Defense Institution Building PME Bi-Monthly Report Defense Education Enhancement Program (DEEP) Africa Military Education Program (AMEP) November-December 2018

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The annual review of the Kazakhstan program in early December indicates significant progress in three courses developed with DEEP support, courses that represent a wide range of subjects. This achievement reflects not only the hard work by and collaboration between the DEEP team and its Kazakhstan counterparts, but also serves as a model for the potential impact DEEP can make with a partner nation that is committed to making improvements across the full range of its military education system.

• Civil-Military Relations Course: After having successfully delivered the 14-hour pilot course without external support from 3-5 December, the Kazakhstani NDU expressed a strong desire to conduct this course for the Presidential Guard and other non-MOD security elements such as the Border Guards. With DEEP support, the NDU intends to expand the course to 45 hours.

• In mid-November Professor George Topic, Vice Director, U.S. NDU Center for Joint and Strategic Logistics, and DEEP Logistics Lead, observed instructors deliver the Logistics Course. According to Professor Topic, “They are actually teaching credible graduate level supply chain management and logistics operations planning that would be in place in almost any western Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) school.” The Kazakhstani NDU requested DEEP support to expand the current Logistics Course by a total of 9-12 in-class course hours by increasing focus on Supply Chain Management, External Transportation Logistics, and Informational Logistics.

• Strategic Planning Course: Rather than create an entire new course, DEEP will facilitate the introduction of new planning subjects such as design, and integrate them into the current NDU curriculum. This new approach will begin sometime during February or March 2019.

On a final matter related to the Kazakhstan review, the NDU and DEEP agreed to suspend Special Operations Course development after determining a U.S.-Kazakhstani intelligence information exchange agreement would not be signed in the foreseeable future.

In Armenia, the MOD requested DEEP support for its NDU for Research (NDRU) in order to develop a new war college-equivalent strategic course. The course will address the strategic and operational levels of war for all colonels and, ultimately, senior personnel from other ministries.


DEEP made important advances in Master Instructor Programs (MIPs) during this period, delivering a second weeklong MIP workshop for the Macedonian Military Academy (MMA) in late November. DEEP also facilitated the third of four MIP workshops for the Ukraine Air Force Academy faculty, also in late November.

Highlights for AMEP include Botswana conducting the initial Air Arm Squadron Officer School Basic Course for newly commissioned lieutenants. The BDF Staff (CHOD) delivered the keynote speech for the class graduation, thanking AMEP and the U.S. Embassy for their support.

In Burkina Faso, AMEP experts observed Military Academy faculty striving to ensure cadets applied critical thinking and clear communication skills in their decision-making during a December Leadership Curriculum Development workshop. In addition, the Military Academy Deputy Commandant and his staff demonstrated the capacity to make curriculum adaptations as part of an after action review.

AMEP also initiated three new programs during this period with the completion of the following site surveys: • Intelligence School (3-5 December) • Mozambique NCO Academy (28-30 November) • Senegal Air Force NCO Academy (5-7 December)

The following summarizes the overall numbers of events executed during September and October 2018, as well as those planned over the next 4 months (January 2018-April 2019).

Events Completed Number of Countries DEEP 16 8 AMEP 11 11

Events Planned Number of Countries DEEP 9 5 AMEP 17 12

2. DEEP: RECENT EVENTS, MILESTONES & SENIOR LEVEL MEETINGS – 16 events and 1 milestone in 8 countries

Afghanistan Basic Faculty Development Workshop 10-14 December, Brasov, A multinational team of DEEP experts delivered the second Basic Faculty Development workshop as part of a series of events to form a cadre of Afghan NDU instructors who will utilize modern teaching methodologies. The workshop emphasized aligning foundational concepts of learning outcomes (LOs), assessment of student achievement at specified

2 levels, and student-centered active learning instructional strategies. Students practiced creating, aligning and analyzing LOs and assessment plans.

Armenia (2 events) NCO Development Workshop 5-9 November 2018, Yerevan A multinational NCO team delivered a development workshop for the NCO Academy.

