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v o l . XXXII McPh e r s o n c o l l e g e , McPh e r s o n, Kansas , fr i d a y , m a r c h 4, 1949 NO. 2 1 Peters Resigns, Effective July 1950 President Has Served Mac Many Enroll For Players Club Hold New Second Annual Workshop Participation Meetings First Aid Course Beginning a series of meetings College For Eight Years in which the entire club takes part, On Recreation, March 4-6 Fifty-five Mac students, twenty President W. W. Peters announced on Wednesday, the Players Club watched the evo Bob Tully, prominent youth leader, will be one of or more outside high school teach March 2, that he would not be a candidate for re-election lution of the theater from Will to the college presidency after July 1, 1950. the many youth leaders who will appear on the program ers, and five Central College teach Shakespeare to the present age. ers will comprise the student body President Peters came to McPherson College as presi of the Recreational Workshop, which is to be held in the portrayed by club members in of the new night course in First their meeting held on Monday eve dent in 1941. He had previously taught at the Brethren church parlors on March 4, 5, and 6. Aid, which the college will offer ning, February 28. College. Manchester, North Manchester, Ind. Sponsored by the McPherson College Recreational beginning March 7 and lasting un The forsaken drunkard was por til March 26. Council, courses in music, folk games, leathercraft, and trayed by Mr. Lloyd Haag, assist The First Aid course-will con ed by Mr. Albert Guyer. A ladies Cast For Play plastics will be offered. sist of thirty hours of classroom barber shop quartet sang "Sweet For the second consecutive year work and will be completed in Adeline." and “ Down By The Old ‘Blythe Spirit’ a recreation workshop will be con three weeks. The course will be Mill Stream." The quartet was ducted at McPherson College. Haag And Moyer under the direction of Mr. Roy E. composed of the Misses Jeane Has Been Selected Kneip. of Ft. Worth. Mr. Kneip is Baldwin, Alice Long, Eula Broyl March 4-6. Beginning at five "Blythe Spirit," a three-act farce a National Red Cross representa es, and Helen Stover. o'clock Friday evening, the work To Represent Mac by Noel Coward will be given in tive. Teaching wives and sweethearts shop will continue until Sunday the Little Theater, Sharp Hall evening. At State Meets Materials for the class, such as now to drive the new mechanical wagons was portrayed by Mr. on April 4, 5, 6, and 7. It is under This workshop will offer a splints, bandages, and stretchers the direction of Mrs. George Noyes streamlined course in wholesome Sunday, Feb. 27, and Monday, wll be provided by the National Harry Knapp and Mr. Max Mc- Feb. 28, found orators battling Auley. The Impressions of Mr. dramatic coach. recreation for church and com Red Cross. The new book that will The McPherson College Player against each other in the fields of Laurence Olivier was given by Mr. munity life and will provide fun be used is now available in the will be the producers and wil Prohibition and Anti-Tobacco. Harold McNamee. and fellowship. college book store and can be pur dedicate the play to Miss Della Lloyd Haag took top honors in The next participation meet chased for 60c. The class is worth Lehman, in appreciation of he Each person will have an op the Prohibition contest and Har ing will be held on March 28, at two hours of college credit. continued interest and contribu portunity to participate in both a old Moyer took the honors in the 7:30. According to the Dean's office tions to the drama of McPherson crafts and a recreation class. Var Anti-Tobacco contest. ious classes and their leaders will the course will not be a snap course During the business meeting the College. be: finger painting, Hazel Heisey; Mr. Haag received $7 in prize and Dean Warren advises all those dates for "Blythe Spirit." were set The play concerns the calamit; plastics. Charles Bell; woodcarv money when his oration and de interested in a snap course, to for April 4, 5, 6, and 7. Casting that befalls one Charles Conso ing, Jesse Holloway; leathercraft, livery was j udged superior last withdraw if enrolled. Other infor was started on Tuesday, March 1. mine novelist, who inadvertently Milton Dell; women's arts, Miri Sunday evening. Mr. Haag’s ora mation will be released soon. recalls to his home the spirit of am Dell; individual sports, Dick tion was entitled "Why Kansas World Day Of Prayer his first wife, at the very time tha W. W. Peters Wareham: music, Don