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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection TEN A tD c RE Published Every Other Thursday Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., OCTOBER 25, 1928 No. 13 Expert to Open ...A:le·zu Johnston BUSINESS MEN Tenth Registration LEWISTON AVE. OPENS SATURDAY; . ,~,, ~~~ ~~'?: .,o~~,!:.u~~w iston Next fVeek RE-ORGANIZING Totals Over 16,000 ENDS LONG PERIOD OF ECLIPSE 1-tcgislration ftgtll·cs, t'l'n·n'tl~ .rhi~,·etnent of the 11. ,\.Johnston published showed that the T<•11th Aftc1· fl Ion~! period of fl lmost total cclipst>, fJc\\'iston an- '"lc 11 Hak,·rics is c:xpcctcd to he DEWEY ASS'N \\'ani made a gain of lll':trly 111H' is now prepal'ing itscl£ to ~ome huck into its 0\\'11 'l'hc first q c~ to the.. public Saturday of next 1\L·organization of the l lc wc:y 3.000 yotcrs as compart•d to the '' ck, "h<·n till' tntiqucl) dct•oratcd, cn<'OIIraging word was the statement this \\'cck h~ ,J. (', Hoach of • \ \'l'llllc llusim:~~ :\len's Association ligurc:s fnr 192·1. In 1924, the: ( a 11 f'l!a type haktr) on Lewiston Hom~h-'J'lto111pson, contractors la~·i11g the Rtrcct paYI'IllCltt, that aud the cxtcusion oi the member last prcsiclcutial ) l'ar, thn•· \\ :ts a ·m i scheduled to b,· completed. 'hip ~cope to the entire length of total rcgi,tration oi 13,GOO, the avenue will be open from one end to the other ::.atunlay of s1gned h) l1 rtman, architect, th, avenue were the principal ac- whcrca' this ~car '' ith interest this week for through traffic. I \\ [ I )ding IS CO]Il((J direct compli,hmen ts of a ~roup of bu-1- in the national election at a high The use of quick-drying cemwt the st) l of building \\ hich is 1nc.s men \\ ho gathered on October 1 itch 16,527 qualifie,l. has already enabled the contractors 1 tl. r " 1 •he Pacific coast It pro Ia at the H ..ll Sairs and Service The two hca,icst di,tricts of to throw oven Le'' ist011 from Dewc) REPUBLICAN WOMEN ' 'de, a Jar~~. roomy, s nitary bak Ear: llaync> of Bauman & the \\ard were the lOth and 21st. a\ enuc to Lake avenue and now the rc all of John- Ba) ncs wa< named a. new head of Both were classified among the complete re-c.~taltlishment or the HOLD HOOVER PARTY tht· organization to succeed John 'argest distracts oi the city, thorough fare awaits only the. finish- Tenth \\ rd Re1 ubhc:l't \Vornc.n ,tore on Le\\ is ton avenue. ing touches o<t the road ncar th<' ''ere hosts to Lout 150 gue<ts last Schmankc, rctirll'g president. registering be'\\ cc !l 800 and 1,1l00. a c h 1ld1ng I a~ be n erected at the O•hcr• officers elected include J o- railroad tracks. The final streches week in a "Hoover" party. Address r of {..ood\\ all tr ct on the of curbing are being laid on the. e wen. delivered by Judge Frcd'k cr h Ht.rtzh rg of CrO\\ n ~en 1cc - tht !3(1 )ear ole. GJa,s home Station as 'ic<·J re,idcnt, l{ 'en north side of the street and two ten-, L !lutcher and ( harlc< E. Bast\\ 1ck td " 1kh "as purchased and UNDERWORLD PICTURE II all, ~ecretar), and John Goodmore. feet strips of cOJ.crctc arc recci\·_ and the guc~t• took p~rt in singing <I la~t 'e 1r. Tl'c ~tore in me- tre.1sure.• \n executive committee oi ing finishing touches, to allow traf- HoO\er campa.gn < '~ s lead by 1<1 at th<. c">rner will he occu- AT THE RIVIERA FRI. lh c, proposed to aid the. work in the fie to r>wvc hoth ways. \\'ork on th~ Robert Shurtz of Birr street. 1 h) Jr) 1n ton's. Schader Bro :\lore •han 1,000 film "(Xtras" were south sick wil be rushed through to ThC' l{qllllllic:..n's \\omen's com- \arious s(ctions, \\:tS named and '(1 ;, " II est L>Ji,h ano•h~r high vrne used in the Ptoh scenes of the earliest posihle completion. millet: were allirecl in Hoover aprons includes, tl)de ~!arlin, H. F. Doell, rarle meat and VL'getahlc market Thomas :\!cighan's la1t ~t starring The work of htying the concrete and hcn<l bands aPcl :nlcr serdng H. A. JOHNSTON Jac·oh 1-tenm r, John SC'lunanke and m tile rem"iu•ng two stores, the ~ ·hide, cntitkcl ''The Racket," sen- was slartccl by the contractors their guC',ts a light luncheon, prc. onL' othct' to ],~ named from the 011 IL day hake ry opens. an·nul'. 