& Tyneside Bird Club Registered Charity No. 517641 LOCALITY/TETRAD LIST This list shows many locality names in the club’s recording area with their appropriate 10KM/tetrad identifier. These can be very useful when taking part in club surveys and also for completing your monthly records before submission.

Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Acklington NU20F NZ06D Acklington Prison NU20F Aydon Forest (Inner) NU11R Acomb Fell NY96P Aydon Forest (Outer) NU11K Acton Moor NY85A Ayle - area NY74E Adderstone NU13F Backwoodburn NT92R Addycombe NU00L Pond (incl the flash) NZ37B Agar's Hill NY75P Bakethin NY69F Aid Moss NY98G Bamburgh (E) - (Castle Wood) NU13X Airy Holm Farm NZ05L Bamburgh (W) - (Golf Course) NU13S Akeld, Bridge End NT93Q Bamburgh (Islestone) NU13X Alcan Smelter NZ28Z Bardon Mill (E) NY76X Allen Banks NY76W Bardon Mill (W) NY76S Allendale Common NY84H Barhaugh Burn (E) NY75B Allendale Town NY85H Barhaugh Burn (W) NY65V Allenheads NY84S Barmoor NT93Z Allensford NZ05Q Barmoor – Red House NU03D Allensgreen NY76R Barrasford NY97B Allerdean Mill NT94Y Barrasford Quarry NY97C Allerybank NY78K Barrow Burn Woods NT90C Aln Estuary NU21K Barrowburn, Upper Coquetdale NT81Q Alndyke, Alnwick NU21B Bassington Nature Res. NZ27N Alnham NT91V Bates Minewater Treatment Plant (Blyth) NZ38F Alnmouth NU21K Bavington Hall (W) NZ07E Alnmouth South Dunes NU20P Baybridge NY95K Alnwick NU11W Beacon Hill, Cramlington NZ27N Alnwick Moor (NE) NU11R Beacon Hill, Morpeth NZ19K Alnwick Moor (SW) NU11K Beacon Hill, Whitfield NY75U Alwinton NT90I Beacon Point, Newbiggin NZ38E Amble NU20S Beadnell NU22J Amble Harbour NU20S Beadnell (open sea) NU22N Ancroft NU04C Beadnell Bay NU22I Angerton Village NZ08X Beal NU04R Annitsford NZ27S Beal Point NU04W Annitsford Pond (Annistford LNR) NZ27S Beanley Moor (Kimmer L.) NU11E Annstead NU23F Beanley, River Breamish NU01U Annstead Point (Snook Point) NU23F Beaufront NY96S Arcot Lane NZ27M Bebside Hall NZ28Q Arcot Pond NZ27M Bebside (roundabout A189) NZ28V Ardley () NY95E Bedlington NZ28Q Armstrong Park (Heaton) NZ26S Bedlington Station NZ28R Ashholme Common NY75D Beehive Flash, NZ37G Ashington (E) (Wansb. Hosp.) NZ28Y Beldon Burn (E) NY94P Ashington (W) NZ28T Beldon Burn (mid) NY94J Ashington Spoilheaps (Pitheap) NZ28U Beldon Burn (W) NY94E Atlee Park NZ28Q Belford NU13B Aydon NZ06D Belford Station NU13G Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Bell Crag NY77S Borough Woods, Morpeth NZ18X Bellasis Bridge NZ17Y Botany NU02X Bellingham (E) NY88L Bothal Barns NZ28N Bellingham (W) NY88G NZ28N NY76B Bothal Pond (Coney Garth) NZ28N Bell's Close, NZ16X Bothal Woods NZ28I Bell's Farm Dunes (E) NZ29X Bottlewood (Edlingham) NU10E Bell's Farm Dunes (W) NZ29S Boulmer NU21S Bell's Farm Pond NZ29S Boulmer Haven NU21R Belsay Hall NZ07Z Boulmer Steel NU21S Beltingham (NWT) NY76X Bowmont ** NT83 Benton Park Road NZ26T Bradford Kaims NU13Q Benwell NZ26C Bradford Kaims (Pool) NU13R Berrington Lough NT94R Branton (Ingram/Powburn) NU01N Berwick - harbour mouth NU05B Branton Gravel Pits NU01N Berwick - inner harbour/estuary NT95W Branton Quarry NU01N Berwick Hill NZ17S Branxton NT83Y Berwick Little Beach NU05B Breamish River ** NU01 Bewcastle Fells NY58W Landfill NZ27C Bewick Moor NU02W Brenkley Stables NZ27C Bickerton, Coquetdale NT90V Briar Wood NY76W Biddlestone NT90P Brier Dene (at ) NZ37L Big Waters NZ27G Brinkburn NZ19E Birks NY78S Broadbank Quarry NZ05T Bilton NU21F Broadoak (nr. Ebchester) NZ15D Bingfield NY97R Broomfield Fell (Netherwitton) NZ09Q Birling Carr(s) NU20N