KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 51 Stamps reflecting the important tasks set by the Seventh Congress of the Workers’ Party of .

52 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 KOREA TODAY Monthly Journal (724) Printed in English, Russian and Chinese


Korea Running at Mallima Speed ···························································································3

In the Days of Building an Economic Giant ·············································································5

For Implementation of Decisions of the Seventh WPK Congress

On the Road of Self-reliance ··································································································6

Production Goes up ··············································································································8

New Looks ························································································································ 10

Path Chosen by CVD Tools Developer ··················································································· 12

DIU and WPK ··················································································································· 13

The DPRK—Great People’s Power (1) ··················································································· 14

In a Letter of Thanks ········································································································· 16

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 1 1

First Step ··············································································17

With Ryongnam Hill ·······························································18

Hospital With Many Noted Doctors ···········································20

Moxibustion ··········································································21

Sight Restored ·······································································22

Victory After Victory ·······························································23

Front Cover: Foodstuff Korean Deaf-and-Dumb Soccer Team Makes Debut ·····················24 production is on the Spectacular Scene on Pothong River ··········································26 upswing. (At the Cornstarch In the Seawater Swimming Bath ··············································27 Factory) Chonjo Spring Water—Tremendous Popularity ···························28 Photo by Ri Song Ik Korean Piano Prodigies ···························································30

Baby Homes and Orphanages Newly Built ·································32

Advancing Bright Future ·························································34

Image of My Son ····································································35

Corn Pasty ············································································36

Short Story

His Heart···············································································37

Throw off Shackles of Confrontation ··········································39

Lingering Roars ·····································································40

Broken Dream and Shattered Myth ··········································41

Back Cover: Lake Samji What Is Japan’s Future Like? ··················································43 in Autumn Mt. Kumgang (4) ····································································44 Photo by Ho Song Gil Tea Culture of Korea ······························································46

Pigo ······················································································47

13502 ㄱ-68225 True Laughing Stock ······························································48

© The Foreign Language Address: Sochon-dong, Sosong District, Magazines 2016 Pyongyang, DPRK E-mail: [email protected] 2 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 Korea Running at Mallima Speed

The Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex is effecting an upsurge in production.

HROUGH THE CHOLLIMA MOVEMENT FOR breaking ceremony in April this year, thus entering T an upsurge in socialist construction as was ap- the finish stage now. pealed by the Plenary Meeting of the Central Com- The campaign to create Mallima Speed is to bring mittee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) in De- about a radical change in all spheres of the economy, cember 1956, Korea achieved remarkable suc- culture and social life on the strength of science and cesses—a rapid growth was made in industrial pro- technology under the banner of the spirit of self- duction every year and the socialist industrialization reliance and self-development. completed in a matter of fourteen years. The builders of the Paektusan Hero Youth Power At present the campaign to create Mallima Speed Station developed a perfect design of new-type is going on vigorously in Korea, the land of Chollima, arched dam and introduced it into the construction, thus a new historic era of Mallima is being opened thus saving the materials and manpower needed to now. tamp a huge amount of concrete and to dig hundreds In honour of the Seventh Congress of the WPK, of thousands of cubic metres of earth while ensuring the Korean people increased the industrial output the safety of the dam. With their tireless efforts and 1.6 times compared to the same period of last year wisdom and through repeated trial simulations, through the 70-day campaign of loyalty, and thus young scientists in their 20s and 30s succeeded in made a prelude to the movement for creating Mal- manufacturing CNC-14 and CNC-16 which are new- lima Speed. generation digital control devices. In the period of the 70-day campaign, they con- Now in Korea the number of highly modern and tinuously made and won miraculous achievements in IT-based factories with an integrated system of com- a heated atmosphere, racing against time. In the bination of science and technology with production is sectors of electric-power, coal-mining and metallur- increasing continuously. Tree Nursery No. 122 of the gical industries and the rail transport the annual Korean People’s Army, which is on a high level of record-high production was surpassed, and the light scientific, industrial and intensive standards, was industry field made positive efforts to develop new built in a short period of some months, and lots of models of products and improve the quality of goods factories and enterprises including the Pyongyang through an emulation drive, thus carrying out the Cornstarch Factory and the Pyongyang Sports target of production 1.3 times every month. Equipment and Materials Factory, have become Having built one street each of the recent years, highly modern and IT-based. Korea has concentrated all efforts on the construc- Since new production processes have been laid in tion of the Ryomyong Street after the ground- factories and enterprises relying on their own efforts ►

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 3 ► and technology and domestic materials, the inde- the Kim Chaek University of Technology online pendent and Juche character of the national econ- alone has as many as 10 000 worker-students. omy has further consolidated. The scientists and It is thanks to the spiritual might of the single- technicians at the Namhung Youth Chemical Com- hearted unity whereby the whole Party, the entire plex put an end to the production system that de- army and all the people share the same idea, air and pended on imported raw materials, and established a pace with the WPK Central Committee that the new system relying on richly available domestic campaign to create Mallima Speed has become an materials by their own efforts and technology, and is all-people mass movement and the powerful driving now increasing the production by leaps. force of social development. In the flames of the movement of creating Mal- Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the WPK, presented lima Speed, Korea is vigorously accelerating the a bright blueprint of a thriving socialist nation at the work of making all people well-versed in science and Seventh Party Congress and is wisely leading the all- technology. All units are furnished with sci-tech out offensive to implement the decisions of the con- learning spaces where everyone can learn new gress. The campaign to create Mallima Speed is an knowledge to prepare themselves as sci-tech talents. all-people movement that Kim Jong Un decided to Now lots of workers at factories and enterprises conduct to glorify a new historic age through a daring including the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex and and lightening campaign in an indomitable fighting the Chollima Steel Complex are enrolled in the well- spirit and at a high speed of progress. regulated distance learning system built at many Giving on-the-spot guidance continuously to fac- universities across the country like Kim Il Sung tories and enterprises—the Pyongyang Cornstarch University, the Pyongyang University of Architec- Factory, the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Silk Mill, ture and the University of Chemical En- the Pyongyang Middle School for Orphans, etc.—he gineering, and are learning while working at the job. is awakening the Mallima spirit and encouraging Amidst the growing passion for distance learning, them to display it fully. Under his wise leadership, Korea is rushing forward at Mallima Speed, a new Korean speed, and the innovative campaign to ride Mallima is spreading like wildfire as an all-people movement. Korea completed the socialist industrialization by Chollima Movement yesterday, and now it will rise forcefully as socialist power by the movement of cre- ating Mallima Speed. Sim Chol Yong

Tree Nursery No. 122 of the Korean People’s Army has put the production of saplings on a scientific, industrial and intensive basis.

4 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016

In the Days of Building an Economic Giant

Special Concern that condiments should be produced from materi- als available in the country. He stressed again that N OCTOBER 2013 THE SUPREME LEADER all the people should ward off over-reliance on I Kim Jong Un visited the Pyongyang import and try to make equipment themselves as Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill. After looking round the the factory did. rayon fabrics production site he dropped in at a new cloth shop. Approaching a machine he stroked On a Sultry Day the cloth from the machine and said in great sat- isfaction that it was really good to modernize the One day in June 2013 when the sultry weather equipment. Seeing workers operating machines he continued due to the unprecedentedly high tem- said that the job must need high skills and that perature the supreme leader Kim Jong Un vis- without having high skills they might feel afraid to ited the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex. First operate the machines well. he looked round a process newly laid in the high- When he went up to a weaving machine and pressure polyethylene workshop to produce func- felt the cloth, an accompanying official told him tional triple PVC film for greenhouse. It was built that home production of the cloth would cut the by the workers of the complex to supply sheets of cost of the cloth to one tenth of its import. Hearing PVC film sufficiently as greenhouses were going him the leader was satisfied. He said that some up all across the country to increase the supply of people tended to import things perfunctorily, that fresh vegetables to the people all the year around. it was an expression of over-reliance on import, The PVC film had the property of preventing dew, that proclivity to import among officials was a big ultraviolet and aging, and heat insulation. problem, and that he was proud that the factory Walking toward a PVC film machine, he saw was reliant on its own efforts without any resort to some trial products spread on the floor. He bent import. his knees and felt it before asking about the dif- ference between PVC sheets for rice-seedling bed Seeing a Production Process and the functional triple PVC film. A manager of the complex answered that the PVC film produced In June 2013 Kim Jong Un visited the Py- by the workshop is 1.5 times thicker than that ongyang Condiment Factory. Enjoying the ap- used for cold-bed of rice seedlings. Hearing the pearance of the factory he said with a bright smile words the supreme leader said that they were that the buildings were really clean and tidy like a going to build as many PVC film-covered green- gentleman in a suit, and that he felt them better- houses as to cover the whole country with PVC looking because the tiles on exterior walls of the film, and that the capacity of the PVC film ma- buildings had been produced from a Korean tile chine was enough to meet the needs of all the factory. greenhouses in provinces, cities and counties be- When he saw a video introducing the factory, fore the end of the year. he happened to see the production process of He continued to say that it was imperative to monosodium glutamate. He asked what was its produce a lot of PVC film in order to produce vege- ingredients. The factory had turned the production tables and mushroom in large quantities, and that process of monosodium glutamate into the one he would personally take measures to provide with liquid glucose suited to their actual condition, sufficient materials for the production. And he thus producing it from cornstarch. After acquaint- stressed that the complex should take good care of ing himself with the production Kim Jong Un the equipment, ensure normal operation and im- said that the factory had produced monosodium prove the quality of PVC film steadily by enhanc- glutamate from sugar in the past, that now it was ing the technical knowledge and skills of the producing it from cornstarch, that it was a good job workers constantly. that they had changed the production process, and Kang Hye Ok

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 5 For Implementation of Decisions of the Seventh WPK Congress On the Road of Self-reliance

AST MAY THE RYONGNAM SHIPYARD ing the ship. It had been only engaged in ship repair, L built the cargo ship Ja Ryok of 5 000 ton capacity but now decided to build a ship, which is an aggre- by dint of their own effort and technology and gate of industry. It was not because its condition was launched her, bringing pleasure to the people across better than before. At the time it was undergoing the country in the run-up to the Seventh Congress of rather a greater hardship than others in production the Workers’ Party of Korea. and operation, due to the imperialists’ persistent It was years ago that the shipyard started build- economic sanctions. ►

6 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 ► One day a few years ago General Manager Ri Tae Song was looking around the repairing area in which a few small boats were at anchor. His face turned cloudy. This way, we might collapse once and for all. We have to make a big ship with our own effort. My workers will manage to make it, Ri said to himself. So the plant started building a ship they had never done before. Everything was in short supply, but when they got down to the project with determi- nation it seemed achievable. First of all, the plant, in order to build up its own tech force, sent dozens of college graduates to the Kim Chaek University of Technology shipbuilding and marine engineering faculty with the help of the Education Commission to have them learn profes- sional knowledge of shipbuilding. When they came back to the plant after graduation, a ship designing institute was established with them as the main force. The tech force of the institute played a decisive role in the shipbuilding. In the meantime the plant launched the work of laying a carbon dioxide producing process simulta- neously that is necessary for shipbuilding. Since they were strangers to the chemical industry, they en- countered a number of difficult problems. But they finally finished the design by solving difficult techni- carbon dioxide process. cal problems one by one relying on their tech force They might introduce the others’ technology or and with the help of scientists and technicians of import some necessary facilities for technical prepa- relevant sectors. But at the examination of the de- ration of the process. But they took the rough road of sign the research team could not give proper answers self-reliance. On the road they enhanced their to serious questions of the State Deliberation Com- development ability dramatically. On this basis, mittee. Some members of the committee said it was following the completion of the Ja Ryok last May premature. At the time a quiet but dynamic voice they built three sophisticated pleasure boats with sounded in the room. intelligent functions in only a few months. The boats “Our design is not perfect, I admit. But I feel are driven by solar power under automatic control rather confident. Now that we know what is insuffi- system. cient for us, we are convinced we can do something The shipyard workers have proved themselves to by ourselves. Even if it took us years to succeed, we be right to take the road of self-reliance by repairing will go steadfastly along the road to the end we and building fishing boats of different sizes in the chose.” 200-day campaign following the 70-day campaign. The general manager’s statement impressed the They are now vigorously advancing along the road committee, who now joined the research work of the they chose. plant. And so the plant finally managed to build the Sim Yong Jin

The solar-powered pleasure boats and their interiors.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 7 For Implementation of Decisions of the Seventh WPK Congress

Production Goes up

Innovations are made in silk thread production.

HE PYONGYANG The most striking feature of T Kim Jong Suk Silk Mill is the working place was the lat- well known for its Kumgangsan- est, high-speed facilities which brand silk thread. The factory has had been newly set instead of overfulfilled its annual economic old facilities, and the TVs which plan and made unusually rapid display various data—the world growth in production in recent trend of silk thread production, years. By carrying out the first technical problems, actual per- half-year task envisaged in the formances, and technical indi- national economic plan ahead of ces as well as a progress sched- other factories across the country, ule. it exalted its honour as an exem- According to a technical plary unit. officer, thanks to the TVs in Some time ago I visited the workplaces, production and factory and could not help express- technology are closely com- ing my surprise as the factory has bined, and the employees im- changed beyond recognition. prove their technical knowledge ►

8 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 The sci-tech learning space.

