Official Rulebook This rulebook is color-coded to match the official character sheet found at

Version 2.9.3

Copyright 2020-2021 Rules written by Steve Parker with original art by Ricardo Mossini


Introduction ……………………………………….. 2 Brewer ..……………………………. 20 Game Play ..………………………………………… 3 Engineer ..………………………... 21 Immersion and Roleplay .…..……… 4 Gunslinger ….……………………. 22 Metagaming (Meta) ..…………………. 4 Hunter .……………………………. 23 Looting ..……………………………….. 4 Martial Artist …………………… 24 Bullet Bags ..…………………………… 4 Medic ..……………………..….…. 25 Unlocks ..………………………………. 4 Ranged Combatant .…………… 26 Combat ..……………………………………………. 5 Rogue .………………….….……... 27 The 5 Second Rule ………………….. 6 Scavenger ..……………..……….. 28 Reasonably Delayed Defensive Calls 6 Scientist .……………….………… 29 Character Death .……………………. 6 Sniper ..………………….……..… 30 Final Words .……………………….. 6 Surgeon .……..…………………… 31 Weapons ..…………………………………………. 7 Warrior …………………………… 32 Boffers ..………………………………… 7 Character Creation ……………………. 33 Foam Dart Slinging ..……………..…. 7 1. Consider Mutations and Traits 34 Foam Dart Gun Mods .……………….. 8 2. Consider Skills and Role……... 34 Armor and Shields .…………….…… 8 3. Spend Points .………………….. 34 Safety ..……………………………………………….. 9 4. Buy Starting Gear …………..... 34 Culture .……………………………………………… 10 5. Pick a Goal ..…………………… 35 Mutations and Traits ………………………….. 11 Crafting .……………………………………. 36 Advantages …………………….……… 11 Standard Item Crafting Costs .... 36 Disadvantages ………………….……. 12 Experimental Technology ……… 37 Mutation Packs .……………………… 13 Surgical Enhancements ………… 37 Beast ……………………………………………………. 13 Poisons and Tonics ….………….. 38 Mostly HuMan ……………………………………………… 14 Resources ..……………………….. 39 Plant ……………………………………………………. 15 Terms and Concepts .…………………… 40 Skills ……………..…………………………………. 16 NPCs and Plot .……………………………. 44 Base Skills …………………………. 16 Check-In and Check-Out .………..…… 44 Character Roles .……………….……………. 18 Combat Calls and Defenses ………….. 45 Archer ..…………………………….. 19



Anomaly LARP (Anomaly) presents a world gone mad with rapid change, and the struggle to build something of it and survive while navigating the fluid allegiances of factions and powerful entities. A lighthearted yet dark and twisted ‘dystopian opera’ episodic campaign set in a world of limited resources, Anomaly is a unique game with influences from classic dystopian settings, fantasy RPGs, Anime, Horror, Spaghetti Westerns and so much more. Countless dynamic stories large and small await in this fantastical setting full of traditional apocalyptic and more colorful concepts and characters.

The system design quickly seems familiar and finds a flow, enabling Plot and Players to enjoy unforgettable experiences and stories worth retelling while creating and retaining immersion. We’re focused on player enjoyment, ease of use and dramatic opportunity at our core. Our location-based boffer-nerf system (light-medium touch) promotes safe and streamlined combat with depth. Calls are clear and direct, and combat is a blast: fast, deadly, dramatic and satisfying. Expect gunslinging and swashbuckling duels and small, medium and large group fights that are never a slog. There are also epic raids and boss fights that rock the foundations of characters and the world.

Anomaly delivers exceptional small and mid-size group adventures and interactions at a pace to keep players active and engaged all day, leading to larger interconnected world events. Plot and the NPCs present enough information to allow for meaningful choices with world changing consequences, enabling players and leading to more stories and the best kinds of fun. Our world doesn’t have dead time. While game is on the action doesn’t stop. You’ll have to choose what you want your character to be involved in, because it is not possible to be part of every single adventure. To give you a brief peek behind our curtain, the plot schedule is built on adjustable 15 minute increments. The entire system is designed to make this work without a horde of NPCs. Nighttime is fun and we make the most of it. We also have a hard stop policy at midnight for plot. Sleep, and wake up to an actual morning full of game! The result is more and better game that doesn’t blow up your sleep schedule / week. We are 100% accepting of diverse lifestyles, cultures and mobility or other challenges and ask that players respect and treat each other well.

This ruleset in loving memory of Robert Kwon aka Victor Voltan aka Roblok and dedicated to Douglas Adams. 2

Game Play

Anomaly is a collaborative storytelling experience in a world of adventure. Do the things within the game that are fun to you and have a good time! Foam will fly, people (and not-people) will interact, an economy arises from it all and there’s a whole universe of content to enjoy. Know the character you create and the game will run smoothly for you.

A typical game starts with the players in or near town. If it’s a day game we’ll have seating, tables and facilities nearby, while weekends are at a camp with lodgings and amenities. After check-in we’ll have a quick pre-game talk to make announcements, review safety rules, and answer questions. Then it’s game on! It’s likely NPCs are already with the players interacting the moment game starts. The well-armed force that is the player base has the attention of the local area, for good or ill, and player characters can expect to be approached by all types for any and all reasons. There are plenty of opportunities around, but it’s a tough world so be wary.

An NPC looking for help will be clear about the help they seek, for example ‘there are traps, and we better bring security’ or ‘I saw a half dozen creatures, can anyone help?’ Players interested in that story or adventure may then decide to go tackle it. Some actions in the game may be batched, very handy for making large piles of bullets or scavenging large piles of the vanquished after a fight. Crafting exceptional items and surgery are notable examples of actions that cannot be batched.

Costuming In Anomaly costuming is a breeze to keep simple or can be as elaborate as you prefer. Know your comfort limits and what you can make or afford. Foam will fly so eye protection must be worn during combat as part of any costume. Tags are not swappable items; objects you have must be phys-rep’d to be readily used. The exceptions are resource cards, which are themselves the items, and loot at the time it is obtained.

Town The development/condition of Town can alter the course of the game. Town started with a tavern/inn, granary and 3 farms. The system is in place for players to develop it into something more should they decide it’s a good use of their resources. Raids Most raids are a full day event where all the players attempt something big together. By their nature raids are ambitious and dangerous. They’re also immense fun, worth it every time, tend to have larger than life settings and props, and exceptional rewards if completed. Raids are always world-changing regardless of the result.


Immersion and Roleplay

Immersion is about forgetting the real world for a bit and just being in the game. Much of this rulebook focuses on the mechanics of the game and combat but the heart of the game is social interaction and immersion with a healthy dose of adventure. Props and costume help, but most powerful is accepting the game world for what it is. Many games have magic but we also have colorful guns with foamy bullets, it’s the way this world is. Plot and NPCs also do their part by bringing the world to life. You can contribute by arriving on time (so you don’t walk OOG across a scene and we don’t have to pull a Marshal from a story to check you in), staying in character, avoiding real world chat and knowing your own character sheet. It’s also expected we roleplay skills and actions as able. We try to stay IG as much as possible. Falling OOG or breaking character is undesirable but happens sometimes. Avoid bringing real world talk into game. and use clarify to resolve minor items that come up.

Technology in Anomaly If you want something for your costume or character and it has no IG effect you can just have it. For example if you want a thermos, either an ancient one recovered somewhere or a newly made one, you can have it. Watches and stopwatches are owned by some and worn openly. Fabrics, footwear, plastic and rubber are common. OOG comfort does not need to be sacrificed to fit the style of the game. Basic items and all manner of eyewear are common and going into combat without protective eyewear just doesn’t happen. You may see someone with a small flat rectangle (phone). IG these are highly personal and shameful items not brought out in the company of others. We ask they not be used during game. If you need to use a phone excuse yourself and do your business out of sight of others. Where do the materials and technology come from? The Plants seem to be able to obtain large quantities of metal and materials, it’s like they grow on trees. The watches are made by a very industrious individual who has flooded the area such that they are common enough to just have. Other basic items are sometimes scavenged alongside more valuable things and end up here and there. Metagaming (meta) The information your character has is different from the information you as a player may have. Using OOG information you have for the benefit of your character is called metagaming and is not allowed. Looting To loot a helpless target within reach call ‘looting {1,2,3} looted’. They’ll hand over their tags, cards and bullets (not phys-reps). The 3 count is the only direct form of looting allowed in the game. When a body is scavenged it is also automatically looted. Bullet Bags Live Bullets are money. Every player is required to keep live and spent ammo separate though they may share space with other items (a spent bullet is identical to a 1 metal card). Expended resource cards must also be kept separate, to be turned in to a Marshal when possible.

Unlocks Unlockable content is found throughout the game, rules, world. There are far more unlocks than are hinted at within this rulebook. When one or two players unlock something they each gain 5 EV; more than two players but less than ten each get 3 EV; ten or more each gain 2 EV. We do our best to watch for unlocks when they happen but it helps to inform a Marshal if you think you might trigger one.


Melee skills often require a hit on a specified location to take effect. If the wrong location is hit the attacker is required to call ‘no effect’. With ranged skills hits anywhere on a target count. Skills that say ‘hit the target’ exclude weapons or shields unless the actual target.

Taking a wound interrupts any action, including fighting, and you are expected to react, grunt, step back, to show you took the shot. You just got shot or stabbed, roleplay the impact or defense used. A location with an open wound is Injured and Bleeding, and one torso wound or three limb wounds drops your character, unable to fight but still conscious. If a limb is wounded but the player chooses not to drop a held item it becomes an extension of that limb and if struck the limb takes a wound.

Swing only hard enough to be felt and switch hit locations when hitting quickly. Machine gunning is not allowed. A graze doesn’t count and the target calls graze. Hitting puffy clothing doesn’t count unless it would have struck the target otherwise, and any hit on armor requires an armor call. Any weapon can block attacks and skills unless the weapon is the target (like with disarm).

Often actions occur ‘close enough to simultaneous’. Both actions take effect.

Illegal target areas are the head, groin, hands and feet. Any foam dart fired within 10 feet (4 paces) and striking an illegal location is considered an illegal strike under boffer rules. Accidental illegal shots with foam darts at ranges longer than 10 feet count as a valid hit. If the location has armor (like a helmet) the target may call armor from there, otherwise the hit location is considered the torso or appropriate limb (which then allows an armor call if applicable). The sound of combat in Anomaly consists of taunts and smack talk, calls, dropped people crying out for help, melee hits, the clicking and whirring of guns and the impact of bullets and other projectiles. If you make a call and it can’t be heard wait a second and clarify it. If it still cannot be heard the skill is refunded.


The 5 Second Rule When dropped/killed you may take a single action or use a single skill, which may use an item or weapon already in a functional hand. Must be otherwise able to act (not stunned for example). Must be completed within 5 seconds of the attack/effect that dropped you and be contained within the roleplay of you dropping/dying. This cannot alter the result of the drop/death. Reasonably Delayed Defensive Calls We allow reasonably delayed defensive calls, where players react to attacks but since they are calling their own then call defenses when able. Example: two experienced gunslingers (Marta and Bob) have a duel. After talking smack and staring each other down, Marta draws and fires a few Disarms as Bob fires a series of Slug shots. Both are hit twice in the chest. Marta roleplays defenses and sees Bob drop his gun with the first Disarm, and quickly fires two Gut Shots, hitting Bob with both darts in the leg. Bob, having decided to take the first Disarm instead of burning his only defense, is hit while rolling to pick up the gun. He chooses again not to defend as it wouldn’t help him and cries out, clutching his stomach, flopping to the ground dropped with two Severe Wounds to the torso. He can’t use the 5 second rule to fire again as he had no weapon in hand. Marta now has time to call her defenses for the two original Slugs and does so, saunters over to Bob to say something pithy, and walks away. The whole fight takes about 10 seconds. Bob curses at her and begins to crawl for help. Since Bob’s player doesn’t want to actually crawl he instead stands, hunched over, and staggers. He ends up falling unconscious 1 minute later and dying 30 seconds after that. If Marta had gone to expend her defenses and realized she couldn’t for whatever reason she would then also drop to the ground, wounded from the slug shots. In this case the order of things would be ‘wrong’ but game flow and having fun is more important. If it happens once this would fall under ‘stuff happens’ and ‘close enough to simultaneous’, maybe even the 5 second rule, and if it were in a movie Marta would look down in surprise gripping at her blood-soaked shirt and collapse.

Character Death or Retirement It happens. Die gloriously! Make your choice and die with the consequences! It’s not the end of the world (as a player or possibly character). Retiring a character has no penalty. When a character dies the player has options (IG circumstances may affect choices): • If under 100 EV choose one of the following: o The natural world returns you as the same character with full EV and the same number of Trainings and Quests. o Make a new character with no EV loss and the same number of Trainings and Quests. • If at or over 100 EV choose one of the following: o Unlockable. Science has this answer. o Create a new character using the dead one’s total EV minus 10% and lose 1 Quest (or Training if no quests). o Unlockable. This deal is worth keeping.