1\t that time the lower en<! melodrama of tht und•··· July '!I and days were allowed scntccl them with a "Hoover full ,a, Sl'l'tion of Lcwi,ton and Dewey. ~ational 100 ot" the Tenth \\'ani was sparsdy set Tn the "inchm of the JI{'W ~tore The first ofiicial act of the n for its completion. Since starting clinner paiL" J\ dc•monstration of tled and the young groccrymnn, do org.11tized bod) was to hear a rep• r. the work, Roach-Thompson has hcu1 thr• ,·oting machine and its opera ing Ins own delh·cring, could wah·h nf the trrasurrr and to vote that subject to many unavoidable ddays, tion for the hcncfit of new voters his store ior customer-; while m ,J-. all money be placed under the ac hut ha,·c \\'Oil the praises oi Lewis- \\as also given. In connection with :1,g dcli\'eric~ as far away as Lakt ton merchants bv holding to sched- •he dt monstratiol', it was announced .count of the rc organized associa \ icw Park. He obscn es that •t ule n> well as ·hy the manner in /that the machine wil be at the Re tion. Plans "ere discussed for a unifort'1 d corati,m scheme and abo which they have worked. A letter of publican headquarters at 333 Driv appreciation to Roach-Thompson to !'ark :l\'enue until Elcc•ion Day, for a sperial featur for Christmas in~; '>e found in another column of this and that any Tenth \Varder desiring "hich \\ere rcierrcd to a committee. paper, exprc-se, the fceFngs of the instmction in operation will be (or a n port at the next meet in!! it~ Th comn ittc includes Georg husinc,s men. "clcome Roger' , J lm Schmankc, A. J. Tuck Nine Inches Thick son, cored--------------------- the only goal of the game C", C.t o. llaun an and }.I at Barry. Approxi!''latc'y ;;, -oo ieet of con in the second quart r. \ lrh for mem crship wa~ abo crl.le at a "idth of 40 •ect wil: make This 'ictor) placed Jd'ferson at maugnratc 1, a sa all annual 'ee wa~ ({'c;ntir ued on Pag~ :') ti-t top of the league. \\ ith its ncar s t and i• \\as decided to giYe each c. t rh I \\'ashinglo1 , 3 points be t. r a c rtificate to iJ display d Jefferson Junior :rir C: thl!l". a a r l'Ord of n l £>: rson set .,ack T ch Hr):!h Fri- High Ne'\vs a 1 rl o for the next rncctin~ has Jefferson Junior High soccer team ferson's go· I \\as scor ·d in the final been set for Tuesday, November 13 The moh scenes, whtch also rc> defeated \Vashington Junior' l01st quarter of the game when Pilarascia How en r, \f r. Johnston ll<l' it'ctl a All on Wheels The gathcrin~; will be in the iorm o; nired the services o HJl\\.,rds oi wc.:k at Edgerton playground, l to from Jeffcr~on scored the only coun gro\\ ing demand ior a finl' baker~ ( )ut in the baker) ,., cr) thing cx a bowling party at the Rochester I~ ?O techniciaT_JS, iu:ludinf< . c lcctri 0. Captain Rowland, from Jdfcr- ter of the game. and from the experience which IH' n pt the giant O\'l'll, wh ich inciclcnt Tun \'.;rein llall on ll:orth Clinton c;rans and <hrcctonal stall, were h:td acquired sensed the iacl that the al') is c; oablc n: turning out 4,000 ,I rcct. ~among the largest and mo~t cxcitiug l>akery husincss was more readily Jo~ n s of bread per day, has been m·er· screened. atla!Jtablc to the cash and carr~ <) s pi ccd on whcrls. The bakery 1s "The Racket," acclaimctl the !'lost tem and was therefore More desire_ quirped with the most up to.datc laYish and spectacular underworld able from a business point or \'iC\\ Bauman and Baynes ll'ach ncr) nd has hccn laid out in thriller ever filmed, is Thomas ::\Icig As a result in 1914 he solll out hi~ -uch a \\ay that its capacity will be ban's latest starring YChicle, and is .grocc~ business and rented the room fi' e tunco; that of the old shop on Features Basy Bread said to be his grcatc~t picture. for his fir,t bakery in the Schulz he or posit corner, now to be dis- A demon tration of llasy Breatl. In "The Racket" :.\[eighan is prc huilding at ~~ Dewey a\ enue, "hich C< ntmucd. ,\ receiving room, ship latest rcduc•1 g means, is scheduled ~:ented in the colorful role oi a Met WATCH he still maintains.