NEEDLE NETWORK JAN/FEB 2021 Advancing sewing as an art and life skill VOLUME 34, ISSUE 1 President's Message Dear Chapter name (first name only is fine) and contact Members: information (phone and/or email). The ad I’m writing with may include up to 2 pictures. optimism that the new To place an ad, contact Nancy Bensimon year will bring hope at
[email protected]. You will for a speedy end to be asked for your ASG Membership our stay-at-home Number; this will only be used to verify that orders. Zoom is fun, but somehow fails to you are a current member; it will not be fill our need for social interaction. I’m published. learning more about different ways to use I’ve also been contacted by a local hospice Zoom, and hopefully we can learn and organization, Apreva Hospice in San Diego, make it more interesting. Please stay well which is looking for volunteers to make and safe until we can all be together again. memory bears. Please take a look at the I’m holding my breath as to our planned story on page 2 and see if this is something retreat in June. All will depend on the that interests you. success of the vaccine. We'll keep you Be sure to check the list of programs being posted as we learn more. offered by our Neighborhood Groups. In the meantime, our webmaster wants to Check in with the Group Leader if you’re remind you that current Chapter members interested in joining one of their meetings.