WEDNESDAY, OGTOBEE f, M4B PAGE E1GHTEE2C lEurnittg HrraUt T h e W w llM r Averago Dally Net PrsH R ub I o. a. wwiiM Past matrons of Templa Oiap- Leon A. Daoust has Mtumad to ] the Hartford hospital whom ha un- F ar the Moath of Lakota Council, No. SI, will fol­ and In a body enter the Burke Fu-, hls home, 29 Falrvlsw street, from derwent an operation. neMl Horae to pay a hnal tribute ter. Order of tha Shuitem Star, will I •A. w low JU meeting tonight at eight meet t<]inorrow evening in the John About Town ahaA In Odd Fellows hall with a of respect to Mm . Philip Carney who waa a past regent. Mather room of the Masonic Tem­ 9,474 eeal FrtSay ' f setback party which la open to the ple. A aocial will follow tha busi­ Hale’s Housewares jJIattrhrtitrr B^raUi i o C tts A s « t Mr. and Mm . Edward J. ItOBM- public. Itefreahmenta and a aocial ness. Mrs. Winston Turklngton ime a ill follow the games. Blton J. Morrison, aon of Mm . of U lley street will be hostess, and reck. whoa® marrtac* Gladys B. Morrison of IS Eldridge E^tcmber M, li» the Methodlat membeM unable to be present are ManehMUr— !4 CUy o f F t B o f * C lu o m atreet, who recently completed his church at Portland, Oonn., are MembeM of St. Margaret’s tlr- requested to notify her. New Pill Boxes and Off-The-Face . now making their home at 13 cle Daughters of Isabella, will boot training at Great Lakes, la PRICE FOUR CENTS now stationed at the New Lonf|on AivacIMaf m Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,1948 (TWENTY PAGES) Commerce atreet, Portland. Mra. mMt thlB evening at 8 o’clock at Window VOL. LXVIL, NO. SIS Ttomaneck waa the former Helen Summit and East Center atreet. Submarine base. Elatello Armatrong, daughter of Mr. and Mm . Walter J. Armatrong Nollee Is given of a pabHe Ventilator of Portland, and her huahand la a healing a* Boom 5S8, State Of- HATS Rofk Slide Derails Train T n m an S ays foater aon of Mr. and Mra. Jacob See MUUng, H artfoi^ on Mon­ Admits air but prevents drafts. Dewey Plans News Tidbits Berman of M Jania road. Man- gay, October M, ItiS. at 10:S0 Lightweight rust re.sistant Russians Say West cheater. A. M. on Docket No. 8181, a Most of them have aluminum. Culled F n t k (g*) Wlrsa Rivals Avoid petition of The Conneettcut Major Labor Mr. and Mm . Charlaa J. Strick­ Power Company to Increase Its feather trims. land and their aon.i P. Cowl** gas rates In all dlviatons and United Uatberaa dnreh In Am­ Giving Reply Strickland, have returned from a pat Into effect an electric foci Talk Monday erica la asked to increase support vlelt with the family of Mr. adjaatment daaae on all kilo­ AH the new colora. of Its nine seminaries and 12 col­ Has Held Disarming Strickland'a niece, the former watt hours not' now subject to leges lo 88,000,000 . . . Bhrlns city laurienne Strickland of this town, tho foel charge. The effect of of Meshed in In n reported In par­ Declares Republican Op­ the proposed Increases will be Hard at W ork on His now Mm . Frank C. Barry of Bar tial ruins foUowtng eartbfaake position ^Afraid* to Harbor, bong laland. Mm . Barry to Increase the hHls of each gas Speech to Open Sec­ that killed 200 persons and Injured joined the woman’a Army Corps customer by 88 cento per month $ 2 .9 8 thousands . . . Britain's Oonaerva Reply to His Criti­ in November. 1M2. and her hus­ TMFPink and tho Mila of eneh electric Metal ond Round of C!ani' Uve party calls on nation for un­ Back for 20 Years band served live yearn with the M»tiD.t.A. customer by approxbnately 38 qualified aea-partieaa aapiwrt of cism During Campaign Army Air Force. ■ Both held the cents per month. To paign at Pittsburgh country armed forces racrultlng rank of lieutenant when they were Radiator Giver campaign . . . Sir Maurice Pater- Aboard Truman Campaign Train Demands Big Four Im­ married In April m t . They have PT7BUC mnUTIES BuUetin! ■on, British ambaaaador to Russia, O ct 7—(P)— President Truman de­ a young eon, William M. Barry, talks over BrlUsh-Sovlet proMonsa mediately Cut Armies CXIMUmsiON Keep your wails and curtains AUmay. N. Y~ Oct. 7—(S V - bom In April, 1M7, with Foreign Secretary Bavin In clared today that the R;putlcsn British Say Reds $7-98 clean longer. Walnut finished Gov. Tbomaa B. Dewey wUl R. C. SCHNEIDER, Secretary London . . . Philippine President opposition is ''afraid’’ to rep'y to Bv One Third; PoUti- The MotheM Circle of the Infant metal. be out of toH-B when PreM- Jeaua of PMgue will meet this dent Truman campaigns beta Quirino u asked to keep troops in bis campaign criUclam. eal Committee Shanta evening at the home of Mm . Jom- tomorrow, but he sold today eight rice producing provinces of "Thay dare not answer me," ha phlne KitJttle, 24 ’I^ler Circle, Or- he hoped the preoldeat wooM Luzon to protect vitally aaaSai ■aid. Drop Live Bombs To Subcommittee Dis­ food crop from raiding Hukbala- ford Village. $ 1 .5 9 reorive “a very warm wel­ Mr. Truman told a trainside pute Over Atomic come.- The Republican preet- hap outlaws. crowd at Bridgeport Pa., that it FREE denttol nominee pUaned to United Mine Worketa’ conven­ "didn’t hurt’’ Senator Taft (R - Energy Controis; Rua- leave thia ofteroooa (240 tion in Ohio unanimously adopts Ohio) and some of the economic , Hier$ in Berlin Air Lift Indians Lead p. m., ox.t.) for hla farm home resolution to make John L. Lawla’ rojraUsts’’ when price controls R ep ort' Seeing Bom b' sian Edoc Backs Move Delivery Service at Pawling, N. Y. Dewey wlU birthday Feb. 12—aa aatloBal hol­ went off. iday In coal Industry . . . NUa V. S. He said prices went “up, up and Atlantic Outdoor go an to New York Somorrow ing in Soviet Occu­ Paris. Oct. 7.—<^F>~RQ8- morolog to take port tai m Borg of South ElgMmont, Maas.. up’’ although Senator Taft had Braves, 3-1, gronad btoaUag eeremoay at fUes suit In U. S. District court in promised they would "leval ofT* pation Zone Today sia accused the western pow­ Onr frss dsHvery New Haven against Harris Whitto- Range and Fuel service Is svallsble a hooalag p r o j^ aamed far without controls. ers today of blocking world Gothes Dryer the late Alfred K. Smith. He nore, Jr„ Naugatuck induatiiaUat. Mr. Truman said that the Dem­ In 2nd Game disarmament for the past 20 to yon for sO your . . . Czech Premier Aatoala Zap- Berlin, Oct. 7.—-r- ocrats. If elected, "will work on years, and demanded that the needs at ooy time row alght. otocky tellz Czech Parliament that that Taft-Hartley bill in your in­ ish fliers engaged in the Ber- Four seaisoned wood arms, sturdy Big Four immediately cut OIL and for any quan­ construction to hold heavy wash. "this country will not be dragged terests. in air lift said today they Drive Spahn to Show­ Continuing Our Sale of into war over Berlin, because there tity. Just esD PINE Galvanized ateel center post. Approx, Albany. N. Y „ Oct. 7—<87—Ckw. " If you send a RepubUcan Ooa ikd seen Russian planes drop their Armies by a thiH. So­ 125 feet clothes line. Thomas E. Dewey was reported to­ will be no war over Berlin.' gress," he added, "they «iU take ers in Fifth Inning; viet Deiegate Aiuhrei Y . VI- PHARMACY and Spokesman for 2,800 railroad ive bombs in the Soviet occu- L T . WOOD CO. day to be planning a major ad- the rest of your liberties away shinsky ied off debate in the V 's your order will he workeM tells special commlaalon from you." wtion zone about 12 miles Lemon Pitching Keeps Taffeta and Satin Hate dreaa in Pittsburgh Monday night investigating OM Colony Une "You United Nations Political commit­ SlBlawnSL TsL'im delivered immedi- Without mentioning Gov. Trom' northwest of Berlin. There is Brav^es Well in Check tee on a Russlaa resoltttioa calUng $ 1 0 - 9 8 to open the second round of his should forget politics and arrive at as E. Dewey by name, Mr. Truman «sibility the reported in­ atdy. At presidential campaign. for a ban on atom bomba and a a a aoluUon." . . . U. S. Marines un­ said of RepubUcan candidates: one-third cut in armdd forces and Frianda of the RepubUcan nom­ der cover of their own planes will cident might have beep part Braves Field, Boston. Oct. 7.— ‘ntADC SMIVK "Afraid To Get On laaoea armamenU within a ysar. Watch For Tha inee told a reporter Dewey had seize air field today in of large-scale Russian, air war S' "They dare not answer me. They maneuvers announced for today (F)—The CTeveland Indiana drove A fe«' minutes before, the Polit­ $ 1 . 0 0 - $ 2 - 0 0 and $ 3 - 0 0 been hard at work for several days PeoBsylvaala lallmad trala, **I1m Fbrk Fltt,’* ea tiw MMsbiirgh-De- climax to Navy’a largeat peacetime Little White Truck are afraid to get on the issues. over the Soviet zone, Berlin and Warren Spahn, starting pitcher ical committee had ahnntod to an * on a apeech aettlng his labor vlewA trolt-CMoago nm Is derailed by a rock ailde Bear Ftttabargh. Oaa- amphibious exercises. They talk about home, and mother, Allied air corridors, . Including for the Boston Braves, to the 11-naUon subcommittee the east- Millinery— Second Floor T h ey aaid be regarded the Penn- nalttra were two dead and 15 hurt. (N B A telephoto). George V. Alien, assistant aec- what a nice country It is, 'You can west dispute over atomic energy I WANT B^vanla steel center as a good bomber flights. showers in the fifth inning today retary of state, says U. S. should trust us.’ There was no cdnflmiation from controls. The Rusaiazis had urged IT MNKi At ir COfi-PpK A xmzAo I apot for such an address. as they gained a 3 to 1 lead in the TO HEir PINE continue to let Russian and Soviet “ You can’t trust ’em,” he con­ either German or Russian aources in the PoUUcal commtttas that MaanwhUe, Dewey was expected aatellites distribute propaganda tinued. of the bomb report. The (iennan second game of the World Beriea the Atomic Energy cosaadsskxi V O S s o j to decide today whether ha will be in this country...... Czechoslo­ Meanwhile , scored up­ vous Hart's the shears that's Indispsnsible for home tewing. Drop in Meat Prices Mr. Truman, talking of the lift' press aev-Mol months ago report­ scrap its work of two and a half Because H gives a tign g finish ss it cuts—in one operation. PHARMACY Th« CORK In Albany when President TYuman vak attempt to oust Dr. Jaa Pap- ing of price controls, aaaerted that ed that Russian planes on maneu­ on In the first for one nm. kept years, and "let in a braatb s f HOUSI- Ravel-proof almost all materials this assy way! Avoid tedious JWHAU carries hla campaign Into the state aaek, Czech antl-Communist, people buying clothes for school vers dropped Uve bombs on a the Braves well In check during fresh air." I capital tomorrow. The Democratic from two U. N. financial commit­ the next four Inninga hand-pInWng, overcasting, picotlng, or hiss binding. 664 Center St. TeL 2-9814 ^MANCHBSTSa COM» children know that prices “went ■mall town, causing aome casual- Tha Political committee, mode WORKI i standard bearer la slated to make Hitting RetaU Level tees is defeated. . . Attempts by through the roof." ti$8- Bob Lemon (20-14) of Cleveland up of all 8g U. N. members, adopt­ 'a rear platform talk from bla National Mediation Board to set­ It "didn’t hurt Mr. TW t or the The British fliera aaid they aaw and Warren Spahn (15-12) of Bos­ ed an Ecuadorean rsasluUmt sstoh- V tl "•■irtON*' NMKIMO S H IA R S tO HMK$ train at 8:80 a. m. e A t tle wage and hour dispute between economic royalists." he went on. the bomb-dropping at 11 k. m. (8 ton were the opposing ^tchara to­ Uahing ths Atomls Study subcom- Dewey aldea said the governor nation’s rbilroads and IS non- Mr. Truman spoke at Bridge­ a. m., e. a t) They related tha day as tha Indians and Bravea met mlttes. Thia group win draft a res­ Buy That Naw opeMting imlons end In failure.. . . In the second game of the 1948 hoped to get away this Afternoon port, Pa., to a crowd Police Chief incident to the Four-Power BerUn olution dlrccUng ths Atomle Ener­ sslisalirWklegallirswRiot Eleven men face contempt dta- World Beriea. I for a couple days of rero at hla *c^um!r*stoh"*pri!Country W allace Flays Orfio OoIUIuory estimated at 10,' Air Safety center. Just how gy conuniasion to rasums Its at­ s apMfts si aabliaelNd miilia Or dM ekOs PawUng, N. T., farm home before tioaa for f ailuM to answer 000. Then he pushed on to Reading many bombs they saw dropped Lemon, a righthander, was aeek- tempts to adUevs an atomle con- tng to avenge yeaterday’a 1-0 loss setting out at midnight Sunday on subpoenas of Congressional aub- and hla second address of the day trds treaty. ITw Rnaataa hloe Mp- • sM iMsti Or HoasilioW usrk eleths Prices to Customers Truman Again waa not specified. ■uffered by his pitching mate. Bob tata aeoond campaign trek. conunittee Investigating alleged in indiutrial Pennaylvanla. Actual Bants Seen ported this rasahitleii. e HnsM md cetOns Or tmti pney hankies th a t trip will take him Into nine For Coming Week-End Cbmmunist inroads Into labor Feller. Spahn, a southpaw, was Committee President Paul-Benrt H « carried a bolt of brown tweed The British quoted an R. A. F. out to gain unbeatsn Boston’s ■tates In eight days. The G. O. P. unions. . . . Two New York doctoM Spaak of Belgium namad to ths • elletotli Or shthrini cloUTfor a new suit. It was pre­ pUot in their report to the Air sixth straight World Ssrica tri- ’ candidate has 88 apeecbea acbed- Cheered Wildly by Wa­ M y that thyroid treatnieat la sented to him by Virginia Small. eommlUss ths United States, Brit­ FUR COAT Chicago, Oct. 7.— (A>)— The making certain types of aterile Ssifety center aa saying he saw uinph. hied, a alightly faster pace than ain, Fraacsk Rasua, a d a i, Ckaa- women capable of haying chfl' prtMdent of Local 828 of the CIO Actual bursts on the ground from Ths attsBdance waa approxi­ I the 80 he made during the 18-day drop in hog and meat prices ter Front Strikers bontM. dropped by RuMlan pUots. da, BraMl. ■MMAaCahOa, Sweden fir m ., EnglUh go-gett*;^ M lM - lj^ ^ l* Workers inlon at Bridge- mately 40,000 deopite overcast • weatem tour he complskMl'7-J**^ was getting down today to And Other Suppdrters The flier said he aaw tha explosiona sklss. and the Bovlet Ukralns, Green Stamps Given With Cssh Sales man goes to Africa to b y MOIa# "P®**- Ceacemed Over *BeMettl» F Sunday. where it counts for most peo­ diapers to natives. Otoad Totals 80,000 front A height of 4,000 feat. Ths starting lineup: ■ Dewey’s nsw Itinerary calls for A t Reading, the president waa The Rusalana Announced exten- Vlahlnakyi taking up hie anoe CAU o* w*m * ple—at the retail butter San .Francisco, Oct. 7 — (/Tt— Italian Foreign Office apokes- davalaad Bestoa A t H a le ’s only three major evening speeches. greeted by a crowd Police Chief zive WAT maneuvers near and over MltcbeU, If ' Holmes, rf reduction propoeeL declared that Those wiU be In PltUburgh Mon- shop. Many stores through­ Henry Wallace flies to Portland, man saya direct Russlan-Itallan Ruaela has been atrlvtng tor world negotiations on naval war booty William P. Blmey aaid totalled ^ rlin . Some of their activity Clark, rf Dark, ss R L D Y YOUNG A ‘ day; Kansas City, Mo., next Thurs­ out the country slashed pork Ore., today on hla 60th birthday 80,000 persons, 30,000 of whom he drew western protests. ’ Boudrsau, ss Tom son. Ihdiearmaraent more than 30 years, day; and St. Paul, Minn., next Fri- due Soviet Union from Italy have but that tha west brought aQ ef­ P H IL ALLEN prices for the coming week­ after a week of campaigning in broken down. . . . Remains of 7,- said were assembled In Penn American and British authori- Gordon. 2b wUott. 3b iday. A ll three will be broadcast end, a direct result of the sud­ Square where the president talked ties accused the Russians of not Keltner, Sb Rlcksrt. Ifforts to naught becauae of con­ ‘ nationally, California with uncertain results. 047 American war dead, largeat cern over ‘’aecurlty flraU" He said Phone 2*1254 • flic J W H A I^ COM den outpouring of hogs from the ■lagle group ever brought home, from a bunting-draped stand. His giving prior notice of IS Soviet Doby. cf Salksld. e For Quality and SatisfactkMi j Most of his other talks wUl be Last night in San FranClsco’a flights In the control none during Robmaon, lb M. McCormick, cf the United SUtoe conttnuoualy in- country. The oft-mentioned but Civic auditorium, cheered wildly arru’e from Europe aboard Carroll visit coincided with a convention or JOHN YOUNG MAMCHiwm Comm* never very apparent "consumer Victory, of volunteer firemen from all over the morning. *rhe U. S. said also Hegan, c Stanly. 2bsUted on “ludicrous" propoeale tor (Oootimied on Page Sixteen) by Whtqr front strikers and other Lemon, p Spahi am u reductions. I%one 8202 resistance’’ was pooh-poohed In suppofjiers, the presidential candi­ the state and obsen-ance of Read­ gunnery practice the Russian* some quarteM as a cause for tlie ing’s 200th anniversary. scheduled In the air lift corridors Umpires: Summers (A D . plate; The Soviet deputy foreign minis­ date accused the Democrats and Stewart (N L ), first base; Grieve ter said an dUarmamant confer- decline. Republicans of "war mongerlng." Mr. Truman was made an hon was dangerous and told the* Rus­ orary member of the Rainbow sians if they planned to fly bomb­ (A L ),' second base; Barr (N L ), And It was In pork, much more Colls ’)Tuman "Strike-Breaker* Bomber Blast '‘Secret Deals’ than In beef or lamb, that butch­ Fire companv number one. ers in formation over BerUn. this third base; PinelU (N L ). left field (OUattaned aa Page Sixteen) ers were posting the lower figures. He called President 'Truman "the He called ifor the election of would break four-power rules. foul line, and Paparvlla (A L ), right nation’s ' Number^ One strike­ Democratic candidates to help The four-power control zone is field foul line. End Demanded Temporary Halt In Slump breaker." The crowd, uttered a big Costs 9 Lives First laalng IndiaiM While retail outlets were cut­ "eradicate some of the terrible an area within a 20-mlIe radius of "BoefHOO'^'.’’ things that awful 80th Congress the downtown AlUed Control Au­ ' Mitchell fouled off Spahn’s first ting prices, the hog market's pitch, then raised a fuul fly to steady slump came to at least a He said "industry doesn’t care did to us." thority building. The four pow­ SALE! ^ Warren Says Foreign whether it jams down the throat of Two Fires in One En- TTie president’s trail ahead led ers agreed it extends 10,000 feet Elliott In front of the Braves’ tempoi;ary halt. Prices firmed a the American people a "T^veedle-. through eastern Pennsylvania to up. dugout. F lashes! bit at most market.s yesterday. giiie anil Failure of Clark looked at two striksa and sale Policy Must Have Ap­ However, wholesale pork quota- dum Or a Tweedledewey." Jersey (T.ty. N. J., where he makes Post^Notloe After Protcat (Im te BolKtlae ot th* (F) m te ) He was cheered when he said Another Come First Capt. Vincent H. Gookin of Better Quality proval of People (Continued on Page Slxteea) (Contlnued on Page Sixteen) the "Yellow press and the paid (Continued on'Page Sixteen) Quincy, Maas., U. 8. member at croakers of doom on the radio.. . . the Air Safety center, aaid soma To Owrga Attasapt to Kia Chicago, Oct. 7—(87—Qov. Earl hate a labor leader who will not Waycross, Ga., Oct. 7.