► and skills rapidly and their com- petitive spirit is rising. The factory is taking the lead in the national campaign of intro- ducing the distance learning sys- tem. In the past it had only a room for distance learning, but to furnish the nursery and kin- Han Kyong Hui, a nurse, says, now it has laid a sci-tech learning dergarten well. Today the nursery “I feel very happy to see mothers space furnished with an e-library, and kindergarten are so nice that come to see us with a bunch of a reading room and a distance- everyone admires them. In the flowers as innovative workers. learning room. And the number of playground covered with man- Seeing them, I’m sure that their attendants of the online college made grass are amusement facili- children in my nursery will grow has increased twice as against ties and a wading pool. The work- up into model workers at our fac- 2009. ers are happy to see their children tory in the future.” The sci-tech learning space is enjoy themselves with a variety of That’s not all. As the area aimed at educating all university toys and facilities such as bicycles under green foliage has expanded graduates, technicians and work- and battery cars or play a game of five times as much as that of ers of the factory in modern sci- dinner and intellectual games. 2009, the factory has fulfilled the ence and technology and improv- Since the nursery and kindergar- task of planting grass and trees ing their cultural level. The space ten have turned from daily sys- including fruit-bearing ones. And is also used to control the factory’s tem into weekly one and their a general welfare service house management system, sci-tech nutrition conditions and educa- has been newly built to ensure an dissemination and data dissemi- tion improved, the mothers could enjoyable cultural and recrea- nation. put all their efforts into produc- tional life for the workers. As most employees of the tion without any worry about Through the campaign for factory are women, it is important their children. increased production, lots of em- ployees have become innovative workers, masters of new concep- tion, and developers. They have developed over 50 kinds of acces- sories of reeling machines and manufactured facilities for pro- duction of sanitary goods, which are now turned out with high quality. The workers say, “Ahead of us is Kim Myong Hwan, our general manager of high ability.” Having worked at the factory as engineer, workteam and workshop leader, he has been faithful to his posi- tion of general manager for about 20 years. Now he is Labour Hero of the Democratic People’s Re- public of Korea and a deputy to the 12th Supreme People’s Assem- bly. Kim Chol Hyon

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 9 For Implementation of Decisions of the Seventh WPK Congress

New Looks

OME TIME AGO I VISITED learning room I met the general scores of workers of my factory S the Pyongyang Cornstarch manager of the factory. He said are enrolled at the online college, Factory which had been reno- that it is imperative to learn lat- and the result of their study can vated recently. In the compound est science and technology in or- be found in production.” He ad- of the factory I saw the Chong- der to do business management vised us to look round the shops. chun Service Centre which had well, so he and the chief engineer, Then we dropped in at a sam- been built newly. In front of it and all workshop leaders and ple room of manufactured goods. volleyball and basketball courts heads of departments were at- There I saw many kinds of bis- were newly laid with artificial tending the Kim Chaek Univer- cuits, candies, glucose, corn lawn. According to Tong Myong sity of Technology online. He syrup, Oktang sugar and corn- Suk, an official in charge of tech- added, “At present a hundred and starch, and patent certificates ► nical affairs who guided me around, the factory is in good operation as all the officials and workers are united single- mindedly through sporting activi- ties. Tong’s pride in the service centre was great. Cultural and welfare facilities and a clinic are on the ground floor while a li- brary, an e-reading room, a room for learning technical skills, a room for technical study and a distance-learning room are on the first floor. In the distance-

The production of foodstuffs is on the increase.

10 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 of glucose we can increase the production of foodstuff in keeping with the actual condition. Now we are steadily creating the new and making innovations.” In the general analysis room they conduct quality examination of products as required by the regulations so as to ensure the nutritive standard and hygienic safety of the products. Tong said that the factory has arranged a ► which were awarded to excellent vestige of the older shop. From process of producing oil and ani- goods. What was spectacular was raw material feeding to packaging mal feed with by-products of the the new trademarks and packag- all the production processes were corn processing, thus getting ing. Tong said that since they on automated, streamlined, germ- much profit in business. made original trademarks in co- and dust-free basis, thus making Looking round the factory I operation with the National it possible to ensure the hygienic could feel the power of the Guidance Bureau of Industrial standard of the production. What spirit of self-reliance and self- Art their products became more was more surprising was that the development displayed by the popular. She said that they had biscuit production equipment had workers of the factory who had done away with the old confec- been manufactured by the Korean successfully made their equip- tionery workshop, and newly set scientists and the factory’s tech- ment with their own technology up the biscuit workshop, the nicians and workers. and effort. I was convinced of it candy workshop and the stuffed At the corn syrup workshop I seeing the slogans “Love for candy workshop. Hearing her I was deeply moved by the fact that Our Motherland,” “Attachment to could understand how hard they it solved the problem of producing Our Factory” and “Love for Our were working to improve the glucose from corn which is widely Native Land” in every corner of quality of confectionery and meet planted in Korea. The workshop the factory. Saying goodbye I the demand. leader Phi Yong Chol said, “Now promised Tong to come again At the biscuit workshop I that we have established a com- when the factory achieved could see the production site com- plete, modern line of processing greater success. pletely facelifted—there was no corn and extracting several kinds Rim Ok

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 11 For Implementation of Decisions of the Seventh WPK Congress

Path Chosen by CVD Tools Developer

HE PYONGYANG CVD T Tools Development Com- pany encountered a difficulty in 2009. Due to hostile foreign forces’ sanctions the import of hard alloy, the essential material of tool pro- duction, was blocked. It could give rise to serious consequences in the existence of the company and the development of the national was how to obtain the economy at large. Ri Jong Hwan facilities for pressurized and other technical staff of the leaching and ion ex- company, however, considered the change, the main link of difficulty as a chance. We should the whole production have discontinued as early as process. There arose possible the import of raw materi- varying opinions about als which raised the cost of tools, the facilities. Some in- they thought. sisted on importing the Ri recalls that time, “Until facilities even if it was then, the import was justified as more expensive than the it was merely easy and fast. There possible profit because a lot of ported facilities; they also pro- were two reasons why we chose money and labour was needed to duced an ingenious idea of build- the way of our own development design the production process as a ing a reaction tower of ion ex- of necessary raw materials. First, whole and make those kinds of change with domestic materials. it would be profitable for our facilities. However, Ri Jong Hwan In the late 2015 the produc- country, and secondly, it was the brushed away all those opinions. tion process of hard alloy materi- way to satisfy self-esteem of sci- He said, “What is old to us is not als was laid successfully thanks to entists.” the fusing method alone. What the technicians’ own efforts—100 In fact the research into tool shall we do when the imported percent domestic from designing materials was not unfamiliar to facilities come to the end of their to manufacturing of the facilities. them, for the fusing method used life? We have to start everything Afterwards, new ideas including to produce APT powder, the basic from the beginning.” the method of improving purity of material, had already been estab- Two years passed with re- materials were introduced into lished. However, it was an old peated failures. There were some the production process, making it method that depended on a huge opinions that time was being perfect. consumption of electric power and wasted for hopeless things. But In 2016 the company laid a caused environmental pollution. none of the researchers gave up firm foundation fully to meet the It was also impossible to ensure the study. Scientific study is not a domestic demand. This meant the stable purity. It was not the way royal road. Neither is the road opening of a bright prospect for researchers considered good, so we’re following, they told each ample production of varieties of they decided to start from the other and braced up. As they had tools essential for economic devel- beginning. In 2013 they focused such firm faith they finally car- opment. Ri Jong Hwan says, “It is on the method of pressurized ried out their bold plan of in- certain that he who believes there leaching and ion exchange, which creasing the resistance to internal is always a way out always has a was a global trend. There were a pressure of a swivel, the kernel of bright future.” lot of difficulties and trials in the the facility of pressurized leach- way, though. The biggest problem ing, five times as much as im- Chae Kwang Myong

12 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 DIU and WPK

HE WORKERS’ PARTY OF KOREA WAS Kim Jong Il, the eternal leader of the WPK, T founded in 1945, but it struck its root with the strengthened the WPK founded and led by the Down-with-Imperialism Union (DIU) organized by President into a revolutionary party of Juche type President Kim Il Sung on October 17, 1926. which wages revolutionary activities independently Kim Il Sung set out on the road of revolution and creatively in the interest of the people and in when Korea was under the Japanese imperialists’ conformity with the reality of the country, regarding military occupation (1905–1945). He decided to form the Juche idea as its guideline. Kim Jong Il pub- a vanguard revolutionary organization to wage the lished numbers of works including The Workers’ anti-Japanese national liberation struggle, and Party of Korea Is a Juche-type Revolutionary founded the DIU. It was a pure and fresh political Party Which Inherited the Glorious Tradition organization of a new type aspiring to socialism and of the DIU (October 1982), thus clarifying the direc- working to achieve national liberation and class tion and ways to build up the WPK. He formulated emancipation under the ideal of anti-imperialism, the Juche idea fathered by the President as the independence and sovereignty. The formation of the revolutionary guiding ideology of the WPK with the DIU became the starting point in the effort to found a august name of Kim Il Sung. Then, he declared the new revolutionary party different from existing ones modelling of the whole society on Kimilsungism as in Korea. The programme of the DIU became the the overriding programme and led the historic cause basis of the programme of the WPK; the DIU’s prin- of its realization wisely. He advanced the slogan ciple of independence became the principle of the “Let’s Model the Whole Party on Kimilsungism!” WPK in its activity; the revolutionaries of a new and made sure that the Party building and generation trained by the DIU became the backbone activities were conducted strictly on the basis of in founding the WPK. Kim Il Sung’s ideology, theory and method. Under Kim Il Sung suggested a Juche-motivated line of his guidance the WPK strengthened into an invinci- the Korean revolution at the Kalun Meeting in 1930 ble revolutionary party with the firm monolithic and indicated an original line to form a revolutionary ideological system, and radical changes came in all party. He stated that the party should be founded sectors of the revolution and construction. independently in the way of setting up grassroots Kim Jong Il firmly maintained the revolution- first and steadily expanding and strengthening them; ary character of the WPK as the Party of its leader; the preparation for the party foundation should be carrying forward Kim Il Sung’s idea of prioritizing closely combined with the anti-Japanese struggle. arms, he formulated Songun politics as the main According to the line, the construction of party socialist political mode and applied it in all sectors of organizations progressed quickly. In July 1930 the Party and State activities. He made a beautiful pic- first party organization was formed with the Juche ture of the revolutionary party building by achieving idea as its guiding ideology. The parent body of the single-hearted unity of the leader, the Party and the first party organization gave birth to a lot of party masses by dint of the noble benevolent politics. organizations, and the organizational and ideological Today Chairman Kim Jong Un of the WPK is foundation was laid strong enough to declare the leading the Party with confidence building it up as founding of the party. invincible leading political organization for the Juche After liberation on August 15, 1945 revolution by faithfully carrying forward the ideology Kim Il Sung, building on the successes and experi- and cause of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman ence achieved during the period of the anti-Japanese Kim Jong Il. He made sure that the Fourth Party revolutionary struggle, formed party organizations Conference adopted the decision on honouring in local areas without delay, and on Kim Jong Il as the eternal General Secretary of the October 10, 1945 he organized the Central Organiz- Party and declared it as the Party’s dominant pro- ing Committee of the Communist Party of North gramme to model the whole society on Kimilsungism- Korea. It was the historic event that meant the ac- Kimjongilism. The Seventh Congress of the WPK complishment of the cause of the party founding held in May last set definite tasks and ways to hold which had been pushed for a long period of time Kim Jong Il in the highest esteem as the eternal under the leadership of Kim Il Sung. leader of the WPK, and build up the Party into From then on, the WPK traversed a glorious road Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party and enhance its of struggle upholding the banner of Juche under the leading role steadily. wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung. Opening Today the Korean people are advancing forward up a new era of revolutionary party building in his vigorously to build a socialist power, rallied rock- teens and achieving the historic cause of founding a solid around the Party Central Committee, uphold- party of a new type in his 30s, Kim Il Sung led ing the revolutionary banner of Kimilsungism- the WPK along the road of victory and glory for Kimjongilism. 50 years. Pak Chol Jin

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 13 The DPRK— Great People’s Power (1)

HE DEMOCRATIC PEO- just? The real intention of the US and the reactionary around the T ple’s Republic of Korea is a is not the denuclearization of the world, and the flames of national world-famous power in the East Korean peninsula, but the Ameri- liberation movement were rising and a great people’s country canization of the Korean penin- high in Asia, Africa and Latin working historic miracles in its sula. has a planned America. At this juncture, the effort of prioritizing, respecting economy managed by the State. news on the DPRK, the country of and loving the people. I’d like to Safeguarding its sovereignty, it is Chollima and the country of talk about it now. “Let the whole striving to meet the people’s ma- miracles, shook the world. The Party make selfless, devoted ef- terial demand. … The Democratic news, flying across the world’s forts for the good of the great People’s Republic of Korea is a highest peaks of the Himalayas, people!”—this is the fighting slo- typical communist country with roof of the earth, reached my gan proposed at the Seventh Con- free medical care, free education country of Nepal. gress of the Workers’ Party of system, no house rent, rate of Nepal came to be widely Korea that was held months ago. public transport next to nothing known to the world when Tenzing It made me convinced more and so on. Norgay from Nepal and Edmund deeply that the DPRK is a great His comment gives a strong Hillary from New Zealand people’s power. message that the DPRK is not a reached the top of the Everest on The international community cruel country or a violator of the May 29, 1953. For the first time in is making various responses to international law, but a country the world a Nepalese conquered the fact that the DPRK is exalting for the people, which has right- the Everest which had buried a its honour as independent power fully gained an H-bomb and number of climbers in its glaciers. and nuclear power at present ICBM to defend the people. It can However, the social changes in when smaller countries’ political be called a relatively exact opin- the DPRK were the miraculous sovereignty is trampled down by ion. What is all the more impor- ones which were far superior to bigger nations’ high-handedness tant is that it came from the US the conquest of hundreds or thou- and arbitrariness. The forces hos- where malicious propaganda sands of peaks like the Everest. tile to the DPRK, striving to deny against the DPRK is rampant. At the time the Nepalese people’s the appearance of a new power, Expressing sympathy with this curiosity and worship of the are mobilizing all their reptilian comment, I thought I should help DPRK were so great that they all mass media to smear this coun- the international community knew the august name of DPRK try’s image. know about the true image of the President Kim Il Sung and the However, people who love DPRK working hard to achieve word Juche, although there were justice and truth and want to the historic cause of building a some who were ignorant of their have correct eyes to the world are powerful nation on the strength of King’s name. raising their objective and right single-hearted unity of the leader Having become a journalist voices for the DPRK. Most im- and the people. championing justice with an ob- pressive to me is the comment I began to study the DPRK in jective eye after graduation from contributed to an Internet site by an all-round way in the 1960s university, I wrote not a few arti- an American political analyst, when sharp confrontation was cles in the course of studying the which said: Why are the UN’s taking shape between justice and DPRK’s reality in real earnest. sanctions against the DPRK un- injustice, between the progressive My articles’ subject was how the ►

