Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection TEN A tD c RE Published Every Other Thursday

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., OCTOBER 25, 1928 No. 13 Expert to Open ...A:le·zu Johnston BUSINESS MEN Tenth Registration LEWISTON AVE. OPENS SATURDAY; . ,~,, ~~~ ~~'?: .,o~~,!:.u~~w iston Next fVeek RE-ORGANIZING Totals Over 16,000 ENDS LONG PERIOD OF ECLIPSE 1-tcgislration ftgtll·cs, t'l'n·n'tl~ .rhi~,·etnent of the 11. ,\.Johnston published showed that the T<•11th Aftc1· fl Ion~! period of fl lmost total cclipst>, fJc\\'iston an- '"lc 11 Hak,·rics is c:xpcctcd to he DEWEY ASS'N \\'ani made a gain of lll':trly 111H' is now prepal'ing itscl£ to ~ome huck into its 0\\'11 'l'hc first q c~ to the.. public Saturday of next 1\L·organization of the l lc wc:y 3.000 yotcrs as compart•d to the '' ck, "h<·n till' tntiqucl) dct•oratcd, cn<'OIIraging word was the statement this \\'cck h~ ,J. (', Hoach of • \ \'l'llllc llusim:~~ :\len's Association ligurc:s fnr 192·1. In 1924, the: ( a 11 f'l!a type haktr) on Lewiston Hom~h-'J'lto111pson, contractors la~·i11g the Rtrcct paYI'IllCltt, that aud the cxtcusion oi the member­ last prcsiclcutial ) l'ar, thn•· \\ :ts a ·m i scheduled to b,· completed. 'hip ~cope to the entire length of total rcgi,tration oi 13,GOO, the avenue will be open from one end to the other ::.atunlay of s1gned h) l1 rtman, architect, th, avenue were the principal ac- whcrca' this ~car '' ith interest this week for through traffic. I \\ [ I )ding IS CO]Il((J direct compli,hmen ts of a ~roup of bu-1- in the national election at a high The use of quick-drying cemwt the st) l of building \\ hich is 1nc.s men \\ ho gathered on October 1 itch 16,527 qualifie,l. has already enabled the contractors 1 tl. r " 1 •he Pacific coast It pro­ Ia at the H ..ll Sairs and Service The two hca,icst di,tricts of to throw oven Le'' ist011 from Dewc) REPUBLICAN WOMEN ' 'de, a Jar~~. roomy, s nitary bak­ Ear: llaync> of Bauman & the \\ard were the lOth and 21st. a\ enuc to Lake avenue and now the rc all of John- Ba) ncs wa< named a. new head of Both were classified among the complete re-c.~taltlishment or the HOLD HOOVER PARTY tht· organization to succeed John 'argest distracts oi the city, thorough fare awaits only the. finish- Tenth \\ rd Re1 ubhc:l't \Vornc.n ,tore on Le\\ is ton avenue. ing touches orner will he occu- AT THE RIVIERA FRI. lh c, proposed to aid the. work in the fie to r>wvc hoth ways. \\'ork on th~ Robert Shurtz of Birr street. 1 h) Jr) 1n ton's. Schader Bro­ :\lore •han 1,000 film "(Xtras" were south sick wil be rushed through to ThC' l{qllllllic:..n's \\omen's com- \arious s(ctions, \\:tS named and '(1 ;, " II est L>Ji,h ano•h~r high vrne used in the Ptoh scenes of the earliest posihle completion. millet: were allirecl in Hoover aprons includes, tl)de ~!arlin, H. F. Doell, rarle meat and VL'getahlc market Thomas :\!cighan's la1t ~t starring The work of htying the concrete and hcn well as ·hy the manner in /that the machine wil be at the Re­ tion. Plans "ere discussed for a unifort'1 d corati,m scheme and abo which they have worked. A letter of publican headquarters at 333 Driv­ appreciation to Roach-Thompson to !'ark :l\'enue until Elcc•ion Day, for a sperial featur for Christmas in~; '>e found in another column of this and that any Tenth \Varder desiring "hich \\ere rcierrcd to a committee. paper, exprc-se, the fceFngs of the instmction in operation will be (or a n port at the next meet in!! it~ Th comn ittc includes Georg husinc,s men. "clcome Roger' , J lm Schmankc, A. J. Tuck­ Nine Inches Thick son, cored------the only goal of the game C", C.t o. llaun an and }.I at Barry. Approxi!''latc'y ;;, -oo ieet of con­ in the second quart r. \ lrh for mem crship wa~ abo crl.le at a "idth of 40 •ect wil: make This 'ictor) placed Jd'ferson at maugnratc 1, a sa all annual 'ee wa~ ({'c;ntir ued on Pag~ :') ti-t top of the league. \\ ith its ncar­ s t and i• \\as decided to giYe each c. t rh I \\'ashinglo1 , 3 points be­ t. r a c rtificate to iJ display d Jefferson Junior :rir C: thl!l". a a r l'Ord of n l £>: rson set .,ack T ch Hr):!h Fri- High Ne'\vs a 1 rl o for the next rncctin~ has Jefferson Junior High soccer team ferson's go· I \\as scor ·d in the final been set for Tuesday, November 13 The moh scenes, whtch also rc>­ defeated \Vashington Junior' l01st quarter of the game when Pilarascia How en r, \f r. Johnston llakery husincss was more readily Jo~ n s of bread per day, has been m·er· screened. atla!Jtablc to the cash and carr~ <) s­ pi ccd on whcrls. The bakery 1s "The Racket," acclaimctl the !'lost tem and was therefore More desire_ quirped with the most up to.datc laYish and spectacular underworld able from a business point or \'iC\\ Bauman and Baynes ll'ach ncr) nd has hccn laid out in thriller ever filmed, is Thomas ::\Icig­ As a result in 1914 he solll out hi~ -uch a \\ay that its capacity will be ban's latest starring YChicle, and is .grocc~ business and rented the room fi' e tunco; that of the old shop on Features Basy Bread said to be his grcatc~t picture. for his fir,t bakery in the Schulz he or posit corner, now to be dis- A demon tration of llasy Breatl. In "The Racket" :.\[eighan is prc­ huilding at ~~ Dewey a\ enue, "hich C< ntmucd. ,\ receiving room, ship­ latest rcduc•1 g means, is scheduled ~:ented in the colorful role oi a Met­ WATCH he still maintains. At the out>ct, he in~ room, and garage have been for tonrorro\\ and Saturday. Oct. t:opolitan police captain. In the set up his oven in the rear oi the ro\ id d iy way greatest picture, and the finest for '>akeri~' \\hich now bear his name. Democratic Women tc. regain normal wei~ht and tha~ screen characterization in ycars. 1 rom a11 extremely moclest begi!l­ thousands have pro,·ed its efficacy. 'This is just the story, and the t.} 1 c of role I had been searching for." uinrr, ~[ r. Johnston, constantly :td­ In Card Party Fri. It ,< said to be made entirely with- According to the popular star, he ANNOUNCEMENT henng to a high standard seldom 01'' fat, lard, butter, milk, sugar or The \\'omen's Democratic Club of l~as waited nearly a year for tiH' surpa ,sed h) any mt rchant, nc,~ r 10lasscs and is guaranteed to con­ the Tenth \\'ard will hold a card proper \'Chicle, an

BASV BREAD DEMONSTRATION TOMORROW AND SATURDAY OCT. 26 AND 27 COME IN AND TASTE IT! KLEEN BAKERIES Glenwood 1182-1183-1184 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe• County Page2 Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, Collection N.Y., OCTOBER 25, 1928 Tenth Ward Courieir TENTH WARD COURIER PERSONALS North Presbyterian Bob O'I•arrc ,J ·r for 1e '\ ·w F. R. METZINGER, Editor and Publisher Church York Giants, accompanied by :\Irs. -\ strie' o£ tour opics on prac­ 517 Lyell Avenue O'Farrell, \\as a n·cent guest oi l\lr. tical prc,,·nt da) 1 roblcms oi .\men­ Glenwood 2585 and ~ rs. l~d\1 ard D. :\!anhall of l~idgc\\ :I) • \\ c can hfc ha\e been arranged as the Down town office, 25 South Water St.-Main 5412 program for the four \\'ednesda) :\Ir. and ~Irs. 1\lbert L. Cook oi e\ ening-, beginning Octohcr 31st. TOMO RROW-SATURDA Y . OCT. 26-27 Xews matter mu,t be 1n the hands oi the editor not later than the \ ur)larrd stn·ct Si crrt the week-end 1'he first • tit•' ,ert'es \\'rll IJC llonday preceding date of issue. - 111 ~ - "JJ 0Jr'~ d-rtirrg at \\oicott. THOMAS MEIGH AN tics and American Lite," \\hen ~lr. In the Picture that Stood 'Em up for 0.\VIJ a JIIHJ P,_IHTIHG CO .. INC:, , 2S SOUTH WAUl $lltE£T \\"illiam ~lacF.ulanc \\ill h..: the Barb:u:t S. Littkjohn, Betty Hunt Eight Straight Months in New York and IIC'l~n Shaughnessy were week­ :ricc o{ the supper is fort\· n·nto;. ~I r. allll ~Irs. Fred l'alscr ;~nd X orth Church is a neighborhood BEERY AND HATTON farl'ii) of llay :\1 cnUl'. rno\'cd yes dlllrch and those who lin· ncar will t< rday to Lincoln, .:'\ ebraska. he especially welcome .11 the" \\'.•d BIG K ILLING" ncsday .:\' ight suppers anrl prog-ram' Oatlle Kelley \ sc\ en • ru.: c:1e il'llf pound baby Rcsen·ations for the supper· may ho) 11 as re<:cntl) \lorn to ~rr·. and made h) telephoning to the church STORE FOR MEN \Irs. Lester ~loc rnt, formerly of otticc Glenwood 921, not later than l l.r) a\ cnuc. Tue.:day of each "t.'ck. ,.c~Jler~ Monarch Paint Prices Lower KEEGAN'S SERVICE wer resumed at X orth Church on REPAIRING ON WALL PAPER - PAINTS 1457 LAKE AVE. Riviera Theatre Bldg. ~[r anJ ~[rs. Frederick S :Miller ~unda~ E1ening, Oct. 21st, at \\hich GENERATORS PAINTING - PAPER HANGING f Lake \1 rnu", '' ho arc on an time a stcrioptice>:'l lecture ... n thl.l BATTERIES STARTERS xten~h c motor trip, arc spending work of the Prec ser'\e and a hearty welcome awaits an) T/1/:: JJL',...,T J.Y FJ.Oil'JWS 11' .lU, 'l'f.l!D,..., Burke Terrace 11erc in town la~t who may come. ~o ticket-; ha\'e week to allcntl the wedding of their 1been issued; an admission of twenty !8-52 LAKE AVE. Open Evenings Main 1986 si~ter, :\! rs. Timotl11 Keenan. the cents ior adults and ten cent- for -ALSO - frmner ).!iss Catirerine Dw' .:r, 'children will be charged at the door. Thursday. They have returned- to The committee in charge is Mrs. L. their respective colleges, Robert to B. Dodge, Mrs. \\'. G. \\'att~ and RENNER AND HENRY APEX SHAMROCK Hanard Law School in Cambridge, -:\lr~. J. H. Hudson. and Thoma' to Holy Cros~ College I PLUMBI NG AND HEATING ~ Ill \\'orcester, ~[as'. CLEVELAND-CARROLL ROOFING, GUTTERS, FURNACE WORK MOHAWK Mr. Edgar C Truesrlale, :\[iss: ThC; rrarriJge oi ~ · Rr ') Car- GLEN. 592 1312 DEWEY AVE. ~!ary Truerid<: and ~~ r. and ~~ r-. .f. 0. Ledlie and PHONE- GLENWOOD 3961 hridy the funcr- " 6 5'S" A ND "75'S" . Lme You Tmh'." al of ~~ rs. l•lorc·JrCl' :\ ota·r, \\hose Th t . I · · · · l>urial took place Tm·sday of th.15 e >rr< e wore II Dr) satm With u LATEST STYLES IN • tulle veil held in place h) u coronet \\'elk. READY TO MAKE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LADIES' HAIR CUTS by Unique Beauty Parlor 1oi oran~e hl0ssoms. Shr c:~rricorgette and HALL'S SALES & SERVICE carried pink rose~. The best m·m in the Educational Building oi the church. ).Irs. Ho\\anl ).faurinu< is "a' Xe\lton \\ard, cousin of the 1850 DEWEY (near Lewiston) GLEN. 5095 hricle::;raom. genl ral chairman. THE WRIGHT BEAUTY SHOP -\ircr the ceremony, a wedding 1385 Lake Ave., cor. Clay dinner was scr\·cd, followed hy a re­ ~··.. · - ·- · ...... _._._ ...._., .• _____ · ---·-· - ····- · .. ·-· ··•···.. · -···•··· ...... - ...... 0 MARCELLING SOc DOYLE- CULHANE ception. Out-of-town guests were t! !. Work Done Days and Evenings Thl· marriagC' of ~I iss Helen Ellz­ -:\fr. and -:\frs. Kenneth Xc\'ingcr and by Appointment Call Glen. 5699 ahrth Culhane, daughter of ~~ rs. son, Richard, of Batavia; .:\!r. and ! L ivable, L ovable R oomJ Patrick I I. Culhane oi Lake. Avenue, \frs. Xewton \\'arc! oi Niagar~\ Falls t and lfrs. S. H. ).[iller of Alhany. ! and Lil•utenant Edward Frank ! Doyle, l'nitcd States ).Iarine Corps Prenuptial ennis were giYCn hy ! They O'l.r:e Jfuch of their Charm lo the ! . reserve, son of .:\[ rs. :\lary E. Doyle l.frs. W. A Ward, :\frs. Helen rind­ ! ! oi \Varwick ;wcnuc, took place Oct. ley, :'If rs. Jr\'ing Fellows, ~Jbs l.lil­ ! D eep Comfort of 3 Piece Suitl's ! • See Your Favorite lOth at the Church of the Sacred dr·ed Smith, 11iss Ruth Booth, thC' ! Heart. office force of the Dcfenckr C"om­ ! Radio at Our Stores ).I iss Culhane's maid uf honor was pany. :\frs. Newton \Van!, Mrs. A. ! her sistl'l', :\!iss ~f. ;\nn Culhane of C. Horton and the Towner Class. ! •~ ~yr:tCIISl'. Thl.' hridcsmaids were the :\I r. and ).f rs. Clc1 eland will lil·c i ALL-ELECTRIC SETS ;\I issrs Veronica Culhane, :\fargaret at 36 Fillingham Drin". ! AS LOW AS $95 AND UP \ \'ariug, ~[ary Scanlan and I rcue l\rlhane. MADDEN-MELLINA ! LiC'utcnant George Frederick Doyle . The marriage of Sarah France~ !' \las !Jc;,t man for hi~ brother and WE ARE AGENTS FOR 2\fellina of Do,e ~trect nntl John 'T' ~ the usher~ were En.,ign Frederick II. Haidt, Ensign Joseph .\. Light­ ~ladden at Kislingbury Street t• ok f J•lace at Holy Rosary Church Oct. house, E11Sign Ralph H. ~fcCumber Atwater-Kent 6. The Rev. Paul Gaffney officiated. and (hie£ Gunner Robert J. ~lor­ le). .\ wedding Lrrakfa

Tenth Ward Courier Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, Collection N. Y., OCTOBER 25, 1928 Page3

~------~· 'j ~------·· ' ~~------. RADIC> WATCH FOR OPENING LEWISTON WE EXPECT IT WILL BE SATURDAY, NOV. 3rd ZENITH ATWATER-KENT SPARTON Meat and Vegetable Market Easy T erms if desired AVENUE ONE OF THE FINEST IN THE CITY WE SERVICE AND REPAIR ALL l~KES OF SETS AND ELIMINATOlR.S AT INVITES YOU 402-404 Lewiston Ave. •• HARDWA~~E Du Pont Paints Window Tools Schaefer Bros. and Dnco Glass Kitchen Utensils The new road which we have ECONOMY SHOE SHOPPE ELECTRICA L long awaited is open for 382 LEWISTON AVE. SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY SUPPLIES REPAIRS :APPLIANCES vehicular travel. Of good quality and prices just a bit lower We a.J..so have a complete line of We, the merchants of the ME N'S FURNISHINGS AT PR ICES THAT WILL SURPRISE WA D-TO~IPKINS C~~., INC. A FEW SPECIALS 1550 LAKE AVE GLEN. 5129 ll Section of Le,viston Ave., Men's Blue Chambray 1\Ien's Goodyear Welt ( Opp. Lewiston) Work Shirts 79c Dress Oxfords $3.65 and up invite your Inspection Men's Overalls 98c Men's Work Shoes $3.25 up Boys' Shoes and if you so desire Reg. 20c Socks· 2 for 25c Low and High $2.95 WEGMAN'lS Me11's Work Pants $1.39 Girls' Oxfords $2.95 1511 LAKE AVE. stop and shop. "Famous For Fine Foods" TEN -DAY SPECIAL LEWISTON AVE. OPENS SATURDAY FANCY TURKISH TOWELS Golden Heart REG. 69c VALUE Golden Heart (c .. ntinued rrom page;: 1) I Mayonnaise Celery Hearts Lewiston an iJeal entrance to Ro- Business Men Send chc,ter as I\ ell as an as~ct to prop- -49c- (MADE AT THIS STORE) ertyholdct·,, 1n con~ideration oi the hca\) traffic to which the new pa,·c­ Note In Appreciation A Real Christmas Buy - FRESH EVERY DAY-- mcnt will be subjected, the concrete i< nine incite;; thick. The original of Lewiston Work .. e~tirnate on the cost of J•aving and The ' •II ''' ·tg le · · t · rccently was MILDRED L. BREWER curhing wa $1 i 1,5-16.08, but it is as sent b) the Lake and Ridge llusi. il) l't imposrDI cment. Leg of Spring Lan1b . . . . . 3Sc The ~l·cuon \\Cst o£ the subway Roach, Thompson, Inc. which is midway between Lake and S Exchang<• StrcPt, RAY E. DEFENDORF Pork Loins ...... 29c Dewey avcnm·s needed only a sani­ Rochester, ::\ e11 York. tat') sewer at an cstimateed cost of (;cntlcmcn : RIDGE GARAGE $73.~53.50. T hl• section between the T he Lake and Ridge Busi­ COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE AND subway a nd Lake an·nue has both ness :.\fen's Association wi~h ELECTRICAL SERVICE A. Bartel MaJrket sanitary and storm water sewer, esti­ to take this opportunity to ex­ Fresh, Smoked and Salt Meats mated at $.~9.&lo.:;o. press to ) our firm our apprt­ HEADLIGHTS - TOWING - BATTERY SERVICE ciation ior the excellent joh L o n g a Detrime nt. 5 PULLMAN A VENUE you drd on the t•:l\'iug of Lci\- 416 Lewiston at Dewey Glen· 1253 Loug corbidcrl'd a detriment both istou \~enuc from Lake to to tht• inunecliatt· 'cction and to the Dcwe1 A1·cuncs.

cit~ of l{ochclen driven elsewhere by the comli- fini~hed has pleased us all n'ry •ton o£ the sired. Lewiston a,·cnuc, much. NEW LINE OF RUGBY SWEATERS hull e1·cr·, is determined to get back This lctkr is sanctiom·d hy, WRIGHT & BERRY E. BREWER: into its striclc without further delay. and expresses the iecling oi \ street dancl', proposed by many the Lake and Ridge Business DRY GOODS inrluding the Lower Tenth Ward I .,' I en ' s , \ ssoctalton.· · UNITED CIGAR AGENCY 13 PULLMAN AVE. GLEN. 1723 lmpro\'Cml·nt .\ ssociation, will pro. C. P. Coster, Presiden t. hahly he hdcl " ' er until Spring. The F . Doell, Vice-Presick nt. Billiards and Pocket Billiards lateness of the st•ason has caused the G. Kenny, Secretary. inrmal opt•ning exercises to be set A. ~Iarsh , Treasurer. 1691 DEWEY AVE. Deich1niller's Drug Stores on·r until after the wintC"r season. 1 !...... ---~------Licensed pharmacists at all s·tores E. LIPSKY ~======~ FULL LINE OF RUBBER GOODS KODAK MARKET I CIGARS- CIGARETTES- TOBACCO CHOICE MEATS, FISH, POULTRY USE OUR SPECIAL 4 in 1 COLD TABLET j II WHOLESALE CASH and CARRY 384 LEWISTON AVE. A Sure Relief For Winter Colds - 4 STORES- ~ ~:::::::::::::38:0::L:E:W:I:S:T:O:N::A:V:E:.::::::::::::~ ~::W:E::DE:U::VE::R::::::::::::::::::::::G:L:E:N:.:~:~::~ 1513 LAKE AVE. DEWEY at STONEWOOD 1 C. A. WEREN N. A. JOHNSON, DRY CLEANERS '"::D:E:W=EY: n:t : L:E:W:I:ST:O:N=====D=E=WE=·:y:':ne:a:r:s: to:ne=Rd=·=~l l GROCERIES AND CANDY MEN'S SUITS DRY CLEANED and PRESSED-$1.00 "" '1 CIGARS TOBACCO Ladies' Garments at Moderate Prices PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR WE CALL AND DELIVER 412 LEWISTON AVE. GLEN. 2989 408 LEWISTON AVE. Glenwood 4855 HALLOWE'EN GOC)DIES Make This Occasion Complete M. TROST'S FOOD SHOP FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES FAY BRENNAN Serve our home made OYSTERS, SPECIAL, 69c Qt. SERVICE STATION BAKED GOOD1S Grapes in any quantity FOR QUICK STARTING ON THESE - SPECIAL- 22 PULLMAN AVE. GLEN. 2374 COLD MORNINGS TRY Mince, Pumpkin and Apple Pies, Fried Cakes. Doughnuts and all other good thilngs to eat THE PARKDALE LUNCH TEXACO GAS Lake Ave. Food Shoppe FRED DOELL, PROPRIETOR VULCANIZING ACCESSORIES H . M. JOHNSON 9 PULL~N AVE. Dewey A venue at Lewiston PULL~N AVE. Glen. 972 ~------• . L------~ 1 ~------~ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Page 4 Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, Collection N. Y., OCTOBER 25, 1928 Tenth Ward Courier • :Expect to Open I Kolster Radio 0 r Ser· tee Johnston Bakery A NEW ARRIVAL N ~C'ontitued from P e 1) :;tore, L.tt th<. principals oi clcanh­ Popular Scotch Grains ne~s and a rigtd standal(l of qual­ ity which he carried over from the Available in both tan n.nd black. Blucher A Satisfied Custoiner grocery bu,ine"s brought their rr­ Pattern with heavy stitching to add to the t ums in the iorm of incrca.,ed pa­ doggy look which is so well liked tronage, with the result that he in Scotch Grain Shoes. A highly Kolster Quality Kolster Setlsitivity :aJlcd upon ~fr. Schulz to erect a satisfactory combination of good ;ma11 ha kcry in the rcat· of the looks, perfect comfort, and first Tubes Guaranteed Installation Free ·tore. class quality. Opens First Branch PRICED AT $6.00 Crowrn Service Station In 19.20, the rt•putation of thl' JKlet· n Bake-ries had spread to othcr YOU MAY DEPEND UPON SCHMANKE 'S FOR Dewey at Clay !,ections of the wan\ and ~lr. Juhn­ CORRECT FITTING OF CHILDREN'S SHOES CALL GLEN. 5674 AND ARRANGE FOR A DEMONSTRATION :·ton was quick lo sdze tht· oppor- unity, purchasing th<: block :~t 1;;05 Lake avenue and c:~tabltshing his first We have a complete range of sizes j ranch there. In addition to prodd­ and widths for all ages. Children l'ng another store to he managed, the who gTow up in Schmanke's shoes GUNS block represcnl<'d considerable of an always have perfectly shaped feet. :!I\ cstment, including as it docs eight apartments and ,ix 'ilOres. In J<:l2J B uy or Rent a second branch at 1300 Dewey a\ - BUSTER BROWN AND CLASS-MATE SHOES NEW LOW PRICE ON nue was <;tarted, subsequent!} to he FOR CHILDREN PETER'S RADIOLA 18 >old to Hu-hard and (. hristie, ''Ito WESTERN $95.00 Jaow sell Johnston bak(d goods. \o; REMINGTON HE s without Radiotrons he 'olumc oi hakcd goods ~old ach \Vl\i. H. JACKSON ·v.·!:ek began to mouut, there came a SCHMANKE'S BOO S OP JEWELER I:Jecd for larger O\ enc; and mor1. 1480 DEWEY AVE., Cor. RIDGEWAY AVE. BEC WITH'S Open Evenings room and, in 1924, Mr Johnston Open Evenings Till 9 P. M. Phone Glenwood 1385 271 LYELL AVE. Opp. :Fire House Driving Pk. Ave. at Dewey · ought out th cntir cruipmrnt f\f the I >oug-hnut Shop at 398 I. \\iston '~' cnue, thinking that this plant would gi, e hirn , mple room. To WHEN YOUR CAR DeVISSER BROS. I !)H'Cl t1K O(lllan. $15 month. \pply Bauman LOUIS PAS L 1 SAMPLE SHOE SHOP GREGG AND O'CONNOR A- SHOP RAZORS HONED and Baynes. Glen. usz. . SPENCER ST. DAIRY FACTORY PRICES SCISSORS SHARPENED BUICK SPECIALISTS 1683 DEWEY AVE. FOR REXT-Upper no,ton flat. Milk, Cream and Buttermilk 20 LAPHAM ST. Glen. 4229 41() Lake avenuL. li rooms. Inquire Grade "A" Bottled on Farm H. B. BOWEN Open Evenings until 9 P.M. 1488 LAXE AVE. Glen. 4969 Glen. 623. Glen. 409--4238-568-R 9 STRAUB STREET FOR S,\LE-Ilirr street, i'-."carly ------...• new Boston, cheap. Up to-date. ------::;;r------::;:::,.....---r If You Have Bach Ache or Shows good return. Inquire Glen. Dewey .~.\venue ltnpressions- Kidney Trouble Get the 1183. AN EIJECTRIO SIGN does for Latest and Best Remedy Section your place of business what a Guaranteed-50c Pkg. ing, Dewey at Dri,·ing Pat k awntH'. good presence does for tho sales­ Small and large. A pplv 839 Del\ n· On Hodcna Hd , fout· streets man- MAID'S avenue. FOR SALE Cottage at Cranhcrl) south of !;)tone 1~oad, near It Creates a Favorable FUR COMPOUND BUCHU AND Pond, on new road, iac s lake. J"x­ stores, sd10ob. churches, etc. Impression t.-a large let. Large screen porch and REPAIH ING Fircplnl'l', hook<>nsc, EYerhot You know without further argu­ HARLEM OIL CAPSULES also scrctned sun porch 5 large REMODEIJNG wnt<>r heater, all modern im­ ment that the pathway to sales is rooms. Suitable for wint<:r !H'O\'Cmcnts and garage. ,-cry much ea,;ier where you hnYe Put up b;r L ·"· pancy. $3,000 for quick sale ~uceeedecl in creating a favorable 2585. COATS MADE TO ORDER impression. Don't wait for your The Maid Drug Co. FOR SALE-s room house. DEAL WITH THE MANUFACTL'HEH competitor to point the way. Do $6,2 50 to $6,5 00 INC. gain for quick sale $5500. now what you know he will do the avenue section. Call \.len 2585. mon ent he finds a way- THE REXALL STORE Crosby Frisian Fur Company FOR REXT-Thrce nicely With n smnll payment and 511 Dewey Ave. 850 Main St. W. Glenwood 206 571 LYELL AVE. INSTALL AN nished rooms \\it!. heat. light and ea"y term-; ~ ou c•a"n own yonr Cor. Jay and Child Sts. garagl'. Xo. 9 Rainier strcc•. own home. ' ELECTRIC SIGN FOR RE~T - ~ewly decorated We furnish electric sign designs modern G room flat. Inquire, ·10 and estimates free. RESH Rainier street. CIDER-WINE BARRELS SEE 'l'ITE.\l TODAY Phono for our expert now ANCY FOR RE~T-Uppcr flat. Five GAL. - Open fot· Tuspec1 ion MAIN 3960 rooms with bath and dectricity. In­ SO $3.00 RAG RANT quire, :lG5 Glenwood avenue, Glen. Guaranteed White Oak Kegs Rochester Gas LOWERS 1758. '\V. N. BRI'l'TON WOOD AND METAL FAUCETS-ALL SIZES ROM QUALITY SHOE REPAIR & Electric EXPERT REPAIRING REALTY CO. ARMEN'S Satisfaction Guaranteed LYELL PRODUCTS CO. "Where Courtesy Provails' ' MALT, HOPS, EXTRACTS Corporation Driving Park at Dewey MICHAEL SCHIAVO, Prop. Commerce Bldg. Custom Shoes Made to Order TOM TAYLOR WE DELIVER FRED JACKSON 89 EAST A VENUE Glen. 1240 825 Dewey Ave. near Driving Pk. 191 Lyell Avenue Glen. 6703 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection TENT WARD COURIE Published Every Thursday ·'Serving the TENTH Exclusively''