—(A7— Two fires in one engine and fail­ of the protested Russian flights PMttae. Mich.. Oct 7—(8V— Warren turned his marathon O. sell out. It is so easy to under­ ure of another engine preceded a were made aa early aa 4 a. m. Waywe Ooonty r teeeoiitor Jaaa^ O. P. vice presidential campaign stand why they revile a Harry Franco’s Foes thunder-clap blast that ripped Bai’klev Goes Gookin said that after he protest­ N. MoNaBy aaid today he weoM into Wisconsin today with a de­ Bloody Fight Bridges and a Hugh Bryson.” apart a B-29 Super-Fortress ed, the Russians appeared at 11 ■ek a wartaa3 ckarglag Call Hot* mand for an end to "aecret deals' Bridges is president of the CIO a. m. to post notice of flights WOOLENS Longshoreipen’s union. He had bomber over Waycross, Ga., with Reach Accord toa. 88. aad two ua ldee tided pef- in t r . S. foreign relations. To Montana which already had takan place. irregular nylons In Oil Strike appeared on the platform shortly the loss of nine lives, sumdvors ■oaa witk the attonpt oa the Hto He was scheduled to depart from Gookin aaid there was unan­ Reg. $4.98 before and made a speech in which said today. of Waltor P. Bewther tost ApstI Reg. $2.98 ChicsTO at noon for Madison, The giant four-engine craft ex­ nounced Russian parachuts jump­ 54” 100% Virgin Wool where" he makes another of his he praised Wallace. Bryson is British Announce Re­ 20. BfcNeJto oaM he wooM re­ California Sheriff Au­ president of the CIO Marine Cooks ploded yesterday at an altitude of To Try to Slop Repub- ing at an airport southeast of the quest two Jelui Doe warraate aa In L on g, Medium and major campaign talks tonight at nearly 20,000 feet. Fragments of U. S. Army’s Tempelhof air base. 54” 100% Wool the stock pavilion on the Unlver- and Stewards. The two unions publicans and Mon­ well as one agalast Boltoa, all Short Lengths. thorized to Hire Extra and three others are on strike. bodies and plane .were scattered licaii Drive Threaten­ Yak fighters were said to have chargtag assault with In teat to Irreguhm In Shying Only COVERT CLOTH aity of Wisconsin campus. over 20 acres of the farm of Rob­ practiced firing at both aerial and The California’s only platform Wallace said the shipowners, at­ ing Senator Murray archists Settle Quarrel kUL The preeMotor node hto Deputies * in Tension tempting to "cloak their disgrace­ ert Zachry, Jr. aiMMMuicesneat after a coafereaoe SoMend irrtgulara very Midom put in an ippMtance talk en route was to be at JaneS' SkHlIes and Parts Hurtle Down ( Continued on Page Sixteen) vllle. Tomorrow he - continues on ful actions with a pretense of le­ with state police, Oaklaad county PLAIDS Witnesses of the blast said "the Enroute with Barkley to Mon­ London. Oct 7—(87— The Brit­ ...and smr tlsy m oer countm for any Unto at oill Richmond, Calif., Oct. 7—^,47— gality and patriotism,” cry out ish Foreign Office announced to­ offldahi and Detroit poMee. into Minnesota, winding up at whole town" heard a roar "like a tana. Oct. 7—(T)—Senator Alben $ 3 * d B yd. Sheriff James N. Long of Contra that they will not deal with a union day Spanish Republicans and Mon- Duluth .tomorrow night. terrific thunder clap" and stood W. Barkley winged to Montana The No. 2 G. O. P. candidate Costa county was authorized to­ which' has not complied with "the archiaU. both foes of Oenerallaai- New Trial UaUkely ibey'rs w msily p«tf*ct...eiily ttie rigid NoMtnd Beautiful for suits, jackets and coats. Black, day to hire extra deputiea to optional, undemocratic, union-bust­ frozen as bodies and parts of the today to try to stop the Republi­ Jap Premier • BerUn. Oct. T—(AT— Oeo. Lactaa made the 90th talk of hla cam­ plane hurtled downward. mo PTranclsco Franco, have patched ImpKtIoo lyjftm mark* Ikam ‘'kragulara" and gives Special $ 2 * 1 9 grey, navy and deep aqua. paign last night — completing nialotain order after a bloody ing anti-Communiat provisions of can drive threatening to unseat up their differences in a formal D. Clay ladleated today a bow trial fight between striking CIO Oil the Taft-Hartley act." Three of four who leaped to Democratic Senator James E. Is uaUkety ter Dee Koch, oaoe ode- sur cwtomara the opportunity to stock up on ttioai three weeks of travel that has safety returned last night to the Resigns Post agreement. carried hla special train through workers and police. Have Not Signed Oaths Murray. Official aources In Paris said the treoe of ButhtweM coaceutrattou Smart clan plaids and novelty stnall plaids In Permlasion to .hire extra help A ir Force base at Warner Robins, The Democratic vice presiden­ eomp. The 17. B. Military gov- Sm atockinga at tramandoua aavlngal ^ At a New Low Price 23 states and into 75 cities and Bridges and Bryson have not two factions agreed on formation .aU color comblnatlona. w was granted by tho county super­ Ga., and told a tragic story of the tial nominee scheduled speeches j , , e n o r reesutly t sduesd her sew •A' towns. Since leaving Scaramento signed non-Communist oaths un­ diaaater and their escape. They of a coalition exile government Sept. 15, Warren ha-s logged 6547 visors when Long explained ten­ this afternoon at Lewlstown.i8.431 Ashlflaishifla Assumes *Mor> Which will ask western power tenee freea Ife to tour years. Pre­ $2.35 Extra Sheer ^ Bates 39” Washable sion was mounting at nearby der the act. ., ar6 Capt. H. W. Moore of Wilkins- miles. p. m „ e.a.t.), and tonight at Butte | biudftng to throw out the Franco tests arose la the U'altod States. Mart'nez, where the Shell and as­ Wal],ace said the shipowners im­ burg. Pa., co-pilot; Tech. Sgt. E. al Rpspohsikility' in Aasalls f^ r e t Foreign Policy (11 p. m. e.a.t.i, in Murray's be­ regime. The Koch wonuui. ansoag ether BLACK sociated refineries are strikebound, ply that thia is the major obstacle W. Murhee of Miami, Fla., and To a capacity crowd of 14,000 Staff Sgt. W. J. Peny of Bayonne, half. Government Scandiil A copy of the agreement has things, was accosed ef makliig N Y L O N S P R IN T E D and at Union Oil company's refin­ to peace on the water front. "But Murray “ In ResU Trouble" lamp ahadee of the skin e f peraoaa Reg. $3.69 and $3*79 in the International amphitheater this is obviously not true," he said, N. J. ■been received at the British em­ ery at Oleum. Reports reaching Barkley's killed In the oempa. in the stockyard district of Chi­ because the leaders of the (CIO) On Special Mission bassy In Paris, and it was also to Attempt to Block Entry campaign group, traveling in a To’kvo. Oct. 7—'.ei— Prime Min­ • • • 100% Virgin Wool cago's South Side last night, War­ Oil Workers union did sign non- The plane was on a special mis­ be presented to American and RAYON CREPE ren aasailed a foreign policy based The latest outburst in the 34- special plane, are that Senator ister Hltoshl Ashiila, .assuming tVarnlnx Given Bermuda day strike occurred in front of C^ommuniat oatha and they are out sion testing secret electronic "moral responsibility"

,\ MANITHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7, IMS PAGE pAOcnx MANCHsancR BvsmNO h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c u n n .. t h u r s o a t , Oc t o b e r t. 194s eight foreign artas. The Sunday Am rl|SBtpr choosing to build up, and Franco's Party Slate ! Woodland Group Local Church School enrollment haa advanced to the frontier we are preparing to Conneciicui 400,000 and the total giving for all An Appreciation give a military guarantee. The Elects Leaders purpoecs during 19477 waa more Corttiiuj ^sralh natural military alliance and To Take Part than $44,000,1------.000, making;lnjr tha per PUHl.nilUU> BT THB To Be Filled capita for the year $80.28. I wish to txpreso my friendship Is the alliance and I IUI.D TBIirnNU OU INC Yankee At the October meeting of the The Church of the Nazarene, thanks to my many IS •ISMII itrM*. friendship which is unspeakable MWClMSWr. CMS. B y A. H u . Woodland Park AsaociatlOB, hsM which maintains ita international TBOMAB rSRUUSON from every other angle, from G. O. P. Town Commit* at the Manchester Y.M.C.A., the Nazarene Will Join^ in headquartera In Kansas City, Mis­ friends and supporters Ttms.. Osb'I every aspect of principle and con­ following committee chairmen souri, supports six major colleges in the recent e l^ lo n . CMMiBM OsloMf 1. IW- The battle of the hucksters en­ lep to Meet for the were elected: .Celebrating 40th An­ tn the United States, one In Can­ sistency in our foreign policy, tered a new phase with the mas­ Improvementa, Arnold N. Naw- ada and one in the British Isles which la what the United SUtes terful phenomenon which we can Piirpofle Monday niversary Sunday Sincerely, T o m o r r o w man; Ways and Means, Mrs. ^ Id a .... and the Nazarene Theological 8 unto7 •»< Holiday*. BnttrM «l IM only describe as the emergence of offlo* St y«nrl»Mt»r. Conn. M means to the world. Gibson; Membership, Mbs. Blahch Seminary, "graduate school for "Common Man Shannon.” On Sunday, October 10, the Samuel J. Turkbigton SMOBd a s M lUH M ilw r______All this is justified, of course, as The Republican Town Commit­ Newman; Social, Mrs. Eleanor Vl- ministers and mlssinoeries. In It haa to be noted that, for tee will meet Monday at 8 p. m. bert; Welfare, Mrs. A. J. Miller; Church of the Nazarene, located at addition, "Showers of Blessing” Town Clerk BUB8CBIPTION IUTB8 the lesser of two evils, as the ex­ some time, the Republican strate­ On« Ts*» by Mill ...... Sluuu In the Municipal building to fill Bowling. F. W. Libby. 