Annual DEEP Program Review 5-9 November 2018, Yerevan A multinational expert team conducted the annual review of the Armenian DEEP country program. The review determined that the National Defense Research University (NDRU) displays a strong Western orientation. The country program has produced a variety of positive effects: • New faculty hiring reflects a new generation more Western in their orientation and thinking • There is a clear willingness to engage regionally • A proposed cyber security course reflects commitment to engage the broader national security community beyond the MOD • The Minister of Defense decided to expand the mission of the NDRU beyond research to include education.

With DEEP support, the NDRU has been directed to develop a war college-equivalent strategic course that addresses both the strategic and operational levels of war, and that issues mater’s degrees in accordance with Bologna Process standards for colonels and senior personnel from other ministries. In addition, the pre-commissioning Military Institute and the Aviation Military Institute have been transformed into universities. They have also initiated efforts with the Ministry of Education to ensure bachelor’s and master’s degree credits will be recognized in accordance with Bologna Process standards.

Kazakhstan (3 events) Review of the NDU Logistics Course 13-15 November, Astana U.S. DEEP Logistics Lead Professor George Topic, Vice Director, Center for Joint and Strategic Logistics, U.S. NDU, observed and assessed the delivery of the DEEP-supported Kazakh NDU Logistics course. He commented:

“They are actually teaching credible graduate level supply chain management and logistics operations planning that would be in place in almost any western JPME school. I am not kidding--it is just short of spectacular, and the students are excellent. The product is really good. I would also be remiss if I did not mention the pedagogy: They had a fifteen-minute animated discussion of the relative utility of throughput distribution and centralized accountability versus decentralized execution of logistics functions. Every one of the fifteen students participated substantially in the discussions.”


Observation/Assessment of the Pilot NDU Civil-Military Relations Course 4-6 December, Astana Dr. Marybeth Ulrich, US Army War College, observed and assessed the pilot for the 14- hour Civil-Military Relations course at the NDU. NDU faculty delivered this inaugural course as a core requirement to students in the two-year State Governance course (war college-equivalent). The NDU also published a 96-page course textbook, entitled “Civil- Military Relations,” which contains a detailed curriculum. The course focuses on the theory and framework of civil-military relations, military professionalism, and the armed forces and society—all with an emphasis on the subordination of the military to civilian control. The NDU considers this Part 1 of what will ultimately be a three-part course.

Annual DEEP Program Review 10 December 2018, Astana The DEEP program lead for Kazakhstan conducted the annual program review. Review highlights include:

Civil-Military Relations Course: There is now a strong Kazakhstani desire to conduct this course for the Presidential Guard and other non-MOD security elements (e.g., Border Guards). The NDU requested DEEP support to expand the current 14-hour course to a 45-hour course, with a goal of delivering the expanded course by 2021.

Logistics Course: The NDU requested DEEP support to expand the current Logistics Course by a total of 9-12 in-class course hours by increasing the depth in three separate subjects: 1. Supply Chain Management, 2. External Transportation Logistics, and 3. Informational Logistics

Special Operations Course: The NDU originally planned to develop the course after the signing of the U.S.-KAZ intelligence exchange agreement. Because that signing will not happen in the foreseeable future, the NDU requested that the development of the Special Operations Course be placed on hold until a finalization of the JSOPA takes place. Accordingly, DEEP support for the course has been suspended.

Strategic Planning Course: Experts from the Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC) in Norfolk, VA, have made progress over the last year with facilitating development of a Strategic Planning Course. As a result of those efforts, the NDU and JFSC have agreed that instead of creating an entire new course, they will simply integrate new planning subjects into the current NDU Planning Course curriculum. The new approach will begin in February- March 2019.