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., NOVEMBER 8, 1928 No. 14

Riviera Will Run DEWEY AVE. BUSINESS A .\n-wl'ring n con~idcrnblr. dl'llland from om· readers as well as MEN WILL BOWL TUES. W om m .lllj of out· nthcrfif!<'rtl, 'l'lT E COURIER, with this issue, Talking Movies Members ·and prospective mem­ weome~ n \l'l'Pkly li<'Wspupcr atul will appear hence!orth each Thur~­ Announcement is made by W. bers of the newly re-organized day at lhc home~ of 'l't•nth Ward re~idC'nts . As in the past, the papC'r E. Belcher, manager of the Riv­ Dewey Avenue Business Men's As­ "·u bC' distributed free of charge to readers. If you miss any isRuc, iera Theater at Lake avenue and sociation will meet in the first event a ..:all In Glenwood ~;;g;; will bring il to you. Flower City park, that he has of the season next Tuesday eve­ closed negotiations whereby all ning, November 13th, in a bowling The f i r~t edition of 'I'IU} COURIER appeared 011 )fay 2 t of the latest talking and sound pic­ party. The party is scheduled to i i:o year. 'l'IH' clllTr.ut i~~uc is the fourteenth to be published. Since tures will be presented. second get under way at 8 o'clock at the it" c-tnbh:-hmcm the paper has enjoyed a steady g1·owth. as may be run. Turn Verein Hall on North Clin­ 111 tell by :1. glance at it" DC\\;; and adYertising columns. and we coil­ This, :.\Ir. Belcher says, puts ton street. fidently believe it ha~ found a genuine place in the life of the com the Riviera in a class by itself, Kotification of the bowling party and an invitation to be present will 1 •mity. As n weekly we nrc Fure that it will estab1i~h it~clf e>en as it will be the only theater be­ tween New York and Buffalo be sent out in the mails this week moic ~trougly a~ the new" centPr of the Teuth Ward. running second run talking pic­ by Secretary Robert V. Hall to all The ehangf'. of <'Olll'H'. will in 110 way affect the policie.-; of '!'BE tures in a neighborhood theater. business men of Dewey avenue, ( Ol RfEB. 'J'hc opportunitic:: for community sen;ce. we feel will Thousands of dollars have been who arc now eligible for member­ greater. '!'he !':pace n railahle for news will also increa~e and ns' spent, he says, to equip the house ship. It is hoped that all prospec­ tive members will be reached, but n ll'-Cquence we \dll ~er.k further co-operation in the gathering of with both Vitaphone and ).!ovie­ tonc sound projection equipment. in case of any possible oversight ne\\ ~. Our <'orrr!;pondcnt" hm e been a tremendous help up to the lie says that, among others, Secretary Hall wishes to make it p - nt time :md their effort~ have resulted in a newsy commnnit,Y clear that all business men of the following attractions have Dewey avenue publication. been booked for early presenta­ arc invited to join the association T he grcnic;.;t scn•iel' that our reader public can do for the tion: "The Street Angel," and to attend the party. \lc·ckly :;.; to Hwnlion 'I'll J~ COURTBH when making purchases from ~~···•··•··•-•··•··•-•··•··•-•··•··•··•··• ··•··• ...... 1::1 "\Vings," "The Singing Fool," /1. number of the members have Tenth W:ml lll!'!'chantA, especially those business houses advertising ARCHEOLOGIST TO "Lights of New York," "The I Terror," "Tenderloin," "Lion and been signing up new members since ·n thG columns of the paper. We ask this co-operation not merely ~cOMENT the re-organization meeting last LECTURE AT KAY &! the :.\[ouse," "\Vomen They Talk fo. our~ehc;.;, but nho for the busineAs men who are expending their ~ RITICISM, Ahout," 'State Street Sadie," month and it is c:o..,cctcd that a f..tnll" io malw t!Ji;; paper a success. "Four Sons," "Glorious Betsy," good report will be turned in next TERRACE CHURCH ~·~···•··•-•· By the Editor •··--····- · ·~ Tuesday. The committee making "..\[other Knows Best." ~fanager \\'ith a weekly new spa per to the survey of possible Christmas An interesting ~cries of lectures Belcher also promises that the Democrats Promise chronicle its happenings, the Tentl1 decorations will also make its re­ LAKE RIDGE ASS'N will be inaugurated tonight at the l{iviera patrons will see the best finds itself in a better position to port at tile bowling party. (hristaclelphian Omrch on Kay ter­ of the talking comedies and news expreic, it has been said, can tame who has been spending several I the savage beast. It can do more Xews matter must be in the hands of the editor not later than the months at his summer home on than that; it can blend into all soft .Monday preceding date of issue. PERFECTED TALKING PICTURES! Lake Ontario, returned to his home and hard shadings of drama; it can Tuesday. OUR SCREEN WILL AMAZE YOU! DAVIS • JUHJ 'AIMTING CO., INC, t~ U $0UTH WAYlER STJtltt skip lightly over the mysterious ..\!iss Edith }f. Hale, of Lake ave- border which separates laughter TODAY- FRIDAY- SATURDAY nne, left ..\fonday to spend several from tears. Music, via Fox Movie­ Humor clays in New York City. tone, accompanies the Fox picture, NOV. 8-9-10 ] udge: "It seems to me I have Absent-minded business man (as "Street Angel," which opened last seen you before." he kisses his wife): "Now, dear, I :!If r. and Mrs. Harrison L. Chapin, night and continues tonight, Friday SEE AND HEAR Prisoner: "You have, your honor. will dictate a couple of letters." of Albcrmarle street, entertained at THE SOUL STIRRING LOVE LYRIC It was I who taught your daughter Jinner at their home on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 8-!l-10, at hte · o play the piano." "Ever hear the story about the evening. Riviera Theater. It is entrancing. ] udge : "Thirty years." golden fleece?'' Janet Gaynor and Charles Far­ "Xo, do they bite?" ~[r. and :\Irs. 1L Clark \Vetmore, re11, the pri1 cipals, Ita ve already STREET ANGEL 1 She-"\Yhat was the noise when o£ Seneca parkway, left Tuesday on ~hown they can lour the ·land of a motor trip. They will return the WITH you came in last night?" She-"Isn't this one of the oldest make believe with millions to fol­ He-"1\'ight falling." first of the week with }.! r~. Emma ~olf courses in the country?" low them. They did it in "Seventh \\'elmore and Miss Irene \\"etmore JANET GAYNOR AND CHARLES FARRELL She-"Oh, I thought it was day He-"\Vhat makes you think so?" Hea\·en," directed by Frank Bor­ breaking." She-"I just heard a man say he of The Sagamqre. zage, the man who a! o made this We have contracted for all the very finest talking '' t:"nt around in '79."-Selected picture. illow they do it again with pictures. You can always be sure of seeing and hear­ Dr. and ~[rs. Irving T. Clark, oi :\ negro stoker was crossing the the same re~traint, the same yonth­ ing the latest and best at the Riviera. If it's a. hit, Seneca parkway, spent th~; week­ we will ha.ve it! ocean for the first time. One day Soph (earnestly): "Xow, hon­ iul charm. end in Philadelphia, Pa. he came on deck to get ·a breath of estly, what would you do if you Photo~raphically the picture is a I fresh air. Looking out on the broad were in my shoes?" masterpiece. It 1s done with new r ADMISSION-ADULTS 35c; CHILDREN 10c Raymond J, Bantd, of Lake ave­ expanse of water, with no object Senior (distainfully): "Get a light and shadow and ha..:e elTecl$. ~~'r;;!'P:::::-ir:v-:r~~;;;-::~:::;;;lltr~~~~~~~"S'7:7'~~-::-::2:1 nue, entertained last week-end at 1 "hatever in sight, he said in dis- ~1-iiii'."-Selected Some critics ha \ e called it "arty," ..gruntled tones: "Shucks I \Vc j, his cottage in Bristol Valley. hut it is a kind o'f n:rt 11 !tich en- ~------, right whar we was dis time yes­ Fortune Teller: "You have a hanccs the drama. Like !he music, I' ~fr. and ).fr>. l\Ieek have moved EDWARD T. HOWDEN tahday." wonderful talent for painting." it seems natural and ncct·ssary in into their new home on Bryan KEEGAN'S SERVICE She: "Oh, how can you tell?" the telling of the star). Monarch Paint Prices Lower street. REPAIRING ON Fortune Teller: "I see it in your ).faples furnishes the background. WALL PAPER - PAINTS "My star, you understand, wishes GENERATORS face." .\ngela faces the desperate necessity PAINTING - PAPER HANGING to avoid publicity." ~~iss Elizabdh Coughlin and 1fiss BATTERIES STARTERS nf getting money to buy medicine "I understand." 834 Dewey Ave. Glen. 471 201 LYELL AVE. Glen. 1556 1\nn Dowdell, of Rainier street, for her dying mother. On the street "So she will leave the hotel by "Pardon me a moment, please," motored to Buffalo, Friday, to spend ,he attempts to st(·al it from a man the rear fire escape." said the dentist to the victim, "but the week-end. whom she has approached. She "I'll tell the photographe-r~." before beginning this work I must escapes when sentenced to prison have my drill." ..\!r. and Mrs. Ray H. Boorman and is ~heltered by a small traveling I "Good gracious, man!" exclaimed have moved into their new home "Hello, Perkins, where did you the patient, "can't you pull a tooth circus. Later she becomes a per­ PETERS on Flower City park. !llr. Boor­ get that black eye?" without a rehearsal ?"- Selected former. In this role she meets man, who is connected with the "Oh, it was only a sweethearts' Gino, a young painter. They are FUNERAL DIRECT OR Todd Company, has been trans­ quarrel." about to he married \\hen the po­ "So you're a salesman. are you? ferred to the Rochester office from FUNERAL HOME WHERE PUBLIC AND "Sweetheart~' quarrel? \\'hy, your lice recognize her and take her \\'hat do you sell?" Chicago \\here he worked for the PRIVATE FUNERALS MAY BE HELD ~irl didn't give you that, did she?" away without hi, knowledge. "Sal." past eight years. Both ..\fr. and ..\Irs "Xo, it was her other sweetheart." Jn these ,cen<'S .Miss Gaynor ''I'm a salt peddler, too.'' proves herself a real artist. There .______1511 Dewey Ave. Glenwood_____ 1451 _ -Answers. Boorman before moving to Chica­ "Shake !"-Selected go had heen rcsirlents of the Tenth is no hysteria, no struggle-just a \VarcJ. re,trained effort to gulp hack the ~------~ Jockey-"Say brother, hold the The man who said honesty is the tears and whistle a iew uotes of "0 ~frs. T. ]. Brennan. of Scyle ter­ stop watch on me while I run this best policy never had to tell a Sole ~Iio" in farewell. The com­ BLANCHARD'S FLORISTS here hoss around the track. l•omely girl how she looked. race, is recovering satisfactorily bination of beautiful photography T/1/;' RE:··T I.Y FJ.OWER8 .I 'L' tLIJ '1'1.11 BS Jock-"Say, you can't time that from a reeent operation at the effective acting and music is almost Highland Hospital. horse with a watch, you need a hypnotic. 48-52 LAKE AVE. Open Evenings Main 1986 calendar.'' LOUIS PASKAL "5trcct Angell" ranks with the • SPENCER ST. DAIRY ..\fr. and Mrs. Willis Bellinger, of finest pictures of the yl'ar. Miss Milk, Cream and Buttermilk 11aplewood avenue, celebrated A musical comedy that fails to Gaynor, young Farrell and Direc· ~------, Grade "A" Bottled on Farm thdr sixteenth \l't•dding anniversary tor Borzag-e have carved for them- "make a run" may have something Glen. 409-4238---568-R on October 31, <'ntntaining a num­ selves a new niche in the screl'n's RENNER AND HENRY wrong with its legs. ber of friend'. Hall of Fame. ... PLUMBING AND HEATIN G SEE THE NEW LINE OF ROOFING, GUTTERS, FURNACE WORK 1fr. and ~Irs. Xorman Graham. formerly of Stcko street, have GLEN. 592 1312 DEWEY AVE. t CHRYSLERS moved to their new home on Cas­ • AT 1850 DEWEY AVENUE tleford road. - Phone Glen. 5095 for Demonstration JUST RECEIVED OLD FASHIONED Ward-Tompkins Occupy NEW 1928 HOPS STONEWARE Dewey Ave. Electric Shop 50c lb. Few choice sets of Invites your inspection of their complete electrical line New Store For Radio Leading brands of Ginger 6 steins and jug WffiiNG and REPAffiiNG SPECIALISTS \Yard-Tompkins, prominent radio dealers of the Tenth \\'ard have Ale-Bottle or case $2.75 - $3.25 set Glenwood 6118 831 DEWEY adckd another make of radio to their line anrl have now moved LYELL PRODUCTS C O . GARNHA M 'S GOL D EN CELERY HEARTS their radio department into the ad MALT, HOPS, EXTRACTS joining store. TOM TAYLOR WE DELIVER FRED JAOKSON Those delicious Golden Hearts of Celery The store at 1:i46 Lake avenue 191 Lyell A venue Glen. 5703 Now at their best lll·xt door to the old \Vard-Tomp­ kins store has been remodeled and J . H. GARNHAM Next to Loblaw-823 Dewey fitted up a~

Tenth Ward Courier Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, Collection N. Y., NOVEMBER 8, 1928 Page 3 HOME SEEKERS! COME TO L YELLHURST TODAY. The dre3Jll of a Home all your own may become a happy reality now through our home-owning plan. LYELLHURS REALTY COMPANY ((Better Built Homes,,

Beautiful 6-room homes with all improvements- Tile Bath with shower, Adams Floors, Save-U-Time Water Heater, Mirror Doors, Master Living Rooms, 3 Bedrooms

down and $6800up with ssoo easy payments HOUSES ON GLIDE, CANTON, ROCKVIEW TERRACE AND SUNSET STS. Open for Inspection'Afternoons and Evenings These houses can be carried like rent with the small Payment down-a working man can handle them easily.

Take Lyell Avenue Car to Glide Street Apply Tract Office-GLIDE ST. AT OTIS ST. Be your own landlord-Invest your Or Drive Out Lyell Avenue C. W. DE WITT, Tract Manager rent .money in your own home. SALESMEN ON TRACT EVERY AFTERNOON GENESEE 4678-R BILLY BAUER SETS BOARD OF DIRECTORS r...... - ...... T I J. W. Mansing IN CONSOLATION MEET ;MAPLEWOOD Y.M.C.A.f UPHOLSTERY 1600 LAKE AVE. RECORD WITH 641 The Board of Directors of the I DOINGS i FABRICS Announcing MILE TOWING JOB Crown Service Station at Dewey all(! t::J•• .. •••• .. •··• .. •··•·••··• .. •··•··•-o ...•··•·· •··•··•··•··•··•··•·tfJ As the culmination of an auto- Clay Aves. held their first annual ] ohn ).J arshall Hi-Y has secured reception and clambake in the blue ~Ir. :Mathewson, a member of John mol>ile accid~.:nt al>out three weeks room oi the station Saturday, Oct. ~[ arshall High School factulty, as ago involvltlg ~fr. and Mrs. Leo thirteenth. The room was very •ts advisor. \\'ith a full cal~nder, 1-II.!tzlcr, of Santee street, Billy tastefully decorated, using an origi­ the Club expects to complete a most Uauer made his longest trip by tow-~ nal chinese motif. Mr. G. L. Flan- succc~sful year. On Tuesday, No­ . nery, president of the uoard, pre- car rccrntly. B11ly drove prac- "d d d h lk vember 13th, members of the East - ALSO- s1 c as toastmaster an s ort ta s Hi-Y Club will be guests of the tieally the entire distance of 641 were given by other mcml>crs of the John Mar~hall Club at ).faplewood. nules, the round trip to Schroon board. including ).fr. James P. Mar­ People of Rochester are most Lake, himself, in a driving time of tin, honorary president, \~ho spoke iortunate to have the opportunity MOHAWK on "Checkers as an aid to insomnia" 33 hours and brought back the of hearirog the Hampton Institute .\Ir. Clarence Bleyler, political cor­ Quartette which will sing "Negro badly wrecked heavy sedan of Mr. respondent, who spoke on, 'The Pro- ::>pirituals" on Friday evening, No­ APEX SHAMROCK IIctzler for repair. blcm in Queens" and Joseph and vember 16th, at eight o'clock at the That will make the old fur­ The accident occurred when .\!r. Arthur Hertzberg, resident mana­ Demonstrations gladly given without any obliga­ Brck Presbyterian Church. The niture look like new. Tapes­ and .\Irs. Hetzler with another gers of the institution, who thanked quartette comes under the auspices tries, velours, damasks, mo­ tion whatever. the members of the board for their couple were on the final leg of a .:~f the West Side Branch, Y. M. C. hairs, etc., in pleasing de­ co-operation and assurccl them of A. Defore coming to Rochester, signs and colorings are on Ask for information concerning our payment plan. \'acation trip which had taken them another year of continued undivided this quartette has appeared before display in our store. Call through Xew England and the Adi­ di\·idcnds. and see them or we will PHONE-GLENWOOD 3961 more than one hundred eastern col­ rondacks and also to Montreal. On the e\·cning of November bring samples to your home Sixth, J\fcsscrs Joseph and Arthur ll•ges and other institutions. o ll lllllllflllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllfl llllllllllllllllllllllllllll llll llllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllll lllllllll lllll llflllfllllllllll l llllllllll ll lllll lllll lll lll ll ll~ Their car, traveling at a moderate if you wish. All work guar­ Hert<:berg, managers, offered a rate of speed tipped over when anteed. special consolation get-together for R. A. Davis, Physical Director of rll THE CHRISTMAS STORE I forced off the road by another car, the purpose of gi\"ing the l>oard of .\faplewood Y. },f. C. A. was elected ,. , SHOP EARLY AND USE OUR § and it is believed that the fact that directors a chance to be in on the president of "\\'estern N. Y." Y. M. ~ = LAY-A-WAY CLUB PLAN the body of the car was metal was political death of the party defeated. C. \. Physical Directors at the \Ves­ Gerald C. Kenny Except ior minor disturbances, as 5 the only thing that saved the oc- ern ~ew York State Conference re­ A Deposit will hold your selection 'til wanted the result of the election gradually cently held at Lockport. Furniture and Upholstery cupants of the car from serious in­ became almost certain, the meeting jury. The automobile, practically 1476 Lake Ave. opp. Ridgeway of the "pri\·ilrgcd 30" was highly lloys are already planning to go J. 0. Ledlie, Jeweler new, before the accident, was left successful and illuminating. Glen. 1644 at Schroon Lake and the Hetzler to camp although the time is still Open Tues., Thurs., and Sat. 842 DEWEY AVE. ~ party came home by train, nursing eight months away. During Easter week a magazine and newspaper Evenings until 9 o'clock "CAROLYN" § minor injuries. Diamond Set Open Evenings Glen. 4786 5 On the way to bring back the 20 BIG CIRCUS ACTS campaign will be held at ).faple- 1~ ======~ wood "Y." All boys are invited to .. ~;;;B;;;U;;;L;;;O V;;;A;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;V wrecked car Billy Bauer encoun t- 1 ON ANNUAL SH Rl NE ered rain and slippery pavements I take part itl this campaign. Boys hringing the greatest amount of and was called upon to help two CARNIVAL PROGRAM De VISSER BROS. cars from ditches, righted a truck magazines and papers will be cred­ turned over on its side and extin­ Twenty of the principal acts irom ited with from one to four weeks HARDW A RE M ERCHANTS guished flames which threatened to the world's greatest summer cir­ hoard at the "Y" Camp on Lake Keuka in July or August, 1929. ASH CANS - COAL HODS destroy a pleasure car. Bill, who cuses, mostly from Ringling Bro­ NEW LOW PRICE ON modestly amits that he was some­ thers and Barnum & Bailey's, are LISK AND WEAR EVER ROASTER what of a Good Samaritan on the RADIOLA 60 on the program of the big Shrine A BANKER'S SUCCESS MAXIMS $125.00 trip, left with a helper at 8 :00 a. m., Indoor Circus to be held at the without Radiotrons ELECTRIC SUPPLIES October 18 and was back at his Armory, Rochester, at 2 p. m. and I. Eliminate from your vocabulary Dewey avenue station, October 20, 8 p. m. daily during the week of the word "perfunctory." WM. H. JACKSON DU PONT PAINT AND DUCO '?. Think-exercise your brain as JEWELER at 9:30 a. m. ~ovember 26th, under the auspices you do your muscles. Open Evenings 1430-1432 DEWEY Glenwood 861 nf Damascus Temple. Driving Pk. Ave. at Dewey Fred Bradna. who has been ::. Use and cultivate your imagina­ equestrian director of Ringling tion. Seeking Relief For Brothers for a great many years, -1. Be neighborly. You cannot lift ANNOUNCING A NEW yourself by downing others. S. LARUSSA will direct the performances. HIGH GRADE Traffic Congestion Some of the big stellar attractions :.. \\'ork hard. It won't hurt you. SHOE RE-BUILDER r.. Take an active interest in public ·i·wenty business men at the cor­ are: Bob Eugene Troupe, comedy We Make Your Shoes Oakland All-American Six affairs. ner of Dewey and Driving Park aerial bar performers; Silbon Sis­ Look Like New 7. Meet your iellowman frankly 348'( Driving Pk. cor. Dewey SWIFT-S.i.W:OOTH-SAFE AND SILENT a\·cnues. realizing the congestion at ters, the human butterflies; Miss 2 and fairly. You don't have to go that corner have taken steps to Edna's trained dogs and ponies; SEE IT-DRIVE IT- COME IN AND ARRANGE through business armed to the remedy the situation by signing a Capt. Tiebro's educated seals; Rob-t teeth. FOR A GLORIOUS TRIP AT THE WHEEL common agreement to refrain from in~on's elephants, the greatest ele­ VARIETY SHOPPE "· He patient. courteous, and con­ parking their cars on the street at phant act in the world; Rieffen­ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES citatory. the point of intersection. Traffic bach Sisters, athletes on horseback; CHINA - NOVELTIES WISE-PHILLIPS GARAGE at the corner has become increas­ the Picthiani Troupe, acrobatic The above arc eight of the ten Glassware Cut to Order 35 LEWISTON AVE. Phone Glen. 298 ingly heavy anrl has lead to con­ marvels; and many, many others. maxims, which the eminent banker, Glen. 727-M 792 DEWEY siderable confusion. Of course, there are the usual gal­ Otto II. Kahn, says he has given to many young men. }.fen and women The agreement reads as follows: axy of mirth-provoking clowns, in­ "\Ve, the undersigned, do hereby cluding Billy Denaro and Paul of any age and position in life SEE YOUR FAVORITE might do far worse than study GUNS RENTED agree to do all we can to relieve Chesty whose burlf'sque prize-fight­ them, and put them into practise. parking rongestion on Dewey ave­ ing antics have made millions laugh. RADIO -Selected from Daily Princetonian. FROM $1.00 UP nue between Lexington avenue and Every Shriner in this vicinity has AT OUR STORES tickets to sell at .iOc each for adults Seyle terrace and on Driving Park Used sets taken in trade ntcachcr~ Boss-\Vell, how many orders did If you buy the gun, rental applies on purchase price avenue between Dewey and Broe­ and 25c for children. at full value zcl street by not parking our own will be set up capable of seating a ) ou yet yesterday? PETER'S, REMINGTON, WESTERN SHELLS or permitting employees to park total of 75,000 circus fans during Salesman-! got two orders in cars in front of business places; the week; and a record crowd is one place. TOWNER BROS. also to limit time of parking trucks anticipated. The entire pul>lic is Boss-That's fine. \\'hat were 710 University Ave. on these streets. It is also sug­ inYited to attend the Shrine Indoor they? BECKWITH'S 49 Atlantic Ave. Circus, which is the greatest indoor Salesman-One was to get out 271 LYELL AVE. Opp. Fire House gested that salesmen be requested 179 Lyell Ave. 940 Jay St. to park around the corne~" circus on the road. and the other was to stay out. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Page4 Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, Collection N. Y., NOVEMBER 8, 1928 Tenth Ward Courier News of the Churches I REMOVED The Doctor Shoe I North P resbyterian Church - :\_onday, Xo\'cmhcr 12th. the \\ edr•esdny e\'ening at the mid­ \Yestminster Guild, which includes DENTS FROl\1YOUR week service, Re\·. Charles E. Rath, all the girls of the Xorth Church, Makes Happy Feet o( the Philippine Islands, spoke on will meet for supper at 6 p. m. hrs \\ ork among the people there. Younger girls meet during the af­ BODIES&FENDERS Mr. Hath is the milc for music teacher. Schulz SAWS FILED and RESET 1 Lc Roy B. Dodge, Chairman. on October 20th. Building, Dewey at Driving Park. RAZORS HONED ------Apply S3!l De\\ ey aYenuc. GIRL SCOUTS SCISSORS SHARPENED NEW BOOKS AT FOR RE~T-Six room house, 273 1 ).farion \\ells aud Luella Marsh Flectric avenue, with double garage. H. B. BOWEN 9 STRAUB STREET LAKE LIBRARY repmcnted Tro~p 53 at the Girl Inquire ·I~ Rogers avenue after fi\'e. When It's Printing Scouts' ConventiOn, November 2d TO LET-New apartment, 253 "An Indian ] ourney," Bonsels, and 3d at The Sagamore. Birr street. Modern, heat, light. !lt5.4. t\ sympnthctic account of Round table discussions were hot water and electric refrigeration RESH a sojourn among the peoples and held during the clay. Friday eve- furnished. ANCY jungles of India. ning the banquet on the roof garden ------You Need "FIJ ing the Artir," \\'ilkins, was declared a real success. :\f any FOR RE~T - Dodak section; RAGRANT modern, newly decorated six room 6:.!9.17. Strange experiences en- ideas were gained thru meeting LOWERS countered on the "trail of the girls from Syracuse. Buffalo, James­ flat. \\'ill rent to two congenial weather" in the polar regions. I town and others irom \\'estern Xew couples who can share rent. In· ROM "The Happy ).fount:tin," Chapman. York. quire 40 Rainier street, Glen 5351-R. Call on The Courier A mountain-bred boys' search for Girl Scouts oi Troop 46 held a ARMEN'S happiness carries him out into the Halloween party, Tuesday evening, CHILDRE~'S DRESSES at rea­ world and back to his mountain at John :Marshall High School. The sonable prices. Also ladies' aprons. Driving Park at Dewey again. girls had charge of the cntertain- pillow cases and embroidery work. Glen. 1240 Name Cards Billheads "Brook Evans,'' Glaspell. A story ment, each patrol giving a stunt. Orders taken for sewing. Claribel Lawton, 9 Ranier street. Programs of love in conflict with conformity, Games and dancing followed and re- Letterheads told with feeling and sincerity. freshmcnts were served. FOR SALE- In Hampton Gar­ "Bambi,'' Saltcn. An absorbing Ruth Leggy, of Lake avenue, and Envelopes Posters dens, off Latta road, lot 75 x 175. hook about deer life in the depths Mary Elizabeth Sadden, of Dewey Patronize~ Our ( Circulars In residential tract on improved of the forest. avenue, were delegates to the con- road. Will sell at bargain. Call "Her Knight Comes Riding," vention held at The Sagamore. The Advertisers Glen . .;G!l4. \Veaver. A wistful heroine finds following girls of the troop were fairy tales inadequate as a philos- hostesses to out of town delegates: FOR SALE-Living room suite. nphy of life. Elizabeth Zimmerli, Doris Adkin, Glen. 2585 517 LYELL AVE. Three piece, almost new. Must be "Sunset Gun," Parker. 811. Live- Ruth Zimmer, Arline Miner, Mary sold. 351 Inglewood drive. Gen. A Gas-Fired ly and amusing poems by the auth- Elizabeth Sadden, Ruth Yegg and 1266-W. Main 5412 26 SO. WATER ST. or of "Enough Rope." Mrs. \Villiam H. Stell. captain of Garbage "The Three :Musketeers of the the troop. UPHOLSTERING - Reuphol­ Incinerator Air," Koehl and Others. 629.17. The On Oct. 26th, the witches. spooks, stering, living room suites made to lives and experiences of the three gypsies and clown; of Troop 53 ordrr. All work guaranteed. A. R. Solves the Garbage Bremen flyers, told by themselves. gathered together at the Lake Avc- De Lan~- Co.. 3.i9<> \Yh~tney street. I "Drawing for Beginners," Furniss. nue Baptist Church to celebrate Glen. !H"'· Gen. 1-66-\\ . 1 and Rubbish A SUCCESSFUL OPENING 741. Various aspects of drawing Halloween. Halloween games were 1 and painting discussed in a non- played and refreshments \\ere HElfSTITCHIXG and picoting. Disposal Problem First class work. 85 Pierpont street technical manner; good illustra- served. And Now Something Special! corner Driving Park avenue. i Simple- Clean -Safe tions. Your best weapon against dis­ it in Rosentein's face. Just as he FOR RE~T-Office suitable for Free-Saturday Only ease-spreading insects, rodents "\Vaiter, here's a needle in this was about to fire, Rosentein said: chiropodist in Schulz Building. and the odorous t rail of the gar­ 2 SLICES OF FLAVORITE BOILED HAM TO sougl'' "How much do you want for the Dewey at Driving Park. Apply bage collector is the Teekorator EACH OF THE FIRST 100 CUSTOMERS "A mere typogr:tphical error, sir; gun?" ~39 Dewey avenue. -

