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Technic1a 419/); North Carolina State University3 Student Newspaper Since 192017;“ OCT 2 7 1989 t L, r Volume LXXI, Number 27 Friday, October 27, 1989 Raleigh, North Carolina -..\’7’ i l ”Nikki-W7W1” 2029 Sagan to speak at Emerging IssueS"Forum By Christina Biliouris Sagan will speak on “Preserving Planet ence. especially the study of the planets. “we hope everyone will walk away with an Hole Research Center in Massachusetts. Staff Writer Built" on Feb. 8 and will be followed on In addition. he is director of the understanding that there are things we can William Caner of the National Geodetic Feb. 9 by six other Laboratory for Planetary Studies and pro- do to protect our environment and a com— Survey. and David Rind of NASA. Other world-renowned sci- fessor of astronomy and space sciences at mittment to doing what is needed." speakers will be announced at a later time. Carl Sagan, the internationally famous entists whose topics Cornell University in Ithaca. NY. He has Monteith said the conference topic The first Emerging Issues Forum was held astronomer and writer. will be the keynote will include global also worked closely with NASA during the “strikes at the heart of N.(‘. State's institu- in l986 to provide an arena to bring state speaker for NC. State‘s fifth annual climate change. pos- Mariner. Viking and Voyager expeditions. tional purpose. with out emphasis on pro- and national leaders together to debate criti- Emerging Issues Forum. former North sible changes in sea Hunt. chairman of the 1990 symposium. grams in forestry. agriculture and marine. cal issues related to NCSU. Carolina Gov. James Hunt and Interim level. water quality said the forum's purpose is to “plant the earth and atmospheric sciences." Past speakers have included Chancellor Larry Monteith announced and availability, and seeds that will grow into solutions for the The forum will not only bring together Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis. corn- Thursday. the unusual demands problems facing our state. nation and leaders in government, business and educa- puter—services entrepreneur H. Ross Perot. The forum. titled “Global Changes In The on primary natural world." tion. but it will also include scientists who former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Environment." will bring major speakers to resources. Hunt referred to many popular environ- will address the complicated environmental Paul Volcker and the heads of Apple Raleigh to discuss the local, national and Carl Sagan Sagan. the winner mental issues in his address. including the issues of today. Computer and Xerox Corp. international implications of environmental of Peabody and Emmy Awards for the tele- greenhouse effect. the depletion of the In addition to Sagan. the guest speakers Registration for the 1990 Emerging Issues change. Hunt and Monteith said at a press vision series “Cosmos,” has also won a ozone layer. the pollution problem on Nonh will include Vee Ramanathan of the Forum will begin Jan. I. Anyone interested conference at the Alumni Memorial Pulitzer Prize for his book, “The Dragons Carolina beaches and mountains and the University of Chicago. Wallace S. in going should write to the Emerging Burlding. The forum is scheduled to take of Eden." He has received numerous deforestation problem. Broecker. William Clark of Harvard Issues Forum Office. Box 7401. NCSU place Feb. 8-9. awards for his many contributions to sci- “When this conference is over." Hunt said. University. George Woodwell of Woods Mail Center Raleigh. N.C. 27695740i. Brickyard hosts Involvment Fair TKEs plan to end pledging recruit will meet all the active brothers and is inter- By Teebu Phillip Viewed by a standards board comprised of officers of Staff Writer TKE. Members of the Tau Kappa Epsilon Fratemity at NC The new recniits are judged on personality. academics State and across the country plan to eliminate pledging and leadership potential. If the recruit is judged to be a in an effort to stop all forms of hazing. worthy applicant. he views a “Spirit of TKE" videotape The new policy was adopted at the last convention of series and completes a series of workbook exercises TKE‘s national organization. which educates the new recruit on fraternal life and the The new membership education program will initiate ideals of TKE: love. charity. and esteem. Once the new recruits as full members with all rights and privi- videotape and workbook sessions are completed. the leges instead of making them associate members for new recruit is initiated into the fraternity at a “Spirit of their first year. said Jack Martin. vice-president of the Fraternity" weekend. TKE's NCSU chapter. He said the new initiation pro- “These policy changes should be implemented by cess will promote equality at TKE and the abolition of next fall at State," Martin said. the two-tier membership should end a pledge‘s risk of Officers of TKE plan to attend a district fraternity FREE F0 to hazing. meeting this weekend at Virginia Tech to discuss and “There are no. and will be no. subservient classes at learn more about their new initiation policy. "m' TKE." Martin said. Nationally TKE has more than l77.000 initiated PRIZES ’ The new policy begins with rush. where the new members and 40 active members at NCSU. Players took no steps toward achieving degrees, Poole says Wild/Stat By Paul Woolverton as they complete their first cours- illegally. but some players received Executive News Editor es.