![FUR COAT Chicago, Oct](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
HARY CHENEY UBRARY WEDNESDAY, OGTOBEE f, M4B PAGE E1GHTEE2C lEurnittg HrraUt T h e W w llM r Averago Dally Net PrsH R ub I o. a. wwiiM Past matrons of Templa Oiap- Leon A. Daoust has Mtumad to ] the Hartford hospital whom ha un- F ar the Moath of Lakota Council, No. SI, will fol­ and In a body enter the Burke Fu-, hls home, 29 Falrvlsw street, from derwent an operation. neMl Horae to pay a hnal tribute ter. Order of tha Shuitem Star, will I •A. w low JU meeting tonight at eight meet t<]inorrow evening in the John About Town ahaA In Odd Fellows hall with a of respect to Mm . Philip Carney who waa a past regent. Mather room of the Masonic Tem­ 9,474 eeal FrtSay ' f setback party which la open to the ple. A aocial will follow tha busi­ Hale’s Housewares jJIattrhrtitrr B^raUi i o C tts A s « t Mr. and Mm . Edward J. ItOBM- public. Itefreahmenta and a aocial ness. Mrs. Winston Turklngton ime a ill follow the games. Blton J. Morrison, aon of Mm . of U lley street will be hostess, and reck. whoa® marrtac* Gladys B. Morrison of IS Eldridge E^tcmber M, li» the Methodlat membeM unable to be present are ManehMUr— !4 CUy o f F t B o f * C lu o m atreet, who recently completed his church at Portland, Oonn., are MembeM of St. Margaret’s tlr- requested to notify her. New Pill Boxes and Off-The-Face . now making their home at 13 cle Daughters of Isabella, will boot training at Great Lakes, la PRICE FOUR CENTS now stationed at the New Lonf|on AivacIMaf m Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,1948 (TWENTY PAGES) Commerce atreet, Portland. Mra. mMt thlB evening at 8 o’clock at Window VOL. LXVIL, NO. SIS Ttomaneck waa the former Helen Summit and East Center atreet. Submarine base. Elatello Armatrong, daughter of Mr. and Mm . Walter J. Armatrong Nollee Is given of a pabHe Ventilator of Portland, and her huahand la a healing a* Boom 5S8, State Of- HATS Rofk Slide Derails Train T n m an S ays foater aon of Mr. and Mra. Jacob See MUUng, H artfoi^ on Mon­ Admits air but prevents drafts. Dewey Plans News Tidbits Berman of M Jania road. Man- gay, October M, ItiS. at 10:S0 Lightweight rust re.sistant Russians Say West cheater. A. M. on Docket No. 8181, a Most of them have Culled F n t k (g*) Wlrsa petition of The Conneettcut aluminum. Rivals Avoid Major Labor Mr. and Mm . Charlaa J. Strick­ Power Company to Increase Its feather trims. land and their aon.i P. Cowl** gas rates In all dlviatons and United Uatberaa dnreh In Am­ Giving Reply Strickland, have returned from a pat Into effect an electric foci Talk Monday erica la asked to increase support vlelt with the family of Mr. adjaatment daaae on all kilo­ AH the new colora. of Its nine seminaries and 12 col­ Has Held Disarming Strickland'a niece, the former watt hours not' now subject to leges lo 88,000,000 . Bhrlns city laurienne Strickland of this town, tho foel charge. The effect of of Meshed in In n reported In par­ Declares Republican Op­ the proposed Increases will be Hard at W ork on His now Mm . Frank C. Barry of Bar tial ruins foUowtng eartbfaake position ^Afraid* to Harbor, bong laland. Mm . Barry to Increase the hHls of each gas Speech to Open Sec­ that killed 200 persons and Injured joined the woman’a Army Corps customer by 88 cento per month $ 2 .9 8 thousands . Britain's Oonaerva Reply to His Criti­ in November. 1M2. and her hus­ TMFPink and tho Mila of eneh electric Metal ond Round of C!ani' Uve party calls on nation for un­ Back for 20 Years band served live yearn with the M»tiD.t.A. customer by approxbnately 38 qualified aea-partieaa aapiwrt of cism During Campaign Army Air Force. ■ Both held the cents per month. To paign at Pittsburgh country armed forces racrultlng rank of lieutenant when they were Radiator Giver campaign . Sir Maurice Pater- Aboard Truman Campaign Train Demands Big Four Im­ married In April m t . They have PT7BUC mnUTIES BuUetin! ■on, British ambaaaador to Russia, O ct 7—(P)— President Truman de­ a young eon, William M. Barry, talks over BrlUsh-Sovlet proMonsa mediately Cut Armies CXIMUmsiON Keep your wails and curtains AUmay. N. Y~ Oct. 7—(S V - bom In April, 1M7, with Foreign Secretary Bavin In clared today that the R;putlcsn British Say Reds $7-98 clean longer. Walnut finished Gov. Tbomaa B. Dewey wUl R. C. SCHNEIDER, Secretary London . Philippine President opposition is ''afraid’’ to rep'y to Bv One Third; PoUti- The MotheM Circle of the Infant metal. be out of toH-B when PreM- Jeaua of PMgue will meet this dent Truman campaigns beta Quirino u asked to keep troops in bis campaign criUclam. eal Committee Shanta evening at the home of Mm . Jom- tomorrow, but he sold today eight rice producing provinces of "Thay dare not answer me," ha phlne KitJttle, 24 ’I^ler Circle, Or- he hoped the preoldeat wooM Luzon to protect vitally aaaSai ■aid. Drop Live Bombs To Subcommittee Dis­ food crop from raiding Hukbala- Mr. Truman told a trainside ford Village. $ 1 .5 9 reorive “a very warm wel­ pute Over Atomic come.