Final Words When killed a character may elect to have 1 final minute to speak. They may not take any action other than laying where they are and speaking (someone may move them). They are aware they have taken mortal damage and are likely in a lot of pain depending on the cause, possibly continuing cause, of death. If put in stasis during this time their status is ‘dead’ and choosing to take the final words option can have no impact on that character’s death. Call is to include ‘final words’ in a sentence, like ‘I’m not going to make it, these are my final words’. The player always has this option no matter how the damage is delivered: disintegration (instead of full it took an uncomfortably large chunk of you), nuclear blast (charred, radiated, uttering your last words), falling into lava (and speaking as you catch fire and slowly sink in). Any new source of mortal damage or effect when in a state of final words ends the final words.


Weapons Boffers Since we’re light-medium touch most LARP-safe boffers may be used. Weapons with stiffer rubber, most molded foam, must be used with a light touch, especially when it’s cold out and the edges are rigid. Nothing too solid/hard on striking surfaces. No rope or anything that may entangle, so no flails or whips. All boffers must have padded pommels and reasonably rounded tips.

IG melee weapons are light and feel like foam, though they are made of wood and metal.

The following chart covers game-legal boffer lengths:

Weapon Length / Pull Weight Associated Skills 1 Handed Spear 45”-60” 1 Hand Melee 1 Handed Sword, Club, Mace, Axe, Bat 19”-44” 1 Hand Melee 2 Handed Spear or Halberd 61”-80” 2 Hand Melee 2 Handed Sword, Club, Mace, Axe, Bat 45”-72” 2 Hand Melee Arrows / Bolts * custom fit Bow Bow / Crossbow Max 25 pound pull Bow Claws 10”-18” red or costume-matched batons or Claws claw props Hand-to-Hand 10”-18” yellow or flesh-tone matched batons or Unarmed Combat fist / knuckleduster props Javelin (no or semi-flex core) 38”-42” Thrown Weapon Knife, Small Club 10”-18” Small Melee, 1 Hand Melee Staff (2 hand) 48”-72” Staff, 2 Hand Melee Thrown Weapon (no core) 6”-12” Thrown Weapon *Rigid (wood, metal, fiberglass) arrow shafts are not allowed. Recommended are rolled paper or semi-rigid tubes (from straws to golf tubes) with a rubberized or cloth covered foam tip. Bows and bolts / arrows require a safety test at check-in.

Foam Dart Slinging We use foam dart guns such as Nerf and ‘Elite’ darts. Darts are provided by Anomaly, picked up at the start and turned in at the end of every game, but guns and magazines (mags) are provided by the player. Standard blue darts represent bullets; peach is wood; all other darts are reserved. Drums require a specific skill. Expended blue darts are 1 metal, peach is 1 wood. Disc guns (such as Vortex) represent weapons that use chem to produce an effect (see Beam Weapons description in terms and concepts). Three recovered spent discs equal 1 chem. Different skills are required for one shot, bolt (any) action, slam fire, semi-auto, and auto. An exception may be made at check-in to allow a slam fire to be used as a bolt (any) action, which then may not be slam-fired.


IG guns are made of metallicized plastic with inherent bright coloration, a result of the gun making process. They are light, quiet and deadly. Gunpowder does not exist, bullets use chem as propellant. Bullets are light and foam-like (though made of metal) and contain some chem in the tip, turning it orange, which generates a small explosive force on impact, driving metal into the target.

Foam Dart Gun Modifications (mods) Mods are encouraged and you can’t go wrong with battery life, weight, reliability and comfort mods. Spring and firing mechanism mods are acceptable but dart speed may not exceed 80 feet per second (fps). Battery is allowed to affect fire rate within reason as long as the gun remains below 80 fps. Cosmetic mods are great; however, guns are not allowed to look modern-day realistic. Any dart gun deemed to fire too hard, unreasonably fast, look too realistic or regardless of reason (usually safety or game balance) may be removed from game at plot’s discretion. Every gun is unique, be sure to test, the ChronoBarrel is about $10 and guns may also be tested at any game using Plot’s equipment. Refer to the ‘Common Dart Guns’ doc at to help dial in your blaster efficiently.

Armor and Shields Armor stops base and poison attacks that strike the location with the armor at the cost of 1 point per and is repairable with armor repair skill. Helmets allow an armor call per point against subdue effects and long range accidental foam dart head hits.

A shield stops all base and poison attacks and any skill not targeting the shield. It may be no taller than your knee to your shoulder, no wider than your shoulders and must be able to be freely dropped. Round shield diameter may be no more than half the user’s height.

Armor is initially expensive in skill points and metal but because it can be repaired cheaply at any time with a 1 minute roleplay it is highly efficient and an excellent defense. Modern full body or authentic ballistic armor is not allowed when playing in public spaces. Armor points by costume type (must have skill and IG item to use): Leather 1-2, Tactical (Tac) Vest 1-3, Kevlar 2-3, Sports Plastic Pads/Flak Jacket 1- 2, Sports/Light Helmet 1-2, Military/Heavy Helmet 1-3, Plate Armor 2-3, Chain Mail 2-3, Wood 1-3, Carbon Fiber 1-3, Plastic 1-3, Cloth 1. Does NOT have to be authentic. Looks are what matter. EVA foam armor highly recommended.



The ‘Anomaly LARP Equality and Acceptable Behavior’ doc is considered part of this ruleset. Anomaly LARP minimum age is 14, though under 18 requires in person parental consent and an assigned guardian who they are required to attend with.

Stuff happens. Some things are inevitable, like head shots, unless we specifically choose to play a style that eliminates them. To that end these rules focus on fun and safety above uncontrolled boffer aggression. Accusations may be disputed by a request to plot.

Safety first. Don’t run out of control, into people, off cliffs, sliding around corners. Eye protection is required during any combat or potential combat.

Peek rule. If a target within range is only presenting their head from behind cover aim your weapon near them and call ‘peek’ to automatically hit them in the torso. Have at least half of your torso exposed to unquestionably avoid this rule.

Non-combatants. A player may elect to attend as a non-combatant for any or no reason. They wear a bright blue headband to signify this and may choose to be announced as such prior to game start. Non-combatants may not be struck by anything IG or OOG and may not participate in combat or PVP instigation and must stay to the side near a Marshal during combat.

Don’t GaMe systeMs For example there’s a Goal to repair items. Purposely breaking and then fixing items is a way to game the system, not allowed. No Touching! Batons only. Otherwise no player is allowed to touch another player without consent. If you want to roleplay something physical, state a request with details (example: ‘request physical roleplay, I’d like to pretend to choke you out’). The answer received is final. Substances No illegal or legal substances, alcohol, pot, or otherwise. Do what you want elsewhere but not here, it leads to unsafe play, and don’t bring it on site. A small bottle of cooking sherry may be allowed in the kitchen. Illegal Strikes and Contests of Leverage or Strength Any melee strike to the head, groin, feet, hands or causing a trip is an illegal strike, not counted and allows the player struck to go out of game with no penalty if they need to. If the player does go OOG the character who landed the illegal strike goes unconscious until the struck player returns (like rolling a crit fail) unless a Marshal rules otherwise or events change their status. Striking down at the top of the shoulder is not allowed as it leads to head shots. Aiming for illegal targets is forbidden but even the best aimed foam dart is unpredictable. A weapon may not be used to ‘leverage’ another player’s weapon, and contests of player strength are forbidden. A player may call ‘contest step back’ in such a situation. Both players are required to disengage and take one full deliberate step back. Cheating Cheating is NOT TOLERATED and is punished immediately. If it is impossible to know if the incident was cheating and the offender has no prior record the offense will be treated at a Marshal’s discretion with a lesser penalty and no record. If the player has a prior record it will be assumed to be cheating and handled accordingly. There is an easy way to avoid this: DON’T CHEAT! Purposely moving spent bullets to live without making them is an example of cheating. Mistakes happen and we expect players to be honest and correct any issue.

If caught cheating whatever was gained and all live and spent bullets owned by that character must be turned in. Second offense that character is forfeit and the player is immediately banned from the game.



Most game culture derives naturally from the actions of characters and players, but some is defined and required at Anomaly. There are IG reasons that can be discovered and OOG reasons for all of it.

Physical Health: If you are sick or feel unwell stay home. LARP is a blast, we know, and it’s hard to miss a game sometimes, but get better for the next one. It might be infectious, sick larpers who make others sick subtract from game.

Mental Health: As important as physical. Take the time to take care of yourself.

Checking In: We use an ‘ok’ hand signal across the chest to check-in to make sure another player is alright with a scene as it is being played, or with anything really. If someone gives the ok signal and you are ok, give it back to let them know! If a signal is not returned use clarify to confirm and adjust or end that roleplay as necessary.

Playing Injured: By playing injured you risk further injury and endanger others. Players are required to sit out any activity that may exacerbate an existing injury or can be reasonably expected to cause a new one.

Crime: IG best of luck, we expect your execution will be entertaining. OOG, just nope. If you’re on the edge of this, also nope. Hard drugs, theft, anything involving a minor, anything involving lack of consent, just no. This merits an immediate ban and report to authorities.

Political Inclusion: in this particular apocalypse politics is inclusive. Those players or player groups that rise to political power are internally and externally compelled to include others and other groups politically, even those with wildly differing viewpoints. Disagree, have a debate, vote. Power and influence can still be wielded, just not to stifle dissent and discussion.

General Inclusion/Elitism/Bullying: be OOG inclusive even if that requires some IG adjustment. Ask if someone would like to participate. Bring enough to share. A powerful player character in Anomaly still has limits, no one is immortal or more important than another. Bullying is not allowed OOG and IG is only potentially allowed as part of a storyline run with consent by Plot.

Sexism, racism, any -ism: let’s be understanding and accepting of people and their right to exist as they are. Avoid low-key insult as well. No symbols of hate are allowed in the game for any reason.

Reporting: if you need to report something speak with the designated Plot person for that game you are most comfortable with. Your report is 100% confidential. No action will be taken until they discuss with you what you want done about it.

Plot Team and Marshal game rulings may not be argued at the time of the ruling though a disagreement may be noted. If there is continuing disagreement bring it to the attention of the team member in the presence of another Plot member. Sportsmanship matters.


Mutations and Traits Advantages Advantages are beneficial mutations and traits bought at character creation. Anything with an asterisk (*) must be represented as part of your costume but doesn’t need to follow a specific theme. After character creation it’s possible to gain and lose advantages only through IG actions, spending or returning points in the process. Advantage EV Description Antennae* 3 Detect stealth target’s presence and rough direction when they are within 25 feet. The closer you get the rougher the direction, up to around 10 feet where it becomes, ‘I don’t know, they’re close’. May also be ears or other prop. Chameleon * 6 Per hour. Call ‘chameleon’ to instantly enter stealth as per the skill. Claws * 7 Allows hand-to-hand combat with claw boffers. May block weapon strikes with claws. Do not need to buy the Unarmed Combat skill. Does not need to be actual claws, for example a plant mutant might have log hands. Clotter 8 All wounds instantly seal. You cannot bleed out. Cognition 12 Per day. This must be approved by plot. You can see partially behind the natural veil. How this is interpreted is part of seeking plot approval and varies by character (could be anything; rolling bones, tarot, reading tea leaves, séance, et al). Crafty 10 Cuts all crafting time in half. Courageous 3 Per hour may buy 3. You may call ‘resist’ against fear effects. Cunning 3 Per hour may buy 3. You may call ‘resist’ to resist social manipulation/illusion/trickery/interrogation (per question). Custom * *work with plot to create something not listed here. Disease Resist 2 Per hour may buy 3. You may call ‘resist’ when exposed to disease. Fangs/Tusks * 3 2 per hour. Allows the call ‘wound’ with a close (not extended 2 hander) melee strike. Hidden Mutation 4 May buy as many times as you have mutations at base cost . Removes the costume requirement for a mutation. Horns * 4 2 per hour. Allows the call ‘knockback 10’ with a close (not extended 2 hander) melee strike. Natural Armor * 22 3 per hour per location. Phys rep hide, fur, scales, an exoskeleton, bark or similar. Counts as armor per costumed location as per the armor base skills but cannot be repaired. Heals/resets in one hour, with regen heals in 10 minutes. Natural 4 Per hour may buy 2. Must choose urban or rural. In that environment call ‘camouflage’ to instantly begin to stealth as Camouflage * per the skill. Natural Flare* 6 2 per hour. Some part of you acts as a flare gun, revealing stealth. Call ‘flare reveal 25 feet’. Natural Poison – 18 2 per hour. You secrete Death Poison, from where must be specified. Call ‘Poison Death’ and make a close (within Death* natural reach) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Natural Poison – 16 2 per hour. You secrete Paralyze Poison, from where must be specified. Call ‘Poison Paralyze’ and make a close (within Paralyze* natural reach) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Natural Poison – 4 2 per hour. You secrete Slow Poison, from where must be specified. Call ‘Poison Slow’ and make a close (within natural Slow* reach) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Natural Poison – 8 2 per hour. You secrete Stun Poison, from where must be specified. Call ‘Poison Stun’ and make a close (within natural Stun* reach) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Poison Resist 3 Per hour may buy 3. You may call ‘resist’ when exposed to a poison or tonic. Radiation Resist 2 Per hour may buy 3. You may call ‘resist’ when exposed to radiation. Regeneration * 22 You cannot bleed out, all wounds instantly seal, your sealed wound heal timers are 10 minutes and devastating wounds regrow in 1 hour. Severe wounds still require surgery as they heal at odd angles and in non-functional ways. Sneaky 8 Double the number of steps and time allowed when in stealth. Strong 4 Doubles your carry limit and provides benefit whenever strength comes into play. Tail * 3 Allows a tail phys rep and the call ‘trip’ 2 times per hour with a melee hit to the leg. Tough 5 Per hour may buy 3. Allows the defense ‘tough’, resisting a base wound. Veteran 6 Due to your experience in militias or similar all base weapon skills cost half points. Will To Live 15 Per day. Delay the effect of any game effect for 1 minute, call ‘will to live’. Wings * 5 2 per hour. Allows use of a wings phys rep and the ‘flying’ call. Call ‘flying’, point upwards with a hand or weapon with the other hand on your head as with OOG, and walk up to 30 steps while immune to melee. 11

Disadvantages Disadvantages are mutations and traits obtained at character creation that are negative and can add up to -20 EV (more may be taken but don’t add points beyond 20). Any denoted with an * require costuming but do not need to follow a theme. After character creation it’s possible to gain or lose disadvantages only through IG actions, in which case the points must be exchanged. Some disadvantages may seem like they won’t impact your character. Regardless of the combination we can guarantee they will come into play. The classics are illiterate and inefficient, which seem like they won’t impact all characters. They will, you’ve been warned.