Macedonia (2 events) Master Instructor Program (MIP) Workshop 26-30 November 2018, Skopje Two experts traveled to Macedonia to deliver an MIP workshop to five Macedonian educators who have been selected to become the pedagogy faculty development experts

4 for the Macedonian Military Academy (MMA). The event introduced the necessary teaching and learning concepts so MMA faculty will produce a sustainable plan for providing a faculty development program to their instructors, one that supports MMA efforts to offer effective instruction using modern pedagogical techniques. Ultimately, incoming faculty members will receive a fundamental training course on pedagogical effectiveness at the beginning of their teaching careers and throughout their tenure as instructors. The next of three or four total MIP workshops is targeted for May 2019.

Macedonia Program Annual Review 26-30 November 2018, Skopje A multinational expert team conducted an annual review of the Macedonia Military Academy DEEP country program. The team received a new request for DEEP support for NCO Academy curriculum and faculty development.

Mauritania Counterterrorism Curriculum Development Workshop 10-14 December 2018, Nouakchott A multinational expert team delivered a counterterrorism curriculum development workshop for the Staff College faculty.

Tunisia (2 events) Cyber Security Curriculum Development Workshop 11-14 November 2018, Tunis Three experts delivered a second workshop designed to create a cyber security course for the War College.

Geopolitics Curriculum Development Workshop 10-14 December 2018, Tunis Two experts delivered a curriculum workshop to support development of a multi-hour War College course on Geopolitics, Strategy, Defence Planning, International Security Affairs, and International Relations.

Ukraine (4 events and 1 milestone event) Basic Faculty Development Workshop 29 October-2 November 2018, Zhytomyr Two DEEP experts delivered the second basic faculty workshop for faculty at the Zhytomyr Military Institute (pre-commissioning for technical specialties). The workshop focused on adult learning principles and techniques. Topics included: andragogy (adult education), active learning, learning styles, learner centric learning, critical thinking, and Bloom’s Taxonomy. This event established the foundation for the last basic faculty development workshop on assessment and evaluation, likely to be delivered in spring/summer 2019.

Here is a translation of the event’s description on the Institute’s website:


“The training of military specialists is a significant and labor-intensive process that requires special attention at all stages: from planning to analysis of learning outcomes. For these reasons and to bring the educational process closer to NATO standards, a second scientific and methodological seminar on teacher training was conducted by the DEEP from 29 October-2 November 2018 at the Zhytomyr Military Institute.”

Ukraine PME Reform Conference (milestone event) 5-8 November 2018, Kiev Multinational experts participated in a DEEP-supported conference on Ukraine PME reform. COL Tim Teague, Joint Staff J7, participated in the visit. First Deputy MOD Rusnak confirmed Ukraine’s readiness to create a joint working group, one that includes allied nation advisors, to draft a PME reform concept document in 2019. The reform concept will address: Human Resource Management (e.g., officer and NCO professional development); the introduction and teaching of NATO-standard planning and mission command procedures at all levels of the Ukraine Armed Forces (to support interoperability with NATO forces); and English language requirements for graduation and commissioning from all Ukraine Armed Forces pre-commissioning schools (NATO- STANAG Level 2).

Master Instructor Program (MIP) Workshop 17-21 November 2018, Kharkiv Three DEEP experts conducted the third of four MIP workshops for the Ukraine Air Force Academy faculty. This workshop included observation and provision of feedback to academy faculty delivering the MIP curriculum to their instructors without external support.

NCO Development Annual Review 19-23 November 2018, Kiev A multinational NCO team conducted an annual review of the Ukraine NCO education system. The U.S. was represented by SGM Jason Leeworthy, U.S. Army NCO Leadership Center of Excellence, Ft. Bliss, TX.

Leadership Development Course Curriculum Development Workshop 25 November-1 December 2018, Odessa Experts from the U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis delivered the first of several workshops to support creation of a multi-hour leadership course for the Ukraine Naval Academy (pre-commissioning). Initial focus is on summer practical training for 50 Ukrainian midshipmen. The training will be modeled after the U.S. Marine Corps Leadership Reaction Course (LRC) in Quantico, Virginia. With the support of the DEEP team, Maritime Academy faculty will develop their own LRC. The evolutions will be timed and graded by the Ukrainian instructor staff. This practical leadership experience will provide their students with experiential learning on: • Communication • Coordination


• Delegation • Critical thinking • Teamwork • Leadership development

The DEEP team will next travel to Odessa in May of 2019 for a final coordination meeting and training of Naval Academy staff on each of the scenarios. All the materials will have been acquired and a training location finalized during this next event.

