49 bus time schedule & line map

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The 49 bus line (Rushden - Kettering) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Kettering: 6:56 AM - 6:31 PM (2) : 6:56 AM - 5:07 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 49 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 49 bus arriving.

Direction: Kettering 49 bus Time Schedule 73 stops Kettering Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:56 AM - 6:31 PM Church Street Interchange, Wellingborough 28 Church Street, Wellingborough Tuesday 6:56 AM - 6:31 PM

Church Street Interchange, Wellingborough Wednesday 6:56 AM - 6:31 PM 15 Church Street, Wellingborough Thursday 6:56 AM - 6:31 PM Post Oce, Wellingborough Friday 6:56 AM - 6:31 PM 3 Midland Road, Wellingborough Saturday 7:09 AM - 6:31 PM Castle Way, Wellingborough 1 London Road, Wellingborough

Broadway, Wellingborough 49 bus Info Denington Road, Wellingborough Direction: Kettering Stops: 73 The Dog & Duck Ph, Wellingborough Trip Duration: 78 min 63-71 London Road, Wellingborough Line Summary: Church Street Interchange, Wellingborough, Church Street Interchange, Cottage Inn, Little Wellingborough, Post Oce, Wellingborough, Castle 1e London Road, Irchester Way, Wellingborough, Broadway, Wellingborough, Denington Road, Wellingborough, The Dog & Duck 37 London Road, Little Irchester Ph, Wellingborough, Cottage Inn, Little Irchester, 37 37 London Road, Irchester Civil Parish London Road, Little Irchester, Country Park, Irchester, Gipsy Lane, Irchester, Gipsy Lane Turn, Country Park, Irchester Irchester, Thrift Street, Irchester, Vicarage, Irchester, Biscay Close, Irchester, Station House, Irchester, Gipsy Lane, Irchester Alton Centre, Knuston, Westeld Avenue, Rushden, Higheld Road, Rushden, Blackfriars, Rushden, St Gipsy Lane Turn, Irchester Margarets Avenue, Rushden, The Viking Ph, Rushden, Farnham Drive, Rushden, Redding Close, Thrift Street, Irchester Rushden, Lodge Road, Rushden, Abbey Way, 40 Wollaston Road, Irchester Rushden, South End Infant School, Rushden, Road, Rushden, Skinners Hill Layby, Vicarage, Irchester Rushden, Barwick House, Rushden, Station Road, Rushden, , Rushden, Hayway, Rushden, Kilburn Biscay Close, Irchester Place, Rushden, Road, , Wharf Road, Higham Ferrers, Cemetery Lane, Biscay Close, Irchester Higham Ferrers, Simpson Avenue, Higham Ferrers, Station House, Irchester A45 Roundabout, Higham Ferrers, Nhs Station Road, Irchester Civil Parish Clinic, , 143 Addington Road, Irthlingborough, Laundry, Irthlingborough, Alton Centre, Knuston Recreation Ground, Irthlingborough, Palmer Avenue, Irthlingborough, Laundry, Irthlingborough, 143 Westeld Avenue, Rushden Addington Road, Irthlingborough, Ford Garage, Irthlingborough, Manor Drive, Irthlingborough, Higheld Road, Rushden Church Street, Irthlingborough, Holbush Way, Irthlingborough, Huxlow School, Irthlingborough, Blackfriars, Rushden Dolben Arms Ph, , High Street, Finedon, Brooks Close, , Newman Street, St Margarets Avenue, Rushden Burton Latimer, Orbit Mews, Burton Latimer, Langley 2-4 Blackfriars, Rushden Court, Burton Latimer, Finedon Street, Burton Latimer, Shannon Way, Burton Latimer, Glebe The Viking Ph, Rushden General Store, Burton Latimer, Polwell Lane, Burton 177 Grangeway, Rushden Latimer, Grosvenor Road, Barton Seagrave, Polwell Lane, Barton Seagrave, St Botolph's Road, Barton Farnham Drive, Rushden Seagrave, Castle Way, Barton Seagrave, Barton Seagrave Hall, Barton Seagrave, Wicksteed Park, Redding Close, Rushden Kettering, Nethereld Road, Kettering, Woodcroft Scout Centre, Kettering, Roundhill Road, Kettering, St Redding Close, Rushden Mary's Hospital, Kettering, Police Station, Kettering, Lodge Road, Rushden Bus Interchange, Kettering

