The Reproductive Behaviour in Municipalities with Low Living Standard
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The Reproductive Behaviour in Municipalities with Low Living Standard Boris Vaňo, Ján Mészáros INFOSTAT Demographic Research centre INFOSTAT – INSTITUTE OF INFORMATICS AND STATISTICS Demographic Research Centre The Reproductive Behaviour in Municipalities with Low Living Standard Bratislava, September 2004 Publication evaluates the reproductive behaviour of the population in the municipali- ties with a low and a very low living standard and his impact on development of the number and the structure of the population. On the basis of the results received from the mentioned municipalities we made an estimation of the reproductive behaviour of the Roma population. Authors: Boris Vaňo Ján Mészáros Translation: Jana Júriová 2004 © INFOSTAT – Institute of Informatics and Statistics Bratislava This document has been made in INFOSTAT, Bratislava. The wording can be used only in reference to this document. No language redaction has been made. Contents 1. Introduction............................................................................................................................5 2. The Characteristic of Selected Municipalities.......................................................................6 3. The Reproductive Behaviour of Inhabitants in Municipalities with Low and Very Low Living Standard..........................................................................................................................8 3.1 Fertility.............................................................................................................................8 3.1.1 Total Fertility Rate....................................................................................................8 3.1.2 Age at the First Birth.................................................................................................9 3.1.3 Births out of Wedlock.............................................................................................10 3.2 Mortality.........................................................................................................................11 3.2.1 Total Mortality........................................................................................................11 3.2.2 Mortality by age......................................................................................................11 3.2.3 Cause of Death........................................................................................................12 4. Number and Increase of Population.....................................................................................13 5. Age Structure of Population.................................................................................................14 6................................................................................................................................................16 7. Conclusion............................................................................................................................18 Literature..................................................................................................................................19 Appendix..................................................................................................................................20 4 1. Introduction Although Slovakia is a small country, it is standard. The first group contains municipalities known for its great regional differences. There are with low living standard and the second group con- differences of various forms; the historical, cultural, tains municipalities with very low living standard. economic and demographic differences are the most The inhabitants living in municipalities with some apparent. Eventually the summary of regional dif- technical infrastructure (at least one of the four ferences is being reflected in the way of living and monitored criteria is missing) and with low housing the living standard of inhabitants in particular re- standard (the share of permanently occupied dwell- gions. Some regions reach almost the common liv- ings of the 4. category is from 25 to 50%) shall be ing standard of the EU countries; some regions re- considered as the inhabitants with low living stan- main behind it significantly. The backward regions dard. The inhabitants living in municipalities with are distinguished by high unemployment, high eco- very weak technical infrastructure (at least two of nomic burden for population, unfavourable educa- the four monitored criteria are missing) and with tion structure, high share of Roma/Gypsy popula- very low housing standard (the share of perma- tion and by high degree of segregation. On the other nently occupied dwellings of the 4. category is over hand, many of the backward regions are character- 50%) shall be included into the group with very low ized by strong reproduction. living standard. This paper is focused on the reproductive On the basis of our results we shall make behaviour of inhabitants in backward regions. We conclusions about the reproductive behaviour of will try to use our results for the complementing the inhabitants in dependence on living standard. We demographic characteristic of Roma/Gypsy popula- shall point out the demographic particularities of tion, because the Roma/Gypsy population is an im- the groups of inhabitants with low and very low portant part of the inhabitants in these regions. living standard. We shall be also interested in how Many serious social problems of Slovakia are cur- the reproductive behaviour of this population group rently connected with the Roma/Gypsy population. is developing in time. We shall concentrate on the On the other hand, to map the situation some direct period of the last 10 years, i.e. from 1993. This is statistical information is missing1. the period when the reproductive behaviour of in- We shall characterize the backward re- habitants in Slovakia has been changed signifi- gions by selected groups of municipalities with low cantly. It will be interesting to observe how the re- living standard. To identify the municipalities with productive behaviour of inhabitants was developing low living standard we shall use three criteria – in the backward regions in this period of transfor- technical facilities in a municipality (public water mation. supply system, public sewerage, gas distribution mains, dustless local communications), housing standard (permanently occupied dwellings of the 4. category) and the number of the Roma/Gypsy population. It means that we shall research only the municipalities (and their inhabitants) with no or few technical facilities, the high share of permanently occupied dwellings of the 4. category and a Roma/Gypsy settlement must be there. We want to use our results for the demographic characteristic of the Roma/Gypsy population, for that reason we shall take into account only the municipalities in Banská Bystrica, Prešov and Košice regions. There are no direct relations between the low living stan- dard and the high numbers of the Roma/Gypsy population in the other regions. The selected municipalities have been di- vided into two groups according to their living 1 Data by ethnicity have not being surveyed because of the protection of human rights and data from the national statistics are not sufficient for a detailed analysis in the case of the Roma/Gypsy ethnic group. It is actually estimated that only approxi- mately 25% of Roma/Gypsy population declare Roma/Gypsy nationality; moreover it is not possi- ble to specify this Roma/Gypsy group more pre- cisely. 5 2. The Characteristic of Selected Municipalities In accordance with statistical data and to the smaller municipalities with the numbers of in- the intent of the definition above there are 454 mu- habitants below 5000 persons. The largest munici- nicipalities with low housing standard in Slovakia pality in the observed file is Jarovnice in Sabinov (the share of permanently occupied dwellings of the district with the population of 4200. There are more 4. category is over 25% of all permanently occu- than 3000 inhabitants in municipality Markušovce pied dwellings). 125 municipalities from these 454 in Spišská Nová Ves district and more than 2000 ones are situated in Banská Bystrica, Prešov or inhabitants in municipalities Bystrany in Spišská Košice regions; there are also Roma/Gypsy settle- Nová Ves district and Kecerovce in Košice okolie ments and these municipalities have few technical district. There are 13 municipalities (36%) in total facilities. Thus these 125 municipalities comply with more than 1000 inhabitants in this file. 10 mu- with all our research criteria and that is why they nicipalities (27.7%) have less than 500 inhabitants shall be our database for the next computations. On and no one of these municipalities has less than 100 the whole, they can be regarded as the municipali- inhabitants. The smallest municipalities in our file ties with low living standard and high share of the are Rozložná in Rožňava district (195 inhabitants) Roma/Gypsy population. and Prosačov in Vranov nad Topľou district (184 36 municipalities of the database comply inhabitants). with the requirement of inclusion in the group of There are 89 municipalities in our research municipalities with very low living standard (Table in the group with low living standard (Table 2.2) 2.1). Most of municipalities from this group are located in 20 districts in the south of central Slova- located in Prešov district (7 municipalities); fol- kia and in the eastern Slovakia (4 districts or 9