14 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 ► country was bringing about the potentialities dare not do it. This DPRK is a completely different world-startling miracles and was why the world mass media kind of power which relies on the changes. immediately reported the special people-first policy. This is a con- Since then, for scores of years, news of the DPRK’s first H-bomb clusion I’ve made from my cover- the news on the DPRK has been test and successful launch of the age since the 1960s and 30-odd- on the front page of the weekly of earth observation satellite year-long study and dissemina- the Nepal Journalists Associa- Kwangmyongsong 4, and counted tion activities of the Juche idea. tion. them as the greatest events of the The people-first policy can Now there are more than 200 world. Even in the US that has never be heard in any other coun- countries in the world. But many a constitutional antipathy to the tries in the world, and it is not countries are out of attention of DPRK, the AP, The New York to be found in any dictionary. mass media. At present when the Times, The Wall Street Journal However, in the DPRK it is incor- power-centric world order is af- and other major media said that porated into daily life and all fecting the press, the DPRK is North Korea came to have power- fields of society like air. The drawing the attention of the world ful nukes and that its nuclear policy is based on President mass media, like powers. Even development had reached a high Kim Il Sung’s famous statement the Western press, though undis- level of technology. that if there is the almighty being guisedly disregarding and slan- Here is data I collected myself. in the world it is the people. When dering those countries that are In 1905 Korea lost its sovereignty an almighty being is mentioned going against their grains, finds it to Japan. At the time the total one is usually reminded of Bud- hard to ignore the events of the strength of the Korean army was dha, God or Allah. Unlike this, DPRK. This is meaningful. about 7 000 when the Japanese the people-first policy puts for- In 2016 some shocking events standing army was 200 000 ward the people as the almighty took place consecutively in the strong. The Japanese army was being, instead of the unrealistic DPRK. It succeeded in its first H- armed with steam warships and beings of Buddha, God and Allah. bomb test and the launching of rifles, but the Korean army In the DPRK the popular masses the earth observation satellite mostly had spears, bows and are regarded as God in reality. Kwangmyongsong 4, thus becom- hackbuts. I think such a great gap They exercise their legitimate ing one of the leading nuclear and between the two nations offers right as master of the state and space nations of the world. So far, immediate proof of what kind of society and everything serves the H-bombs have been the mo- miracle the Korean people have them. All lines and policies pur- nopoly of the five permanent wrought for over 70 years since sued by the Workers’ Party of members of the UNSC—the US, they regained their sovereignty. Korea, the ruling party, and the Russia, France, the UK and In the dignified image of the DPRK government are materiali- China. With the DPRK’s success- DPRK shining brightly, I see the zation of the people’s desire and ful possession of H-bomb there emergence of a new kind of power demand and are carried out by came a comment that the country which the human history has their concerted creative efforts. is eligible for permanent mem- never known. The powers the The popular masses in the coun- bership of the UNSC. In the field world has seen so far are the try are not only the master of of space industry, only a few countries that are superior to creation but also enjoyer of it. countries can launch their car- other countries in terms of both Manju Ratna Shakya, rier-rockets with satellites which the politico-military and economic PhD in Socio-political Science, they make with their own tech- potentials because they have ad- President of the Nepal niques, wisdom and efforts. Even vantages in population, territory, Journalists Association those countries that are proud of natural resources, treasure and their great economic and sci-tech geopolitical location. But the (To be continued)

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 15 In a Letter of Thanks

HE KIM MAN YU HOSPI- we had to develop it by our own researchers intensified their work T tal is winning favours of the effort and technology.” to make a biochip from domestic patients because it uses biochips Kim took charge of designing materials. Thanks to their collec- for examination of patients so as the biochip. He visited the Grand tive wisdom and effort its devel- to reduce the time of diagnosis People’s Study House, the Central opment finished in a short span of and improve its accuracy. The Information Agency for Science time, pushing the nation’s biochip DNA chip for detecting patho- and Technology and many other manufacturing technology a step genic microorganism was devel- relevant units to acquire neces- forward. Through redoubled ef- oped in 2011, and now it is con- sary data. In those days he forts they solved a problem which tributing to the improvement of worked late into the night to find made it possible to identify ge- the people’s health. It was a fruit even a single clue. One day Can- netically modified crops and a of unremitting pursuit and zeal didate Academician Kim Song dozen pathogenic germs rapidly of the researchers of the Bioengi- Gun gave Yong Ung some data for and precisely. They also devel- neering Branch of the State reference. They were what Song oped a biochip with which to find Academy of Sciences. Gun had accumulated through infectious diseases, and a tech- Today the biochip technology years of efforts. Other veteran nology of activating the biochip is tilting to the purpose of basic researchers also gave a helping slide, one of the cutting-edge experiment. Administrators and hand to Yong Ung in his project. technologies in biochip manufac- researchers of the branch, how- At last he finished the draft de- turing, thus laying a foundation of ever, decided to study problems sign, which was highly appreci- manufacturing biochips without badly needed in reality. They set a ated at the deliberation. importing expensive activated target of making biochips which Building on this success the glass slides. Pak Chol Min, a sec- can be used in medical science. Unfortunately, nearly all mem- bers of the research team were unfamiliar with biochip, and there was little basic data on it. Recalling the days researcher Kim Yong Ung says, “We started from scratch. We had difficult and challenging problems, but we buckled down to the research unhesitatingly, because we knew

Emphasis is placed on re- search into new biochips.

tion chief, says, “We know we are placed in an important position in developing science and technology of our country, improving the people’s standard of living and building an economic giant. We will set our target high and de- velop the bioengineering technol- ogy faster.” The biochips they made are now widely used by a lot of hospi- tals. Kim Myong Hui, resident in Phyongchon District, Pyongyang, sent them a letter of thanks, reading, “I’m happy to tell you I was rescued from the jaws of death by your biochip. When I was rushed to the hospital, I was ►

16 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 First Step

OME TIME AGO WE unusually en- S visited the Ryongyang Mine, thusiastic about a leading magnesite producer of his studies at the country. The workers of the college, he had mine told us that their mining heard a story volume was the same as usual but from one of his the output and quality of concen- teachers: Once trated ore have risen remarkably. when he was a Asked about the secret behind researcher, the this success, they told us a story teacher visited a about photoelectron researchers foreign country in the Laser Institute of the State as a member of Academy of Sciences. a technical dele- gation to pur- In the past ore dressing was chase a ma- largely done by the method of chine. But the machine had a searcher, who had thought the heavy media separation. This built-in program which was kept project impossible in view of his resulted in heavy consumption of confidential. Whenever they old experience and the field con- electricity and environmental found anything unsuitable for the dition, joined in Kim’s energetic pollution by reagent during pro- actual condition or out of order, effort. He developed accessory duction. Thus, many mechanical they had to ask the foreign coun- devices to prevent the sensor from innovations to improve the dress- try for help. The story sorely vibration and newly fixed suitable ing process were advanced by ached Kim’s heart. positions for their installation relevant research units but un- Now he told his fellow through painstaking experiments. profitable. On the other hand, the researchers that any invention Every part of all inventions was technique of dressing by ray en- devoid of one’s own things is the associated with self-pride of the tailed low cost and had no danger same as a person without his soul. researchers. Their efforts resulted of environmental pollution. The His appeal encouraged the team in great progress in arrangement researchers set up phased goals, to go on with their project vigor- of devices, suitable positioning of and finally made an ore-ray sorter ously from the beginning. Kim parts, application of control pro- pooling their creative wisdom. In Kum Yong, proposing a new in- grams, and so on. The accuracy April 2015 they operated the vention, undertook the develop- was on a par with those of foreign machine on a trial basis. The ment of control programs for all machines and the production cost quality of the concentrate im- devices connected, including the was only a quarter of the foreign proved markedly and the machine one for dressing, which was the ones. Moreover, as the core pro- was in normal condition. But the core of the project. It was not an gram of the ray sorter was locally debris contained a lot of concen- easy task. All ores should be developed, it could be changed for trate, which worried the re- sorted out in several millimetre different purposes. That was a searchers. Some insisted a ma- seconds of latency and a lot of remarkable success in the extrac- chine should be imported from high-pressure air valves should be tive industry. abroad and that they should con- accurately operated. Kim Kum Yong says, “Our tinue their research after they During those days Kim read success means just the first step studied its distinctive characters. heaps of technical documents in this field. We are determined to But Kim Kum Yong, who was a overnight, and finally completed go on with our research however novice for the research project, new programs for ore-ray sorter. arduous it may be.” had a different opinion for some Other researchers exerted them- reason. Earlier when he had been selves too. A middle-aged re- Kim Chol Ung

► in a critical condition. Later when oping biochips which render great up to the Seventh Congress of the I was transferred out of the emer- service to the improvement of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Now gency room, I said thanks to the people’s health.” their effort to break through the doctors, who told me about your The researchers have made a cutting edge is going ahead stead- biochips. Now I extend my thanks new kind of biochip, which can fastly. to you researchers who are devel- identify new diseases, in the run- Pak Yong Il

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 17 With Ryongnam Hill

base for education and dissemination of information science and technology, were built and the material and technical foundations of the university were further consolidated. A new education system was completed to surpass the cutting-edge, the teaching content and methods were improved enough to meet the demand of talent power and IT era, and educa- tional conditions and environment got much better. The teachers, researchers and students of the university are now redoubling their efforts with tire- less enthusiasm for scientific research. In May 2016 an international academic symposium was held with the participation of Nobel Prize winners in the e- library to mark the 70th founding anniversary of the university. A member of the International Peace Foundation delegation, who took floor at a discussion on the subject of “International Academic Exchange for Peace and Development,” said, “The Nobel Prize winners were happily surprised when they had a talk with Kim Il Sung University students. They were HEN IT WAS LIBERATED FROM THE particularly struck by the students’ profound knowl- W Japanese imperialists’ military occupation on edge of the fields studied by the winners themselves, August 15, 1945, Korea was bare-handed. At the and their excellent English. They say that in Asia time Kim Il Sung, leader of a new Korea, with a they have never seen students with such a high plan to train able national cadres for the new coun- ability of speaking English as the students of try, designated the site of the country’s first univer- Kim Il Sung University.” sity on Ryongnam Hill. In reality, the teachers, researchers and students For 70 years since it was founded on October 1, of the university are proudly competing with their 1946, Kim Il Sung University has become the most counterparts of the world in human intellectual abil- prestigious institute of science and a reliable na- ity. This is evident from the fact that scores of scien- tional cadres training centre in the country. In the tists of the university have won the recognition of the current century, new buildings and an e-library, a world science circle and the students won victory ►

18 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 ► after victory at international students’ program con- scientists at home and abroad took part. A large tests which were held on the global scale. At present, number of valuable papers were presented there on department head Kang Jin U of the Physics Faculty different subjects like “Educational and Scientific is a researcher of the international theoretical phys- Development and Kim Il Sung University,” “For the ics centre and department head Yu Chol Jun of the Social Progress and Prosperity,” “For Peace and Material Science Faculty is a member of the inter- Development in Northeast Asia” and “Scientific De- national association for latest material. Joint cam- velopment and Building of Civilized Country.” Scores paigns are in progress with several foreign universi- of scientists of the university participated in inter- ties, research institutes and international academic national symposiums held in foreign countries and associations in many sci-tech fields such as the study read out hundreds of papers which were highly of cosmology. In addition, the university keeps evaluated. friendly relations with several foreign universities, The graduates from the university play an im- developing exchange in education and science, and portant role at state and economic organs, scientific admits foreign students. research institutes and in other fields of social life. The university students participate in worldwide Ri Kuk Chol, vice-president of the university, program contests on the Internet every year. Having says, “Seeing our developing university, we picture won the Asian regional qualifying contest in the past, in our mind a new appearance of our country which they achieved excellent results at the 40th interna- will be more prosperous. Make a tangible contribu- tional students’ program contest held in Thailand tion to the country’s development—this is the unani- this year. mous desire of all our staff.” The university has put a great effort in interna- The university is now doing its best to make the tional academic exchange. From 2011 on, it spon- country a talent power. sored tens of international seminars in which many Ri Chung Ho

An international symposium held with Nobel Prize winners on the 70th founding anniversary of Kim Il Sung University.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 19 Hospital With Many Noted Doctors

ODAY THE OKRYU CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL his eyes. T in Pyongyang is frequented by lots of people. The department had an immediate consultation. People who used to be hopeless for their sick children All they could do for him was to perform an opera- return home with their healthy boys and girls. Be- tion, but they were not sure of his life. fore leaving the hospital they express their gratitude Chief surgeon Kim Jin Myong recalls, “It is usu- in a book. One of the notes reads, “Everything seems ally a serious problem for a surgeon to have an op- to me like a dream indeed. Today my son Song Hyok, eration on a patient who is in the jaws of death, be- ► who was at the doorstep to death, is leaving hospital as a healthy boy. I never thought the mostly young doctors of the hospital have such techniques. This is a hospital with lots of master doctors.” The departments of the hospital including the neurosurgery and the abdominal surgery that treat obstinate diseases of high frequency and danger have made good successes. One afternoon in February this year, a boy who was badly hurt on the head was rushed into the de- partment of neurosurgery. His name is Song Hyok, aged 14, son of a worker’s family in a province. As his face was swollen and torn with bruises all over, it was hard to make a primary exam of the pupils of

The Okryu Children’s Hospital.

20 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 ► cause it might leave an indelible blot in his career. groan moving his body, they all could not help shed- But being conscious of our position as doctors of the ding tears of delight. Okryu Children’s Hospital established by the State At last Song Hyok recovered. With his life index for the children, we couldn’t allow ourselves to hesi- normal he was now able to walk and read and write. tate to take up a scalpel.” On receiving the news of his recovery, his grandfa- At last the operation started. The condition of his ther, who had been very sad over his grandson in skull was beyond their expectation when they cut the hospital, said in tears of delight, “We have had only skin open. It was nearly broken to pieces and brain one son for three generations, and now that Song tissues were leaking through broken gaps along with Hyok is alive we can carry on our family line.” blood. The doctors fixed the broken pieces of bones This is a simple story about their achievements. one by one for hours and finished the operation suc- Early this year they successfully performed opera- cessfully, but the patient’s life index was still at the tions on incurable cases like cerebral tumour, an critical point. As he was unconscious and suffering obstinate illness of the world. In particular, they from a complication of nose-bleeding and pneumonia, succeeded in an operation to completely cut out the he had to be turned every 20 minutes and aspirated encephaloma in a four-year-old child, the youngest every a few minutes, otherwise he would get worse. case ever operated on in the country. So, the doctors had to have a 10-day sleepless Meanwhile, the surgeons in the abdominal sur- battle. On the ninth day when they heard the patient gery performed flawlessly a transanal endorectal pull through operation for the first time in the Engrossed in treatment. country. The technique had been a monopoly of only a few foreign hospitals with developed medical sci-

ence and rich experience in clinical medicine. Thus the Okryu Children’s Hospital reduced the burden of patients and shortened the period of treatment from six months to only 15 days. In particular, in the first few months this year physicians in the digestive department made a new record of bringing all the patients with advanced diseases back to life, whose number is equivalent to that of last year. Vice-director for technical affairs Ri Kwang Chon says, “It is true that the future of a country and a nation depends on its healthy and happy children. In this sense we are pioneers in the effort to ensure the future with medical skills. We know our duty, and we will do our best to find won- derful techniques to cure diseases.”

