Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Special Issue Number 3: ISSN: 1823-8556 Improving the Health of Setiu Wetlands Ecosystems and Productivity of © Penerbit UMT Crustacean Resources for Livelihood Enhancement 2017: 1-7 IMPROVING THE HEALTH OF SETIU WETLANDS ECOSYSTEMS AND PRODUCTIVITY OF CRUSTACEAN RESOURCES FOR LIVELIHOOD ENHANCEMENT


1Institute of Tropical , 2School of Marine and Environmental Sciences and 3School of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences, Universiti , 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: The Niche Research Grant Scheme (NRGS) program which was awarded to Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) in 2013 is generally aimed to develop more focus social innovation activities in Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia, involving every UMT academia. In this NRGS Special Issue, a total of 16 papers is presented with all these papers are part of the six main project components of the NRGS research program. The six main project components of NRGS research program are; i) An integrated assessment of physical and chemical parameters and their effect on the biological resources on Setiu Wetlands, ii) Assessment of wetland forest health and its socio-ecological functions, iii) Assessment of the population and genetics of crustacean species in Setiu Wetlands, iv) Enhancement of the productivity of crustacean resources through application of feed technology, v) Development of product , gelam and mud crab for aquaculture, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical application and vi) Improving the livelihood of local communities using Setiu Wetlands resources. This Special Issue presents the biological and socioeconomic information of Setiu Wetlands ecosystems and crustacean resources which is significant for sustaining the livelihood of their local communities. It is foreseen that this 1st special issue of NRGS publication will be useful to researchers, academicians and related stakeholders interested in the biological and socioeconomic information about Setiu Wetlands ecosystems and their crustacean resources.

Keywords: Crustacean resources, ecosystem, livelihood, Niche Research Grant Scheme, Setiu Wetlands.

Mhd Ikhwanuddin et al. 2

Introduction Suratman et al., 2016). The Wetlands is an The Niche Research Grant Scheme (NRGS) area of high biodiversity. For a number of has been awarded to UMT at the end of research carried out, 29 species of 2013 by the Ministry of Higher Education, mammals, 161 species of birds, and 36 Malaysia. The NRGS program is generally species of reptiles and amphibians are aiming to develop more focus social found (WWF, 2013). innovation activities, involving every Besides that, a marine animal that Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) includes various species, academia who can benefit the local gastropod species, and bivalve species, community especially and global crustaceans are also available. Setiu community generally. This Special Issue is Wetlands is a major aquaculture spot. The based on the NRGS Program Seminar local residents are involved in brackish entitle ‘Improving the Health of Setiu water cage culture, pond culture, pen Wetlands Ecosystems and Productivity of culture and farming. Other than that, Crustacean Resources for Livelihood the is also a natural harbour for Enhancement’ presents the biological and fishing boats of the fishermen surrounding socioeconomic information on Setiu the area. Local industries at the local Wetlands ecosystems and crustacean villages also produced seafood-based resources which is significant for sustaining delicacies such as ‘budu’ (fermented fish the livelihood of the local communities sauce), fish crackers, dried anchovies and inhabiting the coastal zone of Terengganu ‘belacan’ (shrimp paste) (Suratman et al., and the South China . In the latest 2014). Small fishing boat-making industry development, this research program has is also carried out by the villagers. initiated the implementation of the Setiu Wetlands Research Corridor and further Health of Wetland Ecosystems development of the UMT niche area, The ecosystem health of wetland is a newly 'Marine Sciences and Aquatic Resources' so emerged concept, which refers to the state that it is more visible and sustainable. of a wetland having no impairment to the processes of material cycling and energy Setiu Wetland flow inside the studied ecosystem. When Setiu Wetlands are located in Terengganu, wetland is identified as a healthy north-eastern peninsular Malaysia. It is the ecosystem, this wetland ecosystem remains largest natural wetlands in the East Coast resistant or resilient to the long-term and region of Peninsular Malaysia with the size unexpected disturbance caused by natural of 23,000 hectares, combining various or human activities and shows diversity, ecosystems, including freshwater, seawater, complexity and robustness, because the brackish water and a 14 km lagoon critical ecological components of the (Suratman et al., 2005; WWF, 2008; ecosystem are well preserved and exhibit

