Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1947-07-12
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I ~Ian Early THE WEATHER TODAY Rales. Second S~nale Vole Portly cloudy and wormer today in Eastern On Senale's owan Iowa. High will be around 90, low 65. ORllax Cui Established 18SS-Vol. 79, No. 247-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, July 12, 1947-five Cents 'Must' List House Republican. Subsistence Boosts 'Certain' of Overriding Will be Considered Veto by President No Senate Pay; Iowans Seek During This Session WASHINGTON (A')- Sponsors Bill Not Ena ted W ASHlNGTON, (JP)-A bill to Portrait of a increase government allowances to 0( the $4-billion income tax re 'Liberal' N~;i;n In WASHINGTON (JP) - The students under the GI Bill of duction bill aimed tor a senate disbursing officer of the United vote today or Monday after aban Flood (ontrol Riihls drew' the No.2 spot on a States senat u~ed cards print dOning hope for a decision last schedule planned by senate Re.:. Cousins Poses ed in red ink yesterday to publicans yesterday for the last iu&ht. The News spread the bad news that the two weeks of this congressiona1 The house has pas~ed the bill. B. TnE .. 880CIATED paE88 ghost isnt' likely to walk next Senator MOl'$e (R-Ore) tossed .... I Appropriations session . A MANHUNT swung from the ruesday. in eight amendments to the meas Bills to cash terminal leave pay His Optimism Mexican border to Nevada yester "The legislative branch ap WASHINGTON, (11') - T h r e e bonds and to undertake a lon, ure and explained them in a day as authorities continued their propriation bill for the fi scal Iowans yesterday told a senate ap range housing program were left lpeech which lasted several hours. By JACK O'BRIEN search for Morley V. King. King, year begmning July I , 1947, not propriations subcommittee of dam oU the work sheet. The terminal ' The big, unanswered question "Then I guess I'm a Commun- .a 46-year-old restaurant operator, having b en nacted, there are age done to Iowa land by recent pay bill unammously passed the ~mains: Will the senate sustain ist," ... Norman Cousins confes is sought in connection with the no funds available for senate tloods and asked that money be house of representatives July 7 by tlie veto which President Truman sed in an interview yesterday, but trunk-murder of his Turkish salaries," the notice said. provided to prevent future floods. a vote of 386-0. It would permit ~15 promised on the tax bill? The (relax) that is only "if a Com born wife. "Therefore, th July 15 pay Paul Harned, representing Iowa the over 9,000,000 holders of the senate roll call on passage of the munist is one who believes there day is postponed until further I county; Burns Byran, Tama coun bonds to cash them after n ext bill will clarify the prospect. is still a fertile area for explor- A NEW *Sl\lAS * HUP* lor the notice." ty agenti and John Haan of Britt Sept. 1 if they so desired. A two-third majority in both ing peace and that we can still atom was revealed by Univer described damage to farms and However, Senator T/llt (R houses is necessary to make the avert another war." • sity of California researchers. asked for money to build levees Ohio) told reporters tha' botll of blll law over the president's ob- And, he added, "If a liberal is The results. achieved by hurling and other works to reduce flood these measures and a. number kel ions. House Republicans say one who believes we haven't yet 200,OOO,OOO -volt bullets at atoms menace. ot others might be crowded Into \hat an overriding majority is cer- applied our morality and in tell! of ar nlc, opened the way for Senator Hickenlooper said the tbe adjournment schedule If lain in that body, citing the 302 gence to the job of averting an- the production of 100 new rad Ask Revis'on question is "preservation of this senators wtll agree to "a.vold 10 112 vote by which the bill other war . .. then I'm a liberal." \01ctlve· elements for scientific land, some of the finest in the len,tby debate." passed last Tuesday. Like most healthy liberals, re earch. world, and we need speed on the Republicans expect to complete Rep. VurseLl CR-Ill) told the Cousins is proud of his label. part of the government to con action upon the income tax reduc bouse today. that President Tru- ! When his interviewer referred to A HOUSE* LABOR * * subcommi t- Of Labor Law serve these resources." tion bill and some major approp. tee postponed (or 60 days further Meanwhile, army engineers urg IIlln, in say10g he would