468 Main street, of which Rev, radio voice for the Church of the 81s bobIM by Hall ...... S I.UU pedient Justified by harsh cvenU gists bad been holding their chief the vacancy in the party slate left It was voted to hold another Nazarene, ie heard over 160 radio ..i i.w* James R. Bell Is pastor, will join Obb B*Blb by HstI ...... not of our own making, and of sU U candidate, the Governor him­ br the death of Judge WUllam S. Hallowe'en party for the realdenta Btatlons and by short wave around SiBfiB Copy ...... 0* self, under wraps. The curtain Hyde who was running to succeed a churchwide celebration of the Watkins Brothers serves its fourth generation of WpBSIy. by carrier ...... s .« course, our only purpose in mak­ of the Woodland Park tract. the-world. Locally It Is heard over . lU.UU was kept carefully closed, all to himself as Judge of probate. To Bow’ling will lie resumed Octo­ 40th anniversary of the organisa­ W.A.C.B. 730 Kc., everV Sunday at Siiba, dtlirtred. Une Tear ing such embarrassing and shamo- West of Ml**., b’oretsn ■■ . .tia.uu heighten the dramatic effect of date the only name mentioned as ber 8 at 9 p. m. at the Charter tion of the Church of the Nazarene 8:30 a.m. ful truck with Franco Is to make the final appearance. What kind a successor U that of John Wallett, Oak Alleys. All members are wel­ MBMMCR ur as a Protestant denomination. The possible the eventual saving of of an entrance would it be? graduate of the Hartford Law come. THB ABUOCIATKD PKBfi.- Meanwhile, that strange com- School and for nearly a quarter of local church was organized in No- Th* A**ocl*t*a Pre»* '• e*elu*«»*ly our friend. France, and all o f vamber, 1807 and Joined in the **titl*d to tb# u** ol blnatloH of high principle and a century clerk' of t^e court under all n*w* di*p*t«h*» credited to 't. or clrillsation as we know it. Ah, reutine hneksterism wbirb Is the Judge Hyde. Asserts Russians union of the churches In the East, Men, Women! Old at I 8 M Connecticut home makers with a dramatic value event nu. otberwia* credit!o m thi* b*P*' yes, except for two things. The Bowles campaign was rolling General election plans also will west and South 11 years later, aad dl*o tn* local new* published here. along. Human nature being be laid out. when the organization of the lUI nsht* of reoublicstinn ol *pecial first is that such con.sclenceless As yet no action haa been taken Church of the Nazarene as a de­ 40,50,60! Want Pep? dispatch** herein *r* also reaereed. what it Is, and the polHlral ell- Mining Uranium maneuvering helps make war in­ mate of the state being wimt It on the election of a new town nomination was officially consum­ Want to Faai Wars YoungarT Ruii Mr*ic* *li*nt of N. B. a. Sere- evitable. The second Is that arty chairman. The coming session has mated. The public ia cordially In­ eeaw ^ «<**-«« imiiwfatHttt T*i- *e*T la the high principlea evoked Munich, Germany, 'Oct. 7—M>)— llltla ptyfdfif U9 WATKINS lee. toe. war waged on such a basis con­ Aiatlvely little attention, while been called by Mrs. Julia Craw­ vited to attend the services, -Sun­ ■ SOTHBS.S. INC. ford, vice chairman. A Czechoslovak airman who fled '•“ W low la (m o‘ Publl»h*r* B*pr*»«riUti»*» Th* the routine publlolty dodges did day. auM un. J tains in itself the seeds of destruc­ his homeland said today the Rus­ ry Oatroi T .luliu* Mathew* Bpeciai Agei^y -New at leaat Impress themselvm up­ The union of the separate groups Ibia my i FUNERAL Tors. Chicago. iHlrolt and Boston. tion and defeat, oven for the vic­ on the public oonoclnuaness, sians are mining uranium ore in a took place at Pilot Point, Texas, heavily - guarded area around SERVICE burcau ur tors, should there be any victors. whether favorsbly or unfavor­ In 1908. At that time there were m b m b b r a u d it Police Department Joachimsthal, Czechoslovakia. If there is any victory of any ably a oertala tabulation In Nn- 10,000 members acattered widely CIRLDUATIUNa Strong Russian forces have Ormand IW mi vomber nsay help tell. In 228 churches, •with a few mis­ Tb* H*r*ld Printing OoBpany. Inc., kind in this war we are designing, sealed off the area, the airman D frretdr A t their worst, these publicity Stands Inspection sionaries In a half dozen foreign ***V-de. But It provea to be the caaa *T wasn’t bom with a silver who died 8 *tnrd*y. Ortober J, 1^18. 4. Complete Front End Work— Rebuilding. fo r tboss who now our military plans. that the new atate of Israel Is es­ spoon in my mouth. I know what Onre as*ln deatti ha* invaded eur 5. Complete Motor Tune-Up—Sun Test Equipment. Ono country is France. It ia a It la to have a pocketbook so flat mldet and railed to the heavenly home ount^nn oil bttmsr pecially anxious to have this a dearly helov-d brother. The Golden 6. Motor Rebuilding— Factory Method.s. aauntry which is our historic ally. that it looked as though It had desert land because It affords It Gateway ha* been opened wide to 7. Brake Relining and Front End Alignment. It la B country we must support been nm over by a steamroller. welrome him to the New Jerusalem. If you now have an oil burner in your furnace — bate is pfoWbiy its best opportunity of reclaiming But I don't have to make an effort He waa a true friend and alwaya ready 8. Call For and Delivery Service— No Charge. the beat paying invettment you have ever come acroM— a new ia- bb4 nourlab. and a country whose to aaalat in the welfare of hi* rom- vehtion which will cut th* amount of fuel oil required to heat 8 boma. and redeveloping land for new set­ to Identify myself with all these radea. paapla must be our friends, if we good, ordinary Connecticut peo­ tlers. And Wliarea* the *11 wlae and BUDGET PLAN for all repairs at Did you know that a remarkable, new kind of oil burner i* now avail­ avar hopa to preserve democracy ple. I’m one of them myself. I merciful Master of the Universe has able, to give you the tame heat you now have — on much lea* fuel Beyond that, there is a long- esi the continent o f Europe. always have been and expect that called our beloved and respected EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS oil? A double charge of oxygen it mixed with the Oil . . . to give a amouldering suggestion of power I altvays will be.” brother home and he having been true cleaner, hotter lire. In a caiafully engineered replacement inatalls- And. on the practical side, and faithful comrade in our Club. Tel. 8854 For Service That Is Service tion — the kind ol job we do — thi* new burner can eaui oil for politics in the background. The Now, obviously enough, a Vhaaoe ia a member of that Weat- We reaolve to »end sincere condolence j-ou — pay you caah dividend* each year. present controversy over the new mere claim that one is a "com ­ to hi* family and that a copy of aaa Uhion Defenaa Oounell which mon man" is not enough in Itself. these resolution* be sent to the be­ No matter what oil burner you now have — it can pay you band- partition proposal goes back to •omely —■ in caah dividend* — to replac* it with thu new kind of WB hava bean promoUng in Eu- It .is something that haa to be reaved family, one to the local paper DeCormier Motor Soles the rumors of some time Ago, to and one drafted oa pilnvteg.. ft burner — the Master Kraft. Can pay for itself ia tb* fuel it Mve* rape. aad which haa /nat organ- deifibnatrated. our Club. i "Tour nimy*-Overbuid Dealer” — then pay yon caah dividend*. Republican huokstera as Special Purchase i M f Aith klia* aA>olntmAft thrafapt that Britain wished Its 22-24 MAPLE STREET MANCHESTER Investigate — get the facta. puppet Hate of Trans-Jordan to dembhnrated those additional tal­ British American Club. Inc. mt the military commanders who— ents they BO lacked tn 1944, when Fred Dlrkann. Pre.'ildent. thara la no alightaat affort to dla- get the Negeb so that a new Brit­ any well deaigned Imperfection In Fred Baker, Rec. Secretary, galaa thla faetr—would be the ish military base could be located the speech-making of Governor Rich, all wool there. Thomas Dewey could have elected Master fbaft aammandera to take the Held To argue and decide the parti­ him President then. They packed OIL BURNER ^ agalnat Ruaata. Into the inaugural campaign Tet, although France la our tion of Palestine on racial popula­ speech of "Common Man Shan­ FAVa OfWOgMOS EACH YEAH hand hooked Mead, and although wa reoognlie tion Hounds and suitability and non” a wealth of down to earth regularity of frontier ia one thing. language, using the rhythms of NOW IS PLANTING TIME that we muat win the ideological To decide the frontiers of Israel common man apeech, with, here Bed, chest battle against communism tn and there, a alight suggestion of Fhanca if democracy is to retain in deference to the military base awkwardness, but naturalness, of Gain A Year's Grovfth Anderson and Johnson aajr decent foothold In Europe, ambitions o f some outside power grammar and phrasing. . and dresser aad although we hava encouraged