Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council 8 June 2021 D Shephard 5
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Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council 8 June 2021 Albert Street Public Conveniences Background On 26 January 2021 Council resolved to reduce the 2021-2022 budget for Albert Street WCs from £41,210 to £20,1051 representing a 50% cut in the previous year’s budget and therefore provided for 6 months of operation. A further report was submitted to Council on 23 February 2021 and a copy of that report is provided at Appendix I for the benefit of new Councillors. This resulted in the following resolution “that a public consultation be undertaken to seek community views on the provision of public toilets. The consultation would include providing information and seeking views on refurbishing the existing toilets and the costs of running the toilets and explaining why the Town Council has taken the budget action it has, seeking views on re-provision of toilets elsewhere if a suitable site can be found, provision of a community toilet scheme and consultation on having no public conveniences at all. It was also agreed that if Members had any proposals to be added to the consultation officers were delegated to include these in the consultation if they considered then appropriate.” (Minute reference FC20/21-192.) No proposals have been put forward by Members since that date. Current position The Town Clerk has now prepared a draft consultation to be undertaken as soon as possible. The consultation will take the form of an on-line survey which will also be available for completion on paper. The survey will last 6 weeks and will be open to anyone who lives in or visits Bletchley. The survey will be advertised on the Town Council’s own website and social media and will be publicised to the following organisations/groups: Bletchley Residents Associations and Town Council Community Mailing list members MK Council Bletchley Ward Members West Bletchley Council Simpson and Ashland Parish Council Members of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Deal Board Bus companies and Milton Keynes Bus Users Group GP Surgeries Bletchley Schools Daisychain Family Centre/Saplings Family Centre Bletchley Faith Groups Relevant Bletchley/Milton Keynes Charities (eg Age UK Alzheimer’s Society, Scope, Q:Alliance, Shelter etc) and MK Community Foundation The following draft consultation has been prepared in line with the Town Council’s community engagement policy. 1 Budget figures exclude direct staff costs, insurance and other items included in other lines in the budget D Shephard 5 June 2021 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council 8 June 2021 Draft Proposed Consultation on Public Toilets in Bletchley Town Centre Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council currently provides public toilets in a building in Albert Street, Bletchley. (Picture) These toilets are open daily from Monday to Saturday and are free at the point of use. Based on pre-Covid monitoring the public toilets are well used with approximately 91,300 visits per year (excluding the disabled toilet). The public toilet building is now in need of refurbishment. The building it is owned by Milton Keynes Council. It is let to the Town Council which pays for all the repairs and maintenance to the fabric of the building as well as the costs of running the toilets using tax payers’ money. Milton Keynes Council could require the Town Council to vacate the premises at any time. Although this is not likely to happen immediately, it is possible that there will be changes to the town centre in the near future which could affect the building. The Town Council is concerned about refurbishing the building when we have no security of tenure. We are also concerned about the ongoing costs of maintaining the toilets and keeping them clean and safe. To help us decide on future short term and long term actions we are asking local people for their views. Please answer the questions below and include your comments on any aspect of our public toilet provision which might help us plan for the future. The survey is anonymous but you are asked to provide your postcode so that we can analyse the results by residents and by people who don’t live in our area. Please complete the survey once only. 1 At the moment the Town Council provides public toilets in Albert Street. Based on pre- Covid usage figures the cost per individual visit is approximately 43p. Without doing any significant refurbishment work the average total cost of the toilet service per year is over £40,000. Do you think this service is good value for money? Yes/No Comments 2 Based on these costs should the Town Council continue to provide public toilets in the centre of Bletchley? Yes/No If you have answered no please say why 3 Albert Street public toilets are open Monday to Saturday. How often do you use them? Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Rarely/Never Comments D Shephard 5 June 2021 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council 8 June 2021 4 If you have used the public toilets recently do you think they need to be refurbished? Yes/No Comments 5 If you do not use the public toilets please tell us why Comments 6 The Town Council could introduce charging for use of the toilets. The charge would probably be around 40p per visit and payment would possibly be by bank card rather than cash. This would reduce the cost of running the toilets though we anticipate usage would decrease so the service would not become cost neutral. Should the Town Council introduce charging for use of public toilets in this way? Yes/No Comments 7 The Town Council could use the money it currently spends on toilets to pay local shops and cafes to make their toilets available to residents during their opening hours. This is known as a community toilet scheme. Participating businesses would have a sign in their window advertising that they were part of the scheme and residents would have to go into the business and ask to use their toilet. Should the Town Council introduce a community toilet scheme? Yes/No Comments 8 If public toilet provision continues where would be the best location for public toilets in Bletchley in the future? Albert Street or nearby the existing toilets/Bus station/Queensway/Other* *Please specify 9 If the public toilets were to be closed how would this affect you? Comments 10 Do you consider yourself disabled? Yes/No D Shephard 5 June 2021 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council 8 June 2021 Comments 11 Are you the main carer for somebody who is vulnerable? (This includes children and/or adults) Yes/No Comments 12 Is there anything else you want to tell us? 13 What is the postcode of your home address? Box for postcode Thank you for completing this survey. The Town Council will use your input to influence its future decisions. The results of the survey will be published on our website. D Shephard 5 June 2021 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council 8 June 2021 Appendix I – Report to Council 23 February 2021 Albert Street Public Toilets Background On 26 January 2021 Council resolved to reduce the annual budget for Albert St WCs in 2021-2022 to £19,605 (half the budget for 2020/2021). Members agreed to undertake consultation before making any further decisions about public toilet provision. (Minute reference FC20/21-172.) The toilet building is owned by Milton Keynes Council and let to the Town Council on a peppercorn with all maintenance costs falling to the Town Council and with limited security of tenure. Preliminary enquiries to MK Council’s property department suggest that the Council has no firm plans for this site in the near future. This is an initial report requesting instructions from Council so that further work can be done by officers. The value of free public toilets is not explored here though Members are reminded of their duty to consider the needs of the whole community including those who depend on access to public toilets in order to fully participate in community life (eg disabled people, trans people, carers, older people, homeless people etc). Usage Between March and July 2019 a monitoring exercise was undertaken by Healthmatic Ltd to assess usage of the toilets and a summary of the results is below. The disabled toilet was not included in the survey. These results are pre-Covid19 and it is not clear how usage will be affected by subsequent changes in economic and social behaviour. However the figures demonstrate that the WCs are well used (approximately 91,600 visits per year) and there are few publicly accessible toilets elsewhere in the centre of Bletchley. D Shephard 5 June 2021 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council 8 June 2021 Daily Averages - GENTS Weekdays 705 Weekends 150 Mon Tue Wed 136 146 137 Thu Fri Sat 143 143 148 Sun Full week 2 855 D Shephard 5 June 2021 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council 8 June 2021 Daily Averages - LADIES Weekdays 786 Weekends 191 Mon Tue Wed 159 157 147 Thu Fri Sat 163 160 191 Sun Full week 0 977 Costs The largest running costs for the toilet are cleaning and staff costs. A budget printout for 2020-21 is attached to this report. Daily opening, closing and cleaning is contracted out at a cost of £18,000 per annum to Support Maintenance Services. This contract is due to end of 18 June 2021 (3-year contract which becomes a rolling contract unless notice is given 3 months in advance ie before 17 March 2021). Consumables were budgeted at £6,600 for the year, actual expenditure may be lower due to periods of lock down.