Chae Kwang Myong

gyong (Kaesong) in 987 with the emphasis on acu- puncture and moxibustion. Moxibustion In its first part, Hyangyakjipsongbang, com- piled in the time of the feudal Joson dynasty, gives the spots for moxibustion and explains methods of moxibustion according to diseases. OXIBUSTION IS A KIND OF Methods of moxibustion were described in detail M traditional Korean medicine that dates back in The Book of Experience of Acupuncture and thousands of years. The Koreans began to use Moxibustion (Chimgugyonghombang) compiled in stone needles and wormwood for treatment of dis- 1644. eases in the Stone Age. Moxa cautery was in full Moxibustion treatments, which are very good progress in the Koryo Dynasty (918–1392). for obstinate diseases and stubborn geriatric dis- Medical education was given in different areas eases, are recorded as intangible national heritage, including Sogyong (Pyongyang) in 930 and Kae- valuable treasure of the nation. ‰

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 21 Sight Restored

OME TIME AGO I WAS was diagnosed as having optic months later he could see the S told that a doctor at Kinmaul nerve retinitis. For a month he watch, and after a year his eye- Polyclinic in Moranbong District, had taken different kinds of sight became 1.0. Witnessing that Pyongyang, has brought back Western medicines, but there was unbelievable reality Il Gyok’s eyesight to a student. I went to no sign of improvement. Her maternal grandmother, grasping see her at her clinic. Fortunately, anxiety grew as the days went by. Pak’s hands, said, “Thank you. I met Il Gyok who had gained his One of those days she hap- You’re really a great physician.” eyesight and his mother Sin pened to hear that there was a With smile on her face Pak re- Kyong Hui at the polyclinic. Sin doctor good at Koryo therapy at plied, “Don’t mention it. You said they were there to tell doctor the Kinmaul Polyclinic. When she know I’m a doctor, and I’m re- Pak Kyong Suk, who was in took her son to the clinic, the eld- sponsible for the people’s health. charge of his son’s treatment, erly woman doctor examined Il I’ve only treated him with the about his son’s winning first place Gyok and said, “You can surely traditional Koryo therapy of our at an academic contest of his get well, boy. And don’t worry too country.” school. Then she told me the fol- much, madam.” Then Pak contin- I went to see Pak together lowing story. ued to say that Il Gyok’s case was with Sin and her son, but we One evening a few years ago not caused by any eye disease but failed. She was away in a province when Sin Kyong Hui entered the by other diseases in his body. Sin for treatment. When we felt re- room after finishing kitchen work was surprised to hear the doctor’s gretful, Kim Kyong Hui, head of she happened to see her son hold firm words, and she could hardly the polyclinic, said, “Pak is nearly a book up to his eyes to read it. To accept them. But she was soon sixty, yet she is still devoting all her question he said that he encouraged to see the doctor ap- her enthusiasm to the work of seemed to have lost his sight ply acupuncture and cupping gradually for several days. Now while administering some Koryo he couldn’t see the letters on the medicinals. book clearly. Next day Sin took After the lapse of a fortnight her son to hospital to have vision Il Gyok felt there was a sign of test, and the result was 0.08. He recovery in his eyesight. Four

Koryo treatment. Now she is compiling a book in her free hours on the basis of modern books on medical science and her experi- ence. It will help improve the people’s health. People call her ‘our doctor’ respectfully.” I couldn’t meet Pak who has cured so many patients, but I could imagine her appearance engrossed in treatment.

Pak Thae Ho

22 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 Victory After Victory

AST MAY THE teristics such as speed, endurance she didn’t become an instructor of L basketball players of the and intelligence. In the training this school four years ago only to Central District Juvenile Sports she applied various methods to teach the students her experience School in Pyongyang won first promote and develop the merit of and skills. place again in the women’s bas- each player. She organically com- As a student at a sports school, ketball competition of the 53rd bined usual training forms that when her team lost a game, she national contest of juvenile sports demand either accurate move- used to be so angry that she prac- schools. With this the junior team ments or their practical use, thus tised through the night even if she of the school won six times con- fostering a positive and self- was alone. Proud of her, her in- secutively and the senior team reliant competitive spirit in the structor used to be her opponent four times consecutively in the players, though they were young. in her training, saying, “There is a contest. “It is the fruit of our in- Thanks to her tireless effort, winner and a loser in every game. structors’ aspiration and efforts,” she and her students were able to But you will never be able to be a says the assistant principal of the have the delight of winning a year winner if you lose yourself.” school. later. Now the players of the The instructor’s words have women’s basketball team who become her motto. When she sees Unusual choice opened the history of six consecu- her trainees collapse yielding to tive wins are full-fledged sports- physical burdens Ok Sun tells Some years ago, the junior women running for the honour of them that those who make a women’s basketball team of the the nation. Kim Myong Hui says, strong demand on themselves can school lost their title that they “I didn’t imagine I would have an bring honour to the nation. had held for years. honour of today when I took my Captain Pak Mok Ryon, 16, At that time a new instructor job. I just wanted to be the root.” who played a decisive role in win- was assigned to the school, whose ning the fourth consecutive vic- name is Kim Myong Hui. Declin- Successful instructor tory, says, “Embracing all of us in ing an offer to take charge of the delight after the game our in- senior team that was promising, Kim Ok Sun, instructor in structor said that we should lead she took the junior team saying, charge of the senior team, is held our school’s four consecutive wins “You can’t build a highrise on in respect for her successful ca- to four consecutive victories of our weak foundations.” reer. nation. We were impressed from Her selection of team mem- Personally she was awarded her words. She wants to run in bers was noticeable from the the title of Sports Master and won the future, too, together with us start. Her standard was very de- a number of gold medals in her15- beginners of basketball.” manding on the physical charac- year career as sportswoman. But Ri Kum Chol

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 23 Korean Deaf-and-Dumb Soccer Team Makes Debut

FRIENDSHIP FOOTBALL the first football coach of the Ko- A game took place in Sydney, rean Deaf-and-Dumb Soccer Australia, between the deaf-and- Team. dumb players of the DPRK and “Frankly speaking,” Hong Australia in December last year. spoke of his impression as the With this the Korean soccer team coach, “I was very disappointed made its international debut. The when I was appointed as coach coach and some players are intro- of the team. I was afraid I duced below. couldn’t understand them. But as I learned how the State is The First Coach concerned for the disabled, I was aware of my duty. So I learned Hong Chol Jin worked as a their sign language to share football referee at the Football their ideas and feelings, thus I Association of the Democratic could train them in a correct Coach Hong Chol Jin. People’s Republic of Korea after way.” graduating from the Korea Uni- Amidst the growing public Hong says with a confidence, versity of Physical Education interest in the deaf-and-dumb “Though they are different in age eight years ago before he became soccer team, the disabled players and career, all of them are trying are provided with videos of to learn football. Soon they will modern football and gym- grow as football players repre- nastic apparatuses to learn senting the disabled of the advanced skills. DPRK.” ►

A friendship match in Sydney, Australia, in 2015.

24 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 judo for a year at a sports school in Moranbong District. He used to go to watch football matches in stadiums and watch football games played in the playground of his school with envy. Now he is very happy with the football association of the disabled formed. He can play football to his heart’s content like the ordinary people. He swears, “I will try to attain a high skill with much sweat in training. Though we lost the game last year, I will help display the honour of our country Captain Pak Hyon Chol. Player Kim Hyo Il. in the coming international game without fail.” Although they use sign lan- ► Captain Pak Hyon Chol From Judo to Football guage to communicate their in-

tention and feelings, they have Pak Hyon Chol has led the Kim Hyo Il is a player who strong team spirit and a high soccer team as its first captain. scored the first goal in the friend- sense of organization. Their su- Since his childhood, he was very ship football game with an Aus- perb tactics and skills, indefati- fond of football, but couldn’t get tralian team last year. He is 18 gable fortitude and perseverance on well with other children for his years old, but he is attracting leave a lasting impression upon functional disorder. He never attention of his team for his high the spectators. dreamed that the State, reading sensitiveness and agility in soccer. Sim Chol Yong the feelings of the disabled, would When he was child, he learned organize a soccer team of the dis-

abled and admit him as member of the team. Moreover, the State saw to it that he was admitted into the football team and participated in the friendship game with a coun- terpart team of Australia held in Sydney, Australia, last year. Put- ting down his impression on pa- per to tell it to his mates, he de- cided to repay the benefit of the Workers’ Party of Korea by play- ing football well.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 25 Spectacular Scene on Pothong River

One day, he met Kim Chang Ho, his middle school mate, in a table-tennis court in a park in Sos- ong District—it changed his life. Kim Chang Ho came to know that U Son was playing table tennis for health and rendered him active help, saying, “I’ll help you.” Kim U Son honed his technique under Chang Ho’s guidance. His skill improved together with his health index. His doctor in charge was glad to see his checkup result. Kim U Son participated in table-tennis singles of the Table Tennis Tournament for the Disabled and Amateurs held in 2013 and took second place. With Kim Tong U (first left) and Kim U Son (third left). confidence, he again participated in the Spring Table Tennis Tournament for the Disabled and Amateurs ALK ALONG THE POTHONG RIVER 2014. Twenty players who had qualified in their W meandering through Pyongyang, and you can respective districts took part in the singles event. see people doing exercises in a park with sports fa- Taking advantage of his experience Kim defeated his cilities. rivals one by one. He had the final match with a The Puksae Sports Park, situated in Moranbong player from Moranbong District, who could not be District, was full of people even in the morning. A easily beaten: he was 77; he had taken second place park keeper, Ri Myong Hui, said to me, “Passers-by twice and won the top honour once in earlier events. often stop to enjoy a spectacular scene of my park.” I However, Kim played with composure and won first could see familiar faces among the elderly people place. That year, he celebrated his 70th birthday. At who had just finished limbering up. They were Kim that time he sang the song Let the Time Go. U Son and Kim Tong U living in Sosong District, Later, Kim U Son challenged the doubles event. Pyongyang. They took first place in table-tennis His partner was Kim Tong U living in the same dis- doubles in the Spring Table Tennis Tournament for trict. Kim Tong U had retired from his work and the Disabled and Amateurs 2016 held in May last. stayed at home, sometimes playing table tennis in a Kim U Son works as writer and director in the youth table-tennis court in front of his home. His technique hall of the Ministry of Railways. He said he had attracted Kim U Son. The pair participated in the never thought of such a life until years before—he doubles event in the Spring Table Tennis Tourna- had only exerted himself in his work. He had once ment for the Disabled and Amateurs 2016 and won gone to hospital for his slight indisposition, when he first place by defeating all their opponents with had been diagnosed with arrhythmia. His doctor in quick passes and skilful drives. They also partici- charge from the local clinic called on him for treat- pated in sports events held in celebration of the In- ment every day and proposed that he play table ten- ternational Day of the Elderly. On the day every year nis. So he started playing table tennis. Some days sports games and art performances are held and later he felt a little better both physically and men- public catering establishments and welfare facilities tally. As he became healthy he could make success in offer special service to the elderly people. his work. Based on his experience, he created works With the elderly people who remain vigorous in including the poem Elderly Table-tennis Player and the era of happiness as well as the youths, the the witticism Sports Power Is in View. His works morning scenery on the bank of the Pothong River is became popular among people as they reflected beautiful as a picture. realities. Kim Il Bong

26 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 In the Seawater Swimming Bath

OME DAYS AGO WE VISITED THE UNHA Now we stepped into the swimming pool which S Seawater Swimming Bath located in Pothong- had a picture of a winding river. There were men and gang District, Pyongyang. women of all ages enjoying themselves with merri- The tile-covered walls of the building and the ments of all hues. Some boys and girls were swim- plate Unha Seawater Swimming Bath with a picture ming across the pool and children in floats beating of rippling water as its background gave us cheerful the water with all their limbs and their parents re- and emotional feelings, and we had an urge to jump laxing themselves in the water enjoying the sight of into water at once. their children. It was quite a spectacle. A guide, named Ri Sol Hyang, received us An old woman came out from the water and warmly. Following her we entered a hall adjacent to seated herself on a chair. She seemed relieved of all the swimming pool, and we could see a number of troubles. In a complacent voice, she said, “Recently girls gathering there—they seemed to have just fin- so many facilities have gone up for the people’s cul- ished swimming. At a glance we could see that they tural and recreational enjoyment. The Rungna Dol- were sports players. Introducing themselves to us as phinarium, the Munsu Water Park, and this Unha volleyball team members of the Sosong District Ju- Seawater Swimming Bath are some of them. Some venile Sports School, they talked in an excited voice people ask me what kind of tonic I have these days, that after swimming there they were relieved of the and I tell them about this swimming pool.” fatigue from the training and now feeling energetic, Kang Kyok Sung, a pupil from the Puksu Pri- and that they were glad to be able to swim in the mary School in Taedonggang District, came up to me, seawater in Pyongyang far from the sea. his head alone out of the water surface, and said, “I ►