Abbey Way, Rushden

South End Infant School, Rushden Wymington Road, Rushden

Wymington Road, Rushden 61a High Street South, Rushden

Skinners Hill Layby, Rushden 24 Church Street, Rushden

Barwick House, Rushden

Station Road, Rushden 147-153 High Street, Rushden

Asda, Rushden 6 Higham Road, Rushden

Hayway, Rushden

Kilburn Place, Rushden 110 Higham Road, Rushden

Northampton Road, Higham Ferrers High Street, Rushden

Wharf Road, Higham Ferrers 22 High Street, Rushden

Cemetery Lane, Higham Ferrers

Simpson Avenue, Higham Ferrers Windmill Banks, Higham Ferrers Civil Parish

A45 Roundabout, Higham Ferrers Station Road, Higham Ferrers Civil Parish Nene Park Nhs Clinic, Irthlingborough

143 Addington Road, Irthlingborough

Laundry, Irthlingborough Addington Road, Irthlingborough Civil Parish

Recreation Ground, Irthlingborough Bugby Drive, Irthlingborough Civil Parish

Palmer Avenue, Irthlingborough

Laundry, Irthlingborough Addington Road, Irthlingborough Civil Parish

143 Addington Road, Irthlingborough

Ford Garage, Irthlingborough

Manor Drive, Irthlingborough Station Road, Irthlingborough

Church Street, Irthlingborough 3 Station Road, Irthlingborough

Holbush Way, Irthlingborough

Huxlow School, Irthlingborough

Dolben Arms Ph, Finedon 35B Irthlingborough Road, Finedon

High Street, Finedon A6, Finedon

Brooks Close, Burton Latimer Brooks Close, Burton Latimer Civil Parish

Newman Street, Burton Latimer 160b High Street, Burton Latimer Civil Parish

Orbit Mews, Burton Latimer 8 Churchill Way, Burton Latimer Civil Parish

Langley Court, Burton Latimer

Finedon Street, Burton Latimer

Shannon Way, Burton Latimer

Glebe General Store, Burton Latimer Glebe Road, Burton Latimer Civil Parish

Polwell Lane, Burton Latimer

Grosvenor Road, Barton Seagrave

Polwell Lane, Barton Seagrave

St Botolph's Road, Barton Seagrave St Botolph's Road, Kettering

Castle Way, Barton Seagrave

Barton Seagrave Hall, Barton Seagrave

Wicksteed Park, Kettering

Nethereld Road, Kettering 296 London Road, Kettering

Woodcroft Scout Centre, Kettering

Roundhill Road, Kettering

St Mary's Hospital, Kettering

Police Station, Kettering London Road, Kettering

Bus Interchange, Kettering Horsemarket, Kettering Direction: Wellingborough 49 bus Time Schedule 68 stops Wellingborough Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:56 AM - 5:07 PM Bus Interchange, Kettering Horsemarket, Kettering Tuesday 6:56 AM - 5:07 PM

Police Station, Kettering Wednesday 6:56 AM - 5:07 PM London Road, Kettering Thursday 6:56 AM - 5:07 PM St Mary's Hospital, Kettering Friday 6:56 AM - 5:07 PM