Disadvantage EV Description Aggressive -9 When faced with combat or discussion you must charge in. Check in with OK sign as appropriate. Allergy (specify) -3 May buy up to 3 at base cost. Must specify game-relevant thing you are allergic to. When within 25 feet you must roleplay coughing and sneezing. If exposed for more than 1 minute you go unconscious for 5 minutes. Anti-Faction -6 May buy up to 3 at base cost. You can’t stand a known faction (for good reason or not), and aggressively make (specify) sure they know about it whenever they are around. Note a faction is different from a mutation pack. Anti-Mutant -15 Some people just can’t help their anti-mutant bigotry. In this world that can be extremely dangerous. Don’t expect to live long. *this disadvantage explores the difficult dynamic of out-groups / every ‘-cism‘ and requires plot approval. ** up for player vote next game for inclusion. Bleeder -7 Your bleedout timers are cut in half. Brittle -12 Any wound drops you. Code of Honor -2 You will never attack a defenseless or unarmed target. Complete Honesty -4 You cannot lie of your own will under any circumstance. Coward (or Pacifist) -6 You will not enter combat for any reason. Diseased * -2 You have a disease that marks you and may have other roleplay effects. *other effects may earn more points, talk to plot. Feeble -8 Carry limits reduced by 50%, cannot use two handed weapons, bows, anything requiring strength, or help with any strength test. May not wear more than 1 armor per location. Frail -15 When you would normally take a wound instead take a severe wound. Illiterate -2 Cannot buy read/write and cannot learn additional languages. Inefficient -3 All crafting related skills cost double, and you are generally inefficient. Mark of Shame * -3 On your forehead or face for all to see. The details are up to you, but your character finds shame in it. Meathead -4 May not buy read / write and must roleplay general ignorance. Outlaw (specify) -8 Justly or otherwise you are wanted dead or alive by a faction for a recent infraction. Must choose a known faction, or ‘unknown’ with Plot approval. May not choose ‘Town’. Pathological Liar -12 You cannot tell the truth of your own will. Phobia (specify) -5 Must be IG relevant. Classic phobias may apply. Discuss specifics with plot before purchasing. You cannot approach the object of your fear, but if it approaches you may lash out in a mindless rage. Possessed -14 You are possessed by.. something. You don’t know what exactly. At times you’ll lose control of yourself and during this time must take the (OOG reasonable) character actions Plot directs (may decline for OOG reasons). You remain fully aware and you remember everything that occurs. Consider carefully before taking this. Scarred * -2 You have an unsightly facial scar. Unsettling * -8 Your physical appearance is unsettling. Costume here is everything (requires plot approval). Useless Limb -6 You have a limb that doesn’t work or isn’t there and for some reason won’t grow back under normal circumstances. Useless Mutation * -2 May buy up to 3 at base cost. You have a mutation that is cosmetic only and serves no other purpose. Weak Stomach -6 The sight of blood makes you physically ill and you must roleplay this as per purge poison as long as you see blood. Makes combat and surgery interesting but still possible.


As points are spent in a Pack characters show more of the effects and look more like the pack theme. Once the Pack Power is obtained it is granted to the character and the Mutation Pack name may be used as a title. Powers grow in strength for each point in a pack, call ‘ability name (points in that pack)’ to use. May not buy the same or related mutations from two places and when buying into a pack may convert an already owned mutation to the same Pack item for the lower cost.

Beast The beast mutation pack covers a broad range of what were once considered ‘wild’ creatures. Animals, insects, fish, reptiles and many more creature types fall into this category. Costume and General Requirements Pick an animal theme (or multiple animal themes) and run with it! Beast Pack Power – Obtain at 12 points in Beast Pack Beast Sense: detect the general emotional state of ‘beasts’ in the area and speak the common beast language. Call ‘beast sense (points)’.

Name EV Description Antennae 3 Detect stealth target’s presence and rough direction when they are within 25 feet. The closer you get the rougher the direction, up to around 10 feet where it becomes, ‘I don’t know, they’re close’. May also be ears or other prop. Chameleon 5 Per hour. Call ‘chameleon’ to instantly enter stealth as per the skill. Claws 6 Allows hand-to-hand combat with two (or one) claw boffers. May block weapon strikes with claws. Do not need to buy the unarmed combat skill. Disease Resist 1 Per hour may buy 3. You may call ‘resist’ when exposed to a pathogen. Fangs/Tusks 2 2 per hour. Allows the call ‘wound’ with a close (not extended 2 hander) melee strike. Horns 3 2 per hour. Allows the call ‘knockback 10’ with a close (not extended 2 hander) melee strike. Natural Armor 18 3 per hour per phys rep’d location. Phys rep hide, fur, scales, an exoskeleton or similar. Counts as armor per costumed location as per the armor base skills but cannot be repaired (heals/resets on the hour). Regen heals in 10 minutes. Natural 2 Per hour may buy 2. Must choose urban or rural. In that environment call ‘camouflage’ to instantly begin to stealth as Camouflage per the skill. Natural Flare 5 2 per hour. Some part of you acts as a flare gun, revealing stealth. Call ‘flare reveal 25 feet’. Natural Poison – 15 2 per hour. You secrete Death Poison from some part of your body which must be specified. Call ‘Poison Death’ and Death make a close (within natural reach) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Natural Poison – 13 2 per hour. You secrete Paralyze Poison from some part of your body which must be specified. Call ‘Poison Paralyze’ Paralyze and make a close (within natural reach) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Natural Poison – 3 2 per hour. You secrete Slow Poison from some part of your body which must be specified. Call ‘Poison Slow’ and Slow make a close (within natural reach) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Natural Poison – 6 2 per hour. You secrete Stun Poison from some part of your body which must be specified. Call ‘Poison Stun’ and Stun make a close (within natural reach) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Sneaky 6 Double the number of steps and double the time allowed when in stealth. Strong 3 Doubles your carry limit and provides benefit whenever strength comes into play. Tail 2 Allows a tail phys rep and the call ‘trip’ 2 times per hour with a melee hit. Wings 4 Allows use of a wings phys rep and the ‘flying’ call. Twice per hour, point upwards call ‘flying’ and walk up to 30 steps while immune to melee. Call if hit by melee is ‘flying’.


Mostly Human Most living things in the world of Anomaly have something mutated going on, but those who are ‘mostly human’ don’t show it as much. The more points invested here the more they start to show, though with ‘hidden mutation’ it’s possible to still look completely human. Costume and General Requirements Costume requirements for specific mutations may be of any type. May not have more than 10 points in visible mutations. Mostly Human Pack Power - Obtain at 8 points in Mostly Human Pack Adaptable: May switch to another mutation pack at check-in of any game (refund and re-spend mutation pack points), and when doing so may also refund and re-buy advantages and disadvantages as if a new character.

Name Cost Description Clotter 6 All wounds instantly seal. You cannot bleed out. Crafty 5 Cuts all crafting time in half. Courageous 2 Per hour may buy 3. You may call ‘resist’ against fear effects. Cunning 2 Per hour may buy 3. You may call ‘resist’ against social manipulation effects and illusion/trickery. Disease Resistance 1 Per hour may buy 3. You may call ‘resist’ when exposed to a pathogen. Hidden Mutation 3 May buy as many times as you have mutations at base cost. Removes the costume requirement for a mutation. Poison Resist 2 Per hour may buy 3. You may call ‘resist’ when exposed to a poison or tonic. Strong 3 Doubles your carry limit and provides benefit whenever strength comes into play. Tough 5 Per hour. Allows the defense ‘tough’, resisting a base wound. Veteran 5 Due to your experience in militias or similar all base weapon skills cost half points. Will To Live 12 Per day. Delay the effect of any game effect for 1 minute, call ‘will to live’.


Plant From leafy greens to trees and all things in between. Fungi count though not technically a plant. Costume and General Requirements Pick a plant theme (or multiple) and run with it! May only have up to 2 purchased poison resists (may refund if necessary). Plant Pack Power – Obtain at 11 points in Plant Pack Nature Sense: detect the general emotional state of plants in the area and speak the common Plant language.

Name EV Description Antennae (Tremor 3 Detect stealth target’s presence and rough direction when they are within 25 feet. The closer you get the rougher the Sense) direction, up to around 10 feet where it becomes, ‘I don’t know, they’re too close’. May also be ears or other prop. Claws 6 Allows hand-to-hand combat with two (or one) claw boffers. May block weapon strikes with claws. Do not need to buy the unarmed combat skill. Natural Armor 18 3 per hour per phys rep’d location. Phys rep bark or similar. Counts as armor per costumed location as per the armor base skills but cannot be repaired. Heals/resets on the hour, with regen heals in 10 minutes. Natural 2 Per hour may buy 2. Must choose urban or rural. In that environment call ‘camouflage’ to instantly begin to stealth Camouflage as per the skill. Natural Flare 5 2 per hour. Some part of you acts as a flare gun, revealing stealth. Call ‘flare reveal 25 feet’. Natural Poison – 15 2 per hour. You secrete Death Poison from some part of your body which must be specified. Call ‘Poison Death’ and Death make a close (not extended 2 hander) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Natural Poison – 13 2 per hour. You secrete Paralyze Poison from some part of your body which must be specified. Call ‘Poison Paralyze’ Paralyze and make a close (not extended 2 hander) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Natural Poison – 3 2 per hour. You secrete Slow Poison from some part of your body which must be specified. Call ‘Poison Slow’ and Slow make a close (not extended 2 hander) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Natural Poison – 6 2 per hour. You secrete Stun Poison from some part of your body which must be specified. Call ‘Poison Stun’ and Stun make a close (not extended 2 hander) melee strike. Natural poisons cannot be harvested. Radiation Resist 1 Per hour may buy 3. Stops the effects of radiation for a time. Regeneration 18 You cannot bleed out, all wounds instantly seal, your sealed wound heal timers are 10 minutes and devastating (Regrowth) wounds regrow in 1 hour. Severe wounds still require surgery as they heal at odd angles and in non-functional ways. Tail (Vine) 2 Allows a Vine phys rep and the call ‘trip’ 2 times per hour with a melee hit to the leg.


If you have skills that overlap or wasted skills, for example armor limitations making armor skills unusable or when buying into any requirement would necessitate a different prior skill choice, with the exception of Unlock Role, you may sell back and or rechoose.

Silent Calls When a call includes braces {1,2,3} that part of the call may be silent but must still be performed. Anything in [brackets] or (parentheses) is optional/as needed. The more silent the call the more a clear roleplay is expected to replace it.

Embedded Calls Where possible try to embed calls into roleplay. A Gunslinger might say ‘I’m just mixing up some Healing Hooch, want some?’, roleplay pouring and mixing things while silently counting, and then drink or offer it to someone. Not always possible, but always appreciated. Base Skills

Skill EV Requirement Description 1 Hand Melee 4 Allows use of any 1 handed melee weapon in combat. 2 Hand Melee 6 Allows use of any 2 handed melee weapon in combat. Armor-Arms 3 May buy 3. May wear a point per location per tier Role limits withstanding. Armor- Helmet 2 May buy 3. Armor-Legs 3 May buy 3. Armor-Torso 3 May buy 3. Blowgun 1 Quiet and ammo efficient. Disarm Trap 4 Thief Tools Allows interaction with traps. Still must actually be manually disarmed. Dodge 15 Per day. Avoid any melee or ranged attack or skill. If a Role Advanced Defense dodge is purchased this skill becomes an additional use of that defense. Does not defend against sound-of-voice effects. Dual Wield 6 Weapon Skill(s) Use any two one-handed weapons as long as you have the weapon skill(s). Execute 2 Kill a helpless target. Call ‘{1,2,3} [execute]’ and perform a killing motion (or fire into the target) to kill them. First Aid 4 Med Kit Call [first aid] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} sealed’. The bleed out timer stops the moment med kit roleplay begins but will restart if the call is not completed. Make sure the player applies their bandage phys rep. Fletching 2 Make any primitive ammo. Interrogate 5 May interrogate a given target up to 5 minutes. Each minute of interrogation roleplay ask 1 question that must be answered truthfully. The player being interrogated determines roleplay appropriateness. Max duration combined 5 minutes per target per day. Defenses may apply when each question is asked. Knowledge (specify) 2* Know things! Allows to ask 1 question to a Marshal per hour per tier on the subject. *May be purchased up to 5 times per knowledge type at base cost.