is another and less savory proce­ They reached the summit of PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS dure. thilr art when they made the last fTaace to JoIr la thla Weatem sentende of the speech read: Phones 6884, 7549 Or 6042 Vhlen m lh ta^ poatura, our own "Let’s work together, you and More for your money than ever! Clean-cut Sheraton lines with 8^vell-front dresser me. to make it an ever greater $ 1 .4 9 and up atrlct military and atrateglc con- The True Aster EVERGREENS and chest: fluted comer posts; spade feet: brass-finished butterfly hardware; slclgh- aidarattona dictate that we con­ state.” type bed; broken pediment mirror. Beautiful soft mbbed finish on matched mahogany i'Does any one doubt that any plywood; solid gumwood framing. cede France to the enemy. Every fading and going leaves less sincere and autbentic a IClitarily. France la weak. Mili- something behind, and the ahin- friend of the common man taiily. the frontier of France it ing, undisputed flower queen of would have said "yon and 1 ?” net deftnalble in caae of war. And our flelda, now that the goldonfod HEDGING N ew! Eighteenth Century meanwhile, auch ia the Involved haa dulled. Is the aster, the true $12.00 per curse o f our times, we are afraid aster. AMBULANCE Barberry, Thunhergia and I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM NORTHERN to make France stronger by trust­ The true aster olTers iHlesson in Cal. Privet Savings up to and more . ing her with arms, equipment, and the achievement of beauty. Every­ SERVICE MAINE. BIG GAME IS PLENTIFUL, THE ROADS furniture for a dining room of distinction military plans because we distrust one, including the countryman ARE GOOD, VENISON STEAKS SHOULD BE IN frontal raaponaa to WOODHl FF’S ADAPTED France politically. We are afraid himself, ia familiar with the lush calls at any hour. AS ORDER WHEN YOU RETURN. on de luxe floor sample bedrooms f'irst time in years . . . an Eighteenth Century dining room at a special price. that France might go communist and exotic burst of the cultivated LOW even while we were building up lb. DROP IN BEFORE YOU LEAVE AND LET ME Special purchase, rc.served for our birthday! Chippendale credenza buyet and China aster, the imported and UWN SEED AS the French army. highly refined Pekinese of the ape- MAKE YOUR TRIP MORE COMFORTABLE AND cabinet base china, Duncan Phyfe table. Sheraton chairs (1 ann and a sides). 2x4 feel ♦ • . 12.95 So even while, diplomatically, ciea. It builda one spectacular SAFE WITH SOME OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS. $675.00 3-Piece Solid Mahogany Chippendale group. 6-dra\ver Mr. and Mrs. dre.^eer Exactl.v as .shown. Mahogany plywood panels and gumwood framing. Waa $425.00 we arc trying to build up France, flower, and It it lovely beyond i m c VIRGIN WOdL with jig-saw mirror; 6-tlrawei’ che.^^t. both pieces with ogee our military plana are abandoning words, In a hothouse sort of way. bracket bases and fluted corner ijost.s. Full .«ize reeded pineapple C I O .Q Q 9 3x5 feet . . . 22.75 France. to the enemy. That is The true aster the countryman top poster bed ...... *,^1 2 7 'vhat General de Oaulle sensed in has to hin^self. It is wild and un­ BULBS JACK SHIRTS $8.95 9 pieces above No more eveitable at theae price* when thiz his . criUclam o f the Western disciplined. The best bloom it can Heavy weight. Four Pockety, Zipper Front. $4’2o.OO 4-Piece Transitional American group iii parchment en­ special Anniversary purchase ia gone. Gor- Union's military plans. muster is less than half, an inch U.S. M-.C. f 8*ou* floral petterna; oblong shape to cover W’hcn our military piaiming in diameter. And each bloom is HOLLAND TULIPS CROCUS amel 5-drawcr chest, full size bed wilti foot posts: 0 drawer every Inch of floor poastble; green, roee. grey, thus concedes and abandoim •nothing more than a very simple vanity with imframed mirror, and b on ch ...... 3 3 9 0 0 blue or tan borders; geometric design* with NEED HUNTING KNIVES $1.49 red or grey "background* • UaiuUy SM M tor France, our friend, where does it • ^ .star, blue, or purple, or white. But 10c K ach 12 $1.00 Each 1 2 For 50c 3 x 3 size; $1.6 20 fbr 2 x 4. go? With Sheaths from one root there spreads a $651.00 5-Piece Grand Rapids-made Transitional group in genuine mahogany. 5- Purely miliiary conaiderations .shapely pyramid of branches, and PLAID FLANNEL BRAKES! ' drawer chest, 6-draweI' Mr. and Mrs. dresser, twin beds with take it down across the Pyrenee.i, from each branch a dozen short tall slender head post.s and shoi t foot posts having pineapple Korfl 6*8, Chevrolet DAFFODILS HYACINTHS down to a political regime wc arc brandies and from each of these DRESS SHIRTS tops, and bedside table with one drawer and open cabinet...... T ^ 9 2 7 0 certain will continue to be above ' a round of clusters of the small Plymouth suspicion of Communist influence I and insignificant stars. Every de- 18c Each 12 y.. $1.80 20c Rarh 12 For $2.00 U. S. RUBBER or control, and there, wc embrace | tall. In itself, is insignificant, un- $580.00 3-Piece Modern Classic group in genuine mahogany. Extra wide 5-drawer our old enemy, Dictator Franco of ! til the process of cumulation Is $ 9 *9 5 PACKBOOTS dresser with oxbow front, wide matching ■5-drawer chest, 2- Spain. Militarily speaking, he is ! complete, drawef’ drop-leaf bedside table and full size low-post bed with *2|[ ^ ^^.Q Q Price Includes Lining now a man of virtue and esteem, And then your countryiiian, Chrysanthemums in pots, in blossom $1.00 each RED TOP STOCKINGS iceding ...... J ^ w 2 7 because h4 has a good frontier, walking past the corner of a field, .\nd Labor, Installed f ______and becaUM, like the two dicta­ with his eye drowsily roving over Packard 6 ...... To go with them tor* who spawned him aiul who $11.9! the browns of autumn, suddenly Packard 8 ...... :.$12.9! MANY OTIIEH H FOR YOUR GARDEN INCLUDING FERTILIZ­ unforti^teljf are not here to join slop* short, and drinks in a lumi­ 100% WOOL Special Purchase! ua today in person, he ia "against Olds 6 ...... '.|10.9I nous cloud of loveliness. A nias.s Olds 8 ...... $11.9! ERS, t; VRDFN TOOI.S, G.YRDEN HOSE, SPRINKLERS, LAWN Comintinism.” of very modest little flowers has Pontiac 6 ... >,.. ,$1 p.9‘ TURTLENECK To thfese military conaiUcra- Lounge sofas in been built into a breath-taking Pontiac 8 ^ ••$11.9! RAKES, ETC. Solid Maple Uons, our foreign policy is now . plume of October, blua^ as th* Dodge...... $ 10.7! SWEATERS $3.00 Chippendale Cedar Chest be^dthg. Secretary of State ; sky, or purple as the twilight, or DeSoto ...... ^.$10.9! U. S. Navy Style George C. Marshall has already white as the nlglit. No single Hudson 6 -',$12.95 Vi»it oitr convenient sales yard located at the corner of Tolland Turn­ Most beautiful of all lowboy cetl^r Chairs to match 69.$0 Coodall friezes I39°® form iily proposed to France and C. P. O. 100% VIRGIN WOOL, NAVY BLUB 14.95 burst, but the accumulation of lludson 8 ...... $13.95 chests is this Chippendale model show- Britain. that the United NaUona Smart new two cushion model; new button-tufted back. Only be­ many chaste details, no hothouse, Gadallic ...... $14.95 pike anti Oakland Streets, a( the intersection of Conn. Routes 15 83 ing William Savery influence in its in­ cause we selected these in discontinued (ioodall frieze paUerns is rasetiKi its previous criUclams of cultivated wonder, but the wonder Kaiser ...... $11.95 SHIRTS $7.95 tricate carving.s. Was $79.00 End table with shelf: deep the FMpeo diotatohihip and rees- this low price possible. Choice of smoky grey, coral rose, Regency Colonial turned legs; 18 x of the routine and the ordinary Buick Sp...... $11.95 blui* and fore.st green. Smart colors; durable fabric.-*. L.sually tabUah cordial relaUons with it. 24' inch top, 23 ^ inc^iea adding up into a transformation Buiek R. M...... $13.95 The Same In 50% Wool $4.95 $198 00. Tha Cbalman of our Senate of aoul-stopplng beauty, many Open Ei'ery Day Including Sundays 9 a. m. tb dark. highrw'er^l9.75. Armta Fortes Cbmmittee. Sena­ leagues beyond words, thit is the .95 tor C^tAii Oumey, has been visit- true aster. Opal Class Lamps 7 big nranep.ana comes back to this BRUNNERS ntfy SemSaihag aa bamedlau Clement Surplus Store Agrieulturat and loreZtry ex­ SB8 Bast Centtr St. Popular when Watkins Brothers first mat 8t|laBM between Franco perts say that during Ita abort started bn.sines.sl Opal glas.** hand dfxio- Manchester Tcl, 51^1 16 DEPOT SQUARE MANCHESTER and th e Ujpted Stsitee. hlstorv the United States has lost WILSON’S NURSERIES rateU with roses; marble and jwlished on *. third of its topsoil and four- 'k i j k 't h * Optn Thursdays 10 P« amiy. we ar* Sfths of its standing saw tlmbar. brass. 17 inches tall. Was $9.98. t , I



^AP SOtfS-(LUiir~~lsyl^ aoi Mm W H A T G R A D 4 DO YOU e g g s FIND? ^ z * Amaziiigly Low Prices Yes, Ma’ am— ^you’ll make a hit with your family every time you serve grand-tasting quality foods from POPULAR. Kioirt® And when it comes to VALUE— we’ re in a league by .ourselves. Our daily low prices prove lhai we “ play ball” 'TOPULAR" WILL CONTINUE TO LOWER ^ith you__ ^prove that we’ re on your side in the battle to bring down food costs. So team up >^illi u4and fill the FOOD PRICES YET UPHOLD OUR TOP *^home plates” with plenty of variety— and your pufse with extra savings. QUALITY STANDARD ON ALL FOODS LOOK AT THESE ‘POPULAR’ VALUES! \b.





