1 December 1994

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1 December 1994 K O~ jf7 • TODAY: UN MAY PULL OUT OF BOSNIA • ANGOLA TRIES TO REBUILD AMID RUINS • Aids on rampage Nam to join Angolan peace effort AIDS will klll'NamJbla's 1.6 million people in 20 years if not thwarted, Minister or HeaUh NAMIBIA is to send troops to Angola to told reporters Unita lead­ peace treaty. said of the Unila leader, and SodaJ Senices Dr Nicky Iyambo said form part of a peacekeeping force. erSavimbi had endorsed Savimbi should be whose seclusion has y.... rda y. the peace treaty even meeting publicly with sparked rumours that he NBC radJonews reported Iyamboassaylng The United Nat ions yesterday Namibia though he didn 't sign it. regional leaders to get was dead. injured or ill. has asked regional stales that unless efforts were redoubled, t bespread would offer an unspeci­ Seye arrived in the them involved in imple­ "We were happy in not­ to contribute troops 10 a ing that he has himself, of HIV would not be conlamed. fied number of troops Namibian capital yester­ menting the peace ac­ 7 OOO·member peace­ and mine-proof vehicles, cord instead of remain­ even though he did not President Sam NuJoma will deliver a spe­ day. Gurirabsaid the UN keeping force it plans 10 as well as observers. envoy had come to Na­ ing invisible, Gurirab attend the signing cere­ cial address today to mark World Aids Day deploy in Angola topro­ Gurirab, who attend­ mibia as part of a bid for said. Namibia had invit­ mony in Lusaka. now (see report, p3). vide security under the ed a briefin g by United regional pressure to get ed Savimbi to come endorsed the Lusaka Almost 10000 cases ot mv infection have peace treaty. Nations envoy to Ango­ Savimbi and Angolan meet with PresidentSam ProtocoL That is a good been reported In Namibia. Foreign Minister la, Alioune Blond Seye President Jose dos Nujoma. · Sapa Theo-Ben Gu ri rab said to Namibian offi cials, Santos to honour the "He is alive," Gurirab ' Continued on 2 Council pushes ahead on Avis Fiiiiiiiii'::~~iiiiiiiiiiii[=::::::::::::::::=iiiiiiii;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil. UJQENNE ALD A MALA YSIAN In· vest m en t company LAST DAY IN OFFICE? ... Controversial was yesterday given policeman CommJssioner Slggi Elmbeck pictured the green light to go packing up at his office yesterday after 27 years ahead with its con ~ of police work. See story, p3. Photo: Chrls tr o versial hou sing Ndlvanga development in the .,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _____________,- A vis Dam area. 11 The Windhoek City Council's decision, tak­ DENTAL PRACTISE en at a meeting yester­ day afternoon, was im­ KHOMA5DAL mediately met by a promise to "fig ht on" by residents opposed to the HEREBY OR. A G (GUNTER) plan. Forthe first time th is MOUTON year the Council was forced 10 vole on an is- gladly wish t o give Notice t hat his ' LANDS' ... Virginia, - Matthew who was sue,asCouncillors werc born In midair aboard a T WA night from New York to Orlando In the divided over whether a Privat e Dental Practise wil l be United States and was rushed to hospital after plane made an emergency decision should be lak­ landing at Vi rginia 's Dulles airport (for which he was given hls middle en now or not. opened to t he public at the name). He Is pictured with his parents T heresa and Sandy. Matthew was born two months prematurely. Photo: Reuters via Nampa Continued on page 2 previous 505 Dental Clinic Huge boost for cement factory Korn alyn street, Khomasdal from 5th December 1994. • CHRIS NDIVANGA "The new factory will have extremely lowemis­ sions ... which wil1 be substantially lower than T H E A F RICA N P ortland Cement C ompa­ those permissable in the RSA. To our knowledge Consulting hours: ny has acquired the majority shareholding in this will be !he first factory in Namibia to have the cement factory at Otjiwarongo. applied for this rating," said Hebbard. Mon - Friday In a joint venture with MacPhail Namibia Hold­ Chairman of the NDC, Hans-Gunther Stier, said the entire existing raw-meal line, cement milling ings, the fac tory will get an injection of capitru to 8 :30 -13:00 the value of approximately NS 100 million, and packaging plants would be replaced with new The National Development Corporation (NOe) .:quipmenf. The total production capacity would 14:30 - 17:00 also has a slake in the new development. exceed 190 000 tonnes a year. Howard Hebbard. managing director of MacPhail Hebbard sa'id the company had recently appoint­ Hold ings. announced at a function in Windhock ed SGS toestablish a fu/ly- f1 egded minerallabora­ Enquiries (061) 239532 last night that the company would be the fi rst to tory at the fac tory to obtain the ISO (Intern ational apply British Standards fo r environmental man­ Standard Organisation) 9000 rating. agement. Continued on 2 2'TMrsday~, '994 Gang rape at Rundu FOVRMEN __tlleqeotM ... 