

In the Chair : Bob Edward (Chairman) Present : Elisabeth Bletsoe, Curator Members of Museum Council (8) Members of the Association (34) 1. INTRODUCTION 1. Bob Edward welcomed members to the AGM, on behalf of the President. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. Apologies for absence had been received from Jane Edward, Terry Farmer, John Firmin, Robert Gould, Josephine Higgs, Jennifer Huitson, Kate Luxmoore, Charles Napier, Nigel Parkinson, Peter Robson, Tonia Silk, Ann Smith, Mike & Pauline Walker, M Whittingdale. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SIXTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 2nd APRIL 2012 3. These were approved unanimously. 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 4. There were no matters arising. 5. CURATOR’S REPORT, INCLUDING PUBLICITY 5. Elisabeth Bletsoe delivered her Report, which is attached. 6. A request was made for the provision of Sherborne town maps at the museum. 6. TREASURER’S REPORT AND ADOPTION OF ACCOUNTS FOR YEAR ENDING 31.12.2012 7. A copy of Sue Taylor’s Report is attached, along with copies of “Receipts & Payments Account for the Year Ended 31.12.12” and “Statement of Assets & Liabilities as at 31.12.12. 8. Adoption of the Accounts for the year ending 31.12.2012 was proposed by Mary Hickman seconded by Joan Miller and agreed unanimously. 7. BUILDINGS AND SECURITY OFFICER’S REPORT 9. Richard Hickman delivered his Report, which is attached. There were no questions. 8. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY’S REPORT 10. John Lawrie’s Report is attached. There were no questions. 9. STEWARD CO-ORDINATOR’S REPORT 11. Valerie Stevens presented her first Report, which is attached. There were no questions. 10. SALES REPORT 12. This was given by David Mee and a copy is attached. 13. A query was raised on the possibility of a reprint of Gerald Pitman’s “Sherborne Observed”. 11. SCHOOLS’ LIAISON OFFICER’S REPORT 14. George Tatham’s Report is attached. There were no questions. 12. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 15. Bob Edward presented his Chairman’s Report, which is attached. 16. With full agreement, John Randle was granted Honorary Life Membership for his outstanding contributions to the re-furbishment and decoration of the museum shop and galleries. 17. Marguerite Backhouse was similarly granted Honorary Life Membership for her past services as Steward, Sales Officer and Member of Council. 13. APPROVAL OF ELECTED OFFICERS 18. The following appointments were approved unanimously :  Secretary ………………………………. David Mee  Treasurer ………………………………. Sue Taylor  Membership Secretary …………………John Lawrie  Steward Co-ordinator………………….. Valerie Stevens  Hon Buildings and Security Officer……. Richard Hickman  Hon Schools Liaison Officer ……………George Tatham 14. ELECTION OF COUNCIL MEMBERS 19. The Secretary announced that in addition to the vacancy notified, Council wished to increase the number of Council Members by 1. Two names had been formally proposed and seconded and it was agreed unanimously that Katherine Barker and John Spencer be elected to Council. 15. APPOINTMENT OF HONORARY EXAMINER 20. Robin Wright was appointed Honorary Examiner of the Accounts 16. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 21. John Spencer advised the meeting that approval should be sought to change the names of the Trustees of the Museum Freehold Properties, three of whom had died. Unanimous approval was given. 17. CLOSING REMARKS 22. The Chairman, Bob Edward, informed members of 3 forthcoming visits to historic buildings, arranged by Sherborne Historical Society, to which they were invited. 23. The meeting closed at 3.03pm, when members were invited back to the museum for tea and cakes.

REPORTS GIVEN TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON MONDAY 25th MARCH 2013 OPENING ADDRESS FROM THE CHAIR. Thank you all for coming here and a special thank you to the Family History Society for allowing us to use this fine chamber. The museum has now been in operation for 47 years. I take this opportunity of saying a big thank you to our predecessors who have got us to this stage in such fine fettle. In particular our last Curator, Judy Nash, and the last two Chairmen, Sue Taylor and Elisabeth Bletsoe.