Uzbekistan Annual DEEP Program Review 22-23 October 2018, Tashkent The academic lead conducted an annual review of the Uzbek country program in support of the Armed Forces Academy (war college/staff college-equivalent). Review highlights include: 1. The Armed Forces Academy has transformed its curricula from a collection of individual, unrelated lessons into a series of connected modules 2. Students are now being graded at the end of each module rather than at the end of the entire curriculum 3. Classroom visits revealed widespread use of modern teaching approaches, all of which can be traced to DEEP support. Uzbek faculty informed the DEEP team that the modern, education-based room configurations were driven by what they learned during their DEEP-sponsored visits to the Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC), Ft. Leavenworth. 4. The AFA has an excellent new facility with very modern equipment in place in all classrooms, lecture halls, the library, and language labs.

Discussions produced the following recommendations for FY19 and what will be part of the FY20 AFA program: 1. Curriculum development for a new multi-hour Leadership Course, requiring 3-4 workshops in FY19, and 2-3 workshops in FY 20 2. Distance learning development, requiring 2 workshops in FY 19 (1 workshop on how to organize a distance learning program and another on how to develop distance learning curricula) 3. Initiation of VTCs between the CGSC and AFA faculties to maintain continuity between workshops (AFA VTC capacity is already in place)

3. DEEP: UPCOMING EVENTS – 9 events will be conducted in 5 countries over the next 4 months

Armenia Building Integrity Curriculum Development Workshop 11-15 February 2019, Yerevan A multinational team of DEEP experts will deliver the second in a series of curriculum development workshops to create a Building Integrity course for the Armenian National


Defense Research University. This workshop will address officer/NCO relations and principles of military leadership. Azerbaijan Master Instructor Program Workshop 14-18 January 2019 Two DEEP program experts will deliver the second in a series of 3-4 workshops to develop a Master Instructor Program (MIP) for the Military College of the Armed Forces faculty.

Georgia Combined Arms Center Scoping Visit 7-10 January 2019, Tbilisi Dr. Bob Antis, Joint Forces Staff College, Norfolk, VA will conduct a scoping visit of the Georgian Combined Arms Center.

Kazakhstan (2 events) Leadership and Ethics Curriculum Development Workshop 25-27 February 2019, Astana CDR Andrew Ledford from the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, will deliver the first in a series workshops designed to develop a modern Leadership and Ethics Course for the Kazakhstani NDU.

Strategic Planning Curriculum Development Workshop February-March 2019 (exact dates TBD), Astana U.S. Joint Forces Staff College, Norfolk, VA, experts will deliver a workshop in support of the expansion of the Kazakhstani NDU Strategic Planning course.

Ukraine (4 events) Ukraine Defence Management School Review 6-8 February 2019, Kiev The DEEP Coordinator will travel to the Ukraine NDU to participate in discussions on the specific goals, organization, and curricula for the proposed Ukraine Defence Management School.

NDU Master Instructor Program (MIP) Workshop 25 February-1 March, Kiev A multinational team will deliver the second MIP workshop the for NDU faculty.

Air Force Academy Master Instructor Program (MIP) Workshop 15-19 April, Kharkiv A multinational expert team will deliver the fourth and final MIP workshop for the Air Force Academy faculty.


NDU Master Instructor Program (MIP) Workshop 22-26 April, Kiev A multinational team will deliver the third MIP workshop for the NDU faculty.

4. AMEP: RECENT EVENTS AND MILESTONES – 11 events in 11 countries and the U.S.

Botswana Pilot Air Arm Junior Officer Course Observation 28 October-9 November 2018, Molepolole Two U.S. Air University experts observed and assessed the (BDF) faculty deliver the pilot Air Arm Squadron Officer School (SOS) Basic Course for newly commissioned lieutenants. The first class graduated in a ceremony attended by the U.S. Office of Security Cooperation (OSC). The BDF Chief of Defence Staff (CHOD) was the keynote speaker. Local television and newspaper reporters also attended. The CHOD thanked the AMEP program and the U.S. Embassy in his speech. This concludes the AMEP support program for the Air Arm Junior Officer Course; AMEP will transition to a sustainment program for the Course.