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., NOVEMBER 15, 1928 No. 15

Dewey Business Men Lake and Ridge Now That That's Over With The DEWEY REFORMED e Suffer From Bowling Business Men In THANKSGIVING STARTS DRIVE FOR \ n epidemic of stilT m u scle~ and -ore li mbs swept Dewey avenue this Meeting Tonight Issue of REMODELING FUND week as the direct result of strenu­ THE COURIER ons e:xcrcise last Tuesday evening The meeting of the Lake and Special services will be held at .lt the Rochester T urn Vercin, Ridge Business ~fen's Associa· Will Be the Next Issue the Dewey Avenue Reformed where about 35 business men of the tion scheduled for last :Monday Church at D<·wcy and Flower City a,·euue indulged in a bowling match. evening has been postponed un· Out Mon., Nov. 26 park for the purpose oi inaugurat­ O ld timer~ coming back, young­ til tonight. The association wlll ing a drive to raise funds for a pro­ >tc r' brcakmg in and veterans out meet tonight at John Lang's Res­ Watch for it! of practice "ere in attendance, but taurant on Lake avenue in a posed remodeling and possible ad­ dc'>pitc this fact there were some Qeneral meeting and among oth­ dition to the present building. It 1air scores attained. er things will hear the report Vitaphone Passes is hoped to raise $.1000, Sunday, in After bowling and partaking of a of the Holiday Decorations money and pledges toward a fund lunch, the business men settled Committee. dO\\ n to a short busine!'>s meeting. :...______; Severe Test While of $15,000 which it is estimated will be required. If sufficient funds are Several ucw members were a4mit­ DEMOCRATIC WOMEN JN Filming "Tenderloin" pledged, it is the tentative plan of tcd to the association. It was de­ the church to build a new auditor­ cided to allow each of the mer­ CARD PARTY TOMORROW AT RIVIERA THUR.-FRI.-SAT. ium on the adjoining lot and to re- chants to decorate for the holidays Th1. \\"omen's Democratic Club model the present church for use individually, rather than to ha,·c oi the Tenth \\'ard will hold 1ts One of the greates tests to which as a Sunday school. one !argc community project for rl·gular monthly meeting tomorrow Vitaphone has been put came in the Dr. William F. Long, of Philadel­ h coming ~t :tsnn. Iucidentally it filming of Dolores Costello's new phia, Pa., field secretary of the e,·ening, X ovembcr 16th, at the \1 ,ts also decided to hold more bowl­ picture. "Tenderloin," which is one Home :Mission Board of the Re­ headquarters, 2!!8 Driving Park ing parties. [!J:•··· ..·· ·•··•··•··•··•··•··•··· .. ······•··•··•···...... ql o£ the big novelties promised the formed Church in the United avenue. A short business mc<'ting .+ 't public by Warner Bros. The test States, will be the speaker at both will be followed by the usual card given the instrument in its early morning and evening services. The party. Bridge. 500 anrl pedro will + ! MRS. BERTHA A. BUSH Historical Background of days by the New York Philhar- evening service will begin at 7 :30. he played and there will he a prize I ; monic Orchestra of 110 men ·was as A choir of about fifteen high school for each table. nothing compared to that given it girls will furnish the music. RE-ELECTED HEAD OF All members and their friend<; arc ! The Tenth Ward f ~ ' in the filming of one scene in the 1 urged to be present. a...... By .JOAN LYNN SCHILD ·•··•··•·•-•.. • .. •-•-•·•-•·0 REPUBLICAN WOMEN new thriller. \\'ith the huge sym- I Editor'• Note: Thia ia the first of a series of articlca on past events, phonic orchestra the sounds flowed I GAUPMAN-LEE Tenth "'ard Republican \Vomen at personalities and legends of the old territ ory which is now the TentH rhythmically. There was uniform- Miss Ethel M. Lee, daughter oi th ir reg•1lar bu~im·ss meeting held Ward. But there was no uniformity :Mr. and 1frs. R. B Lee, of 182 Ful- Thur<>da), Xovember 8, re-elected 111 this one scene in "Tenderloin." ton avenue, and Edward J. Gaup- r~. Bertha \. llu•n pr ~idcnt. 1 he \Yhcn Colo'lcl 1\oche,tcr movtd here to rr ide in 181~> there ''as a Here was a young girl suspected T'lan were married. Saturday after­ A her offices were filled a< folio\\ s · man's work to do. He had inve'!cd heavaly m Dansville, buildmg a of being the member of a bandit noon, .l\ovember lOth, at 4:00 p. m. W \ cc-pr siden t, ~Irs. J emne S t I ; grist mill, a a\v mill, a wool carding plant and a paper mill. \\'hen he gang undergoing the grilling of the at the Grace Methodist Church, by S cr tary, 11 rs. Grace Orton Snnth, arrived here the wide!) scattered occupant< of the small cleared spaces "third degree" by the police. Que<- the pastor, Dr. S. S. Davies. A re­ Tr a urer, Mrs. Lena ?.1. C ok . on both ~id of the river adjoining the main falls had no name for tions were being thrown at her ception followed at the Alexandra. Plans for the c min • ) ·ar ''ere t 1 ir har let-one cl ring ''a called Falls to\\ n; another Kmg's Land­ from C\'Cry angle. Questions came They left for a trip to Detroit and d and a bu ) tim , ~or"a 1 1) n • a1 d an t 1er Hanford's Landing. on top oi questions with an occa- 1 "ill be at home on their return a! lit:cally, as antacipatcd fir,t er anent ~ettler of the ·ailed that t part) tound it nee- sional tempestuous shout of denun- 29 Jackson street. n ular OJ u I ou • m tl dty limit i be­ • ry •o tnke down to th river c:;ntion. There were voices on Yoices d~ art n a• ' e t I \ he en Jeremiah Olm­ bank when Mumford (now An­ and cries. on cries the object of it all rehearsed until everyone connected hol <; , 3.B Drh ing Park \\1. , \\ hich t~ca I, who two acres of dre\\ s strc.et) \\ re chcd, the ro d becoming momentarily more nerv­ with it was letter perfect. With all I as b"rOnle in~rca ingly popular land nrar the present junction of not being cut out between Mumford ous. th work, it was with a bit of nerv­ '' •h the \\ o111cn of the ward. will As one of the crucial scenes in ousness that the cameras and Vita­ J.al c aml Phelps avenue~. from a and Brown streets. he CClntinuecl. \II ladies of the the picture this one illustrating the phone apparatus were brought into 111:111 uame

Page 2 Historic NewspapersROCHESTER ,Collection N. Y., NOVEMBER 15, 1928 Tenth Ward Courier TENTH WARD COURIER PERSONALS .Mr:.. Fred Jackson, of Electric James B. of Ala- F. R. METZINGER, Editor and Publisher ~Irs. ~Iillham, a' en ue, left Friday to sail for Eng - ~meda street, entertamed at lunch­ 517 Lyell Avenue land on a trip of two months to the eon. Tuesday, at the Monroe Golf GJ.. nwood 2585 home of her brother. Club.

Down town office, 25 South Water St.- Main 5412 Thomas Ereth, of Tacoma street, ~[r. and :\Irs. Glen C. Morrow, of is convalescing from a recent op­ Lake evenue, will motor to Ithaca, Xews matter must be in the hand~ of the editor not later than the cration. Saturday, to attend the Cornell­ TODAY-FRIDAV-SATURDA V :\fonday preceding date of i~sue. Dartmouth game. .:\1 r. and .Mrs. R. Robinson and OUR SCREEN SPEAKS! CAVIl • JIUII P_-I " 'TI NG tO .• IN(, J5 SOUTH WAlfR STRUT their sons, Donald and Edward, of ::\[r. and :\Irs. Willis .t\. Bellinger, Lake avenue, have returned from a of ~Iaplewood avenue, will attend SEE AND HEAR hunting trip at Old Forge. the Corneii-Darthmouth game Sat­ urday at Ithaca. THE LATEST UNDERWORLD HIT .:\[ r. and Mrs. Harold 1·fotley Kiugston, o£ Seneca parkway, have The Busy Bee Unit of the Roch­ returncd from a ten days' motor ester Home Bureau meets \Vednes­ trip through the South. day at 2 p. m. at the Church of the Hedeemer on Dewey avcuue. Iu­ DOLORES COSTELLO .:\Irs. Merritt R. Burton, of Magee tcresting programs arc given each avenue, entertained the Opportunity week, arranged by ).f rs. Edward I N THE VITAPHON E SENSATION ('lub, :Monday ~:vening at her home. Cater, chairman, and :\Irs. Ed ward Garvey, secretary. At the recent card party held at ''TENDERLOIN'' the residence of Mrs. A L. \Vilson, The Delta Beta ~u Sorority held oi .:\!agee avenue, by the Korthwest a masquerade party, November 2d, Social Club, prizes were "on by at the Lakedale Clubhouse. ALSO HEADLINE ACTS OF ::\1 rs. 1fcGivern. ),[ rs. ::\[cCJeare. Mrs. ~. L. Wilson, and .Mrs. \Vm. Mrs. John Goodland, of Augus­ Pvc. The next party was held at tine street, entertained the members the residence of ),[ r<, \Vm. Pye on oi the Busy Bee Unit at luncheon, VITAPHONE VAUDEVILLE \lamcda <:trcct, Tuesday. \Vednesday. One of the eurlieat pictures available of the old which now atanda the Lolte Avenue Branch Library. ::\frs. Junius R Judson. of High­ :\Iiss Ann Dowdell entertained land Heights, her sister, ).!iss Ruth the Five Hundn·d Club, \Vednesday Fl·ary, of Canandaigua, and :Miss evening. Prizes "ere awarrled and Edith II. flak, of Lake avenue, left luncheon served. Humor \\'cdnesday by motor for Asheville, Thursday, Friday Thursday, Friday Dictated but not Read sending it back period. Yours truly. '\. C., where they will spend some A baby girl, Mary Elizabeth, was and Saturday Cand Saturday Rt'ad that over, no never mind, I 1 imc . born to Mr. and l\Irs. Gco. Braun. "l\0\\, 1fiss Blogg," boomed J as­ won't waste any more time on that of Rainier street, Oct. 28th. p r ).I. \Vhurtle, president of the egg. I'll look at the carbon tomor­ :.'\[iss Il<·len Harmon, of Magee ORIGINAL REXALL \\' hurtle Jewelry Company, to his row. S'gn my name. \Ye must go avenue. left la<:t \n·ek for Amherst, ne"· stenographer, "I want you to ~frs. Rose Meyerhoff, of Ridge­ out to lunch soon, eh?" :\[ass .. where she will attend the understand that wh~:n I dictate a way avenue, will hold a variety week-end parties at Amherst Col­ letter I want it written as dictated, shower at her home this afternoon Betty: Do you have any green lege. ONE CENT SALE and not the \\ay you think it r . k ~ for the benefit of the Sale to be •hould be. Understand?" •pshc · held. December 6th, at the Dewey 1 Clerk: Green lipstick? The John Bunyan Tercentenary :\venue Reformed Church. 50c J onteel Cold Cream 50c Puretest Milk of "Yes. sir," said :\lbs 13logg meek-, ~etty: Yes, a railroad man is was celebrated on Tuesday at the Face Powder . . 2 for 51c Magnesia . .... 2 for 51c ly. . gomg to call on me tonight. home of Mrs. William A. Lock­ ~[ rs. Delia Dennis, of Flower 30c Rexall Shaving 69c Puretest Aspirin "I fired three stenogs for reviS· wood, of Albemarle ~treet, by the City park, entertained at luncheon, Cream...... 2 for 31c Tablets ...... 2 for 70c i n~ my letters, see?" A small girl may be but a pebble Hakkoroeth Reading Club. Thursday noon at her hom. :\frs. $1 Peptona. . . 2 for $1.01 " Yc,, sir.'' I on life's beach, but when she be- 50c Klenzo Dental Dennis was assisted by ).fi•s Ann Milk Chocolate Bar ".\ 11 right-take _a letter." gins to grow she becomes a little .:\{r. and .Mrs. Clark \\'etmore, of Creme ...... 2 for 51c T he next mornmg :\fr. 0. J. boulder. ::\forgan. % lb...... 2 for 36c 1 Seneca parkway, have been visit­ Squizz, oi the Squizz Srlvcr Polish 59c Puretest Rubbing Writing Paper, Cascade ors in Chicago for a few days. Alcohol ...... 2 for 60c Company, received the foliO\\ ing: ).fo.;t oi us get what r• coming ':\frs. Abbie Bush, of Dewey ave­ Pound ...... 2 for 46c '').[r, 0 . K . or \ , J

~hip , no furnish us with your reg­ anyth'ng the matter with me, don't tiara advertised by Leech Bros. tlut 1 .------• ~ells for a song. 1 ular polish you needn't ship us no frighten me half to death by giving ~!iss Harriett Goodman, of Char­ Joe-\Vell, my love, if you eX(•ect more period or whatever the gram­ it a long scientific name. J ust tell leston, \V. Va., is the guest of Dr. me to furnish the note~. you'd bettcr mar is. This d-- cigar i<: out me what it is in plain English." and ::\[rs. Louis Liverman, of Lake Newell's Market avenue. change your tune. again pardon me and furthermore ).I. D.: "\Veil, sir, to be frank. 694 RIDGEWAY AVE. GLEN. 1669 where was I ? ~ ice bob you have. you are lazy." Paragraph. The polish you sent Salesman: "Thank you. doctor. A party of hunters. including Les- The lawyers had heen badgering FRESH and SMOKED MEATS us wasn't fit to shine a brass door Xow tell me the scientific name for lie Schmanke. Earl Davis and Law­ all the witnesses about being abso­ FRUITS and VEGETABLES knob. let alone silver ,and we're it. I've got to report to the missus." rence \\ 'hittlcscy, of the Tenth lutely acurate, and especially an old \Vard, returned last week after a truckman who grew tired of it. FISH, OYSTERS and CLAMS •wo weeks' hunt in Canada, north They kept cautioning him to gi,·c SPRING CHICKENS and FOWLS of Ottawa. Each shot a deer and a precise answer to every question SPECIAL SATURDAY AT LOWEST PRICES 10TH WARD SPECIAL FROM THE ':\fr. Davis brought down a hng-e and not talk about what he might WHITE HOUSE BAKERY 310 pound black hear. think the question meant. Finall) Glenwood 1669 WE DELIVER 694 Ridgeway Ave. they asked, "You drive a wagon?'' 1 LAYER CAKE 45 ~1rs. George H . Hesselink, of "No, sir, I do not." "\Vhy, sir, did 1 COFFEE RING C Bryan street, is confined to her you not tell my learned friend so this 1 LOAF BREAD home by illness. moment?" "No, sir, I did not," an­ WHITE H O USE BAKERY swered the witness. "Now, sir, I Phone Glen. 6041 1176 Dewey Ave. \Vord has just been received of put it to you on your oath. Do you McKenney & Trumpp the appointment of Joseph A. Bush, drive a wagon?" "::\o sir." "\\'hat is son of 1fr. and :Mrs. Joseph H. your occupation, then?'' "I

Tenth Ward Courier Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, N.Collection Y., NOVEMBER 15, 1928 Page 3 WOLF-McGUIRE

rhc marriage of ~li5s !{uth .\. News of the Churches McGuire, daughter of ~frs. Cather- North Presbyterian-At the mid­ \\ urk togeth~r: '' hile the peop'e of neT. ~!c(,Uire, oi \\ dd strc<'t, and \\eek service on \\"ednesday, Xo- this country sletp, their representa­ Saturday 1. •rnard ]. Wolfe, son of ~lr. and vember ith. Rev. Charles E. Rath, ti\CS in the Philippines are awake Specials :\lr5. 0. S \\'olfe, son of ~ir. and missionary to the Philippine Is- and carrying on the work oi the ' enue, took place on Tuesday, lands. told of the developments in Kingdom, so that the activities oi 0 t 2 d, at Corpus Christi Church. the islands during the past thirty the church are continuous. T'te ceremony \\as performed by I years. under the lJnited States. When asked ii the work paid. ~[ r. Skinned Smoked Hatns 29c tl e Rev. William ]. Hart, assisted During the Spanish regime the 1~.1th said he had always felt that Prime Chuck Roasts 29c ) the Rev. Arthur \, Ilughcs. peoplr lived in great ignorance and the work was one of great import­ The bride wore French blue vel- want. Their government cared ance, and cited many particular Swifts Premium Lard 3 lbs. for SOc ' t \\ ith a hat to match, and car- nothing for schools, because the cases to prove the value of mis­ ,. eel flride roses and lilies of the val- people would be easier to govern if sionary activities. He said that he Large Beechnut Catsup 2 for 39c A :Miss Vera O'Connell, who was they were kept uneducated, accord­ had gone out as a missionary him­ ~h:'s maicl, wore hlue silk crepe ing to the reasoning of the officials, self IH•caus<' he roulcl not get a way 11 ith hat to match, and carried pink American occupation brought from the responsibilities of it and · Our method of merchandising vegetables insures them "'n,cs. Francis E. \\'olfc, brother real advance, and as 1Ir. Rath has 111 answer to his mother's prayers. being as fresh as if gathered from your own garden. nf the Lridcgronm, wa~ b,·st man. 'Pent the last twenty-five years it~ \ ftcr the Cl remony, a wedding the islands, he has personaaly seen Crace Methodist- On ~ovember hrcat..iast was crn~d 1o the imme- the changes that have been brought 18th at •1 ::HJ the tlonhJ,. quartet will ate families at th· !{ochcstcr Club. about. .\s soon as the American pr<·scnt cant alta, "Dies ] rae," by Schaefer Bros. \[r. and Mrs. \\'..lfe left on a trip tlag waved OYer the Philippine Is­ Dr. G~orgc I Icnry D,1y. local Roch­ QUALITY MEATS, VEGETABLES l Xew York and \tlantic City and lands, the missionaries of the gos- ester musician. Dr. Day is organ­ 1 li\ e at 7 · Fast boulc\'ard after pel came there, established ~chools, ist and choir master at Christ Epi>­ SEA FOODS tr return. trained natives to carry on the copal Church and also dean of the '' ork of evangelization and made Organist Guild of Western '\ew 402-404 LEWISTON AVE. GLEN. 6088 EDWARD T. HOWDEN real progress in spite oi 11;rcat ob­ York Chapter. stacles. Monarch Paint Prices Lower The soloists in the cantatta are In the early days oi ~[r Rath's Frank Seibert ~nd ~[ i,s Mildred WALL PAPER- PAINTS work there, Opranos, ~[rs. nry pcrsistance of the missionar­ C'HIS. Spangle anti ~[iss Mildred ONLY $1.98 WITH $5.00 PURCHASE ic • and their helpers gained the re­ Dean; contraltors, :\fr< Hedley COME IN AND LET US EXPLAIN QUALITY SHOE REPAIR spect of the natives until very dif­ \\ ilcox and :"If iss Gr:1ce \\'aite; Quality Work-Moderato Prices ferent conditions obtain now. ha5S. 1 Icrhcrt flloom and Austin \Ve show you the difference be­ E . BREWER The people are wraring shoes t ween Shoe Rebuilding Turnitt: organist and director, ~Irs. 13-15 Pullman Ave. Glen. 1723 and Cobbling and stockings-an almost unheard Dorothea Palmer Roscoe. M ichael S c h iavo nf thing twenty-five years ago; Class Three recently held its reg­ 825 Dewey Ave. near Driving Pk. the) live in good houses and wear ul.tr monthly husines~ meeting and Some of the merry-makers to de­ good clothes and drive good cars. annual election of officers. :Mrs. C. light the 75,000 spectators at the Big­ Cold W eather Obligations The Bureau of Education has re­ G. White was elected president with Indoor Circus to be held in the cently passed a rule that school ).[ rs Ed. Dennett as vice president: Armory, Thanksgiving W cek, Nov. TO YOUR CAR C. H. Bantel Co., Inc. children shall wear a uniform so Mrs. Della Robinson, ~ecretary; ~fr. 26 to Dec. 1. Put anti-freeze solution in your radiator that the poorer children may not ) oseph flarlo\\', t rcasurer; and ~f rs. COAL AND COKE 1 Change to lighter oil-Check your battery 785 DEWEY AVE. hr embarrassed by being outdrcsscd John DeGellcke. missionary treas- A colored agu1t 1\:t, smnrnonl·tl Call Glen. 1154 i by their wealthier schoolmates. urer. Leior the insurance commi~stoncr. SAVE THAT REPAIR BILL-LET US DO IT for P rompt Delivery )fr. Rath spoke of the necessity The hostess, 1f rs. Agnes Smith. 6'> "Don't )OU kno11," said the com­ o,·ersigoht of several native churches Clay avenue, sen·ed ice cream and missioner, "that ~ou can't sell life ROCHESTER GARAGE OWNERS' ASS'N "ith :heir native pastors; the mem­ cake and a plrasant evening was insurance \\ ithout a state license?" RAY DEFE~DORF'S GAP~-\GE, ~.\RKHAlf·HU''IFS I~C hcr.; oi these churchc,; arc rapidly "Bo,~." 'aid the darkcy,"you shuah 416 Lewiston Avenue John D. Marknam, President, S . L ARUSSA enjoyed. 1685 Dewey ,\,e. learning church government and ~aid a moufful. I done learned I HALL'S SALES AXD SER\'ICE, GEORGE 11. HATZ, HIGH GRADE 1850 Dewey Avenue Lexington at Dewey Avenue SHOE RE-BUILDER the work proceeds with great en­ The Ladies' Aid will hold a ba­ couldn't

Page4 Historic Newspapers Collection ROCHESTER, N.Y., NOVEMBER 15, 1928 Tenth Ward Courier

Historical Background branch of the Rochester Public Li­ A Modern Will To my chauffeur, I lea\ e my cars. 1 f you would know just what peo-' English Tourist: "Pardon, sir, but brary at Lake avenue and l\[aple­ The following '' an excer!Jt irom He almost ruined them and I want pie say of you behind your back, I what do you do with all that corn!'" of the Tenth Ward wood terrace is said to have been him to have the satisfaction of fin­ the ''ill of a rich je\\ eler which has li to accommo­ ishing the job. -- jwhat \\C C been prolate d in X ew York To my partner, I lea\ e thr sug­ a shelter there. \\'orkmen reconstructing the build­ State: gestion that he take some other Customer: ·'I want a pair of spec- I can." The hollow was not without its ing in 1926 were amazed at the To m) son, I le;n e the pleasure of cJe,·cr man in with him at once if he rimmed hornicles-1 mean spornrim-1 Englishman's \\ ifc: '\\hat did h l-C sat , t ey at(' Jeweler: I know \vhat you mean, er hung in Rochester, on Xov. 29, structure. Originally the hotel was ure was all miue. lie was mistaken. Percival -I f(•ar our hone) moon sir. :\!r. Perkes, show this gentle- I what they could, and what they J<;3<>, obtained possession of his heated by great fireplaces which To my daughter, J leave $100,000. will take every cent I've got. man a pair of rim-sporned hectacles.", couldn't they could." body and conveyed it to Deep Hol­ were uncovered by the workmen. She will need it. The only good actre~s-Oh, low, where they buried it secretly The hotel and adjoining property piece of hu~im·ss her hushand ever :\[o,·ie ''ell. A hon- by torchlight. There was also a eymoon comes only about once every was acquired by the city as an ap­ did was to marty her. l'nrchaser-"\Vhat is the charge Breathless l Tunter, "Say, hoy, did two or three year~. tale of a miser who occupied a proach to a future bridge to be To my valet. I lea\ c the clothes for this hattery?" you sec a fox run hy here?" cabin on the brink of the hollow built over the Genesee River at that he has b(•cn stt·aling from me European Garageman-"One and Boy: "Yes, sir." and of strange figures seen fitting that point and was turned over to 1·egularly for the last ten years. Ideas are like plant~. they require om·-half volts." Hunter· "!I ow long ago?" through the ravine. the Public Library as a branch 1\lso my fur coat that he wore last fertile soil, air and sunlight i£ they l'urchaser-"Well, how much is Boy: "J t'll he a year next Christ The old building now used as a building. winll-r wiH·u I was in Palm Beach. arc to have a healthy growth. that in American money?" mas."

Call Glen. 2272-R for a free estimate of your Painting or Interior Decorating Problem

We cheetfully furnish samples of our beautiful W all-Galbraith, Geo. R. Harttnan Craftex and Glazed finishes upon request; also highest Inc. references from satisfied customers. We point with pride to the interior of the popular H. A. Johnston Bakery as our latest success.