J. Sustain. Sci. Manage. Special Issue Number 3: Improving the Health of Setiu Wetlands Ecosystems and Productivity of Crustacean Resources for Livelihood Enhancement 2017: 1-7

no symptoms. The health evaluation of since lately. This is when doubts began to Setiu Wetlands ecosystem in this research crop up about the capacity of the fisheries program is aimed to determine the sector to contribute sustainable to the magnitude of the jeopardise to or livelihoods, especially of the poor. This deterioration of the ecosystem. The NRGS research program is based on the evaluation will also provide an early premise that fishing communities warning or offer information to the themselves harbour a wealth of knowledge, decision-making process on maintaining experience and understanding on livelihood the sustainability of Setiu Wetlands. enhancement and diversification. Understanding the strategies adopted Crustacean Resources by different stakeholders could be the Setiu Wetlands support (or have supported) starting point for more appropriate some of the most commercially significant responses to the issue. The NRGS research crustacean stocks in Malaysia. Major program presently attempts to develop a crustacean resources include species of detailed, case study based, typology of mud crab (Scylla olivacea, S. tranquebarica different livelihood enhancement and and S. paramamosain), blue swimming diversification strategies adopted by the crab (Portunus pelagicus), giant freshwater Setiu Wetlands fisheries (Nakisah & prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and Fauziah, 2003). The strategies for marine shrimp (Penaeus monodon and P. livelihood enhancement and diversification merguensis (Ikhwanuddin et al., 2010; sought to safeguard the existing scheme of Taufik et al., 2014; WWF, 2014). Under things than to seek options for improving this NRGS research program, the trends in conditions. An important strand that runs catch, recruitment and abundance (when through the systems of organisation (social, possible) and discuss existing evidence of economic, political) in this research overfishing and management options will program was the emphasis on stability be examined. The research program will (economic and social) over profit also emphasize the importance of maximisation. recognizing the multi-scale spatial structure and suggest the need to consider spatially Content of this issue st explicit strategies of crustacean stocks from In this 1 Special Issue of NRGS Setiu Wetlands. publication, a total of 15 papers is presented. All these papers are part of the Livelihood Enhancement six main project components of the NRGS research program. One paper under the first The issue of livelihood enhancement and NRGS research program for the integrated diversification amongst Setiu Wetlands assessment of physical and chemical fishing communities gained prominence parameters and their effect on the

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biological resources on Setiu Wetlands were also presented in this issue under the were presented. This paper aim to study the fifth NRGS research program on the combination of titanium dioxide nano development of a product from mangrove, particles with polystyrene sulfonate as gelam and mud crab for aquaculture, composite for further explores its potential nutraceutical and cosmeceutical in anticorrosion coatings. Two papers under application. These three papers include; in the second NRGS research program on the vitro evaluation of probiotic properties of assessment of wetland forest health and its Bacillus licheniformis from orange mud socio-ecological functions are included in crab, Scylla olivacea, biomaterials derived this issue. These papers basically related to from Sardinella fimbriata bones as anodyne bats as an important pollinator agent for sunscreen and infestation of Probopyrus sp. mangrove tree species, Sonneratia alba and on Macrobrachium lanchesteri. anti-oxidative activities and flavonoids Lastly, a total of five papers were contents in leaves of selected mangrove presented under the sixth NRGS research species of Setiu Wetlands. program on improving the livelihood of Next, three more papers were also local communities using Setiu Wetlands published in this issue which fall under the resources. These five papers included; third NRGS research program on the gender differences in the effects of honey assessment of the population and genetics and black seed mixture supplementation, of crustacean species in Setiu Wetlands. preliminary study of chemical and physical These three papers are on; preliminary properties of ball clay and its sintered genetic baseline data of chacunda gizzard ceramic pieces, quality analysis of shad, Anodontostoma chacunda in Setiu anchovies (Stelophorus commersonii) dried Wetlands, aspects of population biology of in drying racks, a case study of coastal orange mud crab, Scylla olivacea in Setiu community on the application of fuzzy Wetlands and changes of histamine levels analytic network process for determining and bacterial growth in longtail tuna, weights of quality of life and a sustainable Thunnus tonggol stored at different e-business model for rural women. temperature levels. The forth NRGS research program for enhancement of the Conclusion productivity of crustacean resources After almost three years of its through application of feed technology implementation, this NRGS research presents a paper on the effects of program has achieved half of its human phospholipid supplements to fishmeal development (target 13 Ph.D. and 18 MSc. replacements on growth performance, feed students graduated), about 90% in utilization and fatty acid composition of publication (41 published papers out of 45 mud crab, Scylla paramamosain. papers targeted), at least one Intellectual Subsequently, another three more papers Property is in progress for filing, two