/ M A M HESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN-THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7. MA.M MK-siKK KVKNING HERALD. MANCHESTER.'CO aNN..THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1*48 na Bei^'',.fu PA G E TEM . I..I—— ,, I. , i^. ,.i I ...... Horse Owner N ew FlhriBli^itn B w ::'., ,'tV Faces G>ull 'Two Other PriseBS Ctven Poor Season of *Hlgh Fbet PPtsobel F d n i Marne* Connected With B y BUiop O’Brien Alleged Defalcation ■aitfbrd, Oet 7-HiO-Tise |M - Danbury. Oct. 7— —The poor EVERY BAY IS THRIFT DAY AT A&P! to tow ■eaaoh which the horee, “High gtvee thei^ ftret , ___ Mame,“ had this summer on east­ T im J t m f iA ic m f oMatt hi Mpehemeits______ern trotting tracks has a direct You don't have to shop on special days to sdve money at your A&P Super Market, because we today, la Tha Ottbolla Trmwwelit connection with a JIO.OOO alleged CompaJoL ih iU L **EVERY DAY’* VALUES fiiMiitd CliHft by the Moot Itov. Hoary J. 0 « rt« . defeleation at the Danbury Na­ keep all dur prices just as low as possible six days a week. How can we do it? Simply by not re­ iUhop of tha H orteta Heaeas. HAinutt Rici ihhpw14 Tha Itov. rcu d a J. nam poMor tional bank, says the FBI. D c A l l C PAGE with PORK O 16 0 Z 9 Q | of tha Chureh of Oor Lady of Donald F. Define, 28, owner and sorting to sales fo r one or two d a y s... or o ffe rin g week-end specials . . .b u t making our prices D m AII b W Boston Slyle-New low Price ib CANS m w Iona Corn ceiuitrru 2 :;;2 « ‘ Morey in PioiavlDe was oppoiatad driver of “High Marne." was ar­ . . J t f V \ poator of St. Mary's. Now toadea. just as low as we can, and keeping them low fo r as long as possible. This famous A &P policy Tha Rev. rrttorich W. Clafk. raigned before a TTnlted States NO 2 smpfmim t r rts* iwotor of Sacred Heart. Wotliars- c o m in 1 saloncr yesterday on a IONA PEAS STANDARD CANS sayes plenty o f people plenty o f money every day. Stop in at your A&P today and see how ilold, wot named to eucceed father charge of stealing that sum from SeltoM Toewtow’ MltMl i r . V' V . ; . ' I flaa M_paator of Our LtO f of the bank, where he was employed Mercy. PtalavUla. as a oommcrcial teller. WHEN GELATIN DESSERTS Holmon's M oyonnaiM ■•tn. 2D* much it can save you! Rev. Jontee J. OonBoa. aoMotoat Last la I'naucressful Beta SPARKLE OR PUDDINGS paster of St. Mary’s, Hoot Hart­ John J. Oleaion, special agent In CrispoCooUof tuacwMaer w« pm 19* ford, received Ms nr«t pootecal ao- charge of Connecticut FBI offices, NO. 2 9 7 1 aigament. mieeaadiaf fathot Ctorit said Derlna made a statement that IONA TOMATOES CANS A I at Soared. Hoort Wcthorsfield. he took the money from the bank, 2 Sandwlcli Sprtnil ttiee MiJM 2 r Rev. V&ceat P. Bodaar. oaoto- in various sums beginning last no. h OQ i toat poator of Holy Ttlatty, Wall­ July, and lost it in unancccaaful B 8 M SMI m I IMM 2I.'25‘ Cmdy Bars Np«ue< A - . 25* ingford. likowM stas aaaiod to his . beta on his horse. PENNIE TUNA FISH UGHTMEAT CAN V V first pootoral poak ak e t Stoph- The Rooeevelt raceway on Long HelMCMIlSeeM Cura FlokH muss's iK n ((1 4 ea’a, RndgeporL Island was one of the tracks where 5 LB Devine and “High Marne” appeared aeveral timet last summer, Gleaa- PASTRY FLOUR SUNNYFIELD BAG W iliM 't eoMninpiuM mkuni Croamof Rico m« vm27* on said. ■me 2'.t:29* ■ Vlany See Game HeM an $8,800 Ball NO. 2 9 Q c H o e r ' MtBMI*M.MPIUlMWr lUlM 4 r A&P Raisins m l At hla arraignment before Com- A&P PEAS CAN A W Ot Eitl'e* HiH L* “ Over Televiiioii misaioner Karle W. Smith in PraitCocktan etiiNeTi MMM* 2 7* COUNT MItNTSAIl P-29* Bridgeport, Devine waived exam­ AUNT 20 0 Z < 7 « Soop Grains ination. Commlaaloner Smith or­ SeopPowdor BewniAiL uiPM 2 1 * Many local baaobou foas tow dered him held in 88.000 bail for PANCAKE FLOUR JEMIMA PKG I I Durry'i Cookios Mseermin f- 29* jeel-BlockCm the fink g a a s of the wocM aortoo appearanea in Federal District yootorday — through Ulevteloa. court. Cdunt on )UP M P flM ix t-2 6 | Simonix Wax mrreiiaeiM ncat Uloviaimi dtolsre Burton B. Sherwood, tha bank’s KETCHUP STANDARD BOT iO N lS ' Hal Roll Mix ^p^upfnw m26 hod MU arranged for the eoavea attorney, aaid a surety bond pro­ 5 K.6 POUNDS a ’T - Why from, store to store assembling evep^; leace of poietet by and euotomec*. tected K fully from any lost. 2 16 OZ « n « » A JORi . MOWMdE fdKJAi 21* meal piecemeal vhen you can buy all your foode' Boom of thtoe aeto wers am agad HERSHEY'S A CANS LEAN . 5 5 ' under one roof ai your A&P Super Market? In this ia th e display wtadows whUo MARVEL BREAD CHOC.SYRUP Rico Puffs MMvrme 4Mi—m 10* others were Inetde the store*. Good NO. 2 ^ y I blc, modem food deportment store you'll find ten­ reception w u reported at tha tots Bolton jdatcjcC douLif, f e f t puiaA njiLL:! W kw lPeffi omnmit ■—wiT* der. Juicy meats . . . quality-famous groceries . . . thrmighbut tha oatlra gams. Tha PINEAPPLE JUICE 00 rs CAM TALI- teiecoat was reloyod from Bootoa Perla Mohr O’ltaHa deliicdous dairy products . . . fresh fruits and vege­ through Channel d at 1 ^ Hovoa. 'T^ Bfaaehesler 8848 WHITE SLICED- Baby Food eramttBMMt - * 118 OZ ..... «Hk ? 8 88 tables ... luscious bakery treats \ .. and other good " FINE TEXTURED- PINEAPPLE "&M^ 30‘, 1 .t»'W ' Baby Food «« * things galore. Best of all, you'll find every price ca The Women’s Society for Chris­ irs MARVELOUS! LVS. aSnimim' 3 28 Robertaon FTA tian Bervloe of QuarryviUe church low as A&P can possibly make it... every day in - B I A I f l C O SWEET MIXED QUART 9 R B Coca-Cola MOTKaTt mv 6- 25* in Bolton has announced Its first l I U I l L k d LANG’S RENOWN JAR AW the week. Stop around today! In Fall Meeting public supper of the aeaaon will be Octagon Powdor PooMk# Floor riuMURV m 17* held on O ^ b e r 16 in the church Tha Rabortaai PTA wO hold tta basement from 6:80 until 7 p. m. m BAKED BEANS YANKEE 2 ?a?I45' Octagon Cfransor P it FRIiag T, Hv-T-riii 2 -' 15* ftm don mooting WodDoadoy, Oo- The society la very active In its tobar 18 at tha Itohartooa school on financial support of the work of 5 LB RoliaUo P m s 2:;:::35* ! Proa# Me# iumwirr erju27* picHics Icc* North School otroot Tha gueat the church and their supped have Visit the sparkling de- 717 MMN spookor wiU bo Mra. Hoartott* . ^ g been popular in thia area. I SUNNYFIELD BAG pxrrtment today for FAMILY FLOUR t kMHCe-AMtHICM CANS ChriaUaoosi. publlo health auraa of MTS. John Erickson, general chair- Sw ift'ning ' “ 39* SueilNHi 2 29^ tbs Oonnoctlcut SUto Dopasttaoak- man of this Harvest Supper, has oven-fresh baked 12 O Z4 Q e of Hoolth. whoso mihjoek will ha announosd the menu wlU Include Solad Drassing PM( W M u ilird rwAiie t«JAi 10* “RgmoMlhnito of Fareato sad ham, acalloped potatoes, pass and _ ’ tre a ts W: BEL MAIZ NIBUTS CAN 1 0 carrots; pidcled bcetsi oolariaw, Teocboca to FrovoaMag AcoGdeato SJ S in A- a ^ ta tu NO. 303 4 Q f M argarine NUOOAFhr 39c Guldoo's Muitard M —JM 13* to ChlMroa.’