Rampton Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of the Rampton Parish Council held on the 9th Jan 2017 in the Village Hall, Manor Grounds, Rampton, DN22 0JU . The meeting commenced at 7:30pm.

Present. Cllr Muriel Arden Chairman Cllr Barrie Doyle Vice-Chair Cllr Ivor Lewin Cllr Pam Hawkins (Arrived during Minute Ref RPC/111/16) Cllr Rebecca Sheppard Cllr Ted Morris BEM

Also, present Ed Knox Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer County Cllr John Ogle 10 Members of the Public

RPC/107/16 Housekeeping Cllr Arden advised the location of the fire exit assembly point, fire exits & toilet facilities.

RPC/108/16 Apologies for Absence After discussion, the council resolved to accept the apologies of Cllr Libby Hauton. District Cllr Teresa Critchley did not attend.

RPC/109/16 Declarations of Interest Cllr Ted Morris declared an interest in RPC/111/16 2) because he is Chairman of Rampton Bowls Club. Cllr Morris provided details to the Council in the capacity of Chairman of the Bowls Club, but did not partake in any debate or decision making process under this item.

RPC/110/16 Approval of Minutes After discussion, the council resolved to accept the minutes. The chairman signed the minutes from the meeting of Rampton Parish Council held, 12th Dec 2016 as a true and accurate record.

RPC/111/16 Matters Arising: 1) Village Hall Grant Funding Update Cllr Ivor Lewin, Cllr Muriel Arden and Clerk Ed Knox reported that: • A quote is being obtained from Anglian Water regards potential connection costs for replacing the water supply pipe. • Damp Proof quotations obtained.

After discussion, the council resolved that Cllrs Lewin, Arden and Clerk Ed Knox shall report at the next meeting further details.


2) Pinder Park Bowls Club – Work’s Update Cllr Ted Morris reported that: • One of the Grant Providers, Sport England, Require proof of the planning permission on headed notepaper from Council • Least Term – 7 years is too short and the grant provider wants to see a lease goes at least to the end of 2026. • Works have commenced on the field for the bowls club but funds are on hold due to the above. After a lengthy discussion, the council resolved that Clerk, Ed Knox, shall contact Les Dodds, Bowls Club Treasurer, to obtain the exact details of the request/requirements of Sport England, forward a copy of this to the Council and send a letter to Mr Dodds. Action, Clerk Ed Knox

3) To Approve Pinder Park Committee’s Ideas for Spending Old Pinder Money Clerk Ed Knox reported that: • Pinder Park Committee were looking into the possibility of: a. Community Noticeboard b. Additional Official Signage c. Improved Entrance – Finish of Fencing and Pedestrian Access • Nick Easey, provided a quote of £700 for the notice board and would like to spend the rest on its installation, signage and the improved entrance area. Cllr Muriel Arden also reported that: • Pinder Park Committee had paid in the region of £2,200 to the Parish Council for the Storage Box and Tennis Net. • The storage box and net were refunded by the supplier due to complaints, therefore the Council would still possess around £2,200 of Pinder Park Committee funds. • These additional funds should be clarified and confirmed, so that it can be added to the £1173 for Pinder Park, to make a potential total of £3373 available for Pinder Park work. After discussion, the council resolved (i) to proceed commit the £1173 to the proposed works. Clerk, Ed Knox is to contact Nick Easey, Chairman of Pinder Park Committee to progress matters and obtain full quotes for the work. (ii) Clerk, Ed Knox is to check the accounts and minutes to confirm the £2,200 was paid to the Parish Council. Action Clerk Ed Knox.

4) Defibrillators Update Clerk Ed Knox reported that: • British Heart Foundation expects the units to be delivered within the next 6 to 8 weeks. • Ed received a phone call from Pete Weaver, Chairman of Woodbeck Residents Association, thanking him for the unit for Woodbeck Community Centre.


• Pete spoke with the Estates Manager of Rampton Hospital who is looking into the possibility of installing the Woodbeck Unit for free and will find out if he can arrange to install any of the Rampton Village Units for free also. • Ed will drop off the Woodbeck unit with Pete Weaver and drop the Rampton Units with Cllr Barrie Doyle when they arrive. After discussion, the council resolved to accept the update.

