Integral Leadership Review Contact Russ Volckmann, Publisher and Editor at
[email protected] CODA Invictus Reflections on Power and Love, Don Beck and Rugby in South Africa Adam Kahane. Power and Love: A Theory and Practice of Social Change. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2010. SIX GAMES TO GLORY: A Winning Strategy for the l995 South African Springbok Team. Prepared for Coach Kitch Christie by Dr. Don Beck Hot off the presses! An impressive new book by consultant Adam Kahane on the relationship between power and love in change processes! This is an important topic for a number of reasons. First of all, I have experienced in myself and in the language and practices of other consultants (particularly organization development) and coaches a propensity to go for the love and avoid the power issues. Kahane’s treatment of this subject is an important one and I will share more about that shortly. First, however, let’s take a bit of a side trip—a highly relevant side trip. Kahane left Shell Oil after doing a project with them in South Africa. He was contacted by someone in South Africa, a contact that resulted in his facilitation of the Mont Fleur Scenario Exercise. Scenario development processes are invaluable for integral leadership development from my point of view (leadership being an integral concept involving individuals, cultures and systems). While there seemed to be some positive benefits from Mont Fleur, it seemed to me (as I was reading Kahane) that the focus was more on shifting political postures and ideology by working with leaders around the implications of alternative approaches to the end of apartheid and the aftermath.