Working people enjoy themselves.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 27 ► heard a lot about the beautiful sea of our country Chonjo Spring from my teacher and I also often see it on TV. So I’ve been eager to go to see it. Today I’m very happy to be here, swimming in the seawater with my ECENTLY THE NEWLY DISCOVERED grandma.” R Chonjo spring water is gaining a soaring popu- We also witnessed such spectacles in the treat- larity among the people. “I drink the Chonjo spring water and use it to make boiled rice and soup. I feel ment rooms of low and high temperature next to the energetic and healthy.” “When I used this spring swimming pool. water to make , its taste came to be better Those rooms are divided into pine, salt and and its fresh quality lasted longer than ever.” “When I drank this spring water for over two months, I ochre-using ones to be chosen by customers as they found it specially efficacious for treatment of differ- like for their suitable remedies. They can either lie ent diseases like diabetes and colitis.” These are or sit on the floor. some comments of people in Pyongyang and prov- In the pine room An Hyong Jong, a worker of the inces, who are seeking good health by drinking spring water. Jangsu Koryo Medicine Factory, told us, “These Chonjo spring is found in a deep cave in Mt. rooms are helpful for treatment for neuralgia, ar- Koryong in Ryongchon-ri, Sangwon County, North thritis and hypertension. Recently I suffered from , over 40 km southeast of Py- neuralgia. But after swimming in the seawater and

treatment in these rooms one by one, I feel jaunty and refreshed and my problem has vanished.” Coming out of the room, we were attracted by the staircase where people laughing and roaring with pleasure were ascending and descending. We went upstairs. It was a sunbathing place. We saw some women building a sand castle lying on their belly against each other in the sunlight coming through the skylight. A gravel ground was spread section by section by the sand beach suited to the people’s likings. A doctor of a district hospital was piling the sand on his belly, legs and arms while explaining to the people around about the particu- lar chemical and biological properties of seawater and how the three factors—seawater, sand and sunlight—are good for health. Hearing him the people said that it was a wonderful time, that they felt they were ten years younger, that they never imagined themselves swimming in the seawater and lying in the sand from the East Sea of Korea in downtown Pyongyang, and that no other country in the world could provide such a place for the well- ongyang. According to geological experts and divers, being of the ordinary people. this spring water gushes from the depth of far more Cha Kum Hyang, manager of the establish- than 25 metres. What is striking is its great volume ment, said, “To help the people enjoy the best cul- of water. The residents in the Chonjo village, who have lived there from generation to generation, call ture on the highest level is an important policy of the water “clear water” giving a wonderful energy. the country. My facility is also part of the policy and Many of the villagers are over 90 years old, and they benefit of the country. I know we’ll be prosperous.” are still doing farming in good health. Some time ago the relevant researchers found The merriments from the swimming pool were out the secret of the wonder of the water. Their ringing louder. analysis showed that it is fewer-molecular water Kim Un Chol which is quickly absorbed in the body to accelerate ►

28 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 Water—Tremendous Popularity

pass through. The research brought him Nobel Prize. The normal water like those from wells and taps is generally known to be 16-24 (110 Hz) in terms of degree of association. The WHO defined that only the fewer-molecular water whose association has no more than 5-8 molecules in each group can be called the health drinking water. On the basis of analysis of the environmental hygiene institute under the Academy of Medical Science of the Democratic Peo- ple’s Republic of Korea, Chonjo spring water was examined by Beijing University and the analysis- based measurement and experiment centre of Shanghai Fudan University in China by means of nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum half-breadth. The Chinese analysts were surprised that Korea has such a quality water. It was certified that Chonjo spring water is fewer-molecular water of 72 Hz (its degree of association is 5-7), when the waters in world renowned areas of macrobians are usually 80 Hz. Drinking this spring water in Pyongyang for- eigners say that it tastes similar to Evian water in France. The artificial fewer-molecular water returns to the more-molecular water again in hours or days, but Chonjo spring water preserves its property for scores of years. Experts estimate that the challenge of Chonjo spring water to best health drinking wa- ters of foreign countries will change the balance of demand for fewer-molecular water in the world. This spring water is sold wholesale in the nano- technological goods exhibition hall of the State Bu- reau of Nano Technology in the Unha area, Pothong- gang District, Pyongyang, directly supplied by the Chonjo Spring Water Factory. In the hall is also given technical information on the pharmacological actions and use of Chonjo spring water. Kim Un Jong

► the metabolism of cells and acts as antioxidant to inhibit the accumu- lation of peroxide, retard aging and prevent cancers. It is because there are nano channels in the cell mem- brane, which allows only fewer- molecular water to come in. In 2003 a foreign scientist proved using a microscopic camera that the cell membrane has channels as small as two nanometers which only fewer-molecular water can

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 29 Korean Piano Prodigies

N MAY LAST THE 24TH INTERNATIONAL Ma Sin A, World-famous Pianist I Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition for Children and Youth was held in Szafarnia, Poland, and the Ma Sin A, 13, is well known not only in her coun- high virtuosity and artistic ability of the piano try but also in the world musical circle. She began to prodigies of the DPRK struck the juries and experts learn piano at the Kyongsang Kindergarten. She with admiration. The foreman of the jury of the com- distinguished herself as piano talent from the outset. petition and piano professors and experts from dif- She got the knack of understanding the musical ferent countries unanimously said that the rendition sense at once when it took others several years, and of the Korean prodigies left deep impression on them, she had unusual musical talent of playing those and that all the DPRK competitors had won the musical pieces which even adults find it hard to play. prizes at the contest. When Ma was seven years old, she was admitted at the central music school of Tchaikovsky

Moscow State Conservatory of Russia, and when she was nine, she appeared on the stage of a concert, a national event held in Moscow in celebration of the 10th founding anniversary of the Moscow international ►

The 24th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition for Children and Youth.

30 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 She sat at it all day long, hitting the keyboard. Her mother thought it a simple fun. When Han was se- lected to enroll at the Kyongsang Kindergarten, all her family was in surprise. Her grandma, carrying her granddaughter’s admission notice with her, boasted of her to other people. Han’s father is an officer of the Korean People’s Army and her mother is an ordinary worker. Her mother says, “When my daughter practised on the piano she used to play the piano far into the night. Whenever she had some difficulties she would shed tears for anxiety. The head of the kindergarten and teacher Hyang Suk said my daughter was good at Ma Sin A. piano, but I wouldn’t believe them. But when I heard ► music hall. Later she participated in international she had registered good records at the recent compe- piano concours, contests and concerts in Kazakhstan, tition (the 24th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Russia and Germany dozens of times, winning a high Competition for Children and Youth) I was awake all praise. When she won the 4th International Franz night. I extended my thanks to our country which Liszt Piano Competition for Young Pianists in Wei- found my daughter’s talent to cultivate.” mar, Germany in 2014, piano professors and experts Han made good records at the abovementioned of Germany, Austria and Finland said in unison that competition, and she was the youngest participant they had trained and seen so many pianists, but none since its inauguration. She, however, overwhelmed of them was as good as young Ma Sin A of the DPRK those who were two, three and even four years older who played piano pieces excellently and skilfully at than her. Her artistic rendition and virtuosity were her young age which require high presentation, and really amazing. Kim Hyang Suk says, “Han is a that she was really fantastic. Ma came first in the recent Chopin piano compe- tition, winning the best performance award of the contest, the best performance award of Chopin’s Mazurka offered by the Gyorgy Ferenczy Founda- tion, Hungary, and other prizes. And she was invited to play at the international piano contest and piano concert in Moscow and Budapest. She not only dem- onstrates her unparalleled talent in piano but also registers excellent performance in all subjects. Now she is studying at Pyongyang Music School No. 1 of Kim Won Gyun University of Music. She says, “Whenever world music experts applaud me calling Ma Sin A of Korea, I feel proud of being Korean. I’ll Han Su Ryo. surely become a wonderful musician who will add to the glory of my country.” cheerful character. She has good kinesthetic sensa- tion and fine musical sensitivity. Her innocent and Han Su Ryo, Promising Pianist cheerful character is evident in her performance. Her forte is to play the piano briskly and skilfully. I am Han Su Ryo learned piano from Merited Teacher sure she will be a world-famous pianist.” Kim Hyang Suk of the Kyongsang Kindergarten Now she is studying at Pyongyang Music School which has produced many music talents. When she No. 1 of Kim Won Gyun University of Music.

was two years old she saw piano for the first time. Rim Ok

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 31 Baby Homes and Orphanages Newly Built

OME TIME AGO A KOREA spected leader visited the baby Let me take the Pyongyang S Today reporter interviewed home and orphanage and looked Baby Home and the Pyongyang Pang In Chol, head of the into every nook and cranny. On Orphanage for example. They Orphans’ School Office, the Min- the New Year’s Day last year he have more than 250 rooms in- istry of Public Health. Excerpts: visited the Pyongyang Baby Home cluding those of nursing, educa- and the Pyongyang Orphanage tion, exercise, intelligent game In recent years in the De- again soon after he delivered his and treatment—each room has mocratic People’s Republic of New Year address. He saw the necessary things for children’s Korea baby homes and or- children’s New Year performance nursing, education and living. As phanages have been newly before having a photo taken with far as the intelligent game room is built or rebuilt one after an- all of them. Later, baby homes and concerned, it has lots of illus- other in a modern way. I want orphanages including those in trated fairy tale books, and hun- to know about it. Wonsan were newly erected across dreds of items for intelligent In our country, the Law on the the country in a short span of games, such as the toy bricks. Nursing and Upbringing of Chil- time. There are outdoor and indoor dren guarantees the work of I hear that baby homes and wading pools and the water tem- bringing up the parentless chil- orphanages have been built in perature of the indoor wading ► dren. Baby homes and orphan- a modern way. ages are built and in operation in all provinces and municipalities at state expenses. In recent years baby homes and orphanages have been newly built or reno- vated radically to improve the living conditions and environ- ment for children’s nursing and teaching. Our respected leader Kim Jong Un on his visit to the Pyongyang Baby Home and the Pyongyang Orphanage in Febru- ary 2014 said that they should bring up the parentless children well as honest and upright people. He proposed to erect new build- ings for the baby home and or- phanage on the beautiful Taedong River. And he gave an instruction that baby homes and orphanages should be built or refashioned in all provinces and municipalities as required by the new era, and took necessary measures. Thus the Pyongyang Baby Home and the Pyongyang Orphanage were built in a little over four months with all conditions provided for children’s nursing, intelligence development and physical train- ing. In October that year our re-

32 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 ► pools is always 33-34℃ all the children’s playground but also the gained a weight of up to 1-1.3 kg year round. Tables and chairs teaching place to make them fol- and grew more than 0.8 cm tall on suitable for children’s physical low the traffic rules and morals. a monthly average. conditions, all sorts of articles of What about the children’s On the occasion of the Inter- furniture and cooking utensils are nursing and upbringing? national Children’s Day this year, provided in the dining rooms and Deep attention is paid to the a number of officials and people in kitchens. There are also the work of building up the staff of every province and municipality medical, surgical and dental the baby homes and orphanages, visited their local baby homes and wards and a barbershop. Chil- and to management of children’s orphanages to congratulate the dren’s favourite fairy tale pictures nutrition and supply of materials. children there. They were deeply were attached to the walls of all First of all, excellent graduates of moved to see the children play living rooms and corridors and relevant colleges and cooks are athletic games and intelligent the spiral staircases. Each com- assigned to the baby homes and games. partment of clothes and shoe orphanages. Foodstuffs including After looking round the Won- wardrobes and every bed has meat, fish and eggs are supplied san Baby Home and the Wonsan pictures of animals like tiger, to the orphans on a preferential Orphanage, the staffs of the for- deer, roe deer and rabbit so that basis, and a system is in operation eign countries’ missions to the the children put their clothes and to supply nutritious foods, fruits, DPRK said: The baby home and shoes in their favourite compart- confectionary, learning things orphanage are really the best in ment and choose the bed with and toys in good time. For exam- the world; only the DPRK’s social- their favourite picture. Outside ple, children at the Baby ist system can take good care of there are a tricycle course and a Home and the Haeju Orphanage the orphans; Korean children are traffic park which are not only the in the happiest and the future of the country is rosy and bright. ‰

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 33 Advancing Bright Future

WAWI-RI, SUAN COUNTY, NORTH cessfully completed the project of 81 blocks of dwell- J Hwanghae Province, used to be famous for buck- ing houses in three months, instead of the expected wheat noodles in the past, but now it is well-known period of one year, modelling their community on the to the whole country as a model socialist community construction design of the Jangchon Vegetable Coop- with amenities of modern life. Chief engineer Kim In erative Farm, Sadong District, Pyongyang, which is Chan of the Jwawiri Cooperative Farm says to the widely known to the country as model farm. The visitors who are surprised to see a modern mountain county administration gave assistance in supplying village as good as an urban one, “We knew we had to materials and manpower. Moving to their new blue- develop ours into an admirable community with our tile-roofed houses with several rooms in which the own efforts.” methane gas is used for cooking and heating, the A small-sized power station which was built by villagers felt proud of their life and work based on their efforts meets the local demand for electricity. In their own efforts. the days of Arduous March in the late 1990s the In April last they finished the project of building villagers started the power station construction pro- 61 blocks of houses and public establishments like ject. At the time, as others did, the biggest problem of the hall of culture and the people’s hospital on the the community was the short supply of electricity. occasion of the Seventh Congress of the WPK. A Earlier, they had been supplied with enough elec- month later the news of their moving into new tricity by the state. Now they made up their mind to houses and inauguration of public establishments build a hydroelectric plant suitable for the local fea- were broadcasted on TV, and the whole country came tures, using the mountains and rivers and completed to know the community. the project on the Wira Stream finally. They recollect Now the farm has a lot of visitors who want to with deep emotion the days of the construction pro- learn from their fighting spirit. The senior official of ject, including a story that they broke the established the farm says, “Happiness is never far away. When idea that the construction project was impossible we develop our workplaces and villages with our without cement and made good use of the raw own hands, we’ll be able to enjoy a happy and materials which are richly found in their place to civilized life earlier.” build a dam. With a confidence that they can do anything Last year they decided to refashion their village when they hold fast to the banner of self- as required by the current century on the occasion of development first, they are making their community the 70th founding anniversary of the Workers’ Party better relying on their efforts, technique and re- of Korea, and rose as one. As they had got well aware sources. of their power through the power station project, they were high-spirited and ambitious. They suc- Kim Yong Un

34 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 Image of My Son

NE DAY OVER 20 YEARS AGO, I RECEIVED O a letter. It was from Pak Yong Chan, identified as a military PO Box. Feeling rather strange I read it. Pak wrote that he was one of my son Myong Jun’s comrades-in-arms, that Myong Jun had been an everybody’s favourite soldier, that he (Yong Chan) had heard from Myong Jun about me and my hus- band and kept respect for us for long, and that he would take care of us on behalf of Myong Jun, my only son who had died at a post of national defence. I felt thankful for his letter. Later one day in late 1996 Yong Chan came to my place, instead of his home town where he had his family and relatives. Now he became our son. He began to work at a library of the State Academy of Sciences, which meant the beginning of his social life. He always suffered the lack of time for work, and Pak Yong Chan and his family. yet he devoted his sincere heart to us. From of old it was said water and love only flow down, but the great heap of firewood and did everything to help me reality since he joined us was that my husband and I live in comfort. I was also very thankful to my were only under his devoted care. neighbours for their warm care, who never failed to A dozen years ago I almost gave up my life after I share special dishes with me. And whenever Yong was diagnosed as having an incurable disease. My Chan visited his parents and brothers in his home- husband had already died and I did not want to be a town, they were anxious to give me whatever assis- burden to any people anymore. But Yong Chan re- tance they could, telling him to take good care of me mained firm and steady. He took me to a number of on behalf of them. Now Yong Chan’s mother often hospitals carrying me on his back and all the while dials me to inquire after my health, calling me Yong asking me if I minded his sweating back. One day he Chan’s mother kindly. Whenever he sees Yong Chan, heard that the gall bladder of some bird was a special a teacher of his alma mater, proud of his old student, cure of my disease. He got it from somewhere and sat advises him to go his way steadfastly without giving up until dawn when the gall bladder was said to have up halfway. Yong Chan’s old secondary schoolmates the greatest effect. Then he took out the gall bladder and comrades-in-arms are also reliable support for for me. And when I felt an appetite, he readily went a him. long way to get something for a special food for me. My son Myong Jun is still alive in my mind, the Such a sincere heart of his became the elixir of image of him saying goodbye to me when he left for my life. In the days of his devoted care for me a good his military post. Talking to him in mind I say, many people around, including his colleagues, came “Myong Jun, I can see you in the image of my dear to know about us. A girl, moved by his laudable Yong Chan and other kind-hearted people. I live in a practice, visited me at my house and told that she grand family. All the people in this country are no would also be my daughter. Soon she married Yong less than blood relations.” Chan. The local officials were first to congratulate Kang Yong Nyo, them on their marriage and brought me tonics and Neighbourhood Unit No.17, necessaries of life on holidays. And when winter was Kwahak-dong No.1, near at hand, young workers of the library brought a Unjong District, Pyongyang

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 35 Corn Pasty

HEN PASSING THE time an idea flashed across her nutritive values at the 21st cook- W Okryu Restaurant situ- mind. Why don’t I make the pasty ing festival held in celebration ated in the picturesque Taedong with cornflour? of the Day of the Sun last April. riverside, I saw a crowded stand. As soon as she returned to the The yellowish corn pasty stuffed When I went up to the stand with cookroom of the restaurant, she with different ingredients such as curiosity, I heard a woman ask made various shapes of dough meat, eggs, mushroom and carrot, the saleswoman for two pieces of with cornflour and fried it. How- which look appetizing and can be corn pasty, which sounded ever, it didn’t work as she wanted. made easily at home, won the top strange to me. I know some foods After repeating it several times, award. made from corn, such as corn she finally found out how to proc- More and more people come to cake, corn pancake, corn jelly, ess cornflour, how to cook it, how the corn pasty stand as the days corn noodle, etc., but the corn to control heat and how to fry. go by. Kim Song Chol who lives in pasty was a strange word. The next day she told her col- Changjon-dong, Central District, At that time Om Song Nam, leagues about her opinion. Every- said, “I often come here. The corn chief of the public catering section one agreed with her to make vari- pasty looks nice. It tastes good of the Okryu Restaurant, who was ous kinds of corn pasty. Thus, and smells pleasant. All my fam- standing in front of the stand, they made some kinds of pasty ily like it and it’s my grandson’s stuffed with chicken, favourite food. He likes the egg- pork and eggs. Kang Un corn pasty best.” Gyong, a fresh cook, Ra Song Ryong, pupil of class made corn pasty gar- 4-4 of the Changjon Primary nished with melon and School in Central District, said, lobster. “Everyday I take corn pasty with Thanks to their ef- my friends on my way to and from forts, their corn pasty school. I’m never tired of it. I like gained favours of the jury chicken-corn pasty best.” and participants for their unique taste and high Pak Un Yong

said, “True to the measure of the State to develop the people’s eat- ing habit, we developed the corn pasty and have offered it to the people. I find everyone likes it very much.” Then he told me a story. One day a few months ago, on her way back home, Paek Kun Sil, cooking workteam leader of the Okryu Restaurant, saw some people eating wheat pasty with relish at a pasty stand. At that

36 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 Short Story His Heart

By Pak Yun

(Continued from the last issue) stopped. he was of an impatient disposition Two years later Rim left for but he was a man of great tenac- HE MILITARY BAND medical college with the books in ity who could gaze at a small T struck up the dirge. Cold his sack which his squad leader amount of medicinal material for snowflakes were falling all over had treasured. three days without any drinking. the post. Rim Sin Hae was stand- No. If the theme of our research ing stunned, his eyes turned to The blow came from nowhere. became known to the academic the photo of his smiling squad Rim was standing absent- world under anyone else’s name leader, in a black frame, set on mindedly, holding a recent medi- and if anyone was interested in it, the altar. cal magazine in his hand. It had that would be an important thing. All of a sudden bitter sorrow been brought by his wife who was That would be what we have to attacked his heart, when he re- a teacher at a secondary school. regard as a happy event. For what membered it was the only photo For over half a year since the am I so anxious? I am small- the deputy squad leader Jon Sang break of his research team he had minded! Rim told himself. Chol had collected by rummaging been buried in his research at the sack and album the previous home after his daily work. He had One late evening Rim was night. no time to turn to newspapers, looking out of the window in his magazines or any other things. flat of two rooms on the fourth Rim had been watching the An essay on the first page of floor of a streetside apartment in valley where the wire entangle- the thin magazine was about the Uiam-dong, which was overlook- ments sprawled, when puppet idea to pioneer a new field of de- ing a trolley bus stop. An old man south Korean troops suddenly had velopment of Koryo medicine on was walking slowly along the opened fire from the rowan grove. the basis of molecular biology. sidewalk strewn with fallen Rim’s squad leader had thrown Apparently it was written with a leaves, followed by a woman himself to shield him with his considerable insight in various without any words. He stopped stout back, before returning fire. angles, and yet the core was just at the bus stop for a moment be- When the shoot-out had lulled the what Rim had conceived. It was fore resuming his walk toward squad leader, laying on the knee almost a copy of his paper in Hyuam-dong. Abruptly he turned of the deputy squad leader, had terms of mode of evolution and responded with a light ges- opened his eyes slowly and looked method, framework, research ture to the woman’s goodbye. up into Rim’s face. Then he had system as well as content. Then he turned his step. Sud- mumbled, “Sin Hae… I intended Probably our department had denly the woman returned to to work hard when I go to medical hastily made public the research herself and ran up to him to hang college. You take my books in theme in favour of us, Rim a bag on his shoulder. Perhaps memory of….” thought. the bag was barely full for it His large teeth had been shin- There was not the writer’s hardly pulled down the shoulder ing in the evening light. Beside name under the title, however. of the man of a small stature. For the squad leader near the trench Rim felt sorry and was afraid to a moment a pang attacked Rim primrose flowers had been scat- see the end of the essay. If he wholesale, as if a dull-bladed tered about, the dried roots turned over another page he knife was piercing his heart. thrown out of the ground. Rim might see the name of the writer A few minutes before the old had felt his heart torn. “Squad at the end of the essay. man had been in Rim’s flat to leader…” Through the days of difficult deliver the data he had collected The squad leader had seemed and protracted scientific research, for decades and, more impor- to be trying to smile to his men. his heart became stiffened like tantly, the Rim’s diaries on ex- But the moment his smile had iron and he became terribly com- periments that Rim had thought been taking shape, his breathing posed. Some people commented had been lost or taken by Choe ►

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 37 ► Jang Su and his group. your asset we have to rise anew. If from the art school already ap- “Oh, you…” blurted Rim, I manage to do it, it is mostly preciated her singing,” the wife holding Kim Chang Sun by his attributable to your effort but explained, her eyes full of hand in surprise. Kim took out little to my effort. Mine’s the tip of warmth. the research data and diaries, his an iceberg.” “Good,” Rim said. Singing and eyes downcast. Kim suddenly raised his eyes; art of speaking… A lovely dream “Well,” Kim said, “I’ve brought it was an uncommon act of his. of the far past had been forgotten. all of them because I was afraid Kim’s eyes were shining brightly. Her cherubic round face turn- the trifling essay might discour- He said, “You did make a proper ing rubicund, Sol Hui sat down on age you. I know… you were so decision. That’s it. I’d be satisfied the floor covering her stout white angry that you were going to burn if only I could help you. You knees with her blue school uni- these papers, weren’t you?” should keep in mind that the fruit form skirt, and began to play the “Mr. Kim,” Rim said, “I was you are going to gather by grow- accordion. The accordion sound greatly discouraged, but thanks to ing the seed is a product of a quite from her still clumsy fingers filled you I’m confident now. I thought I new cutting-edge technology. In the room. Rim closed his eyes. He lost a friend. Now I am relieved the scientific research you should was afraid to listen to his daugh- and encouraged to see you. You not be overawed by any reputa- ter sing a song—God knew why. are an honest man. I am so tion or humanity.” He felt his heart likely to become happy.” It seemed another squad faint. He even dropped his head. Rim cast a lovely glance at the leader was standing in front of Sol Hui began singing a song. packet of research paper which Rim. My daughter, Sol Hui’s voice… Kim had prepared for his whole “Thank you, Mr. Kim.” Rim it sounded smooth, fragile, warm life. said. and sorrowful, almost as if wet “I have paid attention to you,” “But how could you manage with homesickness and sadness. Kim said, “since you were a medi- the task without a research Rim still kept his eyes shut. cal student. Don’t be discouraged. team?” Kim asked. The foggy shore of the Taedong Since we are Koreans, we should “Mr. Kim, there’s something River near Uiam-dong and the develop the medical art in our nobody has been able to take from water of the thawing season came own way. I know you are a man of me. That’s time and my spirit.” across Rim’s mind. Two children will, intelligence and diligence, “Well, you may come to our were playing on the riverside, and I’m sure you will manage to hospital. The Party secretary was launching a paper boat as white achieve it. You’d better listen to newly appointed. He used to be an as the snow around. The small me, a man of nearly seventy. officer and I like him. We talked a boat with a piece of paper as its When you fulfil the task, we Ko- lot. I believe we can work to- sail was unable to take its course reans will be stronger.” gether.” for a while just going around. But “Thanks, Mr. Kim. May I say Rim stood silent. finally it flinched in the wind and one thing?” “There’s one thing I’ve be- began to go down the stream. “Sure.” lieved all my life,” Kim said. “Our Where would it go? Where would “You won’t feel disappointed, society is comprised basically of it bring dreams and wishes? At will you?” good minds. Keep it in your the moment the boy with dishev- “Oh, don’t mention it.” mind.” eled hair was picturing—with his Rim cast his eyes down. At the … eyes shut— a white steamship moment he sensed something Rim’s wife and his second cruising across the ocean. Sud- reaching beneath his ears. It was daughter Sol Hui came into Rim’s denly there came a scream. He his wife’s glance, he knew but room after seeing off Kim. opened his eyes, and saw the girl ignored it. “Listen, my dear,” the wife struggling desperately in the “I… am going to start all over said, “Sol Hui says she’s singing a torrents of water. “Sin Hae, Sin again from the point you have song for you.” Hae!” she was crying for help, finished.” Rim glanced at his daughter holding her blue skirt. She must Kim was silent. with interest. have stepped into the water to “This can’t be helped. You “Her school is going to recom- take the paper boat before have prepared a great asset for mend her for the Pyongyang Art drowning. your whole life. On the basis of School next year. The teachers (To be continued)

38 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 Throw off Shackles of Confrontation

T IS A UNANIMOUS DESIRE Korea are waging a patriotic Korean forces intruded into the I of the entire Korean nation to struggle for reunification dynami- hot spot in the West Sea of Korea put an end to the tragedy of divi- cally, chanting “Meeting brings as many as 250 times from Janu- sion that has lasted over 70 years, reunification!” ary to May. This shows the extent and open up an era of reunifica- But the answer given by the of the south Korean authorities’ tion and prosperity. The idea of south Korean authorities was far- frenzy for confrontation with the confrontation with fellow coun- fetched assertions such as fellow countrymen. trymen, which checks the na- “denuclearization first and dia- In August last they conducted tional unity and reunification, logue next,” “propaganda offen- the Ulji Freedom Guardian exer- should be removed in order to sive devoid of sincerity” and po- cises, an aggressive war drill terminate the tragedy of division. litically-motivated vicious provo- against the DPRK, despite the Though there are different ideolo- cations. And their practical re- condemnation from within and gies and systems in the north and sponse was reckless provocative without, thus aggravating the the south of Korea owing to the firing with the mobilization of tension in the Korean peninsula. national division forced by the military thugs. Going against the Clamouring for “diplomacy for outside forces, it is not a reason DPRK’s call for rejecting foreign pressure on the north” designed to for distrust and confrontation forces and pooling efforts in the stifle it with the backing of the between the two sides of fellow idea of By Our Nation Itself, the outside forces, the ruler of south countrymen. If one pursues hos- south Korean authorities are Korea busied herself about visits tility and confrontation for the kowtowing to the US and kicking to some countries in Africa and reason of different ideology and up an atmosphere of confronta- Americas, begging for their sanc- system, the north and the south tion with the fellow countrymen tions against and pressure on the will never be able to achieve rec- in the north. In mid-May last the DPRK. It is a traitorous act con- onciliation and unity. All-Korean Committee for Imple- trary to the nation’s aspiration to This year, too, the government mentation of June 15 Joint Decla- reunification via reconciliation of the Democratic People’s Re- ration held a meeting of the and unity. Such a policy of con- public of Korea, as it had done chairmen of its north, south and frontation will inevitably invite a earlier, clarified its stand to over- overseas committees. An agree- catastrophic war. come the prevailing catastrophic ment was made on holding a joint Today the inter-Korean rela- situation in the inter-Korean re- national function marking the tionship is at a crossroads of lations through dialogue and ne- anniversary of the June 15 North- whether to open up a road to im- gotiation and took practical South Joint Declaration this year proved relations on the basis of measures to this end. In particu- in Kaesong, and it was made pub- strategic thinking and cold- lar, the DPRK earnestly called on lic. headed judgment on the nation’s the south Korean authorities to The south Korean authorities, destiny and future, or to sustain overcome the current difficulties however, scuttled the event tout- the present disastrous situation. and open up a way to improve the ing for “the change of the venue” So, the DPRK government clari- relations by issuing a joint state- and “the elimination of political fied that it will make proactive ment of the DPRK government, motivation.” In June they com- effort to improve the inter-Korean political parties and organizations mitted serious armed provoca- relations radically and open up a and making a proposal to hold tions against the north and con- broad avenue to independent talks between military authori- ducted frenzied firing drills with reunification through dialogue ties of the north and the south, the US’s occupation force in south and negotiation, instead of con- pursuant to a new line and policy Korea by mobilizing an enormous frontation and war, and is work- of national reunification set forth amount of military equipment. ing sincerely to the end. at the 7th Congress of the Work- Around June 25 (the anniversary The south Korean authorities ers’ Party of Korea. The patriotic of the Korean war started by the are strongly advised to look at the proposals reflecting the idea of By US) they mobilized huge troops reality today and the nation’s Our Nation Itself have elicited and conducted field manoeuvres aspiration squarely and recon- supports among the south Korean in Kangwon Province of south sider their futile policy of con- people and the overseas compa- Korea under the codename of frontation. triots. And various circles of south “Memory of June 25.” The south Kim Hyon Ju