Burkina Faso Military Academy Leadership Curriculum Development Workshop 4-7 December 2018, Ouagadougou U.S. Military Academy West Point experts delivered a Leadership Curriculum Development Workshop for the Military Academy. The intent was to advise and assist the Burkinabe Academy faculty in creating and delivering a leadership program focused on ethics, one that enables autonomous cadet character development. West Point’s Leader Challenge Assessment serves as the model for the program.

The AMEP experts observed evidence of Burkinabe cadre development as they developed discussion questions and considered the direction cadet conversations could go. It was clear the cadre desired their cadets to have the ability to critically think and articulate the reasons behind their decisions. The Military Academy Deputy Commandant and his staff also demonstrated the capacity to make curriculum adaptations as part of an after action review.

Cameroon Intelligence School Initial Site Survey 3-4 December 2018, Yaoundé USAF Intelligence School experts conducted an initial site survey to support curriculum development for the Cameroon Intelligence School. A Cameroon Intelligence School team will develop an AMEP Two-Year Program of Cooperation (POC), in close coordination with the Cameroon Director of Military Intelligence, to create an intelligence school. The first two courses to be taught at the new school will be a Basic Intelligence Course and an ISR Operations/Planning Course to support the Cessna SCAN EAGLE program. AMEP activities will be closely coordinated with the Defense Governance Management Team (DGMT), which is supporting the development of a Cameroon Intelligence Corps.


Chad Master Instructor Program Workshop 28 October-3 November 2018, N'Djamena Two experts delivered the first of 3-4 Master Instructor Program (MIP) workshops for the Chadian Military Academy (pre-commissioning). The workshops are designed to develop internal capacity to train incoming faculty to use modern teaching methodologies.

Djibouti Basic Faculty Development Workshop 5-16 November 2018, HollHoll Three Kentucky National Guard experts met with the new NCO Academy Deputy Commandant and his staff to plan and begin work on basic faculty development for the NCO Academy cadre. The workshop included lesson plan development, the use of research, and how to modify lesson plans. The AMEP team provided a back brief to U.S. Ambassador Andre who indicated continued support for the Kentucky National Guard and the Djiboutian AMEP country program.

Kenya Curriculum Development Workshop 29 October-2 November 2018, Nairobi Experts from the USA Intelligence Center of Excellence, Ft. Huachuca, AZ, and U.S. Army Africa met with Kenyan School of Military Intelligence (SOMI) leadership to discuss and provide guidance on required content for developing a new curriculum.

Madagascar Madagascar Military Academy (MMA) Curriculum Review 11-14 November 2018, Antsirabe One U.S. Naval Academy expert conducted a review of the MMA’s Military curriculum as well as its Leadership curriculum to determine next steps for an AMEP-supported curriculum development effort. The MMA staff was exceptionally professional, and aware that their mission was to develop cadets into adaptive problem solvers, characteristics very similar to those U.S. service academies seek to cultivate.

The staff shared concerns about cadet development similar to those that might be found at a U.S. service academy: professional competence of graduates, junior officer-senior NCO interaction and relationships, and cadet knowledge retention. AMEP recommendations included increasing senior NCO involvement in training exercises to provide the cadets opportunities to interface with the NCOs they will lead after graduation. At the conclusion of the review, the MMA commandant indicated that many of the AMEP recommendations would be incorporated into the curriculum. He also requested a second review in the future, indicating that critical feedback by AMEP is valued.