Bob Edward CURATOR’S REPORT TO AGM 2013 Outreach: outreach work continued in the form of loans boxes to schools and also taking boxes of artefacts and photographs to the Alzheimer’s Society at the Memory Cafe in the Catholic Church Hall, Westbury. I have been asked to continue by the Sherborne society who are now taking over the venue, and also the Yeovil and branches. We have also started a similar venture at the Countrymen’s Club, a group of retired farmers, at Rylands Farm, Holnest, a scheme run by Future Roots. We also participated in an International Volunteers’ Day arranged by the Douzelage Committee, where volunteers from other countries were able to visit the Museum itself and a stall with others in Digby Hall. The Museum was able to display photographs of the Volunteers at work on this occasion, which enabled the public and foreign visitors to see what the Team does, as well as celebrating the Team’s input. We have forged a relationship via the exchange of newsletters with the Museum of Woodcarving and Sacred Icons in Tryavna, Bulgaria.

Education: We continue to provide volunteering work for local students. During the summer, pupils from the Gryphon School came to work with Margaret Townshend on the Sensory Trail and contributed many creative ideas. We also had a young man from the Boys’ School for a work experience placement and currently two boys from that school who are working through the community aspect of their International Baccalaureate. They have helped create loans boxes and displays including the Remembrance Day window and the pharmaceutical exhibition currently in the Gibb Room. The Museum also achieved the “Learning Outside the Classroom” Quality Badge in October 2012. We have also signed up to the “Kids in Museums” manifesto and are aware of the need to consider children in all aspects of future planning.

Refurbishment: after applying for £1000 from the ACE funding stream Small Grant: Big Improvement and with aid from WDDC, the shop has had a total refit with appropriate displays and retail shelving. In keeping with this action it was decided to repaint the whole interior of the museum and I wish to thank every volunteer who assisted in realising this vision of a lighter, brighter, more efficient and aesthetically pleasing museum, but in particular Richard Hickman and John Randle who gave many hours and without whose skills it would have been almost impossible. Thanks also go to David Tuffin who led the project on the digitalisation of photographs and is responsible for another new feature, the touch-screen database and podium in Gardner, with aid from the 106 Fund. Explanatory text has been updated and unified, with booklets of extra information being provided. There is now a children’s corner in every gallery, including in the Gardner Room where it also incorporates the Sensory Trail Box which is furnished with educational toys designed to stimulate development and imagination, funded by £400 from LINk.

Forward Planning: Regular meetings have now been established, with all welcome to attend. All our policies are being continually updated, including the Emergency Plan, Risk Assessment and Collections Development in line with ACE requirements. We aim to create a resilient and sustainable museum and as such have resolved to give priority to donations from our catchment area after careful consideration as to how the acceptance of any item will affect the care of the whole collection. We have the benefit of a new Museums Development officer, Vicky de Wit, who is very proactive and has pledged to support the smaller museums in creating their policies and pointing them towards new funding streams.

Publicity: The website has been modernised and contains new features such as a members’ only area, facilities for the visually impaired, our sustainability policy and our mission statement. The Museum has its own Wiki page and is on Trip Advisor and various other sites such as Wide Cow, Culture 24 and the Sherborne Town Website. The contribution to the Dorset Museums Association website has been upgraded and we continue to be included in their publicity and also in the North Dorset Museums Association leaflet. We are on Facebook and are considering publishing a blog with day-to-day museum events. I am working on a new leaflet that will advertise the museum at the various heritage stations throughout the town and beyond. Elisabeth Bletsoe TREASURER’S REPORT TO AGM 25 MARCH 2013 Placed on chairs you will find the double-sided paper showing the “Receipts & Payments Account for the Year Ended 31.12.12” and “Statement of Assets & Liabilities as at 31.12.12”. 1. I shall start by briefly explaining : a. the designation and purpose of the different funds, emphasising that the General Fund is the one used for the day to day operation of the Museum i.e. its running costs, and is run to an annual budget fixed by Council at the beginning of the financial year. b. how to read the double-sided finance sheets . 2. The projects achieved this year have been funded from general income, other donations and grants from WDDC, DCC and Culture 24. 3. General Fund ended within budget with a small surplus, due in part to increased income but also due to the prudence of budget holders and to the dedication of all the volunteers who aim to save money wherever possible. 4. Both Cash Balances and Total Assets ended with an increase on 2011. 5. Available at the AGM for scrutiny is one copy of the complete “Annual Report and Accounts of the Trustees for 12 Months Ended 31st December 2012” which contains the Notes to the Accounts giving details of income and expenditure. This will shortly be available in the members’ area of the website (or contact the Hon Sec). 6. I thank Robin Wright for examining the Annual Accounts. 7. Faced with rising costs, which hit both the Museum and its potential visitors, I would like to think that we could ensure a steady income to General Fund for the day to day running of the Museum, for 2013 and following years, by attracting more people to become members of the Museum in order to support its work. 8. I will be available to answer any questions afterwards. Sue Taylor BUILDING AND SECURITY OFFICER’S REPORT TO AGM 2013 The Building Structure and Fabric – You will recall that last year I mentioned we would be refurbishing and painting the exterior woodwork and rendering. Regrettably this work did not get done due to the very poor weather. I hope that we can get it done this summer.

