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Four Page Colored te Price of This Paper Is 3 cetots everywhere more Comic Section UPagesToday Sporting News Pig! VOL. VII, No. G CARTERET PRESS CARTERF/T, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1928 PRICE THREE i Stolen Car Recovered Boy Dashes In Front Driver In Heavy Fog To Hold Card Party . Runs Into Fire Hydrant 'inal Game in Here Monday Night Local COP. Stages Mulvihili Gives A fin> hydrant in Pershing avenue A card party will bo held Monday One Arrest Made Of Aulo-Badly Hurt at the corner of Blanchard street Big Series Sunday night in the German Lutheran Hall and just opposite the borough hall Big Mass Meeting under the auspices of the Woman's Reasons For Two Philadelphia Negroes Six Year Old Stephen Sabo was hit by a truck and bent over larteret and Amboy To Meet Auxiliary of the Brotherhood of Is- Arrive In High Priced Car. early Tuesday morning. Michael P. Crowd Turns Out To Hear Mayor Writes of Taken To Hospital After rael. All games will be in play and Toth who was driving the truck be- In Final Clash — Locals Offer Buick For $200 many valuable* have h«en se- Sp«akers Last Night. Auto Achievements During Sunday Accident came confused by tnc dense fog at Won Four Out of Si* cured by the committee for tho win- Parade Bafore Meeting Administration Two negroes appeared at Paul Stephe I that hour and failed to see tho hy- The final game of the annual Car- ners. Refreshments will be served Brown's colored boarding house in of Mr. and a small admission charge will in- The local Republican organization In a communication to local truck was damaged somewhat. teret-Amboy baseball classic will be Edwin street, Sunday, just before 121 Longfellow street, was danger-1 clude refreshment*. Mrs. Leo R. tajred the nmt big political demon pen this week Msyor Tho. j The accident happened 3 o'clock played on Sunday afternoon at the noon, and after a few minutes con- ously injured Sunday afternoon at Brown is chairman of the committee itratlnn of the campaign in Curtorot Mulvihili gives reuom why he versation one of them tried to sell in the Raritan Copper Works Field in Perth ast nighht when they held a mans 3.30 o'clock when he was struck by Amhoy. The local nine has already on arrangements. he and the other Republican Brown a Buick car in which the pair an auto in Washington avenue. The meeting in Sharkey & Hall's auditor- candidate.* should be elected, had arrived. It was a new coupe of won the county championship, but ium and flelled the hall. -Before the machine was driven by Emil Landau, Staubach is desirous of extending his why the Republican party should the latest model with many acces- of 105 Lincoln Park, Newark. Lan- meeting there was a parade of about continued in power in Cwrteret; sories. Brown noted that it bore a Sailor Is Drowned winning record to five games. At fifty autos headed by the American dau was driving westward on Wash- the present time, the series stands Democratic Mass "The record of the Republican Pennsylvania plate and beoame sus- ington avenue when the child is said Fifo ami Drum Corps of Rahway. ministration in I'arteret has picious when the car was offered to four to two in favor of the Car- Joe Sicn. enlivened things along the to have dashed across the street in teret team. record of six yearn of con»tir him for $500. He told the strangers front of the auto. In Fall Off Ladder Meeting Monday Night ine of the parade by letting off administration. A policy has that he did not want to buy. The Landau took the unconscious boy The aeries thi« year has been far bombs at intervals. rarried out that brought not only I stranger instead of dropping the Cuban Loses Life At Williams to the office of Dr. I. Kcmeny in moro colorful and interesting than Governor Moore, William L. At tho hall there w»re addr«3»ps mediate benefit* but laid the foil matter cut the price to $200. the prolonged nine jjnmn classic of by Senator Walter E. Edge, Con- Central avenue. The physician Company Dock. Falls Be- Dill, Senator Edwards and tion for the future growth and Then Paul brought his big Span- found the boy had a deep laceration tween Dock and Ship. 1927. The cause of this may he at gressman Harold G. Hoffman, Judge pansion of the borough, And ish revolver into play. He covered on the chin and a possible fracture tributed to the fact that larger Others To Talk Here Carey, Judge Wells, tho freeholder policy extended not only to the two men