Mozambique NCO Academy Faculty Development Initial Site Survey 29-30 November 2018, Boane Experts from the USAF NCO Academy, Ramstein, Germany, conducted an initial site survey of the Mozambique NCO Academy (NCOA) in preparation for faculty development support. The site survey determined that the AMEP program would support a two- part faculty development program for the NCO Academy faculty: 1. Basic Faculty Development that will be delivered to all faculty, and 2. Master Instructor Program (MIP) to prepare several of the best instructors with three years retainability to serve as the NCOA faculty development specialists.

Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) Military Hospital Sustainment Review 26-28 November 2018, Experts from the Defense Institute for Medical Operations, JBSA Lackland, TX, conducted a sustainment review to support the RDF Military Hospital’s International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) training at its Medical Modeling and Simulation (MMS) Center. The AMEP team addressed the capacity for the RDF Military Hospital to deploy in support of UN peacekeeping missions.

Senegal Air Force NCO Academy Initial Site Survey 6-7 December 2018, Dakar Vermont Air Guard experts conducted an initial site survey in preparation to support creation of a Senegal Air Force NCO Academy (NCOA). They determined that AMEP support for the creation of the NCOA would take place in stages: 1. Support for the Basic NCO Course 2. Sustainment program for the Basic NCO Course 3. Potential support for development of an Advanced NCO Course 4. Support for administration and management of the NCOA

Sierra Leone NCO Course Observation and Assessment 12-16 November 2018, Freetown SGM Jason Leeworthy, USA Sergeants Major Academy, observed and assessed the Royal Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) delivery of select NCO courses: Platoon Commanders Course (PCBC); Platoon Sergeants Course (PSBC); and Section Commanders Battle Course (SCBC).

Since the initial AMEP site survey, Sierra Leone, with the help of the UK, has executed five iterations of Junior NCO and Senior NCO courses. This represents an important achievement. From 2016-2018, Sierra Leone, under UK supervision, adopted and instituted two UK NCO Leadership Courses (Junior and Senior). These courses conform to NATO standards. Most importantly, the UK PME approach promotes a strong military culture, one that the RSLAF has embraced at the NCO level. The curriculum has

11 significant education-based lessons focused on human rights, gender mainstreaming, civil and criminal law, and religious and moral law. Overall the curriculum is well suited to meet current RSLAF requirements. Due to UK involvement in virtually all aspects of NCO training and education, AMEP leadership decided to suspend the NCO Academy program for Sierra Leone. The UK courses, with associated curriculum and faculty development, meet all NATO quality standards for NCO education. Any further NCO AMEP involvement would only amount to a duplication of effort.

5. AMEP: UPCOMING EVENTS –17 events in 12 countries and the U.S. over the next 4 months

Botswana (3 events) Cyber Security Curriculum Development Site Survey 28-29 January 2019, Gaborone AMEP cyber security academic experts will conduct a site survey to determine requirements for the development of a Botswana Defence Force (BDF) multi-hour cyber security course.

Sustainment Review of the Staff College/NCO Academy 30-31 January 2019, Gaborone The AMEP academic lead for Botswana and AMEP leadership will conduct a review of the previously completed curriculum and faculty development work for the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) Staff College and NCO Academy.

Air Wing NCO Academy Curriculum Development Workshop 2-9 February 2019, Molepolole Two USAF experts will work with the BDF Air Wing NCO Academy (BNCOA) Directing Staff to review the NCO Basic Course curriculum outline and further develop the content of the Basic NCO Course. This workshop will feature curriculum design instruction.

Benin Military Academy Review and Leadership Curriculum Development Workshop 10-15 March 2019, Cotonou Two experts from the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, will travel to the Benin Military Academy to: 1. Determine how the Benin Military Academy addresses leadership today, both in the classroom and outside the classroom in training. 2. Determine where the Benin Military Academy wants to go in detail with leadership curriculum changes. 3. Agree on a series of AMEP-supported events once Benin Military Academy leaders determine how they want to proceed. 4. If the above does not take more than two days, the USMA leadership curriculum specialist will then deliver a workshop for the remainder of the week to begin development of the actual classroom portion of the new leadership curriculum.


This workshop would determine learning objectives, and module and lesson topics.

