Recent Dock Extensions at Liverpool with a General
2 ELECTIOXS, ETC. [Minutes of Associate ilIembem-continued. JAXESDICEERSOW HUYPIDGE. l FI:A.NI~WALTER SCOTT, Jun., Stud. Inst. JAMESROUTLEDGE JACQUES. l C.E. CHARLESVEREKER LLOYD, A.K.C., ~ ALBIOXTIIOMAS SXELL. l Stud. Inst. C.E. TV.4LTER JOHNSTAYFORD, B.A., B.E. WALTEREDWAED MAY, Stud. Inst. C.E. i JOHXHODGSOX SUAI~T. CHARLESMURRAY, Stud. Inst. C.E. ALLANARCHIBALD CAMPBELL SWINTOX. HARRYPEKX, Stud. Inst. C.E. WILLIAXHEXRY THORPE. LESLIEHUNTER REYNOLDS. ARTHCR WILLIADISOS, Stud. InSt. C.E. LIOWELSALTXARSHE. GEORGEWYLIE, F.C.H. , Associate. Ncbjor LEAXDROCUBILLO. (Paper No. 2433.) Recent Dock Extensions at Liverpool, with a General Description of the MerseyDock Estate,the Port of Liverpool,and the RiverMersey.” By GEORGEFOSBERY LYSTER, M. Inst. C.E. THEspecial characteristics of theRiver Mersey, theimportant positionwhich Liverpool occupies among theleading trading centres of the world, and the rapid development of its commerce are, each and all, so interesting to engineers, that in submitting a Paper descriptive of the most recent dock extensions carried out in the port, the Author has been induced to touch upon each of these points, as a fitting preamble to the more formal and precise description of the special works which form the leading features of the Paper. Few, if any, localities, inthis country at all events, are so favourably situatedfor the construction of a comprehensive system of docks as that of Liverpool, not onlyby reason of its geographical position on the seaboard of the country, with its unrivalled water frontage, but also on account of its proximity to the great manu- faeturing districts, as well as to the coal and mineral fields of the North of England and Wales, with which it is linked by railways and canals, which aresuch important factors in thedevelopment and maintenance of successful trading.
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