5) To Village Hall Key List for H&S Risk Assessment Cllr Pam Hawkins required a definitive list of village hall key holders to enable the completion of the Risk Assessment Review. After discussion, the council resolved that the key holder list is: 1. Barrie Doyle Village Hall Committee 2. Ed Knox Parish Clerk 3. Eveline Goodwin Keep Fit Club 4. Helen Slattery Rampton Parochial Church Council 5. Ivor Lewin Chair Village Hall Committee 6. Janet Lancaster Treasurer Village Hall Committee 7. Joan Winfrey Caretaker 8. Joan Young C&T Coffee Mornings 9. Mrs Bradley Evergreen Club 10. Muriel Arden Chairman Parish Council 11. Stuart Dixon Whist Drive Club 12. Ted Morris Bowls Club After further discussion, the council resolved that the key list shall be the responsibility of the Village Hall Committee to include within their Risk Assessment and not form part of the Parish Council Risk Assessment. Action Cllr Pam Hawkins to arrange for the typing up of the final version.

RPC/112/16 To Approve Precept for 2017/18: At the previous meeting, Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) Ed Knox presented the budget for 2017/18, he also circulated figures and potential precept rise figures by email. 2017 will be a time of uncertainty because: • Various Solicitors Fees which will mostly be covered by the Mast & Landswop with Tarmac but may require upfront payment first. • The Land Rent from Torksey Ferry Road land may cease and it may be a while before a replacement tenant is paying rent. • We cannot count potential Mast rental income in the budget until it becomes a reality • We do not know if Lengthman Scheme will continue in April.

Rampton Parish benefits from a fairly low precept in comparison to other local parishes at Band D in 2016/17: • North & South Wheatley £76.00 per year £7.60 per month • North Leverton £79.13 per year £7.91 per month • Sturton-Le-Steeple £58.63 per year £5.86 per month • Laneham £48.33 per year £4.83 per month


• Dunham £47.74 per year £4.77 per month • South Leverton £41.50 per year £4.10 per month • Rampton £31.31 per year £3.13 per month RFO, Ed Knox explained that to be able to ensure basic running costs including inflation are covered, there ideally needs to be a rise of around 30p per month at Band D, however, should the Council wish to be able to ensure that the water pipe for the Village Hall is covered, should grant funding not be forthcoming, a £1 rise per month at Band D would be needed, or alternatively, the funds would need to come from the Council’s reserves.

After a lengthy discussion, the council resolved to accept the draft 2017/18 budget. Cllr Pam Hawkins proposed and Cllr Ted Morris Seconded that the precept shall increase by 3% on top of last year’s figure of £31.31 at band D. Motion Carried. Therefore, the new precept shall be £32.25 at band D, equal to a rise of 9.5p per month.

RPC/113/16 Police Report: PC Bailey was unable to attend the meeting due to work commitments. However, he advised by email there were no crimes in the Parish, outside of Rampton Secure Hospital.

RPC/114/16 Vestry Book Decision Clerk Ed Knox explained by email prior to the meeting, that the Rampton Vestry book had been loaned to a village resident around 18 months ago for research purposes and was now back in the possession of the Clerk; who needed it to find early references to the various Parish Lands currently being registered by the Solicitor and to assist with the Landswop. This book is actually several documents combined containing: • The Annual Parish Meeting minutes for the years 1834 to 1894 • The Income & Expenditure Accounts of the Overseers of the Poor • The Income & Expenditure Accounts of the Surveyors of Highways & Drains • The Vestry Meeting Minutes covering 1834 to 1894 The person who loaned the Book would like it to be sent for safe keeping at the County Archives in . There is only one copy of this book and it still has relevance today, as it provides a link between the past and the present concerning the parish and charity lands. However, it is also of interest to historians and researchers. It is in a fairly fragile condition.

After checking with NALC Clerk Ed Knox confirmed that the legal owner of the book is the Parish Council. The Local Government Act of 1894 separated all non-religious matters from the Vestry and gave these to the Parish Council, all parish property, responsibilities and employees outside of ‘the church’ passed to the Parish Council. The remaining remnants of the Vestry, the ecclesiastical element was renamed the PCC in 1921.

Clerk Ed Knox asked the Council that once he had finished taking photos for the solicitor of the relevant parts of the book, should he comply with the request to send it to Nottingham Archives or should it be kept in the Village Hall Safe?


Clerk Ed Knox explained that whilst it is too fragile to put the 450-page book through a scanner, he could however, take digital photos of the book, save these on the Council memory stick and should the Council feel a hard copy ought to be held at the hall, he can arrange to print a copy of the book for research purposes, thus allowing the original to be kept at Nottinghamshire Archives. Their then followed a brief discussion, the council resolved that a printed copy was not required and Cllr Muriel Arden Proposed and Cllr Ted Morris Seconded that the clerk shall take digital photos, create a digital version and the Clerk shall then proceed to send this to Nottinghamshire County Archives. Motion Carried. Action Clerk, Ed Knox.