We also specialize in Builders' Supplies CRAFTEX and PLASTIC PAINTS Realtor H. Walker, 26 V elox St. and Builder 10 Norman Street Imperial Glen. 3080 Floors {''\ "The flooz:ing \.• .1 152 Ridgeway Ave. with a national reputation''

Glen. 1345-M Imperial Flooring is a patented process, fireproof, resilent, noiseless, dustless, waterproof. non-slippery, inexpensive-is Bert Galbraith applied like plaster over most any foundation and can be used the day after it is installed. Particularly adapted to• use in office buildings, apartments, RES.-GLEN. 5153-W banks, churches, schools. hospitals, factories, theaters, hotels, etc. /TM, 1-:\TORJl.ATIO;Y UPOl',r Rl~lJllEST IMPERIAL FLOOR CO., Inc. 59 HALSTEAD STREET CULVER 362 E. L. Farnsworth MEITZLER & HEIDEN Electrical Contractor H. A. JOHNSTON 2180 MAIN ST. E. CULVER 2853 ... Plumbing and Heating Wiring, Fixtures and Appliances KLEEN BAKERIES 12 BROEZEL STREET FURNISHED BY US FOR Phone, Glen. 2019-R THIS BUILDING Chas. H. Meitzler Chas. W. Heiden Lewiston A venue Branch Corner Lewiston and Goodwill Street Rochester KEYSTONE Cinder Block BUILDERS' Sales Co. SUPPLY CO. JOBBERS and DEALERS ALL KINDS AND SIZES OF IN CINDER BUILDING BLOCKS AND BRICKS Masons' and Builders' Supplies This building is constructed l Tenth Ward Concerns Take Part in Construction wholely of Cinder Block sup- The well-arranged new building of the H. A. Johnston Kleen Bakeries on Lewiston plied by us. Your inspec­ avenue is a real contribution to the architectural accomplishments of the Tenth Ward. Contractors' Equipment tion will prove that Cinder It is interesting to note that Mr. Johnston pi!:ked out Tenth Ward business concerns to do J a considerable share of the work and to supply many of the materials for him.. The Block is one of the best units Office and Warehouse finished product is certainly a credit to the builders both as to materials and workmanship. for modern construction. George P. Hartman of Ridgeway avenue made Corporation was also used in the waJls of the up the specifications for the new structure and new building. 85 superintended its construction. Mr. Hartman Plumbing fixtures and heating equipment were PALM ST. was guided by the plan and layout of similar installed by Meitzler and Heiden of Broezel buildings on the Pacific Coast. street. N.Y. C. KODAK PARK SWITCH Wall Galbraith, Inc., of Norman street, dealers H. Walker of Velox street, painter and interior Office and Factory in builders' supplies, furnished the lime, cement decorator, applied the attractive and unique and concrete block used in the construction of Craftex finish on the walls. - Telephones - waJls and floors. The electrical fixtures of Spanish design are Keystone Buildcrl! • Supply Company of Palm the work of E. L. Farnsworth, electrical con- Norman St. Glen. 4170 street supplied the plaster materials and the face tractor of E. Main street. Glen. 485 Glen. 486 brick which so attractively sets off the exterior Imperial floors made by the Imperial Floor of the building. Company of Halstead street, were laid by that Cinder block from the Rochester Cinder Block company in the stores. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection TENTH WARD COURIER Published Every Thursday "Serving the TENTH Exclusively"

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., NOVEMBER 26, 1928 No. 16 4 BARNES CONSIDERING POSSIBILITY Thanks· Lake, Ridge Business e OF RUNNING CARS IN SUBWAY Weeks Men Plan Decoration To Christmas Uniform Christmas decorations \, :1 IMrt oi the plan of OPl'ratinn that is gradually being developed will be the feature of the stores in II rough the <'!Torts of the rity and the Xcw York State Railways, it Shop EARLY and the neighborhood of Lake and Lew­ ppears as a po:.-1hility !hat some of the Dewey avenue street cars iston avenues during the coming ., 1y be r1111 on a part time srhedule through the subway. season as a result of the action tak­ Xunwrous inquiries have been di­ rr ...... - ...... rr don't forget that your rected to the office of this paper en by the Lake and Ridge Business a king \\hen the Xew York State !COMMENT! ~~Tenth Ward Merchant :\fen's Association at its regular Railways intends to make usc of monthly meeting on November 15. h: ramp recently constructed just The next meeting of the association i• RITICISMil has everything you need brio\\ Emcr-;on -treet and connect­ will take the form of a bowling l! ...... By the Editot•·•.. •- •-•· •·ci party, being arranged by Dr. 'ug the ,urface street car tracks C. W. Oster and will be held nc..xt ~Ion­ ' ith the subway. An apparently well-founded rum­ day, December 3, at Rocks Bowl­ .\nnouncement from Charles \V. or has it that two prominent chain Barne>, commi,sioner of street rail­ store merchants are negotiating for ing Alleys on Lake avenue. The decision to make the decora­ wa)' in Rochester, is to the effect the lease of property at the corner ; at the ramp has been built with of Dridug Park and Dewey ave­ tions u11iform came as the result of thr recommendations of a spe­ an eye to the future as have sim­ nues Representatives of both corn­ lar ramps on ).lonroc avenue and pa'lie< arc said to have made at­ cial committee appointed at the Oc­ tober meeting to inve~tigate the at 1) ell a\·utuc However. Com­ tracth·c offers for sites which have possibilities of creating a distinc­ mi ioncr Barnc.s g ves some hope long bee11 considered very valuable Builder Opens New from a strategical business point of tive Christmas efTl•ct. Since the t.P tl car ri pe of service to the street that big business is looking to the no necessity for rC'cording in these \Vard and especially to the new by the association and the associa­ page~ that the people of Rochester the Vanderbilt stables. .A riders of Dewey avenue as well Tl·ntb. the same as it has been cast­ homes and the block which he is tion president, Charles P. Coster, have for 'llany years given indubi­ Driving Park avenue was a busy • to all other line~ in the city," mg around on the ea;t side of town erecting on the Fill:nore tract. He dispatched a letter to Congressman table evidence that they entertain

Page 2 Historic NewspapersRO CHESTER Collection, N. Y., NOVEMBER 26, 1928 Tenth Ward Courier TENTH WARD COURIER PERSONALS !H istorical Background F. R. METZINGER, Editor and Publisher .Mr and Mrs. Oscar B. Spiehler, of Seneca park\\ ay, wsll ent~rtain of the Tenth Ward 5:7 Lyell Avenue at a debutante dan.ce at the Oak Continued from page 1 Gl-.:nwood 2585 Hill Country Club on December .!lth, to introduce their daughter, From the battle over $5,000 \\as Down town office, 25 South Water St.-Main 5412 MIS~ Henriette ~piehler . realized for the monument fund and its success was so pronounced that Xews matter must be in the hands of the editor not later than the Mr,, Alired \\'rightf1 oi Albe­ a second sham battle was fought for Monday pr,eceding date of igsue. n arlc ~trcct, will entertain her read­ the same purpose on july ·Hh of TODAY-TUES.-WED. iug cluh at luncheon. Friday, at her the following year. U SOUTH WATER STRUT home. Grandstand Destroyed THE ALL TALKING PICTURE Where to go for Hair-Dressing .\1 r~. Irving E. Hoyt, of Lake Legislation, making betting on View park. .\ frs. Frederick L. Hig­ horse races illegal, put an t•nd to and .Hair-Cutting gins, of L.1ke View park, Mrs. Har- the annual race meets. On Nov<"lll­ LIGHTS 1") D. llaight, of Landing road, and bcr 8, 11i!l9 the ~::rand stand, v. l!f\" OF \frs. Arthur lll'nham, of Ranier burned and 11cvc.:r nbuilt. The str•·<'t, returned hv motor, recently, propl!rty was suhscqu<·ntly •liviclc•l NEW YORK THE WRIGHT BEAUTY SHOP rom i\c.w York City. up into building lots. 1 he old hotrl 1385 Lake Ave., cor. Clay -.1-- built on thc grounds .1 1d once tbe MARCELLING SOc .\1 r. a•1d Mrs. Vinrent S. Ben­ rlndez~ous of fashion .md I e ~<.em. Work Dono D:tys and Evenings n t of Lal e aH!nue, gailed last Jf nwch gaiet), nO\\ st.1nd o.1 the - ALSO HEADLINE ACTS OF by Appointment Call Glen. 5699 'cek, on tit(' <::. S. Fort Victoria for north side oi ::;c)) e terrace, between Bermuda. DoH) a ,·cnut .wd Arcncr strc<:t VITAPHONE VAUDE ELLE and has beer re'lJOdcltu into a mod ~I ar) \ . Burrow>. oi Ala~ ern four family flat. P atronize Mary Lou Beauty Shoppe 11ccl.1 -;trcet a1'd ~fi::s Elsa Van ------' --B. Bryan, of Seneca I k f L k \r k " d . \\ 1c , o a , 1cw par ·"' r. an pal'kWa\, tntcrta1ncd at luncheon M I d S '.!If THANKSGIVING - llll \\ rlnesrlay at the Oak Hill • r,. •re. · tro1 1 ~. au<1 r. an< 1 ~[·~. \\ 1lham B. Z1mmer motored AND THE HOUSE COLD AS ICE! (_ ountry Cl u1 > m 11onor o f Itcr 1 1 'M \V'll H S . tv It 1aca O\'Cr thl week-end to a 1 11 There they all sat; Mother, Father. Uncle Joe and the whole aug ~ter, • rs Jur · mit ' tend the Cor1•ell Dartm nth foot family trying to suppress their shivers-and Jim in the base· 1 ho IS h('r guest. ball game. SCHULZ ment wrestling with tbe furnace. But never again-After this Mr and Mrs. Charles Stell, of we will heat with \fr<. H. F. Doell, Qf ]) \\Cy ave­ Cleaners, Tailors, Dyers C"le,·eland, are \'isitin~ for two Famous READING Anthracite-from nue. entertained at luncheon and \\ ee s at tit(' home of Mr. and Mrs. 24-HOUR SERVICE GUARANTEED \\ ilham H. Stell of Flower City bridge recently Ill honor of Mr . BECKWIT H 'S park. \Va~ner. NO CHARGE FOR MINOR REPAIRS ).1 iss Rhoda Tuthill, of Biss street, We Call and Deliver 271 LYELL AVE. Opp. Fire House left recently for Grand Rapids, :l\1 rs. Edward R. Hardenbrook, of :\fich., where she has taken a posi­ Lake a venue, entertained at lunch­ 835 DEWEY AVE. GLEN. 6128 con and bridge at her horne, Satt1r tion teaching physical training. day of last week. Kegs THE NEW ).Irs. Austin ,G. Dutcher, of Sen­ ).! r. and :Mrs. Raymond Pcarcc Imported SARATOGA CLUB ~..ca parkway, entertained at lunch­ \.lark, of Lake av<.n:1e, left ycstt r Cordials MALT SYRUP ' on and bridge, \Vednesday, in hon­ or of :Mrs. Harold H. Baker. day ior Xorthampton. ).lass, to Extracts A quality malt at a popular price sp('nd Thanksgiving we<•k with their daughter. :\[iss Anne Clark, who PLAIN MALT ...... 3 cans for $1.00 :\I r~. \Vesley !\foyer, of Flower Musical is a freshman at Smith College. Novelties HOP FLAVORED ...... 3 cans for $1.50 L'ity park, is in St. Petersburg, Fla., 'i~iting her si~trr. :\Irs. Frank Kuhn She is ac,ompanied by an­ i:\bs Edith Ed•on, of Emerson L YEL L PRODUCTS CO. street. returned recently from ~<'\\ o•hcr sister, ~Irs. Arthur Schoen, of MALT, HOPS, EXTRACTS York City. TOM TAYLOR WE DELIVER FRED JACKSON Buffalo. They will return June 1st. 191 Lyell A venue Glen. 5703 ).fiss Dorothy Tobin. of Lake :-.fr~. John Dr,> an, of S ncca park­ way, entertained at luncheon a~ Oak \ ie\\ park, will spend the week-end 1 "yracuse and attend the .Syra­ H I Country C"lub. yesterday, in honor o.>f her dau hter, Mrs \\ il u e-C"olgate football game bur Smith, of California. Kt nneth Storandt of D(;wey av('­ has return(' I ron CJeoycJand :tr. and Mrs. Lowell Shield , oi State----- Armory '' re I e was the gu •st oi Miss Lake avenue. ar(' in New York, ALL THIS WEEK \ u~inia P tter on and from Ob~r­ ''here the) are guests at the Hotel NOV. 26-DEC. 1 lin, Ohio \\!.ere hP visited Frank Commodore. They will attend the • 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. daily 1 Thanksgiving D ay- Y it e-Han•ard foo!bal vame Sat 3 P. M. and 8 :P. M. 11 day. GENERAL 50 T;nker, of '!'13 Clc·n- 1 ADMISSION . . c I 1 11nod avcuuc, ha~ taken o\·er the ~fr• . T. Carl ~iX<)ll, of Lake avc­ CHILDREN 25 manal{cll'l't1t of th,• IL1rt .Store at • r :1e, is in Xc'' York city wherc sht: UNDER 12 . . . C that address. \1 ill spend several days. TICKETS For General Admission Main Floor Seats. Reserved Balcony I Scats and Ringside Box Seats :-.rr. and ~[rs. lf,.rman Folts, of :-.r r. and :-.rrs. Raymond l'carcc Now On Sale At \Vayland, spent the week-end with "'lark. of Lake avenue, ldt yrstl!r :-.rr 1nd i\trs. .f. C. Tinker, of Glen- WALGREEN'S day, for Northampton, ~la~s., to Oor. South Ave. and Main st. 11 ood avenue. ALSO AT ARMORY «pend Thanksgiving wet•!, with Phone orders received at their daughter, :\I iss Anne Clark. Main 5081 :-.liss Lucille :'-.[urphy, of Flower who is a freshman at Smith Col­ City park, entertained the Florine! rlege. Soc~ty at her honte last Saturday, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three of the entertainera who will help to make things inter~tin~r evening. The sorority will have a for the crowds at the Shrine Indoor Circus at the Armory all this week. dance at the Rochester Club on \Vednesday eYening, .ll:ovember 2S. AR ecord Breaking Opening Week at Our New Market c::J·~· ...... - ...· -·-·-·...... · ---·-...._._.-·-·· .... · -····-···· ...... '[] t H t Mrs. George G. Reid, of Maple­ WE THANK YOU ALL AND ANNOUNCE THAT ! f!F+Y'~ umor f!F+Y'€4 1 '' ood Park boulevard, entertained rlJ ...... -...... ,....._...... _._ ...... s the Rochester Alumnae Association WE ARE FULLY SUPPLIED TO TAKE CARE OF "I want to see a pair of sil,k stock- r •opia is a place where exper:i- of Kappa Kappa Gamma at a bridge YOUR THANKSGIVING NEEDS 'ngs for my wife." : • Pee may be had on approvai.- party last Thursday evening at her "Sheer?" I ottigviJie Times. home. Prize< were awarded and AT BOTH STORES "~o. she's home.'-'Judge. refreshments S('rvcd. WHERE QUALITY MEATS AT LOWEST PRICES PREDOMINATE !'he •rouble with most women is WITH QUICK SERVICE AND FREE DELIVERY :\dvice to Brides: Don't put aU tht>ir •rouble with most men.-Judge Harold (. \Velchcr. son of :Mrs. voyr eggs in one biscuit.-Life. :-.rartha \Velchcr, of Driving Park We Invite A Trial And Your Patronage \\ i fe: ' '"INhere have you been so a Vt'llUt', is visiting his mother on a Definition of Asterisk : That lit- :ate?" ·•o •lay furlong from Company C. tie black thing in the time tables Hubby: "Stop me if you've heard ''lith Jniantry at Plattsburg, ~- Y. THE LEWISTON MARKET "h:ch means the train doesn't run this one."-.ll:othern Daily Tele­ 1 430 LEWISTON AVE. <>n the day selectcd.-Detroit News. graph. Mrs. Wilbur Smith. who is the GLEN. 2644 guest of her mother, ~frs. Ji!mes B. "Daughter, you're wanted at the 0\·erheard in the heart of the Dryon, of Seneca parkway, enter­ telephone." city : "See that skyscraper. I tained. Sunday evening, at her And Now THE BARNARD SANITARY MARKET "Oh, dear, and I haven't a thing helped watch all the excavating." mother's home. ~frs. Smith, who STONE RD. AT DEWEY AVE. Under Same Management J. F. REID, Prop. to wear."-Judge. -Detroit Xews. was formerly of Rochester, is a well I~--~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~"!-~~~~-~-~ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Tenth Ward CoUlicr Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, Collection N. Y., NOVEMBER 26, 1928 Pa.ge3

News of the Churches One of our homes 60 Dorothy Ave. What theWell Dressed Grace Methodist Church - service begins at 7:45 with medita­ Announcing- \Vednesday evening, November 21. tion, praise and prayer. at the Mid week Fellow.>hip Serv­ Xe..xt \Vednesday evening Dr. The 9pening of our new Foot is Wearing ice at the Grace .Methodist Church, Davies will conduct his Thanksgiv­ Prof. Milton Bond, of the ~iechan­ ing Scn·ice. office, conveniently locat­ The Patricians Parkside ics' Institute will give a lecture on ed for our customers---and "God 111 His \\ orld-Rcvealed in Lewiston Ave. M. E.-:\ Christ­ Art." :\lr. Bond 1s one of the lead­ a complete, reliable build­ ers in the art in the city and will mas sale and pancake supper will illustrate his address by his paint­ be run ~y the Ladie,' Aid. Friday, ing and re.modeling serv­ ing:. and views. November 30th. at the church, cor­ ice for Tenth Warders. The pa:>tor, Dr. Sylvanus S. Dav­ ncr of Lewiston and Dewey ave­ ies, will give his second address on nues. There will be a sale of falll'Y "Th,• Social Ideal of ej sus in Mod­ articles and a fi,h puund start111g at ern l'nctry and Drama." This brief :! o'dock. Suppl'l' will b.: .crvct! arldr~.e~s pn•ccdcs the lecture. The from 5 to 7 T•cf,<'!s arc :l.i c•'nb. Office located at 6 Rooms $6900 W agg's Corners The popular outer footwear to $500 Down keep feet dry and warm in Two Tenth Warders 24 Graduates of Tenth Tllo smart fonn·fitting Pat­ winter comes in black and Balance like rent Lake & Lewiston rician adds new cl1nrm and brown mixture. For children All improvements paid tyle to the ensemble. They as well as the grown-ups. Convention Delegates Ward .Schools Honored have a fnsd.nation for women 1 I IL lOt 1 , nnual convention of \n ong the pupils who gained the retaining the contour of dainty POPULAR PRICES 1 ankles and nctually make the I 1c Kapp.1 Fp 1lon Sorority, to be dist'nction of a place on the Honor H. E. WOODS, Builder feet look smaller. WOMEN'S $2.45 h ld in H.>tel Ut ca, Utica, K Y.,l Roll at Aquinas Institute as a re­ !'\ov mbcr:! th to December 1st, will 1 suit of the quarterly examinations Phone Glen. 6210 for building information and estimates PRICED AT $3.95 CHILD'S $2.25 b,, attended b) two young women there are a number of graduates of of the fcnth \\'ard: ~1iss Helen Sacred Heart and Holy Rosary Perr), o£ Lake V1cw park, and Miss schools CAREFULLY SELECTED SCHMA E'S BO T S OP ll tt~ Gnffin, of Glenwood avenue, Fourteen students who received FRESH POULTRY and a complete line of 1480 DEWEY AVE., Cor. RIDGEWAY AVE. tht prcsidll t and vice president re- tl]eir prelimmary trainmg at Sacred pcctivc!y, ''ill attend as the busi- Heart arc among the honor stu· Open Evenings Till 9 P. M. Phone Glenwood 1385 CHOICE MEATS and VEGETABLES ne-s and ocia: del<:'gates. denb, including: AT REASONABLE PRICES This con1·cntion is the first at Edward Callan, Thomas Dobbins, Our Pork Sausage Is Delicious \\ hich the local chapter will be rep- William Gravelle, Xcil Hickey, llar­ ENJOY THE COMING HOLIDAY SEASON rl'sented ..s tl1e Hochester Chapter old Kendall, La1\ renee Ulll;cr, Ber­ CRANBERRIES ...... 15c lb. WITH AN ALL ELECTRIC '' as installed n .. cen1bcr 30th of last nard Drexel, \Vii kin ~lcCarthy, Ed­ ) L'.tr. This chapter is known as ward Xaylon, l·ranklin Sulliran, ATWATER-KENT RADIO Theta lklta Chapter. JanH s Van \llt-n .•\rchihalcl Harris. LEVIN'S MARKET 1528 LAKE AVE. PRICED COMPLETE AT The sorority, CO!npriscd of high Ten fornwr Hoi.> Rosary ~Indents GLEN. 305 (.hnol girls 1\ a~ foniHlL·d in 1888 art' on t'1c: list nH1 indndt•: $117o50 AND UP "•1d dmptcrs ha1·c been founded in Joseph De Roll~r. ( arl K.a,-s u·, QUICK AND EFFICIENT SERVICE-CONVIENENT TERMS .. 11 •he lca•ling ri•ics Alpha Chap- Thomas K ,>cs, John .')'C...w1•or, • ·r of Utica will act as ho,•ess to Paul \\'cllllcr, Eln er Fr.wk, John GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Coers Battery & Radio Service •I c com cntion this year. Fromen, \rthur !:>chmitz, Albert 1398 DEWEY GLEN. 718 fhL vano1•s dele ates, ''hile m :- ·ran•ou. Nicholas luppa. ALL HATS BELOW COST! l tica, will be entertained at many functions 'n their honor. A io•mal WIZARDS WIN dance and banquet are h\O of sev Dewey Millinery Shoppe Go J. WAGG-DRY GOODS era) affairs planned by the enter­ Wizards defeated the Flying 348 Dewey Ave., Opposite Driving Pk. t.1inment committee. \\ mgs by a score of G to o. \Viz­ OUR XMAS STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE The officers of the local chapter ard, desire games 111 the 70 to 80 AND WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION are: President, Helen Perry; Vice pound .:lass. Call Glen. 109G·M. President, Betty Griffin: Cor- or write \\'izards. 11 Rainier street. !Shop Early rc~ponding Secretary, Dorothy Baldwin; Recording Secretary, Wishing You An Enjoyable Thanksgiving AT WAGGS CORNERS GLEN. 976 ~I ary l\Iartin; Treasurer. Betty Jefferson Junior High Monroe; Editor, Rosaha Zwiegle; We suggest your day won't be complete .\s oeiate Editor, Ethclreda Kraus; School News ,unl Cntic. Agnes Smith. Ell\\ ard Duulant:), a mc1nucr of unless you go to Hall's and see the QUALITY M E A T M A RKET The activities of Kappa Epsi:on the June, l!I2S graduating class, has NOW OPEN TO SERVE YOU! ar(: rarri,•d on in literary. social and been made staff artist on "The Oc­ NEW CHRYSLER MODEL S Complete Stock Thanksgiving Poultry charitable fie lds. cident," West High publication. 570 DRIVING PK. Cor. DOVE ETHELREDA M. KRAUS Edna .\dams, n student at West Hall's Sales & Service ANNOUNCES GIFT SHOP High, .attt:ndt:~ Jefferson ,\ss.embly TEXACO -SO CONY-ETHYL [on Fnday. She presented m bc- 1850 DEWEY AVE. GLEN. 5095 KENDALL and HIGH TEST GAS Ethclreda M. Kraus announces to half of her graduating cla~s. Junc, GUARANTEED VULCANIZING her friends and nc:ghhor, of the l'l'~"• a g i• of money to the M • Tent!- \\'ard her new Gift Shop at moria) Scholarship Fund. Fay Brennan Service Station her home·at fl1 Bidwell terrace, cor- DEWEY AVE. AT LEWISTON n r of Driving Park avenue. Miss Lonb r 11arosc a and \\alter Hcr- TURKEYS - DUCKS - GEESE - CHICKENS Kraus has stocked a number of at­ ring r p nninl{ a nc\\ , •,,., t for THEY'RE ALL HOME DRESSED tract \ c gifts that '''II make ideal the'r home room (. »B-2. Louis is AND OF THE BEST AT Thnnltsgwing Time Decomte Your Table with ( hristmas pre cr • nd i•wites l•o reporting for tl e Tenth \Vard Sterling, Gorham or Community Plate Tenth \Varder to ~('( I rr dt.;ptay ( ou-·(r Both arc. 11cmbcrs of the JOHNSON'S MARKET • her hom<:', regardles, of whe•her X 1~ -paper Club. WM. • JACKSON, JEWELER or not they des1re to make pur­ ''QUALITY MEATS AT REASONABLE PRICES" 22'i Drivi'cg Pk Ave. Glen. 5668 a es at this time. fl e senior~ held a Halloween 1581 DEWEY AVE GLEN. 5750 p r. · on Thursday. Prizes were;======::;;;;;;;;;;;:::;~~~~~==~ SOLDIER VISITS HOME d \\ ardcd to Mary Burrows and Jack Cor.is for the h<:'st looking SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR FOLKS WHO ARE WISE Harold ( \\ 1 lcher, son Of Mrs. co>tumes; l'h) !lis lJ cholcl, for the l\ ·trtl a \\'<.:kh r, .01 Drh ing Park ORDER F.RUIT ROLLS AND PIES funniest. YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER EARLY FOR THANKSGIVING AT l~'llue, s vis1tmg Rochester on a OUR APPLE, MINCE and CRANBERRY ·o cl.t~ furlong from Company C, '!nth Infantry. Plattsburg, N. Y. PIES ARE DELICIOUS THE HOWELL BAKERY \\ lcla·1· cnll,ted at tht• Roch<'~ter 1136 DEWEY AVE. GLEN. 165-1 •{ cn1 lillg St.ttton at :!S Main street WHITE HOUSE BAKERY --Also A V c{riety OflFancy Cakes, Etc. ea-t in June. l!l2'i, and assisttd in Phone Glen. 6041 1176 Dewey Ave. llw training of l{oche

Page 4 Historic NewspapersROCHESTER Collection, N. Y., OVEMBER 26, 1928 Tenth Ward Courier First All-Talking 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Photoplay Drives Treadeasy "l\1Ul\'IS" "THANKSGIVING FALL STYLES The ' Vord Them Thrill-Mad Java. Brown Ties and Straps. "MUMS" Black Satin, Black Kid, and at BLANCHARD'S" ("l:.ights of Xew York" comes to Pompoms and Patent 1-Straps, Patent and Riviera today, tomorrow and For The Kid Ties; ll.lso 3 Straps. Chryso.nthemums 7 \\ cdnesday, Kovember 26th, 21th, ff e Oiler the Best Choice 3LLd '"~t\1) ' to add the real Game Tingling of the spim. like that spirit of Thanks- Quality Flowers which thrilled those ''he> \\ !lnt•ssl•t! All Sizes their first motion pict nrc is prom­ g·iving to your Available i,scd those who altt'IHl the showing All Colors Turkey Table. O•f "Lights of Kcw York," the f1rst film drama to contain spokt'JI dia­ Yellow, Bronze, Not a real football l rgue throughout. Vitaphone-through the \\'arncrs Brown, Pink, game on Thanks­ BLANCHARD'S FLORIST vvho brought tht first speaking mo­ WHEN LOOKING FOR COM· giving Day with­ t ion picture to the world less than Orchid and White 48-52 LAKE AVENUE FORT, STYLE AND FI T-TRY two years a~o-now presents for at attractive out "Mums." Main 1986 the first time the initial venture in 50c 59c $1.00 $1.50 $1.59 Treadeasys a startling feature length produc­ prices Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings t ion '\jith all-talking scenes. F L ESH, PEACH An original story by Hugh Her­ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 We Telegraph Flowers Anywhere-F. T. D. Ass'n. llllliiiiiiiiiiiiiii!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII PARK SHOE SHOP bert and Murray Roth, "Lights of NILE GREEN, W H ITE DRnnNGPARKatDEWEY ~iew York," depicts the drama in Glen. 1600 file lives of those who inhabit that colorful section of New York City CLASSIFIED ADS known as the "Roaring Forties," ANTlOINETTE'S For Christmas We Suggest CIIILDRE~'S DRESSES at rea­ and especially of two small town $5,9 5 0 sonable prices. t\lso ladies' aprons, !Qvers who are caught in the mael­ 1455 Lake Ave. strom of c;ime. Each character pillow cases and embroidery work. Rivera Theatre Bldg. With at least $1000 as first R-A-D-1-0 Orders taken for sewing. Claribel s·peaks every l;ne in the entire sev- payment buys bargain in Our Stock of Lawton, !l Ranier street. en reels of tl,is \•1taphonc procluc- '------~ FOR S \LE-Living room suite. t jon under the dirl'ction of Bryan RADIOS and SPEAKERS IS COMPLETE Three piece, almost new. Must be F.oy, pioneer Vitaphonc director and .------~ Six Room Home •old, :l.H Inglewood drive. Gen. s upervi or for \\'arncr Bros. TheN"" No. 63\ on Goodwill St. L'!6G-W. Helene' Costello an ., 35h Whitney street. Cuire. Tom Dugan, llarn Down­ SPLITDORF DUPLEX Glen. 5J57, Gen. 12GG-\V. ing-. Guy D'Ennery, \Valt~r Perci­ H. C. RUPERT. owner NOW ON DISPLAY IIEMSTITCHIXG and picoting. val. Jere Delaney and Robert El- I 620 Seneca. Parkway First class work. 85 Pierpont street liott complete the supporting cast. GLEN. 953 Sold on Easy Tenns-Small Payment Down corner Driving Park avenue. FOR SALE-s room house. Bar­ A Wonderful New ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION gain for quick 5ale. $5aoo. Lyell Hewey Ave. Reformed avenue section. Call Glen. 2585. Stromberg-Carlson! LOU IS PASKAL FOR REXT- Three nicely fur­ Church Starts Drive J . W . MANSING nished rooms with heat, light and Certified Natural Tone SPENCER ST. DAIRY ' garage. No. 9 Rainer street. The Dewey Avenue Reformed Sharp Selectivity Milk, Cream and Buttermilk 1600 LAKE AVE. GLEN. 3961 FOR RE~ r - Furnished front I c : ~urch, Dn~cy Avenue at Flower Remarkable Sensitivity Grade ''A'' Bottled on Farm room; 575 Lewiston avenue. • C.1ty Park, m one of the best at A.C. Tube Compactness Glen. 409--4238-568-R !;OR RE'.T•• , - Lower fl a t ; fi ve tlemled services . of recent years, One Dial Control ro<,ms. iliG Clay avenue. Refriq- Sunday . mor~mg, su~ce~sfully -llluminated SOMETH ING N E W ! era tor, gas range; rent reasonable. launched Its $1..,,000,00 dnve for a Electric Reproduction KEEGAN'S SERVICE Call Glen\\ ood 4123-\V or Monroe n modeled church. Three thousand of Records REP AIRING ON A Downtown Market in Your Community ,;;43 ~1. ollars. in ca•h and pledges, pledges Total Shielding yable on or before February 1st, G ENERATORS I J.·oR SAU;:-Singer sewing ma­ Rugged Con!1truction B A T T ERIES STARTERS \ ras the goal set for the day. Of 201 LYELL AVE. Glen. 1556 Small Pork Loins 24c lb. chine; 7 clrawrr. Perfect condition. Exquisite W ilnut • this amount $2·100 was realized dur­ Cabinetry Like new. Will sell at a sacrifice. it!g the morning. By evening the IS'iG Clifford avenue. QU~TY SHOE REPAIR Leg Spring Lamb • 30c lb. total had mounted to $:.!500 and the Gerald C. Kenny Quality Work-Moderate Prices FOR SA I.E-Kodak section; just c•ommittee in charge was confident Furniture and Upholstery We show you the difterence be­ Fresh Hams • • • 2lc lb. completed; elegant six room Eng­ that the goal would be reached be­ 1476 Lake Ave. opp. Ridgeway tween Shoe Rebuilding lish type home, Dorothy avenue. fore the end of the week. Glen. 1644 and Cobbling Get Our Prices on H ome Dressed Gum and ivory trim. Modern ap­ Dr. Wm. F. DeLong, of Philadel­ Open Tues., Thurs., and Sat. Michael Schiavo Evenings until 9 o'clock 825 Dewey Ave. near Driving Pk. pointments. Sewer and sidewalks phia, Field Secretary of the de­ Thanksgiving Poultry paid. A bargain at $G,900 with 10 nomination's Home-Mission Board, per cent. down. Cut out this ad. was the speaker for both morning 1t is good for $100 on down pay­ and evening sen·ices. Dr. Orlo Koehnlein & Davis, Jr. ment of this house. H. E. \Voods, Price, Secretary of the Rochester FOR YEARS WE HAVE 1566 Lake Ave. cor. Lapham St. Glen. 5282 builder, \Vaggs Corners. Glen 6210. Federation of Churches, was pres­ WE DELIVER FOR REXT - Two furnished ent at the morning service. DRESSED OUR OWN rooms for light housekeeping. Heat, light and laundry privileges. 133 uL k " C N Maryland street. I a e ars ow POULTRY FOR RENT-Two rooms and We never take any chances on spoiling your Be Kind to Your Car kitchenette furnished for house­ Read "Kodak Park" Thanksgiving Dinner keeping. Light and heat. Very As the result of considerable de­ Put Anti-Freeze Solution in your Radiator reasonable rent. Call Glen. 2!l81. mand on the part of Twenty-third By ordering EARLY you will be guaranteed Change to lighter oil-Check your battery ARTiriCTAL FLOWERS-Tele­ \~{arders, street cars running on absolute satisfaction phone roses, elcctroliers, and crys­ I..:ake avenue will now be known as Our prices will be the same as prevails for Save That Repair Bill-Let Us Do It tal trec:-s. 4!13 Clay avenue. "ll.ake" and "Kodak Park" cars. Those running only as far as the Such High Grade Poultry RAY DEFENDORF'S GARAGE MARKRAM-HUMES, INO. \V,\NTED TO RIDE with Kodak 416 Lr.wiston Avenue John D. Markham, President loop just below Lewiston avenue Let us help make your dinner a complete success Park worker, driving car, who 1685 Dewey Ave. W'ill bear the sign "Kodak Park" HALL'S SALES AND SERVICE GEORGE H. HATZ passes Glenwood avenue. Call Glen. 1860 Dewey Avenue Lexington at Dewey Avenue and the "Charlotte" on the cars G:~IO. running to the lake will be changed to "Lake." Schaefer Bros. ' The changes will be put into ef­ QUALITY MEATS, VEGETABLES ''Thanksgiving'' iect as soon as the signs on the ' CHOICE HOME DRESSED POULTRY cars can be r~painted, according to SEA FOODS Thanks be to God for many things, Moderately Priced announcement of Charles R. 402-404 LEWISTON AVE. 1050 DEWEY AVE. Fqr clothes to wear, for food to eat. Barnes, commis~ioner of railways. E. KIRBY & SON Than'

