Important Mcqs and VIVA Points 

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Important Mcqs and VIVA Points  Important MCQs and VIVA Points Juglar notch is present at lower border of T2 vertebrae. Sternal angle is present at 2nd costal cartilage. Azygous vein arches over the root of right lung. Upper seven ribs are called as true ribs. The costal cartilage of 8 9 10 ribs merge and form vertebro chondral ribs. 11 and 12 ribs are floating ribs. Weakest point of ribs is its angle. Transverse diameter of thorax is greater than vertical diameter of thorax in adults. Thoracic inlet syndrome is due to the compression of subclavian artery and 1st thoracic nerve by sclaneu anterior or cervical rib. 1st rib have large tubercle and upper surface have many grooves. 11th and 12th ribs have pointed ends with no tubercle And neck Sternum is a flat bone. / Page 1 of 4 Joint between manubrium and sternum is secondary cartilagenous Joint of xiphisternum is primary cartilagenous. Typical ribs are 3-9. Typical vertebrae are 2-8. 1st thoracic vertebrae have horizontal spine. Costovertebral and intervertebral joint is plane synovial joint. Costochondral joint is primary cartilagenous joint. At costovertebral joint both movements occue that is pump handle and bucket handle movement. The tubercle has a smooth articular part for articulating with the corresponding transverse process of the vertebra and a rough nonarticular part for attachment of the costotransverse ligament The surface of the 1st rib has two transversely directed shallow grooves, anterior and posterior to the scalene tubercle, for the subclavian vein and the subclavian artery respectively The sternoclavicular joint is a saddle-type synovial joint IMP SEQ’S Thoracic inlet with its contents Thoracic outlet and its contents Joints of thoracic wall / Page 2 of 4 Movement of thoracic wall i.e pump handle and bucket handle Chest pain Flail chest Supernumerary ribs Thoracic outlet syndrome Sternal anomalies Copyright: Medical Globe 2020 / Page 3 of 4 / Page 4 of 4.
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