-'■‘:'T‘ W Jt, :..X. ii .1-^ V j:- -V ■, 1t :l . ■ ,.J. ... ' • '■, ■ • ■' ,' ' ■■''', ,' . '.' /;-■■,> :://■.: ; •W,' :L SATTURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1952 Averat*' Daily Net Pren Run ' The Weather "x FAGB TWELVE For Um weeK Ended m aniriipatpr ^ Draittn H^rolh. X - ■ . ■ * , Foreoaat of U. 8 .-Weuthur Barauu V' :■■■ . X ■ ■ Oct, 1A I96Z tii^ ■nr ,, .. cleudy toUlghL LMit: qousawf. -waa- -based"'On- ;the ■ "don*!' KL673 tw I»Z ^ Tueeduyr-'"purtty ulaedF A B S S t T o ^ " put all your egga In one baaket" Engaged THE A^MY and N A V Y CLUB Member et the Audit and windy, with high In the ndd- Heard Along Main Street philosophy. He theorized that It Bureau uf ClreUlatlone 40a.' he got held up or something, the Manchester-—A City of Village Charm ' M ^ber* of the Hartford Coun­ thief wouldn’t bother to search ’all Hfere Toiiight ______ - ty-f^raU on:.of Democratic Wom- And on Some of Manchester*g Side Streets, Too through the wallet but would only Mi’a CTuba 'ttrho are planning to go take the bills thalt were "showing.” VOL. LXXII, NO. 17 tCtuMlflcd Mvierttalng ua Pagn U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1952 (FOURTEEN PAGES) on the United Nations trip Mon­ His Pel’s Voice » can't sidestep. We've .remained So he kept about 630 or $40 out in Expect 500 'to Attend PRICE nVE CENtS day are re4>'*»ted* to be ready to ’There breathes not a man who ' solvent only by becoming amazing­ "plain sight’! that the CrooK could — ---------------------------- leave from the Community Y on has not at 'one time or another ly agile—a sort of . Red Grange take. Session of Local Group .V..- ■ North Main street at 5:45 a. m. l5«cn..t.ompted to put: a heavy, paw i pitted agai.nst Advertising U., as . W e’ve never .discuased' it. with, ^ e IWi v«n arrive in Hartford at on the horn button when he is 'it were. him, blit we rather think the aya- ■At Hollister Str Schobl 6:15 and will leave there at 6.3^. parked waiting for his wife to say! Another example of the anach- Mra Eleanor Roosevelt will ad­ tem isn’t too clever'. We have a a final good-bye or dab on a final; ronism of our position, we feet, Is hunch the thief would propably Three men and one woman who EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT dress the group between 1 and 2 bit of make-up or most of all to ‘ gadgets. Any 20th-century rnan - travelled down the route of alco­ p. m. in one of the committee take the whole thing. Then there’s STARTING AT 8:15^HARP ‘:'Mtep into the store here a moment; esi^ially an American 20th-cen- alway.s the possibility of-losing holism to discouragement and de­ rooms, and the group is scheduled to get a little something I forgot tur'y man—Is chnsider'ed the ma.s- 20 REGULAR GAMES—3 SPECIALS to attend a Kate Smith TV pro­ the billfold. Then all the money spair but rose again to assume to buy when'I was on Main street i ter of the gadget. Not us. We have goea kaput. gram later. President He.Ien Fitz­ the other day." ' always approached gadgets with J K 'A norma] lives, will be the speak­ patricK requests that all members But that’s neither here nor ers at an open meeting to be held be on time, as the schedule must Mp.sl of us — God bless our the wariness that a Frank Buck there. Our friend went on his va- patienLa'QUla — rcaiat.tfac.tcmpta- . would employ- in--going after a tonight at 8 :30 in the Hollister catton. His system war never' pnt Street^ School auditorium under Uoivand wait quietly that we may lion. , to a tegt, though, because he was communicate, our thougb^ on thcj As a result, whenever^w* Uet the . auspices of the Manchester • Members of the American Le­ never robbed and our angle didn’t Group of Alcoholica, Anonymous. matter calmly and privately (also' backed into a corner bv sofhe ad- A local member will act as chair­ gion Auxillar>’ are reminded of futllely) and not blast them out vertising campaign that is scllmg come into play, either, because he the meeting Monday night at 8 for passers-by to hear. didn’t lose his \vallet. man. - LUCKY LADY^-- ^ gadget, something unfortunate Invitationa' and notices ' have o’clock at the Legion Home, at In this we afe inferior to a is bound to happen. He didh't have a great deal of which Miss Margaret Rogers money anyhow, under present day been sent to .the 65 groups now AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY creature who recently was honking And happen it did. in the different Cities.and towns and Miss Mar>' Anne Martin, forth from his post on the front