General Index
GENERAL INDEX Absyrtus 34 7 Allecto 106, 109 Achates 180 Allius (in Catullus) 107-8 Achelous 288, 292, 301 Alpheus 284 Achilles 128, 249, 288-89 + n. 53, Althea 291 289, 317' 322, 394-96 Amata 106-7, 109 Acmon 322 Amor(es) 242, 405 Acoetes 265-66, 292 see also Cupid Acontius 137-38 Amphimedon 241 Acrisius 289 anachronisms 280, 316, 320, 377, Actaeon 262-64, 379-80, 433 422 Actium, battle of 204 Romanizing 306, 315, 325 Adonis 286, 377 analepsis see flashback adynaton/ a 342, 365-66, 374 Ancaeus 377 Aeacus 284 Anchises 179, 223 Aeneas 128, 206, 312, 326, 437 ancile 224-25, 230 apotheosis of 199-200, 311-12, Andromeda 240-42, 244, 289 321-27, 329 Anna (sister of Dido) 180-81 in Fasti 179-80, 182, 203, 212, Anna Perenna 172, 183, 198, 214, 230 213 n. 43, 397 in Met. 309-12, 322-24, 326-27 identified with Anna, sister of Dido Virgil's 128, 179-80, 207, 240-42, 180 244-45, 249, 263, 289, 396 Antimachus 50 Aesacus 307, 318-19, 326 Antinous 242 Aeschylus 130, 259, 267 Antony, Marc (Marcus Antonius) 8, see also tragedy, Greek 197 n. 2, 206 Aesculapius 173-74 Aphrodite 173, 212 Aetas Ovidiana 413, 422 see also Venus see also Ovid, medieval reception of; Apollo 11-12, 47, 67, 84, 163, Ovid, works of, s.v. transmission 177-78, 184, 186, 230, 376, 437 Aethion 241 Callimachean 28, 175 aetiology 174-75, 178, 193-95, oracle of, at Delos 263 208-9, 213, 248, 252, 257, 274, oracle of, at Delphi 240, 250, 253, 276-77, 318-19, 324, 326, 398 263 see also 'aition' in Met.
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