-^T——• hastened to his own church" in South" AN ANNOUNCEMENT' come AND conk jPOLISH BISH0P R00E , where he pronounced the 5 Mrs. G. F. Kirscher accompanied episcopal benediction upon his people. Don't Miss the Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Weishoon from He addressed them for the first time Sketching Life of Mr. C. Birch lake to. this city in th£ Kirscher Consecrated as First Polish- as bishop. automobile Monday, who left thafr day From his home church the new -h.i W. Bouck, Republican for th^ir home in Minneapolis after a American Bishop—200- bishop went to the neighboring , Candidate pleasant outing, Mrs. Kirscher return­ ^ ' 000 Rejoice the Church of the Immaculate Concept MINNESOTA STATE FAIR ing to Birch lake. tion of the B. V. M. at Eighty-ninth Dr. J. H. Newman visited in street and Commercial avenue, of Hamlihe, Minn. Monticello on business Tuesday. Royalton Banner: The subject of The of the Rev. Paul which the Rev. Francis Wojtalewicz, this sketch first saw the light of day O. Duclos, who was visiting in Peter Rhode, D. D., pastor of St. a warm personal friend of Father Midway, between St. Paul and Minneapolis Wrenshall, returned home the first of Rhode, is the pastor. There he re­ at Rockford, 111., on Feb. 29th, 1852. the week. Michael's Polish Roman Catholic At an early age his parents moved on­ church of South (Chicago, as auxiliary peated the service held in his own August 31 to September 5,1303 Chas. Cawley, who was visiting in bishop of the Chicago archdiocese, church, speaking again. to a farm near Independence, Iowa, Brainerd, returned here Monday, leav­ where Mr. Bouck grew to manhood. took place Wednesday, July 29, and is At 7 p. m. the new bishop was on ing almost immediately for Birch the northwest side, where the oldest Being tne oldest of a large family of lake. not only of vast importance in Chica­ children much of the hard work and go religious ilfe, but is the most sig­ and largest Polish parish is located, responsibility fell to his lot, but with M. Martinson pf Minneapolis, nificant, far reaching and greatest and where the central laymen's dem­ formerly a resident here, visited onstration, representative of the com­ an eye to the future Mr. Bouck friends here this week. event in the religious and nationaMife devoted all of his spare time to secur­ . of the Polish-Americans of the United bined Polish parishes, organizations, An automobile party of crainera states and of historical importance to and institutions, took palce. He went ing an education, such as the grade passed through the city and high school would allow. At the Tuesday j the Poiish nation. to St. John Cantius church, North Car­ age of twenty- he entered the employ enroute to the Twin Cities. Polish priests and laymen in Chica­ penter and Front streets, first, and Miss Margaret House of St. Paul go and throughout the from there was escorted by procession of a large mercantile store at Indepen­ visited here this week., the dence where he worked faitfhully for guest of publicly showed their joy over the with music, lights, and banners Dorothy Ricketts. promotion of Father Rhode. Arch­ through decorated streets and tri­ Fred Bishop came up from St. Cloud bishop Quigley from the day on which umphal arches to Holy Innocent Convenient train service to and from St. Paul and Tuesday for a visit with friends here. the receipt of the briefs was an­ church in West Superior street, near Miss Anna Hennenlotter, who was nounced has daily received letters, Nobel street. Thence he went to Holy Minneapolis visiting in St. Cloua, returned home telegrams, and other messages of Trinity church, Noble and Chapin Tuesday. thanks from Polish-American priests srteets and later to St. Stanislaus pa­ ours: FI LL WEEK Miss Elizabeth Fish, at one time and laity and also from Polish speak­ rochial school hall, where the formal principal of the local high school, ing people in Poland and practically demonstration and welcome by the visited here this week the guest of in every portion of the globe combined parishes took place. A Grand Array of Agriculture, Horticultural. Miss Mary Herrick. Catholics of all nationalities in the In every one of the churches where George Shea made a business trip to Chicago archdiocese are joining to the new bishop met societies on his Live-Stock and Manufacturers' Exhibits. After­ Bemidji Tuesday. make the greeting of their new auxili way to the St. Stanislaus school hall noon and Evening Entertainments, Races of all Mrs. M. Janson left Tuesday for ary bishop an