veto the Ihim as a liberal he said "That's WASJIINGTON (JP) - Legisla riations measures by Tuesday, hearings In Its investigation of ed an increase of $3~-million over Taft said. bill, struck "a dangerous blow at the most flatteri~g thing I've ever tion to r p al a con lroverslal pro our conshuctional government." heard ... but it's a difficult job the AFL musicians union, headed the'house approved appropriation Since adjoumment is scheduled He said th~ presiden~ .put the to be a liberal these days." by James C. Petrillo. Petrillo has vision of the ne\v Taft-Hartley of $14,411,500 for flood control on July 26, he said a special ses Wh ite House 10 the poslhon of a Cousins seems like the sort of been asked to appear again before labor acl which prohibits political projects in Arkansas and Okla sion will be necessary today and the committee Sept. 15. fowel'flll lobby seeking to influ- expenditures by uniQns was inlro homa. probably also on J\Ily 19 and 28. Senator Wherry (R-Neb) later ence congress. See speecb report on pa,e 6. _ duc d yesterday by Senators Aiken Tart listed the immediate sched . Both Senators Millikin and " ... 'l'hen J'm a Communist." EXPENDITURES. * * * 01 a cool appealed In the senate for "speed" ule In this order: Wherry (R-Neb), the "whip" who eager and intelligent person who $13,342,000,000 for ,overnment (R-Vt.) and Hatch (D-N.M.). in handling ot money bills for pro 1. President Truman's reorgan use In the fiscal year, which be rounds up the Republican votes, is up to the job and ready to tackle and to learn." There must be fix balming word that it's posslple In a statement, Aiken termed jects in the Missouri valley area. ization plan No. 3 which proposes ,an July 1, were 8I'1'eed 00 })y ~&reed that a final senate vot~ it. He is something rare indeed ed , objectives always, he says, but to be a liberal "without believing the section an "invasion of the to unity federal housing and home could not come before today or congl' slonal committees. ThIs finance agencies. these days. A young and surpris-I never 'dogma and "you don't cram Russia has lh only answer to the rights of free speech and a free Monday in view of the amend sum Includes Just over $4,000,- Investigation of Housing 2. A senate bill for incl'easinr ingly unharried editor of one of what you believe down someone world's problems," and yet, with 000,000 lor an "effective rlgbt press." m~ts offered by Senators Morse, America's foremost literary mag- t else's throat." . out falling in with the rampant The bill would have no effect on ihe I'overrunent allowances to McClellan (D-Ark) and Rever In g navy." Tbe federal farm Demanded by Senators azines, he is, more surprising, a Cousins, impresses a reader of "high-oclane campaign against all a companion provision which bars war veterans who are student. comb (R-Va.). program and atomic ener&'Y under the GJ Bill of RI,bts. liberal who has a definite idea ot SRL as a personification of his thought." contributions by unions in con WASHINGTON (JP) - A tull in Senator McClellan by yesterday commission also came In for what the term is supposed to editorial page. He llves with his He refers to a "new liberal nection With national elections and vestigation ot the housing shortage 3. A senate bill to authorize the afternoon had lined up 23 co cuts. purchase of automoblles for dis mean. dream of world government and Ism" that goes beyond tbe com primaries. Nor does it seek to and building costs because It's "a sponsors tor an amendment which His definition Is as literary when he talks about Jt, which he mon man ("who Is certainly not repeal a Taft-lIartley law ban on hell of a job getting a house," was abled war veterans who are blind would permit husbands and wives THE SLAVERY TRIAL in San or amputees. as one would expect of the edl- does willingly, easily and with common") phllosopby; that Is Diego brought* *a statement* from political expenditures by corpora demanded yesterday by Senators in all states to split their income 4. A house-approved bill that tor 01 the Saturday Review ot conviction, it's a revelation as to Independent, "not tied to some Mrs. Wesley Ingalls that her Ne tions. Revercomb (R-W.Va.) and Mc for tax purposes. This proce Literature. II Is, be says, "a why his editorial page is the live covermneni 2,000 • . • or 6,000 Carthy (R-Wis.). would allow citizens of Puerto dure, now legal in only 12 states, gro maid, Dora Jones, "was just The ban on political expendi combination ot mind and beart, liest segment of his magazine (Mr.