Broomhill NU20K Black Hedley (Carterwayheads) NZ05K Broomlee Lough NY76Z Black Lough, Edlingham NU01J Broomhaugh NZ06F Black Middens NZ36U Broomley Woods NZ06K Blagdon NZ27D Brunswick NZ27G Blakehopeburnhaugh NT70V Brunton NY96J Blanchland NY95Q Buckham's Walls NT71V Blanchland Moor NY95L Buckton NU03Z Blawearie, Old Bewick NU02W Buckton Moor NU03T , NZ16W/X Budle Bay (N) NU13N NY66S Budle Bay (S) (main area) NU13M Blenkinsopp Hall NY66X Budle Point - land NU13S Blinkbonny (Cornhill) NT93D Budle Point - sea NU13T Blucher, NZ16M Burnmouth, Whitfield NY75Z Blyth NZ38A Burntshieldhaugh (Hexh) (W)) NY95G Blyth - Kitty Brewster NZ28W Burntshieldhaugh (Hexh.) (E) NY95L Blyth - Mt. Pleasant NZ28W Burradon Pond NZ27R Blyth Bay NZ37J Buston Barns NU20I Blyth Cemetery NZ37E Buston Links NU20P Blyth Harbour (estuary) NZ38B Buteland, Redesmouth NY88Q Blyth Harbour (main area) NZ38F Byers Fell NY65N Blyth Power Station NZ28W Byers Green NY66K Blyth South Beach NZ37J Bygate (Coquetdale) NT80U Bolam NZ08W Bygate, Belsay NZ07T Bolam Lake (E) NZ08V NT70R Bolam Lake (W) NZ08Q Bywell NZ06K Bolton NU11B Bywell (N) NZ06L Bomarsund NZ28S Bywell Hall NZ06K Bonas Hill NZ17P Caistron NU00A Bondicarrs NU20V Calder NU01E

2 of 12 Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Callaly NU00P Coal Burn (Colwell) NY97M NU01K Coanwood NY65U Cambois (N) NZ38C Coanwood Moss NY65Z Cambois (S) - main sea area NZ38B Coanwood Park NY65U Capheaton Lake NZ07J Coanwood Pond NY65Z Capheaton Village NZ08F Coastley, Hexham NY86X Carey Burn NT92S , Wills Factory NZ26Y Carham NT73Z Cocklawburn NU04J Carrs Burn NY75S Cockle Park NZ29A Carrs Burn NY75S Cold Law, Harbottle NT90G Carrshield NY84D Cold Law, Harthope NT92L Carrycoats Hall NY97J Coldshield, Coanwood NY75J Carshope NT81K Coldstream NT83P Carter Bar (NT60Y/NT70D) NT60Y Coldstream Bridge NT84K Carter Moor, NZ17T Coldstream Haugh NT83P Carterside NU00K College Valley (N) NT92E Carterway Heads NZ05K College Valley (NE) NT82Y Cartington NU00H College Valley (S) NT82W Castle Island NZ28X College Valley (SE) NT82X Castle Wood, Bamburgh NU13X NY97J Catcleugh Farm NT70L Colwell NY97M Catcleugh Reservoir NT70G Colywell Bay NZ37N Cateran Hill NU12B Comb Hills NY95T Catton NY85I Commonburn NT92I Causey Hill, Hexham NY96G Coney Garth (Bothal Pond) NZ28N Cawfields Quarry NY76D Coomsdon Burn NT70B Chare Ends, Holy Isl. NU14G Coquet Estuary NU20S Charlton, near Bellingham NY88C Coquet Island NU20X Charlton Mires NU12Q Corbridge NY96X Chathill NU12Y Corby's Crags (Alnwick) NU11F Chatton Moor (E) NU12E Cornhill (E) NT83U Chatton Moor (W) NU02Z Cornhill (W) - river and trees NT83P Chatton Park NU02U Cornhill Lees NT83P Chatton Sandyfords NU12D Cottonshope (N) NT70X Chatton Village NU02P Cottonshope (S) NT70W Cheeseburn Grange NZ07V Countess Park NY88Q Chesterhill NU13H Coupland Castle NT93F Cheswick Pool NU04I Cowpen NZ28V Cheswick Sands NU04N Cragside NU00R Cheswick Village NU04I Cramlington (NE) NZ27T Chevington Burn NZ29U Cramlington (SE) NZ27S Cheviot Summit NT92A Cramlington (SW) NZ27N Chew Green NT70Z Cramlington Village Green NZ27T Chibburn NZ29N Cramlington Ind. Est. (N) NZ27P NU02S Cramlington Ind. Est.(S) NZ27N Chillingham Park NU02S Cramlington Moor Farm NZ27S Chipchase (E) NY87X Cramlington Valley Park NZ27S Chipchase (W) NY87S Craster NU21P NY97A Craster (open sea) NU21U Choppington NZ28L Cresswell Pond/Links NZ29X Choppington Woods NZ28L Cresswell South Beach NZ29W Chugdon Wood NZ29V Cresswell Village NZ29W Clarghyll NY74J Crindledykes NY76Y Close House NZ16H Crooked Oak NZ04P Coach Lane, N/C NZ26T Crookham NT93E Coal Burn (Ancroft) NU04C Crumstone – Farne Islands NU23N