* ■heed tomatoes, rolls, apple or 1 A obetol hour wOl fioStov tha pumpklB$ic, and ^coffee. Mrs. Hor^ I O ^ '9 ♦ ^ STREET JAR aid Lae will have charge of the BEL MONTE PEAS GraptfniH *Tr ^t2!::31* Poos ond Carrots ..1^ 15-'' ■’Sis buBlnaio soaoioa. with lofrash moats iorvad 1^ I te John toaao- Mtcben, JAn. W. Arnold McKin­ N 0.2 9 7 i ney; tha dining room and Iba. Grotn Gioiit Pons MM<*e 20* Libby's Poors fAMT mniJAA 42* QYS i W S L . gmsh caught g* and I t e Jooeph Sehaaotar, o*> Gharlea T. E. WlUatt, tickets and ^irONUTS GREEN BEANS IONA 2 CANS A I chalnaaa of tho hospitality eooe- dacorattens. Reaervatlona ara now I A8P Apple Seeee 2^29’ Post Broo Flokos •—m * mlttoe to charge. Poionto ore being taken by Mrs. Eriokaon, 14 MANCHESTER urged to reserve the data. CHOICE OF; PLAIN, SUGAR, NO. 2 tatephoae 4914, .and Mra. Lee, mieu'B M «F— 8089, A quota of accommodatlona WAX BEANS IONA 2 CANS W I AnePe^Meyoeoaiie -u45* .RicoKrispios 14* available has been set and rasar- CINNAMON or COMB. DOZ Warn# of Excel# vatloas will be taken up until the 146 OZ m Chief Seled . i r i f iWexPegir -ff-t* «23 Prices On Grocery, Bokery, Dairy and time the quota is filled. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 CANS Mrs. Anthony flano, general U P Freh Seled eenafM 4 r iVeeHle Ixireci MAM'S 2ieTS 35 Of Love in Home chairman of the committee In j a n j L OCEk* '**■ Fresh Fruit and Vegstabis Depts. •M YUKON 28 OZ 9 R i charge of the aemi-formal dance (p a jJ a U L iAdoiiral Sordioos 2!^ 27| Alto Effoctivo A t Store A t •• Huntingtoo. W. Vo.. Oct 7—(ff) to be held a t the Rainbow Club BEVERAGES contenis BOTS. A w —Dr. C. Choiloa Burilngoma ooya on November 19, announces tick- 3 Cok# Floor mbsera 44«n» 38* tbore ooa ha to nuich levs around eu are now ^clng distributed IT S THE ' OKE-OF-THE-WEEK" ^ , 213 North Main St., Manchostor a homo *That a ehlld can fOtt dowa throufliout the community. They II ORANGE GOLD OKE-aaade BOOK OF 50 PKG 1 5* Gloss W « c iu ira ftcaIi * sad fraeturo hla futur*.” may cq obtained from membera of FROM TOP OUALITY INGREDIENTS . FACH m a t c h e s ^ m 59 Dr. Buritagauo ts chief payddat* the Ladisa of St. Maurice, spon- w rist at tho Instltuto of tivmg ta sora of tha dance, at the New - AND OVEN-FRESH TO YOU! - Spat RioiiV ir 4 « k t 1 9 England Hotel or Rainbow Inn, at TOMATO PUREE IONA CANS 1 T* Hartford, Coatk Ho adilrowid a ^ p ta ’a grocery or from any mem­ Gl#-CoatWox NNUM'S n * Minlnar of 800 doetoca haalth ber of u e committee. Aaaiiiung VERMONT OEUCNT BUNS »c25‘ 59 MEIOHS ,,25* workora aiM ptrbUe offtriaks. VEGETABLE 3 LB It la a mlatakA ha oatd, to a*> l t e FlanowlU.be Mrs. Henry i u r a 4 9 iBpolla, Mias Helen Maneggla, SHOBTENING CAN Doily Dog iAiol •umo that a child will h* toccow dexo 1.10 ful and happy if ha haa enough I t e Vincent Peracchio; Mra. John STREUSSEL BUNS 25' n o . h CQ b A&PCkiliSoaU skja.1 4 * love. There can be eaceea knra Albaal, Mra. Richard Morra, Mra. JELLY 14 OZ Sam Aloislo and Mrs. Henry ' DOMESTIC . CAN W W Tbe other extreme ia tha demoad- Sheekley. COFFEE CAKE STREUSSEL CAKE 39' CRABMEAT ' Cliai CktWdir - ltiha .a. 2 2 | Ing typo of supervuton by paranto. Belton library wlU be open to­ 3om«i^ere between the two ttoa morrow evening between the IONA N 0 2 H 9 7 n ■ucccaoful rearing of ddldran. hours of 7:80 and 8:30. ENOLISH MUFFINS cm"M5* VEaOW CLING CAN A l , A&PCfoaaaiio •— -rmlO* “Svery child should have the dl- PEACHES vino rtfbt of fatUng.” he ooatiauod.. Bolton Grange will hold lU reg­ 'M l CAN POTKWp-ttT^^^^^ ular semi-monthly meeting a t the N0 2 H 1 C c A&PWbfl#i##ts 18* "There shouldn’t be a lot of panic Community Hall tomorrow eve­ ANOEL FOOD CAKE 35* CABBs? “ «»«■ 5wT® in tha homo whoa tho child faila" ning at eight o'clock. A&P SAC:r.KPJ^UT ' can I w Wax l«H is '’(fllASLI 2 caik3 9 A regular bt-moathly w ell-^ld SPANISH BAR CAKE ISZV conference wUl be held a t CknUr 16 OZ Spk o'Spoil f- 2 2 * church parish room on next Tues- RITZ PKG < 9 A C Washington PTA ^ y . Oietober 12, between the JELLY ROLLS COCOANUT -EACH 39' CRACKERS ADP Spinach PAMOY —tqw 14* C|Nii#d R##f Hosh .MCA. hours of 9 and 11 a. m. Detalla on 31 Schedules Sale the clinic, which is sponsored by A&PChtrrios _ ***«•*«M #n A m i ,^ii»f-1 5 ^ the lo<^ PTA In cooperation with GOLBEN LOAF CAKE ^.^23' MARGARINE NUTLEY PagoIMcaroni th r State Department of Health, PUU ‘ U A V Friday. Novombor 18, ia tho may be obtained from Ktrs. Roy HLB A Q l ADPPrtsorvos tuNinv J—WW Aaa Pag# llibicdr#Hi sura41* date set by the Washington PTA • i . for thoir first financial projoct a Bceworth, who wlU also arrange BROWN BREAD PKG • I W transportation where it la needed. OUR OWN TEA prang# Juico « II CM Ann Pog# N##dl#s s«ra ^ Mie ot aprtma fancy work, porcol 16 OZ 4 A c P 4 23 9 post packogoa “whiU olaphonta" — Si OATMEAL BREAD LOAF 1 9 m PINT iona Slicid R#ftf ' 2^23* Pur# Lord iiriNU tisra * food, candy and a Boh pood. BOT 27 qilEEH B »!« 5 fciC * Tha aoit will opoa ok 7’JO p. aa Find No Evidence A&P GRAPE JUICE In tha gymnaaium of tha Waak 4 S . lonoCocoo itup-3f Morgorin# ALL IWKT U m 3f Slds recreation building. The Of Any Foul Play 1 LB C E L 0 W “““ ‘ '“ 'j s S k is *r Wai’a and Maona coauaittae ia ia THIN MINTS WARWICK PKG Marshmollow Fluff «■ 19* M&MransCllOC. F«m fi* charge of the orraagemenU, and lU pareonael U Mra Albsrf J. Old 8aybrook^Oct. 7—(4^~State 1 LB 9 ^ B Suttano OlivtB ueaxwitu WtUJU 29* C#nd. Milk WNiTtHSUSE UK CAN 23* Robinson. Mra MorJoeta War. poUos said last night they had ’ JAR A W » Mra Fanny Kauffason. Mra found no evidence of foul play thue GRAPE JELLY ANN PAGE rolne Barggron. Mra Morton fer tn their probe into the shooting ADP. W h o lt D iits Mtc—ll^ Paanut Ruttar wLtaHA IIMN 34* d t u t f i o f a . SNOW CROP 2 igs49* \CtCW tHin nsr, Mra. Alice Vtlna Robert, of a 18-year-old Negro boy. ■ Schubert and Albert J. RoWnsoa. The inveetigstors said they had Fig Nowtons lusifce a - . s s ' found a .22 caliber pistol- wKh SYRUP Mild and mellow Ort-ea Stato Fana Ssatsa— Which they beUeve the boy. Jamas MARU 12 02 A d , Dili Pickles eeve tTMi 25* Randall, was wounded late Tues- FLAVOR (OT 4 1 ' l ^ 8Sl 8 O’CLOCK uMIP ' 5 p y gF. Aoihjufhf^! “•y nlsht. • The weapon was dis­ Hartford. Oet. 7—(fV - OBthar- covered by foUowtng a traU of 3 LB BAG-SI.1S ClMColot# Bari *:X :i;*22* Ino Noonan. 88. who otrangM the bk>od spots to a hsdiga surrounding SM UtuffitU. RICH AND FULL-BODIED • ANN PAGE PREPARED lUeglUmato child to which oho t e p r ^ r ty of J. W. Stueck. The gave birth unoaoisted ta a Briatol boy, bleeding from the mouth, ap­ PANCAKE RED CIRCLE Lii43< rooming boueo last May. ploadad peared at a nearby home Tiiesday LB BAG-$ guilty to nuuiatscughtor ysotarday a lrtt and asked for hglp. 3 1-24 SPAGHEHI A4? pr.cei jib,.cl to mar- when arraigned la Superwr eourC. Lieutenant OarroU FLOUR VIGOROUS AND WINEY k.i c.*)on3.J and .Uective Judge John H. King seatoaoed h*r said a loaded Thompson at aU A&P S.l!