THE PENNANT September 2014 Edition No. 464

PLEASE WILL ALL CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PENNANT TAKE NOTE We will need your items for the OCTOBER Pennant by 6:00pm on the 10th of September. This change will only affect the October edition.

HARVEST FESTIVAL There will be a service on Sunday 5th October at 3:00pm in the barn at Wyke Farm. This will be followed by tea and a sale of gifts. Everyone welcome.

ALL OUR YESTERDAYS 2 September 1666: Start of the Great Fire of London. 5 September 1914: Battle of Marne begins. 27 September 1901: Collection in for Dr. Barnados (Western Gazette).

BECKLEY NEWS DELIVERY SERVICE Established 30 years. We continue to deliver all morning newspapers and magazines to addresses in Bradford Abbas, Silverlake, Wyke , and Clifton Maybank , 7 days per week. Orders or enquiries can be placed on our answerphone on 01935 - 814287, or emailed to us at [email protected] We live in , and we look forward to being of service to you. Joe.and Barbara Herbert.

BRADFORD ABBAS ART GROUP In the Bradford Abbas Village Hall from 2:00 - 4:00 pm every Monday. All mediums of art - any age and level of ability. Come and join our friendly and relaxed sessions. £3.00 for a 2 hour session. For further information, please contact Karen on 07718 - 192298.

BRADFORD ABBAS GARDENERS'CLUB Our talks programme starts again on Friday 5th September at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. Our speaker is Gill Hazell who will give a talk on 'Classic, Rare and Unusual Bulbs'. There will be the usual Raffle, Refreshments and Sales table. Donations of plants, seeds, etc., would be most welcome. Everyone is welcome and your first visit is free.

BRADFORD ABBAS mSTORY SOCIETY We return to meetings in the village hall for the autumn. Our September meeting will be held on Tuesday September 30th at 2.30pm. The speaker will be Rosemary Maw, one of the archaeologists from Dorchester Museum, who will speak on Medieval Pottery. A sizeable collection of this colourful ware has been found at Sherborne Castle, which Rosemary has been researching. New members are always welcome. BRADFORD ABBAS PARISH COUNCIL If residents have any concerns regarding local council issues they should in the first instance contact the Parish Council. The principal contact point is the Clerk to the Council, Tricia Chapman (Tel: 01935 - 473833) [email protected] or otherwise the Chairman, Derek Hayward (Tel: 01935 - 422721). Or you can also contact any of your other councillors: Lynne Bennett; Steve Longden: Diane Coffin; Terry Hunt; Alison Hodgson or Ian Davis. You can check local issues currently under consideration by reading the Parish Council minutes, which are posted monthly on the Council notice board near the church, but the council is proposing to also make these available in the near future on the Village Hall website

BRADFORD ABBAS SPORTS & RECREATIONAL CLUB (Tel: 420575) Senior Citizens Thursday Lunch dates for 2014: II th September; No lunch in October; 6th November. Every Mouday Night is BINGO - starting at 7:30pm. New Members always welcome. Firework Extravaganza + LIVE music - Saturday 1st November 2014. Bradford Abbas Cycle Club: Still time to meet up on a Wednesday before the weather gets colder - remember we do have a Facebook site so do join up. Bowls at the Club LATE NEWS! It has not gone unnoticed that there has been bowls played on the magnificent 'Malcolm's Green'. Whilst this has been on a rather ad-hoc basis, to play in such a beautiful setting with the magnificent countryside rolling away is both a joy and privilege. As the seasons change there is a hope that we can play 'short mat' bowls inside, and by the time you read this we may have had the chance to borrow some of the equipment to alJow play in the skittle alley. If you wish to give it a try then give me a call. John Penny 476767

The Club Function Room can be hired for Private Parties by members FREE of charge. This includes full use of the kitchen facilities (conditions apply). Full discos can be provided, as can karaoke or just background music. For bookings contact the Club.