impressive one. The he pronounced his episcopal benedic­ descriptions. an outing at Ward Springs. recipient of the honors has been seek­ tion upon the people. Archbishop Misses Clara Belanger and Letitia ing seclusion in work in his parish. Quigley and the visiting prelates ac­ It is the aim of the association to make this Raymond left Tuesday for an outing The people of his congregation—the companied the new bishop on his at Ward Springs. St. Michael's—are all hard working journey. In St. Stanislaus school hall year's Fair outclass all former Fairs in every E. A. Klmg was a business visitor people, principally from the steel there were addresses by laymen, sing­ feature. in Brainerd Tuesday. works, and these are happiest of all ing and music, and the new bishop Mrs. N. B. Wheeler of Bemidji over the honor bestowed upon their made an address to the people. returned home Tuesday after a visit spiritual guide. He has been much Arrange your plans early so nothing will here with Mrs. J. Burkel. to them and has served them in many Chicago, July 30.—With a parade of prevent your attending and travel by the Mrs. Katherine Bockhorni and capacities. In their spiritual wants 20,000 men in uniform, the blare of daughters, the Misses Laura and he has supplied them with advice and bands, the thrill of fireworks, the Katherine, are the guests of Mr. and in their material condition he has glars of light, the gayety of flags and Northern Pacific Railway Mrs. P. J. Vasaly. urged them to save and be temperate. bunting and gala attire, the pealing of George Kiewel was in Brainerd on As citizens they found in him the best business Wednesday. church bells, the joy of feasting, the c. w. BOUCK. champion of law, order, and respect excitment of oratory and bursts of A. M. CLELAND. Gen'l Pass'r Agent, Miss Helen Young of Royalton, who for authority, and it is due to his per­ song, nearly 200,000 men, women and has been visiting here with friends, sistent and personal efforts that social­ children reveled last night in one of St. Paul, Minn. one year, after which he was returned home the first part of the appointed to take charge of the state week. ism has taken 110 root in that parish the most remarkable festivals that farm connected with the hospital for of workingmen. Chicago ever had seen. ^^Alaska-Yukon-Pacifiic Exposition, Seattle, WashJ%^j^ Mrs. A. E. Morey of Motley and Born in the Polish village of Wero- Practically every one of the thou­ insane at that place. That he "made Miss Alice Salisbury of Staples have good,'' is attested by the fact that he wo, in German Poland, on Sept 16, sands *bf Chicago people of Polish de­ returned to their home after attend­ 1871, Paul Peter Rhode lost his father cent was actively, vociferously, hilari- held this position for six years, when ing summer school here during the he resigned, to come to Royalton early when an infant and was left to the j ously celebrating through the streets, past month. care of his good mother, Mrs. Chris- j Uniformed societies from every one of avenue and one at 3rd avenue. The in 18T9. After having spent one year Earl McGonagle was up from Royal­ in Royalton doing carpentry work and tine Rhode, who now is the proudest j the thirty-two Polish parishes in the CITY COUNCIL MEETING other hydrant to be put in at the ton Tuesday 011 a business visit. Polish mother in America. She city formed a great parade and es­ corner of Second street*and Third buying grain he moved to Brainerd Mrs. A. W. Ross of Motley returned brought her son to the United States corted from one to another of the four avenue southeast, thus making the and entered the employ of the North­ the first of the week after a visit with ern Pacific railway company as a friends here. when he was 9 years old. For five churches of the principal Polish dis­ The Hose Question Again- number of hydrants necessary, as the years he attended the St. Stanislaus tricts the cause of the demonstration, Water Power comnany demands a carpenter, where he .spent nine years, ^Oliver Bastien went to Duluth five of which he was a resident of parochial school at Noble and Bradley the Right Rev. Paul Peter Rhode, the Many Bills are Al­ hydrant for every block of main laid. Wednesday on a business visit. Mrs. streets, over which the late Rev. Vin­ new auxiliary bishop of Chicago and It is understood that*" the Water Biuinerd. The balance of this time P. E. Willis of Osakis came up he resided,at Royalton. where he has cent Barzynski was pastor. After the first Polish-American elevated to the lowed