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international networking (with Veterinary social and economic values, and hence can Medical Research Institute, Budapest, help address a wide grasp of needs and Hungary and World Wide Fund for Nature- objectives. Wetlands contribute to local WWF) and one national seminar on Setiu climate regulation and act as carbon sinks, Wetlands related to policy implication. helping reduce climate change, and for this Wetland ecosystems provide a range reason their degradation can lead to very of services which benefit people, society significant gas emissions. Wetlands also and economy at large (Millennium regulate sediment transport, thereby Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). Wetlands contributing to land formation and coastal ecosystems play vital roles in relation to zone stability. , for instance, can climate change (local climate regulation, provide important fish nursery functions climate mitigation and adaptation), food and provide a basis for local food security security (provision of food and provision of and livelihoods (fisheries), as well as habitats and nurseries for fisheries), job sources of materials and fuel (Russi et al., security (maintenance of fisheries, soil 2013). Wetlands are some of the most quality for agriculture) and a range of important bio-diverse areas in the world cultural benefits, including knowledge and provide essential habitats for many (scientific and traditional), recreation and species. tourism, and the formation of cultural Examples of major wetlands include values, including identity and spiritual the Danube Delta in Romania and the values (Russi et al., 2013). Lesser known, Ukraine; the Waddensea across the but no less important, wetlands, especially Netherlands, Germany and Denmark; the help in erosion control and sediment Everglades in the USA; the Pantanal transport, subsequently adding to land wetlands across Brazil, Bolivia and formation and increasing resilience to Paraguay; the Okavanga Delta in storms in deltas and coastal areas. Values Botswana; the Sundarbans in Bangladesh; of wetlands are typically higher than for the Camargue in France; the arctic tundra other ecosystem characters. The literature of Queen Maud Gulf in Canada; the Volga on the values of wetlands and other Delta and southern Lake Baikal in the ecosystems underlines that wetlands Russian Federation; Wasur National Park in ecosystems can have some of the highest Indonesia and Kakadu National Park in values compared to other ecosystems due to Australia. the importance of clean water provision, natural hazard mitigation and carbon Final remarks storage (de Groot et al., 2012). The editors hope that the information An additional advantage of presented here will be useful to researchers, maintaining them is that wetlands also academicians and related stakeholders deliver multiple co-benefits of significant

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interested in the biological and pelagicus in Setiu Wetland areas, socioeconomic information about Setiu Terengganu, Malaysia by GC-MS. Wetlands ecosystems and their crustacean Middle-East Journal of Scientific resources. This should lead to the Research, 21: 1908-1915. development of more effective methods for Nakisah, M.A. & Fauziah, A.H. (2003). improving the health of Setiu Wetlands Setiu Wetland: Tranquility Amidst ecosystems and productivity of crustacean Plenty. 1st Edition. Penerbit Universiti resources for livelihood enhancement. Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Terengganu. 105 pp. References Russi, D., ten Brink, P., Farmer, A., de Groot, R., Brander, L., van der Ploeg, S., Badura, T., Coates, D., Förster, J., Costanza, R., Bernard, F., Braat, L., Kumar, R. & Davidson, N. (2013). Christie, M., Crossman, N., The economics of ecosystems and Ghermandi, A., Hein, L., Hussain, S., biodiversity for water and Kumar, P., McVittie, A., Portela, R., wetlands. IEEP/Ramsar Rodriguez, L.C., ten Brink, P. & van Secretariat, London and Brussels.105 Beukering, P. (2012). Global estimates pp. of the value of ecosystems and their Suratman, S., Mohd Tahir, N., Jusoh, S.R. services in monetary units. Ecosystem & Mohd Ariffin, M. (2005). Services, 1: 50–61. Assessment of anthropogenic effects on water quality at Setiu lagoon, Ikhwanuddin, M., Bachok, Z., Hilmi, M.G., Terengganu (in Malay). Sains Azmie, G. & Zakaria, M.Z. (2010). Malaysiana, 34: 87-92. Species diversity, carapace width-body Suratman, S, Hussein, A.N.A.R., Latif, weight relationship, size distribution M.T. & Weston, K. (2014). and sex ratio of mud crab, genus Reassessment of physico-chemical Scylla from Setiu Wetlands of water quality in Setiu Wetland, Terengganu coastal waters, Malaysia. Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 43: 1127- Journal of Sustainability Science and 1131. Management, 5: 97-109. Suratman, S., Hussein, A.N.A.R., Tahir, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). N.M., Latif, M.T., Mostapa, R. & Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Weston, K. (2016). Seasonal and Synthesis. Island Press, Washington, spatial variability of selected surface DC.137 pp. water quality parameters in Setiu Taufik, M., Bachok, Z., Azra, M.N. & wetland, Terengganu, Malaysia. Sains Ikhwanuddin, M. (2014). Malaysiana, 45: 551-558. Identification and determination of the WWF (2008). Sustainable Management of fatty acid composition of Portunus Setiu Wetlands. Available at:

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J. Sustain. Sci. Manage. Special Issue Number 3: Improving the Health of Setiu Wetlands Ecosystems and Productivity of Crustacean Resources for Livelihood Enhancement 2017: 1-7