- The Republican preet- hap outlaws. crowd at Bridgeport Pa., that it United Mine Worketa’ conven­ denttol nominee pUaned to "didn’t hurt’’ Senator Taft (R - Energy Controis; Rua- FREE tion in Ohio unanimously adopts , Hier$ in Berlin Air Lift leave thia ofteroooa (240 Ohio) and some of the economic Indians Lead p. m., ox.t.) for hla farm home resolution to make John L. Lawla’ rojraUsts’’ when price controls R ep ort' Seeing Bom b' sian Edoc Backs Move Delivery Service at Pawling, N. Y. Dewey wlU birthday Feb. 12—aa aatloBal hol­ went off. iday In coal Industry . NUa V. S. He said prices went “up, up and Atlantic Outdoor go an to New York Somorrow ing in Soviet Occu­ Paris. Oct. 7.—<^F>~RQ8- morolog to take port tai m Borg of South ElgMmont, Maas.. up’’ although Senator Taft had Braves, 3-1, fUes suit In U. S. District court in pation Zone Today sia accused the western pow­ Onr frss dsHvery gronad btoaUag eeremoay at promised they would "leval ofT* a hooalag p r o j^ aamed far New Haven against Harris Whitto- without controls. ers today of blocking world Range and Fuel service Is svallsble Gothes Dryer the late Alfred K. Smith. He nore, Jr„ Naugatuck induatiiaUat. Mr. Truman said that the Dem­ In 2nd Game disarmament for the past 20 to yon for sO your . Czech Premier Aatoala Zap- Berlin, Oct. 7.—-</P)— Brit­ win retora ta Albaay tooM>r- ocrats. If elected, "will work on years, and demanded that the needs at ooy time row alght. otocky tellz Czech Parliament that that Taft-Hartley bill in your in­ ish fliers engaged in the Ber- Four seaisoned wood arms, sturdy Big Four immediately cut OIL and for any quan­ construction to hold heavy wash. "this country will not be dragged terests. in air lift said today they Drive Spahn to Show­ Continuing Our Sale of Albany. N. Y „ Oct. 7—<87—Ckw. into war over Berlin, because there " If you send a RepubUcan Ooa their Armies by a thiH. So­ tity. Just esD PINE Galvanized ateel center post. Approx, ikd seen Russian planes drop 125 feet clothes line. Thomas E. Dewey was reported to­ will be no war over Berlin.' gress," he added, "they «iU take ers in Fifth Inning; viet Deiegate Aiuhrei Y . VI- PHARMACY and Spokesman for 2,800 railroad ive bombs in the Soviet occu- L T . WOOD CO. day to be planning a major ad- the rest of your liberties away shinsky ied off debate in the V 's your order will he workeM tells special commlaalon from you." wtion zone about 12 miles Lemon Pitching Keeps Taffeta and Satin Hate dreaa in Pittsburgh Monday night investigating OM Colony Une "You United Nations Political commit­ SlBlawnSL TsL'im delivered immedi- Without mentioning Gov. Trom' northwest of Berlin. There is Brav^es Well in Check tee on a Russlaa resoltttioa calUng $ 1 0 - 9 8 to open the second round of his should forget politics and arrive at as E. Dewey by name, Mr. Truman «sibility the reported in­ atdy. At presidential campaign. for a ban on atom bomba and a a a aoluUon." . U. S. Marines un­ said of RepubUcan candidates: one-third cut in armdd forces and Frianda of the RepubUcan nom­ der cover of their own planes will cident might have beep part Braves Field, Boston. Oct. 7.— ‘ntADC SMIVK "Afraid To Get On laaoea armamenU within a ysar. Watch For Tha inee told a reporter Dewey had seize California air field today in of large-scale Russian, air war S' "They dare not answer me. They maneuvers announced for today (F)—The CTeveland Indiana drove A fe«' minutes before, the Polit­ $ 1 . 0 0 - $ 2 - 0 0 and $ 3 - 0 0 been hard at work for several days PeoBsylvaala lallmad trala, **I1m Fbrk Fltt,’* ea tiw MMsbiirgh-De- climax to Navy’a largeat peacetime Little White Truck are afraid to get on the issues. over the Soviet zone, Berlin and Warren Spahn, starting pitcher ical committee had ahnntod to an * on a apeech aettlng his labor vlewA trolt-CMoago nm Is derailed by a rock ailde Bear Ftttabargh.
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