Alcohol and Alcohol Safetyi a Curriculummanqal for Senior High Level
pocoiENT -RESUME CG,011 580' ED.1.41 733 - AUTHOR Finn, Peter; Platt,,Judith-' , TITLE .Alcohol and Alcohol Safetyi A CurriculumManqal for Senior High Level. Volume II,A Teacher's Acfi..yities .. / . Guide. INSTITUTION Abt AsSociates, Inc.Cambiidge, Mass. SPO_RS AGENCY National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration (Dq!, :Washington, D. C.; National Inst. onAlcohol'Abuse and Alcoholism (DHEW/PHS), Rockville, Md. - REPORT NO DOT-HS-800-70E 'PUB DATE Sep 72 . CONTRACT HSM-42-71-77 --- NOTE 500p.; For .Volume I, see ED672 383 AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of,Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washingto.C.. 20402 , EDRS PRICE ". MF-7$1-.00 HC-$26.11 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Alcohol Education; Alcoholism; *Drinking; Instructional Materials;-Interpersonal Competence; , , Laws; Lesson Tlans;.SecondaryEducation; *Senior High Schools; *Social *Attitudes.; *Social Behavior; Teaching Guides. a ABSTRACT ma3/41ual 'on Alcohol, and Alcohol Saf'ety . This curriculum is designed, .as ateacher's guidefor seniot high, level students. The topics it covers are,:(1) safety;.(2) attitudes towardalcohol'gnd reasons people drink.; (3) physical and behavioral effects.; (4) ' alcohol industty;(5) interpersonalsituations;(6) laws and customs;.. and (7),problem drinking andalcoholism. Each topic is divided into a number of activities. Each activityis,a self-contained learning -experience which requires varying numbersof class periods, and: focuses On one or More objectives.The particulaf skills developed by'' the &ctivity, as well as methods forevaluating it, are provided. ' ACtivities are also organized by teaChingmethod: art, audiovisual, debates., discussion, drama, independentstudy, 4ctures, 'reading, science"and, writing. (BP) . * * Documents 'acquired byERIC.incrude many informal unpublished * materials not available, fromother sources. ERIC makes'everY effort * * to obtain the best copyavailable.
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