Language (specify) 4 Allows you to speak and understand the language specified. All characters start with 1 language free. When speaking an IG language other than common place two fingers against your chin while talking and begin by stating the language you are speaking. Make Bullets 2 Crafting Tools It’s a great feeling making your own bullets. 1 minute roleplay, see resource cost in crafting chart. Modify Skill ** Allows modification of a skill. **Cost is based on the type of modification and the level of the skill. Work with Plot if you have an idea for a skill modification. Parry 15 Per day. Requires melee weapon in hand. When struck with a melee or ranged attack or skill call ‘parry’ to resolve it on your weapon. If a Role Advanced Defense parry is purchased this skill becomes an additional use of that defense. Pick Lock 4 Thief Tools Allows you to attempt to pick a lock. If not otherwise specified you must actually pick it (we use single tumbler locks common in LARPs, paper clip works). Pick Pocket 6 Per hour. Attach a small clip to any part of the target container then alert a Marshal. The Marshal will approach the owner out of game (OOG), randomly take something from the container in their presence, and deliver it to you. May carry 1 clip. Pistol – One Shot 1 Jolt, Stinger SD-1 and guns like them Pistol – Bolt/Any 3 Triad, Hammershot with slam exception at check-in, Fang QS-4 Action Pistol – Slam Fire 5 Strongarm/Disruptor, Commander with no add-ons. Hammershot if you fan-fire Pistol – Semi Auto 10 Stryfe with no add-ons is the classic. Pistol - Auto 16 Hyperfire with no barrel extension Poison Use 8 Allows identification and use of poisons. 1 dose of poison coats 1 melee weapon, 1 thrown weapon or 1 primitive ammo for 1 attack. Cannot poison bullets. Primitive Ranged 3 Bows, crossbows and blowguns. Does not include thrown weapons. Reach 6 Unarmed or Claws You know how to close distance better than most. May use up to 24” hand to hand or claw batons with unarmed combat or claws respectively. Read / Write 4 Allows you to read and write in any language you know. Repair Armor 4 Crafting Tools Fix armor at a cost of 3 metal per point with a 1 minute roleplay. Rifle – One Shot 3 Wolf LR-1 is a perfect example Rifle – Bolt/Any Action 5 Longstrike, BASR, Alphahawk, Roughcut (shotgun and slam exception at check-in) Rifle – Slam Fire 7 Commander with barrel extension, Rampage (without drum), Roughcut (shotgun) Rifle – Semi Auto 12 Stryfe with barrel extension, Rayven Rifle - Auto 18 Rapidstrike, Brute Savvy 4 Per hour may buy 3. Allows resist to social manipulation/illusion/trickery/interrogation. Scavenge 4 Most items, bodies, things, can be scavenged for 50% of their component materials. Call is ‘scavenging {1,2,3}’. Only one scavenge bonus may apply. Shield 5 A shield will block base attacks, poison and skills that target the wielder as opposed to the shield. May wield a shield with another weapon, dual wield not required. Small Melee 1 Knife, small club, climbing axe, etc. Small but still deadly. Stealth 6 Call ‘stealth {1,2,3}’ to begin. Follows stealth rules in Terms and Concepts. Staff 2 It’s not just a stick, especially in your hands. Thrown Weapons 4 Let your enemies borrow your weapons the hard way! Tracking 5 Call tracking {1-10}. Roleplay looking for 10 seconds and ask a Marshal what you find. Unarmed Combat 4 Allows use of hand to hand batons to strike for damage. Unlock Role (specify) 5 See the Role Unlocks any one Role. Must be purchased for each Role unlocked (up to 2). Weapon Focus 10 Weapon Skill Choose a weapon type (examples: bolt action rifle, semi auto pistol, 2 handed sword, 1 hand club). May only ever use that weapon. Gain 3 uses per hour of any one per hour skill (chosen when first needed) utilizing that weapon up to Role Skill level 4. 17

Armor requirements are maximums (up to) and Role Armor Skills allow a character to wear a given amount of armor across all Roles. The base armor skills must still be purchased. A character may only buy / use one Role Armor Skill (highlighted blue) and one Role Advanced Defense (highlighted yellow). Role Armor Skill may be costumed in any manner regardless of its name. Level 4 requires IG Training to buy the first time and the level is green to reflect this. Role levels 5 requires a Quest to buy the first time and the level is red to reflect this. Training typically takes 15 minutes of IG interaction and the level 5 quest about one game day. Purchasing a Role Skill multiple times follows the same rules as Base Skills, multiplying base cost by tier. When writing a role skill on your character sheet note the name then highest purchased tier, like ‘Pin 3’. The following chart shows costs for all Role skills by level and tier, with each tier purchased individually.

Skill Level Base Cost Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 1 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 8 12 16 20 3 6 12 18 24 30 4 8 16 24 32 40 5 10 20 30 40 50 6 12 24 36 48 60

Forsaking Your Role Through IG action it is possible to forsake a Role, refunding all Role points. This is not a common or trivial occurrence.

Role Specials Abilities received on completing each stacked tier. A stacked tier means buying that tier within that Role up to level 5. For example a Brewer tier 3 stack could be the following: Create Common Poison, Poison Gel tier 3, Create Rare Poison, Poison Bomb tier 3, Create Exceptional Poison, which would grant Mixologist 3. The maximum tier for Specials is 5 (uses are doubled if the character has only one Role). If no more tiers may be purchased within Role Skills the Special is automatically granted the max 5 tiers.


Archer Specializes in quiet, deadly weaponry with inexpensive ammo that can carry poison. General Requirements May wear up to 1 torso, 1 head and 1 arm armor. Must have Execute, Fletching and use Primitive Ranged weapons with Archer skills. Role trait Dispatch: Execute is now instantaneous. Call ‘dispatch’. Role Special For each stacked tier of Archer gain a tier of Split the Apple: Per hour per tier. Call ‘crit’ and hit a target to cause a devastating wound to the torso. If the target is dropped or killed and you’re in archer’s stance gain a free ‘crit’ call that must be used within 10 seconds.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Archer’s Stance Archer’s Per hour may buy 5. When stationary assume an Archer’s Stance, ready to stance unleash. As long as you then only walk and keep your ranged weapon ready in {1,2,3} hand maintain the benefits of this stance. 1 Poison in Flight Poison May buy 2. Per tier coat and additional arrow, bolt, dart or thrown weapon you both coat and fire with poison, per dose. 2 Pin Pin [right Per hour may buy 5. Pins that foot to the ground for 10 seconds. If unspecified or left foot] the target chooses. If in Archer’s Stance gain a free use of Pin if the first misses. 2 Impair slow Per hour may buy 5. Target is Slowed. If in Archer’s Stance gain a free use of Impair if the first misses 3 Brigandine and May wear up to 2 torso, 2 arm, 2 head and 0 leg armor across Roles. Sallet 3 Prepare {1-10}, crit Per hour may buy 5. Prepare and carefully aim a shot for a 10 count and gain a use of Split the Apple, 5 count if in Archer’s Stance. 3 Balanced Knives Thrown Use Thrown Weapons with Archer skills. Weapons 4 Range Sidestep Sidestep Per half day may buy 3. Call to dodge a base ranged attack. 4 Trick Shot Trick shot Per day may buy 3. Range test to manipulate an item, such as flipping a switch, (describe) cutting a rope, et al. Must be ‘reasonably plausible’ per Marshal ruling. 5 Disarm Disarm Per hour may buy 5. Hit the target and name the item you want to disarm. If a (item) shield is hit may only disarm the shield. The target must drop the item specified or choose one if unspecified. It may immediately be picked up again. 5 Pierce Pierce Per hour may buy 5. Ignores armor and shields. 6 Unlockable Prove your skill.


Brewer Make poisons and tonics and use them effectively! Special can’t be doubled. Starts with a schematics book with two common schematics. General Requirements May wear up to 1 armor per location. Must have a brewer’s kit and poison resist. Role traits Chem Hoarder: improved scavenge results for chem by 50%, inform Marshal when using. Exposure: double base Poison Resists. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of Mixologist: Per tier reduce the chem cost of poison and tonic crafting by 5% to a max of 25% total.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Create Common Knowledge (poisons) Make common poisons. Poison 1 Tonic Party {1,2,3} tonic party, Per day may buy 3. Mix 3 doses of any tonic creating a (tonic) container (lasts 1 minute) to distribute unlimited doses from on a 3 count. Doses must be used immediately used. 2 Create Common Knowledge (tonics) Make common tonics. Tonic 2 Poison Gel {1,2,3} Gel (poison) Per hour may buy 5. Prepare any poison with a 3 second roleplay and throw it as a packet. 3 Create Rare Poison Knowledge (poisons) Make rare poisons. 3 Tonic Gel {1,2,3} Gel (tonic) Per hour may buy 5. Prepare any tonic with a 3 second roleplay and throw it as a packet. 4 Create Rare Tonic Knowledge (tonics) Make rare tonics. 4 Poison Bomb {1,2,3} poison bomb Per half day may buy 3. Expend 3 doses of any Poison, roleplay 25 feet (poison) 3 seconds preparation, throw your hands up and make the call. Everyone within 25 feet takes the effect. 5 Create Exceptional Knowledge (poisons) Make exceptional poisons. Poison 5 Tonic Bomb {1,2,3} tonic bomb Per half day may buy 3. Expend 3 doses of any Tonic, roleplay 3 25 feet (tonic type) seconds preparation, throw your hands up and make the call. Everyone within 25 feet takes the effect. 6 Unlockable Found in the deepest darkness of the mind.


Engineer Made to build items out of metal, wood, and sometimes other resources, a town will only go as far as the Engineers who build it. Special does not double. Starts with a schematics book with two common schematics. General Requirements May wear up to 1 armor per location. Must have Read / Write, Scavenge, Crafting Kit. Role trait Material Scavenger: improves scavenging results involving metal and wood 50%. Notify Marshal when using. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of Materials Efficiency: Per tier reduce metal and wood crafting costs by 5% to a max of 25% total.

Level Name Required Description 1 Build Items Build standard items you have schematics for and install weapon and armor mods. 2 Copy Schematic Per day may buy 5. Copy standard schematics from another schematic book. 3 Heavy Armor May wear any armor across Roles. May not buy / must sell back stealth and dodge. 3 Repair Item May buy 5. Repair an item with 1 minute roleplay. Cost is a percentage of build cost based on Repair Item tier. Tier 1: 30%, tier 2: 25%, tier 3: 20%, tier 4: 15%, tier 5: 10%. 4 Bullet Efficiency Make Bullets May buy 5. Reduces the chem cost of making bullets by 5% per tier to a max of 25% total. 4 Repair Armor Repair Armor Repair Armor is now 2 metal per point and takes half the time. Efficiency 4 Upkeep May buy 5. For each tier may maintain an experimental technology item. 5 Blunderbuss Unlocks Shotguns as per rules in Terms and Concepts 5 Create Per day may buy 3. Roleplay 5 minutes and create a schematic for a standard item in your schematic possession, or work with a skilled scientist to develop single use schematics for experimental items. 6 Unlockable The more you make the better at it you get.


Gunslinger The classic wild west archetype. No one is more deadly with a pistol, and if anyone disagrees it might be necessary to find out the hard way. Gunslinger has a powerful Role Special and options to add more damage, status effects and even temporary regen. General Requirements May wear up to 1 torso armor and 0 per other locations. Must have execute, dodge and use a non-auto pistol with Gunslinger skills. Role trait Dispatch: execute is now instantaneous, call ‘dispatch’. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of Gut Shot. Per hour per tier. Call ‘gut shot’ and hit the target to cause a severe wound to the torso.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Cool Under Fire You are immune to all fear effects (call ‘immune’). 1 Pistol Whip Subdue Per hour may buy 3. Call and tap a target in the back to knock them unconscious for 5 minutes. 2 Kneecap Wound[(left Per hour may buy 5. Cause a wound to the leg specified. If unspecified target or right] leg chooses. 2 Gun Leathers May wear up to 2 torso armor and 1 per other location across Roles. 3 Chip 3 armor Per hour may buy 5. Damages 3 points of armor on the target location struck. 3 Healing Hooch Healing Per half day may buy 3. Spend 2 chem into a container. Whoever drinks it gains Hooch regeneration for 10 minutes. Healing Hooch hits hard and during that 10 {1,2,3} minutes the drinker may be (reasonably) tipsy. 3 Range Sidestep Sidestep Per half day may buy 3. When struck with a base ranged attack call to dodge it. 4 Slug Wound stun Per hour may buy 5. Pop a target with a heavy shot, causing a wound and stunning them for 10 seconds. 4 Scattergun Unlocks Shotguns as per rules in Terms and Concepts. May now use shotguns for Gunslinger skills. 5 Disarm Disarm Per hour may buy 5. Hit the target and name the item you want to disarm. If a (item) shield is hit may only disarm the shield. The target must drop the item specified or choose one if unspecified. It may immediately be picked up again. 5 Pierce Pierce Per hour may buy 5. Ignores armor and shields. 6 Unlockable Billy, Cisco and perhaps you.


