The I Niskzn-Chinitna Peninsula District, Alaska
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Bulletin- 789 THE I NISKZN-CHINITNA PENINSULA ANDTHESNUGHARBOR DISTRICT, ALASKA BY FRED H. MQFFIT ENITIFXI RTATEB OQVERNMmNT HtEF1TlSG OFFICE: WABHINGMN 1P27 _\DDfTIONAL GOPIE8 or 'IH1B PVBLICATIOLf HAY BE PIIOcrn~mom TBE WPgBmHDmT OY OOV%BNYENT mmm om WAEHWBMH, D. C. I AT m CENTe PER OOPY CONTENTS Geopphy-,---,,-----------------------.-------------,,----c B The c~astZina.---------------------.--~--~.,-~-----,--,-- Darimge,,,,--,-r-,--I.-------.,I-------,--------------- Routes sad t&-- - - ---- ------ --------,----- -------- ---+- Timber and vegetation,, ,, , - - - - - - - - -- -.- - - - - - - ,- - --- - - - - - - Gsme-,,-,,,-------,-------,,--------------------------- Mriptiva lo^-------------,,--------------------,---,--- Strati~phy-~---------------------~~----,-~-----------,- Fol-mntCona in the area-, ,, ,, ,,----- -.-- - --- - --- ---- - -- bwer Judc(7) rocks- - --,-----,.. , ----,- -,-,-,, - ,,, Middle Jureeaic rocked, - -- ,,-,-------------------.---- Tu~ednisandstOne----------,,,-,,-,,--------.-~-- Character and dietrCbution -,,---,-*-- -. -,, Thieknem and structure-- ---.-----,-,.,-.,---- Aee and camlation-, ,,-,-- --*------- ,- ------- - Intm~iverocks in the Tunedel %~ildstone--:I, . - Uppet Juras~licrcrcka- - -------,,,.__-,-------------,------ ChinitnasMe-----.I--------,----------------d-+-- Character and di~tributlon--, ,- ., - .- - - - - ,--, - -, Thicknsm nnd dructum l---,,.-------,.I------ Age and correlation,, ,----- ---- ----- - ,-------- Mdnek formation- - - - A ,--------. -- ---, ,,-,- ,,- - -- Character snd subdividona ,,-,,,a,,-----,-,-,, C hisik conglomernEe member- - - -,- - - - -., , - - - - - - Lithology----,..-----------,--,---,-,,-,--,,* lntrrrdcd igneous rocks, ,-----.,----,-,,-----,- Ape and cordation- -,---,,ti+,----- --- - --:a*-- Quaternsry deposlte- ,--, ---, ---- - ---.-- -,-,,,- --.,-. -, 8tmcture-- ,, -,--- --- - ----,- - -.---, ,,-- --- ---- ---,,,,:- -- ~saiod~hi* ,,,,,,-,-,,+----,,------ ------,-,,,---,------, Mineral mourn, ,------ --- ---. - ---+,, .--- ----- ---- -,,,- ----- PehoIe~m,,---,.-,-,---,-------------,~-------------~~-, 8eew---,.---------------.,------------,-.----,---. Explorstion and dtlllhp- -,- ,--- -- .- ,,---,, .--- ---,,-1, Character of the oil - - - , - - - - - - -,,, - - - -,- - - - - - - - -,- - - -- Occurrenae of petroleum, -- ----,,------ -. , - ---,.,,-- --- Condition~in the vicinity of Tuxednf Bay (Snug Harbor) ,, Tmn-*----,---*,-.---~-----------------~-----------,--,* Other minerals- -- ,----,-.,,--,,,,,-- - --,- - ---------- * --- - m CON- The Snug Harbor dimtrict, Alnaka- ,--,--------------,--,,,-,,,,---.- Intrduction,,,,,---,----,,-,,---------,,--,-,,---,----,,,,-. Location ~rndarea-, ,,, ,,---------------------,---,,,---,- OutZine of geogrsphy,,,---,--.----,-,,----,---------,-,,-- kriptive -logy ---,,,--,.---------,---------------,,------ Stratimphy-,,,----,.---.,-_,,-------------,,++--------- Character of the rooks- ,,, ,-- , - - --,,,--,-- - ------ -- -- _ - --- . Lower Jude(I) mkar-, ---,-,,--+------------------, Middle Juraeeie mob,, -,-----,---"----- ------------- Tuxednisandatone-.--.--------------------,------ Upper Jurasaic sockg--- .,-,.-------------------------- Chinitna shale- ,--, .-, .,,- ,- - ,- - ,- - - -- ------------ Nskoek fom~tltion,----,-*-------+---------+------ Tertiary rock~-----,,--,--.,-----,,-----_----- Quaternary deposit@-,, , , , , . , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - Btructure-----..:------,----------,,-..,------------------- Historical and economic geology ,,,.--,,-,..--,,-.,,---,-------- Index --2---u--------- *----------------------,I --------------- ILLUSTRATIONS lm Ptam 1. Tcqmgmphic map aP the InfaBln-ehinitna Peninsula ,,,,,,, In pocket. 2. WlogIc map of the Inhkh-Chinlha PenInmIa--,-,-,,,, In mket. 3. 'Pomphic map of the Infskln Bay-Snag Rarbqr disMct, In pock~t. 4, Ceol&c map of the Inlwgln Bay-Snug Harbor dlhtrict-,-,, 3n pocket. 5. A, Vlew to Lhe aonth Ln Park Creek Valley; R, Oil Bay and Inlakin Bay--,-,---------,,--------------------- 4 6, A. View toward the eat& ncroas Fit5 Creek Valley; 3, Bteeplg dipping Weof Chiuitaa shale and Nnlrnek formation on the ~011thaide at the entrance to Chinitna Bey-------, -,,,,,,, 4 7. Sketch map show in^ dhtribntlon of timber betwen In- and TuxNnI Raya,,-,-,-------,,--,-------- --------,-- FE :- 8, A, View of 011 Bay, showing the white Maknek beds overlytug the ChbItna ~h.hakon the east shore: B. Mountah on the *A east gfde of Oil Bay tram a polnt mrthe snmmft of the road to InE~klnmy,,----,----,----------,-------,,- 10 - 0, A, Mount Rleanor ; B, W&ward-Bippkg lwd8 in the lower part . of the Tuxedni anmtsbne haw a mile east cd Rlght Arm-,,, 10 + 10. A, View up lnfekln Bny from a point near the end of the wagon rond to 011 Rag; 8, View to the sonth and east amow tbe mud ants at the bead of Chlnltne Bag --,,----,-,,-,-----,,10 11. A, North end of Cbblk lel~nd,from Fmdl Point; B, Mmt -a, from Johnaen River, about 3 mllw iks mouth-- 68 Fmum 1. hdex map ~howhgWk Inlet, the Xni~kin-ChinibFenin- anla, and the areas reprmented on Platen 1, 2, 3, and 4----- 1 THE INISRIN-CXTKNITNA PENINSULA, ALASKA 5. INTRODUCTION The amdescribed in this paper (see fig. I) is on the west side of Cook Inlet between Iniskin and Chinitna Bays. It is a peninsula Rmp. 1.