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., DECEMBER 6, 1928 No. 17 J ODELA YS ON Pass Ordinance L-___Th_e _c_h_ris_tm_ as___.....;;sp;;..._in_·t__ __.JI IC~nrc~~JI rw1N r~o~!N~~~~AGEL NEW RIDGE RD. For Lake Avenue An ordinance for the new as­ IJ! ...... By the Editor•...... lfl' For the first time in his career, despite his many years in motion phalt pavement on Lake avenue Members of the City Council have pictures, Conrad ·Nagel is playing BRIDGE---STORY hcnnen \Vinchester street and interested themselves in seeking an a twin-brother role. Latest developments in the pro­ the ll. R. & P. tracks was passed Few players who have been prom­ po,cd new Ridge road hridgc, in­ a,>propriation from the state to ;,y t:.e City Council at its No­ inent in pictures for any druation dicate that there is some hope in lighten the burden of the new Ridge vember 26 meeting. The ordi­ of time escape such a portrayal tbe City Council of interesting the nance' calls for a 36 foot high· road bridge. They argue that in­ which seems equally as inevitable s~ate in the project to the extent way at an estimated cost of asmuch as the bridge will connect as that, some time in their careers, of bearing part of the cost. A pro­ $:!'!6.000 with a sidewalk on the two state highways, the East and they be selected to play both father posal was introduced by Council­ east :.ide of the road. It ends a \Vest Ridges, that the state should and son in a single picture. Hence nan ~e l son A. ~filne to :his effect long ~cries of conferences and pay part oi the improvement cost. :\'agel's debut in a twin role prom­ .tt •he !ast meeting of the Council. attempts to compromise between And it seems to us that such an ises to be interesting and doubly so In the meantime. the clt' is pro· the dty and the cemeteries on adjustment would be fair. since the two roles in this instance cecd"ng on its program of planning L;;kt> avenue. But the main difficulty is in differ greatly. s rrovided by the n•cent appro­ Ten thirty-sixth of the im­ swinging the state around to this ?\agel's two-part role is in "State priation of $50,000. new bridge A provement will be paid by the point of view. As one prominent Street Sadie," his current produc­ .tt Smith street, possible re-enforce­ city at large and the section olhervor has said, ever since au­ tion for \Varner Brothers with llent of the Driving Park avenue fronting on the cemetery will be thoritit•s started talking about the playing opposite him. •,· irlgc 1nd a new structure at the divided equally between the city bridge-and that was some years The picture is a sensational melo­ R1tlgc ro:~ I arc included in the am­ and the cemetery associations. ago-this proposal has been raised. drama, a spectacular version of Chi­ bitious program w•1 ich t l>c city will The sewer, it is expected will But th(re is only slight hope and cago undcrworltl life, directed by undcrtal·_. to C<'lolplc!c within the W.JIC.V.I ;:ppa rently no precedent. be laid this \Vinter, so that con­ , and the star is seen n.:xt two yC'a1s. Preliminary work ~;J·•··• ·· crc::e may be poured as early as ..·• ..•··•··•··•··• ...... _...... s ;.s a busincss·man and in a secon­ will be started on the t:Hcc projects possible in the Spring. It is And while speaking of the new dary characterization as a crook. in the order :wmcd above: hoped to have the road complet­ bridge which now seems to be near­ William Russel, Pat Hartigan and City lfanager S.eph~n B. Story j Historical Background of !er reality than it has ever been ed by July 1st. George Stone arc also in the cast. expects ~hortly to : ppo:nt the en­ before. it might be a good sugges­ Melville (rosman did the story and gineers to w •rk on thC' r·lans for 1------J l The Tenth Ward i tion to think about street names. E. T. Lowe, Jr., the scenario. "State the Ridge road l.r'dgc. At pres­ ~ 1 Tenth VVarders Take IJ...... By JOAN LYNN SCHILD ...... !:] Someone has suggested that in­ Street Sadie" is now showing at ent a structure .:omposcd partly of •tead of calling the present \Vest the Riviera Theater, today, Friday, steel and p?.rtly of coac:-cte seems Ridge by the name of Lewiston ave­ and Saturday, Decemher 6, 7, 8. ·o have gained con:~•dc:r<\b 1 e favor Part In Two Plays No.3 Hanford's Landing nue after it enters the city bounds a·nongo local authoritif's and it also A number of Tenth \Varders were Hanford's Landing on the west side oi the Genesee River, below it woulrl be logical to forget the lat­ dppcars to be their f the scenery induced rapidly de-centralized in every of the Irondequoit Chapter of the Golden \Vedding Anniversary of thent to purchase land and make a large city, ;:nd Rochester is no ex­ D. A. R. ~~at couple, celebrated on Thanks­ location on the river bank on the ception. Miss Garner will be remembered g ving Day. Fifty relatives and west side about four miles south of for her "front porch" debut during A fr;ends were present at the celebra­ the lake at a spot where the depth the late Summer when she sang be­ W' tio~, whirh was held at the home of of the water would allow the pas­ Stromberg -Carlson fore several thousand guests from thC' couple. Mr. Shapcott is em­ sage of boats, and where there was the porch of her home in Seneca ployed at the Shur-On Optical Com­ a smooth plateau only slightly parkway. A number of persons J>any. above the surface of the river and Gives Kenny Agency who were unable to attend the per­ s1eltered from the west winds by A ward of a Stromberg-Carlson formance have requested a repeti­ tl't hkl1 bluff in its rear. A natural Radio agency to Gerald C. Kenny, tion and !!iss Garner will repeat •lecli\'ity close by also invited the Tenth \Vard funiture store, was re­ her front porch program in con­ construction of a road to the up­ cently announced by the local man­ tent and setting as nearly as poss·­ per level. In other words it seemed ufacturing company. The selection ble from the Columbus stage. man & Baynes the one spot on the river for a per­ of the Lake avenue furniture store DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY manent landing for lake vessels as a retail link in the Stromberg­ DEMOCRATIC WOMEN Carlson chain is considered as a wnen trade and commerce should MEET IN CARD PARTY b•· drawn to the Genesee by growth considerable honor, inasmuch as 0f population. Kenny's was picked from a number The \:Vomcn's Democratic Club of Leg of Genuine Spring Lamb 32c lb. Three thousand acres at this of applicants for the franchise and the Tenth Ward held its meeting spot were conveyed to King and is now one of two stores located for December, last evening at the as much more to Granger and then out of the down-town district sell­ headquarters, 298 Driving Park ave­ Fancy Fresh Dressed Fowl • 35c lb. they returned to Connecticut. Their ing this make of machine. nue. The business meeting was fol­ sons came on with their families Mr. Kenny is enthusiastic over lowed by the usual card party. , (4 to 6lbs.) at the end of the year (1796) ar­ the reception of the Stromberg­ The president of the club takes riving in mid-winter, making cabins Carlson on the part of his custom­ this opportunity to thank all the Small Lean Fresh Hams 22c lb. 0f their cowrt.>d sleighs until the ers and is now showing a complete ladies who gave their services in • • new log hu.ts were ready for oc­ line of the various models. Deliv­ the recent election. (Whole or Half) cup:mcy. ery on the part of the Stromberg­ The date of the January meeting [n the Sprir.g of 1797 Gideon King Carlson Company, especially to lo­ will be announced later in the returned to hi~ new home, built a cal dealers is prompt, according to Courier. Strictly Fresh Eggs. • • • 69c Doz. larg<> hous'! for himself and his Mr. Kenny, but he urges those who family on the road leading from the expect to buy a set for Christmas Mr. Frank Haugh and Mr. and (Our Regular Quality) present Lake avenue to the land­ to get their orders in early. i\frs. Waite and daughter, Mar­ ::1?. l!radt>d the bank of the river guerite, of Clyde, N. Y., were guests WE DELIVER Glenwood 1182-1183-1184 atlll began the construction of a When Buying, Mention of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cooke, of Continued on page 3 THE COURIER Maryland street, last week. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Page 2 Historic Newspapers Collection ROCHESTER, N. Y., DECEMBER 6, 1928 Tenth Ward Courier TENTH \VAR D COURIER PERSONALS ).lr. and 1lr:;. Frank C. Klueber, F. R. METZINGER, Editor and Publisher 1\Ir. and Mrs. Claude Burnett, of 0i Raimer str<'et, were entertained Lake avenue, were in Henderson, 517 Lyell Avenue at dmr.cr at the Sih·cr Pheasant by X. Y., last week. N . W l NGERDEN, Advertising 1 r;roup ot relative, am! friends Glen wood 2585 last S"tturday in honor of .he1r S:J­ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Morris, Down town office, 25 South Water St.- Main 5412 ''cr \\'eliding Anniversary. of Seneca Falls, were the guests of ~[rs . George Ferguson, of Mary­ Xews matter must be in the hands of the editor not later than the Mr. and .Mr •. William ]. Erdle. land street, last week. TODAY-FRI.-SAT. 1Ionday preceding date of issue. of l\[aplcwood avenue, spent MATINEE SAT. AT 2:15 Thanbgiving in Washington, D. C. ~[iss Dorothy :McKeon, of Lake OAYll a .JIIJiil '"NTIHG CO •• IHC. ~ tS SOUTH WAUa SfRCU !.S:.;~f~ avenue, has been the guest of her CON R A D NAGLE-MYRNA LOY :\lr. and Mrs. Oscar B. Spiehlcr, sister, Betty, at Cornell University IN THE VITAPHONE TALKING HIT Where to g o for Hair-Dressing

O UR HOLIDAY SPECIAL­ :\I iss 11 ur o 1 Oattry, of St'!leca George Thayer, of Ridgeway ave­ ALL NEXT WEEK, STARTING SUN., DEC. 9 PERMANE T WAVING $8.00 'f':!rl-." ay, "ho is a sen;or at St. ' uc. is spending several days in \! ar) 's 111 the \\~ads College in ln­ '\cw York City. AL JOLSON liana, IS spending the. Thanksgiving IN HIS GREATEST SUCCESS holida) s in Chicago. Percy ] . Hoffmaster, of Lansing, Allatt and Chase Beauty Shoppe Superintendent of State Parks of UTHE SINGING FOOL" 840 DEWEY AVE. Phone Glen. 1994 for Appointment aliss Elizabeth Prey, of Lake ave­ \Iichigan, is the guest of his bra­ ' ue enterta 'ned H guests at a her, john B. Hoffmaster, of Lake h..ooro~>r!'":::""":".--:-=-~~:-:--~--...... ,-~--=-~-.:-~--...,,..,.....,...... ~,, ~1 Hair Cutting Scalp Treatment Manicuring fo mal dinner da11ce at the Saga­ \'rew park. He was called here by nort Roof Gard 11, Saturday eve­ Shampooing Facial Massage Hair Dyeing th<; death of his brother, Irwin, who Toys- Sleds rug in honor of !\li,s Helen Jay < i•·d at the Highland Hospital, on Marcelling Hair Goods Water Waving R) an, of Syracuse. Oct. 2,ith, followmg an operation. Hardware - Paints PIANO- ORGAN

Say ".1\Icrn ( hristmas" with ~(rs. Cole Harwood, of Nevada, McKENNEY &TRUMPP STUDIO MARY LOU BEAUTY SHOPPE mething pra<"tical from the Clar­ who is the guest of her sister, :\{rs. 1011 Dewey Ave. Glen. 5339 Beginners or ndvanced students 1531 Lake Avenue at Waggs Comers Ibel l;ift Shoppe, !l Rainier. ]. :Z. Ottaway, of Lake avenue, was prepared for CIDLDREN'S HAIRCUTTING 35c joined this \\ cek uy her daughter, The Ladies' .t\itl Society of the Our Holiday Toys, Novelties MARCELLING 50c HAIRCUTTING 40c l\fi~s Alice Harwood, who retumed Theater, Church, Radio, Etc. Dewey A venue Reformed Church 1ast wet.:k from a year's travel in and Aluminum Ware All Branches of Beauty Culture : Call Glen. 5188 for Appointment will hold its holiday sale and sup­ Europe. They will leave shortly for· NOIV ON DISPLAY ~------~======~ I prr this evening in the church base­ Berkeley, Calif. Edward C. May rnl.'nl. Supprr will h, served from EDWARD T. HOWDEN 834 Dewey Ave. Glen. 471 272 Lakeview Pk. Glen. 6127-W P atronize Unique Beauty Parlor "::JO to 7 :00. l\frs. Sam Strult of Clay avcnur, our SHAMPOOING AND is spending two weeks at her for- ~fiss Doroth) :!\1cKeon, of Lake mer home in Boumanville, Can. A PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GiFT :MARCELLING \'entle, has been the guest of her Advertisers I Glen. 5512 1342 DEWEY ~·ity. Horace G. Howard, of Lexington ~------~ during the Thanksgiving holidays. a\·cnue, Its influence is the all powerful factor in . I agent." The Tenth \Vard Repubhcan: Officer: "Ignorance is no excuse." APEX- SHAMROCK Mmoulding character, in building men and \\'omen will hold their regular AND THE NEW women, in promoting justice and in safe- ~ monthly meeting, Thursd~~ evening I "\Vhere did thr car hit him?" December 6th. at 333 Dnvrng Park k d h . th at' n . as ·e t e coroner. ~ guard mg e n 10 . ~ avenue. Plans for a Chnstmas "\ I . . f I d I SPLITDORF DUPLEX . . . ' t t 1e junction o t 1c orsa party Will be drscussed. Light re- d . I t b .. r d tl NOW ON DISPLAY ~ frt'si11nents and cards aftre the ~nedi~:~v'~i~ne:::· e rae, rep Je lc husincss meeting. All women of the Gerald C. Kenny And the burly foreman rose from Sold on Easy Terms-Small Payment Down ward welcome. ~ ~ his seat. "1fan and boy, I've lived . Furniture and Upholstery ~ in these parts for fifty years," he ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION 1476 LAKE A VENUE d There will be one more Wednes- !>retested, ponderously, "an' I never ~ ay afternoon card party at Re- h ard of the place." Opposite Ridgeway Avenue publican Club before Christmas. It 2 ~ P hone Glen. 16-U Rochester, N. Y. ~ will be held next \¥ednesday, De- J. W. MANSING When Buying, Mention It ..M' cember 12th, at the club headquar- 1600 LAKE AVE. GLEN. 3961 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ters on Driving Park avenue. THE COUR IER Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection Tenth Ward Courier ROCHESTER, N. Y., DECEMBER 6, 1928 Page 3 News of the Churches A Fit For Every Foot North Presbyterian- The Loyalty o'clock and at Trinity }.(. E. Church Urclc. \\'c~tlllllhter (,uild. made a at ,even-thirty. 1·i~it to the Presh) tcria!l Home on In The Family Thurston road on Xovember :!"th. Grace Methodist-A program of Convenient 11 here the) gave a -;hort program cOI!Jing events for the new year ana That is just what we mean. If you want com­ of song~ for the member, of the ju>t announced lists a Mother and fOl table, long wearing Rubber footwear at "family' at the Home and presented Daughter Banquet, a Father and Dependable! prices that are hard to be~t, we have them. a gift of Thanksgivin~ place cards Son Banquet, the annual meeting d••cor.1 eel with qul'er animals made oi the :-.rcthodi;;t Union of Roch­ Men, today, appreciate the convenience of a strap watch and of cranberrie~. ester and a concert some time in they have learned, too. of the d~pendable timekeeping qualitit~~ Sunday Clenin!:. December 9th, January by the University of Roch­ of Gruen Guild '-'latche$. at li\e o'cloc . Dr. Kennedy will ester Glee Club. The junior and 'l'rim, Tailored in Fig- Our 5election is unusually complete and we urge your iJlo' give a ~tc ri optit·on lecture entitled, , enior choirs will feature a Christ­ 3pection soon. Destgns from $27.50 to $150. ured Brown and Black "F r itnd~ •>f \irica.'' .\[rica has mas Carol Vesper Service on Dc­ ht·,•n l he subj..:c t nf Ini~sion study in n·mhrr 23d. CHARLES P. COSTER with Velvet Collar. the children's 1ltopartm('nts o£ the The Shepard Class will hold an Sunday School and in both circles t·ntcrtainmcnt on Friday, Dccentbcr JEWEI.ER oi the \\'l~tminstcr GUild. !l•h .t which ~fiss Abbey will prc- 1519 LAKE AVE. Kodak Commtmity LADIES' $2.45 Snnda \, lkccmber 16, at 5 p. m., sent a program of music and rcacl- 1 chill~ people of the Sunday school, in:;. ..,..ho \\omen's Missionary So- li ill dran at 1.c the \deration of the cirty will meet at the church, Tues- .------"""'_____ ..,..,__IP,i CHILD'S $2.25 K n , n I Shcphtrd~ a• the vcs-1 U'l \ evrning, December ll!th. 1 I a tnlrC The mn~ic \\ill be di- A Back\1anls Party will be held OPENING MONDAY DEC. lOth n <. \ Kmg Kellogg, and the •n the \,scmbly Hall by the Senior '·To Better Serve the Community'' People find it convenient to do their r.m • ti n b) M r • F.lizabeth J . Hi~h Group of the Sunday School • Chlistmns Shopping at our store 1! r I· a I iar carol and !Scrip- 1•omorrow (Fnday) evening. Mrs. tnrcs ac ompany tl e dramati<~:ation. Ch.. ;c, Young, Miss Marian llar­ A Complete Radio and Electrical Studio Tlu c ir of North Pre,b) terian .on an~ .\fi,s Elizabeth Roblin are FEATURING BOSCH RADIO AND THE hurch and Trinit) M. E. Church ~ rcpar'ng the program. The Junior GRA YBAR ELECTRICAL LINE sc A KE'S B OT SH P dl comb n their efforts on the Hi~h group will also have a party 1430 DEWEY AVE., Cor. RIDGEWAY AVE. 1 n I g of I> cembt.r ":l, when they next Tue<;day, DccembH 11th, in WASHING MACHINES ELECTRIC IRONS Open Evenings Till 9 P. M. Phone Glenwood 1385 11 II sing ''The .\{angtr Throne,'' a til.: .\-cembl) Hall. Saturday morn­ VACUUM CLEANERS WAFFLE IRONS ( IHi lma rantata by llt.ules Fon- ing pnne periods for Grammar PERCOLATORS TOASTERS < 1 11 ~~ 111 c1. The cantata will be School children w11! be Inaugurated ENJOY THE COMING HOLIDAY SEASON gi\ en :It )..forth Churd1 at five this week. J. C. HARRIGAN WITH AN ALL ELECTRIC GIRL SCOUTS 331 Rid.g·eway Ave. Glen. 4352 ATWATER-KENT RADIO Historical Background 1 he t,irl Scouts ol ')roup ;-,;.,, 111 PRICED COMPLETE AT arc a 1cry hu) troop \\'L•rki11g on of the Tenth Ward 111erit hadgcs fur the Ilcct 111bcr $'i17.50 AND UP Court of .\ward . r<''•earsin;; for a THE GIFT FOR THE FAMILY ContinuLd from page 1 QUICK AND EFFICIENT SERVICE-CONVIENENT TERMS Chri>tma, play und dre smg dvlh upo1. •he (, 11cr plateau. He for the ch!ldrt>n of the mountam­ Brunswick Pi:mo Rolls Radios ' i cl h f, II win~ year. Upon the c.ers. and Coers Battery & Radio Service Panatrope loiOIIUfl.t.II' d . .\frs. J. :-.rartin is general ••, nt tron t lt j omnal of } ohn .\f r. Kin~ i:; the only rLspcct­ E. BREWER · HAMILTON ~ha inn an of t h e sale. \land . .111 'hs• n·ant En gli~ hman. ·ett1tl' in thi:- tOIIIlsl '• ... 13-15 PULLMAN AVE. GLEN. 1723 Watches and Others SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TRAUB Mountings and Wedding Rings Ladies' and Gents' Rings of every de1;cription CHRISTMAS ATD EV ISSER BROS. SETH THOMAS HARDWARE MERCHANTS Clocks Beautiful Toilet Articles 1430-1432 DEWEY AVE. GLEN. 361 MEEKER Bags and Bill Folds TUBE SKATES FLEXIBLE F LYERS GORHAM AND SLEDS - SKIIS TREE LIGHTS COMMUNITY Silver ELECTRIC TOASTERS WINDOW WREATHS WATERMAN Pens and Pencils Greeting Cards of all Kinds OUR PRICES ARE LOWER RADIOLAS VICTROLAS VICTOR RECORDS PORK LOINS 21c lb. We sell Ollly lines of SMOKED REGULAR HAMS 28c lb. Proven Reliability SMOKED CALAS 18c lb. WM. H. JACKSON For Saturday--Balloon Free with every purchase American soldiers and sailors used the old Hanford Tavern as a rendezvous during the war of JEWELER 1812. The tavern, torn down in 1883, was built at the corner of Hanford's Landing Road and Koehnlein & Davis, Jr. 325 DRIVING PARK AVE. the Boulevard in 1809 by Abram Hanford, an emigrant from Connecticut. The journal which ''A Downtown Market in Your Community'' E stablished 13 Years in Rochester DeWitt Clinton kept while on an exploring tour with other canal commissioners in 1810, says : 1566 Lake Ave. cor. Lapham St. Glen. 5282 Op en E venings " We dined and slept at Hanford's Tavern, who is a.lso a merchant and carries on a considerable WE DELIVER trade with Canada." Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Page 4 Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, Collection N.Y., DECEMBER 6, 1923 Tenth Ward Courier WHEN Promoters Club Card LIBERTY ENGAGES Rev. Hughes Lectures Party Next Thursday FEATURE ORGANIST On Trip to Australia The Promoters' Club \\ill hold a Ed1\ard (.. May, concert and fea­ YOU BUY A KOLSTER ADIO card party at 333 Driving Park ave­ An illustrated talk covering the nue, next Thursday evening, De­ ture on~anist of the Schine Theater topic, "My Trip to Australia," wi I cember 13th. The club is composed Circmt, has been secured by ).[r be given by the Rev. Arthur A. You Are Buying a Permanent Piece of Hughes, pastor of Holy Rosary oi young women of Italian descent John Schultz manager oi the Lib­ al'd its purpose i to promote edu­ Church, nrxt !l!onday evening at Fun1iture For Your Living Room erty Theater, located on Driving & cational as well 'aS chantable work :15, at the I.ittlr Theater. in t}lc Park avenue ncar Dewey. Mr. :.\lay :.\fcmorial t\rt Gallery on Univrr­ amon~ the.: Italian people. You Are Not Merely Buying a Musical Instrun1ent The Judie in charge of the party is one o£ the best known orgamsts city avenue. The.: lecture ts being given under the auspices of Roc' LET US ARRANGE FOR A DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR HOME arc ~[iss .\[ary Pulvino, ~~ rs. Frank in this part of the country, having :.\lay, :\[is< :\1 ary Polito, :\Irs. Cha-r­ estt r 11 istorical .\ nciation and les Canniotto, }.[iss K:ttherine Lan­ open to thr pnhlic. ni, :\Irs. :\[ary Testo, Miss J oscph­ Rev. Hughes rctnrnc-d, this year, Cro-wn Service Station ine Panzera, ).fiss l{ose St. Rose. from au cxtendNI trip to the Au::­ tralian continl·nt 11 ith a consider­ :\fiss Vera Stcc.>, Uiss ~lary Mau­ Dewey Ave., Cor Clay Glen. 5674 freda, M i:>s Antoinette l'ilarossio, able amount of inll'resting data on Miss Faustine Pilarossio, :\Irs. the ~ections which he visited. Rev. Hughes made the long trip to at­ Domminick Emma, Mrs. 11crtha J\. , ,lflJIIIIIJIIIIIJIJIIIIIJIIIIIJJIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIJIJJIIJIIIIIIJIIIIIJIIIIIIniiiiiiiiiiiJIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIJJIIIIIIItllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ IIIIIIIUJIIII II JJJJ I.'" CUTS ORNAMENTAL GLASS Bush and :.\f rs. Louis Pas kat. tend the Eucharistic C'onr;::ress dur­ WARE IN DEWEY AVE. SHOP The door prize will hr a gold · mg the summer months. On the ~ ~1 rs. J. Banrla, oi ':' ?'J De 1\ cy av{;­ "'····· ...... i piece. Prizes will be given ior pedro, way he made stops at Honolulu, the nue, has opened the Variety Shop Fiji Islands and New Zealand. at her home, with a choice of g:fts fh·c hundred, pinochle and bridge, and abo an ltaligan game. suitable for Chri~tmas giving-. Or­ SHEA-HANRATTY nanwntal gJa,sware cut to order is DIAMOND SET "BULOVA" one of the specialties of this shop. WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN A \'cry pretty wedding \\a' o;ol­ I The store also features Robeson­ OF TENTH WARD PASSES cmnizcd ThanksgiYing morning at Rochester electrical supplies for the Funeral lsters are now on dis­ the past two years and also has BATTERIES STA R TERS in Your Gift Giving· play at the store. daughter, ).frs. Natalie Jlull Jack­ Mechanically, electrically and son; a granddaughter, Graham Hull broaclcasted over the radio. Among 201 LYELL AVE. Glen. 1656 SUGGESTIONS ~[ r. Led lie in accepting the in appea.rance-Kolster Radio Jackson; and three hrothcrs, John the IICI\ organs he opened in Roch­ agency for this 111ake of radio said c~tcr arc the State, Liberty, Grand, Diamonds, Toilet Sets, Wrist sets a.re a new step forward. James and Jary. funeral services QUALITY SHOE REP AIR that he felt Kolstcr was one of the Quality Work-Modera.te Prices Watches, Bracelets, Strap were held from Holy Rosary Stall'l', Empress and Arnett thea- Phone Glen. 4786 oubt:tnding sets on the market. He We show you the di1ference be­ Watches, Pendants, Birth· Church and. intermt•nt made at tcrs. for a free demonstration. handles the complete line of sets, tween Shoe Rebuilding stone Rings, Cigarette Holy ~rpulchre cemctcr~. In addition to his theater work, and Cobbling Small payment down ranging up to the 7 tube console Oases, Lighters, Vanities Balance Easy Terms ~~ r ...\! ay conducts a most modern model, and announces that he is Mich ael Sch iavo and complete music studio located 825 Dewey Ave. near Driving Pk. now prepared to demonstrate es­ FIRE BREAKS OUT TWICE at 2o2 Lakeview park. He teaches J . 0. L E D LIE pecially to those desiring sets for Fire which broke out twace in the both piano and organ. Several local Christmas. coal storage trestle and hopper of and many out oi town theaters C. H. Bantel Co., Inc. JEWELER CLASSIFIED ADS the Elwood Coal Service at 720 have secured pianists and organists ' J~~:;~~~E I 842 DEWEY AVE. Driving Park aYCnue, last week did from hi< class oi pupils. He is also C OAL A N D COKE f UR~ISH!m ROOM - Warm damage oi about $3,000. The fire official demonstrator for a well 785 DEWEY AVE. and cosy. Home privileges. No. 29 wao; detected shortly after midnight known organ company for whom Call Glen. 1164 Parkdale terrace near Kodak Park. and firemen who responded he has drawn the specifications for -for Prompt Delivery $·1.00 per week. Phone Glen. 5H2. drenched the coal with water, but several organs now in usc. BOYS WANTED LOST-Small bar pin, ncar Lake­ aftrr pouring water for three hours, The theater public remembers this EARN MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS \'iCII park and Dewey. Call Glen. the firemen were forn•tl to return young organist as the first soloist SELLING 6127-\\'. Reward. again early in the morning to quech to success[ully introduce "Song Majestic LOST - \Vhite Angora kitten. a smouldering blaze. Slides" and novelties in Rochester. HOLLY WREATHS Been gone about six weeks. Lib­ Some time ago he discontinued this eral reward [or information about WEGMAN BROS. AGAIN form of solo and has introduced a new and distinct type of novelty sallll'. lOS ;\[aryland street. }.frs. TO MAKE UP WREATHS J,J, C. Barry. with the aid of Vitaphone. His \\'cgman Bros. announce that WEGMAN'S FOR RE:-;T-Pieasant, furnished method is to build an interesting they will again make up Christmas ;,:olo with the usc of records of room. with breakfast. Telephone 1511 LAKE AVE. wreaths thi' year. Last :> •·ar marked worlrl famotb smgers on the Vita­ Glenwood 5430-M. the first attempt of the local fruit phone. Holly and Pine Wreaths Laural and Pine Roping STRAYEO FROM HOME - and vegetable store at manufactur- All Sizes Made to Order Christmas Trees Brown and white Fox Terrier. An­ ing the wreaths, and the large de- S\1 ers to name of Pat. Reward for mand last year has led the Lake JULIAN ARESTY HONORED hi~ return. Glen 5167. a \·enue