3 of 12 Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad NZ37Q East Cramlington NZ27Y Cullernose Pt. NU21U East Fleetham Farm NU22E Cupola Bridge (E) NY85E East Hartford NZ27U Cupola Bridge (W) NY75Z East Heddon NZ16J Dalton (Hexham) NY95E East Horton NU03F Damdykes (Cramlington) NZ27M East Kielder NY69M Darden Burn NY99T East Learmouth NT83T Darras Hall NZ17K East Learmouth Lake NT83N Deadwater Farm NY69D East Ord NT95V Deadwater Fell NY69I East Sleekburn NZ28W Dean Rigg, Blanchland NY95R East Stobswood Pool NZ29G Denton Dene, N/C NZ16X East Woodburn NY98D Denwick NU21C Eastburn, Hexham NY96G Derwent Reservoir (E) NZ05F Ebchester (Co. Durham) NZ15C Derwent Reservoir (mid) NZ05B Eddisbridge NZ05F Derwent Reservoir (Nat. Res) NY95W Edgesgreen, NY76J Detchant NU03Y Edlingham Woods NU10I Dilston NY96R Eglingham NU11E Dinnington NZ27B Elf Kirk Viewpoint (Kielder Water) NY68Y Dipton Dene NY95U Elford NU13V Dipton House NY96V Ellington NZ29W Dipton Wood NY96Q Ellington Bypass NZ29Q Dirt Pot, Allendales NY84N Ellington Road Landfill NZ28U Doddington NT93W Elrington NY86L Doddington Bridge NT93V Elsdon – Gibbet NY99Q Doddington Moor NT93Y Elsdon – Village NY99G Donaldson’s Lodge (E) NT84V Elswick Park NZ26G Dougie’s Pond NR, Ashington NZ28T Elswick, River Tyne NZ26I Doxford NU12X Elwick NU13D Doxford Lake NU12W Embleton NU22G Drift Inn Pond, NZ27H Embleton Bay NU22L Druridge Bay - area NZ29 Embleton’s Bog (Newham Bog) NU12U Druridge Bay - (sea tetrad) NZ29X Embley, Hexhamshire NY95H Druridge Bay (N) NZ29U Eshott NZ29D Druridge Bay (S) NZ29X Eslington NU01K Druridge Bay CP (N) - Ladyburn NU20Q Etal NT93J Druridge Bay CP (S) NZ29U Ewesley Fell NZ09L Druridge Links NZ29T Exhibition Park, N/C NZ26M Druridge Pools NR NZ29T Fadden Hill NT94B Dryburn Moor NY85B Fallodon Farm NU22B Duddo Hill, Morpeth NZ18V Fallowlees Burn (E) NZ09G Duddo, Berwickshire NT94G Fallowlees Burn (W) NZ09B Duke’s Pool (Pond), NZ36E Farglow NY66Z Dukesfield NY95N Farne Islands ** NU23 Dukeshouse Wood, Hexham NY96L Farne Islands, Brownsman NU23I Dunstan NU22K Farne Islands, Crumstone NU23M Dunstanburgh (sea) NU22Q Farne Islands, Inner Farne NU23C Dunstanburgh (offshore) NU22Q Farne Islands, Longstone NU23P NU22K Farne Islands, N. & S. Wamses NU23J Dye House NY95J Farne Islands, Staple Island NU23I Ealingham Rigg NY88F Farnham Moor (E) NT90W Eals NY65S Farnham Moor (W) NT90R Eals Fell NY65X Farnley, Hexham NY96W Earsdon NZ37G Featherstone Common NY66L East Chevington NZ29U Felton NU10V East Coldcoates NZ17M Felton – High Park NU20A

4 of 12 Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Felton A1 Bypass NU10Q Hack Hall NZ27B Felton Lane Crossing NZ29I Hadston Carrs NU20V Flats (S) NU13E Hadston Farm NU20K Fenham Flats - central NU14A Hadston Links (N) NU20V Fenham-le-Moor NU03Z Hadston Links (S) NU20Q Fenham Mill NU04V Hagg Bank NZ16C Fenton - Village NT93R Haggerston NU04L Fenton House NT93 X Haining, Wark NY77M Fenton Village NT93R Hallington Reservoir (NE) NY97T Fenton Wood NT93X Hallington Reservoir (SW) NY97S Fenwick NU04Q Hallington Village NY97X Fenwick (Hexhamshire) NZ07L Halton Lea Fell NY65I/N Fenwick Granary NU04Q Halton lea Gate NY65P Fenwick Wood, Kyloe NU03U Haltwhistle (N) NY76C Fish Quay, NZ36U Haltwhistle (S) NY76B Flodden Hill NT93C Happy Valley NT92X Fontburn (E) NZ09L Harbottle NT90H Fontburn (W) NZ09G Hare Crag Quarry NU10N Football Hole NU22M Harehaugh, Hepple NY99U NT93N Hareshaw Linn NY88M Ford Moss NT93T Hargill NY75E Forestburn Gate NZ09T Harlow Hill NZ06Z Fourstones NY86Y Harper’s Heugh (carpark & fields) NU13H Foumart Knowe NU12C Hartburn Reservoir NZ08T Fourlaws (Redesdale) NY98B Hartburn Village NZ08Y Fowberry NU02I Hartford Hall NZ28K Fowberry, Bamburgh NU13W Harthope Valley (E) NT92R Fowberry, Wooler NU02J Harthope Valley (NE) NT92S Foxton NU21K Harthope Valley (upper) NT92F Garbutt Hill NY75E Harthope Valley (W) NT92L Gibbs Hill, Haltwhistle NY76P Hartleyburn Common NY65T Gilderdale Burn NY64Y Harwood Forest (E)** NZ09 Gilsland NY66I Harwood Forest (W)** NY99 Glantlees Hill NU10I Harwood Village NZ09A Glendue Fell NY65M Haughstrother NY76L Glororum NU13R Hauxley Nat. Res. NU20W Gloucester Lodge, Blyth NZ37J Hauxley, High NU20R Golden Pot NT80D Hauxley, Low NU20W NZ26P Havannah Nat. Res. NZ27F Gosforth Park NZ27K Hawkhope NY78E Goswick (W) NU04S Hawksteel NY85C Goswick Sands NU04X Hawkwell Village NZ07Q Great Swinburne NY97H Hawsen Burn NT92L Great Wanney Crag NY98G Haydon Bridge NY86M Great Whittington NZ07A Hazeley Law, Uswayford NT81S Greenhead (E) NY66S Hazelrigg (north N/B) NU03L Greenhead (W) NY66M Hazon High Houses NU10X Greenlee Lough NY76U Healey NZ05E Greenleighton NZ09G Healey Hill Top NY95Y Greenley Cleugh, W. Allen NY75V Healey Mill NY95Z Grey Nag, Knarsdale NY64T Heatheryburn NY94E Grindon Lough NY86D Heaton Park NZ26S Guide Post NZ28M Heddon NZ16I Guile Point NU14F Heddon Birks NZ16P Gunnerton NY97C Hedgely Gravel Works NU01N Guyzance NU20B Hedley on the Hill (E) NZ05Z

5 of 12 Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Hedley on the Hill (W) NZ05U Horton, Dinnington NZ17X Heighley Gate NZ18U Housesteads NY76Z Hemscott Hill NZ29S Howburn NT83L Hen Hole NT82V Wetland Reserve NZ36N Hepburn NU02S Howick Cliffs NU21T Hepburn Moor NU02X Howick Dene NU21N Hepple NT90V Howick Pond NU21N Hepple Heugh NY98H Howick Village NU21N Hepscott (N) NZ28H Howick Woods NU21N Hepscott (S) (main area) NZ28G Hulne Park (E) - main area NU11S Hesleyside NY88B Hulne Park (W) NU11M Hethpool NT82Z Humbleton, Bamburgh NU13R Hetton Hall NU03G Humbleton, Wooler NT92U Hexham (NE) NY96M Humford Mill NZ28G Hexham (NW) NY96H Humford Woods, Bedlington NZ28Q Hexham (SE) NY96L Humshaugh (E) NY97F Hexham (SW) NY96G Humshaugh (W) NY97A Hexham, Eastburn NY96G Hyons Wood NZ06V High Callerton NZ17Q Ilderton Dod NT91Z High Heaton NZ26T Ingoe NZ07H High Newton-by-the-Sea NU22H Ingoe Moor NZ07N High Park, Felton NU20A Ingram NU01D High Shilford NZ06F Inner Dodd, Thirlwall NY66Z Hindley NZ05P Inner Farne, Farne Islands NU23C Hipsburn NU21F Inner (Farne) Sound – sea NU23C Holburn NU03N Dene (mid) NZ26T Holburn Grange NU03M Jesmond Dene (NW) NZ26N Holburn Moss NU03N Jesmond Dene (SE) NZ26S Holiday Inn, Seaton Burn NZ27H Jock’s Pike NY68S Holy Island NU14G Juniper NY95J Holy Island - Harbour NU14F Kellah NY66K Holy Island (Castle) NU14F Kellas Plantation NY95Y Holy Island Causeway NU04W Kennels, Kilham NT83R Holy Island (Chare Ends) NU14G Kenton NZ26D Holy Island (Greenshiel Excavations) NU14G Kielder Castle NY69G Holy Island (Emmanuel Head – sea) NU14L Kielder Dam NY78D Holy Island (Emmanuel Head – land) NU14G Kielder Village NY69G Holy Island (The Heugh) NU14F Kielderhead Moor (part) NT60W Holy Island (North Shore – main part)) NU14B Kilham NT83W Holy Island (Rocket Field Pools) NU14G NZ27Q Holy Island (Snipe Pnt – rocks/open sea) NU14H Killingworth Lake NZ27Q Holy Island (The Snook) NU14B Kimmer Lough (E) NU11I Holy Island (Vicarage Garden) NU14F Kimmer Lough (W) NU11D Holystone NT90Q Kimmerston NT93M Holystone (Alwinton) NT90L Kirkheaton NZ07D Holystone (Coquetdale) NT90Q Kirkley Hall NZ17N Holystone Burn (E) NT90K Kirkley Mill NZ17T Holystone Burn (W) NT90F Kirknewton NT93A Holystone, North Wood NT90L Kitty Brewster, Blyth Estate NZ28W Holywell Dene NZ37H Knarburn (mid) NY65K Holywell Pond (70% west) NZ37C Knarburn (S) NY64P Hopehouse, Kielder NY68Q Knarsdale Common (E) NY65Q Hoppen Kiln Flash NU13K Knarsdale Common (mid) NY65K Horncliffe NT94J Knarsdale Common (W) NY65F Horsley Wood NZ16C Knarsdale Forest NY65L Horton Burn, Cramlington NZ27U Knockburn NY85F

6 of 12 Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Knocklaw, Rothbury NU00Q Longwitton (E) NZ08Z Knockshield Burn NY85F Longwitton (W) NZ08U Knowesgate NY98X Lordenshaws NZ09P Kyloe NU04K Low Acton NY85G Kyloe Wood NU03P Low Angerton NZ08X Ladyburn Lake NU20Q Low Buston NU20I Ladycross Nature Reserve NY95M Low Crane Cleugh NY68S Laker Hall, near NZ06N Low Hauxley NU20W Lambley Viaduct NY65U Low Middleton NU13D Lambley Village NY65U Low Newton-by-the-Sea NU22M Lanehead, Coanwood NY65Z Low Newton Flashes NU22M Lanehead, Greenhaugh NY78X Lower Heddon NZ16I Langlee NT92R Lower Shilford NZ06F Langleeford NT92K Lowgate (Yarridge) NY96C Lanternside NT90G Lowick NU03E Lanton NT93F Lucker NU13K Laverock Hall NZ27Z Lumsden Law NT70H Laverock Law, Holburn NU03I Lynemouth NZ29V Leazes Park, N/C NZ26M Lynemouth Flash NZ29V Lemmington Hall, Alnwick NU11F Lynemouth Windmill NZ28Z Lesbury NU21F Maiden’s Hall Lake NZ29P Letah Wood NY96K Makendon NT80E Letham NT95R Maul Rigg, Plenmeller Common NY76A Lewisburn (E) NY68J March Burn, Bellingham NY88A Lewisburn (W) NY68D March Burn, Kirkley (E) NZ17N Lilburn Glebe NU02G March Burn, Kirkley (W) NZ17I Lilburn Tower NU02H March Burn, Slaley (N) NY96V Lilswood NY95B March Burn, Slaley (S) NY95Z Lilswood Moor (E) NY95B Marden Quarry NZ37K Lilswood Moor (W) NY85W Marshalls Meadows (cliffs) NT95Y Linden Hall NZ19N Matfen NZ07F Linnels Wood NY95P Meadow Cottage NY84Y Linton Lane NZ29K Medburn NZ17F Linton Pond NZ29K Meggie’s Burn NZ37D Linton Roundabout NZ29Q Meldon NZ18B Lipwood Hall NY86C Meldon Park, Morpeth NZ18C Lipwood Hall NY86C Meldon Park, Newcastle NZ27K Farm NZ26Y Merley Lodge, Morpeth NZ28C Little Mill NU21I Middlehope, Allenheads NY84H Little Swinburne NY97N Middleton Dean NT92W Little Tosson NU00A Middleton, Wooler NT92X Littlehoughton NU21I Milbourne NZ17C Long Nanny NU22I Midgeholm (E) NY65P NZ26U Midhopelaw Pike NY88Y Longbridge End, Lindisfarne NNR NU04R Milfield NT93G Longframlington NU10F Milfield Plain NT93L/R Longframlington Common NU10C Milkhope, Blagdon NZ27D Longhirst (opencast site) NZ28E Mindrum NT83L Longhirst Flash NZ28P Mitford - Molesdon Road NZ18S Longhirst Station NZ28J Mitford (N) NZ18T Longhirst Village NZ28J Mitford (S) NZ18S Longhorsley NZ19M NZ18S Longhorsley Moor NZ19L Mitford Hall NZ18S Longhoughton NU21M Mohope NY74U Longhoughton Steel NU21S Mohope Head NY75Q Longridge Towers, Berwick NT94P Molesden NZ18M

7 of 12 Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Monk Wood, Whitfield NY75Y Newham NU12U Monks House NU23B Newham Bog (Embleton’s Bog) NU12U Monks House Pool NU23B Newsham NZ37E ( area) NZ37G Newsham Golf Course (N) NZ28V Monkseaton NZ37L Newsham Golf Course (S) NZ27Z Mordington NT95M Newton Bay (Low Newton) NU22M Morpeth - Carlisle Park NZ28C Newton Links NU22I Morpeth - East Mill NZ28D Newton Flashes (Low Newton) NU22M Morpeth - St. George's Hosp. NZ28D Newton Haven (Low Newton) NU22M Morpeth (NE) NZ28D Newton Point (Low Newton) NU22M Morpeth (NW) NZ18Y Newton Pool (Low Newton) NU22M Morpeth (SE) NZ28C Newton Underwood, Molesden NZ18N Morpeth (SW) NZ18X Newton, Corbridge NZ06H Mosswood NZ05Q Newton-on-the-Moor NU10S Mount Common - Kielder NY69L Newtown, River Till NU02M Mount Pleasant - Blyth Estuary NZ28W Ninebanks NY75W Muckle Moss NY76Y Norham NT94D Muckley NZ19G Norham Bridge NT84Y N. & S. Wamses, Farne Islands NU23J Norham West Mains NT94E Nedderton NZ28F North and South Wamses NU23J Needles Eye NT95X North Blyth NZ38B Nelson Industrial Est. (N) NZ27P North Charlton NU12R Nelson Industrial Est. (S) NZ27N North Lyham NU03Q Nesbit, Doddington NT93W North Middleton, Wooler NT92X Netherton Park, Stannington NZ28A North Seaton Colliery NZ28X Netherton, Thropton NT90Y North Shields (E) - incl. Fish Q. NZ36U Netherwitton NZ09V North Shields (W) NZ36P Netherwitton NZ19A North Steads, Red Row NZ29N New Bewick NU02Q North NU23A New Delaval Memorial Park NZ27Z North Walbottle NZ16T New Moor Hall, Swarland NU10L North Wood, Holystone NT90L New Moor Tip, Ashington NZ28U Northburn, Cramlington NZ27U New Moor, Stannington NZ28A Northumberland Dock Reserve NZ36N New Shoreston NU13W Northumberland Park, N. Shields NZ36U Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (N) NZ38E Northumberland Street, N/C NZ26M Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (S) NZ38D Northumberlandia NZ27I Newbiggin Ash Lagoons NZ38E Norwood’s Farm NZ29G Newbiggin (Beacon Point – land) NZ38E Nunnykirk NZ09W Newbiggin (Beacon Point – open sea) NZ38J Nunriding, Mitford NZ18I Newbiggin (Church Point – land) NZ38D/E Nun's Moor, Newcastle NZ26I Newbiggin (Church Point – open sea) NZ38I/J Oakpool NY85D Newbiggin (Golf Course) NZ38E Oakwood (N) NY96N Newbiggin (The Mound) NZ38E Ogle NZ07U Newbiggin Farm, Blanchland NY94P Ogle NZ17J Newbiggin Fell (E) NY95F Old Bewick NU02Q Newbiggin Fell (W) NY95A Old Hartley NZ37M Newbiggin Golf Course NZ38E Old Moor, Longhirst NZ28P Newbiggin, Hexham NY96K Ordley NY95P Newbrough NY86T Otterburn NY89W NZ16S Ottercops NY98P Newburn – River Tyne NZ16M/S Otterstone Lee NY68T Newcastle Airport NZ17V Ouston, Whitfield NY75R NZ26M Ouston, Whittle Dene NZ07Q Newcastle (Nuns Moor) NZ26I Ovingham NZ06W Newcastle (Town Moor) NZ26I/N Padon Hill, Redesdale NY89B Newcastle University NZ26M Pallinsburn NT83Z

8 of 12 Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Park Burn, Featherstone NY66V Ross Back Sands (N) NU13J Park Gill NY85C Ross Back Sands (offshore) NU13N/P Parmentley, Whitfield NY75X Ross Back Sands (S) NU13N Parson Shields NY65W Ross Links - main area NU13N Pawston Lake NT83K Ross Point NU13I Paxton Dean, Longhorsley NZ19S Ross Village NU13I Peels NT90M Rothbury (E) NU00Q Pegswood NZ28I Rothbury (W) NU00K Penny Hill, Whalton NZ18G Rothley Cross Road NZ08P Pennypie House NY95K Rothley Lake NZ09K Peth Foot, Devil's Water NY95P Rothley Shield East NZ09K Pigdon NZ18P Routing Linn NT93T Plankey Mill (S) NY76V Rowley Burn (middle) NY95D Plashetts Burn, Kielder NY69R Rudchester NZ16D Plenmeller Common (E) NY76K Ryal NZ07C Plenmeller Common (W) NY76F Saltwick NZ18Q Plenmeller Village NY76B Sandhoe NY96T Plessey Woods (E) NZ27P Sandy Bay, Newbiggin NZ38C Plessey Woods (W) NZ27J Scald Hill, Cheviot NT92G Ponteland NZ17R Scotch Gill, Morpeth NZ18Y Prendwick NU01B Scotchcoultard NY77A Pressen NT83H Scotland Gate NZ28M Preston Marsh, Doxford NU12X Scotswood NZ26B Preston, Chathill NU12X Scremerston NU04E Preston, North Shields NZ36P Scremerston (sea) NU04J Prestwick Carr (N) NZ17X Seahouses (E) (Harbour) NU23G Prestwick Carr (S) NZ17W Seahouses (W) NU23B Priors’ Park, NZ36U Seaton Burn NZ27G Prospect Hill NY96W Seaton Delaval NZ37C NZ06W Seaton Point, Boulmer NU21R Prudhoe Country Park (E) NZ16C Seaton Sluice NZ37I Prudhoe Hospital (N) NZ16B Seaton Village NZ37H Prudhoe Hospital (S) NZ16A Seghill NZ27X Pundershaw NY78V Selby’s Cove NZ09I Quarryhouse, Eals NY65Y Sewing Shields NY87A Queen Elizabeth 11 Park NZ28Z Shadfen, Morpeth NZ28H R. Breamish, Beanley NU01U Shaftoe Crags NZ08L Radcliffe NU20R Shankfoot NY76L Ramshaw Fell NY76A Sharperton NT90L Ratcheugh, Alnwick NU21H Shasun Pharma, Dudley NZ27S Rayburn Lake NZ19B Shawdon Hall NU01X Reaveley Greens, near Calder NU01E Shawdon Hill NU01W Red Row NZ29P Shawhead NY76M Redshin Cove NU05A Sheepwash NZ28M Redpath NZ09B Shepherd's Dene, Riding Mill NZ06A Rennington NU21E Shieldlow Crag, Kyloe NU03N Renningtonmoor NU21D Shieldlow Wood, Kyloe NU03N Reyheugh Moor NU12I Shield-on-the-Wall NY87F Riddlehamhope, Beldon Burn NY94E Shilbottle NU10Z Ridge End, Kielder NY69M Shilford, High & Low NZ06F Riding Mill NZ06A Shillmoor NT80Y Ridley Common NY76Q Shipley Burn (N) NU11P Ridley Stokoe NY78M Shipley Burn (S) NU11N Rochester NY89J Shitlington Common (N) NY88B Rock NU22A Shitlington Common (S) NY88A Roses Bower NY77Y Shitlington Crags NY88F

9 of 12 Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Shittleheugh NY89S NZ06K Shoreston Hall NU23B Stocksfield Hall NZ06K Shortflatt NZ08V NY77Y Shortridge Hall NU20I Stublick Moor NY86K Shotley Hall NZ05W Studdon Park, Allendale Town NY85L Silverlink Park (West Allotment) NZ37A Styford Hall NZ06B Simonside NZ09J Sundaysight NY88E Sinderhope (E) NY85Q Swallow Pond, Wallsend NZ36E Sinderhope (W) NY85K Swallowship Wood NY96R Sipton Shield NY85K Swarland NU10R Skate Road NU13N Swarland (N) NU10M Slaggyford NY65R Swarland Wood NU10L Slaley Forest (E) NY95S Sweethope Lough (E) main area NY98L Slaley Forest (W) NY95M Sweethope Lough (W) NY98G Slaley Hall NY95X Swineclose Wood, Doxford NU12X Slippery Crag, Linshields NT80X Swin Hope, Allendale NY84J Smales NY78C Swinhoe NU03X Smalesmouth NY78H Swinhoe Lake NU03S Smeafield Station NU03Y Swinhoe, Seahouses NU22E Snab Point NZ39B Swinhope, Edlingham NU10J Snitter NU00G Tarset Burn NY78Z Snod’s Edge NZ05R Tealhole Point NU13E Snook NU14B Teppermoor NY87Q Snope Burn (E) NY75C , Greenhead NY66T Snope Burn (W) NY65X Thirlwall Common (North side) NY66U South Charlton NU12Q Thirston, East NZ19Z South Gosforth NZ26P Thirston, West NU10V South Newsham NZ37E Thorngrafton NY76X Southfield Green, Cramlington NZ27S – River Tyne NZ16M Spartylea NY84P Throckley Marsh NZ16P Spindlestone NU13L Throphill, Hartburn NZ18H Spitalshield Moor, Hexhamshire NY85U Thropton NU00G Spithope Burn NT70S Thrum Mill NU00Q Spittal NU05A Thrunton NU01V Spittal (offshore) NU05F Thrunton Wood (E) NU00Z Spylaw (E) NZ09N Thrunton Wood (W) NU00U Spylaw (W) NZ09I Tiptoe, Etal NT94A St. Cuthbert's Cave, Swinhoe NU03M Todburn Farm NZ19C St. Mary's Island NZ37M Todburn Moor NZ19H St. Mary’s Island Wetland NZ37M Todburn Steel NY95Z Stag Rocks (Harkess Rocks) - sea NU13T/Y Todburn Wood NY95Z Stag Rocks (Harkess Rocks) – land NU13S Tower Knowe NY68Y Stakeford NZ28S Tows Bank, Coanwood NY65Y Stamford NU21J Tranwell Woods NZ18R Stamfordham (NW) NZ07R Tritlington NZ29B Stamfordham (SE) NZ07V Troughend Common NY89K Stannersburn NY78I Tughall Links NU22I Stannington Station NZ28A Tweed Estuary (E) NU05B Stannington Vale (E) NZ27J Tweed Estuary (W) NT95W Stannington Vale (W) NZ27E Tweedmill (River Tweed) NT84R Stannington Village NZ27J Tweedmouth Dock NT95W Stanton NZ18J Tyne Green, Hexham NY96H Staple Island, Farne Islands NU23I Tynemouth NZ36U Staward Peel NY85E Tynemouth – Priors’ Park NZ36U Steel NY95J Tynemouth Boating Lake NZ37Q Stobswood NZ29H Tynemouth Golf Course NZ36P

