Integrated Coastal Zone Planning and Management in the Baltic Region a Gis-Model Developed in Gotland

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Integrated Coastal Zone Planning and Management in the Baltic Region a Gis-Model Developed in Gotland County administrative board of Gotland INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT IN THE BALTIC REGION A GIS-model developed in Gotland INCLUDED IN NATURESHIP REPORT SERIES Gotlanti englanti.indd 3 21.11.2012 11:41:15 Report nr: 2012:11 Published: 2012 TITLE: Integrated planning and management in the Baltic Sea Region - a GIS-model elaborated in Gotland COVER PICTURE: Lars Vallin, Högklint Gotland AUTHOR: Susanne Appelqvist, biology and GIS Marie-Louise Hellqvist, cultural environment Urban Pettersson, seawater questions Josefin Walldén, general discriptions All in County Administrative Board in Gotland PHOTO AND MAPS: See each picture GRAPHIC DESIGN: Urikka Lipasti, ELY, Turku, and Lena Hultberg, County Administrative Board in Gotland EDITOR: County Administrative Board in Gotland PRINTING HOUSE: County Administrative Board in Gotland, Visby This publication is also published in a digital version at County Administrative Board in Gotland´s web page or at Naturships webbpage Preface This publication is a product of the Natureship project land, Sweden and Estonia. Within the project, coastal (2009–2013), co-ordinated by the Centre for Economic planning, is implemented in accordance with sustainable Development, Transport and the Environment in the development and, together with other parties, the pro- Southwest of Finland. Natureship is an international pro- ject attempts to find cost-effective solutions which benefit ject with partners in Estonia, Finland and Sweden. The water protection and biodiversity. The Estonian, Finnish project is financed by the Central Baltic Interreg IV A Pro- and Swedish project partners are testing different plan- gramme together with national financiers. Natureship has ning methods for coastal areas by combining geographic a total of eleven partners: The Centre for Economic De- information system (GIS) material with historical material, velopment, Transport and the Environment in the South- by testing innovative maintenance methods and propos- west of Finland, the University of Turku Department of ing recommendations, as well as by examining key spe- Geography and Geology, Metsähallitus, Luontopalvelut cies of culture biotopes. Furthermore, the project evalu- (Natural Heritage Services) in the cities of Hamina, Rai- ates ecosystem services, i.e., the tangible and intangible sio and Salo, and the municipality of Vihti, Norrtälje Na- benefits humans receive from nature. ture Conservation Foundation, the County Administrative Board of Gotland, Estonian Environmental Board and the The principal products of the project are six publications University of Tartu. concerning nature conservation. Electronic versions of all of the publications can be downloaded at the project The objective of the project is to promote co-operation website within nature conservation and water protection in Fin- Mika Orjala and Annastina Sarlin Project co-ordinators for the Natureship project 3 Contents 1 Summary .......................................................................................................................6 2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................7 2.1 Gotland, the magical island ........................................................................................8 2.2 Natureship ..................................................................................................................9 2.3 Purpose, objective and target group...........................................................................9 3 Public administration and ecosysstem services ..........................................................10 3.1 County Administrative Board ....................................................................................10 3.2 Dialogue as a tool in public administration ...............................................................10 3.3 Geographic Information System - a planning tool .......................................................10 3.4 Ecosystem services ..................................................................................................10 3.5 Read more about ecosystem services ..................................................................... 11 4 The cultural heritage of the coast ................................................................................13 4.1 The history of Gotland - a summary .........................................................................13 4.2 Cultural remains in the coastal zone ........................................................................15 4.3 Maritime remains ......................................................................................................18 4.4 The dawning of tourism ............................................................................................18 5 The coastal zone and the marine environment ...........................................................19 5.1 The coastal zone is in demand .................................................................................19 5.2 The coastal zone of Gotland .....................................................................................19 5.3 The marine environment around the coast of Gotland .............................................20 5.4 Common marine species ..........................................................................................22 5.5 The environmental status of the sea ........................................................................23 6 Coexistence of many interests ....................................................................................24 6.1 Buildings ...................................................................................................................24 6.2 Wind power...............................................................................................................25 6.3 The changes in fishing and homes near the beach ..................................................26 6.4 Harbours and maritime traffic ...................................................................................26 7 Threats to the marine environment ..............................................................................27 7.1 Enemies of the maritime environment ......................................................................27 8 Integrated GIS model for planning and public planning in the coastal zone ...............28 8.1 Integrated GIS model ...............................................................................................28 8.2 Classification of conservation values........................................................................28 8.3 Map layers for conservation values ..........................................................................31 8.4 Map layers for exploitation interests .........................................................................38 8.5 Map layer for protected areas...................................................................................38 8.6 Update of map layer .................................................................................................39 9 GIS model with potential for development ...................................................................40 9.1 Merger of map layers................................................................................................40 9.2 Areas and other facts................................................................................................42 9.3 Estonia and Finland ..................................................................................................42 9.4 Estonia......................................................................................................................44 9.5 Finland ......................................................................................................................45 9.6 Survey in west Finland .............................................................................................45 10 Challenges and future possibilities ............................................................................46 10.1 Model, classification and demarcation....................................................................46 10.2 Development ..........................................................................................................46 10.3 Use .........................................................................................................................47 10.4 Continued work.......................................................................................................47 11 Foot note list ..............................................................................................................48 12 Glossary ....................................................................................................................49 13 Appendices ................................................................................................................52 Appendix 1. The model of ecosystem services on Gotland .......................................53 Appendix 2. The model of exploitation on Gotland ....................................................54 Appendix 3. The model of protected areas on Gotland. ............................................55 Appendix 4. Model of the map layer of Estonia. ........................................................56 Appendix 5. Model of
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