“ many grade changes. The “Halloween Ghost" visits Alexander Residence Hall’s display at the Student lnviovment fair. He said the university must help “Most of the changes involved Second ofa two part series athletes compete with other stu- changing an ‘ineomplete‘ to a letter The Brickyard came alive co-chair for the Inter-Residence ting up and breaking down of the dents. even though they start out grade and in more than one instance Wednesday with 66 student inter- Council. said he felt that “there fair. Also providing assistance was NC. State officials allowed bas- behind and devote a great deal of totaled l0 changes per player." he est groups and organizations par- could have been more participation Physical Plant, which supplied ketball players to take courses that time for basketball. wrote. “The records also showed ticipating in the Student (on the part of student) organiza- extension cords for University would not progress toward gradua- He said a summer transition pro- that most players had several grades Involvement Fair. tions." He added that the fair was Dining’s pizza and soft drink tion. but to remain eligible to play. gram should help freshmen athletes changed.” This was the first time in several “really nice.” stand. Samuel Poole said in his notes on prepare for college. But. after four He said because of the university's years that the activity took place He said that this has been the first his investigation into the Wolfpack incoming basketball players took policy for grade-changing and on the Brickyard. Debbie time in a while that the event has The fair coordinator. Eric Nobles. athletics program. the transition math courses and retroactive withdrawal. illegal grade Willoughby, organizer for the new been held in the traditional loca- who is Director of Public Poole. who is vice chairman of the received a C. a D and two no cred- changes were unnecessary. serivce-oriented sorority Epsilon tion.. Relations for Student Government. UNC Board of Governors. also its, “the school should be put on Poole noted that one player fol- Sigma Alpha, said that she was The Air Force Reserved Officers said the fair “was a tremendous included memos saying academic notice these student-athletes cannot lowed the rules. missed a few early- “excited to be a part ofit.” Training Corps Detatchment 595 sucess.” coaches pressured a professor to compete with their peers. season games and took no courses programming provided assistance with the set- —Amy Coulter “Apparently the response at for credit for more than a year. This Scott McWhorter. help a player make up five weeks of NCSU is to allow these players to occurred because when a student classwork for a class he stopped take curriculum which will allow withdraws. all classes for that attending. The player could not them to remain in school and eligi- semester are removed from his/her drop the course because that would ble to play basketball as long as record. Students from out-Of-state reduce his course load to nine credit they can with no hope that they will Memos Poole attached with the hours. rendering him ineligible. ever obtain a degree." Poole wrote. notes described a situation where an Poole headed a four-man commis- He said physical education. music. English professor said she felt pres- sion which studied the program history of sport. public speaking sured by academic coaches to give can get in-state tuition from January to August. UNC-sys- and theater courses made up the an “unreasonable" amount of help tem President C.D. Spangler asked bulk of players' curriculums. to a player in academic trouble in do” about meeting the necessary they are substantially financially Poole to investigate wrongdoings in Poole said some players were sus- her class. According to the memos. By Amy Coulter residency requirements and how to independent from their parents. the Wolfpack men‘s basketball pro- pended from school because of poor the student had never attended the Assistant News Editor appeal their residency status. guardians or spouses who are resi- gram. The allegations of wrongdo- grades. but readmitted many times. class and needed to make up five Dixon Don Patty, Associate dents of another state. Individuals ing were made by “Personal Fouls" "(Suspensiom does not seem to weeks of work.