Judaicum 327 A. ScHAUT (ed.), Zur }osephus-Forschunn Tessa Rajak 32 8 M. GRANT, The Jews in the ~oman World Shimon Applebaum 329 GEZA VERMES, Scripture and. Tradition in Judaism: Hanoadic Studies JacobNeusner 332 GEZA VERMES, jesus the jew-A Historian's Readinnrif the Gospels David Daube 33 2 J. A. FITZMYER, S.J., Essays on the Semitic Backnround tif the New Testament G. D. Kilpatrick 336 Continued overlecif JOURNAL OF JEWISH STUDIES 67 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3BT © 1974 Jewish Chronicle ~blications ~PeE Jaur/J11L ,., ,, THE JEWISH MINORITY IN MEDIAEVAL ENGLAND, 1066-1290 271 The Jewish Minority in Mediaeval England, will obviously imply views about why the Jews were expelled and why they were not readmitted.
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