The Flat – I am pleased to be able to report that the Boys School have again been renting the Flat, moving in a teacher immediately last year’s American student teacher returned to the USA.

Things Electrical – Last year I reported that a further project was in hand to create an inventory of all portable electrical equipment and to conduct and record the related safety tests. The inventory has been completed. It is a subset of a complete inventory of everything in the Museum that is not an artefact. Over the coming months the necessary testing will be undertaken.

Museum Refurbishment – this programme was to re-vitalise the public spaces, and to improve the retail space. It was begun immediately after the stewards’ and volunteers’ Christmas party and as you will see after this meeting, it has not only transformed the place but it is complete as well. Many thanks to all the volunteers who have lent a hand, especially, and without whom it would not have got done, John Randle. Richard Hickman MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY’S REPORT TO AGM 2013

As at 31.12.12 the Membership of the Association was made up of: Ordinary (Annual) Members 194 Honorary Life Members 18 Life Members 80 To give a final total Membership of 292

In the course of 2012 we gained: New Members 49

Sadly, we lost the following from our membership: Retired 7 Deceased 11

It remains our policy to ask all new members to pay their subscriptions by Banker’s Order in order to reduce the costs of the process of collecting them. The signing of Gift Aid forms is encouraged as this enhances the Museum’s income at no additional cost to the member. John Lawrie


There are currently 30 regular stewards and 14 reserves with four new volunteers about to be trained. Responses to adverts in the Western Gazette are as high as those on the Volunteers’ centre in Dorchester. We were also joined at various times by ‘work experience’ students from local schools and Yeovil College who were able to make valuable contributions. We also have on the Team those who have learning difficulties, who are growing in confidence before seeking long-term employment, alongside two students from the Baccalaureate. The Community Lunch Recruitment Days have generated a lot of interest. While most of the staff are CRB checked I am hoping to attend a workshop relating to this matter in order to acquaint myself with current government guidelines for low-risk institution. Each member of staff, however is made aware of our robust child Protection Policy & Health & Safety regulations. Stewards continue to integrate with the research /support group to form one co-operating and efficient team. Valerie Stevens


The Museum Shop had a very successful year, with sales of almost £2,900, up by 12% on 2011. We spent less than £1,000 on goods for sale and salaries of sales staff amounted to zero. We had £2300 worth of stock in reserve as at 31st December, which gave us a very healthy balance sheet. More new books were sold last year, partly due to publication of “The Sherborne Motorist” and “Reminiscences of Sherborne Courts”. Remaining stocks of “The Sherborne Missal” sold out. Sales of locally produced Museum Abstracts were also up on previous years. More than 450 secondhand books were sold during the year, which included two book sales. The initial stock of Sherborne Museum teatowels sold out towards the end of the year and a second order was placed. “Birds from Sherborne Missal” notelets continued to sell well. New Christmas cards featuring external views of the Museum and Abbey were very popular with 75% of the stock selling. In the summer, museum members brought in plants to sell and all went quickly at modest cost. In total more than 1600 items were sold during the year, with roughly a quarter being secondhand books and a quarter being postcards and greeting cards. Thanks are expressed to all sales stewards for their efforts and especially to David Tuffin, for taking on the shop responsibility for the last 3 months of the year. David Mee SCHOOLS’ LIAISON OFFICER’S REPORT TO AGM 2013