-Servlce to “not more than 10 jean- hi tha submachine gun had been found In m Mitr cfiffM in any BOKAR • 45> WITH TOMATp A \5H OZ I Sto:»a in this area SUte Farm for Woman at NUustta the boy’s home. He said the wea­ pon was In good working otdor, yndkogt at any prkil 3 LB BAG-$1.M CHEKE SAUCE dSl CANS Vliftol* OOto Sm w and that relatives of the boy had reported having aaea him firs It. Staunton. Vt, Oct. 7—4P>—Tto firat anew of th* aaawa in Vlr- fiaia, about two Inchee, foil on Stale Fellee Uea O. Z. Mutda ■aewy mountain in Bidhtaad ooua- fer Baking and Trying Luneheen Meat Keahh Seog Lolhere FYeely —id QuteUy With fene Oeth ty yaatrwday.______Westbrook, Oct 7— (»>_ WU- Klficlrk light BbIU Armeur’c Star Fof f gee said Solh Cereal Megowea lmiT«llttSM g S lh rtrO u tl UMIP— S f Bluet While Yom Wash All-Purpote Granulated Soap Keins Uam J. Neldlinger, Sr.. 9$, Imhi- Sgry J**:!!/ Apwsmp^s Tr$#t uuuii47‘ C cn itd Bm I H fsh MKtM IS* U M M ty S M g Iwesilieerl t2 t& S » i 2 7 * Mix umn%M* Mcceler C m I—rot 31* lord for the State fhllea dm rt- NMATr-HSWATT CACN IS* ih-WWli Fkkii Mittra#* Wwe uMira34* RcAyFtedB rtAMo S jam 21* Wheatona rLlS c maat hare, died yesUrday aC hta SBPtellMert Seep 3 27* Ibaakfiirt. Germany, O ct T—<111 home. N eldlinger,'^rator of a —Germany's lavorlt* flood—pota- drug store here for 4$ years, owned toaa—off)olaQy wont oft tho latiaa about 28 houses in Westbrook. The llak ia tbo Hrtttah-Atoorioaa aoaoa ■tata poUca dapartment uaaa oaa AU prlcii pubjoet to sb&rkot eheagee tad offoctlvo nt all A&P Solf-S#ivtoo Storoa la tAla aroa ^ tpdfv tor thojtekjb^elace the • r them for a barracka.-. INrq Alttad pceupaCton daughtsra an^ three imu survive. ,1^- ■ ■ . . vr- V* . , r. . ■; . ‘ ^ . V.-;' -t.. " r-.,..::; ■ i , ,■ I l.s ■ - - I .r ...... ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. lHURSUAr, OCTOBER 7. 194* MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 194* |»AOE T W E L V l

tributed to corelcaoneas, said gsa a a'Mi nnRiRRmTBMibXMaHaaM aiiB MMkiBak%%S!aaaaBt3BBaaguKw%'snaaikWKv^^wwKinaaa^'* by the Cheney Brothere Athletic 4 Asaoelatton. was presented on Fire Damage f^ le f Foy. “ Careleasneas’’ is too WUN»— I4U Fashion Show Tuesday and Wednesday nights of casual an answer to the problem, WURL— W TVT— ItM this week. and leaves the Impression that 'Z'Today's Radio there la nothing that can be done. W TKk^l Among the various items sup­ An Increase ^ere Success As a matter o f fact, he continued, EVERY plied by leading women’s apparel nearly all fires In the home, as Spedals For Thursday, Friday shnpa were a two-piece black dress elsewhere, can be prevented. with slim skirt and tiny glaas but­ Chief Foy Ad vines oil The South Manchester Fire O-N-E Higliliglita of Exhibit toned form-fltting JackeL aulUble 4*00” „ * Chief listed seven major causes WDRC—Hint Hunt: Nawa. ( WDRC—First Nighter. for wear to work and dinner and * Hazards in Homes; for the majority o f Area In the Presented by Cheney dancing; a cocktail dress of Jac­ WOCC—Hartford PoUm a p ta k ;, WONS—Rob Henry’s Orchaetra. home. They arc defective chim­ 1200 a u b . _ ^ I w n c —Fred Waring. quard leaf design of gold metallic Town Observing Week neys, rubbish, combuotlble roofs, A Bros. A. A. thread with bare shoulders and WKNB — Nowa; 040 Roquoat; lliOO— defective heating apparatus, Matlnek. ! WDRC—News on all etationa. cut in a deep "V " In back and Spiraling costs of fire in the ruhlon-curtous Manchfdtcrltes front; a handmacher suit of green matches and careless smoking, WON8—Juke Box. U*1»— United States gives added impor­ gasoline and other dangerous WTHT — Bandstand; Muale ' WDRC—Doll Trio. had an opportunjty to vlfw the gabardine with suit buttons lead­ tance to the current observance of HIT lateat women’* *tylea "t the ing to the neck and a amall col­ liquids, and electrical defects. Mart; Newa WONS—Musical Scoreboard. National Fire Prevention Week. This is where the adults should MANCHESTER Q fsu rry w n c —Backstage Wife. WTHT—Blus Rsom. Around the Clock Faahton Show lar: a fur piece 5f ranch mink Chief Albert B. Foy of the South ’ .39 Graham Sedan | 6 95 held the past two niuhta at \N hiton auitahle for wear with aults, come into the picture, sold the 4*15— w n c —Soogs by Morton Down- Manchester Fire department said Chief. They should acquaint them­ *40 DeSoto Sedan $775 WCOC—Junior Disc Jockey, Memorial. The *ho\v, aponaored dre.xses, or plain cloth coat; a today. Fire Prevention Week, Oc­ •y- blark taffeta date dre.ss with por­ selves with the conditions around *40 Pontiac Sedan $975 w n c —atelU Dalloa. 11:00— tober 3-9, is being observed locally their own home and aee if these WDRC—Symphony HoU. trait nerkllne and bertha color, red by essay contests and demonstra­ 4:00— plain trim at the waist and hem; conditions ore conducive to Are. If *41 Ford Sedan $900 WDRC—New Eiyglond Notebook. WONS — Danes Orchostra; tions In various schools. so, he continued, have them cor­ WOCC—News; Music. Loft. and a complete bridal scene with Stating that flrc\ ro.sl.s about *41 Pl3^outh Sedan $975 Nawa two bridesmaids in peacock blue, rected at once. If more people did WTKT—BandoUnd; New* and w n c — Dance Orchestra. 10,000 lives and 5700.000.000 a give their homes that informal *46 Ford Coach $1,300 Weather. Classified maid of honor in gold, and bride In year. Chief Foy pointed out that PUBUC MARKET 18:00— •fire inspection," there would be a w n c —Lorenzo Jones. >W nC—Newa; Muricons. Quern Anne satin gown with veil theae figures are increasing Instead *46 Pontiac Sedan $1,800 imported from France. tremendous decrease in loss of 805-807 MAIN STREET 4:45— Frequency Modulation of decreasing. Fires, nearly all of lives and property every year os *46 Packard Cp. $2,100 Kxpressi-s Appreelatlon WON8—Two-Ton Baker. WDRC—FM 40.5’, 01.7 MC. Advertisements which could have been prevented result of Are. Chief Foy urges WCCC—Tunes for ToU. by simple acts of eaution, cost the *47 Packard Scd. $2,395 W’KNB—FM 100.7 MC. Miss Doris FIratJi. chairman of Manchester citizens to do all they w n c —Young Widder Brown. WTHT— FM 106.7; MC. . the show, wishes to thank the nation $.V4,706,000 In property loss can to safeguard their homes and *47 Lincoln Scd. $2,000 1 LB. ROLL SLICED RINDLESS. I LB. LAYER Pur K fiil Fur Sule W n C -^> M 48.0 MC; 06,5 MC lufi- v:irlous eoncems who made the during June, latest month for offices and factories from the dan­ *46 Chev. Pick-np $975 WDRC—Music off the Record. \ T .i Sell show po.ssible. Dresses were sup which figures are available. This WDRO—FM. Tt. Biiv gers of Are. In that way they will WKNB—Newe and Sporte; 840 Same as WDRC. plied by Reek's, Blair's. 'Dveed’s, represents an increase of 7.6 per not only have the saUafoctlon of Requeet Matinee. Hale’s, Smart Dre.ss Shop, and Wll cent over June, 1947, indicating WKNB—FM. protecting the tiVea and property WON8—Sports. 5:00— Evening Centinel. t:i.ASS!KIKI> a h v t . ro.se. Janet’s Hat Shop furnished that Are losses are still going up. of their owm family, but also that WTHT—Green Hornet, 7:00— News; Music as You Like IlKri HtM It.S; many of the hata and all of the June’s fire losse.s bring the total of their neighbors. w n c - W h e n a Girl Marriee. Jewelry and gloves used In the for the 12-month perlo