Power company will not put in the Wednesday for a visit here with Miss parochial school training he was sent episcopacy of the Roman Catholic hydrants in this manner, but will since m^de his home. In 1S89 he pur­ Thelma Leon. "*Z church. chased "a hardware and implement to St. Mary's college in St. Mary's, The city council met in regular insist pn putting in one hydrant to Mrs. Chas. Kennev of Wadena 1 Ky.. which instruction, like the St. A dramatic incident which marked the block where the mains are laid. business in Royalton and in the • . , *?me Wednesday after a 1 Stanislaus parish, was conducted by .session Monday evening, all members following year received the appoint­ his consecration was eagerly discussed being present. A sidewalk permit was granted to visit here with friends. ' priests of the Resurrectionists~ congre-; last night by the celebrators. When John Vertin. ment of postmaster, which office he Charles Fortier and familv of After allowing a large number of held for three years. Mr. Bouck has gation. St. Ignatius college, the Chi-' at the cathedral the clergy formed in bills, other matters were taken up. A petition signed by a number of Beaverville, 111., are here visiting cago institution of the Jesuit Fathers, an impressive procession rich with the the citizens asking that the salary of ever since continued in the hardware with the family of A LaFond. Chief Emder asked that something and implement business. being was the next seat of learning he at-; color of the vestments, crucifixes and definite be done in the matter of the street commissioner be raised, on Miss Bertha Rassier, who has been tended and he completed his studies at croziers, to leave the'church, the choir, account of his satisfactory serviecs, associated at present with his son. visiting here with her parents, Mr. securing more hose for the fire depart­ Albert W. Bouck. He is also heavily St. Francis seminary in St. Francis, ! through with the sacred ritual of the ment. He went over the same line of and by reason of his work requiring a and Mrs. John Rassier, returned to Wis. |consecration, swung enthusiastically, team, was received. The com­ interested in farming and is the Royalton Wednesday. T argument as at other meetings, show­ owner of several large farms. Mr. He was ordained priest on June 1, , yet praj erfully, into the strains of ing that the amount of good hose on missioner is now receiving §3 per day. Miss Mabel Kirchgessner of Staples 181)4, and eight days later he cele-, "God Save Poland." the nation hymn, The charter does not allow the paying Bouck has held several local offices of visited in this city with her grand­ hand was not large enough, especially trust and is at present mayor of brated his first mass. His first assign- of the Polish people. m the winter time when they would of a team used by the commissioner, mother, Mrs. Margaret Foster, this ment as priest was an assistant to the • Every Polish-speaking person in the freeze. Alderman Dewey and Bastien and the idea is to raise his salary as a Royalton, to which position he was week, enroute to Minneapolis for an elected last spring without opposition. extended visit. Rev. John Radziejewski, pastor of St. cathedral, men and women, priests stated that they were against the buy­ recompense for the use of the team. Adalbert's Polish Roman Catholic! and nuns, and, above all, the bishop- The matter will be acted on at the Mr. Bouck was married in October J. E. Shea, who has been enjoying ing of additional hose. Others 1873 to Miss Mary Ball, of'New York, church, Seventeenth and Paulina' elect, took up the plaintive measures thought that, although the city next meeting. an outing at Birch lake, returned streets. Then he was made pastor of of the song. And as its sad signifi- The street commissioner was and one child, a boy, blessed the home Wednesday. needed the money, if there was a union. the SS. Peter and Paul church, Thirty- { cance touched them more deeply as shortage, it should be bought. The authorized to notify owners of proper­ Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Davis and eight and Paulina streets. j they thought of their countrymen ly- fire committee was appointed to take ty that have not their shade trees Mr. Bouck has always been a stu­ children have retunred from Birch dent of public questions and while a On Oct. 1, 11397. he was put in. ing in the prisons of Russia," Prussia an inventory of all hose on hand, the along the walks properly trimmed, to lake after enjoying a month's outing. charge