The past year has seen strong contributions and displays from the Abbey Primary School, Sherborne School and Sherborne Girls on, respectively, the Queen’s visit in 1977, a history of Olympians at the boys’ school and a retrospective look at games-playing at the girls’ school. This year’s displays feature presentations on Sherborne’s long-standing silk industry by the Abbey Primary School based on a successful visit to the museum and the relationship between Sir John Horsey of Clifton Maybank and Sir Thomas Wyatt (both buried in Sherborne Abbey) presented by four girls from The Gryphon School. It is hoped to encourage more visits by local schools as the museum has a wide variety of local history resources available. I should like to record my thanks to John Firmin and the Museum Officers for their input and support. George Tatham CHAIRMAN’S REPORT TO AGM 2013

The museum building is owned by the museum and the equity is held in trust for us by nominated Trustees. The trust was set up to have five trustees. Regrettably three have now died. I have asked Mrs Dyer, one of Battens associates, to look into the matter and propose a solution. John Spencer, one of our volunteers is a lawyer and he is currently examining the possible solutions for us. Richard Hickman has reported on the building. He has been a most dedicated caretaker of the property spending a vast amount of time and effort on all the aspects of property ownership. He has organised, directed, recruited the volunteer labour and done a vast amount of physical work in the just about to be completed redecoration. We are all most grateful to him and to John Randle who has been the genie of the operation. He has given us a great many hours of thought and skilled labour. Our President has proposed that John be given honorary life membership. Additionally we rent a room in this building from the Family History society to whom we are most grateful, not only for letting us the space but also for allowing us the use of this chamber from time to time and their overall general helpfulness. The entrance to the Museum is the shop. For the last five years this has been managed by Marguerite Backhouse. She has been a loyal member of the Council over those years and we are sad to have had to accept her resignation. Your Council wish to make her an honorary life member of the Museum, as an expression of gratitude for the dedication and devotion she has given to us. David Mee is our invaluable Secretary. He runs our administration, and manages your chairman, brilliantly. Wherever there is a gap David fills it. Currently he is responsible for the shop while recruiting a replacement for Marguerite. I personally owe him a very great debt of gratitude. Our financial state as you have heard from our worthy Treasurer is sound and well balanced. I am most grateful to Sue for all her meticulous work. That she does the News Letter, and provides guidance all around is quite wonderful. The money for projects and for running the museum all has to be raised. Our President is the lynch pin of this aspect. A master craftsman in the art of begging. We owe both Sue Taylor and John Firmin a great deal of gratitude. I wish to take this opportunity to express our thanks to our benefactors. Those private people who have given their own money to the museum as well as those public bodies, charities and businesses that have given to us. We will never publicly divulge how much money has been given unless specifically asked so to do by the donor. We rely entirely on donations for all our projects. Please remember this Museum in your will. The artefacts which form the raison d’être of the museum are displayed, exhibited, conserved, stored, recorded, catalogued, talked about and used by the Curator. All the programmes, maintenance of our accreditation status, management of the website and almost everything else is the responsibility of the Curator. To me this is her museum and what a joy it is to Sherborne and all of us. Elisabeth is quite wonderful in the role. Finally People. The museum Membership should be far greater and I beg you all to recruit more members. Surely everyone who loves Sherborne and its heritage should join. The Volunteers, are our life blood as all the work is done by us, Curator, Council members, Conservators, Administrators Stewards, Cleaners, Maintainers, Researchers, Garbage removers et al. The primary aim for us all must be to enjoy ourselves, and to feel that we support a worthwhile part of our heritage and Sherborne’s charm Bob Edward CLOSING REMARKS.

Our parent organisation Sherborne Historical Society are opening their visits to our members. The visits for this summer are :- Inwood House, Afternoon tour 21 May Exeter Customs House & Ugbrooke Park on 18 June Stanway house Cheltenham 10 July Further details from me. And finally we invite you all back to the Museum to see the new shop, redecorated spaces, new exhibition and for Tea and Cake. As you go kind Alec Oxford has a collection plate out of which Elisabeth hopes to pay for it. THANK YOU Bob Edward