Vol. X. NEW YORK $ CHICAGO, SEPTEMBER. No. 9. Twelfth Annual Meeting of the New York State Association, and until recently secretary and treasurer of Street Railway Association. the Atlantic Avenue Railway Company, Brooklyn. Ex- ecutive Committee: John N. Beckley, president of the The twelfth Annual Meeting of the New York State Rochester Railway Company, Rochester; Daniel F. Lewis, Street Railway Association, as already announced, will be president of the Long Island Traction Company, Brook- held at Syracuse on Tuesday, September 18, 1894. The lyn; Charles Cleminshaw, president of the Troy City Rail- place of meeting is Yates Hotel, and the Association will way Company, Troy. be called to order at 10.30 a. m. A number of street rail- According to our custom, we take pleasure in pre- way and supply companies have signified their intention senting on this page a portrait of the president of the of being represented, and Association. Mr. Has- an excellent meeting may brouck is a veteran in be expected. street railway busi- Two papers are to be and few men are read at the meeting, both r known among the of which are by engineers t railway managers who are recognized as he State. He has authorities upon the sub- a regular attendant jects on which they will of the State Association treat, and both promise meetings, and has also to be very interesting. attended many meetings The first paper will be of the National Associa- by Maj. G. W. McNulty, tion, where his opinions at present chief engineer when expressed have of construction for the been listened to with work of the Metropolitan such attention and re- Traction Company, the spect that he has been subject being " Recent termed the Nestor of the Improvements in Cable street railway business in Traction." Major Mc- New York.
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