Roundhill Road, Kettering Saturday 6:51 AM - 5:07 PM

Woodcroft Scout Centre, Kettering

Wicksteed Park, Kettering 49 bus Info Castle Way, Barton Seagrave Direction: Wellingborough Stops: 68 St Botolph's Road, Barton Seagrave Trip Duration: 68 min Line Summary: Bus Interchange, Kettering, Police Polwell Lane, Barton Seagrave Station, Kettering, St Mary's Hospital, Kettering, Roundhill Road, Kettering, Woodcroft Scout Centre, Grosvenor Road, Barton Seagrave Kettering, Wicksteed Park, Kettering, Castle Way, Barton Seagrave, St Botolph's Road, Barton Seagrave, Polwell Lane, Barton Seagrave, Grosvenor Southeld Drive, Burton Latimer Road, Barton Seagrave, Southeld Drive, Burton Polwell Lane, Burton Latimer Civil Parish Latimer, Polwell Lane, Burton Latimer, Station Road, Burton Latimer, Shannon Way, Burton Latimer, Polwell Lane, Burton Latimer Finedon Street, Burton Latimer, Orbit Mews, Burton Latimer, Newman Street, Burton Latimer, Brooks Station Road, Burton Latimer Close, Burton Latimer, High Street, Finedon, Dolben Arms Ph, Finedon, The Tower, Finedon, Huxlow Shannon Way, Burton Latimer School, Irthlingborough, Holbush Way, Irthlingborough, New Street, Irthlingborough, 143 Finedon Street, Burton Latimer Addington Road, Irthlingborough, Laundry, Irthlingborough, Recreation Ground, Irthlingborough, Orbit Mews, Burton Latimer Palmer Avenue, Irthlingborough, Laundry, 16 Churchill Way, Burton Latimer Civil Parish Irthlingborough, 143 Addington Road, Irthlingborough, Ford Garage, Irthlingborough, Nene Newman Street, Burton Latimer Park Nhs Clinic, Irthlingborough, A45 Roundabout, 160b High Street, Burton Latimer Civil Parish Higham Ferrers, Simpson Avenue, Higham Ferrers, 12 North End, Higham Ferrers, Cemetery Lane, Brooks Close, Burton Latimer Higham Ferrers, The Green Dragon Hotel, Higham Jacque's Road, Burton Latimer Civil Parish Ferrers, Northampton Road, Higham Ferrers, Kilburn Place, Rushden, Hayway, Rushden, Asda, Rushden, High Street, Finedon George Street, Rushden, Skinners Hill Layby, Rushden, Hall Avenue, Rushden, Barnwell Drive, Dolben Arms Ph, Finedon Rushden, Abbey Way, Rushden, Lodge Road, 27a Irthlingborough Road, Finedon Rushden, Farnham Drive, Rushden, The Viking Ph, Rushden, St Margarets Avenue, Rushden, The Tower, Finedon Blackfriars, Rushden, Higheld Road, Rushden, Westeld Avenue, Rushden, Alton Centre, Knuston, Huxlow School, Irthlingborough Station House, Irchester, Biscay Close, Irchester, Vicarage, Irchester, Thrift Street, Irchester, Alfred Holbush Way, Irthlingborough Street, Irchester, Gipsy Lane Turn, Irchester, Gipsy Lane, Irchester, Country Park, Irchester, Cottage Inn, New Street, Irthlingborough Little Irchester, The Dog & Duck Ph, Wellingborough, Station Road, Irthlingborough Denington Road, Wellingborough, Broadway, Wellingborough, Sheep St, Wellingborough, Church 143 Addington Road, Irthlingborough Street Interchange, Wellingborough

Laundry, Irthlingborough Addington Road, Irthlingborough Civil Parish

Recreation Ground, Irthlingborough Bugby Drive, Irthlingborough Civil Parish

Palmer Avenue, Irthlingborough

Laundry, Irthlingborough Addington Road, Irthlingborough Civil Parish

143 Addington Road, Irthlingborough

Ford Garage, Irthlingborough

Nene Park Nhs Clinic, Irthlingborough

A45 Roundabout, Higham Ferrers Station Road, Higham Ferrers Civil Parish

Simpson Avenue, Higham Ferrers Windmill Banks, Higham Ferrers Civil Parish

12 North End, Higham Ferrers North End, Higham Ferrers Civil Parish

Cemetery Lane, Higham Ferrers

The Green Dragon Hotel, Higham Ferrers 4 College Street, Higham Ferrers Civil Parish

Northampton Road, Higham Ferrers B645, Rushden

Kilburn Place, Rushden 110 Higham Road, Rushden

Hayway, Rushden 1 Peck Way, Rushden

Asda, Rushden 6 Higham Road, Rushden

George Street, Rushden

Skinners Hill Layby, Rushden 24 Church Street, Rushden

Hall Avenue, Rushden

Barnwell Drive, Rushden

Abbey Way, Rushden

Lodge Road, Rushden Farnham Drive, Rushden

The Viking Ph, Rushden 177 Grangeway, Rushden

St Margarets Avenue, Rushden

Blackfriars, Rushden

Higheld Road, Rushden

Westeld Avenue, Rushden

Alton Centre, Knuston

Station House, Irchester

Biscay Close, Irchester Biscay Close, Irchester

Vicarage, Irchester

Thrift Street, Irchester 9 Wollaston Road, Irchester

Alfred Street, Irchester Wollaston Road, Irchester

Gipsy Lane Turn, Irchester

Gipsy Lane, Irchester

Country Park, Irchester

Cottage Inn, Little Irchester 1d London Road, Irchester Civil Parish

The Dog & Duck Ph, Wellingborough

Denington Road, Wellingborough

Broadway, Wellingborough 1 Broadway, Wellingborough

Sheep St, Wellingborough 33 Sheep Street, Wellingborough

Church Street Interchange, Wellingborough 28 Church Street, Wellingborough 49 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved