7-446 THE GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 23, 1900.

In Parliament.—Session 1901. the termination of Tramway No. 4, passing Tyneside Tramways and Tramroads. thence in a north-easterly direction to .(Construction of tramways and tramroads in Bridge-row, and thence in a south-easterly the couniy of Northumberland to be worked direction along the site of the by electrical power; Compulsory purchase of waggon way (disused), and along York- Y lands and easements; Powers to break open, street, , and terminating at the alter, and interfere with streets and roads, junction of that street with High-street and to lay down, place, and erect electric West. - lines, posts," and other works-in, upon, or over (6) An alteration, by lowering the levels,, of . streets and roads; Bye-laws; Tolls, rates, Station-road, and of its junctions with Vine- and charges; Agreements with local autho- street, Holly-street, and Atkinson-terrace-, rities, companies, and others; Working and all hi the Urban District of Wall send, -the .traffic agreements; Provisions as to purchase said alteration commencing at a point about' by .local'authorities-; Incorporation of'Acts, 55 yards, measured in a south-easterly direc- . and other provisions.) . tion, from the centre of the bridge carrying OTICE is hereby given that application is the branch of the North Eastern N intended to be made to Parliament in-the Railway over that ?'oad, and terminating at ensuing Session for leave to bring in a Bill for a point about 88 yards, measured in a an Act for all or some of the following pur- north-westerly direction, from the centre of poses:— the said bridge. . 1. To incorporate " a Company (hereinafter The said intended tramways, tramroad, and called, "the Company") and. to empower the works will pass from, in, through, or into, and Company to makr, form, lay down, maintain, and be situate in the parishes, districts, and borough work the tramways and tramroads and other following, or some or one of them (that is to .works hereinafter described, or some of them, or say):—The parishes and urban districts of soine part or parts thereof, all in the county of Walker, Wallsend, and Willingtou Quay; the Northumberland, with all necessary and proper townships or parishes of Coxlodj-e and South ' rails, plates foundations, sleepers, embankments, Gosfortn, in the Urban District of ; the cuttings, bridges, platforms, junctions, turn- parishes of Long Benton and Willington, in the tables, turnouts, crossings, passing-places, pillars, Rural District of Tynemouth; and the parish or . posts, poles, brackets, wires, cables, tubes, ccn- township of Chirton, in the Borough of Tyne- . duits, street-boxes, engines, approaches, sidings, mouth. buildings, sub-stations, apparatus, 'machinery, 2. The said tramways and tramroad are appliances, works, and conveniences connected intended to be constructed on a gauge of 4 feet .therewith. The tramways, tramroads, and 8£ inches, or such less gauge as may be pre- .works above referred to and proposed to be scribed in the Bill, or Parliament may sanction, authorised are as follows :— and it is not intended to run thereon carriages (1) Tramway No. 1.—-A tramway commencing adapted for use .upon railways. . in the Newcastle and Tynemouth main road 3. It is net proposed to lay any of the said " . at the boundary line between the ci'ty of tramways or travnroad in any street so that Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the Urban Dis- for a distance of 30 feet or upwards a less space trict of Walker, passing thence in an easterly. than 9 feet 6 inches will intervene between the •direction along the said road, High-street outside of the footpath on either side of the Wallsend, Church Bank, Ropery-lane, street and the nearest rail of the tramway or "... ~ "Western-road, Potter-street; Stephenson- trararoad, except at the places and on the side or . ' street, Coach' Open, .and Tyne View-terrace, sides of the roads hereinafter specified, that is " and terminating in -road, at the to say:— boundary line between the Urban District Tramway No. 1. of Wellington Quay and the Borough of In the Newcastle and Tynemouth main road.— . Tyne'mouth. For a 'distance of 15 yards on the north (2) Tramway No. 2.—A tramway to be wholly side of the road, and for a distance of 35 yards . situate in the Borough of Tynemouth, coin- on the south side of the road, from the.com- . mencing. in Howdon-road, at the point of mencement of the tramway; and between ..termination of Tramway No. lr and passing points respectively 25 yards and 95 yards, "V "• "thence first hi a northerly and then in a- measured in an easterly direction from the •:""~ north-easterly direction along the said road centre of;-foad, Walker; on the ~'~~- .and" Prudhoe-street^.and terminating in .that south Bide of the road; and between points ;'' '."street' in line with "the centre of Spencer- respectively ' 118 yards 'and 88 yards, '.''" ' street. ". .'. • ' measured in a~ westerly direction from the . " "(3) Tramway No. 3.T—A tramway commencing centre of the bridge carrying the1 Tyne- . L in Walker-road at the' boundary between mouth branch of the North Eastern.-Rail- "." the city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the way over the said road, on the south side Y." Urban District of. Walker, passing thende of the road; and between points respectively . along that .road, Station-road Walker, 720 yards and 651 yards, measured in a " Victoriarstreet, Fisher-street, Neptune-road, westerly direction from the centre of York- Buddie-street, and Station-road Wallsend, street, on the south side of the road; and !.. and. terminating hy a junction with Tfam- .-•" - between points respectively 387 yards and Avay "N;