Hunter Once a Hunter has you marked as prey you are unlikely to get away. With a unique combination of damage and utility the Hunter is a formidable ally to have on your team and equipped for most situations. General Requirements May wear up to 1 torso armor and 0 per other locations. Must have tracking, stealth, and use a non-auto ranged weapon and a melee weapon with applicable Hunter skills. Role trait On the Hunt: Call ‘on the hunt tracking’. Tracking is now instant and you get more info. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of Mark: Per hour per tier. Call ‘mark’ and hit a target (not shield) at range. For the next minute you have unlimited calls of Slow, Wound and Pierce when firing a ranged weapon at that target.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Dispatch Execute Dispatch Execute is now instantaneous. 1 Loaded for Fowl Unlocks Shotguns as per shotgun rules in Terms and Concepts. 2 Snare Slow Per hour may buy 5. Strike a target (ranged) or leg (melee) to slow them. 2 Spike Trap {1,2,3 spike Per hour may buy 5. Place a spike trap (small bean bag) on the ground. The trap}, (trap first target (enemy or not) that comes within 3 feet call ‘trap wound leg’. The wound leg) Hunter who placed it may safely pick up the trap at any time. 3 Hunting Gear May wear up to 2 torso armor and 1 per other location across Roles. 3 Meat and Veg Improve food scavenging results 50%. Inform Marshal. 3 Trapping May buy 3. At the start of every game ask plot for your trapping results. 4 Flush Out Reveal 25 feet Per hour may buy 5. If there is IG reason to suspect there may be something or someone in stealth nearby this may be used to break stealth within 25 feet. 4 Strike Melee Wound Per hour may buy 5. Causes a wound on the location struck. 5 Pierce Ranged Pierce Per hour may buy 5. Pierce attacks ignore armor and shields. 5 Prowl Stealth {1,2,3} May only ever be used 1 time per hour may buy 3. Enter an extended stealth with no step limit. Lasts 5 minutes per tier as you carefully stalk your prey. 6 Unlockable Hunt the Jackelope.


Martial Artist The Martial Artist’s hands are absolute deadly weapons. Unarmed combat/claws mean the Martial Artist has a short reach, but their devastating status effect strikes mean anything close won’t know what hit them. General Requirements May not wear armor. Must have dodge and use either unarmed combat or claws. Role trait Fearless: you have come to terms with mortality and are immune to all fear effects. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of Flying Kick: Per hour per tier. Strike 1 or 2 targets (at the same time) and call ‘knockout’. If successful the target(s) is (are) unconscious.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Balance Balance Per hour may buy 5. Call to ignore effects that would change your position, such as trip, shove, knockback. 1 Iron Defense Unarmed {1,2,3} Iron defense Per hour may buy 3. For the next 5 minutes you may use your hands (batons) Combat stance to block as if weapons. 2 Shove Knockback 10 Per hour may buy 5. Knock a target back 10 feet. 2 Throat Silence 1 minute Per hour may buy 5. Call and strike the torso. Target may not speak for 1 Strike minute. May still make calls for non-verbal skills and effects. 3 Infused Gi May wear 0 head and 1 armor per other locations across roles. 3 Leap Leap Per half day may buy 3. Point upwards, call ‘leap’ and move up to 20 quick steps any direction in a roughly straight line while out of reach of melee. 3 Liver Shot Stun Per hour may buy 5. Strike the torso and stun the target for 10 seconds. 4 Disarm Disarm Per hour may buy 5. Strike an item (without force). The target must drop the item. It may immediately be picked up again. 4 Sidestep Sidestep Per hour may buy 3. When struck with a base attack call ‘sidestep’ to dodge it. 5 Break Limb Break limb Per hour may buy 5. Call and strike a target limb to cause a severe wound. 5 Meditation Per half day may buy 3. Meditate 5 minutes to heal all sealed wounds. If interrupted skill is not used. 6 Unlockable Sometimes the best defense is a good defense.


Medic No one is better equipped to save their friends from certain death, and the Special is game changing. General Requirements May wear up to 1 torso armor skill and 0 in all other locations. Must have First Aid and a medical kit. Role trait Diagnose: on a 3 count determine all negative effects on a target (call ‘{1,2,3} diagnose’). Maintain BFG: You know how to maintain a BFG unit. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of MASH Unit: Per day per tier. Define a roughly 10’ diameter area (draw on the ground) and call ‘MASH Unit’. Attending to patients in the defined area grants them regeneration (wounds heal in 10 minutes). If another character with this skill expends and attaches that use to the original MASH Unit regen timers are cut in half (wounds heal in 5 minutes) as long as they remain in the defined area and assist. If they leave that use ends. Those already with Regeneration have their regen timers cut in half in a base MASH Unit and cut in half again if doubled (to 75%, wounds heal in 2 and ½ minutes). If you leave the defined area the MASH Unit ceases, otherwise it lasts up to 30 minutes. Level Name Required Call Description 1 Advanced First First Aid First Aid now takes 3 seconds. Aid 2 Neutralize Toxins Neutralize Per hour may buy 5. You spray a target with exactly the right mix to instantly toxins remove all poisons and tonics from the target. 2 Self-Medicate May perform First Aid on yourself while dropped. 3 Medic’s Field Kit May wear up to 2 torso and 2 head armor across Roles. 3 Medic’s Stealth Stealth Double stealth timer, and may use First Aid while in stealth (recommended to attach one end of a stealth ribbon to your med kit) 4 Assist Assisting When assisting a Surgeon all surgery timers are cut in half. 4 BFG Stasis Bubble Field {1,2,3} stasis Per day may buy 3. Place target into / awaken target from stasis using a Generator setting on a BFG. Lasts 24 hours. Player target must consent OOG. 5 BFG Defib Bubble Field {1,2,3} revive Per day may buy 3. Use a BFG to revive a target that died no more than 10 Generator minutes prior. If cause of death remains they die again on a 10 count. 5 Stabilize First Aid Sealed Per hour may buy 5. Instantly seal all wounds on a target within reach. 6 Unlockable Make the world a kinder place.


Ranged Combatant The abilities to get the job done and flexibility to use any gun or ranged weapon. General Requirements May wear up to 1 head armor, 1 torso and 0 per other location. Must use ranged weapons with Ranged Combatant skills. Role trait Dispatch: execute is now instantaneous. Call ‘dispatch’. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of Burst: Per hour per tier. Fire 4 times within 10 seconds with the call ‘wound’.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Aim {1,2,3} wound Per hour may buy 5. Stand with feet planted, take aim for a 3 count, call and hit a target to cause a wound. 1 Chip 3 armor Per hour may buy 5. Removes 3 armor on the location struck. 2 Kneecap Wound (right Per hour may buy 5. Cause a wound to a leg specified. Target chooses if unspecified. or left) leg 2 Accuracy Double Scope uses. 3 Grip Grip Per half day may buy 3. On being struck with disarm call ‘grip’ to resist it. 3 Medium May wear up to 2 torso armor, 2 head and 0 per other locations across Roles. Field Kit 3 Shotgun Unlocks Shotguns as per rules in Terms and Concepts. May use Shotguns with Ranged Combatant skills. 4 Bullet Make Bullets May buy 3. Reduce the chem cost of making bullets by 5% per tier, max 25% total. Efficiency 4 Range Sidestep Per half day may buy 3. When struck with a base ranged attack call to dodge it. Sidestep 5 Pierce Pierce Per hour may buy 5. Ignores armor and shields. 5 Blast Shotgun Flurry Per hour may buy 5. With a shotgun call and strike a target to hit every location with a base attack. 6 Unlockable Drop targets and be known for it.


Rogue The Rogue excels at stealth and uses the tricks of their trade to do things no other Role can do quite the same way. General Requirements May wear up to 1 torso armor and 0 in all other locations. Must have pick lock or pick pocket, stealth, and use a melee or thrown weapon. Role trait Rogue’s Stealth: gain 10 more steps and 30 more seconds. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of Backstab: Per hour per tier. Call ‘severe wound’ and strike a target’s back to cause a severe wound.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Dispatch Execute Dispatch Execute is now instantaneous. 1 Professional Pick Pocket Carry 3 pick pocket clips. Pick Pocket 2 Avoid Trap Avoid trap Per hour may buy 5. Having spotted a trap pass beyond it. Does not disarm the trap. May not interact with the trap as part of avoiding it. 2 Caltrops Trap wound Per hour may buy 5. Drop or throw caltrops (small bean bag) on the ground. The first leg target (enemy or not) that comes within 3 feet call ‘trap wound leg’. The Rogue who placed it may safely pick up the trap at any time. 2 Subdue Melee or Subdue Per hour may buy 5. Tap a target in the back (represents the head) to knock them Thrown unconscious for 5 minutes. 3 Improved Poison May buy 2. Each tier adds an additional swing per dose to a poison coated weapon you Poison coat and swing (or may coat additional thrown weapons or primitive ammo). 3 Quick Strike Wound Per hour may buy 5. Strike a target to cause a wound. 3 Rogue’s May wear up to 2 torso armor and 1 per other location across Roles. Armor 4 Dodge Trap Dodge trap Per day may buy 3. If a trap goes off and would affect you call this to dodge it. 4 Grip Grip Per half day may buy 3. On being struck with disarm call grip to resist it. 5 Disarm Melee or Disarm Per hour may buy 5. Strike an item (without force). The target must drop the item. It Thrown may immediately be picked up again. 5 Pierce Melee or Pierce Per hour may buy 5. Ignores armor and shields. Thrown 6 Unlockable Seek professional help.


Scavenger In the wild the ability to survive comes first, and the Scavenger not only survives, they thrive. No one gets as much out of their surroundings. Rely on their craft to get in, get the stuff, and get out alive. Maybe mangled, but alive. General Requirements May wear up to 1 torso armor and 0 in all other locations. Must have scavenge, disarm trap skills. Role trait Another Person’s Treasure: food, metal and wood scavenging improved 50%. Notify Marshal when using. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of Scrappy. Per hour per tier. Call ‘scrappy’ when dropped to remain upright for up to 30 seconds. Whatever injuries you have to your legs, or any status effects, still apply.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Shifty Stealth Double stealth steps. 1 Streetwise cunning or savvy Double cunning and savvy uses. 2 Avoid Trap Per hour may buy 5. Having spotted a trap pass beyond it. Does not disarm the trap. May not interact with the trap as part of avoiding it. 2 Scrap Armor May wear up to 2 torso armor and 1 per other location across Roles. 3 Lurk Stealth Stealth May be used 1 time per hour may buy 3. Enter an extended stealth with no step {1,2,3} limit. Lurk lasts 5 minutes per tier as you casually loiter in the area unnoticed. 3 Repair Item Crafting Tools May buy 5. Repair an item with 1 minute roleplay. Cost is a percentage of build cost based on Repair Item tier. Tier 1: 30%, tier 2: 25%, tier 3: 20%, tier 4: 15%, tier 5: 10%. 4 Hiding Spot Stealth Stealth Per half day may buy 3. Stay hidden (in stealth) at that spot (within 3 feet) for up to 10 {1,2,3} minutes. 4 Snare Melee weapon Slow Per hour may buy 5. Strike a target’s leg to slow them. 5 Dodge Trap Dodge Per day may buy 3. If a trap goes off and would affect you call this to dodge it. trap 5 Jury Rigging May buy 2. For each level may maintain an experimental technology item. 6 Unlockable Let your hunger guide you.


