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[email protected] fairs received an inquiry regarding whether to in- late seventeenth century. Here, “Takeshima” clude Ulleungdo and Dokdo into the land register referred to Ulleungdo and “the other island” re- 1 of Shimane Prefecture. In response to this inqui- ferred to Dokdo. Some Japanese scholars argue ry, Japan’s most authoritative government office that “the other island” in this order is not Dokdo. at that time, the State Council (Dajokan), issued However, “The Simplified Map of Isotakeshima” an order which stated, “Concerning the inquiry (Isotakeshima ryakuzu), completed in 1877 and it has long recognized the existence of Dokdo. about Takeshima and the other island, it is to be submitted by Shimane Prefecture to the Ministry understood that this country [Japan] has noth- of Internal Affairs, made it clear that “the other is- Japan’s recognition is confirmed by a variety of written documents and maps, including “The ing to do with them,” based upon the Edo Shogu- land” was Matsushima, that is, Dokdo. (See Ma- Revised Complete Map of Japanese Lands and Roads” (Kaisei Nihon yochi rotei zenzu, 1846), nate’s prohibition of passage to Ulleungdo in the terial 3.) compiled by Nagakubo Sekisui. 1. “ The Revised Complete Map of Japanese Lands and Roads” (Kaisei Nihon yochi rotei zenzu ) (Original edition dated 1779) Japan has long recognized Dokdo as Korean territory. The Japanese government presents “The Re- of Joseon” (Chosen zenzu) which was completed vised Complete Map of Japanese Lands and in 1876 and published by the Advisory Bureau of Roads” as proof for its claim that Japan has long the Japanese Army, places the two islands within recognized Dokdo as Japanese territory.