RPC/115/16 To Approve Grounds Maintenance for 2017 Clerk Ed Knox received the prices from Ulyetts and circulated these to the council by email before the meeting, in summary this included: • Grass Cuts Pinder Park £48 per cut • Option to Road & Treswell Road Bends for £15 per cut • Option to cut The Green Triangle £10 per cut • Option to cut the verge between gateway to hall in front of church £10 per cut • Cllr Barrie Doyle willing to cut The Green and in front of church • Cllr Barrie Doyle willing to carry on with two additional cuts to Pinder Park Hedge complies with the 900mm legal requirement. • Ulyett’s would like to quote for a hedge cut on Pinder Park After discussion, the council resolved that (i) To approve Ulyetts quote for grass cutting Pinder Park grass at £48, (ii) to approve Cllr Barrie Doyle to carry out grass cutting of the Green, the verge in front of the church, the driveway to the village hall and additional hedge cutting on Pinder Park, and cover his expenses incurred for these works throughout 2017. (iii) That Clerk, Ed Knox shall advertise for free/expenses only volunteers for cutting the grass at the bends of Treswell Road and Retford Road (iv) That Clerk, Ed Knox shall see if he can obtain alternative tenders for cuts on Treswell Road & Retford Road bends for less than £15 per cut. Action Clerk, Ed Knox

RPC/116/16 To Approve Formal Document Adoption Cllr Muriel Arden reported that following recent review of the existing Council formal documentation, the Council are now able to look to adopt other similar beneficial policies and procedures. Ed had circulated prior to the meeting by email to the Cllrs copies of a Draft Public Participation Policy. In Summary: • The Document is tailored for Rampton • They are based on guidance from NALC National Association of Local Councils & similar policies in place at other Parish Councils. • It explains what the role of a Parish Council is, how it has powers to act and duties to act. • It explains which functions are outside of the Council’s remit • It explains to the public their rights and privileges etc with regards attending a Council meeting. Cllr Rebecca Sheppard Proposed and Cllr Muriel Arden Seconded that the Council adopts the policy. After discussion, the council resolved to adopt the suggested


version with immediate effect. Clerk Ed Knox to save the final version and email it to BDC for upload to the public transparency page. Action Clerk, Ed Knox.

RPC/117/16 Emergency Plan Update

Cllr Rebecca Sheppard reported that: • The plan is work in progress and a was delayed due to Christmas & New Year.. • More help is required. • The next meeting is in March. • Cllr Sheppard has received a folder from, Clerk Ed Knox containing all previous versions of the Emergency Plan and associated correspondence. After discussion, Cllr Sheppard advised she would work through the folder to use anything of relevance and the Council resolved would continue to spread the word that additional help and responders are required.

RPC/118/16 Neighbourhood Plan Report Cllr Muriel Arden reported that: • Tracy Easey has shown interest in taking over from Cllr Ivor Lewin regards chairing a potential steering group. Cllr Arden then adjourned the meeting to allow Tracy’s husband, Nick Easey to speak, Nick advised: • Tracy has emailed all residents who recently indicated interest in forming a steering group. • Because the Civil Parish of Rampton has a Parish Council, the initial ‘Designation Letter’ to proceed with a proposed neighbourhood plan must be signed by the Parish Clerk and Chairman of the Council. • Bassetlaw District Council is holding an information meeting on 22nd February in Retford Enterprise Centre at 6:30pm. • This Training and Advice Session is open to all groups, parish councils and members of the public who are commencing, or interested in commencing a plan. • Tracy is keen for all interested people from Rampton Parish to attend with her on the 22nd. • Tracy intends on hosting a weekend meeting at Rampton Village Hall in early March, so that all interested parties for the neighbourhood plan can introduce themselves, discuss the plan and decide how to proceed. • Out of this meeting Rampton Neighbourhood Plan Steering group shall form Cllr Muriel Arden thanked Nick for his input and reconvened the meeting. After discussion, the council resolved that (i) it is happy for Tracy to proceed with the plan and thanked her for her interest. (ii) Clerk, Ed Knox and Chairman Muriel Arden shall immediately sign the designation Letter. Ed & Muriel signed the letter. Action, Clerk, Ed Knox shall send the letter and civil parish map of Rampton to James Green at Bassetlaw District Council.