-Inh map of th Cwk InJet redon trlrovfns the lnI&lm-CUdDt Pml11- suk and Cbe area rpp-ted on PSstetz 1, 2. 3. and 4 that has an area of abut 130 square miles and is separated from the maidand momtabs on the west bp a narrow Palley which extends from the Right Arm of Iniskin Bay nt>rtheastw~rdto the head of Chinitna Bay. For conaenierlce this ares may be cdld the Inisgin-Cbinitna Perkmila, Oil Bay, on the south side of the penin- sula, is near the ietemection of parallel 59" 40' north latitude with meridian 153" 20' west longitude. Seldovia, on the southw~stend 1 of Kearsi Peninsula, is directly across Cook Inlet from Chinitna Bay and is the nearest white ~ttlementand the nearest post office except that at Iliamna, a native village on Iliamna Lake. The west coast of Cook Inlet has never had more than a scanty white population. It does not abund in furharing animals, has not attracted many prospectors for the metals, snd, wtiL recently hai had n6 canneries. The vicinity of Oil Bay, however, at one time received eonsiderabls attention because of the petroleum wepages found there and was the scene of drilling for a number of years. Shortly before the Alaskan oil lands were withdrawn from entry in 1910, the oil properties were abandoned, and no further attention was paid to them until the new leasing law was passed in 1920. This law renewad interest in the district, so that much of the ground ,was mstaked, and it accordingly became necessary, in order ta carry out the provisions of the law, to collect information regarding the areal geology and structure of the area likely to be prospected for oil. This report, which is ,based on topopphic and geologic surveys made in 1921, includes the information thus collected. Altbough this paper deals particularly wikh the geology of the Idiskia Penhula, it also contains an account of the field work in the vicinity of Snug Harbor in 1920. A separate section (pp. 57-70) describes the areal geology of the Snug Harbor district, but the ccmclusions relating to the possibilities of obtaining oil or other minerals in that district are stakd together wit11 those regarding the Iniskin-Chinitna Peninstlla on pages 6446. PEEVIOUB WORK Oil Bay was visited by Martin in 1903, when the work of drilling for oil was in progress. This visit yielded the first report on the pibilities of obtaining oil in the district, based on field invdipa- tion by the United States Geological Survey. In the following year Stanton and Martin studied the geology of the west coast of 'Cook Inlet and the MasIra Peninsula from Tuxedni Bay to Cold Bay and in the murse of the summer visited Chinitna, Iniskin, and Oil Bays, whem they csrefully measured and studied in detail sec- tions of the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. These sections, with others measured on the Alaska Peninsula, form the basis of much that has since been published on the Memzoic stratigraphy of this part of Alaska. In 1909 Martin and Kata mapped the Iliemna region end ZMartln, 0. C., The petroleum flelln of the Pacific coast ot Almh, with an ncconnt ot the Behg River coal dwits: U. I.Geol. Survey Bull. 260, pg. 31-49, 1906. .Itanton, T. W., and Martin, 0. C., Mesosoit nectlon of Cook Inlet and Alaska Peninmula: Gml. Soc. America Bull., vo1. 16. pp. 893-397, 401-402. 1905. a Martin, Q. C., nrld Kntz, F. 3.. A geologEc remnnaiasance of the IlIamnn reRton. Alasbn: U. 8. Geol. Survey Bull. 485, pg, G%74.'77-78. 1912. published w part of their report a discussion of the sections between Tuxadni and Iniskin Buys made by Stantan and Martin in 1904. From that time no further geologic mapping was done in this vicin- ity till 1920, when McKinley and Mofi t ' mde a topographic and plogic reconnaissance in the vicinity of Snug Rarbor. 93 miles north of Chinitna Bay. The investigation whose results are here presented was made in 1921. It was undertaken with the object of mapping topographically and pIogidly the part of the west coast of Cook Inlet. that has the . grentest present interest to prospectors for petmleum and was re- stricted ta the peninsuZa between Iniskin and Chinitns Bays, except that the contiguous mainland and the north shore of Chiniba Bay wre included in order to round out the mBp snd join the work with that done in previous surveys. It was intended to publish