10 of 12 Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Tynemouth Haven/Black Middens NZ36U West Sleekburn NZ28S Tynemouth Long Sands NZ37Q West Stobswood NZ29H Ulgham NZ29G West Stobswood Pool NZ29H Unthank NY76G West Weetwood NU02E Unthank, Berwick NT94Z West Woodburn NY88Y Upper Harthope Valley NT92F Westburnhope NY85X Uswayford NT81X NZ16Y Walbottle NZ16T Westmoor NZ27Q Walbottle Brickworks NZ16N Westnewton NT93A Walbottle Hall NZ16T Whalton NZ18F NZ26X Whalton area NZ18G Wall NY96E Wickhope Nick, Wark NY68Q Wallington Hall NZ08H Whinnetley Moss NY86D Wallridge, Ingoe NZ07N Whinney Hill Farm, Blagdon NZ17Z Wallsend – River Tyne NY26/36 Whitehall, College Valley NT82Y Wallsend Swallow Pond NZ36E Whitehall Point NZ36N Walltown NY66T Whiteside Law, Haltwhistle NY76E Walwick NY97A Whitfield Hall NY75T Wamses – Farne Islands NU23J Whitfield Lough NY75H Wanney Crag NY98G Whitfield Moor (NE) NY75M Wansbeck Estuary (E) - sea NZ38C Whitfield Moor (NW) NY75H Wansbeck Estuary (W) NZ28X Whitfield Moor (SE) NY75L Wansbeck Hospital NZ28Y Whitfield Moor (SW) NY75G Wansbeck Riverside, Ashington NZ28T Whitfield Village NY75U Wansbeck Valley NZ18 Whitley Bay Links NZ37L Warden NY96D Whitley Chapel NY95I Waren Mill NU13M Whittingham NU01Q Warenford NU12J Whittington Fell NY96U Wark (on Tyne) (W) NY87N Whittle Colliery NU10T Wark (on Tweed) NT83J Whittle Dene (N) - main reservoir NZ06U Wark Common, Bellingham NY87J Whittle Dene (S) NZ06T Warkworth (N) NU20N Whittle Farm NZ06S Warkworth (S) - & tidal area NU20M Whittonstall NZ05T Warkworth Beach NU20N Whitwham NY65T Warkworth Cemetery NU20N Whorlton Hall, Westerhope NZ16Z Warkworth Golf Course NU20N Whygate, Wark NY77S Warkworth Gut NU20M Widdrington - Mile End Road NZ29L Warkworth Lane NZ29R Widdrington Flash NZ29N Weetslade NZ27L Widdrington Moor Lake NZ29I/N Weldon Bridge NZ19J Widdrington Station NZ29L Wellhaugh Point, Amble NU20X Widdrington Tip NZ29H Wellhead Dene, Ashington NZ28N Widdrington Tip (E) NZ29M Wellhope Knowe NU00X Widdrington Village NZ29M Wellhope Moor NY74Y (E) NZ27L West Allerdean NT94T Wideopen (W) NZ27G West Allotment NZ37A Williamston NY65V West Allotment Pond NZ37A Williamston Common (E) NY75B West Bedlington NZ28L Williamston Common (W) NY65W West Chevington NZ29I Willington NZ36I West Denton NZ16Y Willy's Wood NZ18T West (E) NY96F Willyshaw Rigg NY75F West Dipton Burn (W) NY96A Windy Gyle NT81M West Edington, Molesden NZ18L Windyhaugh NT81Q West Hartford NZ27P Wingates (E) NZ19G West Learmouth NT83N Wolfcleugh NY74Z West Ord NT95K Woodbridge, Milfield NT93L

11 of 12 Locality Tetrad Locality Tetrad Woodfoot, Slaley NY95U Wrangham NU03C Woodhall, Haydon Spa NY86S Wydon NY66W Woodhall Farm, Holystone NT90L Wylam NZ16C Woodhorn Flashes NZ28Z Yarridge NY96B Woodhorn Church NZ38E Yarrow Slake NT95W Woodhorn Grange NZ28Z Yearle NT92Y Wooler (N) NT92Z Yeavering Bell NT92J Wooler (S) NT92Y NZ16Z Revised & Updated as at 31st May 2013 /Airport NZ17V Wooperton NU02F

Compiled by John Day & Mike Hodgson

Thanks to Graeme Bowman, Steve Holliday, Ian Kerr, Chris Knox & Lindsay McDougall for additional suggestions for inclusion. Please let us know (via the NTBC website contacts) if there are further sites that you think should be added to this list.

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