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., DECEMBER 13, 1928 , No. 18 WAVE OF CHRISTMAS SPIRIT r···--·-·c;M"M'ii"N·Tr Courier Classified STREET CAR REPORT Historical Background SWEEPS OVER TENTH WARD !CRITICISMI Produces Lost Pin TO HAVE NO EFFECT e l:l·! •-•...... B y t he Edit or• ...... riJ • "Lost-Small i.lar pin, ncar Lakc- view park and Dewey. Call Glen. ON SUBWAY SURVEY The Tenth Ward l> cl'orations that add much to the holiday spirit of Christ- Present traffic conditions at the 6127-\V. Reward." The raise in street car fares to By JOAN LYNN SOIDLD lila,; made their appearances during the last few days through- corner of Driving Park and Dewey This classified ad in the last is­ ont the Tenth 'Varu. '!'he wreaths and roping, combined with avenues emphasize the needs of the sue of the Courier produced results. ten cents, necessitated by the deficit No.4 The Glen House a C'ousiderablc display of lighting effects, supplies an atmosphere proposed street widening at this Edward Meek, of 14.1 Bryan street, incurred during the past year and Did )'OU ever take your best gir fw a moonlight ex<·ur;-:iou do\\n which is especially necessary due to the lack of snow anu the point. The Automobile Club of was the finder, who returned the the deficit itself witl have no influ­ bar pin and collected the reward. the lower river ani! out on Lake Ontalio, ~tarting from Ute dock in !!Pll el·ally warm temperatures that have prevailed for the past Rochester fostered the improvement ence upon the subway survey which Mr. l\feek picked up the bar pin fpw days is being conducted by the New York front of the Glen Hou~c on the river bank, ju~t below the lower falls? of the corner in its advertising cam- recently, but deemed it of little State Railways. Commissioner of The Glen House was in those One of the outstanding sections paign last Summer. but nothing value until he noticed the ad in the Railways Barnes made this clear days a swagger place, the favorite of the ward is that at the corner Courier. Although the pin was only when questioned regarding the re­ oi Lake and Lewiston avenues. The Wurlitzer Company resort for sweethearts when bus­ TENTH WARD CLUB seems to have come of the publicity. of nominal value it had esp<:cial val- port that subway operation had not merchants through their association, tles. beer and shoe-box picnics There is no time like the pres- ue to its owner as a keepsake. shown an encouraging increase. t he Lake-Ridge Business ).!en's As­ were the last word in dress, drink­ Gives Music Course ent to take action. The property One of the objects of the survey WILL HAVE SANTA sociation, have banded together and ing and outdoor diversion. It stood is to determine the advisability of purchased uniform decorations, ).[r. Holt, manager of the local on both sides of the street, needed F• C $ just down stream form Driving routing some of the Dewey avenue which have already attracted con­ \\'urlitzer ).fusical Instrument Store for the widening, is available and Ire aUSeS Park avenue bridge and had a large CLAUS FOR KIDDIES 900 cars through the subway and it was ~id<-rab le attention !\(;a ly all of announces a special Christmas of­ the need is certainty most evident. wooden elevator ascending the river The Tenth \\'ard Republican Wo­ feared by many that the rather un­ the stores in this sect1on have been fer of a course in piano instruc­ Instead of allowing the matter to bank which carried the guests down men held their December business Damage On Dewey favorable report would lessen the rl ecoratcd by \\'ard- Thompkins, tion to any one who buys a new drag on as so many public improve­ from and up to the street level. It meeting, Thursday evening, Decem­ possibility of any further extension electricians, and \\'egman Bros., \Vurlitzer piano. This offer is good ments do why not make a definite Traffic was practically at a stand­ was built in 1870 by Woodworth, ber 6th. It was decided to hold a of street car service. who have furnished the greens. A with either a cash sale or on a pay­ still Tuesday on Dewey avenue Eltwanger and Barry on property Christmas party for the children move toward relieving the conges­ "That report," Mr. Barnes said, center wreath circling a large red ment plan and includes courses for tion at this particular corner? An while firemen fought a fire in the which they had pu1 ;;hased fror1 of pre-schol age, in the ward, on "covers only the first eight months Friday afternoon, December 21st, star, with streams of roping on beginners as well as advanced stu­ ordinance, prepared in a few days' home of Dr. F. R. Lewis at !lO~l Dr. Kelsey, the object being to of subway operation, up to August. at four o'clock at the club rooms, either s1dc. att fitted with lights for dents, the lessons being absolutely time, will start the ball rotting. Dewey. A fire which started.in the stimulate traffic on the Lake avenue cellar burned its way through the Since that time there has been a 333 Driving Park avenue. Mrs. night illumination, give the corner free of charge. Dewey avenue will benefit immeas­ car line and boom the property a distiuctive appearance. Edward C. May, of Lake View partitions to the ground floor and gradual increase in the subway traf­ of the Maplewood Park As.;oci:J.­ Stell's girl scouts will be in charge urably when this awkward turn is fic, which has been encouraging. of the program. Dewey avenue merchants have al­ park has been secured as i~tructor widened out. caused damage estimated at $GOO tion. Exc,.Jtent meals were served so decorated their store fronts beau­ and Mr. Holt feels certain that all by Batalion Chief Fletcher. Fire­ \Vc are now concentrating att of in the big dining room and there Santa Claus will be there to dis­ our efforts in taking care of the tiiully with holigay trimming. Many who avail themselves of this oppor­ men fought the blaze for more than were nghtly dances during the sum­ tribute good things to the kiddics. Vociferous condemnation of the Christmas rush, but immediately af­ of the business places have also tunity witt not only receive invalua­ an hour before it was finally con· mer on the big veranda facing the Any one having a smatl son, daugh­ manner in which downtown traffic ter the holidays will again take up ter or neighbor, who would like to spent considerable time and money l>le instruction but will also enjoy quered. river. It was the starting place for is being handled comes from the ttle subway survey." attend is asked to notify Mrs. Jen­ in creating the Christmas atmos­ the inspiration of ,studying under The fire was discovered by the boating parties and for tl1c steam­ business men of the downtown area. nie Stell, lfrs. Bertha A. Bush, Mrs. phere within the store with suita­ laundress who was working in the er~ which ran to Charlotte. Deiow this able teacher. Mr. May needs Complaints are numerous, but there Grace 0 . Smith, :Mrs. Lena M. ble decorations. no introduction to Rochesterians. cellar at the time. It was started on the river bank, St. Lawrence apparently is no real solution to by a gas stove, but the manner in Cooke, lfrs. Gertrude Dorschet or the problem. Billy Bauer Pulls skiffs were moored to the docks, a1J e Offers Many Sui'geationa which it got underway is not yet their Republican committeeman, Commissioner of Public Safety rigged with chair backs, where gen­ Christmas stock ..as .;tcpped into determined. Last year over one hundred chil­ George J. Nier is bending every ef­ tle ladies could Jott as their escorts dren were entertained and the com the foreground by unanimous con­ Rubadou Toy Store VVrecked Sedan 100 fort to solve the terrific problem whiskers blowing in the breeze. mittee finds it necessary t" know sen and everywhere throughout which the automobile is creating, rowed them ahout. Or if a longer about how many to arrange for. the Tenth an array of Christmas LIBERTY ORGANIZES Feet Up River Bank Opens In Basement but the business men forget that t jaunt seemed desirable there was The mothers of the children wilt be gift suggestions is being shown that A toy store in the basement, that Rochester is pitted against the same Billy Bauer, Dewey avenue ga­ the J. D. Scott, an old side-whePier w~lcome also. is surpassed in no other section of vies with many of the largest toy­ POPULAR SONG CLUB rage man, who is always being churning its path down the river, the city. \Vith parking downtown problem that nearly every other lands in the city is the holiday feat­ A new feature inaugurated at the called on for some unusual service, at that time a sylvian stream, un- at a premium, local residents are large city in this country is called ure of the Rubadou Variety Store Liberty Theater last week is the had one of the most unique experi­ pottuted by acid and sewage, passed MISS CHRISTMAN LEAVES finding it more and more convenient upon to face. The automobile has this year. A most complete line of not only taken a tremendous Liberty Organ Club, a popular song ences of his career about two weeks the little red brick Jighthou~e that FOR POSITION IN OHIC to ~hop in the neighborhood stores, games, books, dolls, stuffed animals, club, under the direction of Edward ago and the story has just come to stood at the mouth, into the har­ which despite their somewhat lim­ amount of money from American Miss Ruth Christman, dcacones~ airplanes, mechanical toys, iron C. May, theater organist. Patrons light. It all concerns a run away hor, between the wooden piers and i•cd s)ll)w space, arc proving their pockets, but it has also upset re­ of the Dewey Avenue Reformec toys, sleds, skiis and other things of the theater arc invited to sub­ automobile. out into the moonlight of Lake ability to supply the Christmas tail busin,·ss practices. Right and Church, resigned her position to that the children want arc to be A lady on Gorsline street after a Ontario. ll('cds. The hol'day spirit is more left turns on Main street witt never mit suggestions for a regular organ take up similar work with the First found in the basement of the Ru­ Christmas shopping tour, left her rvidcnt here because there is a ccr­ solve the problem, the thing is more concert given by Mr. ~fay and each Elevator Dcvdops Quake Rc.formed Church in Canton, Ohio. badou sto1·e, which is located at the car parked in front of her home tai'l eltm nt of friendliness and deep-rooted. uB~iness is bound to t.!Vening, the most popular pieces Her resignation was received \\ ith with wheels turned into the curb, nighborlines< that makes shopping corner of Driving Park and Dewey bccomt' decentralized unless Gen­ ''ill be phyed by ti'c organist and The hydraulic elevator was one 1great regret. Her friends outside a\•enues. supposedly ~afely located and then a pleasure. t'ral Mo•ors, Henry Ford \Val•er +he names of tho e '!Ugge ling the of tht' wondt•rs of Rochester in its lof the church, as well a~ th0se con­ ~fr. Rubadou has always featured C n I r n ot1 r 'il be hr on the s r cn pplied the emergen ~y brake. How (}1y but wa~ \Cry tcmperam<>ntal nected with the cl.•,ch, unite in to)' at Christmas ttme, but thb th 1 e tl e public with n w • r .•.!a) ha 1 r d 1 e 1 ~ r. h the po f wr er ' •tav (lu 1 ... ~··~t!J ril··nit.;!:i ---niilg r.:r-~~pV S"'li'Ct:~ - TENTH WARDERS INJURED year has stocked a more extensive t :onal model every year. of organ numbers \lith accompany­ the ca~ ' a~ left is on a gradual became so alarmin" to vard the last IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT line than in any previous year. In slope toward Maplewood park. The that timid persons preferred to ing word shdes, '' hich are shown on Mr. and Mr. William H. Stctl • addition to the toys, Rubadou's also the screen simultaneously with his emergenc.y brake for some reason make their way pantingly up the Jr.. of Flower City park, are the 1~1 an aut.omoblle. u~set t~at offer a variety of gift sugge~tions playing. The feature ha'! met with failed ·to hold the wheels were hundreds of steps built in the side New Fox Picture proud parents of a baby girl weigh­ ~!aimed on~ life, BenJamm F. Net- in the dry goods store and also have straightened by the curb and the of the river bank rather than trust immediatr approval of the Liberty ing 7 1-2 pounds. hs, of 6~1 .I· merson street and Mrs., tree ornaments, electric tree outfits, patrons and accordingly the club car, much to the horror of its own­ t• emselves to its irrcpresible .vays. John \\ ake, of 49 Tacoma street, t'n1 5 el and other items for decora- Has Heart Appeal was planned. The four most pop er, started down the street. Gather­ A present resident of the Tenth rec ived injuries. Mr. Nellis, ac- t • n Destroyed by Fire . . . • 10 on sa1 e. ular pieces, as shown by the re­ ing momentum, the car, a heavy Ward ren•inds us that its unreli­ cord mg to 1atest reports, 1s stJIJ 111 ------"Fo•1 r Sons," Fox's screen ver­ qt•ests of patrons, will be played sedan, smashed its way through a ability was not always due to On May 4, 1894. the building w critica' condition in the Arnold SIOn of Miss I. A. R. \Vylie's story, each evening, on the large \Vurlit­ fence and plunged 100 feet down faulty mechanism but frequently destroyed by fire. Mr. and ~[· Gregory 1I emorial Hospital at Al­ IHRIG-TUBBS "Grandma Bernie Learns Her Let­ zcr organ, said to be one of the the river bank to the edge of the faulty manipulation by smatl boys. Jacob Valley, who were then ·'1 bhn. Mrs. Vvnke received only The marriage of Miss Cecila ters," holds the screen at the Lib­ most outstanding in the city. river. One prank they delighted in was charge of the buildng escapc!1, }j•J. slight injuries. Tubbs, of Avis street, to Louis erty Theater. "Four Sons" is en­ In addition the Liberty manage­ The police and Billy Bauer ar­ to reach in the openings and grab Mrs. Valley's mother was overcom .. Mrs. James 1fcKce, of 58 \Varner Ihrig, of Pierpont street, took place titled to its classification as a mas­ ment hopes to arrange a number of rived on the scene a few moments the rope, thereby suspending the by smoke and perished in th ~trect, died Monday as the result November 29, at the Sacred Heart terpiece. It is crowded with att the dramatic productions and musical later. Captain MacDonald of the el~vator and its passcnrjl'rs in mid­ flames. Great difficulty was experi­ o.,f injuries received, when her car rectory. The ceremony was per­ clements that go toward making up programs by local talent. Tenth Fifth precinct, who was one of the air and giving them a frightful enced by the firemen in fighting the O\'Crturncd at Holley last Friday formed by Rev. Geo. V. Burns. superb screen entertainment. Ward high schools, churches and police present, incidentally lost six jolt-when t~y let go and scam­ fire owing to the steep descent to night. Two other men injurccf in The attendants were Miss Marie It tells of a mother's abiding faith dramatic clubs will be requested to cigars to Bitty on a wager that the pered off into the nearby woods. A the building. A hose was finally ~ '~·reck al>o escaped with slight Ihrig, sister of the bridegroom, and in her four sons and in the world. take part in the programs. The car could not be extracated before final escapade in which it dropped dropped down the shaft of the cle ~ UTICS . Mrs. E. Galway, sister of the bride. Their home, happy at first, is cloud­ management ·wishes to announce, impending darkness. But, Billy, un­ half the length of the elevator shaft vator but flames had gained such Mr. and Mrs. Ihrig wilt reside at ed with the c'oming of the war. The through this paper, that the large daunted, received permission from and bounced back again while car­ headway that by morning only the 2 Avis street. EYER'S HAS SPARTONS old mother is torn ~etween her sons roomy stage is at the disposal of the park authorities to cut down rying a load of school children re­ stone pillars and outer walls of in the German army and her one sulted in its being closed. READY FOR DELIVERY local organizations for afternon or four trees, attached a line 100 feet 1he Glen House remained. SLIDES INTO CAR son in the American army. Vltih evening presentations at no cost down the bank and proceeded to Eyer's, located at .he corner of the exception of one scene on the As he slid down the driveway in whatever. draw the sedan from its resting Driving Park and Lake avenues, an­ battlefield, in which brother fights place within two hours' time. The •Jounce that they are in a position front of his home, Howard Schrenk, brother, the war itself is not pro­ 16. of 15 Velox street, was slightly Mrs. Edwin Hart, of Magee ave­ car was badly dented, but it was to make delivery on the Sparton jected into the story, except as an nue, was hostess last week at lunch­ believed could be repaired. radio, models 79 to 89, for which injured when he struck the rear off-screen background. Rather, it of a passing automobile. His in­ eon to the Emily Barrett Circle of they are local agents. Eyer's, pion­ is the tale of a mother the sons Lake Avtnue Baptist Church. ).frs. juries were treated by the ambu­ leave behind, her struggles and her The engagement of Miss Adele eer Sparton dealers of Monroe Lyle S. Meader, of ).{agee avenue, County, advise those who would lance surgeon of St. Mary's Hospi­ heartaches, told with honesty and ).facl\fillan, daughter of Mr. and tal. and Mrs. F. Stevenson, of Frank like to get sets for Christmas to simplicity and at all times with the ~Irs. Henry MacMillan, of Linnet street, assisted Mrs. Hart. order now. utmost dramatic effect. street, to Harley Moyer, son of Instead of the usual card party, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moyer, of When Buying, Mc.-ntion \Vednesday, December 19th, the Re­ \Voodland park, has been an- Mrs. Lloyd A. Jones, of Birr REV. BETLEM TO SPEAK THE COURIER nounced. street. entertained at luncheon and publican Women will meet at the bridge on Friday. club rooms at 2 o'clock to tie com­ Rev. John Betlem witt give a fortables as decided at the last busi­ series of Bible studies from the ness meeting. 'f.he prizes given yes­ book of Galatians each Sunday af­ The Parent-Teacher Association terday at the club rooms for the ternoon at 3 :30 at the Rochester of Otis School, No. 30, is to have a \Vednesday card party were from Gospel Center, 13-f South avenue meeting at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow Etheldro Kaus gift shop. They and Court street. The Gospel Cen­ afternoon. Refreshments will be were much commented upon and ter is an undenominational organi­ CARD TABLE served. admired. zation for the teaching of the Bible. Regular $2.50 $1.50 Bauman & Baynes GATELEG TAB~ $15.00 DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY Style mustrated Has Solid IV"ahogany Top • 36x48 ---- Small Pork Loins • • • • 19c lb. (Whole or Half) IM You will be surprised at our large showing of eless Brisket Corned Beef 26c lb. '~ NEW MERCHANDISE this year. S er Pot Roast . 29c lb. ,~ Gerald C. Kenny 'M Furniture and Upholstery er Early For Xmas i 1476 LAKE AVENUE ~~ Opposite Ridgeway AVCliUe ys Will be Cheaper 1/J Phone GlCD. 1644 Rochester, N. Y. The Glen House, shown above, located on the river bel~": ~~ AUTHORIZED STIWMBERG..OARLSON RADIO DEALER Driving Park avenue bridge, was the scene of many gay parties m._ 82 84 ~:::II!!I!IIIIZ.BII_..E:J_rz:G::le!r:n-=:w::::oo=d==llt-='-=ll=S3==-l=l=~ I du.nng the so and 90's, w destroyed by fire May~ 1894 1~~~~~~~~ ~~ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, Collection N. Y., DECEMBER 13, 1928 Tenth Ward Courier

