Full Council Meeting 20150513
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BRACKLEY TOWN COUNCIL BRACKLEY TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of a Meeting of the Brackley Town Council held at 7.00pm on Monday 13 April 2015 in the Upper Hall, Town Hall, Brackley. Present: The Worshipful the Town Mayor (Councillor Elaine Wiltshire). Councillors: Baker, Blunden, Butler, Dixon, Dutton (arrived at 7.15pm), Hayward and Thompson. Officers: Town Clerk (Linda Carter) and Stephanie Lloyd-Berry 545/14 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Broomfield, Cartmell, Rawlinson, Rhys and Stimpson. 546/14 TOWN MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Since the last meeting, The Mayor has attended the following: 6 March – Charity Quiz Night 9 March – Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth 13 March – Civic Dinner for Cllr Joan Kirkbride 20 March – World Down Syndrome Day, Livability Brackley 21 March – Hour of Power Fitness, MCS 21 March – Wellingborough Spring Ball 23 March – BTC presentation to Mercedes Grand Prix Ltd 29 March – Rushden & Higham Ferrers Spring Tea Party 3 April – The Plough, Charity Beer Festival 9 April – Brackley Cottage Hospital Reception 547/14 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. 548/14 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. 549/14 COUNCIL MINUTES On the proposition of Cllr Blunden, it was RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 2 March 2015 be approved. 550/14 COMMITTEE MINUTES Copies of Minutes were circulated to Members who received the following: Planning & General Works 16 February 2015 and 2 March 2015 Direct Responsibilities & General Purposes 16 February 2015 Finance & Policy 16 February 2015 551/14 QUESTIONS FOR CHAIRMEN RELATING TO RECEIVED MINUTES None. BRACKLEY TOWN COUNCIL Town Council 13 April 2015 552/14 RECOMMENDATIONS FROM COMMITTEES None. 553/14 COUNTY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Not available to attend this meeting. 554/14 DISTRICT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Not available to attend this meeting. Cllr Hayward reported that SNC are to receive £1M from s106 for the provision of Healthcare facilities in Towcester and asked if it were possible that our District Councillor could enquire as to whether this would also be available to Brackley. Cllr Blunden suggested the amount should be based on per capita to reflect development growth in Brackley. 555/13 MEMBERS’ REPORT Following the application to District Council’s New Homes Bonus Fund, the Town Clerk has been asked to attend an informal meeting of the SNC Cabinet to outline the Town Council’s Strategic Vision for Brackley. In preparation for this meeting Councillor Rawlinson has prepared the attached document ‘Vision and Objectives’ for Members’ consideration. The Town Clerk advised Members’ that this request was a condition resulting from the application of funds to re-develop the Old Fire Station. Members agreed that a slight amendment be made to the document: “To continue to make Brackley the most desirable place to live in South Northamptonshire”. On the proposition of Cllr Hayward, it was RESOLVED to: Make the amendment shown and agree that the Town Clerk attend SCN Cabinet and present the document ‘Vision and Objectives’ outlining the Town Council’s Strategic Vision for Brackley. 556/14 70th ANNIVERSARY OF VE DAY Following discussions last month Councillors were asked to consider whether they wish to join in with the national lighting of beacons to commemorate this event. The beacons are supplied free of charge, with the Council supplying the appropriate gas cylinders. The beacons are to be lit at 9.30pm on Friday 8th May. Members agreed unanimously that Brackley Town Council should participate with this event. 557/14 DRAFT CALENDAR FOR 2015/2016 The draft calendar of Council and Committee dates for 2015/2016 was circulated for Members’ consideration. The Town Clerk reminded Members that the draft of dates will go before the Mayor Making Ceremony on 16th May. BRACKLEY TOWN COUNCIL Town Council 13 April 2015 Members agreed the Town Meeting for next year should be 11th April 2016, and with that and on the proposition of Cllr Butler, it was RESOLVED to: Agree the draft calendar for 2015/16, which will go before Mayor Making on 16th May 2015. 558/14 PENSIONS AUTO-ENROLMENT Auto-Enrolment for pensions is imminent and the Council’s Staging Day is October 2016. However, Members were asked to consider passing a resolution establishing auto enrolment into the LGPS for all staff in order to assist the process. All Members present agreed unanimously to establish auto enrolment into the LGPS for all BTC staff. 559/14 PUBLIC OPEN SPACE – SAWMILLS SITE Linden Homes had contacted the Council with regard to the adoption of the open space, pond and bat barn. According to the terms of the s106 agreement, the Council has two months to inform the developer of its intentions in respect of the offer to transfer. After discussions regarding possible future maintenance costs in relation to the bat barn, and on the proposition of Cllr Butler, it was RESOLVED to: Agree the adoption of the open space, pond and bat barn on the Sawmills Site from Linden Homes. The Town Clerk would make the necessary arrangements. 560/14 MATTERS FOR INFORMATION OR DISCUSSION The Town Clerk reported that poppies ordered from the installation at the Tower of London have arrived and are currently stored within the Town Hall. Mrs Carter further reported that she will be attending a meeting with SNC Planning Department and developers to discuss a brief for the proposed art installation on Poppyfields Way shortly. 561/14 EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC That, in accordance with Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press is excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the item set out below on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the general interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. 562/14 LAND TO THE WEST OF BRACKLEY The Town Clerk reported to Members on recent development regarding the land ownership, access and development rights. She was concerned that the Council’s land agents seemed unaware of the changes, and suggested that the Council’s Solicitors be asked to advise on direct negotiations with the land owner regarding access. Members supported the Clerks suggested way forward. Meeting closed at: 7.31pm Chairman: Date: .