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 39 Lingering Roars

EVENTY YEARS HAVE people of all strata. They held rising with arms mercilessly. S passed since an all-people demonstrations, strikes, school The US needs for uprising erupted in south Korea strikes and mass rallies, before its advanced base and logistics for national salvation against the rising in revolt in a self- base to be used in realizing its US’s colonial enslavement policy sacrificing spirit, attacking the strategy for global hegemony and and its stooges’ treachery to the reactionary ruling organs like as colony for moneymaking. This nation, but the heroic feats of the police stations and county offices is why it puts its hand-raised uprisers remain brilliant in his- and punishing the policemen and stooges in power and strengthens tory. vicious elements. its colonial rule as the real master Although they had been liber- The October Popular Uprising of south Korea. ated from the Japanese imperial- of south Korea demonstrated fully After Korea’s liberation, the ists’ 40-odd-year-long military the south Korean people’s heroic US forcibly dissolved the people’s occupation on August 15, 1945, spirit and might, though it was committees which had been or- the south Korean people were broken by the US and its stooges’ ganized by the general will of the forced to live again in the colonial bloody suppression. Later the south Korean people and set up a slavery due to the US’s occupa- south Korean people put up puppet regime with Syngman tion of the southern half of Korea. struggles uninterruptedly to Rhee, an American stooge, as its The economy was severely dam- bring into reality the October chief executive in August 1948. aged, the people were groaning fighters’ desire. When the regime collapsed as a with poverty and absence of po- In April 1948 the inhabitants result of the April 19 Popular litical rights, and south Korea of waged the anti-US Uprising in 1960, the US insti- turned into a theatre of terror struggle for national salvation gated Park Chung Hee to carry and murder. The pent-up anger of against the “May 10 Separate out the May 16 Military Coup and the south Korean people finally Election” which was pushed by enforced military dictatorship to burst out like an erupting vol- the US to rig up a puppet regime redress and maintain its colonial cano. On October 1, 1946, thou- in south Korea. In May 1980 more rule. In 1979 when Park’s Yushin sands of workers, students and than one million citizens of dictatorship was faced with a other citizens of Taegu staged a Kwangju, South Jolla Province, crisis, the US mercilessly re- protest, shouting “Give us food!” fought bravely with arms in hand, moved Park, who had been an The GIs and armed policemen shaking the US’s colonial rule and American puppet in power for 18 showered bullets on the peaceful its stooges’ fascist dictatorship to years, and made a new military protesters, killing innocent peo- its very foundation. junta headed by Chun Doo Hwan ple. The enraged protesters However, the US still main- through the December 12 mili- launched a fierce struggle, shout- tains its military occupation of tary purge. In June 1987 when a ing such slogans as “Hand the south Korea, keeping it under its popular uprising broke out, power over to the People’s Com- complete control in all aspects of Washington staged a farce of mittee!” and “Enforce democratic social life like politics, the econ- announcing the “June 29 special reforms like north Korea!” and omy, defence and culture and declaration,” replacing Chun with snatched the control of Taegu cracking down on the south Kore- Roh Tae Woo’s junta. City at last. The news on the ans’ anti-US, anti-fascist strug- According to watchdog struggle in Taegu was reported gles for independence and democ- WikiLeaks the US, in the 2007 all across the southern half of racy. In 1980 the US handed over south Korean “presidential” cam- Korea, and the struggle initiated a huge regular armed force and paign, ferreted out through its by the workers’ general strike military equipment to the Chun embassy in private data developed into the all-people re- Doo Hwan fascist clique to put and political inclinations of the sistance involving 2.3 million down the Kwangju Popular Up- candidates, election strategies of ►

40 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 Broken Dream and Shattered Myth

ECENTLY SOME AMERI- Far East, and the core of it was to even a bit, and so its DPRK policy R can experts on the Korean subjugate Korea and the has remained immutable. But the issue gave an assessment that the neighbouring countries so as to persistent pursuance of a hostile range of the US’s choice is de- make the Pacific as the “lake of policy against the DPRK has re- creasing in its policy toward the America.” sulted in bitter failures and shame DPRK. When this was opened to The US militarily occupied alone. Despite desperate at- the public, it drew the focus of south Korea in haste in Septem- tempts, the “theory on possible attention. An international TV ber 1945 and ignited the Korean collapse of Korea in three days, broadcast of Russia, quoting re- war in June 1950 which was an three months or three years,” the marks of US experts on Korea extension of the aggressive Far “soft-landing theory” that Korea carried in an American magazine, East policy of America. It, how- would change when the US stead- reported that the position of the ever, suffered decisive defeat po- ily applied isolation and suffoca- DPRK has further consolidated litically and militarily in the tion, and the “theory on strategic in the international arena in the three-year-long war, and had no patience” that the latter would recent several months, that the other choice but to conclude an surely give up the banner of so- US administration should not armistice agreement. Thus, the cialism if the US waited patiently underestimate the capability of US’s “ABC” war plan to destroy have backfired on the US while Korea, and that if a war breaks the young DPRK in its cradle giving fuel to the Korean people’s out with the country, it will not through the war and, by expand- anti-US sentiment. They brought be confined to the Korean penin- ing it in succession, to dominate about a contrary effect: they pro- sula alone. China and the vast territory of the pelled Korea towards possession former Soviet Union went up in of strong nuclear deterrent that Broken Dream smoke. threats the US. Later, masters of the White This has radically changed the The United States, which had House have changed consecu- asymmetric frame of the DPRK- emerged as leader of imperialism tively, but the US’s ambition of US confrontation, the one be- after fishing in troubled waters in world supremacy to establish tween a non-nuclear state and a the Second World War, put the domination over the whole Korean nuclear state. As a result, the point of its strategy of world su- territory and conquer the Eura- US’s dream of domination of the premacy in Asia, especially in the sian continent has never changed whole Korea and its neighbouring ►

► the ruling and opposition parties At present south Korea is degen- in the general election of the and the flow of the public opinion, erated more thoroughly into a “national assembly” in April last and dispatched dozens of election dark society with no elementary is a punishment by the south experts to Seoul to mastermind democracy and the US’s colony Korean people enraged at the pro-American Lee Myung Bak’s thanks to the notorious Park present south Korean ruler’s anti- election on the spot. During the Geun Hye-presided pro-US con- popular government. 2012 “presidential” campaign in servative forces under the Ameri- The October spirit of 70 years south Korea the US replaced its can wing. This is why mass media ago is alive in the mind of the ambassador to south Korea with a at home and abroad ridicule south south Korean people and the “pro-south Korean” figure and Korea, calling it the US’s “colony shouts of the fighters still echo sent relevant experts and plot- No. 1” and “51st state.” loudly encouraging their struggle makers to put Park Geun Hye, Where there is oppression, for independence and democracy. daughter of the notorious dictator there is resistance. The big loss of Park Chung Hee, in “presidency.” Park Geun Hye’s “Saenuri” Party Kim Hyon Ju

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 41 ► countries was smashed com- agreement without victory, and means, and the DPRK-USA pletely. Now even in the United Marshall, the former US State Agreed Framework on October 21, States the administration’s hos- Secretary, confessed that the 1994, the gist of which bound the tile policy against the DPRK is myth was shattered, that it be- US to provide the DPRK with harshly criticized as “complete came clear to everyone that the light water reactors and interim failure,” “extreme absurdity” and United States was not so strong energy alternatives. “policy inviting misfortunes as others thought, and that it In recent years voices of warn- alone.” suffered heavy defeat in Korea. ing the US about its overconfi- After all, it is clear that the Afterwards, the DPRK-US dence are ringing out loudly not DPRK policy the White House confrontation has been a continu- only in the world but also in the has desperately pursued is noth- ance of the US’s unilateral provo- US itself. In his report on combat ing but a wild dream and a ri- cations and the DPRK’s hard-line capability of the US forces deliv- diculous policy that has hastened countermeasures, resulting in ered at a hearing of the US Con- its own fall. The world public Washington’s consecutive defeat gress Senate military affairs com- opinion comments in unison that and the revelation of its weakness. mittee the US Army Chief of Staff the US is really foolish as it is In 1968 the US armed spy ship confessed that if the US is to go to stubbornly pursuing the wrong Pueblo was captured by the KPA war with military powers such as DPRK strategy. navy while conducting espionage the DPRK, China and Russia, the in the DPRK’s territorial waters. US forces’ combat capability is not Shattered Myth At that time it threatened Korea on a due level, and that in the war by concentrating huge land, sea with the DPRK the US cannot Before the Korean war the and air forces in and around the win. Especially, the DPRK’s American armed forces had been Korean peninsula, but it could not successful launch of surface-to- known as legendary being be- but submit to the DPRK a docu- surface medium and long-range cause they had never been de- ment in which it made a sincere strategic ballistic rockets Hwa- feated in over 110 wars of over- apology for the ship’s act of espio- song-10 and its consecutive public seas aggression they had carried nage and hostility, and offered a demonstration of ultra-modern out. After the start of the Korean sure guarantee that it would as- weapons have aggravated the war the US blatantly talked that sure no violation in the territorial American uneasiness and horror. the officers of the Korean People’s waters of the DPRK. The US, which pretended to be Army “will be frightened” if they In 1993 the US clamoured for the mythical being over 70 years heard the US troop’s arrival at an ad hoc inspection of the DPRK ago, is falling to ruin, suffering the Korean front and that the by the International Atomic En- defeat after defeat in the confron- “north Korean army will take ergy Agency on the plea of tation with the small country of flight when they see the GIs.” “suspicion of Korea’s nuclear de- Korea. Now the world political But the myth of the velopment,” and it began the scientists and experts unani- “mightiness” was smashed in the Team Spirit 93 joint military ex- mously say that the military war. Having suffered severe po- ercise. Coping with this situation, power and influence of the US litical and military blows, the US Korea took hard-line countermea- have remarkably weakened, proposed armistice negotiation to sures like declaration of a semi- which means the coming end of the DPRK a year after the out- war state and withdrawal from time of the unipolar world of break of the war. And on July 27, the Nuclear Non-proliferation America and the start of a multi- 1953 it signed the Korean Armi- Treaty. This made the US come to polar world. The US should know stice Agreement. At that time the table of the DPRK-US talks, that recognition of the present Clark, the then Commander of bringing about the adoptions of reality and revision of its foolish the US forces in the Far East and the joint statement of the DPRK policy toward the DPRK is a good Commander of the “UN forces,” and the US on June 11, 1993 alternative that may help it avoid lamented that he was the first which committed the two sides to the nightmare. United States army commander settlement of the nuclear issue of in history to sign an armistice the Korean peninsula by peaceful Jong Jin Chol

42 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 What Is Japan’s Future Like?

O ONE ELSE WOULD should reflect on its past crimes Today the denial of the past N talk of future so often than and apologize for it is “unilateral.” history of aggression has become a the Japanese, who like to refer to He spat that they could not accept state policy of Japan. Claiming their country as “beautiful coun- it, arguing that the DPRK should that “we cannot leave our younger try” and their future as “rosy fu- denuclearize itself first. generations the fate of having to ture.” The international commu- It is widely known that Ja- apologize continuously,” the Japa- nity, however, is deeply appre- pan’s habitual practice is to swear nese authorities are launching an hensive about the future of this black is white if it accords with its undisguised campaign to instill in insular nation. selfish ambition. The aforemen- children the wrong idea that the Last year the present Japa- tioned facts show that the “future” Japanese imperialists’ war of ag- nese ruler, in his statement on the Japan desires to have lies in real- gression was a “liberation war” occasion of the 70th anniversary of izing its dream of “Greater East and that Japan was not aggressor Japan’s defeat in the Pacific war, Asia Co-prosperity Sphere,” which but “victim.” Together with this, it justified old Japan’s overseas it failed to achieve in the past is talking about its “greater inter- aggression as an unavoidable century. national responsibility” in the option. Worse still, he argued that Last year Japan made an world arena showing off its “what kind of action is to be de- “agreement” with the puppet purse. This is the habit of Japan, a fined as aggression should be left south Korean regime in which the political dwarf, mocking the inter- with historians’ discussion.” This two sides promised to lay aside national community. For this Ja- meant reiteration of his consis- Japan’s crime of sexual slavery pan is naturally an object of con- tent stand he had expressed with Japan’s making a perfunc- tempt derided by the justice- two years before when he said tory “apology” and “offering” a loving mankind. “the definition of aggression re- trifle sum of money for compensa- To Japan the problem of liqui- mains unresolved.” In the final tion. With this Japan claims that dation of the past is a critical one analysis he wants to beautify his it has fulfilled its duty in solving deciding its mode of existence— country’s crime-ridden past as a the past history. It also argues whether it would coexist with the “contribution to peace and pros- that the international community international community as a perity.” including the DPRK should stop normal state or choose the road of In this context, on the absurd pressing it hard. And it finds fault self-destruction while running pretext of the “threat from north with the DPRK, rattling on an amuck obsessed with the ambi- Korea armed with unpredictable issue which has nothing to do with tion of militarization. Experts nuclear weapons,” Japan adopted Japan’s liquidation of the past. It comment that the “beautiful new “Japan-US defence coopera- argues that it will no longer dis- country” advocated by Japan is tion guidelines” and squeezed cuss about liquidation of the past none other than the camouflage justification and military condi- unless the DPRK is denuclearized. for its “Greater East Asia Co- tion for its intervention in the Japan’s underhand intention is to prosperity Sphere” and that the emergency of the Korean penin- avoid liquidation of the past to the “rosy future” is just the outburst sula through the exercise of the last on the pretext of the nuclear of its ambition to become the “right to collective defence.” To issue of the DPRK. But the crimes “leader of the East.” make matters worse, the ultra- committed by Japan against the The way for Japan to exist as a right conservatives’ undisguised Korean nation can never be erased member of the international com- moves to beautify the past crimes or justified in any case. Its past munity is to make an uncondi- and grab other countries’ territory crimes are a stark fact already tional and thorough apology and are a great cause of apprehension confirmed by not only Korea but reparation. The ruling circle of to the international community. the international community as Japan is advised that there is no The Japanese Chief Cabinet Sec- well, and the voices of reflection of future of Japan apart from that retary once claimed that the and apology for them are to be course of action. DPRK’s demand that Japan heard inside Japan, too. Rim Hye Gyong

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 43 Mt. Kumgang (4)

Sea Kumgang

EA KUMGANG HAS A S spectacular scenery as if the unparalleled beauty of Mt. Kumgang moved to the seaside. The wonderful lakescape along the shore, the seascape with whitecaps, strange cliffs and fan- tastic rocks looking as if they were made by skilled hands, islets in the sea showing off their natural beauty, and the birds flying over them—these all make up a great attraction on the shore, adding beauty to the mountain. The area features such sights as Lagoon Samil, Janggundae, Chungsong Pavilion, Kumgang Gate, and Glow over Sea Kumgang. Sagong (boatman) and Chotae (candlestick) rocks. Kumgang associated with a lot of cal scenery of Sea Kumgang has In Sea Kumgang you can also legendary tales, covers a wide very beautiful sights going well enjoy the grand and curious spec- area and boasts of natural beau- with calm lake. It was originally a tacles of Outer Kumgang and the ties including those of peaks, blue small bay whose entrance was scenery of the Nam River flowing sea, seashore, lakes and cliffs. blocked later by a delta in the to the East Sea of Korea. Sea Lagoon Samil which is a typi- Nam River’s estuary expanding to ►

Lagoon Samil.