of St. Midnael's church in Chi-1 and Austria for having dared to inter- kind, and the condition of it, and fill do so. If the property owners do not lifelong republican, has always been Ezra Gunderson and William and found on the side of right and justice T cago, of which he is still pastor. At cede musically with the Deity for a written- report, if possible by the act in the matter, the commissioner Walter Canfield left for Maj ville, N. that time the congregation numbered their beloved country, scores gave way next meeting, which will be held this will start on the work next week. and should he be elected to the office D., Wednesday, where they expect to of representative, for which he has be employed. 500 families. Now it numbers 1,300 to their emotion and wept like chil- week. The trees should be trimmed to a familes. There was a debt of §75,000 dren. A petition was presented by Wm. height of eight feet. recently filed, pledges himself to Mrs. Frank Renick, who has been devote his time and energies, while upon the church grounds. This dept Lemay and others asking for the ex­ Mrs. L. D. Brown, Stephen C. visiting with relatives in Royalton, the pastor not only paid off but pur­ tension of the water mains down Vasaly and Miss Sadie Fuller, were engaged in legislative duties, to the returned home Tuesday. interests of his constituents without chased additional grounds and made MAY OPEN GAS WORKS. Seventh street southeast, four blocks re-appointed by Mayor Moeglein as Miss Rilla Renick left Wednesday vast improvemnets. Last year he be­ from Broadway. The council is in members of the library board. fear or favor. for a visit with relatives in Royalton. An option has been taken on the gas Should he be nominated and elected gan the erection of a new church, plant property, formerly in use here, tavor of granting fire protection to The matter of the discontinuance of Miss Mary Winskv went to Grand which, when completed, will cost this part of the city, but will only the pay of the watchman at the N. P. the tax payers of the 48th legislative Forks Wednesday fo"r a visit. i by Wm. I. Jenkins of Chicago, who is district, consisting of Morrison and $250,000 and will be one of the finest | now in the city. The present owner order in three blocks of water mains crossing was taken up, but was put Mrs. A. V. McCarthy of Randall Gothic structures in America. The with two hydrants, one to be at 2nd over to the next meeting. Crow Wing counties, may rest assured returned home Wednesday after a visit j is John Nester, formerly of this city. that they will be honestly and faith­ church property now represents a , Mr. Jenkins has received consdierable Complaint has been made that the here with friends. value of about $650,000. fully represented. Mr. Bouck will Miss Florence Ober came up from encouragement, as to opening up the street running through Maple Island It .was the plan^of a committee of, i . The intention would was closed to the public, and wished appreciate the support of the voters of St. Paul Wednesday, and is the guest p ant be to the district. of Miss Leonella Wessell. leading Polish-Americans to arrange! furnish the gas for light, heat to know the reason why. That there an elaborate banquet in his honor on' andfuel. is a street in the park is news to a Frank Kuder, formerly of this city, J. P. Chance and Jos. Laudy of the night of July 29 after the conse­ large number, but a study of the Royalton were in the city Thursday. Mr. Jenkins believes that he can W AN is now located at Burke, Wash, having cration ceremonies. When the bishop interest a coterie of men of large records show that such is the case. Geo. Moeglein, Jr., returned Tues­ elect heard of it he sent for Leon Szo- one cent a word. Xo ad taken removed from Quincy, Wash. day from a two-weeks' visit with financial standing in the proposition. for less than ten cents. The street commissioner was in­ pinski. the chairman, and told him he structed to look into the matter. friends at St. Peter, and is again at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nichols have work at the Hub. would not be the guest of an exclusive Geo. Gordon stated that the matter moved into the residence, corner of set of people on that day, but that he of water pressure would be remedied Will Foster of Madelia arrived here desired to be accessible to all of the Beauty Made or Marred. FOR SALE—60-acre farm near city. Third street and Third avenue south­ Wednesday afternoon for a visit with —Stephen C. Vasaly. at once, as the trouble had