TENTH WARD COURIER A VARIETY of Donald Frost, of Preston, of Dewey F. R. METZINGER, Editor and Publisher G:~~~e?~~~ COLORS, IN FELT AND nue, who is a student at New York aver ue, 1s home for a few days' I 517 Lyell Avenue Milltary Academy, spent the past vacation. Harry is attending law LEATHER SLIPPERS N. WINGERDEN, ~dvertising week-end with a classmate, Jack school in \\'ashington, D. C. Glenwood 2585 Seeley, at Garden City, L. I. They attended the Army-Stanford game Howard Hossler, of Knieker­ Down town office, ~:5 South Water St.-Main 5412 in .:-J'ew York City. backer avenue. was presented with THUR.-FRI.-SAT. News matter mu~t b~· in t!1e hands of the editor not later than the a Bible by the Sunday School Monday preceding date of issue. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Wood, of Council of the Dewey Avenue Re­ YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO S~ncca parkway, returned Thurs­ formed Church at their regular lS SOUTH WAteR STREIT day, after several months spent in meeting held at the home of Ruth Ladies,-$1.00 and up SEE- HEAR China and the Philippine Islands. Christman, of Clay avenue. Mr. Men's-$1.50 and up Hossler is leaving Rochester for Children's-$1.00 and up Mr. and Mrs. Morris D. Knapp, an extended trip to California and AL JOLSON of Lake avenue, entertained at din­ Texas. IN HIS GREATEST HIT ll\!1' and cards at the Genesee Valley A Large Selection Club, Tuesday evening. "The Other 'Wise .Man," by Van OF LOW SNAP ARCTICS \VIflc~N rl'llli] li'A~IILY (-L\THERS 'ROUND Dyke, illustrated lecture with 50 The Garden Twig members were '!ides, will be given Sunday evening AND ZIPPERS "SINGING FOOL" YOlJH rJ'ABL11i I 'OH CRRISTl\L\.S DIN­ entertained at luncheon yesterday at i .30 at the Dewey Reformed In :Black and Colors by Mrs Morris D. Knapp, of Lake Church. SUN.-MON.-TUES.-WED. ~l~JI{ YOll \\~ILL \Y.A..~.~T THE BEST avenue. Francis J. Tormey, of Selye ter­ J>OUIIL'RY. SEE Mr. and ~Irs. Raymond G. Clark race, is a guest at the Carolina Inn, FAZIL HEAR and Miss Ann Clark, of Lake ave­ Pinehurst, N. C. OUR STOCK WILL BE COMPLETE AND nue, have issued invitations for a dinner Tuesday evening, Jan. 1, at ).!r. and Mrs. Ray Bowman, of OF THE BEST QUALITY the Oak Hill Country Qub. Flower City park, were given a house warming by twenty of their PHILCO RADIO FOR CHRISTMAS PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY AND IT ).1rs. F. \V. ~[iller, of ~t!v; York relatives, Saturday evening. A ouf­ City, who formerly lived at 75 Lake fet luncheon was served. Ladies', $2.45 and up EASY TERMS NO INTEREST CHARGE WILL HAVE OUR CAREFUL ATTENTION \'iew park, has been the guest for Phone Glen. 4247 for a Free Demonstration a few days of Mrs. Clarence Bley­ ).!r. Harold -:te.1 of Tacoma A SENSIBLE kr, of Dewey avenue. street, gave a brfl;~ party for some WE DELIVER John Buettner's Drug Store o~ his frL'endsast \IVednesday eve­ GIFT 1364 DEWEY AVE. near CLAY Mrs. Clark \Vetmore, of Seneca nmg. parkway, and Mrs. Raymond G. PARK SHOE SHOP Imported German Canaries-Guaranteed Singers Slattery, of Augustine street, enter­ }.fiss th Garner, of Seneca MONROE MARKET tained at luncheon last week at par:kWay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 357 Driving Park Avenue Oak Hill Country Club. 833 DEWEY AVE. GLEN. 1685 Charles L. Garner, will repeat her front porch recital which she ga vc WE ARE FEATURING Coionel and Mrs. F. H. Schoeffel, in the early summer, Saturday eve­ Full line of JEWELRY, NOVELTIES and of Syracuse, were the guests of Mr. ning in the ballroom of the Colum­ Toys- Sleds and :Mrs. Fred Frost, of Glenwood bus Building. "Members of Ironde­ Hardware- Paints COSTUME JEWELRY FOR CHRISTMAS , a venue, for several days. quoit Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, are sponsor­ McKENNEY &TRUMPP -SPECIAL­ ~fl ~. Clark \Vetmore, of Seneca ing the recital. 1011 Dewey Ave. Glen. 5339 rarkwiy, entertained her bridge VANITY CASES dub at luncheon Saturday at her The Friendship Circle of the Reg. $4.00, NOW $2.50 Reg. $3.00, NOW $2.00 For Christmas We Are home. Gates Class of Brick Church was HIGH GRADE Reg. $3.50, NOW $2.25 Reg. $2.50, NOW $1.75 entertained at tl}e home of Mrs. Featuring the Mr. and Mrs. George Y. \Vebster, SHOE RE-BUILDER \\"alter Baumer, of Raines park, From Old to New Beads, 25c to $3.00 of Riverside street, left Saturday last night. Dinner was served to With Any Shoe for their estate, "Riverview," on the thirty-five. E . BREWER LYRIC All-Electric RADIO James River, Va., where they plan S. LARUSSA to spend the Christmas holidays. S48Vs Driving Pk., cor. Dowey 13-15 PULLMAN AVE. GLEN. 1723 - ALSO- ~!iss Margaret Klem, of Raines park, who is traveling for the U. S. Miss Gwyneth Farley, who is a Department of Labor, was at home, student at Pine Manor, Wellesley, APEX- SHAMROCK Friday. She has left for Chicago Mass., will return December 19th, C. H. Bantel Co., Inc. HEATING AND PLUMBING and will travel from there to New AND THE NEW to spend the holidays with her par­ Orleans. COAL AND COKE FURNACE REPAIRING and INSTALLING t•n:s. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lewis 785 DEWEY AVE. Farley, of Maplewood avenue. WALTER V. MACK SPLITDORF DUPLEX Miss Elizabeth Coughlin, of Rain­ Call Glen. 1154 :tor Prompt Delivery 807-809 DEWEY AVE. GLEN. 3907 NOW ON DISPLAY ier street, entertainrd her Five Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Clark, Hundred Club last \Vednesday eve of aLke avenue, will entertain at ning. Prizes were awarded and rt Hill Sold on Easy Terms-Small Payment Down dinner, January 1, at the Oak i reshments served. County Club, in honor of their ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION _.__..,._ ....-- daughter, Miss Anne Oark. Rufe Johnson's pet hound disap- I Mrs. Elfred Wright, of Albemarle peared. Rufe put the following ad­ J. W. MANSING street, entertained at luncheon, \'ertisement in the paper: fhursday at the Century Club. "Lost or Run Away: One liver 1600 LAKE AVE. GLEN. 3961 colored bird called Jim. Will show hlrs. Edwin C. Mason, of Albe- «igns of hyrdofobby in about three days." 1 marie street, entertained at bridge on Tuesday afternoon in honor of The dog came home the following Mrs. Donald \V. Mason, of Gran­ day. Tenth Ward Headquarters ville, N.Y. It is better to fall down on the FOR ).! iss Eva L. Schmitz. of ).fary­ job than to l1e down on it. Try; land street. entertained at bridge re­ ther's no disgrace in failure when cently. you've done your best. CHRISTMAS TREES News of the Churches ~eSPARTON 1683 DEWEY AVE. Church of the Aacenaion-The Grammar school girls report at 9 Church School Choir is rehearsing o'clock for an hour of fun and the EQUASONNE every Thursday at 4 p. m. for the boys come at 10:30. Miss Elizabeth Christmas festival. Members of the Roblin is recreational director. G. J. WAGG-DRY GOODS choir are urged to be present at Girls' basketball class for all girls these rehearsals at 7 Burke terrace. 14 to 20 will begin next Monday JN amazingly new and different develop· PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR EVERYONE The Woman's Auxiliary will hold evening, December 17th at 7 o'clock. ment in circuits that will instantly its monthly business meeting at the The meeting place is the new as­ open your eyes to the real -WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION­ home of Mrs. G. A. Strong, 422 sembly room at Grace Methodist magnificence of radio music. A Open Evenings Sclye terrace today. Church. The Men's Club will have a On Friday evening, December 21, complete revolution in radio AT WAGGS CORNERS GLEN. 976 Christmas party at the church hall at 7 :30 the Sunday school will hold tonight at 8 p. m. All of the men its annual Christmas entertainment. science. No choice can be of the parish are invited and a good The program will consist of music final until you hear the great time is promised to all who attend. and Christmas play and a visit from Sparton EQUAS01VNE. At a recent meeting of the Bro- Santa Claus. Bring the kiddies to therhood of St. Andrew the follow- see the large Christmas tree which Christmas GUt Suggestions ing officers were elected: Director, is to be given by our Primary De­ partment. Mr. Ivan H. Ball; Vive Director, A basketball class for girls, H to MEN WOMEN CHILDREN Mr. Nelson D. Morrow; Secretary 20, has been organized and begin- and Treasurer, Mr. R. W. Eddon; ning the week of December 16th, Neckwear Hosiery Dolls Assistant Secretary, Mr. A. ]. Croll. will meet in the Recreational Hall Next Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Mr. every Monday night from 7 to 8 Hosiery Lingerie Doll Bassinets Stephen A. K. Parker, of Elmira, o'clock. Jewelry N. Y., will meet the boys of the The Girl Scouts arc doing their Gloves Doll House parish and community at the bit in equipping the new game Scarfs Linens Furniture church hall. Boys between the ages room. They have offered the use of 14 and 20 are invited. The ob- of their new basketball and will Shirts Novelties Airplanes ject of the meeting is to form a make several bean bags. Belts Bedspreads Blocks Juuior Chapter of the Brotherhood Beginning with Sunday, January of St. Andrew. Mr. Parker is a 6th. Bishop Joseph F. Berry will P~jamas Gowns Games nationally known speaker, and an conduct the preaching mission at Iron Toys authority on the work of the Bro- the First Methodist Church. All Buckles Aprons therhood. Rochester churches will unite and Sleds Services for Sunday, December ).fethodism of the city will rally for Beltograms Handkerchiefs 16, 1928 are as follows: a great evangelistic week. It will Snow Shovels Model79A With 8Tubes Shoe Trees 8 :00 a. m.-Holy Communion be preceded by a "Friendly Visita- $229.50 Complete Skiis 9 :45 a. m.-Church School tion" in each church and an en- Easy Terms-Small Payment Down Garters Compacts 10 :00 a. m.-Men's Bible Oass deavor to pledge the churches to Books 11 :00 a. m.-.Morning Prayer and undivided loyalty to the services. ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION Bath Robes Stationery Banks Sermon The Young Men's Class has com- 6 :30 p. m. - Young People's Fel- pleted arrangemcpts for bowling lowship I regularly cverr Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. w. - Boys' Meeting ).fr 1 the Elm Bowhng Hall. Two team~ Stt"phcn A. K. Parker, s;e;ke; have, been organized, the "\Vild­ RUBADOU'S cats, and the "Demons," and the members are true to their respcc nThe Pathfinder of 844 DEWEY at DRIVING PK. GLEN. 3089 Grace Methodist - On Sunday, tive names when they start rolling / I >c-ccmber ~3d, there will be a ves- the !>all. The Elm Bowling Hall, 43 P r ~ervice at the Grac(' M('•hodis+ Elm street has 'H~cn reserved. C'mr h at ;, o'clock. The hoir will The Shepa d (lass i~ p"nsoring THE ALICIA SHOPPE pr nt a numb r of Chrost nas car-l a1• ( r•tcrtainment in the n w eclrrca- DRESS SALE AT $6.85 SPECIAL MON., TUE., WED. 1 111! \fi~ Kath"Y \Voodruff wi'l fonal building of the churc;;h tl"­ Crepe, Satin, Etc. BOBBING 50c '1v t!l I an. Morrow (Friday) evening Mrs. COR. LAKE AVE. and DRIVING PK Reg. $10.76 Dresses IBOBBED HAIR MARCEL 50c S turdav ' orn;r '{ ame grO'I:lS Grace Ab!>ey an arti t of 1 otc will 1488 Dowey Ave. nt Ridgeway Gen. 4348 are m tm in the new recreation :::-ive musical 'numbers and dramatic h II at Gr ce Methodist Church. r • a:ings. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Tenth Ward Coutier Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, Collection N.Y., DECEMBER 13, 1928 Page 3 Humor Hill'· \ here did )Oil get thr new hat~ Slippers Head the List as the Slippers a Delightful Christmas Gift H1m: It's ... present from the wife. I cc..me home early yesterday and Most Popular Gift For Men For found it on the table. For No Music Allowed MEN'S EVERETT O~oir_ Bo!. "\\hat made you give . SLIPPERS Mother Sister up smgmg m the ch01r ?" This is one of the most A pretty pair of step- F )rmer Colleague : "I was absent popular styles in Men's A nice comfort- tn pumps of satin or one Sunday, and •omeonr asked if Felt bedroom slippers in at- patent leather. the organ had been mended. • Slippers. The styles we able pair of shoes tractive colors. Slipper illus- are showing are of fine trated has a. velvet cuff. $4.95 black or brown kid, turn A stranger who was rather sole construction. entered a little Scotch church seated himself in a front pc $2.50 and $3.00 pla•;ed an car trumpet on his An rider of the kirk, who hac! , seen an ear trumpet, watched MEN'S TAN with gra\·e su~picion. When :he minister entered ·r , ,\n ROMEOS tran l t ted the tnunpct from hi~ k, A high cut slipper or house Comfortable Boudoir but b<"fore he could adJU ,t it he felt shoe with clastic goring at the a tap on his ,boulder ar•d heard the !ddes. Exceedingly practical Slippers indignant elder saying· and comfortable to wear about Booties for Little Tots We have these popular Christmas "One toot, an' oot ye gae." the house or basement in cold Give Footwear Little felt slippers in red and blue, gifts in all soft and beautiful colors. weather or about the lawn and with soft soles, ornamental cuffs. garden in summer. For Christmas SiZes 5 to 8, $1.00; 81f2 to 2, $1.25 Priced at $1.25 and $1.50 "Is that a la.rgc store where you work." $3.00 Our store right now is filled with "Well, it takes a good story two PRACTICAL and USEFUL GIFTS Give Foot Comfort Silk Hosiery For weeks to get from the boss back to Store open every evening until 9 P. M. the boss." Christn1as Footwear Boys Hiking Shoes for your convenience For Christmas Christmas Schmanke's Christmas Store For Men and Boys The Scrap Book How about a few crumbs for the Wrap-Around birds these cold mornings? Gaiters And by the way have you for­ gotten to turn off the outside Makes a Splendid faucet? Christmas Gift After taking notice of a dozen or more motor license plates, we come to the conclusion that some owners :>r.e not concerned about cleaning ''Keep going'' is the cry of the them, even while going over the rest of the car. day ! Dashing around in this Do your Christmas shopping ear­ ly and do it in the Tenth Ward We offer a number of styles, one of modern way puts a tremendous the best sellers, being illustrated shops where quality predominates. above. It is built on the new wide strain on the feet that means To date we have had two calls toe last in a snappy blucher pattern. the right shoes or trouble. Here from wreath salesmen. How many You're sure to find the shoe you'll have you had? want in this group. Trim tailored in figured brown are the shoes-Give her a pair A pair of these beautiful silk To avoid accidents it is essential $5.00 stockings is the Christmas gift to use both your head and your Just the thing for school In the win· and black with velvet collar. for Christmas. Brother or Dad will appreciate ter months, they are buUt o! rotanned supreme. We offer two grades, feet. kid leather, with Usklde waterproof Sev.::ral parties were observed on a pair of 4-buckle dress arctics composition soles, making the abo& as L.adies, $2.45 either of which represents I.Lear waterproof as It la poaatbla to All Styles splendid quality at the price. Lake avenue near Lewiston this for Christmas. build it. Ha.a pocket on aide !or Scout Childs', $2.25 knife, a feature that appeals especially week trying to flag flivvers for the $3.50 and $4.50 to boys. Sizes 1 to 6. $4.95 $1.00 and $1.50 purpose of securing free transpor­ tation. This practice is becoming a nuisance and is causing trouble to motorists inasmuch as traffic is heavy at this point. SCHMANK~SBOOTSHOP In the old days they used to come to Rochester on the train to Open evenings till 9 P. M. 1480 DEWEY AVE. Cor. RIDGEWAY AVE. Phone Glenwood 1385 do their trading and took their time bargain hunting. Last week it was noted that at least one party cam in on the bus, boarrle~ llTIYJlley downtoW'n-anli th;~urri'Cd fn a on Christmas Eve to catch Santa taxi to catch the bus home. Claus, but even if they did not sec For Safe Winter Driving Is There a Santa: Claus? Santa Claus coming down, what 10 Shopping Days would that prove? Nobody sees Let Us Check Your (The cclitcn-ial b6low is printed by their httte minos. All minds, Santa Claus, but that is no sign Have You Heard by request. It appeared in the V1rginia, whether they be men's or I there is no Santa Claus. The most The New Orthophonic Vic­ Battery - Radiator -Brakes - Oil New York Sun of Scpt6mbcr 21, children's, are little. In this great real things in the world are those Before Christmas 189i, and was writtenby Frank P. mi\ erse of ours, man is a mere in­ Use lighter grease in your Transmission and Rear End 1 that neither chtldren nor men can trola.? We make a liberal Church. It has been re-Jn-inted s1.ct an ant in his intellect as com­ sec. Did you ever see fairies danc­ ~ yeal· after yea;· tli1'ouuhout tltc with the boundlc;s world allowance for your old talk­ RAY DEFENDORF'S GARAGE MARKHAM-HUMES, INC. par~d ing on the lawn? Of course not, U6 Lewiston Avenue 1685 Dewey Ave. co1mtly and is commonly rr.{fardcd .d>out him, as measured by the in­ but that's no proof that they arc ing machine. HALL'S SALES AND SERVICE GEORGE H. HATZ DO IT NOW- as exp.·e.~sing the spil'it of Christ- t~lligencc capable of grasping the not there. Nobody can conceiYc or 1850 Dewey Avenue Lexington at Dewey Avenue mas as 11.:ell a.~ that spirit has ever whole of truth and knowledge. and don't forget­ imagine all the wonders that are SAVE THAT REPAIR BILL been portrayed.) Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa unseen and unsccable in the world. your Vicinity merchant \\''tige carried by thr Gruen name on the dials. KANE'S BAKERY Wm. H. Jackson 1506 DEWEY A VENUE When Buying, Mention JEWELER We invite you to come in and inspedi 325 DRIVING PK. AVE. these creations. THE COURIER Toys - Hand Made Gifts Novelties - Holiday Cards STORE TO RENT CHARLES P. COSTER Aluminum Ware 835 DEWEY AVE. JEWELER 1519 Lake Avenue Kodak Community EDWARD T. HOWDEN H. SCHULZ 834 Dewey Ave. Glen. 471 839 DEWEY AVE. Give Your Children a 940 JAY ST. Special Pri SPECIAL-MALT LIQUID for the Musical Education 5 GALLON CANS Holidays $1.75 Ladies' Silk A Special CHRISTMAS Offer Dry Cleaned & DONAGHUE HARDWARE $1.50-$2.00 (no higher) To any person purchasing a world famous 1308 DEWEY AVE. GLEN. 357 We guarantee our dyeing WURLITZER PIANO and shrinking on dresses before Christmas, for cash or on easy payments, Men's Suits Dry Cleaned or we offer a course in A Complete Radio and Electrical Studio Model 71-$137.60 Steam Cleaned, $1.00 PIANO INSTRUCTION Electric Radio "To Better Serve the Community" Ties Pressed FREE with under the personal guidance of Put in Your Ordor Now for Xmas each suit cleaned GRAYBAR ELECTRICAL LINE EDWARD C. MAY Trade in your old Radio Ask for one of our l>eautlful well-known theater, concert, radio artist and teacher WASHING MACHINES ELECTRIC IRONS Time Payments if Desired calendru:s VACUUM CLEANERS W A.FFLE IRONS WE CALL AND DELIVER PERCOLATORS TOASTERS TOWNER BROS. ~EW PIANOS RADIOS and SUPPLIES FROM 710 University Avenue E J. C. HARRIGAN 179 Lyell Ave. 940 Jay St. B. Cohen, Tail or 432 Lyell A vc. $295 76 CLINTON .AVE. SOUTH 331 Ridgeway Ave Glen. 4352 Phones at all Stores Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Historic NewspapersROCHESTER, Collection N. Y., DECEMBER 13, 1928 Tenth Ward Courier PALMER-MILLER

The rnarri~ge of Miss Ivy Jane Local Musician Writes Now is the Time to HaveYour ~li ler, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam ~[iller, of Brighton, and Book on New Course Geor!{e M. Palmer, ~on of Charles Edward C. .May, Lake View park, Tra11smission and Differential Palmer, of Dewey avenue, took well known local organist and pi- • ano instructor has compiled what LI ERTY place Xovcmber lOth at 5 o'clock at he terms the "American ~lusic Drained, Flushed and Refilled With tre home of the Rev. Dr. Clinton Course." This new course or rather THEATRE \\'t ndcr. set of five books, while based upon Driving Parle Ave. opp. Pierpont St. Winter Lubricant The bride wore a dress of brown the study of pianoforte is so writ­ crepe and tan lace. with a brown ten that it is said to be of equal TODAY and TOMORROW-TWO FEATURES \·civet hat, and a corsage of bronze value to students studying any mu­ Dorothy McKaill and Jack Mulhall in chysanthcmums. Miss Mac :\[iller, sical instrument or voice. During the past ten years, Mr. ''MAN CRAZY'' sist~r of the bride, was hridcsmaid. Also Betty Compson in Crown Service Station May has held positions as piano .J She wore a green satin dress and "DESERT BRIDE" green hat and a corsage of pink instructor for the Board of Edu­ >ewey Ave., Cor Clay Glen. 5674 SATURDAY chrysanthemums. Elliott Palmer, cation, organ soloist, radio artist, KOLSTER RADIO.DEALERS hro:her of the bridegroom, was theater orchestra leader, profes­ Ramon Navarro in Ill' best man. sional accompanist and theater or­ "FORBIDDEN HOUR" ganist. His "American Music Two Comedies, Weekly and Others Course" is compiled from the ex­ a periences and requirements gath­ SUNDAY and MONDAY DO YOUR ered from these positions. Realizing The Great Family Picture the points which require the most "FOUR SONS" stress and those which prove the The heart-appealing story of a gold star mother and XMAS SHOPPING most difficult for the average stu­ her great sacr111.ce during the World War dent, he has created exercises and TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY selected studies to meet these needs DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM At Our Store in a progressive and interesting Tom Moore and Dorothy Revier in manner. ''THE SIREN'' Arrangements are being complet­ Also Margaret Livingston in PERFUMES - TOILET WATERS ed with a music company to pub­ lish this set of text books. :Mr. " A WOMAN'S WAY" Hudnut, Coty, Houbigant :\lay's method presents to the young student an interesting comparison BATH POWDERS - BATH SALTS of piano study to the days of the week. "There are," he states, "only ATWATER-KENT RADIO SMOKERS' SUPPLIES - STATIONERY :;even days to memorize and seven AFFORDS THE MOST RELIABLE INVESTMENT AND notes to learn on the piano." ECONOMICAL ENTERTAINMENT AT ALL TIMES Continuing, he likens the seven original notes used in different Model 40 Complete in Walnut Cabinet pitches to the weeks of the month. with P eerless Speaker at LA MAY DRUG CO. The four seasons of the year are $137.50 858 DEWEY AVE. cor. DRIVING PK. used to represent the four cleffs CONVENIEN TERMS IF DESIRED found in music. Another point WE DELIVER GLEN. 970 which is given special treatment is the study of scales. Mr. May dis­ COERS BATTERY & RADIO SERVICE putes the advisability of spending 1398 Dewey Ave. cor. Flower City Pk. Glen. 718 a long period on the C, F or G major scales before going thru the GIFT SUGGESTIONS entire cycle of scales. His method BUY USEFUL GIFTS is to stress from the very beginning NECKWEAR - SHIRTS- GLOVES the reasons and formation of both YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING major and minor scales and as soon HOSIERY - PAJAMAS- MUFFLERS as the student grasps the funda­ MADE EASY SWEATERS - BELTS - HANDKERCHIEFS cJl/

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N.Y., DECEMBER 19, 1928 No. 19 J ENTH WARD CHURCHES PLANNING ~ 1 MONTGOMERY WARD MANY CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS CONSIDERING TWO l'lmrchcs of the 'l'cnth Ward will take the lead in the celebra­ A 3Jnynua Qiqrtatmua LAKE AVE. SITES? tion of the ( 'lmstmns holidays with a large number of special serv­ A rumor that is believed to be ues and entertainment f.or both children and adults. Most of the well founded has circulated about churches m addition to regular Christmas services on Sunday will uub u ltfuppy au~ Jrnaprrnua town that Montgomery-Ward, Chi­ have special C."\erci~e" and di~tribution of gifts to the children on cago mail order house is to follow Lhnstmas Day. in the footsteps of Sears-Roebuck and locate in Rochester. The ru­ GRACE METHODIST CHURCH will be served at 6 :30 by a com­ Nrw ljrar mor is especially interesting to The Sunday School Christmas mittee composed of the mothers Tenth Warders inasmuch as "This Entertainment will be held in the of the young people; following \Veek in Rochester" prjnts a re­ New Recreational Hall at the supper there will be songs and port that two of the branches which Grace Church on Friday night at stunts. At 8 o'clock a basketball this company expects to open will 7 :30. A Christmas play will be game will be played in the chapel be located on Lake avenue, one at presented under direction of Miss gymnasium, the first half by the Lewiston and one at Driving Park Elizabeth Roblin. The ]union Ch01r girls' team and the second half by uu~ ita .A~urrttsrrs avenue. v; ill render several numbers and boys' teams. Although nothiRg definite has the orchestra will also have a part been brought to light regarding the m the program. Santa Claus has pany, investigation in local real es­ pro ised to be present and distrib­ CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tate offices has disclosed that one ut<. candy to all the children. The \Voman's Auxiliary and the or more real estate concerns have Every Saturday morning at 9 Ascension Guild both met during been carrying on negotiations in o'clock game groups occupy the the week of December lOth and Santa Opens His 1Oth Ward 1Dr. Lee, WeD-Known behalf of .Montgomery-Ward. New Hecreallonal Hall under su­ elected officers for the year. They According to the rumor, it is the pervision of Miss Roblin. Gram­ are as follows: \Voman's Auxiliary, plan of the mail order house to es­ mar school boys and girls are urged President, Mrs. G. A. Strong; Vi..:c tablish a large department store •o come out. January 4th (Friday President, Mrs. H. S. \Velsh; Sec­ Headquarters at Schmanke's Pasin~n~~ !,a~~:!asp~~~~~. a'nd several branches, concentrating vening) the junior choir will pre­ retary, Mrs. \V. C. Compton; Jolly old Santa Claus, following Sr., of 191 Kislingbury street, last its efforts on the west side of town, ent, "The Maid and the Golden Treasurer, Mrs. Harriet A. Vick­ a custom of years standing, will Inasmuch as the two houses, Sears­ Slippers," in the New Assembly week removed one of the Tenth ers; United Thanks Offering Treas­ make his annual appearance today Youth Exposes His Ward's best known figures. De­ Roebuck and Montgomery-Ward, Hall. Mrs. Hedley Wilcox is di­ urer, Mrs. VV. I. :Merson. at the Schmanke Boot Shoppe and are said to follow each other's leacl, rector. Tickets an: now on sale. spite his so years, Dr. Lee was act­ Ascension Guild, President, Mrs. be present right up until Christmas Own Hoax To Police ive up to the time of his death. particular credence is given the George H. Tozier; Vice President, Eve. Santa, it is said, spends a rumor. A hoax that had residents of the During the summer months he paid A NORTH PRES. CHURCH Mrs. A. ]. Croll; Secretary, Mrs. great deal of his time up-town a visit to his birthplace in Ohio. E.]. Luehm; Treasurer, Mrs. E. L. thtse days, but he always man­ neighborhood of Glendale park and - On Sunday at vespers, 5-6 p. m., Dr. Lee was born in Poland, Ohio, Gosnell; Treasurer of Special Fund, ages to find a few days in which Lake avenue on edge for a short and attended Ohio \Vesleyan Uni­ he combined choirs of North Mrs. \Vm. H. Thompson. Du Rocher Marks Up to come down here and meet his time was exposed by police of the versity. He is survived by his hurch and Trinity M. E. Church Last Sunday evening the boys little Tenth Ward friends. Lyell avenue station in the arrest widow, Etta; three sons, Earl P., ill sing "The Manger Throne," by of the Parish Il}et in the Church Mr. Schmanke, who has kindly World's Sales Record Charles Fonteyn Manney. At 7 :30 of Raymond McKinney on a Thomas L., Jr., and Richard M. hall and organized a Junior Chap­ allowed the grand old man a cor­ Lee, all nf Rochester, and a daugh­ Establishment of a new world's p. m. both choirs will sing the can­ ter of the Brotherhood of St. An­ ner in his store \\;ndow, has made charge of vagrancy. McKinney in ata at Trinity Methodist Episcopal ter, Florence A. Lee, of Los An­ record for the sale of machines. drew. Stephen A. K. Parker, of it possible for Santa to pay his a self-tyled "philosophical mood" geles. There are eight grandchil­ Church. Elmira, Organizing Secretary for yearly visit and to take the orders left an old sweater and an over­ manufactured by the Tood Prote::­ "The Adt'ra+io" of the Kings and dren. The funeral was held from tht" district, explained the purpose to be filled on Christmas Eve. The coat beside an abandoned well at tograph Co. was accomplished last Shep"lerds,' ' a Christmas pageant, the residence Saturday afternoon and aims of the organization. The shoe man has built a fine chimney the foot of lGendale park together w<;ek by Charles Du Rocher, of 9n vas presented at North Presby­ at 3 o'clock. Interment was made following officers were elected: for old St. Nick, with ample room with a note indicating a suicide. t>rian ( hurch Sunday, December at Riverside Cemetery. Parkrlall• tt•rrace. Mr. Du Rocher· Vice Director. John Beach; Sec­ for the little gifts that he pas~es McKinney, himself. solved the sold 31 machines within a period 16th, at vespers by young people retary, \\'illiam Spaulding; Treas­ out as tokens of his regard for mystery when he telephoncrl police of the Sunday school, directed by of a week's time, thereby winning urer, Charles Mercer. the youngsters. The bewhiskered that he had le(t the clothing and Mrs. E. ]. Miller, and assisted by the Todd championship and a gold Nelson D. Morrow and E. Lewis old gentlemen, garbed in typical the note and then proceeded to Unusual Honor Given award of $100. The previous rec­ he church choir. Donald Rogers Alexander of the Senior Chapter red, makes a picturesque and heart­ the Lyell avenue station where he was in charge of properties; Char­ ord of 29 sales was held by Chris' ~ill act respectively as Director warming scene in the Schmanke told his story to Captain McDon­ Alameda St. Couple Poff, of Philadelphia. les Richardson, lights; Harriet and Counselor. window. ald and was booked on the va­ The unusual honor of husband A dinner in celebration of the Miller, Edith Miller and Mrs. L. B. On Monday, December 24th, Over 1500 young people of the grancy charge. A plea of not and wife being named to the two record-breaking performance is be­ Dodge co~tumes and James Miller, Christmas Eve. the members of the Tenth Ward, ranging in age from guilty gained McKinney an ad­ highest positions in a local organ­ ing planned by Walter Ward, u,her. Girls' Fridenly Society will go to one to seven years, last year crowd­ journment in City Court until next ization and its auxilliary was re­ Rochester sales manager to which the State Hospital where they will ed their way into the store to see Monday. McKinney says he has cently accorded to Mr. and Mrs. all New York State Protectograph On \Vednesday, December 19th, give a Christmas Party and Enter­ Santa with their own eyes, to give no home, although he is said to Joseph E. Marcille, of 248 Alemeda sale:.men and officials of the com­ an illustrated carol service was tainment in one of the wards. him a few orders and to receive be employed by a Driving Park sereet. Mr. MarciUe was name,d as pany v.·ill be invited. featured at the mid-week meeting. Services for Sunday, December one of the little tbkens of remem­ avenue lunchroom. commander of the L. Boardman The Christmas parties of the Ju­ 23d, are as follows : 8 :00 a. rn., brance for which he is justly fam­ Smith Camp, United Spanish-Amer­ nior, Primary and Beginners' De­ Holy Communion; 9 :45 'a. m., ous. They come in steady streams BUETTNER-BECKER the busy old man, and then makes ican Vlar Veterans and his wife, partments will be held, Saturday, Church School; 10:00 a. m., Men's -some with mother, sister or the children's hearts skip a beat Stella A. Marcille was elected to The marriage of Mrs. Amelia I. at the church, from 2 until 4 p. m. Bible Class; 11 :00 a. m., Morning brother to escort them, others, big as he reaches down into his bag the leadership of the Betsy Ross Becker, of Qay avenue, to John Prayer and Sermon; 6:30 p. m., enough to take care of themselves •mder the direction of the Depart­ and picks out one gift a piece, just Auxilliary. Both will be installed Buettner, of Longacre road, took ment Superintendents: Miss Mar­ Young People's Fellowship and -all hurry to place their orders. for them. on January 2d. place last Wednesday evening. The Special Christmas Service. And, as a matter of fact, this year garet]. Huck, Junior; Miss Esther There is no need of getting the Mr. Marcille served in Company ceremony was performed by the Kier, Primary, and Miss Mildred Christmas tide services will be plans are being made to take care children into the traffic jams of A, 3d New York State Voluntary Rev. Carl N. Conrad. held Christmas Eve, December 24 of even more than 1500, so that Fer~n~son, Beginners.' downtown Rochester-just to see Infantry under Captain Henry B. The attendants were Miss Bertha (Monday) at 11:30 p. m. A Mid­ no youngsters of this section need Santa Claus. The children's orders Henderson during the Spanish­ Steamer and John Steamer. night Eucharist Musical Progran~ worry about being overlooked. On Thursday, Dec. 27th, at 6:30 will receive careful attention, ac­ American War. Both he and Mrs. After the ceremony a wedding p, m. a Christmas supper party will be given as follows : It is declared to be great fun to cording to Mr. Schmanke, who has dinner was served, covers being Processional Hymn, "Hark the Marcille arc well known in this e will be held by the combined young talk to Santa at Schmanke's. The been in almost constant communi­ section. laid for fifteen guests at the bride's people's groups, Loyalty Circle, Herald Angels Sing," Mendelssohn; chimney is elevated just a little cation with Saint Nicholas for table. Friendship Circle, Westminster Carol. "0 Little Town of Bethle­ ways off the floor and one must some time. The Schmanke Boot Following a motor trip to Can­ MERRY CHRISTMAS Guild, Sunday Evening Group, hem," Ashmall; Carol, "Holy climb the little ladder to get up Shoppe is located at Dewey and aad, Mr. and Mrs. Buettner will Boy s~outs, North Stars, the older Night," Gruber; Communion Serv­ as close to Mr. Claus as one dares. Ridgeway avenues. HAPPY NEW YEAR reside at 135 Longacre road. boys' basketball team, and Senior ice in E fiat. Eyre: Hymn, "Thou Sant~ time after tim~ li~ens to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -nd Intermediate Departments of Didst Leave Thy Thorne," Mat­ "I want this," and "I want that," he Sunday school, the committee thews; Offertory Anthem, "Sing 0 spoken mostly in low, hesitant and WE GUARANTEE CHRISTMAS DELIVERY "n charge bring Harold Bradbury, Heaven," Tours; Presentation of just a little bit scared or perhaps Lois Armstrong, Isabel Bates, Em­ Alms, "Chant," Anon; Bell Amen, awed voices. He makes a few ily Garnham, Maynard Jameson "Chant"; Nunc Dimittis, "Chant," mental notes, inquires into as CROSLEY SHOWBOX and Herbert Davison, Jr. Supper Continued on page 4 many details as time will allow PRICE: Showbox ...... $80.00 Bauman & Baynes 8 A. C. Tubes ... $22.75 DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY Crosley Dynacone Speaker ...... $25.00 Complete $127.75 FRESH TURKEYS DRESSED 49clb. TERMS: $19.75 Down Fancy Young Geese • • • 38c lb. 12 Months to Pay "You're there with a Crosley'' Fresh Dressed Ducks • • • 42c lb. Fancy Fowl • • • • • • 39c lb. EYER'S Fancy Mixed Nuts • • • • 29c lb. COR. LAKE and DRIVING PARK AVES . Open Evenings and Sundays-Phones, Glen. 514- 954 • WE DELIVER Glenwood U82-1183-1184 ASK FOR A HOME DEMONSTRATION Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection Page2 ROCHESTER, N. Y., DECEMBER 19, 1928 Tenth Ward Couner TENTH WARD COURIER PERSONALS Lowell W. Shield,, of LakP ave­ F. R. METZINGER, Editor and Publisher at \Vest Newton, Mass., nue, Thomas ]. La Londe, of Yar­ the holidays. 517 Lyell Avenue mouth road, arc among the Roch­ N. WINGERDEN, Advertising e~tcrians registered at the Hotel John M. Tucker, of Lake avenue, Glenwood 2585 .McAlpin in New York City. son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tuck- Down town office, 25 South Water St.-Main MIS er, returned from Niagara Univer­ :\lr. and Mrs. Morris D. Knapp, sity in Niagara Falls for the hoi­ News matter must be in the hands of the editor not later than the of Lake avenue, gave a dinner at idays. TODAY AND THURSDAY Monday preceding date of issue. the Genesee Valley Oub recently. SEE - HEAR - ENJOY Alden Irving Clark, son of Dr. U 8CMITII WAT U aTWRT Mrs. Everett Oster and Miss and Mrs. Irving T. Clark, of Sen­ IRENE RICH AND AUDREY FERRIS Phyllis Oster, of Lake avenue, are eca parkway, is expected home spending a few days in New York Friday, from the University of IN A SURPR ISING LOVE DRAMA City. Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR "'WOMEN THEY TALK ABOUT" Mrs. Edmund Miller, of Burke Miss Virginia Erdle, daughter of entertained the Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. William J. Erdle, o£ Club at her home this Maplewood avenue, will arrive in Christmas Turkey?· town Friday from Washington, D. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY C., where they attend the National A full line of ~liss Anne Sturtcgant, of Spring­ Seminary, to spend the Christmas A TALKING PICTURE TREAT field, Mass., and Miss Dorothy vacation with their parents. Parker, of Boston, will arrive Dec. "CAUGHT IN THE FOG" FIRST CLASS POULTRY OF ALL KINDS 26 to spend several day~ as the Walter, Dorr and Ashton Phil­ gue~ts of the Misses Gwyneth and hps, sons o£ Mr. and Mrs. Fred WITH THE P OPUL.A:B. Delia Farley, of Maplewood ave- A. Phillips, of Augustine street, are 'in town for the Christmas holidays CONRAD NAGEL- MAY McAVOY at from Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. Mis~ Evelyn Higgins, of Lake Chas. Schantz, of Union College, ALSO HEADLINE ACTS OF View park, will return Friday from Schenectady, wiH return tomorrow Vassar College. to spend the holidays with his par­ VITAPHONE VAUDEVILLE Monroe Market ents, Mr. and :Mrs. Chas. Schantz, William F. Strang, of Maplewood of Flower City park. avenue, will entertain at dinner 833 DEWEY AVE.-GLEN. 1685 Tuesday evening at the Genesee Mrs. A. C. Scinta, of Lake ave· Valley Club. n ue, entertained the Staff Auxil­ MAJESTIC We Deliver liary of Highland Hospital at Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bryan, of luncheon, Tuesday. Mrs. Scinta Seneca parkway, have left for was assisted by Mrs. Walter A. Ilerkeley, Calif., with their daugh­ Calihan, Mrs. S. C. Davidson, Mrs. RADIO DEALERS ter, Mrs. Wilbur H. Smith, and W. W. Winans, Mrs. Simon Wron· Miss Patricia Smith, who have been ker and ~frs. Harvey Vary. FRESHMAN- Your Ultimate Radio their guests for ~everal months, to Coers Radio Service MODEL Q15, $69.00 LESS TUBES ,pend the \Vinter at the home of Edward Hardenbrook, who is at· ~{rs. Smith. tending the Medical School of Buf­ 1398 DEWEY AVE. Cor. FLOWER CITY PK. LE'l' US DEMONSTRATE-EASY TERMS falo University, accompanied by Babette Kaltenbacher returned Mrs. Hadenbrook, will arrive Convenient Terms Glen. 718 from Syracuse University, Friday, Thursday to spend the holidays '"======:: Dewey Ave. Electric Shop to spend the holidays with her par­ with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ed- r 831 DEWEY AVE. Phone Gl811. 8118 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Kal­ ward Hardenbrook, of Lake ave­ tenbacher, of Lake avenue. nue. G. J. WAGG-DRY GOODS

