Chambumo Gyeong - Book 2
Chambumo Gyeong - Book 2. - The Birth of True Parents Chapter 1. True Father's Birth 127 Section 1. Background 127 Section 2. True Father's Lineage 134 Chapter 2. True Mother's Birth 141 Section 1. Background 141 Section 2. True Mother's Family 145 Section 3. Spirit-led Churches 150 Chapter 3. True Father's Childhood and Youth 158 Section 1. Love for Nature 158 Section 2. God's Call 168 Section 3. School Days 172 Section 4. Study in Japan 183 Chapter 4. True Mother's Childhood and Youth 191 Section 1. An Atmosphere of Faith 191 Section 2. Education and Encounter with Father 196 Section 3. Chosen by Heaven 203 Section 4. Trials and Victory 206 Book 2. - The Birth of True Parents Ever since the Fall of the first human ancestors Adam and Eve, God wanted to complete the providence of salvation. He wanted to complete it through Jesus, whom He sent as the Messiah; however, the people of Israel and the religion of Judaism failed to fulfill their responsibility to receive him. Hence, God again sent a Savior to humankind, this time among the Korean people. The True Parents have come with this mission. Because the True Parents came to take charge of God's providence of salvation, their births were events of great significance. Accordingly, many signs accompanied their births. For instance, there was an old tree standing in front of True Father's birthplace. Shortly before he was born a golden bird flew into that tree, sang beautifully, and then left. Also before the birth of True Mother, Hong Soon-ae, True Mother's mother, received a message in a dream, "If you have a son, he will become the king of the universe; if you have a daughter, she will become the queen of the universe." On April 17, 1935, at the age of 16 (by Korean counting), True Father was tearfully praying on a mountainside when Jesus called him to complete the mission of the Messiah.
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