Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-07-15
PAGE TWO - THB DAILY IOWAN, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 195Z Interlude with Interlandi Chlorophyll ------.......7be Dady /OWa[1 For O·wner TUESDAY, JULy 15 MOUNT VERNON, N.Y. (JP) - Tbe wildly beating heart of when O'Neill Ryan Jr., than an •ope.taa ~, to ..... n. D.U, ..... r.N .. • ....U. • • .,IIe ••• America's new 'darling - chloro adverUsing executive, heard about •• .re....... ..,.,....e.'t .. ... r.., ., phyll - lies within the portals of 014. , ...__ ~.Utiq. Do~ ......a the scientist's work. a smaIL, three-story building in a." ........ e"a fr.. 4 ........ u ..... D.Ul.J: lOW AM IDI1'olUAl. .YUP Sole Licensee tr•• 1 , ...... , ... ..u,. &a.v- ..u., _ ..... : ........ 11 :N .... J:dllDr ................ WUllam cabb1 this semi-suburban community. ~ MknI.m. Edll40r ....... J_plo Mey~ chaste and dIscreetly non-commit Ryan promptly investigated and Call 4191 .... _ w aI.", •• Ne... 1,!JIor .. .......... Rober! H_ tal sign, merely sta tes "The Rys persuaded Lakeland to make him .. ,.•• d ••w ......, ........... AuL Newl Edlto. ........ Jim F~ler tan Company." sole licensee. Then hi! interested ...... ., .. a.......... .. T'. Dad, City I4Jtor ............ Geor,. YOWl, a fellow vice-presiden t of the J. ...... & .......1 .fh.u ......... _- Au·t. City Edltor ........ Don M._ Chlorophyll. as practically _.'eI Ku............... ....... Sporto EdItor ............ Jack Ikndu everyone knows, is the magic Walter Thompson agency, Henry BOdeI, I4JUlr ........... Mary Donal substance that makes plants green T. Stanton Sr., in joining him to "'boerlptloil ..teo - _ ealTler In 10_ form a company and continue re Aorr...... .nUll DAlLr rOWAN IIlIlm.l, HArp and, everyone who buys it hopes, City. U c~n.... .,.kl,. ar .
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