been dis­ east, until recently occupied by the people. Accordingly* themo committee Men or women make their owm covered. family of Dr. E. E. Hall. his neice, Mrs. M. E. Barnes. changed its plans and a public recep- J ®u*wer speaks^In The street commissioner's report for Misses Emma and Goldie Balsiger tion will supersede the banquet plan. one of his novels of a~ man who" ""was House for trade for property in July in sum of 1295.11, and Justice took the teachers' examinations at uglier than he had any business to Swanville. —Stephen C. Vasaly. Mr and ' Mrs. Hiram Ridlon of Royalton Monday and Tuesday. To make sure that his wishes will be Gaudet's report in sum of $1, were carried out the bishop elect announced be;" and, if we could but read it* approved. Belle Prairie" lost their two-year-old FOR SALE OR RENT—Farm of boy, Robert, by death, due to inflam­ Miss Eva Konchil and the Misses that he would start for home at 11 every human being carries his life In 160 acres. Can be bought cheap. In­ Bills allowd: mation of the digestive tract, last Fri­ Mary and Elizabeth Nelson went to o'clock at night and that all festivi­ his face, and is good-looking or the FIRE Pequot yesterday for a visit with Miss ties must end at that hour. quire of L. W. Vasaly, "Y" block, day. Burial was in Belle Prairie. Florence Woodworth. reverse, as that life has been good Little Falls, Minn. 14 M. Jansen, hauling hose tele- There were three distinct features or evil. . "j phone pole fire «... $ 1.50 The funeral of Madeline Pikula, Mrs. A. R. Cowdery and daughter in connection with the elevation of FOR SALE—Very Cheap—A twenty-j D. Brown, same 1,50 aged 8 years, who died of heart failure of St. Paul returned to their home Father Rhode to the bishopric. First horse-power steam engine and thresh- iHook and Ladder Co., same 2.00 Monday morning at her home, was yesterday after a visit here, guests at was the consecration in Holy Name held Tuesday morning from the Polish the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. cathedral at 10 a. m. by Archbishop Don't miss the opportunity ing machine. —John Bastien, Little! Hose Co. No. 2. same 3.00 Williams. Falls, R. F. D. No. 4. 17 tf Hose Co No. l,same 3.50 , interment taking Quigley, assisted by Bishop Muldoon of saving from 20 to . 60 per Chemical Co. No. 1, same 3.50 place in the Polish Catholic cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fuller went to of Chicago, whose transfer to take cent on purchases made at FOR SALE—160-acre farm, 3 miles Maurice Coleman, washing She is the daughter of John Pikula. Brainerd Wednesday, and will visit charge of the new diocese of Rockford notheast of Randall. Will sell for §20 towels 4.30 there and in Bemidji with friends is practically conceded in church cir­ our store during the balance per acre if taken within 30 days. In­ Al. Simonet and Matt for some time. cles, and by Bishop Koudelka of Cleve­ quire of J. T. Henderson, Randall, POOR Wetzel, and children went to Still­ Miss Laura Foisy came up from land, Ohio, the first Bohemian bishop of this month. Minn. 23 4t pd Union Provision Co., meat 3.65 water Tuesday, where they will Minneapolis yesterday for a visit with in America. Little Falls Hardware Co. Victor Olson, groceries 17.50 attend the golden wedding celebration friends here. The Rev. Francis Lange and the FOR SALE—Or trade for city prop­ Henry J. Lafond, flour 4.65 of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolf, which Val. E. Kasparek went to Minne­ Rev. Stanislaus Nawrocki, who re­ erty, forty acres, in section 31, Gr#en D. Germain, groceries 5.00 will be held next Monday. Messrs. apolis yesterday on a business visit ceived the next largest number of SENATOR ALLISON FATALLY Prairie township. Reason for selling, Anthony Brunell, quarantine Simonet and Wetzel leave tomorrow there and in St. Paul. votes for bishop, were deacons of hon­ STRICKEN. to join In the celebration. ill health. Call on, or address, C. A. guard 10.50 R. L. Nichols and P. J. Lauerman or. The Rev. M. J. Fitzsimmons was Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 5.—William Ramsdill City, Route 6, box 10. 