Lieutenant-General Sir Ralph Abercromby, KB
V^^^-w^*^^'^ i^^rv } rj/^A//^ //' '. r^ r/rjvr r/i'ii '///!( If ^-jf/y */ {:<//'/< 'n^'O/ LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR RALPH ABERCROMBY, K.R EDINBURGH: PHTNTEU BY THOMAS CONSTABLE. FOH EDMONSTON AND DOUGLAS. LONDON . HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO^ DUBLIN . W. ROBERTSON. GLASGOW . JAMES MACLEHOSE. CAMBRIDGE . MACMILLAN & CO. XngravecL "br TV" Findfgi SIR RAIJ'll ABERCJiOMHV. oii. isso) FiloM Tl.lK. i)l;li;l..\Al. ()) HOPPNK.K.IN nil'. Cl.lljl.K.CTlOjS UF Lepard. fan ilad Sojz. ii'n . ruinislH-d.Miuth, IJti.u, by Harming k "^ , ^^ €Y / I III it.AI.FH / LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR RALPH ABERCROMBY K.B. 1793-1801 A MEMOIR BY HIS SON JAMES LORD DUNFERMLINE " He. was illustrious for his virtues, wliich— were unsullied by any vice. He ruled ;' his conilurt by the motto of his family ' Vive ut Vivas —his rleath was glorious, iinil he (lied in the arms of vietorv."- general f. maitland. EDINBURGH EDMONSTON AND DOUGLAS 1861. HENRY MORSE STEPMS»<i PREFACE. The following Memoir of Lieutenant-Geiieral Sir Ralph Abercromby, was written by my Father during his residence at Colinton, after he had re- tired from official life. His reasons for undertaking this work, and the objects which he had in view in writing it, are so fully developed by himself in the Introductory Chapter, that all further explanations by me on these points would l^e superfluous. It may be right to observe, that although my Father, throughout this Narrative, has invariably given to my Grandfather the title of " Sir Ralph," liy which he was most generally known, it was only on the 15th of July 1795, that the Order of the Bath, from which he derived it, was conferred upon him in acknowledo;ment of his services.
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