RED BAJNK REGISTER liiaed Wt.Ur, Entor«J •« SMond-Olaii Msttot at tha Put* VOLUME LII, NO. 5. office tt n.d Bank, N. J, ond.r tb» Alt oj Mereb «. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 16. INDICTMENT QUASHED. A COMING HARVEST HOME, TBOOr GOING TO SEAOIKT. ALL ABOARD FOR CANADA GRAPEGROWERS HOPEFUL MANY NEW BOAT OWNERS; TOWN'S NEW POSTOFFICE, Judge Steinbaeh IMsmlssdi Charge BULKHEAD NEARLY DONE lied Bunk Cavalrymen Will be at Against Justice Kcltli. State Camp Two Weeks. riHIXIFSK GREEN BUYS SPA- HOPE REVIVED THAT IT IS NOT JOB BEING FINISHED AT THE ELABORATE PREPARATIONS AUGUSTUS M. MINION'S BOAT THEY LOOK FOR BETTER An Indictment charging Justlco MADE AT COLT'S NECK. Tho Red Bank cavalry troop will CIOUS BANFIEI.D CRBISEH, FAB DISTANT. Gllbort M. Keith of Fair Haven with FORMER STEAMBOAT DOCK. go to Seagirt August 17th for its an- TO LEAVE SUNDAY, PRICES FOR THEin FRUIT. extortion in that he exacted $6.76 nual encampment and will remain Georgia Dolllvor's Elco Cruiser Taken The Postal Authorities Have Had a from Ellas Ewlng of Red Dank in a It Will Probably bo Completed Next The Harvest Home Will bo Held them until August 31st. The troop The Jean nnd Its Jolly Crew Will Go Co-operative Action Taken by Vln»- in Trade for » Thirty-Foot A. C. F. Topographical Survey Made and motor vehicle violation case last Week—A Pleasant Surprise for tho Thursday Night, August 15th— has 66 members, including three offi- Up the Hudson and Through the j'nrtllstn In Cnliornlrt nnd Other Yacht—Otto Boutell Soils Ben Flip Have Obtained Other Information January when the law permitted feeu Town Officials nnd the Gold Cup Committees Appointed at a Congre- cers. Thirty-threo men will ride to Lakes to St. John—Dolilver Boat to Western States May Have Favor- to Harold Dovlnun. Necessary for Architecture Finns. of but $2.75 was quashed last week Rnce Promoters. gational Meeting of the Church. the camp on horaeback and tho rest Moke Same Cruise. oriiblo Effects Here. A topographical survey of the Red by Judgo Stolnbach. James A, Hen- The work of building tho new Tho promoters of the annual har- will go by bus. Last year the entire The annual trip of Augustus M. Owners of largo vineyards In Mon» Phllllpse E. Green of Sycamore troop went by bus because the horses av«nue, Shrewsbury, bought a spa- Bank postofllco slto at the comer of drlckaon of Red Bank represented bulkhead Is nearly completed at the vest home of tho Reformed church Minton of Fair Haven and his friends mouth county are greatly Interested Broad and Canal streets was made a Mr. Keith. Ho argued that the In- former steamboat property owned by oC Colt's Neck are gratified over the had been sent to Seagirt earlier In the to Canada on Mr. Mlnton'o cabin in co-operative action which has boan CIOUB Kermath cabin cruiser Friday Bummer for the use of tho officers from Jonoph E. Banflcld of tho Ban- short time ago by an engineering dictment was faulty In that It did not the borough of Red Bank at the foot liberal donations made by the farm- cruiser Jean will begin next Sunday. taken In California and other Far firm. This survey was ordered by the charge Justice Keith with willfully of Wharf avenue. Within a week, ers of that locality and by other there. Sunday the troop held a sham In the party with Mr. Minton will be Western states to obtain a fair prif.o field boat worka at Atlantic High- battle In the woods back of Eaton- lands. Mr. Banfleld hurt Iho crulaer national postal authorities and tho taking the ?0.75 from Ewlng and ap- unless something unforsecn develops, people for this event. There Is no his son, Chester Minton, and William for grapes this year. The gl'iipn chief purpose was to get Information propriating tho money to hiB own the job will be finished, according to doubt that tho harvest home will be town. Mcrvin Smith of Long Branch B. Little, Sr., of Fair Haven; and growers of thia section are painfully built about a year ago for. Ills prlvuto is a new member of tho troop. use. A 02-foot yacht is now under for tho assistance of tho architect use. Ho said Mr. Keith had mistak- a statement made by Jesse A. How- nmply provided with vegetables, poul- Charles A. Hawkins, Joseph Salz and aware of what happened laat year, construction for him at Johnson's who will prepare tho plans and spoc- enly fixed tho fees through looking land, who has tho contract for tho try and other farm produce, which Elmer E. Carlile of Red