with the gun and sent of the skull. He had the child sent Drink Blamed crowds and, more popular stani were and assembly candidates and by things but to things higher as for the police. The men stood until to the Perth Amboy Hospital. seen at the series this season. Plans were completed last nlghi Mayor Mulvihili and the local candi- The free public library WM fo In climbing a ladder from the dock the police arrived when on? of them Landau's name and address to- At the outset of the campaign, the for a great Democratic mass meet dates, including J. J. Lyman and Jo- and has b«en fostered by the R« managed to escape and disappeared of the I. T. Williams Lumber Com- Tiizano nine scored a win over an ing to be held in the high school au seph Young, candidates for council, lican party. It has dons untold gether with the registration of his pany to the deck of a ship moored § in the piles of ties in the creosoting car were recorded at police head- Rll-Carteret team. The thfee games ditorium Monday night. In order to and Robert Brown, candidate for jus- snd is a constant source of plant. The other was brought to there, Enttnuel Marales, a Oaban B- that followed Wire three victories arrange for the man meeting an tice of the peace, ure and profit to the public. quarters and he was released on his bout 30 years of age, fell between headquarters and gave his name as own recognizance, pending the out- for the Staubachitea, Tommy Mc- earlier plan to hold street meeting* "The construction of the Ralph Hightower of Philadelphia. the ship and the dock, striking a Millan winning the first two (fames, ras abandoned. come of the boy's injuries. beam on the way, and was drowned trunk sewer in Noe's Creek is He said he did not know intimately while Owen Carroll won the third. The speakers announced for Mon- other example of Republican the man who escaped. He was known Saturday at 6.30 P. M. Maralez was The fifth game resulted in an Am- day night are: Governor A. Harry a member of the crew of the "Mun- Football Team Gets gressiveness. Eliminating an as "Brown" in Philadelphia, High- boy victory, Walte Hoyt, of the Moore, Senator Edward I. Edwards, Rightly and unhealthy condition tower said. rio" owned by the Munson line, Cap- New Yofrk Yankees, winning over William L. Dill, candidate for gov- tain E. Johnson in command. The redeeming much property in In answer to further questioning Cardinals To Play Owen Carroll. On last Saturday, ernor, John R. Phillips, Candidat< Ready For South River heart of the borough it is a ben ship docked at th» Will\a'ms' plan Rube Walberg, of the Philadelphia 'or congress, John E. Toolan, and th he said that he and the other man last week. to everyone in town. met in a negro gambling resort in St. Pats of Elizabeth Athletics, won a pitching duel from ocal and county candidates, Coach Put* Player* Through "The new Borough Hall was a Philadelphia and that after a stay Maralez and the other sailors had Waite Hoyt, by a 6-2 score. The meeting will begin at 8 o been on shore leave, and Maralez, a Practice For Game Today ccssity. It affords a place far there Brown said he was going in Jess Petty, silver haired Brooklyn ;lock and the general -public is in- Lively Game Booked For mate said, had been drinking. The people and the borough officials his auto to New York. Hightower Dodger pitching aoe, will twirl the rited to attend in order to hear dis- liquor is blamed for his. fall off the The Carteret High School football meet and transact borough bus said he offered Brown $2.60 to take Brady'* Field Sunday — final game of the year for the Car- :ussion of campaign issues. ladder. The beam which he struck squad held its last practice yester- instead of going to the home of him along arid Brown agreed and teret Field Club. Opposing Mm, Comba Predicts Win was near the water and, it is be- various Clerks and other took the money, He had no idea will be Waite Hoyt, one of the most day afternoon, at the High School lieved, he was knocked unsonscious causing more or leu ember where Brown obtained the cara The St. Patricks of Elizabeth who famous twirlers in the game, The Feld, before the South River game when he struck it. to all concerned, It was Repul] Hightower said. Carteret infield will consist of Jim- today at South River. The workout enterprise that built the bo will provide the opposition for the The police were notified and Of- my Dykes at first; Mickey D'Zurilla was the longest this week, the squad hall.