BRADFORD ABBAS VARIETY CLUB Congratulations to all of the Variety Club members who under extreme circumstances managed to produce an excellent show. Because of your commitment and endeavours we were able to give away a total of £1 ,570.00 Please note that the A.G.M. and Planning Meeting for the 2015 show will be held at the Sports Club on Saturday 13th September at 6:00pm prompt. Everyone is welcome to come and join us, whether it is on the stage or involvement with the production, or as a committee member. Please do come along and be part of our show, helping to raise funds for our local charities. Your support will be much appreciated.

BRADFORD ABBAS VILLAGE HALL Bradford Abbas and Clifton Maybank Village Hall has a website where you can see the hall diary together with details of how to book the hall. The site will also grow to include information about the many and varied clubs and organisations that use the hall, together with information on their own events and how to get involved. The Pennant is also available to read online at the halls' website - follow the link from the home page or go to Bookings for the hall are now being organised through Trevor Jacklin on 07980 - 487431.

BRADFORD ABBAS VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The AGM will be on Wednesday the 15th October at 7:30pm. We welcome any village member or anyone using the hall to attend. At this meeting Ruth Jacklin intends to step down as chairperson due to other commitments. We are looking to fill this role and also gain other committee members as we move towards beginning our refurbishment. The hall is a community resource but cannot run without support. Please think about volunteering some time to help the hall to function and move forward in its goals. Any help gratefully received, even if you cannot join the committee but are maybe willing to take on a particular task.

BRADFORD ABBAS WOMEN'S INSTITUTE We resume our usual programme on Tuesday 16th September at 7:30pm in the Village Hall, with a talk by Mr Christopher Forester on 'Pacing the Stones - Victorian Police'. The competition will be Flower ofthe Month. Don't forget our special event: on Tuesday 23rd September, 2:30pm - 4:30pm in the Village Hall, in memory of Phil Holden there will be a sale of her craft work and materials donated to the WI by her family, consisting of completed items, craft materials, tools and lots of fabric pieces - proceeds to go to charity. There will also be tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits. Further information from our Secretary, Debbie Rylands 0] 935 - 473334.

FRIENDSIDP CLUB We had a very jolly meeting in August. Thank you Cynthia for your poems they were great fun. Our next meeting will be on 2nd September in the Village Hall at 2:00pm. If you have a favourite childhood item, i.e. a teddy, doll or toy, bring them along. We are having a party. New members will be very welcome.

GARTELL LIGHT RAILWAY The penultimate open day for 2014 is on Sunday 28th September. The one after this is on 26th October and the clocks go back the previous evening! Do make a point of coming to see us this year if you haven't done so already this year. John Penny 476767

KEEPING IN TOUCH. Our next get together will be in the Coffee Shop at the Village Store on Tuesday 9th September from 2:00pm until 4:00pm. Our first get together there for our August meeting was very successful.

MOBILE LIBRARY 2014 The Mobile Library van will call at 21 Ambrose Close on:- Tuesday 9th and 23n1 September between 2: lOpm - 1:OOpmand At the Rose & Crown car park and on.- Wednesday 3rd and 17th September between 2:40pm - 3 :20pm.

PERSONAL MESSAGES A heartfelt thank you to all our beautiful friends and family who helped us celebrate our Silver Wedding last month. We were overwhelmed by your fabulous company, good wishes and lovely gifts. Thank you all so much. Andrew and Karen Mellish.

SHERBORNE BRADFORD ABBAS CAMERA CLUB Tuesday 9th September: AGM and Holiday photographs Tuesday 23rd September: an evening with Lynne Newton (an external speaker) We meet on the second and fourth Tuesday in the month in the village hall at 8pm. All are welcome to our meetings.

SKITTLES The 'Rams' skittle team are still on the look-out for one or two new players. Commitment more important than ability, but being half-reasonable might well help. We play at the Rose and Crown as our home alley in the and District Sports Skittle League (Fridays in the Winter) John Penny 476767

THE ROSE AND CROWN - your local pub (474506) th September 6 : Wise Intentions - 9:00pm start th Saturday 20 : Rip It Up Saturday 27th: Guy Johnston th Sunday 28 : Quiz Night - come and join the fun! Tuesdays: 2 main meals for £19.95 Thursday Evenings: 2 x Rump Steaks and a Bottle of Wine for £25.00 Friday Lunch Time: Fish, Chips and Peas + a pudding for £6.95 Thursday Afternoons: we are in the Village Hall from 2:00pm until 4:00pm; Cream Teas with all proceeds to charity. Monday to Thursday - buy 5 pints of live ale and get one free! Start thinking about Christmas! Menus will be out soon. Bookings only, parties welcome. Don't forget - eat a main meal on a Monday and get a draw ticket for a chance to win a free carvery. Thank you for your continuing support - Mary and the team.

THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL 2014 If anyone would like to help with the RBL Poppy Appeal, House to House collection, in the village, please contact Peter Webb on 01935 - 426592. VILLAGE STORE AND COFFEE SHOP (507008) A massive thanks to everyone who joined us to celebrate our J year anniversary. A lovely time was had by all enjoying great local food and catching up with friends. Don't forget we now offer free home delivery via our online shop www .bradfordabbas viIIagestores .comershoponline Due to the success of our new fruit and veg section we will be introducing veg boxes, offering customers a weekly selection of fresh seasonal fruit and veg available in 2 sizes. A great way for you to stay healthy and support your local shop. Open Monday - Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm; Saturday 8:00am -I :OOpmand Sundays 9:00am - 12 noon. For the latest news and offers follow us on Facebook.

BEER HACKETT IN SEPTEMBER Don't miss our Harvest Celebration on Saturday 27th. Our Patronal and harvest thanksgiving service in church At 5:00pm will be followed by the party of the year!!! Brotherwoods are hosting our supper at 6:00 pm. Pork roast supplied by Terri at the Kings Arms. music Katy and Miles "Wandering Winds". Skittles. harvest quiz and raffle. Fun for everyone, friends and family. Tickets from Ellwoods, Bradford Abbas stores or on the door. £5 for supper and IS' drink. Children under 10 free. Enquiries - 01935872217. Church maintenance day Saturday 13lh: If you will not be "Riding and Striding", please come and lend a hand. We had a good quinquennial report on our church building condition but there are many cleaning. polishing. woodwork oiling. tidying and churchyard jobs to do. Any time from 10:00 onwards. It would help planning if you could let John know when and what you can do. Thank you. 01935 - 872217.

YEOVIL RAILWAY CENTRE AT YEOVIL JUNCTION Friday 5th September: Steam Dreams 'Atlantic Coast Express' Day 1, London Waterloo to Exeter passing through Yeovil Junction. Times not yet available. Sunday 7thSeptember: Steam Train Day Monday 8th September: Steam Dreams' Atlantic Coast Express' Day 4, Exeter to London Waterloo to passing through Yeovil Junction. Times not yet available. Sunday 21"' September: Steam Train Day On Steam Train Days our Andrew Barclay 0-4-0 steam engine 'Lord Fisher' gives train rides along the 1/3rd mile of the ex-Great Western Railway Clifton Maybank branch. Passengers travel in historic brake van vehicles or coach. Trains run every 20 minutes (except for a lunch break). For further information see our website

ST MARY'S CHURCH SERVICES FOR SEPTEMBER Sunday 7th 12thSunday after Trinity 10:00am Patronal Village Communion Sunday 14th 13thSunday after Trinity 11:OOam Matins and Holy Communion Sunday 21't 14thSunday after Trinity 8:00am BCP Holy Communion 6:30pm Evening Prayer Sunday 28th 15thSunday after Trinity 9:30am Family Service

FROM THE EDITOR Items for inclusion in the October 2014 edition of The Pennant must be received no later than 6:00pm on 10th September 2014. Please address your items to Mrs Lynne Penny. at the following address: 12 Wessex Drive, Bradford Abbas, Sherborne, DT9 6SH, or alternatively e-mail us as follows [email protected]

N.B: Please note that an e-mail sent to The Pennant does not necessarily mean that it has been received. We will always reply to an email sent to The Pennant - no reply means that we haven't received your message.

All items must be written, or typed, clearly and should include a contact name and telephone number in case there is a query. Without these details we are unable to include your message.

Printed by J.H. Haynes & Co. Ltd. as a free service to the community.