Bank. An- Tho market was glutted and grapes boat worka at Bayhead. Iflcatlons for tho now building. The at an old statute book. work. will not cost tho church one cent, other guest invited by Mr. Minton is brought a lower price than was true engineers mado an analysis of the The rapidity with -which tho work thanka to the generosity of the con- Sheriff Charles W. Morgan of Pasaaic at any tlmo since the close of the Mr, Green's cruiser is forty foot tributors. county, but the sheriff la not sure world war. long and It has an eleven-foot beam. soil and obtained various other nec- is being done is a pleasant surprise CHURCH MADE OVER $800 essary facts. for tho borough officials and for tho The harvest homo Is always the that he will be able to go. Tho promoters of the co-oporatlve It has sleeping accommodatonB for biggest annual event of tho church eight persons. A saloon, 10i4xl2 A few days after tho survey Was WON AN ESSAY CONTEST, promoters of the Gold Cup races. MANY VALUABLE PIECES SOLD The party will be away fifteen days. movement In the Far West claim completed Postmaster William A. The races are to be held on August and elaborate preparations are being The first over night stop will bo that thia was not duo to overproduc- feot, taken up the entire after part of made for it. It will be held Thurs- tho boat. Tho yacht Is one of the Sweeney was asked by the postal au- A PRIZE OF $10 FOR RAYMOND 24th and 25th. The contract was AT SHREWSBUItr FAIB. at Kingston, New York. The desti- tion but was caused by Improper dtov most elaborately equipped boats of thorities to answor a number of awarded to Mr. Howland about day night, August 15th, on the nation on water Is St. John, on the trihutfon and by poor marketing Its class on tho Shrewsbury rlvor. questions relative to thq location of JOHNSON. month ago for $11,000. The need of church property, under tentB and In Mrs. Bobert Dean of Red Bank Richlleu river, and Commodore Min- method.'!. Not only grape growers, sewer mains, electric and telephone having the job done beforo the racea the church chapel. It will be In Bought the Most Beautiful Japan- ton expects to reach that placo in but banks, large business houses and. Lieutenant Harold A. Davlaon of wirca and other things which will Bed Bank School Boy Won the Prize took place was obvious. Mr. Howland charge of the wives of tho consistory- ese Article Offered for Sale—Danc- four days. From there the jolly crew other Interesta have joined the co-op- tho police dopartmont haB bought the havo to bo takon into consideration in a Contest Conducted by the guaranteed that he would do thia, but men. A congregational meeting was ing Was Enjoyed by Young Folks. will go a short distance by bus to erative movement in California to Sea Pup, a 24-foot cabin cruiser for- when tho postomco is built. Mr. Shrewsbury Dairy Company—An- there was anxiety lest he would find held at tho church a few nights ago, Montreal. When they return to the help bring back prosperity to the merly owned by Otto F. Beutell of Sweeney anawered tho questions, to- othor Contest to be Held Soon. it Impossible to do so. Speed wa3 at which plans were mado for the More than 150 persons, including boat they expect to be a lot jollier. grape farmers. Tho national depart- Fair Haven. The Sea Pup Is Mr. Da- gether with a recommendation that not obtained by ruBhing the work, harvest home. The following com- some of Monmouth county's most Mr.-Minton haa been to Canada a ment of agriculture has set ankle a.' vloon's drat boat and ho la spending A prlzo of $10 was awarded to mittees were appointed, tho • first prominent colobrltlco, attended tho tho national government glyo a strip Raymond Johnson of Red Dank last but by employing an extra largo number of times and he says the large sum of money to help flnanco most of his oparo time getting ac- of land to widen and straighten the force of men. Hartson Howland, a name in each case Indicating the annual fair last Wednesday of Christ scenery there is beautiful. .his now movement. The California quainted with tho water and the western end of Canal street, adjacent week aa first prize in an essay con- son of tho contractor, supervised the chairman: Episcopal church of Shrewsbury, one legislature haa passed a series of handling of his boat. Ho will spend test conducted by the Shrewsbury work. of the oldest churches In New Jersey.
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