16 bave been arnsted a. Rwtdu oa """-IIInpIn, • 14 y.... -oId &iJ1, I'I>Uce _ \'IpOI't ..Id , y.... rda y. i The NIUIIlb!IID poIIoo on an Cement factory j Cont. from page 1 I commissionedbyTCDRI . (Tianjin Cement Design SOS is a Swiss based andRescarchInstitulC)of intern ational laboratory the Peoples ' Republic of which is currently the China. HebbudsaidOU· largest in the world. Ra produced in excess of "SOS wi ll manage the 360 million tons of te­ company's qua1 ity assur- ment in 1993 "making it anee programme and this the largest producer of will result in the cement cement in the world. Cl ue AND RESORT meeting international TCDRI is the largest de­ 'i-......... ' . I~ ~ URBAN DYNAMICS standards which will sign and research insti­ -=--- 1-1"' ..- -.0 ~ ~ U!S make itexportableto any lUte for cement technolo­ country in the world," BY in the world", oftbe recreational dub and resort proposed for t he a rea soutb of the Avis added Hcbbard. Thefactoryisexpected Dam. Tbe plan was submitted to lbe Municipality by Urban Dynamics, the company acting OIl behalf of the Malayslan In addition. SOS re- to be commissioned by ....eloper . cenlly completed a mar- July or August next year. ble exploration project The company will retain wilha drillingprogrammc all workers presently at to a depth of 30 metres, the factory while another "''Ibis has established 90will alsobeemployed. I CooL from paae 1 I lic an opponunity to air that she would also have was 00( rushing the deci- not agrt.e to a total ban on the existence of 3,7 mil- The factory could sup-- their views. preferred a local compa- siolHaking process, but the development of the lion metric tons ofin-situ ply Angola, Moza- Councillor Or Hettie Shcalsoquestionedthe ny to develop the area. had delayed the whole is- Avis Dam area, but invit- marble suitable for the mbigue, South Africa, Rose-Junius raised sev- selection of the area a1lo- Further, an environ- sue for several months. edsuggestionswilhmerit production of high quali- Zambia and Zimbabwe eraJobjections tothepro- cated for the proposed mental impac t study Craig said the Munici- from the public and or­ typortland cementon ap- wilh quality cement and posal. She advised lhat development and ques- should be a pre-requisite pality had been ap- ganisations. Thedeadline proximately one-sixlh of according to Hebbard Council should refrain tiooedwhctherWindtJoek before the in vestor was pro ac hed by the wo uld be J anuary IS the reserve," said would initially expon56 from taking a decision in really neededanolhetho- given the go-ahead_ Ma laysian company 1995. He added, lheyhad Hebbatd. 000 to 60 000 tonnes of such "an extreme rush" te!. Councillor G unther somemanlhs ago. Initial- had to decide in principal T he factory will be cement a year. without aranting the pub- Or Rose-Junius added KlSc hik supported Or Iy the company had want- whether to allow the de- ------'--------"--------'-""-""-.::.:::::::.=.::.:::...._.:::..:.:=..:.:==-==::., Rose-Junius ' motio n ed to develop Avis Dam, veloper to set up a club against the taking of a but lhis had been reject- buildingandthis hadbeen decision. He believed ed. Thecompanyhadthen agreed on. there should be no rush in been awarded the area SOOrtl y afterthe Coun- TIlE V .S. EMBASSY taking the decision. soulh of the Avis Dam. cildecisionwastaken one INGABORONE In response Mayor Craig said it seemed oftheslrongestopponents Vivicnne Craig said peti_ strange that Windhoek of the development. Na­ is seeking tions from Windhoekres- residents had never both- mibia Bird Club chair, tdentshadpe--empccdan ered aboutthe state of the Klaus Gerstle, said he advert to be placed in the Avis Dam area. but now would not leave itat that QUALIFIED CONTRACfORS media asking fOt objec- suddenlythatcheareawas He vowed to continue tions to the development tobedevelopedtheywe~ fighting against the de­ to bid for the renovation of a one-storey residential buUdlng with approximately 690 Thiswou.ldstiUbepJaced. up in arms. velopment and said the square meters of floor area. This buUding will be used as an official residence and Responding to the Throwing his support Council had to consider is located at Plot 3067. President Drive, Gaborone, Botswana. Renovations will include question of why a local behind Gn.ig, Or 8jom the inte~ sts of the city extensive alteration and refurbishment work to the existing residence; construction developer was not being von Finckenstein said and not the profits of cor­ used, Craig said the Mu- fromjudgingfromthe pe- poration s.Gers tle~i s put­ and completion of a new bedroomlbathroom extension, guardhouse, garage and nicipaJity had adopted a tition it appeared it was cd Graig 's statement that 10 guest changerooms; and re-constructlon of the staff quarters and associated extemal poll·cy ~_ I and granl on IY ••Ul\;w - h'l tecommum.
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