Cameroon (2 events) Intelligence School Program Development Workshop February-March 2019 (exact dates TBD), San Angelo, TX Experts from the Cameroon Directorate for Military Intelligence will travel to the USAF Intelligence School to observe USAF Intelligence School classes, meet with administrators and faculty, and agree on the details of a new AMEP-supported country program designed to develop a modern intelligence school for the . The events for the AMEP Program of Cooperation will be developed during this workshop. Defense Governance Management Team (DGMT) personnel involved in the overall development of the Cameroon Intelligence Corps will also be invited to the San Angelo event. The USAF Intelligence School’s support will emphasize curriculum development for intelligence analysis and collection management, focus on faculty development for the identified faculty instructors, and advise on the administrative and management conduct of the school.

Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations/Planning Course Curriculum Development 26-28 March 2019, Yaoundé Experts from the USAF Special Operations School and the USAF Intelligence School will deliver the first of several curriculum development workshops to support the creation of an ISR Operations/Planning Course for the newly created Cameroon Intelligence School.

Chad Military Academy Curriculum Development Workshop 31 March-6 April March 2019, N’Djamena Three experts from the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, will deliver the next in series of curriculum development workshops for the Military Academy.

Djibouti (2 events) Military Academy Physical Education Sustainment Assessment 9-10 January 2019, Arta Experts from the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), Annapolis, will conduct a sustainment assessment for the AMEP-supported physical education course.

Military Academy Annual Program Review 10 January 2019, Arta Experts from the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), Annapolis, will conduct an annual review of the AMEP country program in support of the Military Academy.


Ghana NCO Academy Program Review 27 January-1 February 2019, Accra USAF Europe NCO Academy experts will conduct a review of the Ghana NCO Academy support program, with a focus on the need to determine the way ahead for curriculum development.

Kenya School of Military Intelligence (SOMI) Curriculum Design Workshop 11-15 February 2019, Nakuru AMEP experts will work with SOMI personnel to develop Basic Intelligence Course objectives and assessment materials. Additionally, AMEP experts will observe SOMI training and talk with SOMI instructors to determine the need for instructor development in support of implementation of the new curriculum. The workshop will produce a SOMI curriculum proposal that will be staffed to the Kenyan Defence Force (KDF) Director of Military Intelligence for approval.

Mali Faculty Development School Site Survey March 2019 (exact dates TBD), Bamako An AMEP team, to include two U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Leavenworth, KS, faculty development experts, will conduct an initial site survey to support the creation of a new faculty development school.

Niger Military Academy Leadership and Physical Education Curriculum Development Workshop 26 January-1 February 2019, Niamey Experts from the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, will deliver Leadership and Physical Education curriculum development workshops to the Military Academy. Based upon the outcome of these workshops, it may be determined that DEEP country program work in these two curriculum areas have achieved capacity, with no further support required. If so, the program would then transition to a sustainment focus with annual monitoring of the two curriculum subjects that were supported.

Nigeria (2 events) Nigeria Army War College (AWC-N) Faculty Development Workshop 4-8 February 2019 or 25 February-1 March 2019 (exact dates TBD), Abuja U.S. Army War College experts will deliver the first in a series of faculty development workshops designed to produce a Master Instructor Program (MIP). Creation of an MIP will enable AWC-N to develop faculty using modern teaching and methodology-based faculty development concepts without external support.


Nigeria Defence Academy-West Point Visit 11-15 February 2019, West Point, NY Nigeria Defence Academy (NDA) personnel will travel to the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, to develop a two-year Program of Cooperation for AMEP support.

Senegal Program Development Workshop March-May 2019, U.S. (exact location TBD) Experts from the Senegal Air Force will travel to a USAF NCO School to observe classes, meet with administrators and faculty, and agree on the details of a new AMEP country program designed to develop a modern Air Force NCO school for the Senegalese Air Force.

Uganda Curriculum Development Workshop 19-26 January 2019, Jinja Faculty from the US Army Command and General Staff College, Leavenworth, KS, will deliver a second Logistics Curriculum Development workshop for the Staff College.