Winds Postpone Zeppelins Start for West Today
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V. ■ ' ' - • * ■ ■ ■ • ; ■ ' ■'”.■ ■ _ ■ , ' ■ ■ ' ■ ’ ■ * ■ - ’ .' ' " • ." ,'■ >' -■ ,■ '■ ’ ■'. •; ■ '■■]:'^^-i' ‘ ' a > -iY V''' / ■ ■ NET PRESS RUfi AVERAGE DAILY CIRGUI^ATION ' h for th9 montli of September, 1928 THE lIVCATUER Forecast hjr 0. 8. Weather Bareaf, '-•• KeW'Haren ... 5 4 5 9 FConn. State lA ra ry Blember of the Andlt Bqrenu of Fair, tonight and Thursday; _______ CIrcalatIune___ idightly colder tonight. VOL. XLIIL, NO. 9. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1928. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN'l'S ONE DEAD, SIX Searching Party Killed HUGHES SAYS THE PILOT GOT A BLOODY NOSE ! WINDS POSTPONE DYING AFTER When Airplane Falls HOOVER BEST WEDDING FEAST ZEPPELINS START Tucson, Ariz., Oct. 4.—-Thought^ ported lost there, hit an air pocket MANJORJOB to have been accidentally shot The ship caught fire after crash while on a hunting trip, the body of ing and was demolished. IPs oc William Hyatt, University of cupants were burned to death. State Board of Health An Arizona student, was held in the Former Secretary of Stale FOR WEST TODAY morgue here today. Calgary Alta., Oct. 24.— Six per alyzinG Food Served at Four men searching for him in sons were seriously injured here, an airplane lost their lives when early today, when a DeHaviland air Says RepubHcan Candi the plane struck a canyon wall and mail plane attempted to take off ST. LOUIS IS NEXT If Weather Improves, Giant BridGeport Banquet; crashed in flames. from a Stubblefield east of CalGary. Those killed were: The plane belonged to the West date is Better Fitted for George Peck, pilot; L. Whitman, ern Canada Airways Corporation Dirigible May Take Dff Olives Are Blamed. Clifford W. Nelson and Bruce Mc and crashed Into a bank at the side Presidency of 0. S. ON HOOVER’S cm Intyre. of a road, burst into flames and was The crash occurred when the destroyed. The pilot, mechanic and ToniGht— First Stop St. Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 24.— plane, soaring over the Catalma four passengers received serious in St. Joseph. Mo., Oct. 20.— The Bridget Macoroy aged six, died here mountains in search of a youth re- juries. paramount issue in the cominG To Make Bid for German Lom*s— To Return Home today from poisoninG believed to election is whether Herbert Hoover have been sustained during a wed or Gov. A1 Smith is the better Vole— Pleased With Re a Week From Today, ding feast on Monday. The state DIRIGIBLES, NEXT STEP equipped man to fill the presiden health department was called into tial office, declared Charles Evans sults of N. Y. Speech. Ihe case today and has started ana Hughes here last night in the first Lakehurst Naval Station, N. J., lyzing the things supposed to have 0. a series of five speeches which Get. 24.— With a 35-miIe an hour been left over from the feast. FOR SO. AMERICAN TRADE the former secretary of state will Washington, Oct. 24.— Herbert adverse wind cutting across the' make on behalf of the Republican Seven other children are in lo party. Hoover, Republican presidential Lakehurst, station. Commander H. cal hospitals critically ill from the same cause, and a man is at home '"The question is betwen Smith candidate, will leave here Novem Eckener announced that a take-off also sick. Physicians handling the New York to Buenos Ayres and Hoover, aad I decidedly prefer ber 1 for the west for his final bid of the Graf Zeppelin on its west case are disagreed as to what caus CHURCH OF ENGLAND Hoover,” Mr. Huges s dd. “ It is for votes, it was announced today. ward cruise was impossible today not merely a question between two ed the trouble. One group considers The date for his St. Louis speech unless the winds took a decided olives caused the affair and anoth In Five Days Instead of parties. It is not merely a question change for the better. Shortly be er is sure that sausaGe is to be HOLDS FIRST SYNOD of qualifications possessed by one or was definitely set for the night of fore noon the wind had reached blamed. the other of these men. The prim November 2nd. such a velocity that the commander Meanwhile Paul Scinto and Mary 20, Is Plan of Prominent ary question is— which one, for From St. Louis, Hoover will said he would not even risk taking de-Libro in honor of whose marriage this highest office, is the better of take the most direct route to Palo the big ship from its hanGar. the feast was held, are on their Ship Builder. the two men.” Alto, California, his home, where Dr. Eckener said that he was honeymoon and their relatives be Over 1,000 Clergymen Meet The