standards, blit as his vacation pro­ Town Receives United Natioins Flag We had been subjected to the gressed, his funds got lowCr. A l­ in Connecticut as well as to a SaF SERVICE OR who attended Laurel Girls State seat of a car parked on Main usual treatment. Radio, TV, bill­ Want Full last June, will tell of their slay though he wa.s very careful to Hiyllla E. Thompson number of groups in Rhode Island, W E'U DO IT WHILE YOU SHOP street. boards- the works. The process MaasachusetUi and jllew York. *■ there. A dog. uninhibited and unen­ budget his spending, he finally had has sort of- a cumulative effect, to start digging into all his'secret Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson "It. is expected that tonight’s cumbered by polite considerations, and all of a sudden it hit us. And WET WASH FLUFF DRIED Would raise his paw st frequent in­ hiding places to pull out another of Milford, Mass., announce the gathering, the 14th of Ua Kind sines - 30 MINUTES — READY TO W EAR 2 HOURS Benefit of] Misa Nancy K- Fl.scher of .School we knew that wq Just couldn’t.live 620 bill.: Finally, after qriuch engagement of their daughter," the Manchester Ciroup waa inaugu­ street and Richard A, Tyler of tervals and place It deliberately oh without this gadget, that our life to the horn ring. scrimping, he managed to make It Fhyllia Emily Thompson, of 82 rated in November, 1944, will at­ Vernon will bo married this after­ would be a drab one indeed, that back home ^ust as he had emptied OaKlah'd street, to Frederick Ken­ tract at least 500 persona who ■' 7 noon at 3 o’clock In the Concordia He was obviously trying to sum­ we must have it.-So we decided his last hiding place of its last neth Russell, son of Mr. and Mra. are interested in the rehablUtation stock car race when the accldenti' Lutheran Church. mon his master, the driver of the to buy it. FREE PARKING-TELEVISION Colchester, Oct- 20— — 'f bill. He felt’ pretty proud of hia Horace Ruaaell of 71 WelU atreet. program of Alcoholic# Anonymous. The death toll in one of Con- j occurred. car, and obviously the driver was And that's where the trouble budgeting abilities since he came Misa Thqjnpson is a graduate There will' be- no admission Mapla Stroat at Main Strtab—Opposit* Finost (Clifford Young. Jr., died two By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a women. We cannot document began. out just about even. of Northbrldge High School, Whit- chaige, and after the meeting recticut's worst traffic acci-' houri after he, hia father and Pittsburgh, Oct. 20— (/P) Pfc. James H. Hope, and Mrs. this, but wo know. We are certain. We took the thing home with tis — Most of the country’s 375., "St I \ Gen. Dwight 1). Eisenhower, Republican presidential carj- Hope, the former Rosemary Peat- That was all until he went to the insville, Maas., and Is employed at open house will be observed at the 8 A. M. to 9 P.,M. MON., TUES.,JFBI. ^ dents rose to six today, j mother, and Mra. Richard Camille, didate,lirlAtA rAiirltirlAiiconcluded a fVifOAthree Vi4bnt*ahours “ whistleIa stop’’ tour o f Om- A crowd gathered on, the side­ from the drug store where we had library the other night. After se­ the Pioneer Parachute Company. PathICinders' Club, 102 Norman W 8 C lM 8 A. M. to 6 F. M. WED.. SAT Clifford Young. 47, of 34 -Green-1 42. of Gloucester, Maas.,.were ad­ 000 soft coal miners refused field of Strathfield, Australia, are walK' by t he car. The worrien were purchased It, telling ourself that necticut’s shore line today at New London with s e b t i ^ parents of twln'“daughterB, borh lecting his books, h r pulled hl.s li­ Mr. RusacII 'Is now seriflng in street; with everybody welcorae;- fleldatreet, Windaor, died at W. W .! mitted to the hospital Taat night; to " worK today a.s a protest delighted. They thought it a great this case, though a gadget, seemed Refreshments will be served. TEL ^1212 " MANC^TER at Columbus. Oa.. Oct. 10. Pfc. brary card from his wallet.. There the U. S. Army at Fort Belvior. Backus Memorial Hospital, Nor-1 Mra. Margaret Young, 41. has a against the government- that Democrats were conducting a campaign of “feat* snd show—wonderful exhibitionism— so absurdly simple to operate that in the card’s envelope was a'62() Va. He was fohnerly employed wich, of injuries received here last I broKen right leg and multiple falsehoods.’’ Crowds ranging aa<--------------*— . ' nm ■ Hope, who is stationed at Fort just like a lovable child.
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