7-446 the London Gazette, November 23, 1900. "(5
7-446 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 23, 1900. In Parliament.—Session 1901. the termination of Tramway No. 4, passing Tyneside Tramways and Tramroads. thence in a north-easterly direction to .(Construction of tramways and tramroads in Bridge-row, and thence in a south-easterly the couniy of Northumberland to be worked direction along the site of the Coxlodge by electrical power; Compulsory purchase of waggon way (disused), and along York- Y lands and easements; Powers to break open, street, Wallsend, and terminating at the alter, and interfere with streets and roads, junction of that street with High-street and to lay down, place, and erect electric West. - lines, posts," and other works-in, upon, or over (6) An alteration, by lowering the levels,, of . streets and roads; Bye-laws; Tolls, rates, Station-road, and of its junctions with Vine- and charges; Agreements with local autho- street, Holly-street, and Atkinson-terrace-, rities, companies, and others; Working and all hi the Urban District of Wall send, -the .traffic agreements; Provisions as to purchase said alteration commencing at a point about' by .local'authorities-; Incorporation of'Acts, 55 yards, measured in a south-easterly direc- . and other provisions.) . tion, from the centre of the bridge carrying OTICE is hereby given that application is the Tynemouth branch of the North Eastern N intended to be made to Parliament in-the Railway over that ?'oad, and terminating at ensuing Session for leave to bring in a Bill for a point about 88 yards, measured in a an Act for all or some of the following pur- north-westerly direction, from the centre of poses:— the said bridge.
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