RPC/119/16 Village Warden Report Warden Alan Bland emailed his report for the Council. Cllr Barrie Doyle summarised that: • Wine Bottles being placed in village bins, especially outside Alamar & Pinetrees • Dangerous branches over hanging from trees in the rear garden of Greenways, over the road.

After discussion, the council resolved to accept the report. The Council also stated that the dangerous trees were expected to be cut back by a third party’s tree surgeon shortly.

RPC/120/16 Planning Application Sundown Adventureland - 16/01363/FUL Cllr Muriel Arden advised that: • There is a public open meeting on Thurs 12th January at Treswell Village Hall After discussion, Cllr Pam Hawkins advised she will attend the meeting.

RPC/121/16 District Councillors Report District Councillor Teresa Critchley did not attend.

RPC/122/16 County Councillors Report County Councillor John Ogle reported: • The SCR judicial review regarding Chesterfield District Council’s application to SCR may mean Bassetlaw may never join or need a referendum on the subject. • Broadband, BT have completed stage (tranche) 1 & 2 and there is now a broadband green kiosk in the village. • Extra Funding is available for a third stage (tranche) • Cllr Ogle asked all those present that if they experience any broadband internet cuts or intermittent faults that he is informed of the details. He can escalate such issues with BT as it was proven to be a service/maintenance issue. After discussion, the council resolved to accept the report.

➢ Adjournment - 10 Minute Public Forum The Chairman closed the meeting to allow questions and discussion from the public. Questions asked & concerns raised included: • Who Owns Pinder Park Car-Park? • How much did the Car Park Cost, give me an original ball park figure? • Why was the barrier to Pinder Park down during 4 days over the Christmas & New Year Period? • Has the Council considered disposing of the bins and benches on Treswell & Retford Road and replace them with a wild flower meadow? • What are the Council’s thoughts, views and opinions on the Sundown plans? • Praise for the decision to send the Vestry Book to Nottingham Archives and please would the Clerk offer the Electronic copy to Bassetlaw Museum? After discussion, the Council addressed as many of the questions as possible. Clerk, Ed Knox asked the Council if they had any objection to him sending an electronic


copy of the Vestry Book to Bassetlaw Museum. The Council agreed with this request. The Chairman reconvened the meeting.

RPC/123/16 Finance:

1. To Approve Payments: after discussion, the Council approved the following accounts: -

Payee Item Amount A Bland Net Salary £92.58 HMRC PAYE A Bland Income Tax £36.80 E Knox Net Salary, Mileage & (Expenses £29.49) £582.52 net HMRC PAYE E Knox Income Tax £143.33 E-On Post Office Electricity 05.12.16-28.12.16 £9.95 K R Hewitt Pinder Park Hedge Cutting Nov 16 £81.00 Total Payments £975.67

After further discussion, the Council declined the following:

Payee Item Amount Bowls Club Lost Income Reimbursement £36.00

Cllr Pam Hawkins Proposed and Cllr Rebecca Sheppard Seconded, that because the Lost Income was due to Bassetlaw District Council and because Bassetlaw had reimbursed the costs to Rampton Village Hall Committee, Ted Morris as Chair of the Bowls Club, should approach the Village Hall committee for recompense and not the Parish Council. Motion Carried.

2. Receipts:

Receipts Received this month:

From Item Amount Via Ltd Lengthsman Scheme Grant 2016 £500.00 (Nottinghamshire County Council) Tuxford Post Office Mr C Raynor – Rent Sep-Dec 2016 £187.50 Nottingham Bld Society Bank Interest £18.27

Total Receipts £705.77

3. Bank Balances

The Current Account Balance today is £16,408.88 The Deposit Account Balance today is £5,462.99


Cllr Rebecca Sheppard requested that RFO, Ed Knox provides the list of financial accounts to Council Members by email before each meeting. Action, RFO Ed Knox

RPC/124/16 Any Other Business Cllr Muriel Arden announced and offered thanks to Cllr Rebecca Sheppard who had completed 10 years’ service to Rampton Parish Council, having signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office on 9th January 2007. Cllr Pam Hawkins announced highway issues including, potholes and vegetation on Retford Road, Mud on Retford Road from farm vehicles, lack of temporary mud on road signage, street light faults on Torksey Street. Cllr Muriel Arden asked Clerk Ed Knox to contact Cllr Libby Hauton and see if Libby can escalate the issues with the Highways Department.

RPC/125/16 Date/time of next meeting

Monday 13th March 2017 7.30pm

RPC/126/16 Closure of Meeting There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting at 9:06 PM.

