Jury Hits City Officials Rapport Lack
Queen Named as Annual 4-H Fair Opens SEE STORY BELOW Fog, Drizzle Mostly cloudy, patchy ,fog, THEDAHY HOME with rain or drizzle today, high in upper 60s. Clearing tonight, low- near 69. Eair tomor- row, high around 80. i FINAL I8e« Details Pago J) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 2 RED BANK, N. X, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1960 Reports No Criminal Control Evidence;Asks Probe of Court Jury Hits City Officials Rapport Lack -.___„ By WILLIAM J, ZAOBSKI mouth County community." among Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr., Business Administrator business administrator, preferring to make administrative FREEHOLD — A lack of rapport among three Long the special panel spoke critically-of "Long; Branch Mayor Frank Vanore, and Chief Pesano. —and major poliey-decisions himself - , ; Branch city officials is seen by-a Monmouth County Grand Paul Nastasio Jr. for interfering with the routing operations "It appears to be the result of a personality clash, "As a consequence," it continued, "these department Jury as the main reason why the Long Branch police depart- of the police department and the business administrator's jealousies, lack of mutual consideration and respect, lack heads are, either unable or unwilling to make day-to-day ment is impaired in controliing crime and promoting public office. of cooperation, a desire to show who is 'boss,' confusion as decisions which are proper and necessary in the daily con- safety. It also blamed Police Chief Thomas M. Pesano for a to who is responsible to whom, too much irresponsible loose duct of the affair's of the city." The 18-page presentment by the extended grand jury significant share of the inefficient operation of the police talk, threats and counter-threats, passing-the-buck, etc.
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