Scientist Your memory begins when you woke up in the woods wearing a lab coat 1-4 weeks prior to running into this group of people. Those weeks were spent surviving in an unfamiliar world. You have considerable knowledge and speak the common language but know little about yourself or the area, you’re not like other people in the wild but don’t know why. You may still wear that same lab coat and if so don’t know where it came from, though it feels right and (optionally) somehow resists getting dirty. General Requirements May wear up to 1 torso armor and 0 in all other locations. Must have two types of Knowledge (2 different sciences such as chemistry, biology, geology, et al.), read/write and scavenge. Role trait Cautious Disassembly: improves ancient tech scavenging results 50%. Inform Marshal when using. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of Sooper Genius: Per day per tier. Spend 5 minutes being taught a skill from another Role. You now have that skill at the same tier as your teacher until the day resets. May learn skills up to level 5, may not duplicate skills.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Let Me Try Use any experimental technology without the requisite skill(s) (for example a beam pistol without pistol skill). Does not grant skills. 1 Hypothesis Per day may buy 3. Ask a Marshal questions as if you have knowledge tier 3 on any science related subject. 2 Calculated After a combat in which you missed at least one shot from an experimental Vector tech weapon move 1 disc from the ground to your live bag. This is a shot you didn’t actually take because you knew you’d miss. 2 Protective May wear up to 2 torso and 1 head armor across Roles. Equipment 3 Fast Learner Per day. Spend 5 minutes being taught a skill from another Role. You now have that skill at the same tier as your teacher until the day resets. May learn skills up to level 3, may not duplicate skills. 3 Tech Farm May buy 5. Maintain an experimental technology item per tier. 4 Mad Science Let Me Try 1-10 (ability) Per hour may buy 5. Overcharge an experimental weapon on a (louder as it goes) 10 count allowing 1 shot using the weapon’s overcharge ability. 4 Scientific Per hour may buy 3. Study an object for 1 minute then ask a Marshal 3 Method questions about that object. 5 Accepted Hypothesis (repeated call) Per day may buy 3. On seeing a skill used may use it yourself within 1 Theory minute. Usual skill requirements don’t apply. 5 Tech Per day may buy 3. Work with an Engineer to research and develop Breakthrough experimental technologies. 6 Unlockable High risk, high reward. 29

Sniper Hammer targets from a fixed position or roam the field and deal high damage with precision. Hard-hitting firepower defines the Sniper. General Requirements May wear up to 1 torso armor and 0 in all other locations. Must have execute and use a one shot/bolt (any) action rifle with Sniper skills. Role trait Dispatch: execute is now instantaneous. Call ‘dispatch’. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of Head Shot: Per hour per tier. Call ‘crit’ and hit a target. They now have a bullet in their most important target area and take a devastating wound to the torso. If the first Head Shot hit the target and you are in a Sniper’s Nest gain an additional call of ‘crit’ that must be used within 10 seconds.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Sniper’s {1,2,3} stealth Per hour may buy 5. Activating this skill does not break stealth. On a 3 count near Nest concealment establish a Sniper’s Nest which persists until you leave that spot and also grants Stealth for up to the first 5 minutes in position. 1 DMR May use a slam fire or semi-auto rifle for Sniper skills. 2 Kneecap Wound (right Per hour may buy 5. Cause a wound to a leg specified, target chooses if unspecified. If in or left) leg a Sniper’s Nest may fire twice sequentially per use. 2 Spike Trap {1,2,3 spike Per hour may buy 5. Place a spike trap (small bean bag) on the ground. The first target trap}, (trap (enemy or not) that comes within 3 feet call ‘trap wound leg’. The Sniper who placed it wound leg) may safely pick up at any time. If in a Sniper’s Nest call ‘trap severe wound leg’. 3 Expert Double Scope and Bipod uses. Marksman 3 Medium May wear up to 2 torso and 2 head armor and 0 per other locations across Roles. Field Kit 3 Slug Wound stun Per hour may buy 5. Pop a target with a heavy shot, causing a wound and stunning them for 10 seconds. 4 Selective After a combat in which you missed at least one shot move 1 round from the ground to Fire your live bag. This is a shot you didn’t actually take because you knew you’d miss. 4 Trick Shot Trick shot Per day may buy 3. On a successful range test use a shot to manipulate an item, such as (describe) flipping a switch, cutting a rope, et al. Must be ‘reasonably plausible’ per Marshal ruling. 5 Disarm Disarm Per hour may buy 5. Hit any part of the target and name the item you want to disarm. If (item) a shield is hit may only disarm the shield. The target must drop the item. It may immediately be picked up again. If in a Sniper’s Nest may fire twice sequentially per use. 5 Pierce Pierce Per hour may buy 5. Ignores armor and shields. If in a Sniper’s Nest may fire twice sequentially per use. 6 Unlockable One shot, one large fuzzy prize.


Surgeon The Surgeon is a magician with a blade, able to repair the devastating wounds commonplace in this world and, depending on the skills chosen, able to create them. Without a Surgeon any group would quickly turn into a hobbling mass. General Requirements May wear up to 1 torso armor and 0 per other locations. Must have First Aid, a medical kit and use a bladed weapon with Surgeon skills. Role trait Surgery, Common: In a calm and controlled environment the surgeon can perform common surgeries. All common surgeries require 1 minute of roleplay. Sometimes a MASH Unit is calm and controlled, other times not so much. Maintain BFG: You know how to maintain a BFG unit. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of MASH Unit: Per day per tier. Define a roughly 10’ diameter area (draw on the ground) and call ‘MASH Unit’. Attending to patients in the defined area grants them regeneration (wounds heal in 10 minutes). If another character with this skill expends and attaches that use to the original MASH Unit regen timers are cut in half (wounds heal in 5 minutes) as long as they remain in the defined area and assist. If they leave that use ends. Those already with Regeneration have their regen timers cut in half in a base MASH Unit and cut in half again if doubled (to 75%, wounds heal in 2 and ½ minutes). If you leave the defined area the MASH Unit ceases, otherwise it lasts up to 30 minutes. Level Name Required Call Description 1 Anesthetize {1,2,3} sedate Roleplay 3 seconds expend 1 chem and sedate a target for 1 surgery or up to 5 (duration) minutes. May not be used in combat. 1 Improved Interrogate For every 20 seconds of interrogation roleplay ask 1 question that must be answered Interrogate truthfully. 2 Advanced First Aid now takes 3 seconds. First Aid 3 Field Scrubs May wear up to 2 torso, 0 head and 1 armor per other location across Roles. 3 Slice Wound Per hour may buy 5. Causes a wound on the location struck. 4 Organ Strike Severe wound Per hour may buy 5. The surgeon knows exactly where most vitals are. Strike a target in the torso to cause a severe wound. 4 Surgery, You can now perform Advanced Surgeries in a calm and controlled environment. Advanced 5 Amputate Amputate Per hour may buy 5. Strike a target on a limb to cause a devastating wound. 5 Induce Coma Bubble Field {1,2,3} stasis Per day may buy 3. Place target into / awaken target from stasis using a setting on a Generator BFG. Lasts 24 hours. Player target must consent OOG. 6 Unlockable The knife cuts both ways.


Warrior The most cost-efficient weapons in the apocalypse don’t use ammo at all. They’re also close and personal, at times a risky strategy. Has choice of a powerful Special, damage and status effects, and is one of the few Roles with access to tier 3 armor. Pairs well with almost anything, it never hurts to have a way to deal decisively with something up close. General Requirements May wear up to 2 armor per location. Must have execute and use a melee weapon with Warrior skills. Role trait Dispatch: Execute is now instantaneous. Call ‘dispatch’. Role Special For each stacked tier gain a tier of either Pummel, Eviscerate or Impale (choose only one), each of which are per hour per tier: • Pummel (blunt weapon only): Call ‘destroy’ and strike the target to cause a destroy effect to a location or item. • Eviscerate (bladed weapon only): Call ‘eviscerate’ and strike a target torso to cause a devastating wound. • Impale (thrust weapon only): Call ‘pierce severe wound’. Causes a severe wound to the location struck.

Level Name Required Call Description 1 Crush Blunt or 3 armor Per hour my buy 5. Damages up to 3 armor on a given location. bladed weapon 1 Hobble Slow Per hour may buy 5. Strike a target’s leg to slow them for 1 minute. 1 Trip Thrust weapon Trip Per hour may buy 5. Strike the target in a leg, they fall to the ground (or stagger for two seconds), then may immediately stand. 2 Balance Balance Per hour may buy 3. Use to ignore effects that would change your position, such as trip, shove, knockback. 2 Heavy Armor May wear any armor across Roles. May not buy/must sell back stealth and dodge. 3 Sharpen Bladed or Wound Per hour may buy 5. Roleplay sharpening your weapon for 1 minute. The next thrust weapon attack you make with that weapon has the call ‘wound’. 3 Slam Blunt weapon Stun Per hour may buy 5. Strike target’s torso, stunning them for 10 seconds. 4 Grip Grip Per half day may buy 3. On being struck with disarm call grip to resist it. 4 Strike Wound Per hour may buy 5. Cause a wound on the location struck. 5 Disarm Disarm Per hour may buy 5. Call and strike an item (without force). The target must drop the item. It may immediately be picked up again. 5 Running with Bladed or Running with Per hour may buy 5. Call ‘Running with Scissors’ to gain 5 calls of ‘severe wound’. Scissors thrust weapon scissors, Until all are used any wound you take is also a severe wound. After 1 minute the (severe wound) effect ends and any unused calls are lost. 5 Shieldbreaker Blunt weapon Break shield Per hour may buy 5. Strike a shield. It is now damaged and unusable. 6 Unlockable Hit harder (not OOG harder). 32

As a rule characters cannot be locked out of a requirement by a previous choice (the prior choice can be remade), changes can be made with new characters, and there are in-game (IG) ways to change any part of any character. The World doc is a great place to get ideas for how your character is tied to the area. Having a backstory gives depth to a character and submitting one (to [email protected]) guarantees we can use it for dedicated plot. Make sure the character has reasons to be here, interact with town, be near these people and do the things we do in the game, and keep in mind this world is violent, you don’t have to be but you had to survive somehow. Also, there are no costume requirements other than it must represent your character card. The character sheet at is color coded to match this rulebook. It’s also an xlsx file so you can customize it if you prefer.

Make what you want and are capable of playing! Here are some examples of character concepts:

• Dak is a gunslinger who has run away from a shady reputation and settled near Town to get away from his past. • Shelley is a scientist who showed up in the woods a week ago with no memory of where she was before. She scraped by using her wits and uncanny ability to recall scientific knowledge and is determined to discover her past. • Jay is a master of the sword, or so they would like you to think. They were living the life of a hermit but finally felt desperate enough for supplies and safety in numbers to approach Town after the local ferns started getting aggressive. • Len, Hartley and Bo want to show up as a group, so they are playing a trio of medic, archer and hunter who have moved to Town because their own small settlement near the river was made unlivable by a pack of mercantile badgers. 33

Participation in the game earns more EV to spend at check-in on your character. Characters under 100 EV are allowed to make changes/move points around at check-in. Anomaly is designed to be accessible to a wide range of players. If you have accessibility needs work with the Plot team and we will do our best to accommodate you. With your concept in mind let’s get into character creation step by step. 1. Consider Mutations and Traits A starting character may have 20 points in combined Mutations and Traits, including up to -20 in Disadvantages. Advantages are beneficial mutations or traits that cost points while Disadvantages are negative and add points, and these can only be bought at character creation and through IG events and actions. A Mutation Pack (Pack) is a themed group of mutations at a discount that develops over time. The costume requirements ramp up as points are spent in one and obtaining a Pack Power is a significant milestone. Pack mutations may be bought regardless of IG events, and a character may only have one Pack. 2. Consider Skills and a Character Role Skills reflect your character’s know-how and ability to perform specific tasks. Anyone can buy any base skill, while Roles need to be unlocked (see Unlock Role in Base Skills). Having a skill that allows you to use something does not give you that thing, game-affecting items can only be obtained in-game (IG) or as starting gear. Unlocking a Role opens up unique skill sets. Starting characters may have one Role, and eventually every character may have up to two. It is not required to have a Role. 3. Spend Points The cost of any advantage, disadvantage, skill or similar item is the cost times the tier you are buying, and each tier is bought individually. For example: Armor-Arms tier 1 costs 3, tier 2 costs 6, and tier 3 costs 9, for a total of 18 EV if you want to wear tier 3 armor on your arms. Cannot buy things directly counter to each other or buy the same thing from two different places. 4. Buy Starting Gear Any gear that has a game effect (such as armor, weapons, tools) must be obtained IG or as starting gear. Every player starts with 10 live bullets they may keep or spend at check-in on the following options. These prices are for starting characters only.

Item Cost in Bullets Item Cost in Bullets 1 Hand Melee 3 Med Kit 3 2 Hand Melee 5 Notebook / Paper 1 Armor, per point and location 3 Pistol (one shot/bolt/slam/semi auto/auto) 2/3/4/5/6 Bipod 2 Primitive Ammo (3) 1 Blowgun with 10 darts 3 Rifle (one shot/bolt/slam/semi auto/auto) 4/5/6/7/8 Bow with 10 Arrows/Bolts 4 Scope 2 Brewer’s Kit 2 Shield 4 Crafting Tools 4 Staff 3 Knife 1 Surgical Tools 2 Magazine (mag) spare 6 round 1 Thief Tools 2 ** Starting guns with a mag start with one 6 round mag.


5. Pick a Goal Goals help with character development, can add personal story, grant EV and a title (Bob the Murderer!). There are Active and Passive goals and any number may be turned in at check-in or check-out. Any achieved titles may be used (Bob the Sly and Murderous Mostly Human Sniper!). Goals may be dropped at check-in, losing all progress. Form of title (murderer, murder, murderous, murdering, etc.) may be changed. Gaming goals is not allowed. A character may only complete each once.

