St Nazianz 1854 1954.Pdf
.ll.28• MANITCMIOCWl 64220 MTWC 977.567 ST St. Nazianz Centennial St . Na=ianz, 1854 - 1954 I Manitowoc Public Library 33128003'394597 ' p . LIBRARY USE ONLY A drawing of tho village around 1860. 1854 St. Nazianz 1954 An ooriol view of the va11,. .... MTWC 977. 567 ST St . Nazianz Centennial St . Nazianz, 1854 - 1954 I Manitowoc Public Library 33128003994597 l D ed ication HUS ended the fi rst day in our new fatherland pansion, so beneficial not only to the community itself, Tand our new home, concl uclecl with the ~ecita but also to other parishes, Mary's intercession before God tion of the rosary . At the close of every busy has brought manifold blessings, spiritual and material, clay, in perfect unity, we gathered around a large lire, upon her devotees. and prayed the rosary . " These facts are recorded Nor can it be called simply coincidence, as so many in the Chronicle of St. N11zi1111z, by Anton Stoll, who people would label it, that the centennial of ·the proc· likewise concludes every year's entry in the Chronicle lamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception 111id - with the words: Celobt sei Jesus Maria ( Praised be and the centennial of St. Nazianz are celebrated in the Jesus and Mary). Examples can be swiftly multiplied same year. Before God chance does not exist; attributing of the devotion paid to Mary, the Mother of Goel, by the events to chance is a blasphemy in His sight, for nothing citizens of St. Nazianz from its founding, the erection of ever happens on the face of the earth and in the whole its first shrine, one to our Lady of Loretto, in 1855, clown of His creation without His knowledge and power.
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