James Wishart, of the U. of R., Frederick Hardenbrook will ar­ PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR EVERYONE TRY HOWELL'S ':!7, will attend the geology con­ rive tomorrow from Phillips Exeter vention to be held in New York Academy of !>few Hampshire to be - WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION­ City, December 26-28th. FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKED GOODS with his parents over the holidays. Op en~ Evenings FOR THE HOLIDAYS Miss Katherine L. Hoyt returned Mrs. M. Clark Wetmore, of Sen- AT WAGGS CORNERS GLEN. 976 from the Bennett School at Mill­ eca parkway, and Miss Irene Wet- :======~ THE HOWELL BAKERY brook, N. Y., to spend the holidays more, of The Sagamore, returned with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irv. this week from a week's trip to PHILCO RADIO FOR CHRISTMAS 1436 Dewey Ave. , Phone Glen. 1654 ing Hoyt, of Lake View park. New York City. EASY TERMS-NO INTEREST CHARGE Miss Katherine ~. Hoye, of Lake Walter L. Farley, of Maplewood Phone Glen. 4247 for a. Free Demonstration J. H. GARNHAM View park, is giving a dinner at avenue, who is attending Dart­ the Genesee Valley Club preceding QUALITY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AT ALL TIMES mouth College, will be home for the John Buettner's Drug Store the dance given in honor of Miss CHristmas holidays, Friday. TRY GARNHAM'S MAY ONNAISE-59c QT. Hurst, Christmas night. 1364 DEWEY AVE, near CLAY A REAL GOOD MAYONNAISE AT A REAL GOOD P BIOE Mis; Virginia Bante~ of Lake Imported German Canaries-Guaranteed Singers 823 Dewey Avenue Glen. 3995 • Robert Dwyer, of Burke terrace, '------' is home from Harvard University avenue, has returned from Miss a::======:: Bennett's School at Millbrook to ~ for the Christmas holidays. spend the Christmas holidays at home. Miss Ann Oark, of Lake avenue, GIFTS FOR ALL has returned home from Smith Col­ Mrs. Jesse B. J.lillham of Ala­ lege at Northampton to spend the meda street, will entertain at lunch­ DRY GOODS - JEWE~RY - NOVELTIES holidays. eon and bridge in honor of her daughter, Miss Dorothy 1-fillham, Richard Hardenbrook will be at the Monroe Country Club, De­ home today from Sessenden School cember 26th. E. BREWER 13-15 PULLMAN AVE. John Marshall High FIRE CAUSES BIG LOSS A play, "Eythcr or Eether,'' di- Damage estimated at $1,000 was OPEN EVENINGS rected by Mrs. Houlihan, was pre- caused by a fire of undetermined '------• scntcd at a special assembly re- origin in the home of William Tlart- cently. Members of the cast were: man at 781 Lewiston avenue Mon­ Cleveland Grinnell, Ruth Stevenson, SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM Wilburt Howard, Ruth Hertsberg, day. The fire took on a sepctacular Gordon Coleman, Dorothy Trues- appearance for a short time and FOR MOTHER, DAD, SISTER, OR BROTHER dale, Elizabeth Knapp, and Andrew firemen were compelled to throw SLIPPERS Fleming. two water lines and two chemical At the last executive council lines on the blaze to subdue it and WE HAVE THEM IN A VARIETY OF COLORS meeting the construction of a hockey ring was discussed. A in order to prevent flying sparks AND STYLES, IN FELT AND LEATHER hockey team has been organized. from igniting adjacent homes. $245 The old boiler room building in PARK SHOE SHOP ...... , ...... back of the school will be flooded GIRL SCOUTS DE MALLIE & WINTERROTH-357 Driving Pk Ave . tofor furnisha rink. theThe necessary council hasmoney agreed for The following girl scouts of l------.!1 equipping it. Troop 46 received merit badges at .------""1 the Court of Awards held at the Merry Christmas cJ'Irmnherq-GwlrO# The regular \Vednesday assem­ City Normal School, December 15: bly was held Tuesday morning in Mary Elizabeth Sadden, Lucille order to hear Dr. Peddie, of the A Happy and Prosperous New Year Ill Christmq_stide Baptist Temple, Philadelphia, Pa. eD Boucher, Helen \Vishart, Jesse Dr. Peddie spoke on the attitude \Vishart and Harriett Allen. from In selecting the Radio which YOU will presen~ of the present generation compared make sure it has in fullest l1leasure the attribute with the past generation. MERRY CHRISTMAS more important than all the rest..:....TONE. HAPPY NEW YEAR Just ns a world-famous Stradivarius or Cremona The Senior Class has decided to RUBADOU'S save papers, sell candy and con­ violin produces an exquisiteness of tone no others When Buying, Mt"ntion The Store where Quality and Service Rei~s cnn reproduce, so a Stromberg-Carlson has a tone rluct sales of any,thing which could uot found in any other make of radio. be sold, to raise money for its uses. THE COURIER Our Stocks Are Complete for This glorioWI tone quality, the result of scientific design, generous use of mat~ care in structure, Last Minute Shopping mnkes the Stromberg-Carlson pre-eminently the A LARGE STORE FULL OF TOYS radio which expreBSes the spirit of Christmas. Com. in and arranse for 0 home dcmorutr..U.n. HAND SLEIGHS 89c DRY GOODS-MEN'S WEAR-TOYS ' Gerald C. Kenny TUBE SKATES $5.98 1476 Lake Ave. Glen. 1644 R UBADOU'S BECKWITH'S 844 Dewey Ave. at Driving Pk. Glen. 3089 271 LYELL AVE. Opp. Fire HoUM Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Tenth Ward Courier Historic Newspapers Collection ROCHESTER, ~ - Y., DECEMBER 19, 1928 Page 3

SANTA CLAUS When Gift Shopping­ Slippers are always Authorized WANTS TO Think of the Shoe Store an appreciated gift SEE THE Give Him SLIPPERS CHILDREN for Christmas Comfortable Boudoir RCA R.ADIOLA lS--The sensation SLIPPERS of tho radio industry. Perfected, Ra.diola 60 Eight Tube simpli1led operation direct from olec· Superhetrodyne complete with all tubee tric light circuit. (110 volt, 60 cycle Dealer A. C.). Amazing volume and realism $184.50 of tune. Solid mahogany cabinet. Electrically lighted tuning dial. $115 Santa Claus will be (with Radiotrons). at Schm!lllke's Boot Shop December 19 to 24 inclusive, and will welcome the oppor­ $1.75 $2.50 to $3.00 tunity to shake hands with all of the boys Are you wondering what to buy Here's a Tip to Women and girls. Bring the for gifts? Take out y our list right k:iddies in to see now, and consider how many of Shopping for Men! Santa and it's more those you're planning to remember will be happy with a comfortable It's n safe bet that the man of the house than likely he may have some kindly re­ pair of f elt bedroom slippers. You would Uke a now pllir of shoes for Christ­ can take cnre of half a dozen of mas. He can always use another pair. membrance of cand7 or sweets to make those names at least, with the assur­ And no one ever gives him shoes! Why ance that your thoughtfulness will not surprise him thJa year? Guessing the their Ob.ristmas mer· Ra.diola 103 Speaker rler. be long apprecln.tcd. . • • . . . . . • .. size is easy-Just bring in one of his old $37.50 ones and we'll ma.tch the size. Incidentally a viJI:lt to Schma.nke's will help you to solve Radiola. 100A Speaker some of your gift problems, for if it's $29.00 something both pleas­ Radiola 41 Console ModeL ing and useful you Beautiful cabinet, seven tubes, RADIOTRONS wish to give, what using Dynamic Speaker, com­ - could be more appro­ plete with all Radiotrons, priate than shoes, REPAIRING and ' 241.25. slippers, hosiery or OF ALL RADIOS $5.00 arctics? $1.25 TERMS ACCESSORIES SCHMANKE'S BOOT SHOP L. B. SCHMANKE Dewey Ave. cor. Ridgeway Ave. 1480 DEWEY AVENUE Phone Glenwood 1385 Open Evenings till 9 P.M. Phones: Store, Glen. 1385; Residence, Char. 1027-J

18 YEARS IN THE TENTH WARD A COMPLETE STUDIO TO SERVE YOU WITH QUALITY AND SERVICE Talking Pictures at Rivi~ra OUR CONSTANT AIM - Featuring - We Invite Your Patronage BOSCH-The Best in Radio WAITE & BIGELOW GRAYBAR-Quality Electrical Line 1013 Dewey Ave. GROCERS Glenwood 236 J. C. HARRIGAN Christmas 331 RIDGEWAY AVE. GLEN. 4352 is for The Children Now what they like is a. SPECIAL XMAS PRICES PIERCE BIKE from ON TOWNER BROS. ATWATER-KENT RADIO 940 JAY ST. 179 LYELL AVE. Seen• F'rtM~ ·w<1m11 11 711, , T.Jic <-flxlu.C • .,,'ut tr.n11 RK:1r ..._ .Au.4r.t F'11r,s l • L· C\IIHinucd throughout the win­ Ward-Tompkins Co. Imported ARE MISTAKES NECESSARY? Their ~tock includes: Hot Point ter months. The club, which was Electrical Appliances, Easy Wash­ Cordials ,•stabli~hed this Fall, it is an­ 1548-1550 Lake Avenue Glen. 5129 Start right with quality products ing .Machines, White Sewing Ma­ Extracts---- " nounced, will continue the activi­ chines and Eureka and Premier OPEN EVENINGS-EASY TERMS and eliminate them tic, which it has been carrying on Vacuum Cleaners. Musical during the past few months. Novelties The house of quality, service, satisfaction The Women's Democratic Club will also continue to meet for CLASSIFIED ADS Toys - Sleds LYELL PRODUCTS CO. monthly card parties until further ----~--~~~~~~----CHILDREN'S DRESSES at rea- Hardware - Paints MALT, HOPS, EXTRACTS notice. sonable prices. Also ladies' aprons, TOM TAYLOR WE DELIVER FRED .TAOXSON pillow cases and embroidery work. 191 Lyell Avenue Glen. 6708 MERRY CHRISTMAS McKENNEY & TRUMPP HAPPY NEW YEAR Orders taken for sewing. Q aribcl Lawton, 9 Ranier street, lOll Dewey Ave. Glen. 5SSa FOR SALE-Living room suite. Three piece, almost new. Must be HIGH GRADE Give Your Children a sold 351 Inglewood drive. SHOE RE-BUILDER F rom Old to New UPHOLSTERING - Reuphol· With Any Shoe stering, living room suites made to Musical Education order. All work guaranteed. A. R. S. LARUSSA S48Y Driving P k., cor. Dewey De Lano Co., 359 Whitney street. 2 A Special CHRISTMAS Offer Glen. 5·157, Gen. 1266-W. FOR SALE-s room house. Bar­ C. H. Bantel Co., Inc. To any person purchasing a world famous gain for quick sale. $5500. Lyell avenue section. Call Glen. 2585. COAL AND COKE 785 DEWEY AVE. WURLITZER PIANO FOR RENT - Two furnished Call Glen. 1154 before Christmas, for cash or on easy payments, rooms for light housekeeping. Heat, for Prompt Delivery we offer a course in light and laundry privileges. 133 Maryland street. Model 71-$137.50 PIANO INSTRUCTION FOR SALE-New five room bun­ Electric Radio LOUIS PASKAL under the personal guidance of galow. All built-in features. One SPENCER ST. DAIRY block from Lyell avenue. Glenwood Put in Your Order Now for Xmas Milk, Cream and Buttermilk EDWARD C. MAY 2585. l'rado in your old Radio well-known theater, concert, radio artist and teacher Grade • •A • • Bottled on Farm ROOM FOR RENT-Nice room Time P ayments if Desired Glen. 409-4238-568-R and breakfast for gentleman. Home TOWNER BROS. comforts. 234 Driving Park ave­ MERRY CHRISTMAS nue. Glen. 960-R. RADIOS and SUPPLIES :::i~E~~~~g~ WURLITZER 710 University A venue HAPPY NEW YEAR EDWARD C. MAY F OR RENT-s room house. 8 179 Lyell Ave. 940 .ray St. Rogers avenue. Key at No. 10. Official Wurlitzer Instructor $295 76 CLINTON AVE. SOUTH Phones at all Stores Wlum BU7fng, Mention Phone Glen. 3793-W . THE COtm.IER Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection Page 4 ROCHESTER, N. Y., DECEMBER 19, 1928 Tenth Ward Oouner

FRESH KILLED Now Issue License HEADQUARTERS Plates At Dewey FOR QUALITY MEATS, POULTRY TURKEYS 40c Avenue Firehouse FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Automobile owners of the Order early and avoid disappointment Tenth Ward may now obtam featuring Arpeako Px:oducts licenses for t'.leir cars at Hose Take no chances on that Christmas Dinner :.!0, Dewey avenue nt Bryan WE DRESS OUR OWN CHICKENS- BUY WITH ASSURANCE street. The firehouse has been For Christmas - Fresh Dressed named as one of the sub-stations 1 by the Automobile Liren~c llu­ reau to facilitate the issuance Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Fowl and SCHAEFER'S of the plates. The new arrange­ ment will save many hours of Roasting Chickens QUALITY MEATS AND VEGETABLES waiting in line for automobile 1050 DEWEY- A VENUE 402-404 LEWISTON AVE. drivers, but they are urged to AT MODERATE PRICES Glen. 2640 - 2641 Glen. 6088 take advantage of the offer im­ mediately so as not to precipi- tate a rush locally which would r·-· ...... ------...·-- -·------..1' be difficult to handle. .t: Historical Ba~kground of f ...______. Newell's Market 1 Third of Dr. Beaven f Th e T ent h W ard ! 694 RIDGEWAY AVE. GLEN. 1669 c.. • . .. . • • • . • By JoAN LYNN scHILD ...... e Books In Bookstores Christmas Customs "Fireside Talks with the Fam­ ily Circle," the third book to be KEEGAN'S SERVICE THE GIFT FOR There is very little available information about Ohristma~ cus­ \\ rittcn by Dr. A. \V. Beaven, pas­ B.EP AIRING ON toms in the pionerr da)s of Rodwsh:r. Our forefathers of that early tor of the Lake Avenue Baptist GENERATORS THE FAMILY Church, made its appearance for BATTERIES STARTERS day were too busy in their struggll for cxi~tencc in a new country, XMAS SUGGESTIONS the first time in Rochester book 201 LYELL AVE. Glen. 1566 subduing the forests, planting and fostC>ring the infnnt jndustries stores this week. It is published !::======~ The Finest Diamonds unci fashioning the beginnings of this great city, to have either time by the Judson Press of l'hiladel- Toys - Hand Made Gifts GRUEN AND or inclination for the lighter, less serious side of life. phia. Novelties - Holiday Cards And again, coming as they did bosom with tender expressions of Three years ago Dr. Beaven pub Aluminum Ware HAMILTON lished "The Fine Art of Living To­ Watches and Others from New England, they brought love and respect; the little chit­ with them naturally and unavoid- drcn, their eyes sparkling with gether." Last year he brought out EDWARD HOWDEN his second book, "Putting the T. TRAT:JB ~ountings ably, prejudices and habits of hope and their faces covered with 834 Dewey Ave. Glen. 471 and Wedding Rings thought inherited from a Puritan smiles of happiness, striving which Church on a Full-time Basis.'' Dr. -Ladies' and Gents ' Rings ancestry whose canons were very shall first salute you with 'I wish Beaven's booklet, "Life's Eastern of every description strictly drawn in matters of enter- you a ~ferry Christmas'; the small \Vindow," has just reached its XMAS ORDERS TAKEN SETH THOMAS tainment and celebrations. Those presents, tokens of love which are fourth edition. FOR STRICTLY HOME­ Clocks who might fear personal recollec- interchanged among them; the The latest book by the Lake ave­ MADE BAKED GOODS tion of the early customs have long thoughtless gaiety of the crowd and nue minister attempts to provide Beautiful Toilet Articles since passed away, and the sole the sober realities of the day; all practical suggestions to Christian KANE'S BAKERY MEEKER source of information left, is the make this holiday indescribably in- parents in training their children 1606 DEWEY A VENUE files of the newspapers. teresting, carrying the mind rapidly in cultural and spiritual matters. Bags and Bill Folds Cbriatmaa Advertisements along from subjects gay to grave, Among the topics discussed in MODEL 5K.RD $215.00 GORHAM AND The local press reflected the pop- from the solemnities of the redemp­ the book are the use of stories, RESH EASY TERMS COMMUNITY Silver ular sentiment of the community, tion of man· to the bustling routine books, pictures and music in the ANOY but its space was very limited and of life where laugh and frolic make home. Dr. Beaven discusses also B runswick Brunswick L. E. WATERMAN a thorough study reveals little men- up half the scene." the use of table talk as a means RAGRANT Radios Columbi& Pens and Pencils tion of Christmas as a holiday- About the middle of the 19th Cen­ P anatropc H nrmony for educational and moral training. LOWERS and R ecords Greeting Cards of all Kinds an occasional advertisement in tury there wns a large influx of Extensive consideration is given to Radiolas Musical small type is found describing imn•igration from the rebellious and the use o£ Sunday and the relation ROM Sheet Music Instruments RADIOLAS VICTROLAS Christmas' and New Year's pres- revolutionary peoples of Europe, which the family trarning has to ents which usualy consisted of a and it was this cosmopolitan pop­ preparation for citizenship. ARMEN'S Lake Ave. Music Shop VICTOR RECORDS list of books, of a sentimental or nlation which caused the customs Dr. Beaven is now preparing a religious nature or an "assortment of so many nationalities to meet Driving Park at Dewey 1471 Lake Ave. Glen. 1276 We sell on.Jy lines of manuscript for the Federal Coun­ OPEN EVENINGS Proven Reliability o f Yankee notions too numerou arHI gradually blend into a common cil of the Churches of Christ in Glen. 1240 to mention." usage. America. His next book will be .______,,_ __ _. Another enterprising host boasts Santa Claua Origin published under the title, "Youth, @llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllll._ of the skill of his chef in easy verse Sex and Christian Idealism." It = WM. H~ JACKSON but makes no mention of the cost The original Santa Claus is be­ G J F T GuIDE lieved to have been St. Nicholas, a will make its appeal particularly to involved. youth. FOR LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS JEWELER The following advertisement is bishop in the year 300 A. D. He taken from the Rochester Daily was famous for his kindness to Diamond Rings Pocket Lighters 325 DRIVING PARK AVE. children. It is said that one night, Established 13 Years in Rochester Advertiser, issue of Saturday, De­ Stone Rings Cigarette Oases cember 24, 1827: wishing to help a nobleman who Tenth Ward Churches Bracelets Open Evcntngs was so poor that he had no money Flasks "ARCADE BILL OF FARE Pendants Leather Wallets for his daughter's dowry, the good Planning Celebrations Pearls For Monday--Cbriatm.aa Day bishop looked in at the old man's Brooches Strap Watches Ye turkies, ducks, ye fowls and window and saw him asleep by the Continued from page 1 Toilet Sets Pocket Watches fishes fire. He then climbed on the roof Barnby; Recessional Hymn, "It Silverware Emblem Rings \Vhen ye'r dead ye'll make good and dropped a gold piece down Came upon the Midnight Clear," Atomizers · Birthstone Rings dishes the chimney, thinking that it Willis. Wrist Watches .w atch Chains That smiling guests will call deli­ would fall upon the hearth. But On Christmas Day, Holy Com­ Earrings Knives cious it fell instead in one of the gentle­ munion will be celebrated at 10:00 \Vho feast on Christmas Day. man's stockings, which his daugh­ a. m. and Holy Baptism at 4 :00 J. 0. LEDLIE, Jeweler Then round the coops and barn ter h;td hung up to rlry beside the p.m. Open Evenngs 8~ DEWEY AVE. Glenwood 4786 yard scour fire. This started the custom of Lay 'in the butter, beef and flour hanging stockings owr the fire­ CHURCH OF REDEEMER KOLSTER RADIO DEALER Then give your cooks and bakers place and the legend of Santa power coming down the chimney. The services next Sunday morn­ ing in the Lutheran Church of the A Gruen pocket watch To try their skill that day. Many countries claim the honor A MERRY CHRISTMAS Then round the festive board at- of giving the Christmas tree to the Redeemer will reveal much of the for as little as $27.50 AND A tend world a very old legend declares Christmas joy when the pastor will • For the man who wants a that it i~ the gift of St. \Vinfried, speak on the theme, "The Glory of HAPPY NEW YEAR good pocket watch priced \Vindsmen, children. social friend 'With cheerful mirth and echos mi sionary to Germany in the 8th God Revealed in Christ's llirth." as low as $27.5G-we re­ Century Men worshipped Thor in The chorus chorr will sing, "Break commend the Gruen Semi­ blend Le,viston Market, Glen. 2644 Untainted with alloy. those days, and held the oak sacred, Forth into Joy," by Simper, and Thin pictured above. sacrificing human beings beneath Mrs. \V. L. Dowler will sing "The Nowhere else can such Let gobbling boasters fear and Barnard Market, Char. 1230 dread the ~preading branches at festical Infant Jesus," by Yon, ~'ls the of a value in quality of move­ fertory solo. LOWEST PRICES ON POULTRY ment and case be found. The slaughtering pen \vhere young times. St. \\'infried came among them on Christmas night when a Come in and make your are fed Christmas Eve (Monday evening) selection now. To make a roast when they are great crowd was gathered beneath the chorus choir of twenty-four .. dead the "thunder oak" as the mightiest voices under the direction o£ Miss For those who shun the light. oak of the forest was called. A Thankful Spaulding with Miss CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Friends we now shall make a feast little boy wa~ about to be sacrificed Marian Stenzel at the organ will Table Center Pieces - Boxwood Balls Chas. P. Coster And have our tables spread at least to great Thor when \Vinifried present a program of Christmas 1519 LAKE AVE. \Vith ven'son from the rarest beast sprang to his rescue, and to prove carols, beginning promptly at 11 Member F . T. D.-Flowers Delivered Anywhere Kodak Community That runs by day or night. that the pagan god had no power o'clock. - The tradional Christmas Then all who dine with me this day the Christian missionary began to carols will be sung and two carol­ May pass their jokes for Wirt or cut down the ancient tree. anthems, "Christ, Your King, Is BLANCHARD'S FLORISTS Clay Born," by Burdett, and "Sing, Open Evenings Main 1986 Firat T ree Cut 0 4:8-52 LAKE AVE. But JACKSON is the man we say Heavens," by Tours. The Rev. W. Who can withstand the fight." As the bright blade of his ax L. Dowler will deliver a brief circled above his .head says the Christmas message. Christmas Editorial legend, "and the flakes of wood To Our Friends and Patrons- In these days of extravagance flew from the deepening gash in ·Three Tenth Warders DEWEY AVENUE REFORMED We wish you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS and commercialized giving it is the body of the tree, a whirling A Vesper White Gift Service will hard for us to imagine such scene~ wind passed over the forest. It E. Kirby & Son, Quality' Meats On Dance Committee of family life as are pictured in gripped the oak from its founda­ be held at 4:00 p. m., Sunday. It Thomas H. O'Connor, Edgar the following Editorial on "Christ­ tions. Backward it fell like a tow­ will be featured by a dramatic pres- 1358 Dewey Ave. We Deliver Glenwood 72 entation, "Christmas with Christ," ~------!" __...,..,._..,...______. Scholand, joseph Doran and Ed­ mas" and published in the Gazette, er, groaning as it split asunder in ward V•lollensak are members of Dec. 26, 1820 : four pieces. But just behind it and an~ two pantomimes, "Away in the l"'"------.., the committee which is preparing ''The expressions of goodwill; unharmed by the ruin stood a Manger,'' and "0, Little Town of for the eighth annual Christmas re­ kind greetings of friends; the magic young fir tree pointing a green spire Bethlehem." union and drnner dance of the No­ of the social circle; the hospitable toward the stars. On Friday, December 21st, at PETERS tre Dame Qub. The affair will board, where the sire, like the ven­ "\Vinfried Jet the ax d,rop and 8 :00 p. m., the Congregational take place Thursday evening, De­ erable oak amid a forest of sap­ turned to speak to the people. Christmas pary will take place. FUNERAL DIRECTOR cember 27th, in the Pompeian Room lings, is surrounded by an animat­ "'Here is the living tree,' he said. FUNERAL HOME WHERE PUBLIC AND of the Hotel Seneca. ing group of children and grand­ 'See how it points to the sky. Call shadow of the forest, but in the children, throwing about the eve­ it the tree of the Christ Child. Take home; there it will shelter no deeds PRIVATE FUNERALS MAY BE HELD MERRY CHRISTMAS ning of his days, the sunbeam of it up and carry it to the chieftains' of blood; there keep your feasts 1511 Dewey Ave. Glenwood 1451 HAPPY NEW YEAR his youth and warming h is aged hall. Gather about it, not in the with laughter and song and love.'" '------