Active- must be chosen at check-in and the player is required to keep track of progress. May have 1 slotted active goal at a time. Goal EV Description Goal EV Description Armorsmith 3 Craft a total of 25 points of armor Lead 3 Recover (for yourself or others) 250 spent bullets Farmer Artful Dodger 3 Dodge 10 skills Lethal 3 Drop 20 targets with a single melee hit each Blood Soaked 2 Perform 20 surgeries Mangler 3 Break 30 limbs. Bomb Squad 3 Disarm 15 traps Mender 3 Repair 60 points of armor Breaker 3 Use skills to damage 25 armor Monger 3 Earn 45 bullets selling your services to other players Cauldron 3 Create 50 chem of Tonics or Poisons Murderer 4 Kill 50 enemies yourself Charged Up 2 Overcharge weapons 20 times. Party Fiend 3 Take Rave Juice and or Touch the Void 20 times Dead Eye 3 Drop 7 targets at least 25’ (~10 paces) Recycler 3 ‘Kill’ 30 undead away with a single shot each Enlightened 3 Meditate (using the skill) a total of 60 Scrounger 3 Scavenge 180 resources minutes. Eraser 4 Disintegrate 15 targets Shifty 2 Enter stealth 40 times Exterminator 3 Kill 40 beast-based mutants Sly 3 Pick Pockets 9 times (declined counts) Fletcher 2 Make 50 arrows/bolts/darts Strangler 2 Perform 50 executions with your bare hands Genuine 5 Be recognized (green cards) by The Kid 2 Win 3 traditional 10 pace duels vs legitimate opponents Article Marshals 7 times for roleplay Handy 3 Repair 20 items Toxic 3 Defeat 20 victims with poison Hobo 4 Do not loot or scavenge for 2 games Vegetarian 4 Defeat 50 plant-based mutants Investigator 3 Interrogate a total of 30 minutes Wall 3 Block 50 attacks with a shield Kind 2 Seal wounds 60 times Warder 2 Parry 10 skills

Passive- any time a player completes the requirements for a passive goal they may alert a Marshal for credit. ‘Human’ does not require completion to use the title. Goal EV Description Goal EV Description Artisan 2 Craft 10 exceptional items Hoarder 3 Have 301 resources (not borrowed) Butcher 7 Obtain and no longer use Exterminator, Human 0 Anyone with 10 or fewer points in visible mutations may Vegetarian, Murderer and Deadeye or Lethal. (mostly) use this title. Role Title 3 Achieve a 1 stack in any Role to use the Role Linguist 1 Speak 3 IG languages name as a title Cyborg 2 Have a mechanical surgical enhancement Mutant 2 Have more than 20 points in visible mutations Defender 3 Have 7 armor skill collectively Prepared 1 Have 101 food (not borrowed) Educated 2 Have 10 levels of Knowledge Skilled 5 Attain a 2 stack in any Role Goal 5 Have 4 completed goals of 2 Any time a raid boss is killed all present gain the EV and Oriented (name) title Healthy 1 Survive a devastating wound Wealthy 2 Have 50 chem and 10 ancient tech (not borrowed)


Crafting Given the right skills, knowledge and resources truly anything can be crafted. All crafting may be batched with the exceptions of single use schematics and buildings. An Engineer working with a Scientist at advanced skill levels can lead to the creation of groundbreaking experimental items. Crafting abbreviations: ExT=Experimental Technology, AT=Ancient Tech, C=Chem, M=Metal, W=Wood, F=Food.

You may notice that some item resource types don’t immediately make sense. Leather, plastic or even wood armor being made with metal for example. We assure you there’s a perfect explanation. A leather vest can’t stop a bullet! It’s the metal weave embedded in it. You may also notice that the volume of a resource isn’t always consistent – there’s 1 metal for each bullet, but only 10 in a sword. General weapon categories cost the same though they vary in size. Materials are a rough translation, from wastage during manufacturing to quality and type.

Standard Item Crafting Costs Commonly known resource costs for standard items which may be crafted with the right knowledge. Item Resources Item Resources 1 Hand Melee 10M or 10W or a combination 2 Hand Melee 14M or 14W or a combination Pistol (one shot/bolt) 6/8M Armor (1-3) 10M per point Pistol (slam/semi-auto) 10/14M Arrows/Bolt/Dart 1W or 1M per Pistol (auto) 18M Bipod 6M Rifle (one shot/bolt) 10/12M Bow 8W Rifle (slam/semi-auto) 14/18M Brewer’s Kit 6M Rifle (auto) 22M Bullets (2) 2M 1C Scope 6M Crafting Tools 8M 4W 2C Shanty House for One 250 combined M and W Flare 2M 1C Shield 16M Knife 4M Spent Bullet Is literally 1M Magazine (mag) 6 rd. 4M Staff 10W Med Kit 3M, 2W, 1C Surgical Tools 6M Notebook / Paper 2W 1C Thief Tools 6M

Schematics All crafters must have a book of schematics approved by plot. Schematics are item specific (‘long sword’, ‘poison purge’) and allow the crafter to make that item. On purchasing a crafting skill a character starts with a book with 2 initial (plot approved) schematics in it. Every schematic must be stamped before it may be used.

Regular schematics may be created, shared and copied by someone with the appropriate skills. Some schematics are single use, labelled as such and cannot be copied. Discovering or creating schematics is a large part of crafting in Anomaly and opens up unlimited possibilities. 36

Experimental Technology (ExT) There is no limit to what can be built with enough resources, and much more is possible using the ExT system than can be listed here. When embedding skills or advantages a subject matter expert with at least the number of tiers of the effect to be embedded must be part of the schematic creation, and all requirements still apply for the user (specifically ‘must use’ and ‘must have’ text within the Role). All ExT requires an appropriate single-use schematic to make, and maintenance on a per game basis paid at check-in. ExT items may be modified through use of another single-use schematic, any subtracted resources are scavenged at the time. Skills without tiers cost as though they are tier 5. Maintenance rounds down, minimum 1C. Item Location Cost Maintenance Effect Ability, Varies per 1C per AT The main function (like ‘robot arm’, ‘power sword’, ‘photon torpedo’). Cost varies Primary Plot approval but always includes AT. Includes 1 free open slot. Additional 2AT 4M per An ExT item can have up to three slots total. Slots Base Skill 1 slot 1AT 2M per 1C per 5 3 points points Dependency The item has a requirement to function such as a Role or specific skill, so is cheaper to make and maintain. Reduces total build cost up to 66%. Low 1 slot 1AT 6M 0 Reduces maintenance 50%. Maintenance Skill level 1-3 1 slot 1AT 2M per 1C per 3 tiers tier Skill level 4-5 2 slots 2AT 4M per 1C per two tier tiers Skill level 6 or 3 slots 3AT 6M per 1C per tier Embedded level 6 Role Skills and Specials can only be used by the Role they are Special tier from.

Example 1: Bubble Field Generator (BFG). The Primary Ability of the BFG is creating a field of force that has no function without skills. The base unit (4AT 12M 2C) has ‘dependency (specific medic and surgeon skills required)(-60%)’ and Low Maintenance (1AT 6M). The end result is a BFG costs 2AT 6M 1C to make, with 2C maintenance. Example 2: Slinger’s Gun. Semi-auto pistol with 5 tiers of Gut Shot. Base is the ExT pistol for 1AT 14M, add 2 Additional Slots at 4AT 8M, then 5 tiers of Special at 15AT 20M for a total of 20AT 42M, with a maintenance of 6C.

Surgical Enhancements

A subset of Experimental Tech, all Surgical Enhancements require an appropriate single-use schematic as well as the cost outlined below to make, and advanced surgery to install / embed. Most but not all require costuming. Costs round up. Physical locations may hold 1 Surgical Enhancement each: head, torso, each arm, each leg, for a total of 6 possible slots. The following chart shows some sample Surgical Enhancements:

Name Cost Costume Effect Advantage 2AT for every 5 points plus Appropriate Tech installed simulates an advantage. There is no character point cost for the Simulator 1C and 2M per point technology simulated advantage. Hidden 1 AT 4M 4F 2C Add this cost to any surgical enhancement to make it look like a natural part of the Enhancement character. Synthetic 4 AT 12 metal 4 chem Replaces a devastated limb. Cannot be broken by break limb effects. Heals as normal limb, basic but can also be repaired for 6 metal. 37

Poisons and Tonics Poisons require ‘Poison Use’ skill to use safely, while tonics may be used by anyone. A poison coated weapon allows the next swing to use the poison call. Defenses that avoid skin contact will stop a poison weapon, including armor, but not Tough. All types of delivery (coat a blade/weapon, spray, ingest, pour, smell, packet) take 3 seconds. Poisons or tonics with lasting effects do not stack with themselves and all poisons persist in a system for 10 minutes after exposure. Not all creatures are affected by poisons or tonics the same way. Type Name Cost Delivery Description Common Poison Purge 1 chem Ingest, blade Uncontrolled vomiting for 1 minute. May still fight and use skills but must roleplay the purge. Common Poison Slow 1 chem Ingest, blade The target is slowed for 1 minute. Common Tonic Antidote 1 chem Ingest Removes all poisons and tonics. Common Tonic Aspirin 1 chem Ingest Ignore the crawl component of dropped for 1 minute and move at any pace, but then fall unconscious. Common Tonic Rave Juice 1 chem Ingest The party drug of choice in the apocalypse. 10 minutes of party. Common Tonic Smelling Salts 1 chem Smell Target is no longer unconscious. Common Tonic Strength 1 chem Ingest Doubles your strength/carrying capacity for 10 minutes. Rare Poison Acid 2 chem Pour Destroy an item or damage 3 armor or cause a severe wound. Rare Poison Forget Me Now 2 chem Ingest Forget the last hour. Rare Poison Stun 2 chem Ingest, blade Target is stunned for 10 seconds. Rare Tonic Coagulant 2 chem Spray Seals all wounds instantly. Rare Tonic Liquid Fortitude 2 chem Ingest Allows you to ignore the crawl component of dropped for 1 minute and move at any pace with no negative effects. Rare Tonic Lesser Regen 2 chem Ingest Gain regeneration for 10 minutes. Rare Tonic Liquid Tough 2 chem Ingest Grants two uses of Tough that last 1 hour or until used. May only take once per hour (reset on the hour). Exceptional Death 6 chem Ingest, blade Kills the target. Poison Exceptional Madness 3 chem Ingest, blade For 1 minute the target cannot put two words together never mind a Poison sentence and cannot attack but may defend and or run away. Exceptional Paralyze 4 chem Ingest, blade Paralyzes the target for 1 minute. Poison Exceptional Tonic Genetic Reboot 20 chem Surgical A Surgeon skilled in enhancements uses this tonic in surgery to help someone reset and re-spend character points. The surgery also uses an unknown amount of chem to correct undesirable results during the procedure. Exceptional Tonic Growth-B-Gone 6 chem Surgical Used in advanced surgery to permanently remove a physical mutation. Exceptional Tonic Morphine 4 chem Ingest All base (not severe or worse) wounds are ignored for 1 minute though they stack and bleed normally. Exceptional Tonic Regen 4 chem Ingest Grants the target regeneration for 1 hour. Exceptional Tonic Smoke Bomb 2 chem Throw down to Immediately enter sneak (if no skill use defaults). ground Exceptional Tonic Touch the Void 2 chem Ingest The party drug for the rich and famous in the apocalypse. 10 minutes experiencing things not meant for sentient creatures.



The green number in the corner tells you how many of the resource a given card represents. A character may carry up to 100 resources without hinderance. Above 100 they may only walk, and beyond 300 they cannot move under the weight.

A common resource, it’s assumed your character

Food generally eats and whatever food resource cards you carry around are spare, though food use can come up during play (like for a long trip in a desert).

A common resource, many things are made of wood. Wood

A common resource and handy material for making Metal things.

An uncommon resource representing a diverse Chemicals, or Chem collection of effective liquids.

The ultimate rare resource. There was once an Ancient Tech advanced civilization in the area and their trash is now our treasure!


Terms and Concepts

10 Pace Duel Each participant takes 5 paces (so 10 combined), turns, stares each other down to see who has the most nerve, talks smack if they want to, draws and fires. The crowd may begin to call for action if the stare-down goes too long. Anything and Everything Rule To perform an action not in the rules verify with a Marshal. Example: ‘My character wants to climb that tree and check the road’. Marshal: ‘10 count and point up in the tree while up there’. ‘Climbing tree {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, do I see anything?’ AOE A 25 foot (10 paces) radius effect. When someone originates an AOE they are in the radius and so also affected unless specified in the skill. Ancient Tech Ancient Tech is the recovered technology of a past civilization. It is different from experimental technology in that it’s old and not usually functional but can be scavenged for parts used to build it. Arrows, Bolts and Darts Primitive ranged weapons have the benefits of low cost and poison coatings, among others. When picking up primitive ammo for every 5 picked up (collectively) 1 is broken/expended (it’s 1 wood or metal at that point). Beam Weapons This experimental technology is made possible at the cost of 1 chem per disc. Beam weapons have the base call ‘[charging] {1,2,3,4,5} wound slow’, and someone with the overcharge skill may use the call ‘{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} pierce stun’ after which the weapon requires a 1 minute cooldown to be used again. May never carry another skill call. Maintenance is 2 metal and 1 chem per game, paid at check-in. Bipod – while being used Twice per hour when firing using a bipod recall a missed skill as if the skill were not used. Call ‘bipod’. Bleeding If you have open wounds you are bleeding out and will eventually fall unconscious. Normal wounds have a timer of 5 minutes, Severe 1 minute, Devastating 10 seconds. The timer starts when the wound occurs. When your initial timer ends you go unconscious, then die in 30 seconds. Blind Default 10 seconds, if safe target closes their eyes for the duration. May not run or attack for the duration. Blowguns A blowgun user may split any skill call, stating the name of the skill, then firing the dart, then completing the call. Carry (a body) Call ‘pick up {1,2,3}’ and roleplay picking up the body. The target stands and will walk as if you are carrying them with both hands. Carry Limit May carry up to 100 resources without hinderance. Above 100 can only walk, and beyond 300 cannot move under the weight. Bullets do not count for this total. Up to 6 weapon tags may be carried on a person in total. Charge When a player pushes into the physical space of another it’s called a ‘charge’. The defending player calls ‘charge’ and both move back 3 steps. Charging (weapons and Items) Some items require a charging count as part of their call which may be replaced by an appropriate sound effect. Circle (drawn/string vs placed) A drawn or string circle may be crossed. A placed rope or fabric represents a barrier that cannot. Clarify Clarify is used to communicate when a full hold is not necessary. Put a hand on your head, point towards the person you need to clarify with, state ‘clarify’, and ask your question. The second person will do the same towards you and more people may join in as appropriate. People in a clarify are considered out of game though they may be affected by game calls (such as an aoe) if situationally appropriate.