Frederick; Should Remain Dry." However he is happily married to his second Following is the statement read folk games, Bob Tully; and other when Mr. Haag journeys to Staf Ballad Recitalist Observed By Churches wife. to the student body. March 2, con activities, Jim Elrod and DeWitt ford for the state contest, his ora Today is the annual World Day It is only through the help of cerning the resignation of Dr. of Prayer. Services were held this Peters. Miller. tion will be re-entitled "Pervert In College Chapel a medium that he manages to ov ed Propaganda." morning at the Methodist Church- ercome this calamity. "After careful consideration, I Group discussions will cover Earl Spicer, a baritone recital here in McPherson at 10 this morn am hereby announcing that I will such topics as "Folk Games In our Others placing and winning $5, Madame Arcati, the medium ist of American ballads, will ap- ing. helps Mr. Consomine reach a sat not be a candidate for re-election Modern World," "The Place of $2 and $1 respectively were Les pear in a special chapel assembly This afternoon at 1:30. Rev. isfactory, if somewhat surprising, so the position of President of Worship in Recreation,” "Recrea ter Messamer, "Why Not One." March 18. Donely of the Free Methodist solution to his problem. McPherson College after the ex tional Opportunities in Brethren Gerald Neher. “ Is Liquor Legal,'' Mr. Spicer has been noted as a Church, will deliver the major ad The cast as selected this week piration of my present contract on Service," "Recreation and the and Kenenth McMurray, "L iquors Ace Salesman." person having a beautiful voice dress. Rev. DeWitt L. Miller will by a tryout committee will be Char July 1, 1950. Signed W . W. Peters. Church." have charge of the prayer. Mrs. Dr. Peters has served McPher Judges for the contest were and au art of showmanship. He les Consomine, Harry Knapp and Around twenty-five college stu Chick Smith is general chairman son College for eight years, being Miss Lehman, Prof. Bechtel, and has sung for the English nobility LeRoy Doty; Ruth Consomine, dents in addition to the Recrea and the governor-general of Can of the World Day of Prayer with appointed to the position in 1941. Dr. Heisey. Kathleen Baerg and Esther Moh- tional Council will be able to at ada, and has presented a recital at Mrs. C. C. Brown presiding at the ler; Madame Arcoti, Della Leh Dr. Peters previously had taught Anti-Tobacco Contest tend the workshop. Anyone who the White House. meetings today. man; Dr. Bradman, Vancil Dona at- Manchester College, North. is interested may contact Bob Four speakers were entered in He began his musical career by All of the McPherson churches hoo; Mrs. Bradman, Alice Long; Manchester, Indiana. Keim, chairman; or Donna Bow the Anti-Tobacco oratorical con singing in the church choir in are taking part in the meetings Edith, Donna Johnson, Elvyra, the man, secretory. test. They were Donovan Speak Evangeline, Canada, where he was and each will be represented in a Blythe Spirit has not been cast. Registration fee will be $6 to er. "One Barb O f Life. Charles born. personal way. Subject of the day is LeRoy Doty will act as the stu Movie Line Party cover meals and other expenses. Hess, "The Destroyer," Harold He studied music in London and "The Lord Is Thy Keeper." dent director. All those participating, including Moyer. "The Tobacco Problem." New York, but he has been quoted This afternoon after the main At Manor Tonight and Nancy Carter, "Success or meeting Mr. Carl Casey will broad- college students, will eat all six us saying. "I was trained to sing Model U. N. Again Slated "Chicken Every Sunday" will be meals at the church. Failure " operatic arias, but I'd rather sing ast over the radio station on be- half of the World Day of Prayer. the movie shown tonight at the Miss Carter and Mr. Moyer tied Frankie and Johnny.’ " For McPherson College Manor Theater. Students buying Roland Brown On for first place but Mr. Moyer out The second annual model Unit tickets between 6:35 and 6:40 will ranked his opponent with speaker College CBYF To Take Krehbiel Recital ed Nations, which is to be held be admitted for 41c instead of the ratings, thus giving him the privi- on the McPherson College Cam College Campus Offering For Needy Folk regular admission price. lege of representing the college March 13, Chapel pus, will be on April 12, accord Arrangements have been made at the state contest at Central Col The local college CBYF group ing to the official school calendar. Mr. Roland Brown, former pas with the management of the thea lege on March 11.