voters, he pointed out, are he will speak on November 5, and now awaiting the government lieve them unaware of tne tragedy. the ones to determine what policies cast his vote the next day. weather bulletin due at 9:30 to would make for prosperity and se The exact itinerary from St. night before making any further EDITOR’S NOTE: This Is In London to Dcide on curity for the nation. Louis to the coast has not been ar plans for the flight to St. Louis and 28 FLOATS TO BE the second article on the fu Need of Economy. ranged. return. Should the wind change ture of lonG distance transpor New Prayer Book Mr. Hughes stressed the need of during the night and the govern tation as It will effect steam economy in the administration. He ment reports indicate favorable ships, airplanes and dirigibles, said that the Republican Party had Washington, Get. 24.— Having conditions along the route not ten PARADE FEATURE as outlined in an Interview always stood for such a program London, Oct. 24.— The first wound up his eastern campaign for tatively decided upon, the Graf with Laurence R. Wilder, and that no misleading qr clutter the presidency, Herbert Hoover to Zeppelin would get under way duf^ prominent American shipbuild synod of the Church of England ing statements could alter the tact er. day studied national reaction to his ing the night, he said. It was esti ever held in the Diocese of London The way to buttress our pros New York address and planned the mated that the trip to St. Louis via perity, and give every one— employ Celebration Now Looms as — and the first synod held in EnG itinerary of his trans-continental Pittsburgh would require approxi By JAMES L. KILGALLEN er and employed, producer and con trip to the coast on the eve of the mately 24 hours to cover the 1,023 land since the reformation— met sumer— feelinG of greater security election. miles with an average speed of 55 Greater Affair Than Cen New York, Oct. 24— By dirigible. today at the summons of the Bishop as he looks forward to the next The Republican nominee’s next miles per hour. New York to Buenos .Aires, in flve of London to make a decision upon four years with all their uncertain This remarkable picture of the aftermath of an airplanrcrash looks and semi-final effort will be a days! the amended Book of Common ties, to secure the most earnest ef almost like a present hanging on a Christmas tree. The accident oo- speech in St. Louis, about Novem TO GO TO SPAIN tennial Fete, That’s the coming thing in pas Prayer which had been rejected by fort under competent leadership to rarred near Hartford City, Ind., and the pilot, Howard Casterline, of ber 2, which will constitute his fin Seville, Spain, Oct. 24.^Spanish senger travel, Laurence R. Wild deal with all economic difficulties Hartford City, escaped with only a bloody nosei Casterline had been al appeal to the middle west. In the House of Commons. trying to land in the darkness. aviation authorities announced to er, chairman of the Transoceanic Immediately after the 1,200 that confront us. Is to continue the that address, the candidate will day that the Graf Zeppelin will The Armistice Day celebration on Corporation of the United States clergymen met the Rev. E. G. policies of the Republican Part.v make a particular bid for the Ger probably fly direct to Seville from Nov. 12, not e.xcludinG Homeland and one of the country’s leading Milnes, vicar of St. Chads, Hag- under the presidency of Herbert man vote in St. Louis In- the hope Lakehurst, N. J., flying over this Hoover.” of swinging Missouri, k "doubtful Day and the Manchester Centen ship builders, declared in an ex gerston, caused a sensation by pre city several times then proceeding clusive interview todry. Raps Bigotry. state into tbe Republican column. nial celebrations, win exceed by senting a petition charging that “ LADY OOMARURU’’ BUSY to Madrid. After flyinG over several It now requires from eighteen to Mr. Hhghes denounced every ef He also will take the opportunity other parts of Spain the great far any similar undertaking in the the entire meeting is illegal. He twenty days to go by ocean liner alleged that the meeting “ had been fort ^ to inject the religious ques- to touch upon problems affecting dirigible will continue to her. home history of the town. In the Armis from New York to Buenos Aires. "ion into (he campaign the Mississippi valley, a bid for PPft..t!LXriedrichshafen, Germany. tice Day parade in addition to the “ The dirigible Is the loGical mode called for an illegal purpos^,,’-’--A 1 4 «^ d ‘th a r h r had no patient with SO SHE DIDN’T ANSWER support in Minnesota, Wisconsin, presenting his petition the Rev.