44 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 ► the sea. Later it came to be filled Sasonjong and Musondae—with Manmulsang, Lagoon Yongnang, with fresh water by filling in the legendary tales. Tansoam con- Hyonjong Rock and other scenic route of sea water and drawing sists of several long rocks. Its spots. the Onjong Stream into the la- name originated from a tale that Fantastic rocks of all shapes goon. It was named Samil (three the letters engraved by spirits which are to be seen in the south- days) after a story that in olden while on their holiday on a rock in ern shore of Suwondan are called times a king went there to have a olden times looked red. Sasonjong Sea Manmulsang as they are as rest for a day but stayed for three is a small flat and long islet with beautiful as Manmulsang in days, fascinated by the wonderful a pavilion on it, which is said to Outer Kumgang. The rocks in- scenery. The lake is encircled by have been built in memory of four clude Sea Kumgang Gate, and 36 peaks like Kukji Peak and spirits who had a rest in Lagoon those called Jwi (mouse), Nuruk hills. The islets in the clear and Samil. Musondae, smaller than (malt), Koyangi (cat), Tongja pacific lake water go well with Sasonjong, looks like a recumbent (boy), Chaek (book) and Sangjwa pine and bamboo woods, looking silkworm. The name came from (seat of honour). In particular, like a beautiful picture. When you the tale that in olden times noteworthy is the Ripsok

Waves of Sea Kumgang. Manmulsang in Sea Kumgang.

see the lagoon from a peak, it spirits enjoyed a pleasant time (standing rock) which has some looks like a lake by the sea, but dancing. In the northwestern old pine trees in its middle when you are on the lagoon you shore of the lagoon is a white part and on its top. Around it are feel as if it was a lake in deep beach before a lawn and a thick seen rocky Sol Islet with a pine mountains. There are picturesque pine wood. wood, Sagong Rock and Chilsong sites including Janggundae, There two rocks of a similar Rock. Chungsong Pavilion and Kobuk size stand against each other with Lagoon Yongnang has a story (turtle) Rock in the Lagoon Samil a wide and flat rock between the that a spirit whose name was area. top of the two rocks—this is the Yongnang had a rest in the lake; The biggest islet in the lagoon Kumgang Gate. The gate is so it is surrounded by beautiful hills. is Wau Islet. It is covered with well-shaped and grand that it Around the half-moon-shaped pine woods, but bamboos are overpowers several other lagoon are a sand beach with pine growing in its eastern shore. Kumgang Gates in the mountain. trees and full-blown sweet briers, Originally it was called Song The lagoon has many kinds of and fantastic rocks such as (pine) Islet for some old pine fishes including carp, silver carp, Tanam and Tanhyol. On a hill by trees. It came to be called Wau whitebait and variegated carp. It the lagoon is a 5-6 metre-tall and Islet because its shape is like a is a people’s recreational resort 4-5 metre-round rock shaped like recumbent cow. with the Tanphung House, pavil- a bell. This is the Hyonjong Rock. To the west of Wau Islet there ions, a suspension bridge and a Sagong and Pae rocks are also to are several small rocky islets— boating ground. be seen nearby. which are called Tansoam, Sea Kumgang also has Sea Mun Il Jin

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 45 Tea Culture of Korea

common people drank tea. At that time the Korean tea culture was on a high level. What kind of teas did the Koreans enjoy? From olden times people enjoyed drinking varie- ties of teas made from different kinds of fruits, roots, leaves and so on that contain a lot of medicinal sub- stances. Insam tea, Kyolmyongja tea and barley tea are typical examples. They were high-grade health drinks made on the basis of deep knowledge about natural ecology and plants gained over the long pe- riod of work. Afterwards, the favourite teas of the people included Japanese apricot tea, grape tea, ginger-orange tea, bean tea and jujube tea. Espe- cially, Ogwa (five fruits) tea, Kyolmyongja tea and Jaksol tea—boiled from sprouts of tea plant—were Jo Hui Sung (first left). the highest-grade teas and they were rarely to be seen in neighbouring countries. OT LONG AGO, A KOREA TODAY Generally, tea clears the head, improves the N reporter talked with Jo Hui Sung, candidate memory and brings mental comfort. If we drink tea academician, professor and doctor at the History regularly for years we can make our hearts strong. Institute, the Academy of Social Sciences about tea Most of the Korean teas contain a lot of medicinal culture of Korea. Excerpts: substances good for heart and stomach, so they are very popular. The tea culture of Korea with time- I think Korean tea culture has a long his- honoured history and tradition is further improving tory. at the moment. Especially Unjong black tea and Certainly. The Korean nation established and Unjong green tea were newly developed under the developed original tea culture from of old. They en- care of the State to be a favourite of the people. In the couraged tea cultivation since the age of the Three future the tea culture will continuously improve as Kingdoms (277 BC–mid-seventh century) and enjoyed tea is not only a table luxury but also a tonic for long drinking tea. The history book, Samguksagi life. ‰ (Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms) has a record about the origin of tea and customs of drinking. At first it was mainly exclusive property of wealthy classes and Buddhist monks. However, it was gradually popularized to the common people. The habit of drinking tea is depicted in a Koguryo tomb mural as well. During the period of Koryo (918–1392) the tea culture further improved. At that time drinking tea was indispensable to the table culture. It was treated as an essential course at state functions. The Koryo people developed tea cups and things for its boiling. Jade green tea cups retaining characteristics of Koryo porcelain were widely used. The taste and fragrance felt while drinking tea in a jade green tea cup were more than pleasant. History documents including Koryosa (History of Koryo) have detailed descriptions about the development of tea culture. In the time of the feudal Joson dynasty the tea culture constantly improved. Joson Ponggonwangjo Sillok (Chronicles of the Feudal Joson Dynasty) reads that not only the royal family but also the

46 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 Pigo

MONG THE KOREAN NATION’S CUL- chine and the load. In the centre of the vehicle were A tural heritage is Pigo (flying vehicle). Seeing installed devices to control wings, a bellows, an air the birds flying in the sky, people often thought how bag to store and send out the air, their control de- to fly like them. Their dream came into reality when vices, as well as four seats for men to operate these a flying vehicle was invented and used for military devices. The side and tail wings were controlled with communications for the first time in the early days of several wires connected to the centre. The vehicle the Imjin Patriotic War (1592–1598) in the late 16th also had wheels under the body so that it could run century. on the ground. As soon as the Japanese aggression forces It could fly from a high peak or the top of a for- attacked Korea by surprise and landed in Pusan, tress. When the gliding began with help of reaction of they encircled and attacked the Jinju Fort in South the wind from the air bag and the wings’ operation, it Kyongsang Province. When the 3 800 Korean sol- could fly safely under control. As it was no more than diers were surrounded by as many as 20 000 Japa- a kind of glider, the principle of its takeoff and land- nese invaders, they flew a vehicle from the top of the ing was the same as an ordinary glider. fort to report to their senior command on the unex- Pigo was the world’s first flying vehicle which pected circumstances. The weather was very fine and carried a man. A similar means was first conceived the air current was helpful, so the vehicle glided from in a European country between 1845 and 1855, but it a high place as far as 12 kilometres carrying a mes- ended up in conception. senger. According to a historical record, an official made a The eagle- or crested ibis-shaped flying vehicle flying machine during the Koryo Dynasty (918–1392) was made of wooden framework covered with leather and was commended by the king. And there goes a to carry some people. The width of the wings was story that shocked by the intrusion of foreign war- tens of square metres each, so that it could have ships, Regent Taewongun during the feudal Joson great soaring capacity to bear the weight of the ma- dynasty (1392–1910) made sure through the prize contest involving all the eight that a weapon was developed, which was a kind of airship based on the principles of Pigo. As the feath- ers of cranes were collected throughout the country to make the airship, cranes were on the verge of extinction. Pigo, the first glider in the world, is a good me- mento of the Korean people’s talent and wisdom.

Jon Yong Il

The imaginary plane plan of Pigo. The imaginary side plan of Pigo.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 47 True Laughing Stock

N EARLY FEBRUARY 1593 must bring it to me immediately. soldiers and other people were all I when Korea was fighting a If anyone disobeys the order or surprised to see human remains war (1592–1598) to repulse the deals with them arbitrarily he of two bodies and swords. Japanese invaders, Kwon Ryul will be executed according to the “Oh my God! They are assas- (1537–1599), superintendent of military law.” sins, aren’t they?” the Jolla provincial force of Ko- His order was passed all over “They must have tried to kill rea, led 2 300 volunteers and gov- the fort immediately. The next our commander.” ernment troops to the Haeng- day when the sun was about to Then all onlookers knew why jusan Fort, 16 kilometres away set, another big box was drifted the Japanese had sent the boxes from Hansong (Seoul at present) down. The soldiers took them out twice. while tightening his grip on the of water and took them to Kwon. All those tricks were played Japanese force stationed in Han- All volunteers, government by Ukkida who had been defeated song. As soon as he arrived at the troops and other people from in- by Kwon in the battle of the Tok- fort he ordered his soldiers to side and outside the fortress san Fort just a year before. Grop- repair the fortress immediately gathered to see what were in the ing for a way to deal with Kwon’s because he knew Ukkida, com- box. When they were waiting for unit in the Haengjusan Fort, he mander of a Japanese unit, would it to be opened, Kwon ordered, finally devised a plan to attack launch an attack soon. Several without coming out of his room, the fortress after they had killed days passed, but there was no to pile firewood in the yard—to the Korean commanders includ- sign of the enemy movement. everybody’s surprise. Some vol- ing Kwon. One morning, some volunteers unteers and soldiers piled fire- “My Lord,” an old man asked went to fetch water from a river wood in the yard, not knowing admiringly. “How could you know by the wall, when they saw two why. Then, Kwon ordered to put the enemy’s trick? You have big boxes drifting down. Finding the box on the firewood and set really passed godlike judgment.” it strange to see the well-wrapped fire to the wood. The subordi- Then, Kwon said, “It’s far and decorated boxes, they brought nates were reluctant to see the from godlike judgment. The them to Kwon Ryul without open- box burn away but they knew foolish Ukkida has made a ing them. Kwon thought hard, they had no other choice but to laughing stock of himself. The sometimes eyeing them carefully put it on the firewood as they first boxes were sent for a bait and sometimes guessing where were told. No sooner had the box and the second for hook. How they were drifted from. Then he been kindled than there came could we be deceived by the fool- ordered to open the boxes. They screams from the box—they ish Ukkida?” were filled with valuable silk sounded like the howling of ani- All people there laughed with fabrics and rare things. Kwon mals. The onlookers looked at one him, saying, “Ukkida is really decided they had been sent down another very surprised and dubi- absurd.” “So his father named by the Japanese in Hansong. He ous. When the box was almost him Ukkida, ha-ha.” (In Korean distributed them to soldiers burnt and fell down Kwon came Ukkida means making a laugh- equally and gave a strict order: “If out into the yard and ordered to ing stock.) you find any boxes again you rummage the heap of ashes. The Kang Chol Jin

48 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2016 Sangwon Hermitage

HE SANGWON HERMIT- in 1794. Later, it was recon- inside it. Clear water gushes out T age, situated in Sangwon structed as a whole in 1906. in all seasons. The building has Valley in Mt. Myohyang, The hermitage consists of the triple brackets on the square pil- Hyangam-ri, Hyangsan County, main hall, Chilsong Pavilion, Pu- lars with a broach roof. Go east- North Phyongan Province, is af- lyu Pavilion and Sansin Pavilion. ward round the Chilsong Pavilion, filiated to the Pohyon Temple in The main hall is composed of ta- and you can see the Ryonggak the mountain. For the three wa- pering pillars with double brack- (the horn of dragon) Rock with terfalls of Ryongyon, Sanju and ets and double-eaves gabled roof, two pine trees growing on it. They Chonsin merging into one stream, and its gorgeous painting goes say the calligraphic writing of the place opens matchless scenery well with the surrounding scen- Sangwonam on the hanging board in Mt. Myohyang. There are no ery. The structural character is was written by Kim Jong Hui who historical records when the her- that an 11-metre-long headrail was a noted calligrapher in the mitage was built. But it is be- extends over the Korean-style first half of the 19th century. lieved to have been built first in veranda without pillar in the mid- The Sangwon Hermitage is the period of Koryo because there dle, thus unfolding an open view. valuable cultural heritage show- are still traces of colour painting Standing to the east of the ing the marvellous architectural peculiar to the Koryo period, and main hall, the Chilsong Pavilion art in the contemporary time. The on the ridge beam is written the is a gable-roofed house, one bay hermitage and its vicinity are message that the hermitage was both in façade and side. And the wonderfully arranged for tourists’ rebuilt in 1580. The monument to Pulyu Pavilion, situated south- recreation and mountaineering. the Sangwon Hermitage says that west of the main hall, is a hex- a major overhaul was carried out agonal building with a spring Choe Chol

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