23 tf Richaerd Bros., mdse 2.00 went to Pierz yesterday on a business the assistant priest; the Rev. E. M. Boyd Allison died in his Locust street J. Posch, groceries 5.00 Dunne, D. D., the notary; the Rev. home at 1:33 o'clock yesterday after­ DRAFT HORSES FOR SAT.Fi St. Gabriels' Hospital, board GeoH A^^ein Services boiird 28'°° orMf' -^nd Mrs- J- Robin8°D of the Francis Wojtalewicz and the Rev. E. noon, aged 80 years. With him at M. S. Jacobson is in the city with and attendance on Anna of equalization 21 00 W*h° ha7e 1)6611 ,visitin« in Rogalski, deacon and subdeacon of the dissolution were members of his a carload of draft horses. They can Ebertowski 60.00 Herald Ptg. Co., job printing/: 2!75 ^|ht COUnty' returned home this mass. household and his physician. A be seen at Newman's sale stables, MISCELLANEOUS Bishop Muldoon's chaplains were Second street northeast. bulletin by doctors Hancock and VV. S. Nott Co., repairs for hose 6.00 *90?and brard of^SuaSzatfon 371 00 Barn®>" was on a trip the Rev. Casimir Sztuczko of Holy Lewis announcing death D. Brown draying 75 88 returned home Trinity church and the Rev. Maximil­ heart failure as the cause. The FOR SALE—Carload of draft E: f: ^ 2^ ^Sf^ayV^Sg ' ian Koteckl of SS. Peter and Paul Pine Tree Lumber Co., on ac­ repairs on , _ announcement of the senator's death horses. Can be seen at Newman's sale crusher.. ' o 851 George Moeglein, accompanied by church. Bishop Koudelka's chaplains case was a shock to neighbors and stables. Sold reasonably on good count lumber for bridge 600.00 J. W. Berg, hardware for city 8ata8i,,eS8 trip were the Rev. Bolesalus Nowakowski. the community as few were aware' of bankable papers. —Kline & Jacob- tosrcio^tX The chanters were the Rev. S. Zwier- son. - ball 2477 his illness. 16 Nick Adams, cement walks and sinimAT ir« L Frank Kerich made a business trip chowski and the Kev. Louis Grund- _ aUMjWALKS , to Bowlus this week, returning Wednes- zinski. The Rev. John Kosinksi, C. Senator Allison had served thirty- crossings... 58,60 G. W. Massy, agent sidewalk day. We have on hand a large amount of W. H. Ryan, coal and tiling... 16.02' R., and the Rev. John Gronkowski, five years as United States senator, the money to loan on farm land at a low rebate. 92.99 Misses Ethel Dawson, Jennie Sund- both former schoolmates of the bishop longest career of the kind in American Water Power Co., lights for Louis Hamlin, same 17.66 strom and Mary Bryant left Wednes- rate of interest and easy terms. Jnly 271.62 elect, were his chaplains. The Rev. histpry, and before becoming senator Money furnished as soon as papers are Ward & Fowler, same 26.00 day for Minneapolis. had served eight years as congress­ Water Power Co., hydrant ser­ Harriett Joslini. John Lange and the Rev. Denis Dunne signed. Call or write us before clos­ vice for July 320.00 14.58 Mrs. Charles Jensen, who has been were masters of ceremonies at the al­ man. He was for many years chair­ ing your loan, we will save you Axel Johnson, same 6.66 visiting in Mankato, returned home ter. man of the senate committed on Transcript Pub. Co., official ptg 3.00 John Donelly, same " money.—First National Bank, Little A. J. Fenn, running lines 18.00 39.33 Wednesday night accompanied by Mr. Following the consecration ceremon­ appropriations. Falls, Minn. i2tf Wm. Misbe, same 7.66 and Mrs. Nerboirg of that place. Geo. Kiewel, service board of John Hinder, same ies and the solemn pontifical high! 14.66 Miss Mae Staples, who has been mass, all of the clergy present, includ- YARD RECORD BROKEN. equalization 18.00 Nick Adams, cement biock : FOR SALE—A general stock of Huff and Sylvester, repairs on outing at Lincoln, returned home ing the prelates and the auxiliary) Abergavenny, Ene An* 5 —R p books, stationery, newTs, cigars, crossing 25.20 Wednesday. hose cart. 2.00 Nick Adams, cement walks bishop, went to the school hall of the Walkerf the ^uth^Africin sprSten tobacco, confectionery, Eastman Fred Cary, service on board of 96.80 Mrs. M. Hand and little daughter, kodaks and kodak supplies: soda O. Karnoski, sidewalks refund 13.33 of Mtaeapolis, were in the cty Ya^'- equalization .7. 24.35 A. K. Hall same P fountain and ice cream in connection, Northwestern Tel. Lx. toll ^40 29.16 day, enroute to Granite, whe/e they : prieSte„ f » fixtures etc. Will sell cheap if taken P. M. Johnson, same 12.50 will visit with the family of F. Hardware Co., hardware 8;59 John H. Canfield, same John j ley. Bishop Koudelka, and the new;.His time was 9 2-5 seconds 1-5 of a B Tuttle & Co.. Little Chas. Sylvester, telegram from 13 33 Kraemer, .and other relatives. ! bishop were among those who made second less than the rails, Minn. «i J. Jetka, same 13.33 Wm. Gish and family left Wednes­ record made by state treasurer .35 J. G. Millspaogb, same.... 1.00 addresses. ; Daniel J Kelly at Spokane. Wash., day for their future home at Onamia. 1 After this banquet the new bishop Jnne 23, 1906. "•ss