Cover Could be a tree, a wall, another person, anything that provides protection you can duck behind. Destroy(ed) Something destroyed cannot be repaired. A destroy effect effects weapons, shields, limbs, creatures. Striking a target causes a devastating wound to the location hit. Armor is not destroyed but takes 3 damage (call ‘armor’). Parry stops the attack but the parrying weapon is destroyed, as with a shield. Disarm The target must drop the item. It may immediately be picked up again. If you are in a multi-person combat and do not want to actually drop the item you may instead hold it behind your back for 5 seconds. Disintegrate Slowly and painfully vaporizes whatever it hits. This is a destroy effect with an attached roleplay and result. Dodge When you dodge something you take no effect from it and it is considered to have never touched you. Dropped If you take 1 torso or 3 limb wounds (including stacked) you fall to the ground dropped, as with a severe or devastating wound to any location. A devastating wound to the torso is instant death. When dropped you remain conscious and may only crawl (or slowly stagger), speak, writhe in pain or use small items (like a flashlight or tonic). A dropped character is considered helpless and may not fight or defend in any way or use any skill. Experimental Technology Experimental Technology is created by scientists and engineers from Ancient Tech, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Often unique and not easily replicated. Every experimental item has a number of slots that can be used to modify it. Fake It ‘Til You Make It If you understand your own sheet and play along with the calls as you hear them the game runs smoothly. If you get hit with a call and don’t have a defense against calls act based on what you heard and clarify when needed. Fear Fear effects cause the target to move away from whatever caused the fear for 10 seconds. Flare (gun) A flare is a single use item which allows the call ‘{1,2,3} reveal 25 feet’. Flub Anomaly does not punish flubs/mis-stated calls. First rule of flub-club is ‘go with intent’. If intent was clear use it. Second is to use clarify to verify correct intent and call. Third is to inform the person of the flub at an appropriate time so they may correct it in the future. Flurry Any effect with the flurry carrier hits every location on the target with a base attack or attached call. Group Loot On adventures and raids treasure (not looting or scavenging bodies but end-of-run treasure) is given out to the group as a whole and is required to be split evenly except where IG agreements specify otherwise. Hold Call ‘hold’ then kneel as possible and place a hand on top of your head to signify you are OOG. Everyone in the area is required to do the same. This is often used for safety reasons – if you see someone backing up towards a cliff for example, or if someone is hurt – or for plot reasons / effects. Hook (contest) A ‘hook’ is using a weapon (often an axe) to push or pull a weapon or shield to create an opening to strike and is not allowed under ‘Contest of Strength’ rules. Call ‘contest 3 steps’ and both combatants back up 3 steps. Any strikes enabled by the hook are not counted. Immune If struck with an effect you are immune to call ‘immune’. Injured Anything Injured is unusable or barely usable (may limp, hold onto an item already held) until the status changes (typically until a wound is sealed or a severe wound surgically repaired). An Injured torso is debilitating and Drops a character.


Invisibility Works similarly to stealth but cannot be ‘spotted’ or ‘heard’ and can only be revealed by AOE effects. Item Tags An item tag is not a usable item except at the moment it is looted, while crafting, or with a Marshal exception. Languages To speak a language other than the common language of the area place two fingers to your chin and state the language you are speaking. The following languages are currently learnable: Common, Plant, Cod, Undead. Leg Wounds and Movement A leg with any wound is injured, the victim may walk and fight with a limp and may not run or put weight on it. With two wounded legs a character must either fall to the ground or hunch and stagger, barely able to walk. Even with two wounded legs a character can still fight. A severe wound on a leg drops a character. Line of Sight Must be able to clearly see 50% of an exposed target location. An example is ‘an arm’, in which case 50% of the arm must be exposed. Magic There are those that wield forces that are not well understood called magic. To the Orthodox Plant Church they are heretics wielding forbidden power, and others shun them as witches. Those of Town seem accepting enough. Packet spells may use a bird-seed style packet or a touch baton. Touch spells may only use a baton. No Defense No game defense (armor, tough, dodge, parry) will work against a call of No Defense, though it can be physically blocked with a weapon or shield. OK Hand Signal The ok hand signal, right hand in an ok symbol roughly over the heart (or left hand the other way), is used to request permission to continue from your audience. It’s only used at the beginning of the potentially triggering roleplay and once accepted isn’t held in place. Clarify the roleplay direction you are intending at the same time if it is not clear. Personal Hold At any time and for any OOG reason a player may take a personal hold and go out of game. This is not intended to be used to avoid a game effect or any reasonably predictable IG consequence. Phys Rep Physical Representation, any object (such as a boffer sword) that represents a real object in the game world. Pin When affected by pin one foot is stuck to the ground. You may pivot on that foot but it must stay in place, default is 10 seconds. Pistol Any gun with a barrel length under 10” from chamber to barrel end and no stock. A 1 handed foam dart weapon. PVP (Player vs Player) PVP is allowed with strict guidelines. Anyone engaging in PVP must hold themselves to the highest standards of sportsmanship. Talk OOG to the player you want to PVP to gain explicit consent. Other than consenting participants anyone may call ‘decline’ to back out of a PVP situation for any reason (even if it requires a retcon from death) and someone doing so may not seek PVP for the remainder of the event. Pick Pocketing a player character is considered a PVP request for consent which may be declined or accepted. Range Test Fire a shot near the target to show you have the range to hit it. The dart must land within 10 feet (~4 paces) of the distance to the target for the test to succeed. Shotguns may fire two darts. If no dart lands within 10 feet for any reason the test fails. Regeneration Anyone with regeneration cannot bleed out, all wounds instantly seal, your sealed wound heal timers are 10 minutes and devastating wounds regrow in 1 hour. Severe wounds still require surgery as otherwise they heal at odd angles and in non-functional ways. If somehow survived a devastating torso wound will not regenerate properly and requires surgery to repair.


Retcon Stands for Retroactive Continuity. This is a way to change an action or result that already occurred in order to correct a mistake. It’s something all larps try to avoid but can happen from time to time at the best of them. Rifle Any gun with a barrel length over 10” from chamber to barrel end, with a stock. A 2-hand foam dart weapon. Scope – while being used Twice per hour when firing through a scope recall a missed skill as if the skill were not used. Call ‘scope’. Sealed Wounds A character with sealed wounds wears a bandage phys rep on a visible location to show their wound status. Sealed wounds heal after 1 hour. You may walk, talk, drag bodies and perform non-combat skills and actions with sealed wounds without reopening them. Attempting to run, perform combat or any non-listed action reopens all wounds, automatically interrupting the action. Sedated May only slowly walk slowly and speak confusedly and does not feel pain. May answer basic questions but not give direction or instruction. Shotgun Shotguns fall under rifle skill but must be unlocked through a Role Skill to be used. Shotguns may fire 2 darts at a time maximum. When a skill is used with a shotgun both darts carry and apply the skill, but a target hit by both darts may use a single defense for both. The Roughcut is an example of a legal shotgun. Slow A slowed character may only walk at normal pace or slower. Base is 1 minute. Stasis A target in stasis is unconscious and helpless (or dead) and all timers on that target stop for the duration. Surgery and other affects may be applied to the target and take effect when awakened. Stealth Hold up an orange ribbon (or Stealth Flag) to signify you can’t be seen (can be heard). May carry objects while in stealth. May stealth right next to someone without detection but taking any action or physical contact breaks stealth. If a target in stealth is heard or observed while activating it anyone may call ‘spotted’ or ‘heard’ and point to the target to cancel that stealth. Stealth Flag A small orange flag (2” x 2” square or a 3” per side triangle) on a flex stick/straw. Typically mounted onto a gun to be flipped up or down. When raised this indicates the target is in stealth as if holding an orange ribbon. Stuff Happens The stuff happens rule means that we all do our best and sometimes mistakes occur, we fix them when they do and move on. Stun Target slowly staggers around and can only defend and mumble incoherently. Base is 10 seconds unless specified. Surgery, Advanced – takes 5 minutes of roleplay Surgical Enhancements, permanently removing a physical mutation with Growth-B-Gone, and Genetic Reboot. Surgery, Common – takes 1 minute of roleplay Repair a severe wound, amputation, minor cosmetic surgery (remove a reasonable scar, a brand, a mole). Unconscious Lasts 5 minutes unless somehow interrupted or a different length is stated. Wounds (normal, Severe and Devastating) Any area with an open wound is Injured and Bleeding. Once sealed it heals in one hour. Wounds stack on locations, 3 normal wounds to the same location become a severe wound. Severe wounds may be sealed and heal but remain injured until surgically repaired. 3 severe wounds to a location become a devastating wound. A devasting wound may be sealed and heal but the location is considered destroyed/severed and cannot be repaired only by surgery, and on a torso for most creatures is immediate death.


NPCs and Plot

NPCs and the Plot Team gain EV and a cash stipend (for gas) each game they staff and are asked to play as a character a least 1 game day per calendar year (free if you staffed for a year). All Plot Team members are Marshals and NPCs may qualify as Marshals, discuss with Plot. Plot and NPCs are asked to wear dark colors (pants, shirt, shoes) as possible on game days to work with provided costuming. Do you enjoy creating unique and often personalized stories, entertaining groups of people, or helping with logistics? Apply to join Plot! Do you enjoy LARP combat and or playing a variety of characters? Sign up to NPC! For either email [email protected].

Check-In and Check-Out Check In • Head to the check-in desk. o Make sure you’ve either pre-paid or have cash for the game. o Hand in your receipt from last game as applicable. ▪ You’ll be given bullets/ammo you checked-out last game or starter bullets respectively. • Spend starter bullets as appropriate. ▪ You’ll be given the resources you checked-out last game as applicable. • Move to the Marshal/Plot station. This part is done as a group. o Get credit for any goals and spend points as you want, and review spent points. ▪ Make sure you understand any new skills. o Review your character sheet with a Marshal/Plot as necessary. • Move to new player orientation as applicable. o New player orientation is done as a group if possible.

Check Out • Head to the check-out desk. o Sign up for clean-up task(s). Without these games can’t run. o Turn in live bullets/ammo. It helps if you already counted them. ▪ At your request some or all of these may be converted to an item card. o Turn in spent bullets/ammo. It helps if you already counted them. ▪ At your request some or all of these may be converted to an item card. o Turn in resources, sorted by type and denomination. It helps if you already counted them. We’ll double check groups of them randomly as a spot check. o Check in tags if you want to. Tags you take home are your responsibility and will not be replaced if lost or destroyed. • Take your receipt. This receipt has your ammo and resource totals on it and is a backup in case something disastrous happens to the Plot check-in check-out file. It’s never happened before but take your receipt. • Clean your sleeping area and load your vehicle. • Complete clean-up tasks. These are critical to a continuing game. o Check off the cleanup check sheet when done as applicable. 44

Combat Calls and Defenses

Call Default Effect 3 Armor Instant Damages 3 armor on the location struck Amputate Instant Causes a devastating wound to the limb struck Blind 10 seconds The target cannot see, defined in Term and Concepts Break Limb Instant Causes a severe wound to the limb struck Break Shield Instant Damages the shield struck Crit Instant Causes a devasting wound to the torso Death Instant The target dies Destroy Instant Whatever is hit is destroyed, see Terms and Concepts Disarm Instant Item struck or specified must be dropped, may be picked up Dispatch Instant Execute a target instantly / without a count Eviscerate Instant Causes a devastating wound to the torso struck Execute Instant Kill a helpless target Flurry Instant Deliver the effect (usually a base attack) to every location Gut Shot Instant Causes a severe wound to the torso Knockback 10 feet (4 steps) Target must move back 10 feet (4 steps) Knockout / Subdue Instant Renders the target unconscious Mark 1 minute Enables the caller to automatically succeed with certain skills No Defense Instant No called defense may be used to stop this effect Paralyze 1 minute Target may not move for the duration Pierce Instant Ignores shields and armor Pin 10 seconds Target must plant one foot for the duration. May pivot. Poison (type) Instant All poisons add another call which determines effect Reveal Instant Anyone within the affected area under stealth or concealment is revealed Silence 1 minute Target may not speak IG Slow 1 minute Target may only walk at a normal pace or slower Stun 10 seconds Target is dazed, may not attack, may defend and stagger Trip Instant Target falls to the ground (or staggers for two seconds), then may immediately stand. Unblockable Instant Weapons and shields do not stop this attack. Called defenses like Parry work. Wound Instant See ‘wounds’ in Terms and Concepts

Defense Type Effect Armor Base Defense Expend an armor point to negate a base attack on the location struck or affected Balance Skill Ignore skills and effects that would change your position, specifically Knockback and related effects Dodge Advanced Defense Avoid being hit at all by the attack or effect Grip Skill Negate the effect of Disarm Immune Status Denotes that something cannot affect you Parry Advanced Defense Take an attack or effect on your weapon Sidestep Base Defense Avoid a base attack Tough Base Defense Expend to negate a base attack anywhere on the target